#especially when someone is messing with Gimli or the rest of the Fellowship
realtacuardach · 1 year
While trying to be descriptive when writing about Gimli, I got the idea of his anger being like lava smoldering deep beneath the earth's crust, and it's been stuck in my mind ever since.
For example, when Eómer threatens him when they first meet and slanders the Lady Galadriel, Gimli doesn't explode on him but he makes it clear that those thoughts are idiotic and Eómer is idiotic for thinking them. And he doesn't do anything more about it.
But one book later, the debate between Eómer and Gimli regarding Arwen and Galadriel comes back (and dissipates pretty quick, but still), and it seems that Gimli has just been sitting and smoldering on what Eómer had said, and only after time is he going to manifest that into argument.
So I got to likening Gimli to a smoldering fire, which could be compared to forging in the mines and I enjoy thematic consistency.
And then, I got to thinking about Legolas (because of course one leads to the other). Compared to Gimli-as-fire, Legolas is more like the wind. Goes with the flow, alights on all sorts of things all at once, seeking and searching through evening.
But get him mad and that wind is a hurricane and he is absolutely pulling an arrow on somewhat he just met in a diplomatically tenuous situation because that guy insulted Gimli-
And so Legolas is wind, or the air.
Amd a strong gust of wind can absolutely blow out a fire. And overpowering fire can burn away all the oxygen and leave no air.
BUT, when properly applied, they can build each other up. Bellows or a puff of breath can give a fire strength. Heat from fire can expand the air and send whatever is in it soaring.
And this is just a lot of rambling to say that I appreciate that, despite how different they seemed from each other, how they started out almost opposing each other because of these differences... they chose to build each other up.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Tilda in the fellowship AU
After finishing my Tilda Deep Dive I started thinking about how it would have gone if she did follow her brother to the council of Elrond, and if it would have affected anything. Enjoy
So the beginning is simple, when she is offered to go to Rivendell she agrees because yay adventure.
But she goes all princessy, like with a circlet on her head, make-up, some long elven robe all that jazz.
And before the actual council she mostly wanders around trying to make it look like she fits in, before she sees Aragorn where she just squeals and hugs him tight because she’s a hugger.
So at the actual council, the moment the ring is brought forth, she’s just immediately going hell yes I’m doing this, while Legolas is viciously glaring at her because you’re not doing this.
She tries to argue back at him when everyone is arguing with each other, because one, the ring needs to be destroyed and she’s willing to do it and two, it’s a chance to get out of her family shadow.
But alas, a fucking Hobbit offers to do it, and she’s just making the most annoyed face in existence.
Until Aragorn offers to come along, and then Legolas, and Gimli, and she’s just over here like “Yeah I don’t have a unique weapon but if Princess here is going then I am as well.”
And then there’s also three more hobbits, two of which she grows fond of immediately.
When she went to get prepared and to get out of the elven robe, she was basically bouncing with excitement. Legolas tried his best to talk her out of it, but Tilda could be more stubborn than a dwarf if she desired to.
He told her to send a message to their da and ada to ask for permission to do this, She agreed, while in her head she was just saying fuck that, and did not do it.
Tilda had a spring to her step when the journey started, chatting happily with two of the hobbits, watching her brother talk quietly with Aragorn, grinning widely cause she knows what’s up.
It took her about a day, a day and a half, before she stopped walking and started climbing stuff, much to almost everyone’s confusion.
She said that it was to challenge herself and to get a better look at the surrounding terrain, but in reality she just wanted to feel tall as she was the shortest out of the “Tall Folk” as Merry and Pippin so nicely put it.
And it took maybe a week for her to make the connection that the Baggins she was traveling with and protecting was related to the Baggins that changed her and her people’s lives, so that was something.
But Tilda took quite the delight in the fact that both The Hobbits and Gimli had heard many stories of the reclaiming of Erebor, but she had actually been there unlike them.
(Well, if going by film canon then Legolas was there as well, which we are going to do mostly because then the Legolas Tilda first met was the dramatic edgy one with eyeliner, which she would just love to tell the others about).
When it came to Moria, Tilda was a little less smiling and bouncy, and more jumpy and uncomfortable. She’d after all known some of the dwarves whose corpses were scattered across the mine, and she’d never been one for darkness.
It was even worse when they came to Balin’s grave with Ori’s corpse just beside it, as she’d definitely known those two.
Now, before we continue, I just need y’all to know this; Tilda does not like Gandalf. She thinks he’s a bad person, she does not understand the obsession that so many elves have with him, and she thinks he should mind his own damn business. So she was just ready kick his ass when he started yelling at Pippin, like this bitch was ready. But she never got the chance, because they have a cave troll!
Tilda was out of her environment, she was in a too small of a space, and she had to make sure that the pretty incompetent hobbits were alright during the whole thing, so everything that was going through her mind in that fight was just a string of panicked curse words.
Glorofindel had told Tilda about Balrogs once in her youth during a visit to Rivendell, so she kinda knew what was up when a fire demon came out of nowhere, and she was a tiny bit excited.
Mostly because again, she likes fire.
But that does NOT MEAN, that she liked that Gandalf fucking died, because despite the fact that she dislikes him a lot he was honestly one of the few things holding the Fellowship together.
They still managed to keep going for a while, and Tilda managed to befriend Boromir out of all people during that period, and they bonded over their willingness to protect their people, and Tilda loved hearing Boromir talk proudly of his brother (While she talked shit about her own siblings).
At the arrival of Lothlórien, Tilda was just ready to lay down on something soft and take a fucking nap because she earned it god damnit. She did have time to say hi to her Gram Gram Galadriel though, who’s been her favorite babysitter as a child (And adult time some extent) and basically her grandma.
When it came to the little gift giving thingy, she was just happy with a new quiver of arrows, because she’d started to run out. They tried to offer her a new bow, but she’s very attached to her own and ain’t giving it up anytime soon.
While riding the boats, she was dramatically posing at the front the entire time, except for when it got too hot and she just jumped into the water and swam for a while, because when you spend your first years in a place called lake town you basically learn how to swim before you learn how to walk.
If you would ask Tilda what happened next, she would just shrug because she literally has no idea.
All she knew was that Boromir went to collect fire wood and that Frodo wandered off (Which he does like all the time, like Tilda wouldn’t be able to count on her fingers the amount of times someone had to go find him),and then suddenly Orcs attacked, Merry and Pippin were taken and Boromir was bleeding out in front of the remaining four.
And as the sister of the best healer in Middle Earth, Tilda did not hesitate to push Aragorn aside and start screaming out instructions, because this man is not dying on her watch.
It took her a few hours to stabilize the wound, and she had Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn running back and forth, giving her stuff like water and herbs, while she made Boromir talk the entire time just to make sure he wouldn’t pass out and possibly die.
But as soon as Boromir could stand on his feet without falling again, they took off to find Merry and Pippin, while Tilda was praying that Boromir’s wounds wouldn’t open before they got to a real healer.
Tilda was more than okay about running for three days straight, but she did made sure they took a few breaks for the sake of Boromir, and she hated it every time because it made her feel a lot like Sigrid.
Tilda got an uneasy feeling the moment they entered Rohan, especially when they ran into fucking Éomer, who she was just glaring daggers at, and it only got worse when he informed them that he’d fucking slaughtered the hobbits, like both Tilda and Boromir had to be held back.
But the news of their possible survival made Tilda go yay, especially when they got to enter Fangor forest, which was just a delight, and she basically prayed to herself that she would got to meet an Ent.
Instead, she met Gandalf, who’s back now.
She doesn’t really know how to feel about that, because on one hand it’s Gandalf who’s really powerful and is a great deal of help, and on the other hand it’s Gandalf who’s just the fucking worst.
And then he takes them to meet King Théoden, and Tilda just keeps thinking that that day really can’t get any worse.
While Tilda only dislikes Gandalf, she fucking hates Théoden. She met him earlier in her life when he was still young, and he immediately gave her a bad vibe. So Tilda was salty towards him, and he was rude back, and this gal is petty so she still hates him, and his whole family.
Actually scratch that, his niece is both pretty and powerful, she respects her.
As soon as Sauroman is banished from the king’s mind, Tilda drags Bormir to a healer before anything else so his wounds could be properly cared for, just to get that off her mind.
She sent a whistle to Aloe, mostly because she missed him and they weren’t moving around all the time anymore, before joining Legolas and the rest in the throne room with Théoden.
Until the escape to Helm’s deep, Tilda is just kinda vibing. She avoids Théoden the best that she can, she chills with her brother and Gimli, Aloe arrived just barely a day after so that was nice.
It’s mostly when it’s announced that they will escape that she starts to get engaged again, because just call for help for Valars sake it isn’t that hard, stop letting your pride get in your way.
And then Aragorn fucking dies on the way, and Legolas is over there getting depressed while Boromir is having a bit of a panic attack, so everything is just a mess, and she wasn’t okay either because that was her ‘We we’re both raised as humans in an elven society also we like hugs’ buddy.
But she had to be the stable one for once, mostly because she had two people falling apart on her and Gimli was not the best when it came to feelings. Actually, she wasn’t either, so everyone was just stressing out.
Until Aragon arrived not too soon after, in which she first gave him a real fucking punch because how dare you, and then she hugged him because she’s just glad that he’s back.
So is Legolas.
And Èowyn, because she ain’t slick Tilda saw the looks she were giving her, and she laid it all out in front of her because those two had been giving each other “The Look” for all of the sixty years she’d known them, and it was better to just rip the band aid off.
Èowyn took it pretty okay.
Tilda was even more heated with Théoden when they’d arrived, because fucking damnit just call for aid, to you want me to message my ada? He’d surely help!
When Èowyn told her that she was not allowed to fight, she just said fuck that and encouraged her to do it anyways, because males are idiots sometimes.
So she did.
And while Legolas and Gimli had their little competition, Tilda, Èowyn, and Boromir were on the other side of the battle just kicking ass.
The scream of joy that escaped Èowyn’s mouth when she saw her brother almost made Tilda go deaf (That’s what happened if you ask her anyway), while she only smiled a little to herself because enforcements, yay, but by Éomer and Gandalf, fuck no.
After the battle was over, Tilda had a real talk with Aragorn about her brother, because Legolas literally fell apart when he thought that he’d died, and they both nearly died once more, so please just get it on already.
Tilda was really proud of Èowyn when she stood her ground against her uncles anger for participating in the battle, and yes they did fuck when they got back to Rohan.
Tilda had a great time just vibing with a pint of ale and watching the hobbits dance around, but she was pretty much immune to normal human ale at this point after growing up with the The Wine King, and also because she was no lightweight.
And then she fucked Èowyn again.
Until she felt a deep darkness around from somewhere, and she just rushed to get her clothes on to check it out.
What she found was Pippin getting yelled at by Gandalf while Aragorn was quite weakened and had to lean on Legolas for support.
So once again something big happened but Tilda had no idea what it was.
And then suddenly Gandalf was leaving with Pippin for Minas Tirith and Boromir is arguing about him coming with despite Gandalf’s refusal, and Merry was just sad and stuff and once again, Tilda had no idea what was going on.
Except that Gondor was in danger and Théoden refused to help, so yeah she was all about arguing with him because of that, and with arguing I mean she yelled at him for a bit, walked away to cool off before coming back just to start yelling again.
Aloe was basically the only thing keeping her sane because she was really fed up with everyone else, so she just spent a lot of time in the stable with her elk.
The moment that “Gondor called for aid”, Tilda just threw her arms up in the air all “FINALLY”, while also trying to calm Boromir down who was worried about his land and his brother.
She sent Aloe off with a message for her sister, and then rode on a normal horse with a fucking saddle which was uncomfortable as hell.
When they stopped at the mountain pass, Tilda was delighted when Aloe find his way to her, but less delighted when she heard her full name screamed across the camp from a very familiar and annoying voice.
Sigrid yelled at her for almost twenty minutes of how ‘irresponsible it was’, and how ‘She risked her life for the sake of adventure’ and how ‘Da and Thranduil are so worried about you’, which also angers Legolas a bit since she lied to him, and it’s all a mess.
But it’s nice to meet Bain again, whom she introduces to Boromir and Aragorn and the three get talking on sword stuff, she doesn’t really care.
And she gets a chance of talking with Sigrid, and apologizes for worrying her while she apologizes for yelling, and they both are cool.
Overall Tilda has it pretty chill that night, mostly just checking over all of her arrows while humming on a tune, until Legolas notices that Aragorn is packing up his stuff and all four of them are just welp I guess we’re doing this now.
Tilda just hates the feeling of the mountain, and she has an insanely tight grip on the fur of Aloe while just trying to calm the uneasy feeling, while listening to the other’s talking about its history. Still, she can’t help but read out the best climbing routes of the place.
Aloe is the only one of the riding animals that doesn’t run away at the entrance to the path of the dead, which she was rather smug about, and with him by her side she was a bit more comfortable with entering.
She was not alright with the fucking ghosts however, like fuck that what the fuck take me the fuck out of here hell nah bro.
It was fun entering the battle of the Pelennor fields riding her trusted elk surrounded by her friends and an army of spirits, like that was dope.
They were all alright after the battle, Tilda met Pippin again after being away from him for a few days, and Tilda reassured him that Merry would be alright, that she’d seen so much weaker people battle so much worse pain.
She briefly got to meet Boromir’s little brother Faramir that she’d heard so much about, and got to know that their father had tried to burn him alive and were corrently locked in the dungeon, and a pretty angry Tilda had to calm down a down right furious Boromir.
She learned of Théoden’s death, and was pretty satisfied by it, though in private as both Èowyn and Èomer were devestated.
The battle of the black gate is just filled with happy tears and cheers as its over, because the war is over, the ring is destroyed, they had won.
Tilda finds all three of her siblings after it and hug them all tightly, because they all are okay and all made it out, and she was just so gosh darn happy.
When Frodo and Sam are brought to Minas Tirith, bruised, bleeding, and so skinny, Tilda almost cries. Almost. Because such pure creatures should not have to go through what those two did, and she knows that permanent scars will be left of the journey.
Aragorn is crowned king, and Tilda smiled so brightly as she could, proud of what the boy she fell on after jumping on the wrong branch had become.
He finds Legolas in the crowd, and they smile softly at each other before kissing each other, and no one can ignore the shout of “FINALLY” that escaped Tilda’s mouth, because she’d been waiting for that for almost sisxty years god dammnit.
Before leaving Gondor for Mirkwood, she showers the hobbits with as much affection and hugs that she can, because all four of them deserve it.
She says goodbye to the fellowship, to the friends that she would never forget and the people she would visit so often, and leaves on Aloe with Legolas, to return home.
Both Bard and Thranduil are both happy and very angry when she returns, and she argues back boldly against them, because they can’t expect her to stay in Mirkwood after being away for thirteen months.
So instead of sneaking off, she is let go and leaves with Aloe, a bright smile on her face.
She still has nightmares of the journey. Of Boromir dying in her hands, of seeing Merry and Pippin’s burnt bodies in the pile of orc, of Aragorn never returning from the fall and Legolas’ light fading away, of Frodo and Sam being brought back by the eagles, so scarred and broken, an image she never gets out of her head.
She cuts her hair into a single braid going down her back, she gets tattoos dedicated to the fellowship, she finds happiness in travelling peacefully across middle earth.
She gets an invitation to her brother’s wedding, and she arrives in Gondor with the biggest smile on her face, embracing the fellowship.
Tilda gets put in charge of the music of the wedding, and as she plays softly on her lute with her voice calmly echoing throughout the room as Legolas and Aragorn dances, she can’t help but she’d a few tears as she’s been waiting on this for so long and she’s just so happy for them.
It’s a lot less tears and a lot more laughter at Frodo and Sam’s wedding, as hobbits really do know how to party and she’s just having a blast being one of the tallest.
But then the request to kill that god forsaken Forest Dragon comes along, and she just can’t say no.
So apparently if Tilda joined the fellowship Boromir would have survived?? 😅
I just thought about this whole thing, and I knew that she would not have someone bleed out when she could’ve done something.
The reason Denethor is alive and not burned is because since Boromir survived, he wouldn’t go full on crazy, and also I want him to face his actions.
This last part just became a bunch of fluff, but my last post was just consisting of mentally torturing this gal, so I wanted to give her a break.
AU Masterpost
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wingsporkhalo · 7 years
A Collaborative Spork of “Why?”: a Lord of the Rings Fanfic-- Chapter 5
Wow, up to chapter 5 now. What a milestone (feels more like a millstone)!
All right, it’s time for @icykalismsts and me to get snarky again--there’s actually some pretty good zingers in here if I do say so myself. As usual, excerpt below, the rest beneath the cut, and if you missed the previous parts, look no further than here: http://wingsonghalo.tumblr.com/tagged/why-fic/chrono
Chapter 5: It’s agreed then. We’ll stay
W: Yeah, that’s pretty much what Kali and I say after every chapter of this mess. We say it while sighing in a long-suffering manner.
K: Exactly.
I got my reviews! O.M.G.! Ureshi!
W: She’s missing an i at the end, but it means “I’m happy!”
Oh, change of plans
about the "crystal's point of view" thing. I have an
alternate fic of this that is completely different except
for the triangle, and characters, that I'll post up AFTER
I've finished posting this fic.
As the girls began to near the gates, an arrow
zipped by the group's faces. Yura's eyes widened, yet
the others remained calm.
W: They were just like
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~ Gomen, gomen, Yura-chan. I thought you
and that big band of yours were some trespassers. ~
' Liar! You can recognize everyone's footsteps
just by listening to them! ~
~ I know, but you were being so quiet... ~
~ Girls, you can squabble all you want AFTER
we finish our business. ~
W: They came all the way out here just to poop?
~ Hai, hai. Diamond-san, you're no fun. ~
K: But I thought diamonds were a girl’s best friend!
"I know. That's why I'm still alive after all these
"But Crystal-sama is fun, and she's more alive then
~ Unasi (shut up) ~
K: Isn’t it supposed to be “urusai?” Why do people keep claiming others are Nazis in this fic?!
W: Because obviously this whole thing is actually a pro-Nazi propaganda piece.
~ Crystal? ~
She glared at him. ~ I don't think that someone who
loathes Dark Elves should speak their language. ~
K: Okay, Dark Elves are a thing in Tolkien’s work, but they do not mean this. Just thought I’d point that out.
~ Demo... ~
W: Man, I wish we’d only read a demo of this fic. Instead, this fic has become a pain in the demo.
' Legolas Greenleaf, I will not tolerate your talking
back to me in my own domain. '
Legolas closed his mouth. * When was the last time
that she gave me such a cold, hating stare? *
W: Last Tuesday?
Then it hit him.
W: “I’VE BEEN HIT!” he wailed as he collapsed. “Deja vu,” said everyone else present.
Hard. * This was almost as cold as when I pinned her. For a
crime I wasn't even sure she committed. It's too late to change
the past now though. *
W: Isn’t it always?
K: I think the Defrosting Ice Queen trope came and went...
They both looked up as they heard loud bickering. The
voices of some of Crystal's closest friends since she got loose.
~ Must you be so loud? You remind me of a mansion
filled with little children. ~
W: “You callin’ me as big as a house, buster?!”
Diamond bowed. "Sorry Crystal-sama. I tried to get
them to earlier,
W: Get them to earlier? Weren’t you listening?? It’s too late to change the past!!
but I don't seem to have as much influence over
them as you do." She glared at the two girls.
Crystal laughed. "Honestly Diamond, you act just like
the mistress at a school would! Lighten up some. It's not as if
we were going to war. If we were, that would be a different
matter. As for you, Thika.
W: My Friend Thika. Or would you prefer it to be pronounced “I choose you! Thikachu!”
Did I not ask you to stop practicing
near the gates? You could hurt one of our members."
K: That’s what she said!
"I'm sorry."
Crystal got up, and dusted herself off. "So, who are
your friends?"
Yura coughed. The Fellowship took the hint.
Frodo gave a small bow. " I'm Frodo Baggins. These
are my friends and allies. This is Aragorn," Aragorn stepped
up and bowed. "These are Sam, Merry, Pippin, Boromir, and
K: Gimli defeated Gimili! Woah!
"My, what an interesting group we have here. Two Men,
four Hobbits, and a Dwarf.
W: “...walk into a bar. Then they sing a bunch of songs for some reason. One of the Hobbits disappears briefly.”
What brings you here?"
"We came to ask for our friend Legolas Greenleaf back."
W: “What are you going to give us for him?”
Crystal looked disappointed. "I was hoping that you all
would stay here for a few days. It's seldom he have company,
especially such a varied group of males."
W: She sounds like she’s talking about a dog breeding business.
The Fellowship talked amongst themselves.
"I feel uneasy about this Crystal. She seems too nice."
"We don't care where we are, as long as we have food."
"I will go where the ringbearer goes. I still feel as if it is
my duty to protect him."
"I will go where the Fellowship is, for I have no true home."
Only Legolas remained quiet. The others looked at him.
* Could there be a reason for the always-gay elf
K: The author said it! Not us! W: Oh my god. Oh my god, that is priceless.
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to be saddened
by this place?
Are there memories here? No, it can't be. This place
can be no older then 100 years. *
K: But then one hundred years passed, and then it was older than one hundred years.
They all waited patiently for the
W: ...hundred years to pass...
confused elf to respond.
Legolas shook his head. "It is my duty still to see to it that
you remain safe, Frodo."
"So it is decided than.
W: Than...what?
You all shall stay for a few days, and
hopefully enjoy yourselves. But I must warn you. Nothing you see
here may be repeated to the outside world.
K: Because if the outside world knows they’re Sues, they’ll kill them all!
While you are here, you
follow our rules, and do not go where you are told not to."
W: “For the last time, I’m sorry. I thought it was a chamber pot.”
The Fellowship was awed by what they saw. The place
would shame the most beautiful of places.
They were each
given a tour guide for the remainder of their stay. They were
also shown to their rooms.
"Breakfast is always at 7 o' clock sharp.
W: “Lunch is at 12 o’clock blunt. And blunt is at 4:20.”
Lunch and
dinner times shift around, depending on our schedule.
K: Then what determines what they’re called?
that you have seen most of our city, I'm assuming you would
like some rest for now. I'll leave you to your rooms." Each
room had a beautiful view, depending on it's theme. Legolas'
was the woods; Gimli's an over-looking of mountains;
K: Gimli always was fond of ignoring mountains.
Aragorn's a raging river;
W: Oh, and I suppose he’s also the dark side of a typhoon, a coursing fire, and a great moon. Dammit, badfic, sing the song right!!
K[Aragorn]: I sure hope I don’t almost drown in this river or anything!
The Hobbits, some hills near lakes;
and Boromir's, a view of tremendous waterfalls. They all also
attached to one another, so that they could converse all at one
time in their own rooms.
K: Unfortunately this led to some terrible incidents involving voyeurism and masturbation… W: Honestly. Why didn’t they just have a Skype call if they wanted to converse at the same time. IT DIDN’T HAVE TO END LIKE THIS K: You mean "it didn't have to reach a climax like this" ;) W: LOL "THIS WASN'T WHAT I MEANT WHEN I SAID WE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER IN TIMES OF TROUBLE" (K: [in a tumblr chat] THAT'S INCREDIBLE... PLEASE INCLUDE IT W: I ALREADY PUT IT IN ...WHICH IS WHAT THEY WERE ALL SAYING K: We just keep getting ourselves in deeper, don’t we? ;) W: Omfg.)
As each of them unpacked, they
thought about staying here.
W: I literally yawned while reading that part, and I’m not even tired.
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I know this fic has been going a bit slow, but I'm trying
to add a bit more detail. I'll go over the individual rooms in the
chapters that are coming up.
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K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eghMntWNeCU
Thanks for reading and see you next time!
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