#etgar keret
majstersztykzchwil · 5 months
"Humor jest jedyną szansą na przetrwanie dla bardzo wrażliwych ludzi. Powtarzam: jedyną szansą. Dość wcześnie zorientowałem się, że mówiąc coś w śmieszny sposób, można uniknąć kłopotów. (...) To także świetny sposób na radzenie sobie z pewnymi emocjami, które podane inaczej czynią z nas żałosnych sentymentalistów".
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moonshinemagpie · 7 months
"Since October 7, I haven’t really been able to write. For me, writing is a state in which you briefly release the suffocating grip of rationality and let your guts speak, but ever since this war broke out, my guts aren’t saying anything. It’s not that I don’t feel: I feel too much, all the time. But the things I’m feeling – whether sorrow or fury or loneliness – don’t lead anywhere. And when your gut goes silent, nothing meaningful can be written, at least not the way I write. My head is full of raw emotion and bits of information, things I need to remember so that I can say them to the next person who tells me Hamas is a legitimate resistance organization, or the next person who tells me that all Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas supporters and are therefore legitimate targets. My mind contains a lot of good answers to bad questions, and some fragmentary memories from my upsetting meetings with children and adults who lost their whole world on October 7—but other than that, not much else.
While desperately searching for an Alphabet-Soup-worthy piece of writing, I came across the first op-ed I ever wrote for a U.S. outlet. It was 22 years ago, during the Second Intifada. The nice editor of the weekly magazine’s culture section explained that readers were very interested in the Middle East, especially since 9/11, but knew almost nothing about the region. “It would be great,” he suggested, “if you could explain to our readers a little about the history of the conflict, the current geopolitical and human realities, and maybe some reflection on the future of the conflict and possible solutions. Oh, and if possible, we’d be happy if you could do it in 600 words or less.”
It was a rare opportunity to publish something in a U.S. magazine, and I seized it with both hands. Over two decades have gone by, and the Middle East has only grown messier. Hamas, now a proxy for Iran, has become even more radical; Israel has imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip, essentially turning it into a giant prison; the cycles of violence have grown ever more vicious. But amid this deterioration, one thing remains constant: the world still longs to understand the hellish chaos in my part of the world, and I’m still here to try and explain our unfathomable reality as best I can—if possible, in 600 words or less."
read more from author Etgar Keret here
Here Keret compares a small piece written in 2023 to one written in 2001. I think this little piece means a lot to me because there's not much out there that communicates to outsiders how old this feels for everyone with actual connections to Israel/Palestine.
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sabinahahn · 1 year
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I was lucky enough to have lunch with Etgar Keret while in Tel Aviv.
Etgar , with his deft hand, named this drawing “The Carrot Of Damocles”.
If you haven’t read his books, I highly recommend. Start anywhere! One of my favorites is “The Bus driver who wanted to be God”; one of my favorite quotes comes from there.
"There are two kinds of people, those who like to sleep next to the wall, and those who like to sleep next to the people who push them off the bed."
— Etgar Keret
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"From the moment I held the box of colors in my hands, I knew this was my life."
― Henri Matisse.
[Sherry Baker]
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"He misses the feeling of creating something out of something. That’s right—something out of something. Because something out of nothing is when you make something up out of thin air, in which case it has no value. Anybody can do that. But something out of something means it was really there the whole time, inside you, and you discover it as part of something new, that’s never happened before."
Etgar Keret, tr. Nathan Englander, Miriam Shlesinger, & Sondra Silverston, from “Suddenly, a Knock on the Door,” Suddenly, a Knock on the Door: Stories (via whisperthatruns)
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c-etait-ailleurs · 8 months
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--- > Fragiles | --- > Des mots d'Edgar Keret
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eurekavalley · 1 year
They were a good match. Both had been children in Poland during the war, so neither of them had any idea what a normal childhood or a normal home would be. So there was something in their friendship that it was half like a married couple, but it was also half like kindergarten children playing together. And I think that the kindergarten part seemed much more powerful than the grown up part.
On Etgar Keret's parents' marriage, This American Life (x)
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danataikoprensa · 3 months
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timriva-blog · 5 months
Un relato escrito poco después de los ataques de Hamás contra Israel desde la franja de Gaza el 7 de octubre de 2023 Un judío ultraortodoxo reza en el Muro de las Lamentaciones en la ciudad vieja de Jerusalén tras una nevada en 2022. Escrito por ETGAR KERET Yechiel Nachman se había pasado 20 años rezándole a su Dios. 20 años enteros en los que ni un solo día había dejado de orar para pedir una…
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si-monik-7 · 7 months
"Humor jest jedyną szansą na przetrwanie dla bardzo wrażliwych ludzi. Powtarzam: jedyną szansą. Dość wcześnie zorientowałem się, że mówiąc coś w śmieszny sposób, można uniknąć kłopotów. (...) To także świetny sposób na radzenie sobie z pewnymi emocjami, które podane inaczej czynią z nas żałosnych sentymentalistów".
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manuelamontero · 1 year
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Ilustraciones editoriales para revista literaria Dossier, de Universidad Diego Portales. Diseño de Constanza Gaggero https://www.gaggeroworks.co.uk/
Editorial illustrations for Dossier literary magazine. Diego Portales University. Design by Constanza Gaggero https://www.gaggeroworks.co.uk/
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moonooloogist · 2 years
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Aunque no siempre es necesario entender para aprender que algo es importante.
Etgar Keret, Lengua extranjera
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ezelieser · 2 months
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"İnsanların akıllarından geçenleri asla kestiremezsin."
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sh0rtins0mniac · 3 months
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Israeli films with female protagonists.
Zero Motivation (2014) dir. Talya Lavie
A unit of female Israeli soldiers at a remote desert base bide their time as they count down the minutes until they can return to civilian life.
Cinema Sabaya (2021) dir. Orit Fouks Rotem
Eight women, Arab and Jewish, take part in a video workshop hosted by Rona, young filmmaker. With each camera take, the group dynamic forces the women to challenge their beliefs as they get to know one other.
Jellyfish (2007) dir. Shira Geffen & Etgar Keret
Jellyfish tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
Blush (2015) dir. Michal Vinik
Trying to escape her tumultuous home life, Naama, 17, indulges in alcohol and drugs, but everything changes when she meets a sexy, free-spirited new girl at school and the two become more than fast friends.
Atomic Falafel (2015) dir. Dror Shaul
Two girls from nuclear towns in Israel and Iran spill their countries most valuable secrets on Facebook while trying to prevent a nuclear crisis.
Kiss Me Before It Blows Up/Kiss Me Kosher (2020) dir. Shirel Peleg
When two generations of Israeli women fall for a German woman and a Palestinian man, chaos follows. What happens with lovers who don't fit--but do belong together?
Red Cow (2018) dir. Tsivia Barkai
Red Cow is a coming-of-age film that takes place in the days leading up to the assassination of Rabin and depicts the life of Benny, 16, orphaned from mother at birth and the only child of Joshua - a religious, right-wing extremist, in those critical junctures when she is forming her sexual, religious and political awareness.
Sand Storm (2016) dir. Elite Zexer
A Bedouin village in Northern Israel. When Jalila’s husband marries a second woman, Jalila and her daughter’s world is shattered, and the women are torn between their commitment to the patriarchal rules and being true to themselves.
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kellyvela · 20 days
Cloud One is adapted from a erotic story by Etgar Keret WINDOWS published in Playboy Magazine. If Sophie is going to play the virtual friend then she about to film sex scenes for this movie with Boyd Holbrook
Hello anon,
I read the OG story "Windows."
I don't consider it a erotic story, there are sex scenes between Mickey and Natasha, and between two other secondary characters but none of them are graphic and none of them longer than a paragraph or even a couple of lines.
The whole love triangle between Mickey, Natasha and the Therapist, and the virtual child are not from the OG story, so those plots are added by the writer/director Goran Dukic.
Natasha is described as a woman in her 30's with curly black hair, so she will be probably played by the italian actress Simona Tabasco. This is not the first time this movie is attempted to be made, in the past the actresses casted to play Natasha were Rachel Weisz, and later Jennifer Connelly, both with dark hair.
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c-etait-ailleurs · 5 months
Une fiction douce-amère de l’écrivain israélien Etgar Keret sur le 7 octobre - Le blog de lettresdisrael.over-blog.com
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