jusdecisum · 2 years
Uma pessoa que aguardava a chegada do metrô desmaiou e caiu no vagão, vindo a falecer. A concessionária responsável pelo serviço tem o dever de indenizar os familiares da vítima?
Uma pessoa que aguardava a chegada do metrô desmaiou e caiu no vagão, vindo a falecer. A concessionária responsável pelo serviço tem o dever de indenizar os familiares da vítima?
segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2022   Imagine a seguinte situação: Em 2010, Regina, 29 anos, estava aguardando a chegada do metrô, quando então teve uma crise de epilepsia e caiu sobre os trilhos no instante em que o trem se aproximava. Infelizmente, ela foi atropelada e faleceu. O viúvo ajuizou ação de indenização contra a Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo (Metrô), alegando…
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psicoonline · 2 years
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Este é um post que queria que vocês conhecessem. Não sei se há interesse em cada tipo de luto, portanto, encerrei o texto para não ficar muito conteúdo ou uma aula. Não é o nosso foco. É, entretanto, importante saber algumas coisas. Que há diferenças no viver a morte. No processo de perda, no luto e tipos que o iniciam. Variam de cultura, de indivíduos, de rituais e ainda assim é constante para todos nós. Quando há o luto, os #psicólogos que estudam #tanatologia estão de prontidão para acolher você. Acompanhar nesse momento que é difícil mas que todos viverão. Se quiser saber mais, comente. #luto #lutoeterno #morte #morrer #falecer #falecimento #josoares #luto😢 #vida #passagens #transformação #sentimentos #tristezaprofunda #tristeza😢 #triste #perdão #perda #saudade #saudades (em Na Morte) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg4w29Cp9Tp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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creads · 1 month
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OI??????????????????????????????????????????? HELLO?????????? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ HOLA ??????????
juro por deus gente eu senti coisas tão fortes que se eu falasse o que eu deixaria esse homem fazer comigo vocês fariam uma lobotomia em mim em pleno 2024 desculpa tô passando mal de vdd quase comendo o reboco das minhas paredes esse branquelo tá me deixando maluca eu preciso dele PRECISO que ele me pegue e me cole nele fazendo eu parecer MIÚDA em comparação a ele juro imagina enfiar as unhas nesse peito enquanto tá [CENSURADO] [BUZINA DE CAMINHAO] [BOMBA ATÔMICA EXPLODINDO] e ele te [CRIANCA CHORANDO] [CACHORROS LATINDO] [GATOS MIANDO] [GRITOS HISTÉRICOS] ah se a gente pudesse mas ainda bem que não pode pq senão o mundo ia literalmente explodir de tanto que eu ia DAR pra esse homem
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vivi-rosexx · 1 month
It feels like muscle memory to shrug off his jacket (Ocean Metal, the one that matched hers. He wonders if she still has it, maybe tucked away in her closet. A part of him hopes she does) and wrap it around her shoulders.
The action pulls her closer to him. He’s screwed for sure now. It’d be a miracle if he could force his feet to walk anyway that wasn’t towards Funneh.
He doesn’t know who initiates the kiss.
Does it matter?
Maybe it should but he can’t find it in himself to care. Not really, not when her lips make him feel the same way they did in highschool.
He doesn’t know how he ever stopped kissing them.
Alec is not a good man, he knows. He’d be the first to say it and he’s sure there are countless people who could back it up. He’s never claimed to be good.
Maybe once upon a time he convinced himself that there was some good in him, hidden deep down in his heart. Funneh had made him think that.
But now—kissing the woman he’s loved for what feels like forever and not giving a damn about her fiance—Alec is sure he’s as rotten as they come. And yet he can’t bring himself to care.
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piyesis-art · 9 months
Yhs sketches dump
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marathegoat · 8 months
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Farrah and Aiden!! I finally remembered I had tumbler, they’re my favorite verison of Falec honestly, it’s them but toxic but their ship name is #Faiden love u pati for making that genius name. The link to their fanfic! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50333590
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vinhteer · 10 months
Hummingbird (by Metro Boomin and James Blake) kind of sounds like a Funalec song (delusional)
(basically me OVERANALYSING a song about gw/n and mil/es from spderverse and spinning it into a silly Funalec song)
(I'm also censoring the names and all because I don't want this post to appear under the movie's hashtags. This means I won't clutter them with this long ass essay)
for context, since this song was written for the movie: from what I understand, it's about gwn's and mles' relationship; it also gets very literal bc this song is played when gwn opens the portal to mles' universe.
"In here, paper walls are
Pushin' back on you like
Eventually you push through
The moment that you realise"
So to briefly summarise the song, it's about wanting to feel connected to this girl whom the singer feels comforted by; "love is unconditional''. The singer feels full of life with them, and it goes on. From what I see it's about mles wanting to see people who understand him as much as his friends do. They're all spider-people, and they all long to be understood. It's a normal human thing to do.
But if we spin it Funalec style, I think it could work especially if we take this song from Alec's standpoint. We actually don't get a lot of Alec content in the canon but mc's fanfic did succhhhh a good job at developing his character; I talked about that in one of my posts (can't be bothered rn), but to summarise it: Alec, like Yumi, never got the love he deserved as a child and thus has to work through life without any of it. He doesn't get the purpose of love and decides that it isn't for him. It didn't work with his family, his friend, his first gf (winking at Emcee)… So why would it work, suddenly? Incoming Funneh banging at his door. Let's get to the actual song:
The song starts with a filtered version extract of the song "Tonight You Belong To Me" by Patience & Prudence. I headcanon Yumi to LOVE romantic songs from the 60s so this 100% works. I can imagine Yumi playing this silly song (/lh) all the time and Alec gets sick of it. Every time he hears it, the track reminds him of Yumi freaking out and getting angry over some random girl at 3AM. In Hummingbird the sample fades away, like it's flying over Alec's head. The sample could symbolize Yumi to him, which just means that he's slowly prioritizing what he wants (being with Funneh and his friends).
"Hummingbird, summer song"
Throughout the song, the singer calls this person a hummingbird, and relates this track to summer. I always found Funneh x Alec to have summer vibes since you kind of relate this season with happiness? It's also the period in which the sun is the most active; so nature gets a lot of energy from it to support life etc !! Also, hummingbirds symbolize (from what I've seen on the internet) in indigenous cultures a messenger of joy. So you could say that Funneh is Alec's hummingbird (?). And maybe Funneh represents summer to him?
"Has it brought my life back?
Hangin' in the balance
Have you brought the light back?"
Before Alec found his friends (Funneh, Kyran and Gold), his life consisted of getting a quick buck from our GENEROUS murderous neighbour Yumi, taking care of his sister and trying to stay afloat. But when he met them, they balanced out the good things and the bad things in his life ("Hangin' in the balance"). It made him actually enjoy things in life; wanting things, needing things, enjoying things... ("Have you brought the light back?")
"Pen pal on a night shift
She's who I get away with
Realising she might
Be all I need in this life"
You could say that... Funneh is his pen pal ig? THROUGH... TEXT? They don't meet very often in canon but they still hit it off every time.
"When I saw a cold snap
I wasn't with the season
Tag was on the ankle"
"When I saw a cold snap" Being without his friend just feels extremely cold and devoid of life (especially with Yumi). He isn't with the season (summer in this case) because he always has to get away from Funneh and his friends.
Also, to bring back the idea that he's prioritizing his needs over being Yumi's henchman, the cold snap could symbolize he needs to remind himself that he is still tied to Yumi.
"Tag was on the ankle"; Well this could mean 2 things.
1. an ankle tag is "an electronic device that is fastened around the ankle of a person who has committed a crime, so that the police know where that person is". This line could mean that he already know what his fate is.
The previous verse could also add another layer; his friends are truly the only place where he gets to be happy, because he knows that he already threw away his life and his future.
2. The tag on the ankle could just be a leash because he's deeply tied with Yumi. It also kind of fits bc the 2 previous lines are (imo) about his situation with Yumi and his life.
"And hummingbird
I know that's our time (That's our time)"
"I know that's our time" It sounds like he's about to leave? Like they're having a nice moment but he can't stay for too long. Flashback to the moments this mf had to leave his friends bc of Yumi (AKA THE OCEAN METAL CONCERT).
"But stay on
Stay on, stay on with me
And hummingbird
I can never unsee
What you've shown me
Stay on, stay on with me"
More pining. He wants Funneh to hold on to him, because he needs her in his life and she showed him so many things; what love means, what life has to offer, having wants, having needs...
Also, the chorus starts at "and humming bird..." to "stay on with me.". It is sung multiple times in the track; he loves her, but he can't stay for long. And this cycle happens SO many times.
"The moment when you realise
There's someone there that needs you
Lap band on the feelings
I tax them for no reason"
Imma be honest. I don't know what's up with the lap band and THE "taxing them" but I'm going to speculate anyway. A lap band is an inflatable silicone device placed around an area of the stomach to treat obesity by slowing down the consumption of food and thus the amount of food consumed. So if you're putting them on "feelings", it's to filter said emotions to slow down said sensations; which means you basically have a hard time processing your feelings to the point that you need a metaphorical device to nullify it? And then there's this line "The moment when you realise / There's someone there that needs you" with "I tax [the aforementioned feelings] for no reason". Alec is taxing these emotions; so he's feeling heavily burdened by these feelings to the point that he's demanding some kind of compensation. He is scared that Funneh (and his friends) need him. He is now important to them. He can't back down anymore; he can't leave, because it'll hurt them. ("The moment when you realise / There's someone there that needs you")
"I added love 'cause love is unconditional
I count on love, I count on love
'Cause love is unconditional within reason"
This line contradicts my ideas for the previous verse but whatever. I guess you could say he both finds these feelings burdening but he also cherishes it and finds it important. AND LAST THING!! Alec didn't get love, but now he does; he knows that love is unconditional within reason thanks to Funneh (and his friends but this is abt her). He counts on love, it sounds corny but it's truly what drives him to keep going in his life!
"Would I sign up again?
Would I sign up again?"
You could interpret these lines as Alec hesitating on whether or not he should continue hanging out with his friends again, since well... He can't back down anymore, since it'll hurt him and Funneh, Gold and Kyran as well. Also I love how the beat here sounds like irregular heart beats OR slowed-down flying hummingbird sounds (a fluttering heart and a bird fluttering their wings).
"And the night was so strong
Forget the time like life is long
Wings beating a thousand strong"
The last two lines really shows that time is very relative. Time feels fast when you're with loved ones, but in the moment, it feels slow. It's the juxtaposition of wanting to stay with someone forever and the wing flapping of a bird LMAO (hummingbirds flutter their wings 80 times per second).
"Would I sign up again?
Would I sign up again?
And the night was so strong
Forget the time like life is long
Wings beating a thousand strong"
So the singer (Alec... in this case?) sings this verse twice, like he is contemplating on his choices as he's spending time with his friends. For the 2nd time though, he sings this:
"Unconditional within reason"
This line calls back to the fact that he deems love to be unconditional. So this could mean that based on his choices, he decides to stay with her. With his friends. IG THIS IS THE GOOD ENDING LMAO IDK IF WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT IF YHS WAS STILL RUNNING BUT YK....
Anyways, this is all I have to say. Someone should teach me how to analyse an art piece without sounding like I've had a stroke writing it.
Overall, this song really captured Alec's character in my opinion; From being dragged by Yumi since age 12 or so, learning what love is and tip-toeing between running away from the things he loves and staying with his friends.
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anditwentlikethis · 30 days
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eles estavam mesmo em modo ultra god bless
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geekpopnews · 1 month
Morre Bernard Hill, ator de "Titanic" e "O Senhor dos Anéis"
Luto no cinema! Bernard Hill, o inesquecível Capitão Smith de "Titanic" e Rei Théoden de "O Senhor dos Anéis", nos deixa aos 79 anos. Uma carreira de gigante! #BernardHill #Cinema #Luto #Titanic #SenhorDosAnelis
O ator britânico Bernard Hill faleceu neste domingo (5), aos 79 anos, ele é mais conhecido pelos seus papeis em “Titanic” e “O Senhor dos Anéis”. A notícia foi confirmada por seu agente, Lou Coulson, à BBC. A causa da morte ainda não foi divulgada. O ator participaria da Comic Con Liverpool nesse final de semana, o evento lamentou sua perda em nota. Uma carreira de peso Hill nasceu em…
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monarchteen · 1 month
oh, save me, ships that start with a 'f' with a girl who's a social butterfly and a boy who's quiet
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yhsbrainrot · 1 year
NEW FIC POSTED !! <33 its falec B]]
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renah · 9 months
Pô cara me dá uma tristeza ouvir sobre MHA, principalmente pq o autor tá tendo um monte de problemas de saúde, e ainda tá se matando pra entregar capítulos semanais, dá pra ver que ele não quer mais fazer o mangá, ele só quer terminar o quanto antes pra cuidar da própria saúde.
eu não dou a mínima pra MHA, mas esse negócio de mangá semanal tem que acabar
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evesfeast · 2 years
escolha um emoji abaixo para...
 (♫) : dançar com a eve pela festa; (1/2)                              &. +  especificamente...              (🍃) : nos limites da clareira; (1/1)                                 (🍄) : com ambos sob o efeito de entorpecentes; (1/1)              ( 🍷 ) : com seu char sob o leve efeito de delirium, a habilidade                  dionisíaca de eve; (1/1)              (🎆) : na plateia do show! (0/1)        (🍎) : entrar/se encontrar com eve no portal vermelho. leva em consideração o apelido da personagem ao tomar essa decisão, hein; (0/1)   ( ⁉ ) : fazer uma aposta pra ver se um dos dois consegue pegar um fantasma (sim, dar uns beijin mesmo). se eles carregam bandejas, conseguem dar uns pegas em alguém, né? (1/1)   (🍌) : estar com eve quando ela toma o drinque de banana. agora tá na mão dos deuses; (1/1)  (⚟)  : entrar com ela no portal amarelo — onde ambos, em algum momento, vão perder o outro de vista no labirinto e encarar mais coisas do que somente portas; (1/1)  (🎭) : discutirem calorosamente no meio da noite; (1/1)  (🕷)  : encontrá-la em algum submundo logo após entrarem no portal roxo; (1/1)
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creads · 1 month
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nossa. NOSSA!!!!!
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justapayneaway · 2 years
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When Little Paulo scores a goal at the 90 minutes mark against Tottenham 😎
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piyesis-art · 8 months
Itsfunnehyhs FALEC WEEK 2023 is here‼️
Sometime last week, I did a poll of Kylec vs Falec and Falec won with a 57% in a poll with 102 votes and so I'm doing a ship week for the winner!🥇
The ship week will take place on October 23rd to October 27th! All mediums like fanart, fanfics or videos are allowed as long as they match the theme of the prompts!
Day 1: Favorite Slasher
Day 2: Red
Day 3: Ghost
Day 4: Matching Costumes
Day 5: Trick or Treating
(This prompt image can be reposted to different social medias if you want, pls credit tho)
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⚠️RULES ⚠️ and Other information below 👇
What isn't Allowed?
- no NSFW (suggestive material is allowed but as along as it is light and there is warnings)
- no GORE (blood and injuries are allowed but if it's excessive, use the proper warning labels)
-no krew members or other ships allowed beside Funneh since this is mainly about Falec, not krew!
Other stuff!
If you didn't have the time to do these prompts on the days, feel free to complete them whenever you have the time as long as you don't post them before the actual date of the prompts!
Use the tag Itsfunnehyhs on twitter to post your works! Use the tag falecweek2023 on here for tumblr!
No being rude to others during this event since this is an attempt to bring the fandom together! So behave pls!
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