#fashion design courses in gandhinagar
The Role of Fashion, Architecture, and Urban Planning in Shaping Indian Cities
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Urban development in India is a multifaceted process, deeply influenced by the convergence of various disciplines, including fashion, architecture, and urban planning. These fields, though distinct, play a collaborative role in shaping the cities of India, making them vibrant, sustainable, and culturally rich. This blog explores how these disciplines contribute to urban development and highlights the role of Swarrnim University in Gujarat as a key player in education and research in these areas.
Fashion: Weaving Identity and Culture into Urban Fabric
Fashion is not just about clothing; it reflects cultural identity and societal trends. In Indian cities, fashion acts as a tool for expressing individuality and collective values. Street fashion, for example, showcases India's diverse cultural heritage, blending traditional motifs with contemporary designs. This interplay of styles enriches the urban aesthetic and supports local economies by promoting artisan crafts and industries.
Moreover, fashion events such as fashion weeks and design exhibitions have become significant urban attractions, drawing both locals and tourists. These events offer a platform for designers to showcase their work, foster innovation, and set trends that reflect the city’s culture and spirit.
Architecture: Shaping the Physical and Emotional Landscape
Architecture, the art and science of designing buildings and structures, profoundly impacts the character and functionality of urban spaces. In India, architecture is a testament to the country’s rich history and rapid modernization. Traditional architectural elements are integrated into modern designs, creating innovative spaces deeply rooted in cultural heritage.
Architects play a crucial role in urban development by designing buildings that are sustainable, aesthetically pleasing, and responsive to the community's needs. This is why there is a rise in the demand for good architecture colleges in Gujarat. Through thoughtful design, they can enhance the quality of life, promote social interaction, and contribute to the economic vitality of cities. The architecture of public spaces, such as parks, museums, and cultural centers, further enriches the urban experience, making cities more livable and inviting.
Urban Planning: The Blueprint for Sustainable Growth
Urban planning is essential for the organized development and management of cities. It involves creating comprehensive plans that address housing, transportation, economic activities, and environmental concerns. In India, urban planners face the challenge of accommodating rapid urbanization while preserving the environment and cultural heritage. This is why the curriculum for many Master's in urban planning in India focuses on imparting knowledge on these topics.
Effective urban planning promotes sustainable development, ensuring that cities can support their inhabitants without depleting natural resources or harming the environment. It also aims to create inclusive urban environments that cater to the population's diverse needs, including affordable housing, accessible public transportation, and public spaces that encourage community engagement.
Swarrnim University: Fostering Innovation in Urban Development
Swarrnim University in Gujarat stands at the forefront of education and research in fashion, architecture, and urban planning. As one of the leading architecture colleges in Gujarat, it offers comprehensive programs that equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to address the complex challenges of urban development.
The university’s curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches, encouraging students to explore the intersections between fashion, architecture, and urban planning. Students gain practical experience designing sustainable and culturally responsive urban environments through hands-on projects and collaborations with industry professionals.
For those interested in urban development, Swarrnim University offers a master's in urban planning in India, preparing graduates for leadership roles in shaping the cities of the future. Additionally, the university provides fashion design courses in Gandhinagar, enabling students to pursue careers in the vibrant fashion world.
Swarrnim University is not just an educational institution but a hub of innovation and creativity. Its commitment to interdisciplinary education is a key contributor to developing sustainable and culturally rich urban environments in India.
The interdisciplinary approach to urban development, integrating fashion, architecture, and urban planning, offers a holistic framework for creating cities that are functional and reflective of India’s diverse cultural heritage. By fostering collaboration among these disciplines, cities can evolve into dynamic and sustainable urban centers that cater to the needs of their inhabitants.
Swarrnim University in Gujarat exemplifies this approach, providing a platform for education and research that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern innovation. As we progress, institutions like Swarrnim University will be crucial in shaping the future of urban development in India, ensuring that our cities continue to thrive and inspire future generations.
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namesjay · 9 months
How culture affects business
I am from a small city of himmatnagar. Few days ago I was having a small chit-chat with my neighbour who is into the gold business he is from rajasthan but from past 100 years they are residing in himmatnagar . His greatgrandfather shifted to himmatnagar for economical purposes so they are a very big extended family like a very big kutumb. Everyone of them are in the same gold business so we can say that 50-60 percent of jewellery showrooms/shop are of their community/family . They are traditionally in this business and also he personally owns 3 shops so during the discussion about the changing course of business and market in this times and he is also planning to open a jewellery showroom one of the biggest in himmatnagar. So I asked him why will people come to your showroom to buy the jewellery and not go to the nearby big cities like ahmedabad and gandhinagar because as I have seen most good to do family do most of the jewellery and cloths shopping from ahmedabad for functions like marraige or babyshower. Like last year my cousin sister got married she did 95 percent of her shopping from ahmedabad or online. In the past also there were so many marraiges and babyshowers like function in my extended family and I have seen that most of the shopping being done from ahmedabad. Thats why I got the curiosity that if he will invest so much in some business like that how will he get cutomers as now a days people want diversity like so many designs and colours and variety which they don't get in himmatnagar that's why people go for big cities. So he explained me that few years ago people in small cities and towns didn't had so much money like most of the people were into farming and not everyone in the family was earning . Also there were bigger families as compared to current times, every couple had like 4-5 kids or more and income was also very low . So amount of people buying gold for investment purpose or fashion purpose was very very low . people that time would buy gold only for the purpose like marraiges or babyshower or related functions and they had to buy that gold on credit(udhaar) . So the people owning the jewellery shop also had to give them on credit to run the business and the customers will repay back slowly and sometimes shopkeepers also had to bear some losses as they will not get the money back on time or sometimes even didn't get it at all . Because of this borrowing system cash flow was low. So the scope of jewellery shop owners developing there business like having much variety was low . And for the people buying gold on credit also had no other option then buying whatever is given to them as they are buying on credit they don't demand for variety . But with the changing time and development people having land got good prices of there land because of development and also families very also getting small like most of the couples are having 1-2 kids and everyone in the family started earning . Because of this income of the family increased and with there increase in the purchasing power they demanded variety in things they buy so they go for big cities with much more diversity and bigger markets having variety and the market of jewellery shops decreased a lot with people turning there way towards ahmedabad . Because they don't have to buy gold on credit , now they have got the money they just wanted the good things and here the jewellery shops were not able to provide them with the things they wanted because of the past business they were not able to develop there business . Social media also played a big role in people turning towards big cities for things as modern adults/teens knows what they want and which trend is going on and they also want to explore all that . Now the jewellery shop owners here in himmatnagar also want to grow there business by providing variety and diversity in there shop as now they dont have to worry about cash flow and money not coming back to them , as customers buy things in cash and it benefits the business man.
culture and development plays a big role in the purchasing power and buying trend of a community and a business model based on the communities purchasing power is something to be evolved with time as people will buy the daily need things from the local market but when it comes to luxury they want more diversity and they don't want to compromise on anything . A major role played by well developed roads, infrastructure and well connectivity between the cities in people going out of the city to another city for shopping. people are not worried to travel instead they find it joyful . Now a days most people have car or any other kind of vehicle .
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fashionbasicsgg · 1 year
I’m Gargi Gosavi a student at NIFT, Gandhinagar. Fashion is something that has always fascinated me since I was a teenager. I made sure I had the trendiest outfits. Back then buying things from H&M, Zara and other fast fashion brands didn’t matter as much as it does now after knowing the back story of the fast fashion brands. Coming to NIFT was like a dream come true. While doing my research for the course I want to apply for textile design was something which caught my attention. After high school, I gave my entrance exam and here I'm today in Gandhinagar. Learning the subject of Fashion Basic has changed my perspective towards fashion.
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It was my first time when I was presenting. My anxiety had reached the peak. I was not very confident about myself that time. My first presentation was on “fashion according to you” my topic for this presentation was the Nike Air Jordans and Air Force which we all know are trendy. In my presentation I talked about their history, price, different types of Jordans, Air Force and how people take care of them like their own babies. On the very first day, we were told about our mid term assignment, which was to dress up reflecting our traditions and state we belong to. Coming from Maharashtra and being a Maharashtrian I was wearing a Nauvari saree(nine yard saree) which I sourced from my sister in law. I was wearing all the traditional Maharashtrian accessories from head to toe.In my presentation I spoke about the history of nauvari saree ,textiles, food, culture and festivals of Maharashtra. These presentations helped me become confident about myself.
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Fashion changed my perspective
It’s tempting to turn a blind eye in front of such flashy offers, but the planet can’t take it anymore! 
If you’re used to buying clothes without questioning how they were made, acknowledging these fast fashion facts can be the first step towards making an actual change.
I now have realised that fashion is not only about clothes and looking fashionable. It may look very glamorous from the outside but it has a dark side that very few people are aware of. We had a debate in our class on slow fashion and fast fashion which changed my perspective. Buying clothes from fast fashion brands will make you look fashionable but how about the damage it’s creating to the environment? We don't even know that the people working for these brands are even safe. Are they paid well? We all are aware of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh where around 1136 people lost their lives and 3120 people were injured. The conditions where the people are working for these brands are unsafe and promote child labour. Millions of children are forced to work in terrible conditions for the clothing we wear. We don’t even know that the women working for the clothes are even safe. We all wear clothes even if we’re not necessarily lovers of fashion but we all are responsible for the transition to this flourishing fashion industry. The materials these brands use are harmful to the environment.Fast fashion is responsible for 20-35% of ocean microplastics Another problem with polyester and synthetic fabrics is that every time you wash them, they’ll release between 700 to 4000 plastic polyester per gram.These end up in the ocean, fish bellies, and… yep, yours too if you eat seafood. Polyester now has been found in breast milk as well. Can you imagine how much worse the situation is? Fast fashion clothing relies upon planned obsolescence unlike durable vintage or ethical clothes. These items are designed to fall so that the consumers like us will keep buying new items regularly.
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Can we bring change as Gandhiji did?
Let me take you back to the time when Gandhiji started a Swadeshi Movement a movement designed to boycott imported goods and production. The citizens of India burnt all the clothes which came from the UK and started to make their clothes using the charkha. Khadi cloth became the heart of this strategy when Gandhi asked every man and woman to plant and harvest their materials for the yarn needed to create Khadi fabric. He also asked everyone, whether rich or poor, to spend time each day spinning Khadi. People of all classes came together to do as Gandhi asked, and their efforts helped the country in its bid to become self-sufficient. Entire villages adopted the movement, weaving their way to economic freedom through fashion. Let’s support our artisans and our culture by following slow fashion.
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Do slow-fashion items last longer?
Items from my grandmother and even my mother when she was young are still in pristine shape. I can not say the same for the items I bought some years ago from fast fashion brands. Why? Have you ever heard of planned obsolescence? If the stitching is not good, if the materials are not great, the piece will not stand washing and wearing. And so, eventually will not be good to be worn. Now, you need to buy a new piece, and here we go again. This is easy math, high quality = longer-lasting item. Slow fashion items are long-lasting so you can wear them as long as your heart desires. In the end, it is cheaper to purchase a more expensive item. It is a win-win for you and the environment.After the debate, I was thrilled after knowing the damage fast fashion brands are creating in the environment and that the people working for these brands are miserable and unsafe.
How You Can Make Sustainability Stylish
One of the biggest drivers of fast fashion – and its associated waste – is the consumer. After all, no one wants to be stuck wearing outdated outfits. But if you extend the life of your clothes by just nine months, you can reduce the environmental impact by as much as 30 per cent. By getting creative with your closet, you can make a difference just like I did in lockdown I had nothing to do so I used to experiment with my brother's clothes. He had a black old t-shirt which he wasn’t using anymore so I decided to make a top for myself by cutting and splitting the tshirt into two halves, folding &twisting it around my neck and chest and creating a pattern in itself. The other top was a normal top where I stitched straps of the remaining fabric and made it a tie-around crop top.
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Know what would trend in future
As a beginner in the design industry the fact that we can predict what will trend in future surprised me. I didn’t know something like this existed until I learnt about fashion forecasting.
Fashion forecasting is something that focuses on upcoming trends. Prediction of the colours, textures, fabrics, style, beauty, etc that will be presented on the runways and in upcoming seasons.
Is polyester the new Khadi?
During the pre-independence period people started to use the hand-spun cloth that remains warm in winters and cool in summers. We visited Reliance Trends to see their winter collection and overall clothes. One thing which we noticed was that none of the sweaters had wool as their material. 90-95 per cent polyester was used in sweater. Polyester is a performance textile, used in activewear, athleisure, etc. Polyester is used everywhere and is recyclable. We all know how harmful this fabric is and when I saw the amount of polyester each and every clothing item contained I was stunned! The traditional wear and the kids section clothing was mainly made using cotton. They also had the sustainable denim.
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Reviving our handloom heritage
An exhibition of the artist weaver Rajen Chaudhari was organised by CEPT University in Ahmedabad. He was a student at JJ School of Arts, Mumbai. Having interest in textiles, he went to different places in India where he could learn how to use a handloom weave. He practised hand spinning and hand weaving for a very long time. His work was stunning which had patterns using the weave, very intricate and each one of them was unique in its own way. He transformed his paintings and sketches into weaves. There was a handloom weave and a spinning wheel kept where a lady showed us how it is functioned. The process involves entwining a set of vertical threads, the wrap with a set of horizontal threads, the weft.
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The second visit was to Kasturbhai Lalbhai Museum. Kasturbhai Lalbhai was one of the pioneering Industrialists of pre and post-independent sage of India. One can see the vast panorama of Indian art history ie. Mughal, Rajput, Pahari, Bengal school – early modern and contemporary art, all under one roof is unique. Inside the house, which is now the museum there was a beautiful collection of old paintings using natural paints, betels used for the emerald colour on the gold foil, watercolours, etc. The artist back then made every painting/artwork meticulously. I was speechless after seeing those paintings which were done so thoughtfully and with intricacy. The furniture on which the exhibition was displayed was designed by the students of NID.
The next place was the White on White exhibition of Mr Asif Shaikh who is one of India’s most accomplished and acclaimed embroidery and textile artist. He’s on a 5 yr project which he started back in 2020 in which he is making 100 textiles out of which 37 are done with the help of Indian artisans. These 37 textiles were an introduction to his new collection. We could see the efforts he had put into fabricating those textiles. All the designs were very unique and were from different regions of India. His work astonished and inspired me.
The next exhibition was of Arvind Indigo museum where it has opened a world of possibilities for unexplored surfaces such as metal, stone, paper, leather, polyester fibre, glass, and wood, among others.
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Knowing the bitter reality of the fast fashion industry I’ll make sure to follow sustainable fashion as much as I can. And lastly I would like to conclude by extending my heartiest gratitude to Miss Neha Kedia and NIFT Gandhinagar for providing us this opportunity and opening windows of exportation through this educational visits and giving us a glimpse of industry life.
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amordesigninstitute1 · 2 months
Can We Do Fashion Design Course After 10th/12th?
Yes, you can do fashion designing courses in Ahmedabad. There are various fashion design courses in Ahmedabad.
Why to choose our Fashion Design Institute?
Amor design is a one of best Fashion Design Institute in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Rajkot, Surat, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jamnagar, Indore, Nagpur.. Our Institute have best Faculty, course curriculum, co-curricular activities, placement, evaluations and rankings, recognition, accreditation, campus life, facilities, location and scholarship programs for all students.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join our Fashion Design Institute in Ahmedabad and turn your passion into a profession. Enroll now and start your journey in the world of fashion.
Offered Fashion Design Courses in Ahmedabad:
Certificate in Fashion Design
Diploma in Fashion Design
Degree in Fashion Design
Our Other Courses 
Interior Designing Institute Courses Jewellery Designing Institute Courses
Start your journey in the world of fashion Enroll now in Fashion Designing Courses at Amor design
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karnavatiuniversity · 5 months
Unlock your creative potential at the best design institute in India. Explore top-notch fashion designing courses in Gandhinagar. Elevate your skills with us! Earn your stripes in the world of fashion at Gandhinagar's premier fashion design college. Our institution offers cutting-edge courses, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, shaping aspiring designers into industry leaders.
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vishwapatel · 4 years
INIFD Rajkot - Learn Fashion Designing & Interior Designing Course
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Are you searching for best fashion designing Institute in Rajkot?
INIFD is the World's largest network of design Institutes for the Fashion & Interior Design. Girls & Boys Learn Fashion Designing Course in Rajkot Gujarat. Study Fashion Designer Full Course and show your talent in Fashion Industry.
Become a Fashion Designer by completing Fashion Designing Full Course at INIFD Rajkot. Train yourself for Interior Design by graduating and practicing your skills. INIFD Student Designer Showcase is held at London Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week & Lakme Fashion Week.
Create unique fashion ideas to make it remarkable. Basic level to advanced level full knowledge is given to the students. INIFD in Rajkot provides education to the students with certificate courses in both Fashion Designing & Interior Designing.
Courses at INIFD Rajkot:
Fashion Design for 1 Year Course, 2 Year Course, 3 Year Course & Super Specialisation.
Interior Design for 1 Year Course, 2 Year Course, 3 Year Course & Super Specialisation.
Acquire new skills from professional facilities to sharper your talent. Interior Design education includes training for Residential Interiors of all types. Explore your Fashion design art in designing clothing and accessories to make it style.
Innovate & discover your new fashion concept. Become Fashion stylist by showcasing your hidden skills in the fashion world. INIFD Rajkot is very famous professional design institute in Fashion Designing. Practical training is given to students so their skills get expertise. Fashion Designers take your talent to next level in Fashion Designer Course in Rajkot & Interior Designer Course in Rajkot.
Express your feeling by creating new fashion trend clothes for Kids, Man and Women. Students from various places like Morbi, Amreli, Junagadh, Porbandar, Dhoraji, Jamnagar, Gondal, Jasdan, Upleta, Jam Kandorna, Jetpur, Paddhari, Jetpur, Kotda Sangani etc can take admission at INIFD in Rajkot.
Fashion Show, Workshops, Online Sessions, Advanced Skills, Experiment and much more to learn at INIFD Institute Rajkot. Best education in the field of Designing for students at INIFD Rajkot. Guidance by Fashion Design and Interior Design Industry Experts for students is to grow up the creativity in the perfect direction. National and International Events and Competitions are organized for the students.
Hurry up and apply online today for your ambition of Fashion Designer & Interior Designer at INIFD International Institute of Fashion Design Rajkot Gujarat. INIFD Fashion Designing Institute in Rajkot gives a chance to students for learning from Celebrity Fashion Designer.
Drawing Sketch, Cutting and Stitching Fabric Material, Decorating, Finishing etc knowledge is provided at Institute for beginner’s students. Convert your talent into Fashion Designing business. INIFD Rajkot gives opportunities to learn from Famous Celebrity Designer.
Complete your Career in Fashion Designing and Interior Designing in Rajkot at INIFD Institute. Online classes are held for students during lockdown to learn new fashion skills by staying at Home. So, apply now for Complete Fashion Designing Course with certificate in Rajkot.
INIFD College in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Gandhinagar, Anand, Bhavnagar, etc. cities of Gujarat is established for the students to learn the fashion course. So, girls and boys get ready to share your ideas, concept, style and much more with the fashion world. Join INIFD and be the part of the World's largest network design institute at Rajkot.
Due to COVID-19, Stay Home, Stay Safe and Stay Connected through Online Lectures for the Students.
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jasleenkaur15-blog · 4 years
NIFT Entrance Exam: Eligibility | Syllabus | Courses & FAQs
NIFT stands for National Institute of Fashion Technology. About more than 20,000 students appear for NIFT Entrance Exam each year to get admission into various courses offered by NIFT. It is one of the top institutions for fashion education in the country. It has it’s centres in various cites – New Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Kanpur, Patna and many more. #nift#designing#creativity#entranceexam
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ramyad1-blog · 4 years
Want to enter the fashion Industry? Do you wish to become a fashion designer?
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) is an esteemed and most recommended fashion institute in India.NIFT conducts entrance tests for courses of B.Des (Bachelor of design) and M.Des (Master of design) by the names of CAT (Creative Ability Test) and GAT (General Ability Test).
To attain admission at NIFT, one has to qualify for the national level NIFT entrance exam.With limited seats available for thousands of applications every year,competition keeps on increasing every year, making it difficult to enter.
NIFT has its head office in New Delhi along with 16 other branches all over India.Their centres are located in Chennai,Gandhinagar,Mumbai,Hyderabad,Kokata, Kangra Raebareli,Shillong, Patna, Bhubaneswar, Srinagar, Bangalore, Kannur, Jodhpur, and Bhopal. A new centre has also been announced in Panchkula, Haryana.
At SILICA we have been training students for the NIFT exam from several years and with our expertise in design field we have made our students shine through all these years. Along with providing Nift classroom coaching across our 22 centres in India to our students, to help them even more, we also offer study material and books for all the NIFT entrance exams.
It is very vital for students to crack NIFT exam to get into the most premier institution for fashion designing. SILICA also provides sample papers for students to prepare for NIFT exam. NIFT Sample Papers 2020 will also be provided to candidates to give them a feel of the examination.
The expert mentors at NIFT help the students through their study material and books and give them appropriate advise on how to go about attempting the NIFT exam. Most NIFT coaching classes provide students only with books and study material. To get through NIFT books and study material cannot be enough.
Sample papers would enhance the skills of attempting the NIFT exam and also would add to the skills of time management.Students will be well versed with the type of questions that could be asked
The main subjects for NIFT entrance examination are Drawing & Design and General Proficiency.Drawing and design requires a lot of practise. NIFT previous years question papers will help candidates work on their drawing and also eventually get into their dream fashion institute
Mock Tests and Test series help students perform better rather than just reading through books or study material. SILICA is considered one of the best institute that provides NIFT coaching classes with books, study material, mock tests, sample papers etc.
The faculty of experts at SILICA are experienced individuals and alumni’s from NIFT itself. Your dream of achieving a certification from the country’s best fashion institute is very much made possible by SILICA.
SILICA’s training techniques includes NIFT sample papers which has a huge impact on the performance of candidates. The mentor’s at SILICA screen these sample papers regularly pointing out  the corrections letting the candidates know about their mistakes and also suggest a solution to it.
If you are enthusiastic about fashion and want to build a career around it, SILICA could be the stepping stone to your goal.
Connect with SILICA today!
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inifdgandhinagar · 5 years
Fashion Design Institute in Ahmedabad
If you are hunting for fashion and interior design institute in Ahmedabad to make your future bright, INIFD Gandhinagar is the first choice. This organization is highly recommended for designing  courses. Admissions open, Get Complete Details On Top Fashion Design Courses. Visit INIFD Gandhinagar now or call us on 8000047000.
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aurounivesity-blog · 2 years
A Guide About Career in Fashion Design Domain
The state of Gujarat is one of the most advanced and Industrialised in India. The state holds a number of prominent academic institutes in the country like IIT Gandhinagar, Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad, etc. The state additionally has a number of the finest Fashion Design institutes like NIFT Gandhinagar, Auro University, Surat, Gujarat, and more. These Best Fashion Designing Colleges in Gujarat are some of the Best Fashion Designing Institutes in India.
Fashion designers are tasked with the duty of making unique garments/ clothes, accessories in addition to shoes. While designing something a fashion designer first makes a sketch of the layout, selects the fabric which might be required, decides the pattern, and additionally gives instructions to others on how they want to make the end product.
In order to grow to be a fashion designer, one must consider pursuing a bachelor’s diploma in design. Some famous programs that applicants can pursue in design to become a fashion designer are BDes, BTech, BSc in Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandising, etc. Apart from these programs applicants also can pursue Fashion Design courses at the PG stage like MDes, MTech, and the like. While hiring fashion designers, employers normally shortlist candidates who are innovative and who possess excellent technical expertise in how clothes, accessories, or shoes are produced.
Eligibility Criteria:
Qualification: The aspirant ought to pass in 12th/Senior Secondary or its equivalent from any recognized board/university.
Subjects: The Aspirant qualifies for the qualifying examination with English as one of the subjects. Applicants are required to have passed the English subject as either core, elective or functional in the qualifying exam.
Appearing Candidate: Those giving in 10+2 or equivalent exam also can give in NIFT on a provisional basis. Provisional admission will stand canceled if evidence of getting passed the qualifying exam (10+2 or it is equivalent) isn't submitted at the time of counseling or at the time of admission.
Educational Qualification: A pass in the 10+2 system of Senior Secondary exam or its equivalent with English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry as one of the subjects.
The offer of admission is subject to verification of authentic certificates/documents at the time of admission. If any candidate is discovered ineligible at a later date even after admission to an Institute, his/her admission will stand canceled.
Fashion Designing Jobs:
Aspirants who wish to join the fashion industry are required to possess good in-depth knowledge of various fabrics, weaves, draping qualities, colors as well as being able to keep up with constantly changing trends. Candidates who wish to pursue a career in Fashion Design can look for these job profiles in this field:
■       Fashion Designer
■       Technical Designer
■       Personal Stylist
■       Fashion Consultant
■       Fashion Marketer
■       Quality Controller
■       Fashion Coordinator
■       Fashion Show Organisers
■       Fashion Concept Manager
Some of the top design colleges in Gujarat, that are affiliated with either AICTE, UGC or State University:
❖    National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gujarat
❖    Auro University, Surat
❖    Amor Design Institute, Ahmedabad
❖    INIFD Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad
❖    Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
❖    Parul Institute of Design, Vadodara
❖    Shree RN Patel Institute of Design, Anand
❖    Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan
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Fashion Designing Course in Gandhidham - Best Fashion Designer Institute Gandhidham
Interested in pursuing higher education in fashion? INIFD is best and leading name in fashion and interior world. Get ready to Specialization in Fashion Designing Field. INIFD one of professional design institute located in Rajkot Gujarat. Institute provides the best in class academic and practical training to students. INIFD Institute associate with leading name of industry include Mr. Manish Malhotra, Mrs. Twinkle Khanna and Mr. Ashley Rebelo.
If you are interested to do fashion designer course than Fashion Designing Course in Gandhidham is best option. Students from various places like Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gandhidham, Anand, Paddhari, Kotda Sangani, Navsari, Gondal, Bhavnagar, Morbi, Surat, Dhoraji, Junagadh, Amreli, Valsad, Jam Kandorna, Jetpur, Upleta, Jasdan, Porbandar and Jamnagar etc. Fashion Designer Institute provides Diploma, Government, Degree as well as professional certificates in fashion design course.
Highly Experienced Facilitators, trained artists and famous designers are providing education to our students. 90 percent of our ranked faculties members are highly experienced in their fields you can get chance to share your journey with them. An opportunity to showcase at London Fashion Week, Lakme Fashion Week & New York Fashion Week is for students.
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If you have little interest in Drafting, Cutting and Stitching then you can immediately apply for Fashion Designing Field at Fashion Design Course in Gandhidham. Gandhidham is a city in Kutch District of Gujarat. It was named after Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation. It is a popular destination for conventions, business and meetings. And now it is time discover new fashion concept with your art knowledge. So students get ready to step in fashion world only at INIFD Institute Rajkot Center.
Fashion History and Textile Design related totally knowledge is provided in our school campus. INIFD is also known as one of the Top Fashion Design Institute in Rajkot for more than ten years. INIFD offers online global learning platforms for all students. Get Four International certificates include INIFD, IMG Reliance, Manish Malhotra and London School of Trends only at INIFD Institute. INIFD has hundred plus centers of across the world include India, London, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Indonesia, Paris, Toronto, Melbourne, Dubai, Chicago, Nepal, and Dhaka etc. INIFD Rajkot also offers coaching in Entrance exams preparations for students going to foreign countries.
Get Admission at Fashion Designer Course in Gandhidham and catch opportunity to showcase at London Fashion Week, Lakme Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week. Make your name and set business in fashion history. You can get information of Garment Construction, Accessories Design, Textile Design, Pattern Making & Draping,Fashion Marketing & Merchanding, Fashion Photography, And Fashion Styling etc. INIFD also offers Jewellery and Interior designing courses.
INIFD is one place where you can get basic to advance level education. A career in fashion design has always been profitable. INIFD helds Exhibitions and Fashion show every year to display the products designed by interior design students & fashion design students. INIFD believes in Practical training for good results. Online sessions are held with the experts at campus for more knowledge. You can get internship opportunities only here. INIFD input more efforts to develop skills that help them succeed as a Fashion Designer in this glamour world.
INIFD held workshops and fashion shows to give motivation and confident to their students where students present latest designer outfit in different theme. INIFD Fashion Institute offers Design Degree Course, Specialization Course, Advance Course and Foundation Course in fashion and interior field. This is the best institute for Fashion and Interior education. INIFD Rajkot is big center is where student come from all Saurashtra Region including Gandhidham.
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How to Excel in B Des Fashion and Interior Design Courses
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The Bachelor of Design (B Des) in Fashion and Interior Design are two of the most sought-after courses for creative minds aiming to make a mark in the design industry. Excelling in these courses demands creativity, passion, and a strategic approach toward learning and practical application. Here’s how you can excel in B Des in Fashion Designing and B Des in Interior Designing, shaping a successful career in design.
Understand the Basics
The first step to excelling in any course is to build a strong foundation. Understanding the basics of design principles, history, materials, and techniques is crucial for fashion and interior design courses. Dive deep into the fundamental concepts and always stay curious to learn more. The basics will serve as your guide in every design challenge you face.
Practice Relentlessly
Design is a skill honed by practice. Regularly working on your drawing, sketching, and designing skills is essential. Whether it's fashion or interior design, the more you practice, the better you become. Experiment with different styles, materials, and techniques. This improves your skill set and helps you find your unique design voice.
Stay Updated with Trends
The design world is ever-evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends in fashion and interior design is important. However, it's also crucial to understand the history and evolution of design to predict future trends. Use online resources, magazines, and books to keep yourself informed. Attend workshops, exhibitions, and seminars whenever possible.
Leverage Technology
In this digital age, proficiency in design software and tools is as important as your creative skills. Learn to use software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD, and SketchUp. These tools help bring your designs to life and are essential for presenting your ideas professionally.
Build a Portfolio
Your portfolio is a reflection of your skills and creativity. Start building your portfolio from the beginning of your course. Include a variety of work showcasing your skills, creativity, and understanding of design principles. A strong portfolio is crucial when applying for internships or jobs.
Seek Real-world Experience
Internships and part-time jobs provide invaluable real-world experience. They offer a glimpse into the industry's workings and help build a professional network. Try to secure internships in reputable design firms or with established designers. The practical experience gained will be instrumental in your growth and success.
Collaborate and Network
Building a network within the design community is vital. Collaborate with peers on projects, participate in design competitions, and attend industry events. Networking helps you share ideas, learn from others, and open up opportunities for future collaborations and job prospects.
Reflect and Iterate
Design is an iterative process. Always be open to feedback and willing to make changes to your designs. Reflect on your work critically and learn from both successes and failures. Continuous improvement is key to mastering the art of design.
Swarrnim University: Shaping Future Designers
Swarrnim University, situated in the heart of Gandhinagar, offers comprehensive B Des courses in Fashion Designing and Interior Designing. With a focus on practical learning, the university provides state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and a curriculum that aligns with the industry’s current demands.
The interior design course in Gandhinagar at Swarrnim University is designed to equip students with creative skills and practical knowledge. Students are encouraged to experiment, innovate, and develop designs that are aesthetically pleasing but also functional and sustainable.
Similarly, the B Des in Fashion Designing course at Swarrnim University focuses on developing the students' understanding of fashion trends, materials, and the fashion industry's business aspects. The course aims to nurture creative minds who can contribute to the fashion industry with innovative designs.
At Swarrnim University, students have numerous opportunities to engage in real-world projects, internships, and workshops with industry professionals. This hands-on approach ensures that students are well-prepared to embark on their design careers upon graduation.
Excelling a B Des in Fashion Designing and a B Des in Interior Designing requires a mix of creativity, hard work, and strategic learning. By understanding the basics, practicing relentlessly, staying updated with trends, leveraging technology, building a strong portfolio, seeking real-world experience, collaborating, and continuously improving, you can set the foundation for a successful career in the design industry. Swarrnim University, with its comprehensive courses and industry-aligned curriculum, serves as an ideal platform for aspiring designers to realize their potential and craft their future in the design world.
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stepincollege · 3 years
Master of design, or M.Des, is a 2-year postgraduate degree program aimed at those with a strong interest in the creative industry. National Institute of Design [NID] Gandhinagar, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute Of Technology, and others are among the top colleges in India that offer the course.
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amordesigninstitute1 · 2 months
Diploma and Degree Institute of Fashion Design Course in Ahmedabad
Why to choose Us? We have best Faculty, course curriculum, co-curricular activities, placement, evaluations and rankings, recognition, accreditation, campus life, facilities, location, and financial help. Don’t miss this opportunity to join our Fashion Design Institute in Ahmedabad and turn your passion into a profession.
Fashion Designing Institute Courses, Interior Designing Institute Courses, Jewellery Designing Institute Courses and start your journey in the world of fashion.
Amor design is a best Fashion Design Institute offering Diploma and Degree Courses in Jewellery Designing, Fashion Designing & Interior Designing Courses Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Rajkot, Surat, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jamnagar, Indore, Nagpur.
For More Details CLICK HERE: https://www.amordesigninstitute.com
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vishwapatel · 3 years
Best Interior Design Course in Rajkot – INIFD Rajkot
Interior Design Course Duration is Duration is 1 Year Foundation Course, 2 Years Advance Course, 3 Years Specialization Course & 4 Year Degree Course. After completing 4 years college studies in Interior 100% job placement is confirmed to the students.
Students are taught how to design project plan for Flat, Kitchen, Bedroom, House, Balcony, School, Hospital, Mall, Complex, Drawing Room, Office, Garden etc. For Interior Designing Course in Rajkot one can apply after 10th or 12th standard completing. Complete your dream of being Professional Interior Design at INIFD Rajkot Gujarat. INIFD College Rajkot provides education to the students with certificate course. Latest and modern technology design concept plan are considered for construction plan.
Interior Designing Course includes Decorative Arts, Drawing & Drafting Skills, Building Construction, Foundation Design Studio, Interior Products & Materials, Residential Design Studio, Estimating & Budgeting, Commercial Design Studio, Feng Shui & Vastu Shastra, Design Specialization, Corporate Design Studio, Landscape Design, Furniture & Lighting Design. Basic and advance level education is given to the learner to improve their skills in Interior Design.
INIFD Interior Design Course in Rajkot for Students to get Diploma, Degree & Government as well as professional certificates in Interior Field Industry. One can also pursue education for Fashion Design Course and Jewellery Design Course at INIFD College. Interior Design Exhibition are held to showcase the items made by students while their training period. Learn Interior Designing Course under the skilled, qualified artists & highly experienced faculty in Interior Design Industry.
Architecture Interior Design Course is taught from basic level to the beginners students. Girls and Boys if you are interested in pursuing knowledge in Interior Design Course than apply now at INIFD Rajkot Institute. Students are guided in the best way for how to utilize the space area with decorative concept. Online sessions are held with the experts in their particular fields to give the best professional training in their respective designing fields to our students.
Any stream students of commerce, art or science can apply for Interior Design Certificate Degree Course at INIFD Rajkot. Make a Career in Interior Designing and fulfill your dream of becoming professional Interior Designer. Create new concept for the client and make them happy with architecture and color design. INIFD - Interior Designer Course in Rajkot also offers coaching in Entrance Exams preparations for NID, NIFT, NATA etc. Interior Design workshops are organized to showcase the products.
Students from Junagadh, Morbi, Dhoraji, Gondal, Anand, Jamnagar, Bhavnagar, Upleta, Surat, Veraval, Ahmedabad, Porbandar, Bharuch, Vapi, Jetpur, Gandhinagar, Limbadi, Navsari, Somnath,Valsad, Surendranagar, Nadiad, Botad, Mangrol, Amreli, Bhuj, Gandhidham etc can take admission at INIFD Interior Design in Rajkot. Make sure to shape your Interior designing career in Top Interior Designing College in Rajkot. Interior Design education includes instruction for Residential Interiors decoration.
Every technique is taught in theory and practical session to improve your talent. Students can also take admission after completing BSC, BA or B.Com education for Interior Designer Course. Project plan as per Vastu Shastra is also made for the client while designing the structure for good results. Design of Interior & Exterior places area with modern styles is taught to students. Make Construction House & Building Interior Design to make the stylish and latest pattern project.
Furniture and decorative items are of latest technology is used to make the new trend in the interior industry field. Hurry up & apply now for Interior Design Course at INIFD Rajkot Gujarat. Sharpen your skills and become professional Interior Designer. Anyone can apply for interior design course for getting best education in INIFD College.
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jasleenkaur15-blog · 4 years
NIFT Entrance Exam: Eligibility | Syllabus | Courses & FAQs
NIFT stands for National Institute of Fashion Technology. About more than 20,000 students appear for NIFT Entrance Exam each year to get admission into various courses offered by NIFT. It is one of the top institutions for fashion education in the country. It has it’s centres in various cites – New Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Kanpur, Patna and many more. #nift#designing#creativity#entranceexam#fashion
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