#fashion store stencil theme
arcprint2023 · 3 months
Celebrate Holi with Style: The Trend of Holi T-shirt
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Holi, the festival of colors, is not only about smearing vibrant hues on friends and family but also about embracing the spirit of joy, love, and togetherness. As the festival approaches, the excitement to adorn oneself in festive attire, particularly Holi T-shirts, surges. Let's delve into the colorful world of Holi-themed apparel, exploring its history, significance, designs, and much more.
History of Holi T-shirt
The tradition of wearing Holi-themed clothing traces back to ancient India, where people celebrated the festival by adorning themselves in white garments to accentuate the vibrant colors of the festival. Over the years, this practice evolved, giving rise to the trend of donning specially designed Holi T-shirts that capture the essence of the festival.
Types of Holi T-shirt
Holi T-shirts come in a myriad of designs, catering to diverse preferences. From traditional motifs depicting Radha-Krishna playing with colors to contemporary graphics featuring playful splashes of vibrant hues, the variety is endless. Some opt for quirky slogans and humorous illustrations, adding a modern twist to the traditional attire.
Materials Used in Making Holi T-shirt
The choice of fabric plays a crucial role in the comfort and durability of Holi T-shirts. While cotton remains a popular choice for its breathability and softness, polyester blends are preferred for their quick-drying properties, ideal for the festival's water-based revelry.
Designs and Patterns
Holi T-shirts boast an array of designs and patterns, reflecting the festive spirit. Watercolor prints resembling splashes of color, graphic illustrations depicting playful moments, and intricately embroidered motifs are some of the common design elements found in Holi-themed apparel.
Colors and Symbolism
Each color used in Holi T-shirts holds symbolic significance. Red symbolizes love and fertility, yellow signifies happiness and prosperity, green represents spring and new beginnings, and blue embodies the divine and eternal. These colors, when combined in vibrant patterns, create a visual spectacle, mirroring the spirit of the festival.
Where to Buy Holi T-shirt
In today's digital age, Holi T-shirts are readily available online through various e-commerce platforms, offering a wide selection to choose from. Additionally, local stores and boutiques often stock up on Holi-themed apparel as the festival approaches. Specialty Holi-themed shops also cater to enthusiasts looking for exclusive designs and customization options.
DIY Holi T-shirt Ideas
For the creative souls, DIY Holi T-shirt ideas offer a fun and personalized approach to festival attire. Techniques such as tie-dye, stencil and spray paint designs, and fabric marker illustrations allow individuals to unleash their creativity and craft unique pieces that reflect their style and personality.
Styling Tips for Holi T-shirt
Styling Holi T-shirts can be as versatile as the festival itself. From casual street style paired with denim shorts or jeans to bohemian chic adorned with flowy skirts and accessories, there are endless possibilities to express one's fashion sense while embracing the festive spirit.
Celebrity Endorsements and Influences
Celebrities and social media influencers often contribute to the popularity of Holi-themed apparel by showcasing their festive ensembles on various platforms. Their influence not only drives trends but also inspires individuals to experiment with Holi T-shirts and incorporate them into their wardrobe.
Holi T-shirt Contests and Events
To foster creativity and community spirit, Holi T-shirt contests and events are organized both online and offline. These competitions encourage participants to showcase their artistic talents and celebrate the festival in a unique and vibrant manner, further enhancing the festive fervor.
Impact of Holi T-shirt on Society
Beyond fashion, Holi T-shirts play a significant role in promoting cultural diversity and fostering inclusivity. By embracing traditional motifs and celebrating the festival's cultural heritage through attire, individuals contribute to the preservation and appreciation of India's rich cultural tapestry.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Holi T-shirt
With growing environmental consciousness, there is a rising demand for eco-friendly and sustainable Holi T-shirts. Made from organic cotton, dyed using water-based pigments, and produced through fair trade practices, these garments offer a conscientious alternative for environmentally conscious consumers.
Customization and Personalization
For those seeking a personalized touch, customization options allow individuals to create bespoke Holi T-shirts tailored to their preferences. Whether through printing techniques or custom orders, the ability to personalize designs adds a unique charm to festival attire, making it truly one-of-a-kind.
In conclusion, Happy Holi T-shirt serve as more than just festive attire; they embody the spirit of Holi, celebrating joy, love, and togetherness. From traditional designs to modern interpretations, the vibrant world of Holi-themed apparel continues to evolve, reflecting the festival's timeless charm and cultural significance.
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two-oaks-farmstead · 7 months
Thrift Store Finds: Hidden Gems at Bargain Prices
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Thrift Store Shopping at Christmas Thrift store shopping has become a popular trend, especially during the holiday season. It offers a unique and budget-friendly way to find hidden gems at bargain prices. Whether you're looking for Christmas decor or seeking inspiration for upcycling projects, thrift stores are treasure troves waiting to be explored. Vintage Funnel Trees Vintage is the name of the game! These vintage funnels have found new life as Christmas tree decor! Spindle Christmas Tree Spindles can be found on old chairs, baby beds, and more at a thrift store and can then become things as cool as this! Rolling Pin Christmas Tree A thrift store is a great place to find old rolling pins and look at how awesome they can be! When it comes to holiday shopping, a thrift store offers an array of second-hand treasures that can add charm and character to your festive decorations. From vintage ornaments to unique wreaths, you'll find one-of-a-kind items that will make your home stand out during the holiday season. Not only will you save money by shopping at your local thrift store, but you'll also contribute to sustainable consumption by giving pre-loved items a new lease on life. In addition to holiday decor, a thrift store will provide endless possibilities for upcycling ideas. With a little creativity and DIY spirit, you can transform ordinary items into extraordinary pieces. From repurposing old picture frames into chic serving trays to transforming vintage clothing into trendy fashion statements, the possibilities are endless when it comes to upcycling thrift store finds. Wall Decor from a Thrift Store Find Vintage tins can be found in many places. Put them together with a scrap piece of wood and some holiday floral stems and voila!--you have Christmas decor! Thrift Store Mirrors can become Holiday Decor You can just about bet you can find any number of mirrors at any thrift store. Add a little paint, stencils, and glass etching and create a beautiful vignette. Large Christmas Stencils 8 Pcs Christmas Stencils Frosted Glass Spray Paint Snowman Decor from Thrift Store Pans & Lids Could there be anything cuter? I say no! Christmas Decorating with Vintage Items Christmas items and anything else can be put together for a beautiful Christmas vignette. Thrift Store Ice Skate Wreath They're in every Hallmark Christmas Movie and when you find them, you can use them to decorate! DIY Christmas Wall Decor An old sweater, an embroidery hoop, Christmas sprigs, and a Christmas message...instant wall decor. So why spend a fortune on brand-new holiday decorations or discard perfectly good items when you can discover hidden gems at bargain prices? Thrift store shopping not only allows you to save money but also encourages sustainability and unleashes your creativity. Embrace the thrill of hunting for unique treasures and get ready for a truly memorable holiday season filled with charm and individuality. You may also want to check out some of our other Holiday posts such as Cozy Farmhouse Christmas, Whimsical Christmas, Beautiful Blue Christmas, 27 Christmas Theme Options, and more! SO MUCH MORE IS ON ITS WAY! Don’t miss anything in our upcoming posts in the Budget Friendly Christmas Decorating Series! There is so much more to see! DIY Christmas Decorations Dollar Store Christmas Budget Friendly Christmas Decorating Repurpose for Christmas MORE WAYS TO CONNECT We also, as a homesteading family, have a variety of blogs that might interest you. A Life on the Farm focuses on the more personal side of the homesteading life. We discuss subjects like family, parenting, relationships, homeschooling, cooking, canning and so much more. Two Oaks Farm Talk concerns the more technical side of homesteading. We discuss subjects like gardening, food prep, and farm building and construction with lots of tutorials! Farm Raised Family is basically a hub for everything under the Two Oaks Farmstead umbrella. You can learn a great deal about all parts of the farmstead there. The Farm Raised Family blog focuses on financial matters such as budgeting, saving, and more and on current events affecting families. You can also have a more in depth look at all that we do by visiting our Two Oaks Farmstead YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss a thing! Farm Life and Freedom is the new podcast we are in the process of launching! It is going to be so much fun! You could also check in with our Farm Life and Freedom Youtube Channel. Two Oaks Farmstead is the farm store… the one that holds the umbrella! Check us all out and join us, not only on our blogs and Farm Life and Freedom podcast but come join the fun on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… wherever you get social! Read the full article
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The Demon’s Bride (8)
New chapter of the main story. This was what caught my interest to update this week so I hope the chapter’s enjoyable.
What to expect? Salt warning ahead. We get to find out what the car was about. And some fun as the kids spend the day at the mall. (Not too much of that as the chapter was getting really long). If you want more details about their morning at the mall send me an ask and I can add it as a drabble story.
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
Mme. Bustier was the first one off the bus. As soon as she was on the ground she stormed over to where Marinette waited with Damian and his brother.
“How could you be so irresponsible Marinette,” Celine began when she was close enough to the girl. Marinette wasn’t expecting her to grab her arm and pull her away from the men. “You are supposed to set an example for your classmates and this is how you behave
Marinette moved her feet so that she would stumble a bit and keep up her image of ‘clumsy class president’. When she got her feet under her, unfortunately the position she was left in was in the very middle of her teacher and the classmates who disliked her. She could see Nino and Kim over the heads of the others but it looked like Ivan and Nathaniel were blocking them. Either intentional or not she didn’t care.
“Jeez Marinette we already knew you were an attention whore but who knew you were a slut as well,” Alya said snidely.
“That will be enough from you Mlle Césaire,” a new voice cut over the voices of her classmates.
The students turned to see who approached. The small Chinese woman wore a furious expression as she came up to them. A tall blonde followed man followed with a bored expression on his face while the brunette next to him looked entertained by the kids behaviors.
“Back on the bus Mlle Césaire, you’ve lost the privilege of spending the free day at the mall. As for you Caline, what do you think you’re doing bringing the children out without adequate supervision?”
Mme. Bustier tensed at the chastisement but lifted her chin defensively as she answered, “I though my presence alone would be an appropriate amount of supervision as they are nearly adults now and know not to leave the mall property.”
“Apparently not adequate enough as you left a student behind without supervision. And what’s worse Caline is you did not notify either myself or any of the other chaperones, about changes to the plans or when a student goes missing.”
“She was never missing,” Bustier argued, “she was at the hotel. She was perfectly safe until she decided to put herself in danger by going off with these hoodlums.” She gestured to the men again.
While the adults were arguing the kids had broken apart to watch and Marinette had moved back to stand with Damian. Her friends joined them as they watched Bustier get her ass handed to her verbally.
“I didn’t name any student,” the woman hissed, “interesting how you thought of Marinette.”
“And last night!” The woman screamed. “You took the students out for an unplanned dinner without the support of the additional chaperones. Marinette was left behind because you,” she stressed the word with a finger jab at the other teacher, “didn’t bother to do a proper head count and dismissed the concerns of the students when they tried to bring it to your attention.”
“They’ve been known to lie before,” Caline tried to argue.
“I don’t care if they were akumatized to lie. It would have taken you five extra minutes to do a headcount yourself and check that all the students were present. Something you failed to do. And you had plenty of time to notify us this morning. It is a thirty minute drive from the hotel to here and not once did you call any of our phones to let us know about the change in plans or that Marinette was left behind.”
“She missed the bus. If she can’t be responsible enough to get...” Bustier started.
“No,” she was interrupted, “Marinette is not responsible for you leaving her behind. You were derelict in your duty and negligent with the safety of the children in your care. When we return to France I will be taking this to the school board and asking for your termination.”
“Furthermore,” she added stepping close to Mme Bustier and lowering her voice, “if you are ever alone with any of these students or ‘forget’ or ‘misplace’ another student I won’t wait until we get back to France to turn you in for child neglect and endangerment. I’ll go straight to the Gotham police. Have I made myself clear?”
Caline Bustier nodded in fear. Her career as a teacher was over. She knew it. The only thing she could do was make sure she didn’t end up in jail over this.
The woman turned back to the class. She frowned when she looked at Alya, “Mlle Césaire, I believe I told you to get back on the bus. You will wait with Monsieur Marchand,” the class looked back at the bus to see their amused gym teacher waiting by the bus, “as for the rest of you. Mlles Rossi, Haprèle, Couffaine, Lavillant, Raincomprix and MM Bruel, and Kurtzberg you will go with Monsieur Bernard’s group”
“Ms Dupain-Cheng...”
“Pardon Mme Cheng,” Marinette spoke up, “perhaps we could use the same plan we had for our free day by the hotel. The students break into pairs or small groups and check with you every hour by phone. We can stay within the mall and meet for lunch at the foodcourt?”
The Chinese teacher nodded. “Very well, as you all will remember in the agreements you signed prior to the trip you are permitted to take honor based supervision of yourselves. Report in on time and you will be extended the privilege of small group breakouts on our last day here. Report to me the groups you decide on before leaving and meet at the food courts at 13:30. M. Bernard and I will walk around the mall to keep on eye on you. Name tags are to be worn at all times and any bad behaviors on your parts will revoke your privileges.”
Marinette whispered with her friends before bumping Nino with her shoulder and walking to the teacher. Once Mme Cheng had their names down as partners and Max, Kim, and Alix as another group, they walked over to the Gothamites.
Marinette grabbed Damian’s hand and pulled him after her as she headed into the mall.
Damian followed Mari as she led him and her group of friends to the different stores. He smirked at Jason when the older man just stared at Damian’s willingness to be led by the smaller girl.
As they browsed through the third clothing store Damian considered the other kids in Mari’s class. He hadn’t been surprised to see two faces from their past. He’d made a mental note of both Lila and Juleka’s faces as he passed them when searching for Mari in the school list the evening before but hadn’t mentioned them to his family. He wasn’t surprised by Lila ignoring him but when Juleka had barely glanced at him he noticed. Mari seeing where his gaze was directed had given his hand a squeeze and smiled when he turned his attention to her.
He squeezed back letting her know he got her unspoken message.
There was more going on than she could explain. Trust me.
He smiled in return. I’ll wait to hear it. I’ll always trust you.
He accepted the shirt Mari handed him and followed her towards the fitting rooms at the back of the store. When he came out in the band tee he was surprised to see Mari’s outfit. She had been wearing an outfit similar to his old one. Jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and a riding jacket.
Now she was wearing a plaid skirt that reached mid thigh, two suspenders crossed over a high necked sleeveless blouse. She lost an inch in height without her shoes but the fact her socks reached knee-high completed the look.
The Parisian’s cheered as they came out in their own Mari designed outfits. The star of their impromptu fashion show bowed before everyone changed back into their regular clothes. When Damian left the dressing room it was to see Mari purchasing the outfit she was wearing. The sneakers looked a little odd with it but he suspected she’d be looking for replacement shoes at the next store.
As lunch approached they headed towards the food court. The students checked in with french-chinese teacher that had stopped the first teachers tirade. He had a great deal of respect for the way she handled the teacher after hearing the stories from Mari and her friends about how their classmates have been behaving for the last few years.
They had avoided the specific topic of Lila and why the class had behaved as they did when they first arrived. The shops were not secure enough places to discuss it and as they walked from one to the next they had occasionally seen other groups.
Oddly enough the other groups would either ignore theirs or they would glare at Mari’s group as if they had done a personal wrong to the kids. Mari and her friends ignored them except to take paths around the other groups as to avoid having to interact with them. However that was done without much conscious thought on their parts, seemingly a long established behavior.
In the food court the groups separated so that each person could get their own preferred lunch. Mari had grabbed Damians hand and dragged him towards one of the mini shops with a Chinese theme.
“What do you think of the broccoli and beef?” She asked him as they waited in line to order.
“I don’t eat meat anymore,” Damian said looking at the vegetarian options.
“Oh. What’s the story behind that?” She asked after they placed their food order.
Damian smiled at the memory it recalled, “It involves a cow, a large bat stencil, a can of non-toxic hair color spray, and a stubborn 12 year old.”
Mari snorted, “stubborn went without saying Dami. So you have a pet cow now?”
Damian nodded, “Batcow is quite happy living on the property.”
Mari grinned brightly, “you call him Batcow? Do you even have a secret identity or is that idea just a myth?”
“When you live in Gotham people expect you to be a bit eccentric. Having a cow called Batcow is one of the least odd ways to honor the city’s heroes.” Damian said as they waited.
When their number was called Damian picked up the tray and walked to the table where his brother and Mari’s friends were meeting with their own lunches. Mari fell into step two paces behind him and followed him as he weaved his way through the mass of tables.
He placed the tray of food down in the center of the table while he and Mari took the end seats on opposite sides of the table. Mari picked up the tub of white rice and scooped out a serving onto one of the plates they had grabbed. Damian picked up the second plate and began filling it with half the stir fry from another container. He and Mari switched plates and he placed the remaining stir fry onto his plate. Mari passed him the soy sauce packet after she used some on her rice and the packet with the wooden chopsticks.
As he was eating he noticed that Todd was staring at him. He raised a brow at his brother and waited for him to speak.
Mari noticing his attention turned to him as well.
“You just, he just, she...” the man stumbled over the words to explain.
“I think you might need a few more words monsieur to make a bit of sense,” Mari said sweetly.
Jason eyed the girl with wariness. Not trusting that tone when she was that comfortable with Demon Spawn.
Damian just smirked at him when he backed down.
“Are we still settled on dinner with my family this evening?” He asked Mari.
“Yep. I can get permission to go. Oh,” she exclaimed, “I might need your permission to bring one of my friends though. We have orders to stay in pairs at the very least.”
“Orders?” Damian asked shifting in his seat to glance at the others. They had stopped their own conversations when he had asked about dinner.
“Orders,” Mari confirmed with a smile.
Damian tilted his head to the side and switched to Arabic so that Jason could follow their conversation. “How much do they know?”
Jason stiffened at the implication and assessed the other Parisian teens.
Mari did a quick glance over Damian’s shoulder, checking on where Lila and the rest of her class was, before answering in the same language. “The boys only know I ran into an old friend. She was with me when I had to report running into an old friend and the leap of logic that one of the Bats that rescued me was the friend was made.”
Damian narrowed his eyes and considered, “Will they know?”
“They also follow orders. We,” Mari said gesturing to herself and the other teens, “all have orders similar to the bat and know how to keep secrets.”
“Do they work for the league?” Damian asked.
It was Mari’s turn to snort, “No. Paris is a bit of a dumping ground for troublesome knives. Not to mention it’s bad for most people’s health.”
“Similar to the bat,” Damian repeated and considered what she meant. “They do hero work?”
Jason’s brow raised in surprise but he still didn’t speak.
Mari smiled mischievously, “often enough to have their own names.”
Before Damian could ask another question the Parisian phones started to ding with alerts.
Marinette immediately turned her attention to the phone and opened it. Standing she said, “Sorry Dami, I need to rain check on dinner. Would you pass my apologies to your family?”
Damian nodded and watched as Mari and the shorter, bespectacled Parisian and the girl followed Mari as they left the table. They were met by the female teacher at the edge of the food court and the trio walked towards the mall exit. The other two teens had waved them off and opened their phones to a news app.
Damian watched a newscaster was reporting about some sort of disturbance in Paris, France.
M. - monsieur abbreviated
MM. - monsieurs
Mme - madame
Mlle/s - mademoisell/mademoiselles
So I introduced some new characters in this chapter. Please let me know if you have any questions on them. I want to make sure I answer them and creator brain doesn’t always let me anticipate what information I left unspoken.
So I know it’s been mentioned often enough I’ve seen posts about it cross my dash (is that what it’s called?) several times. Likes are awesome but if this is enjoyable please share the shiny rock with others and repost the chapter. Thank you.
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Tips to Choosing the Best Coffee Table Furniture
Prior, coffee tables were not called so. They were known as mixed drink tables. This sort of says something regarding our tendency of excitement and the change it has experienced throughout the years, isn't that so?
To be attracted into the possibility of buying table furniture, you need to initially dream what it can truly accomplish for you. Simply let your mind play back every one of those minutes when you return home from work, tired to the boots that you can't lay them on the ground any longer. You some way or another drag yourself onto the couch, being out of nowhere happy for that low table of the ideal tallness, so you can toss your legs over it and find happiness in the hereafter. Attempt another memory-what about the occasions when you get into a warmed enthusiasm when your football crew wins, and to cheer the minute you look down and see your lager glasses winking at you from the coffee table?
Be it for family dialogs, or to keep your prized assets like books or any masterpieces, this table furniture come in genuine helpful consistently. This is the reason picking the correct coffee table furniture is likewise significant. By what method should that be possible? all things considered, to you it is a bit of board lying level on four short legs, right really, there are parcel of choices that you can run into in the market, and to get the most comfortable and in vogue coffee table, you need to experience these tips first:
• Size up your territory. Where are you going to put your coffee table furniture? Do your couches enable you enough space to place your table in the center? Of what size should the coffee table be? It is better that you measure the space that you can oblige for your table, and afterward settle on the choice at the store.
• Always ensure that your home stylistic theme works out in a good way for the decision of you decorations. On the off chance that you are progressively conventional style, you ought to get a coffee table that is old fashioned and overwhelming as well. The style will be from the Victorian Age, the legs short and designed. The coffee table furniture for this situation ought to be made of hard wood, be it mahogany or rosewood. They will likely be costly too, yet everything relies upon your decision.
• If you have your cushion set up in the high-chic, cutting edge and ultra-current viewpoint, it is smarter to get a table that is made of metal or steel with glass top. This will be increasingly compelling in blending up with the remainder of the furniture in your room as well.
• obviously, this doesn't imply that you should consistently carry on honestly as an exhausting geek. Attempt to be out of control as well. Nothing makes s a cup of coffee more engaging than brilliant shades of pink or better-red. On the off chance that your couches are made of dark calfskin, pair them with red coffee table furniture and see your room change!
• You can likewise go for stencils, backdrops or racking paper to give more surface to your coffee table.
• Remember to clean your table and use vinyl or plastic covering if conceivable with the goal that you can clear off coffee stains. In any case, on the off chance that you pick something collectible, this is a hazard you should take. Simply use napkins so as to see that refreshment spillages leave no imprints.
Take appropriate consideration of your coffee table furniture. At the point when you buy them from the neighborhood store or from any site, simply look at the costs and quality before making your turn. A decent coffee table and coffee table furniture will consistently keep you feeling great in eth morning and nighttimes as you take your rest with some tea or a cup of coffee!
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fitzpatrick923 · 4 years
Security Tips For Making Household Advancements On Your Own
comforterexpert changed simply by a renovation. That may also impact landscaping and various structures that are outdoor. This post has quite some sort of bit of great house improvement advice that will maintain the home in this best shape achievable while making it more useful to live in just as well. A great technique to put ambience for you to a room is usually by simply lighting a candle light. Candle are a romantic motion in any setting, but in addition give off a new warm light providing a new room together with the feeling associated with warmth and comfort. In the event your candle is scented, it also gives off of a nice scent inside the room while building you come to feel relaxed. When working on house water lines projects it's often the good idea to close off the water. Concluding off the water will prevent any kind of potential water pipe damage service process. That will as well avoid liquid from flooding with your residence and causing high priced normal water damage that can turn out to be a burden to restore. Even your appliances may get a facelift without ruining your budget. When silk comforter would like to have a fashionable stainless steel end, there is no reason to find rid of your properly good refrigerator. You can certainly buy some very reasonably priced kitchen appliance spray car paint and shade your kitchen appliances any color of your picking out. This kind of can be completed easily in a time. Improvements in order to your home will not shell out you back right away. Don't make any updates or maybe improvements to your current home if you is going to be moving in less than three to five decades. This is now often the time structure that it takes in so that it will regain the costs of often the advances that you make. Use the region concerning the rafters of your own threshold and the joists of your floors for storing building components. An individual can place longer strip of molding and big materials, especially two by means of fours in these regions. The materials can become stored by nailing a good few furring strips on the flooring joists to keep the building materials. If your radiator has gone cold, anyone may need to bleed it. Simply switch away from the furnace and find the hemorrhage key. Change the key counterclockwise together with air will begin to be able to break free and make a good hissing tone. When the sound stops and even the little water leaks, switch the bleed crucial clockwise to close it. Picture borders are no more as favorite as that they once were. However, you'll be able to nice designs to your current wall membrane without them. Purchase some stencils at your own local craft retail store in a theme that suits the house decor and color these questions line on your own wall in which commonly the wallpaper border would move. This creates a nice visual effect for your current eye to abide by in the room. Numerous household improvement stores offer lessons together with training consultations upon place to place of home renovating. You can subscribe to all these classes, often free of charge, in addition to get great suggestions together with tips on items similar to painting, simple plumbing, adjusting light source fixtures, gardening plus decorating. This can give you not necessarily the particular expertise to do the job, nevertheless also ideas intended for your next project. Decide on spot rugs instead of wall-to-wall carpeting. Area rugs may be moved and swapped out simply, allow you to up grade and change the model of your home every time you like. In addition, place rugs can be cleaned out quickly when they will be stained; sometimes they can certainly even be put in the washing machine. When shopping for wise home development assignments to undertake, look at adding a passionate space with regard to computer networking gear. The electronic needs on the current home are constantly rising. A clean, dry, properly air-conditioned space, along with simple access to electric powered power and network wiring, will deliver current and future users, a effortless hub intended for electronics wired throughout this house. Do you wish to gain a little closet or perhaps floors space in your up coming diy project? Relocate your water water heater to your own personal attic! Modern day water emitters are developed inside productive, reliable "low-boy" models of which you can tuck safely amongst the ceiling and your own personal roof. This allows you to help gain a little extra space for storage. If you are doing a total remodelling of a room, job from top down. When you start at the top and work downwards, dropping dirt and paint trickles will not end upward on the freshly renovated floorboards, nevertheless on a floor that you want to remove anyway. This saves you substantially on time and energy. When you have decided to carry out your own repainting connected with your home's exterior, bear in mind to paint surfaces from your top down. Begin first with the gutters. Often the structure boards, and typically the eaves of your property. When that part is completed, work the way downward towards the main surfaces. You can save yourself a sizeable amount regarding time by utilizing a premium quality 4-inch brush. Verify frequently for drips together with lines since they are considerably more tough to clean upward after the color is dried. When you are developing your kitchen, assume very hard about whether anyone want a or shut down kitchen flooring plan. In the event that you like to turn out to be able to talk with your own personal family, watch tv and generally know what's going in in the remaining house while cooking, anyone may well want an open cooking area plan. However, if an individual would choose for the house clutter to remain hidden, anyone may favor a good house with a new doorway that can be closed. Some residence improvement project can be easier compared to others. End up being realistic about your standard of expertise before you undertake the repair of just about any home improvement job. Painting and choose the best comforter are good assignments to get beginners and can immediately change a room. Water system and electrical projects can be best kept to qualified professionals if you don't have expertise in these locations. Right now you know what property changes really are together with you know how for you to get them to better. No make a difference what sort of do it yourself project you choose, most of us hope you will find a great package of fun with the idea. When you are generating your home more astheticaly pleasing, you will prefer to spend more time generally there.
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sheliesshattered · 5 years
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WIP Wednesday: Wasteland Weekend Projects
We’re down to less than 50 days to go, so I’ve been spending most of my time working away on my biggest projects for Wasteland Weekend 2019. The first is a pair of large signs to mark the new Green Place ward I’m helping to run for the first time this year. Each of the signs will be about 5′ wide by 3′ tall (with a little extra height to clear the ground) and be placed along the road at each end of the ward. I finished the first one last week and have been working on the second for most of this week, getting as far as starting to chalk in the tree today. The tree is based on a drawing I did then scanned in and digitized, and I’m transferring it to a large piece of olive green burlap using a grid system. The trees won’t be identical but they’ll be pretty close (and we’re using the tree as a logo in a few other places too).
Besides the look of the tree in general, the thing I’m most proud of with these signs is a treatment I did on the lettering on the first sign, and will be repeating on this second sign. I found this cool stuff online that the Department of Transportation uses to make things like street markings and stop signs glow in headlights. It gets really dark after sunset out at Wasteland, and this year is a new moon, so I thought it would be nice if the ward sign was at least a little bit visible after dark. It lights up bright in a flash (see the second picture) or direct flashlight, but in indirect light -- say from the nearby camps -- it’s just nicely readable. The reflective beads didn’t want to adhere to the fabric evenly, so when the paint dried it ended up with a really cool ragged edge to the glowy part of the letters, perfect for the Wasteland aesthetic.
The painting is the part of this I really enjoy, so I’m hoping to be able to finish chalking in the tree tomorrow and get on to painting it. This second sign is going much faster than the first, thankfully. Once they’re both painted I’ll be turning them into big pillowcase shaped things to fit over frames that Donda, my partner in crime in Green Place stuff, is bringing with her.
The other project I’ve been working on, mostly with Jack on the weekends, is the first of a matched pair of storage crates for our camp, modeled on old fashioned rifle crates. We got the end caps added on this weekend (shown clamped as the wood glue dried), and then modified the lid a little to fit. Last steps are to finish sanding the outside, stain it with this awesome weathered stain I have left over from previous Wasteland projects, and maybe stencil some words or letters on the outside. We’ll be using the pair of these to store our clothes at Wasteland, so we can keep them outside in the visible area of our themed camp, rather than having to go into the sweltering hot sleep tent to find stuff during the day. We’re hoping to start on the second crate this weekend, and I may wait to stain until both of them are built.
I’m confident we can get both these two-part projects finished up in the next few weeks. The open question is really just how much time I’ll have left for other Wasteland projects once these are done. Hopefully next week I’ll have more progress to show.
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Out There (Steve Rogers x Reader One Shot)
Summary: After coming out of the ice, Steve is lonely and looking to make a connection.
Warnings: Smut (of course)
Word Count: 4,240
Author’s Note: My Steve story for @captainsordersfic! I liked the idea of writing about the time after he just came into the “modern day” and is trying to make sense of dating and romance while having very healthy horny desires... and is just a little awkward :)
Your name: Submit (what is this?)
My Masterlist
No tags on this one :)
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Things were so different from 1940.
Steve didn’t have anyone to tell him that his corduroy pants were pulled up too high for the club. Or even to not wear corduroy pants at all.  
He didn’t have anyone to tell him how to behave, how to stand, how to talk to women in the modern world.
He was in dire need of a cultural ambassador and too embarrassed to ask for help, which is how he ended up at a bar in brown pants hiked up to his waist and an anxious expression on his face.
Feeling lonely and horny had led him to “get out there”, as Tony had put it, before rattling off the names of five bars in Manhattan that were “off the chain.”
Off the chain. Steve had hidden his perplexed expression from Tony and noted the phrase down to type into Urban Dictionary later. Based on the results, he wasn’t sure it was exactly what he was looking for but a little voice in his head said he could use a little off the chain.
Since his entry into the modern world, Steve was relieved to find his sexual appetite hadn’t cooled in his time buried in ice but was frustrated at his failure to connect with someone other than his right hand, which got plenty of action. In place of contemporary porn, which Steve was both drawn to and repulsed by, he fantasized about hot women he saw on the street, or at the grocery store, imagining himself buried to the hilt inside and hearing his name in gasps as he forced multiple orgasms from their quivering bodies. His fantasies were intense and constant and lately Steve could focus on little else.
He needed to get laid.
Tony’s #1 recommendation for Steve was called the Devil’s Speakeasy. Based on his research, it was a jazz club in midtown Manhattan, known for cheap gin cocktails on Saturday nights and live music. It sounded better than his other options, like Candy Crush, whose website was full of half-naked, balloon-boobed women. Steve’s dick wouldn’t have said no to any of them, but he was looking to ease himself into the experience and a little old-fashioned jazzy charm seemed less terrifying.
He prepared for his night out by cleaning the apartment, giving himself a quick handjob in the shower, a fresh shave and a spritz of cologne and he was out the door.
Twenty minutes later, he stood in front of an unmanned black door with DEVILS SPEAKEASY stenciled in block white letters and considered turning around before he heard Tony’s one piece of advice repeat in his head. “What would Tony do?”
Tony would open the door.
So he did.
Steve was immediately enveloped by piano, plucky bass and saxophone dreamily weaving around each other in an improvised jazz melody that brought him right back to his past. He glanced around the club, quickly sizing it up and its occupants. Candle-lit tables for two with chairs facing the stage were scattered about, worn velvet couches and single oversized chairs stuffed into corners filled the periphery with the bar at one end and the musicians at the other.
And there were beautiful women, everywhere.
Despite the obvious 1920s theme, everyone was casually dressed and the mix of old and new was intriguing to Steve’s eye.
He decided to start with a drink and people watch, so he headed for the bar, having no clue that nearly every woman’s eyes, including yours, were following him.
A few moments later he wrapped his fingers around a tall, frosty cold glass of Tom Collins with a thin strip of cucumber artfully curled inside and brought it to his lips for a sip.
One Tom Collins turned into two into four and Steve was nestled inside a velvety soft chair trying not to stare at a woman he’d noticed around Tom Collins number 2.
You had beautiful, dark eyes, intense and focused as they watched the band from a single table, looking down every so often at your whiskey before you sipped it and then closing your eyes as you savoured it. He was addicted to your expression each time you took a drink. You would swirl, swallow and your bold lips would fall back open slightly as you returned to watching the band, your chest moving with each breath and bouncing a little whenever you excitedly clapped at the end of a song.
He was entranced.
During Tom Collins number 3, he saw you catch his stare, and from then on, you were playing a coy game with each other. One would look, the other would look back, and each would look away pretending not to notice the attention, over and over.
Steve’s fantasies were going wild.
He had you on your back on the small table, your head over the edge with your hair a dark waterfall shimmering with movement as he fucked you, your thighs draped around his hips, your tits bouncing inside your dress, your pouty lips open in a soundless scream. You had come twice but he’d kept going, flipping you up against his body to hold you in the air, fucking up into you while easily keeping you in place and locking his eyes to yours. Only after your third orgasm would he finally release inside you, returning you to the floor with his sticky come covering your pussy and thighs.
Steve was so lost in thoughts he didn’t notice your table had become empty.
He shook his head and sat slightly up in the plush velvet chair to reorient himself and hoped his rock-hard dick would chill out sooner rather than later.
He sighed wearily, annoyed at himself. So far he’d done nothing tonight but slip into his thoughts like he always did, feeling jaded and let down by his inability to abide by “What Would Tony Do?”
Right now, What Steve Would Do was go home, masturbate over a girl he’d never see again and go to sleep alone.
“You want a refill?”
His eyes snapped up towards your quiet, playful voice and your dark eyes glittered with a mix of friendliness and amusement as you stood in front of him with your weight on one foot and one hand on your hip, showing confidence with your body but coyness on your face.
“I, uh…” he started to stammer, then dipped into the well of calm coolness that had gotten him this far in life and pulled from it to respond, glancing down at the bevelled glass in your hand, “I’m actually thinking of moving on to whiskey.”
“That so?” Your eyebrow cocked and a slow smile spread on your face.
You swirled the liquid around the glass and tipped it past your lips, then set the heavy bottomed glass down on the table in front of him, took a step towards his chair so your butt was grazing the chair arm next to him and looked down into his face.
“I’ve got a nice bottle at home if you’d like to go somewhere a bit quieter.”
Steve’s mouth went dry.
And his cock said oh yes.
“No pressure though,” you followed up quickly, pre-empting him in case you’d misread him, a simple thing that made him like you even more.
Steve may have been inexperienced in modern romance but he knew what his strengths were. Putting his voice in a deep register to turn a woman on was one of them and he didn’t hesitate to use it when he answered, “I would love to.”
You grinned and he felt the electric touch of your fingers curling into his and the erection he was hoping would go away was now throbbing, aching, begging to be pulled out by the very hand that was touching his.
He had to employ a practiced covert move to shift his cock behind his belt as he stood up.
Once he was upright, you kept his hand in yours and you looked over your shoulder, your hair swaying attractively around you as your seductive eyes connected with his and you beckoned with a slight tilt of your head, inviting him towards a future that was suddenly full of sexy promise.
Your fingers curled into the man’s sand-coloured, medium length hair as his lips kissed a fiery trail down your neck and you couldn’t believe your luck.
He was hotter than anyone you’d ever seen.
The moment you’d caught his glacial blue eyes on yours, you were pulled in towards him like a celestial body trapped by gravity.
At first, you were convinced he was staring off into space behind you but it became obvious after catching each other a few times that it was no accident.
Your instant impression was that he was shy. He’d damn near blushed when he saw you looking and something about him was…. different. His clothes didn’t match his age and the way he wore them, pants hiked up and held with a belt above his waist like Jimmy Stewart, wasn’t doing him any favours.
But fuck, even from across the room you could tell he was built like a brick house. Wide shoulders, muscled arms, legs like tree trunks and a lap you fantasised yourself rocking in while your hands and mouth roamed his perfect face.
You were horny and frustrated from having been stood up and after the third whiskey you decided tonight was the night to stop being afraid to go after what you wanted.
You were making out with him in your kitchen seconds after walking in and he felt like heaven.
Despite your mutual interest to devour each other as fast as possible, he was kissing you slow. His soft lips taking his time down your cheek and neck, pausing to nibble gently, while your hands stroked and grabbed all over each other yanking at clothes and hemlines to get underneath onto hot skin. His rough, big, calloused hands were on your stomach now, underneath your dress and moving up your torso while his mouth continued down your neck.
He was driving you nuts.
You tried to speak but with each kiss you couldn’t seem to get the words out properly. “Let’s...... the .. ungh… …room..”
“What?” He paused at your shoulder blade and you felt the breath from his word against the slightly wet skin there from where his tongue had been tasting you.
You squeezed your thighs together trying to get it together.
“The living room, let’s go to the living room,” you gasped breathlessly.
You still hadn’t turned on the apartment lights but the busy street where you lived cast plenty of neon coloured shadows into the room. They made him look like living art, his perfect symmetric features awash in blues, purples, and greens as he sat down on the couch and pulled you into his lap.
You settled your bare thighs on each side of his covered legs and his big, warm hands instantly went to cover and squeeze them.
“Am I going too fast?”
You sat back on your legs smiling at him and shook your head, considering his slightly unsure expression with one of interest and curiosity.
He seemed to have no idea how hot he was. In fact, he seemed totally surprised to be there at all. The way he looked at you, like you were a marvellous angel, made you think he didn’t do this often. Most men you’d hooked up with seemed to expect things to follow a typical porn scenario: blowjob, missionary, doggy style, and finish on your body. Rinse, repeat. You and your girlfriends had such similar experiences you were starting to feel you’d rather go to bed with one of them than one more man who thought anal on the first date was normal.
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy any of those things, it was the expectation that you would do it.
So the man beneath you, asking you if he was going too fast, was every kind of right and you needed his dick in you like fifteen minutes ago.
You calmed yourself long enough to cup his strong jaw and give him a long moment of eye contact before you answered, shaking your head side to side, “No.”
You searched each other’s eyes, looking for consent and agreement for what you were both wanting to do and giving it beyond a question or doubt.
Just like that, you were flipped onto your back and covered head to toe with his heat and heavy weight. Immediately your hands grabbed at his solid back, pulling the fabric of his shirt into fists, yanking it up and out of his belt and you gasped and hissed feeling the contact of something very big press against your middle.
Oh shit.
While you bit your lip and considered the implications of what was currently trapped between you, he leaned his upper body away to pull his checkered button up shirt the rest of the way out of his belt and lifted it up and off his head.
You felt amazement come over you once again as the rippling muscles of a body at peak physical fitness were revealed to you. It shouldn’t have surprised you, considering how you noticed his shirt was fitting him but it was still a pleasurable shock to be right and your hands instantly went to touch his sculpted form.
“You’re incredible…” you sighed, thinking again how lucky you were to have all of this to yourself and if you were dreaming you never wanted to wake up.
His eyes closed, just enjoying the simple touch of your fingers and you drank in his beautiful features up close. Impossibly long eyelashes, dark and fanned out against his flawless pale skin kept your attention while you eagerly touched wherever your hands could get. You alternated between light, sweeping touches and scratches on his back and arms, enjoying watching him relish the feeling before sliding your hands underneath his belt and pants onto his round butt. When you touched him there, you gasped as he bucked forward grinding down into you, then whined slightly in frustration at the clothes still covering him and began yanking his belt down.
He took the hint and you rested on your elbows as he shifted up to his knees. His pace was slow as he worked the belt buckle, fixing you with a wanting stare that turned you into liquid as he unzipped his pants. Your eyes traced the dimensions of his upper body down to his narrow waist, waiting with baited breath as his hands paused before he took a breath and pushed his pants and underwear down his body.
Wow. Now that is a cock…. you thought, gulping as you realized there wasn’t a single part of him that wasn’t impressive, and you hoped you were up to the challenge.
You felt an immediate need to feel his naked body against yours and hurriedly yanked up the hem of your dress, then slid your panties down your legs without any pause or hesitation.
Instead of laying down over you, he settled into a sitting position and held out his hand, guiding you towards his lap.
Most guys would have had your ankles behind your ears by now jackhammering you with little regard for your pleasure, but not him.
You were grateful he was handing you control of how deep and how fast you took him inside you for the first time.
As you straddled him, you finally reached down to take his warm, silky cock into your palm and your stomach tightened with trepidation realizing he was nearly twice the girth of your last lover.
“Fuck…” you whispered, as your hand became acquainted with what was about to be nine inches deep in your body.
With concentration you maneuvered yourself so that you were pressing his wide, mushroom shaped head against your pussy and you felt his scalding breath on your face at the touch, before he started kissing you again and you exchanged gasps and breaths in between tangling your tongues while you split your concentration between kissing him and rubbing him all around your pussy, up, down, over your clit and back again. You knew this was going to take time and you’d need to be as wet as possible.
You were becoming impatient with your own teasing and couldn’t imagine the restraint and patience he was drawing from to stay so still, and every so often he’d clench his teeth and moan amidst your kiss as he slipped between your wet folds over and over.
You both moaned together as finally you pressed down, and gasped at the stretch and pressure of him entering you, your nails digging into his shoulder blades at the feeling of fullness he created. Your body came down slowly, only managing a few inches before you paused, breaking from his kiss as you breathed hard.
“It’s okay, take your time,” he whispered against your cheek and you felt his hands curl around your hips, squeezing gently.
It blew your mind how sexy that patience was and it made you want to take the rest of him all at once, but you knew you couldn’t.
He continued to hold you around your hips and whisper against your neck and ear as you thrust gently up and down, taking a bit more every time. “Nice and slow, that’s it,” he encouraged, making you whimper, your eyes rolling back at the sound of his voice and coming down on him a little harder. You’d nearly worked him all in and he was stretching you far beyond your limits, the slight pain adding to the satisfying bliss in a way you’d never understand.
When you were all the way down in his lap you both pressed your foreheads together, sighing with relief.
His hand tangled in your hair bringing your lips against his in a soft kiss that soon became hungry and crushing and needy. Your fingers made fists in his hair and your hips became restless in his lap.
One of his hands remained in your hair while the other traced down your naked back and you felt his warm palm on your hip, the strength behind his grip easily helping you move off of him, up his shaft and landing back down, burying him deep again and he groaned with pleasure.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, and immediately did it again, letting him help guide you up and feeling his strength as he pulled you back down with a bit more force.
Both of his hands moved down to your hips and you sensed what was coming and were beyond ready for it, your juices flowing freely down onto your thighs.
Your hips started to move up and down while you shared control of the speed, occasionally making your skin clap together. You circled your arms around his shoulders to steady yourself and stay upright as you began a rhythm. All traces of pain were gone, leaving only the satisfying feeling of being stretched to the brim by his girth. You were rocking in his lap just as you had imagined doing back at the jazz club, holding onto him with only your fingertips as you leaned back in his lap and fucked him while barely coherent words fell from your lips.
You felt his fingers crushing around your hips to get more and more of you and you were more than ready to relinquish control when he asked, “Baby, please let me….”
You answered, “Yes, yes, oh yes,” then squealed as you were lifted into the air and flipped onto your back.
He’d barely missed a beat, pulling your legs up against him as he thrust all the way inside, finding a depth that made you scream “Holy fuuuuuuck!” as his impossibly large cock bottomed out making you feel him up to your belly button and beyond.
His strong arms held your thighs, pinning them against his body as he began to fuck you and your eyes rolled back in your head. “Jesus,” you cried weakly, barely conscious, nearly blacking out with pleasure as he reached deeper in you than any man ever had, over and over again, the sounds of his skin smacking against your thighs filling the room. You grabbed a pillow above your head to pull and squeeze as he worked you towards an orgasm that was coming at you faster than you could comprehend.
You had come with a man inside of you only once before and he’d been holding a vibrator against your clit.
Now here you were, feeling that familiar buildup tightening and coiling in your core and tears gathered at the corners of your eyes as it started to overtake you.
“Please please please,” you begged hoping he would know what was happening to you.
Your hands shot down to lock over his and grip him with desperation and his mouth dropped open in wonder at the sight of you starting to come.
“Oh gooodddddddd uhhhhhhhhhhhh….” you moaned in a high-pitched prayer to the gods as you clenched and gripped him, locking your legs around his back to hold him deep inside and you bucked your hips in an involuntary up and down grind while convulsing with pleasure.
Steve didn’t miss a second of it, his eyes wide as your beautiful form twisted and shook in a moment so perfect he’d need nothing but the memory to get himself off for years to come.
He had superior, genetically enhanced strength and stamina but even Steve couldn’t last at the sight and feel of your orgasm.
He was a few strokes away from coming himself and he wasn’t prepared for the feeling that overtook him as he released inside of a woman for the first time since he came out of ice.
Endless spurts of come filled you and you looked up at him amazed at the sounds coming out of him. Your initially shy, polite hook-up was balls deep in you, cock twitching and jerking as his seed exploded inside and began to seep out around him as he slowly rocked in and out with the final remaining sparks draining out of his body.
Unable to hold your legs up anymore, you lowered them down until your feet were on the floor and you looked up at him, sweaty, breathing hard and wearing a bright, giddy smile.
You held up your hand, extending it and said with a grin in your voice, “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
Steve’s chin dropped to his chest as he let out a short laugh, the sound like music to you and he took your hand.
“I’m Steve. It’s a pleasure.”
Your eyes met with matching charming smiles and Steve felt another wave of tingling sparks go through him at the attraction and connection he felt with you.
Your bodies finally parted and Steve held out his hand in a stop motion. “Wait here.”
He went looking for the bathroom and quickly returned with a warm, soaked towel that he held against your sticky thighs and once again you were stunned as he slowly rubbed your skin with the utmost care and gentleness.
“Steve, you’re one of a kind, I gotta say,” you smiled up at him, as his ministrations left your skin clean, warm and soothed.
He shrugged his shoulder with a half-smile, once again looking shy which you now knew was a trait that coexisted mutually with an unbelievable knack for pleasuring a woman.
As you smiled at him you thought to yourself, there was no chance you were letting him leave without your number, should he choose to make you the luckiest woman alive again some lonely night in the future.
While Steve dressed, you pulled on a tank top and shorts in place of your dress feeling a wave of sadness that he would be leaving shortly.
As you stood in front of each other, neither seeming to know what to say, Steve stepped towards you, holding open his arms to pull you in for an intimate hug, one that convinced you that you wouldn't be seeing the last of him.
You deeply inhaled his musky scent, and as you came apart he tipped your head backwards holding you still as he lowered his lips to kiss you slowly.  Your hands sank into his hair and you committed every detail of him to memory knowing you would be thinking about it for weeks and months to come.
You already knew you’d be keeping the details of your encounter with him as something just for you instead of sharing it with your friends. It was too rare and special to spoil by talking about it.
Steve tucked your hair behind your ear as your lips came apart and he kissed your forehead, then started to turn his body to leave.
“Steve wait…” you gripped his arms, squeezing him and you darted into the kitchen to quickly scribble your number onto a piece of paper, ripping it off and you returned to him, holding it out.
“Call me anytime.”
He slid the paper into his pocket after blinking at it for a moment, before coming back to you, sliding his hands back into your hair and whispered against your lips,
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
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#10yrsago A journey through my junk: happy Down the Rabbit Hole day!
As previously mentioned, today is "Down the Rabbit Hole" day, when bloggers are encouraged to post in a different style from their accustomed one. I don't think I can manage a whole day of that, but I'm willing to kick in one post, anyway.
I don't normally write much about my personal life here, partly because I'm pretty jealous of my privacy and partly because it's just not the kind of thing we do here (but that's the point of Rabbit Hole day, of course!).
Last November, Alice and I had our big, grand wedding in Toronto, and invited all my friends. Now, I haven't lived in Toronto for nearly ten years, but for most of that time, I've had a storage locker there, filled with the memories of the three decades I spent in the town of my birth before I left, first for California, then for the UK, then for California, then for the UK again. I've delved into the locker on three occasions, attempting to figure out what I had in it and what I was going to do with it all. The first time, I confronted the incredible, jammed-together mountain of junk and boxes, opened a few, and gave up (it didn't help that the rest of my family had filled all the remaining spaces with their unloved junk). The second time, I showed up with more resolve: I was going to sort through everygoddamnedthing and figure out what I was shipping to London, what I was giving away, what was headed for the dumpster and what needed to be shredded.
That was last spring, when we went back to Toronto with the baby for her first visit to meet her Canadian family, over Passover week. I spent a dusty afternoon, opening boxes, looking through them, sorting them into piles and putting them back together. It was an incredibly emotional experience. The boxes hadn't been packed very intelligently: years before, I'd come back to the warehouse loft I'd shared with my ex, and stuck all the junk I thought I couldn't part with in boxes. It was miserable. The stuff was filthy, and there was so much emotion in this stuff, which felt more like the wreckage of a past life than the memories thereof, that I just lost the capacity to be careful and discriminating, and by the end of it, I had some 80 boxes of random and assorted crapola that disappeared into the locker for most of a decade before I saw it again.
There were enormous piles of books, of course. I'd worked in libraries and bookstores from the age of 12 to the age of 23, and I'd amassed some 10,000 of the little wooden bastards. I had previously believed that these books were my identity, that you could know a man by the books he kept, that I'd be able to read their spines and find in them a palimpsest of all the people I'd been on the way to becoming the person I was. But once I'd been separated from them, I discovered that I barely missed them. Now and again, I'd need to reference something in one of them and I'd find it on Amazon, usually for less than a buck. The books went to my brother's school, where they've been integrated into the school library. Books should be read, not stored, and there's plenty there to make normal kids into happy mutants.
There were boxes of cassettes and VHS cassettes, including a trove of fantastic mixtapes that I'd exchanged with friends and as a courtship ritual over the years. Ten years before, I'd been unable to part with them. Now, it was easy: off to the thriftstore with them. I can download that stuff whenever I need it.
There were boxes of t-shirts, and these, weirdly enough, were harder to get rid of. I find myself sentimentally attached to a shocking quantity of tees. The Rocky Horror tee I wore every Friday for years to the Roxy theater in Toronto. The shirt from Grindstone Island is part of a small trove of memorabilia I have from the place (including a hammered-together chest made from old fruit boxes, and a complete run of WHOLE EARTH CATALOGs) that, to this day, is the place that I think of when I want to imagine perfect peace and happiness. Sometimes, I wonder if my life peaked at 17, there on a 12-acre island in the middle of Big Rideau Lake, listening to the loons and swinging in the hammock on Moonwatcher's Point, smoking hand-rolled cigarettes and talking all night long.
There was some art, and a few wardrobe pieces from my teens and twenties, including my beat up old punk leather jacked, covered in chains, worn to shreds, with stencils on the back. Maybe Poesy will wear it someday. Angry leather jackets never really go out of style.
There were my files -- all my juvenilia, the stories I wrote in elementary school and high school (including Tommy the Toenail Tarantula, with some damned good illustrations by Toby Muller -- where are you these days, Toby?). A truly fantastic quantity of photocopied material about Disney World. A thick folder of anti-fascist material from the John Brown/Anti-KKK League in San Francisco, whom I used to send away to for stickers, fliers and other material. And correspondence -- all the letters and postcards, the lovenotes and snapshots.
The snapshots deserve their own paragraph. One thing I realized: I dressed a lot better in my teens than in my twenties. Partly that was the fact that teenagers can get away with some pretty daring fashion. Partly it was that I spent my twenties trying to figure out what someone who had suddenly found himself working real jobs for real money wore (I went from working for tiny wages in a bookstore to doing Internet work that paid as much as my parents earned pretty much overnight, somewhere around 1993). Partly it was that I gained a ton of weight when I was about 23, and kept it on until I was about 32 and I discovered Atkins.
Another thing I realized: the girls I dated in my teens were knockouts, absolutely out of my league. And not just me, either. When I look at the photos of all my pals in their couples, the teenaged boys look lumpy or gangly, unfinished, with bad facial hair (shocking realization du jour: I look terrible with giant sideburns). The girls, by contrast, look pretty much fantastic. They're put together, confident, striking. All the couples look like beauty and the beast.
What else was there? A complete set of original Star Trek action figures and an Enterprise playset with the cool-ass transporter/spinner thing. The original, absolutely fabulous Haunted Mansion board game. A pretty good selection of Disney-attraction-themed boardgames and tin lunchboxes.
Tax docs. Bags of receipts. An entire carton of dead SCSI drives that had to be sent for secure disposal.
The next time I saw my stuff was a few days before I got married in Toronto. I had movers from Hudson Movers meet me at the locker. They were fabulous -- took the charity shop donations, the school donations, the art supplies I sent to Klockwerks, and all the stuff to ship to London away. They packed the shipment, filled in the customs forms, and put it all on the proverbial slow boat.
Two weeks ago, the boxes showed up at my office here in London, and I had a much longer pass through the stuff. By this point, it had been whittled down to six boxes. The books went onto the shelves, the t-shirts went into the storage closet, and a trove of my chewed kids' books and stuffed animals went back to the flat for my daughter.
The locker in Toronto is gone (well, technically, it's still there and filled with my family's junk, but that's their problem, not mine) and the goods are sorted and put away. Funnily enough, even after three or four passes through a "do I want this?" filter, I still had three boxes of garbage and donations out of the eight boxes that sailed the sea to London.
It's liberating. I feel lighter. For years, it felt like there was a weak and persistent nagging gravity tugging at me from Toronto, a needling, wheedling kvetch from all those unregarded possessions that I had responsibility for but no use for.
There's still a locker in LA -- well, in the desert outside of LA, it's one of those outfits that forklifts a storage box onto your lawn a week before you move; fill it up and call them and they forklift it back to some remote location with zero humidity until you request it again. I only have a dim recollection of what's in there, but I'm pretty sure it's almost all framed pictures that we had no room to hang in London but couldn't bear to part with. That and a couple of really good office chairs and a Danish dining room table that Mr Jalopy rescued from the garbage and refinished. Someday, if we move back to the States, we'll have instant decor. In the meantime, there's some of that nagging gravity being exerted by the box in the desert, too.
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abortaporlabocaaa · 3 years
Unique Mural Artist Corey Barksdale
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The Atlanta, Georgia, based artist Corey Barksdale has created bold and striking murals and wall art for over five years. In that time, he gained a considerable reputation. His work was seening in private homes, offices, commercial facilities, retail shops, museums, and public spaces around the Atlanta, Georgia, area. His pieces are so popular that he often gets requests for custom work from other country areas. His unique style has earned him a place in Atlanta's most prestigious artists, including legendary photographer Patrick Demarossa and renowned fashion designer John Galliano. His pieces are displayed in fine art galleries and even displayed at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Unique Mural Artist Corey Barksdale Atlanta Fine Art
 Corey's unique style is evident in the murals that he has created. Each piece is strikingly modern, and each captures a unique conception of the city and the surrounding region. Many of his pieces are entitled "View from the Street," designed to resemble street posters. This consistent theme throughout his artwork is a trademark of work and draws the attention of many who view work.
 Some of his most famous images feature photographs of Atlanta and the people who call it home. These include portraits of the actress statue located in the Riverfront Walk of Atlanta, Georgia, a recreation of Atlanta's early history, including some of the first houses designed by Atlanta businessmen. A historic carriage house on the Beltline is one of the few remaining structures from an old neighborhood and a recreation of a 19th-century brothel with prostitutes peeking from behind bars. Many of these photographs were taken by Corey while traveling in and around the area. He has managed to create an incredibly detailed railroad map that can help throughout some of his work.
 Among the other unique pieces of work by Corey Barksdale are "Atlantis Rising," a massive mural of a skyscraper rising from the ground to fill the frame of an apartment building. That piece was done on a budget while attempting to make something for himself as an artistic expression. The mural at the Center for Art in Atlanta as part of their "Mural Show." Another of his most famous pieces is the multi-colored murals that span the National Mall and the Mall of America. These pieces include a seascape of the Washington Monument, an image of St. Paul's Cathedral, and a mosaic mural of the Mall that features Macy's, Sears, Blockbuster, and Kmart stores of the other major retailers in the Mall. Unique Mural Artist Corey Barksdale Atlanta Fine Art
While some people view his murals as too large for the walls, others see them as a way for him to express his creativity and emotions. The fact that he focuses on prominent, bold colors makes these pieces more memorable to people. Many people who visit his studio end up leaving with a new piece of art. 
 In addition to these unique pieces, there are also several stand-out pieces from Barksdale that anyone can take home. Two pieces of his that are currently on display in different establishments are a striking black and white-water fountain and an abstract photo mural that takes the form of a huge watermark. There is also a collage mural entitled Autumn Leaves that features autumn flowers, twigs, and other foliage and rustic tree branches. These works have a unique quality about them that gives them a distinctive aesthetic quality them. Other pieces from this prolific artist include a birdcage with abstract leaves printed on the inside and a stencil that he created for an establishment in Studio City, California. There is also a tattoo of his that find online.
 While it may seem that Barksdale is mainly known for his large murals, he does have several more minor works that are equally interesting and well worth a look. One of his notable minor works is entitled Homage to the Scream, which takes the form of a large mural of a man ripping out his face. Another piece of art that he has done is entitled Heads and Bones, which features many skulls, bones being blasted all across the wall. A final piece of his unique artwork is entitled Prowler, which takes the form of a boat that is slowly moving across the water in a small motion. Other pieces of his work that are worth looking at including Man in a Velvet Glove and Welcome to the Zoo. Unique Mural Artist Corey Barksdale Atlanta Fine Art
 While it might be challenging to determine which of the many pieces of art from Corey Barksdale you should purchase, it is possible to determine which pieces you should invest in based on their aesthetic qualities. Each piece of art has its peculiar quality, and because of this, they all deserve appreciation. These art pieces can easily through several places, including online auctions, art galleries, and websites dedicated to displaying mural art. As you continue to browse the Internet, you will undoubtedly find a piece of art that inspires you.
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youdecode · 4 years
15+ Amazing Junk Journaling Ideas To Try Today (Junk Journal Supplies)
 If you are looking for some junk journal ideas inspiration this article has got you covered with the details.
Getting inspired by the creative process which leads to your next magical creation. Inspiration is also a therapeutic process that forces you to look around from different perspectives.
Ready to look at the world from a different lens?
Junk Journaling Ideas 1#:
 If you are looking for a therapeutic session with yourself then take time from your busy schedule and prepare a beautiful spread like the one above.
Love the spread because the idea gives a very vintage feel.
This journal’s spread will drive you away from the monotony of this life to a different era.
Grab any photo with a black and white trend as this was the classical fashion in the 50s and 60s.
Paste pictures of any beautiful dress with frills and laces.
Explore the gold antique tones to make them look richer.
The Assembly of random notes and musical symbols gives this spread a calming feel.
Moreover, you can mix and match the labels to fill in the blank spaces in the journal.
Junk Journaling Ideas 2#:
This rosy collage with the perfect hues and tones is all set to inspire you, especially the cute little rabbit sitting on a hot air balloon.
It owns an interesting assembly of different pieces which is coming together in a beautiful collage.
The first step of assembling assembly according to your mood.
Once you are done with a thoughtful arrangement you can simply glue the items together.
This is not ready yet because now it is all set for going under a sieving machine.
Junk journaling is all about getting fun so you can get as messy as you want in the stitching process.
If you have not done some fabrics before then simply take this inspiration as a call.
Grab your mom’s machine even if you’re scared! See some random tutorials or ask your mom for your help. 
 Junk Journaling Ideas 2#:
You can grab some inspiration from this beautiful pink and white vintage linen junk journal.
The size of this journal is around 19 by 15 cm so you can fit in some tea-stained paper or even plain papers for some cool pretty effect.
If you are not much interested in sewing or in how to play around with fabrics then you can always grab some premade fabrics online.
Below are some beautiful inspirations which you can use today.
These are intricate designs that are shown to inspire your creativity.
Junk Journaling Ideas 3#:
This journal reminds me of being closer to nature. If you want to feel the blessings this mother nature has given you then discover it through a new lens by your junk journal.
I love the tones of this journal and that texture which turns out to be perfect remembrance of old good days.
The wooden touch will sink you back in the woodland, making you recall all the stunning forest lores.
If you are confused about what to put inside then you can make a flora and fauna theme journal out of it.
You can load it with birds butterflies and all the botanical see love.
The feather decorated already gives it a lovely touch perfect for the theme.
Ready to get whisked away into a dreamy nature world with this journal?
Junk Journaling Ideas 4#:
To all the flower lovers this is a perfect inspiration which you can take today.
 I am in love with the colors which are complementing each other in perfect synchrony.
If you are looking for a spring journal then this could be a great fit because it is so youthful.
I can already feel the flowers blossoming.
You might be confused about what cover you use for re-creating such a beautiful junk journal.
You can simply grab your old bedsheets or invest in some cool floral designs linked below.
Junk Journaling Ideas 5#:
Contrary to the previous one this journal owns a slightly darker and richer color scheme.
You can add a golden polish to lighten up the mood.
Such journals are best for the fall autumn season where you want to sink back in reflection and wait for the weather to heal you from within.
I love the assembly of carbon touch, cardboard paper, magazine cutouts, floral patterns, and random stitches.
All these elements come together perfectly to give a mystical appeal.
Junk Journal Idea 6#:
The junk journaling process does not have to be complicated.
You can even just grab some loose fabric pieces and tie them together for creating your pages.
Scrap some fabrics that match your mood in terms of color and patterns.
You can solely tie the fabric together in terms of textures.
Junk Journal Idea 7#:
This journal is one of the perfect examples of inspirational assembly.
Sometimes the journal page itself tells you where it wants to go.
I have fallen in love with the light color scheme of this inspiration.
You can play with pastel colors like peach sky blue yellow for a relaxing and peaceful feel.
Graf some random laces, stitch some cool pockets and wait for the collage to heal you.
The theme takes me to a dreamy world.
You can also incorporate digital stamps creatively into a journal for a different appeal.
Junk Journal Idea 8#:
The distinct features which dominate the design of the journal are buttons.
Button reminds me of the good old days and brings back all the nostalgic memories.
If you love the feel of the button then allow them to dangle freely.
You can also get creative with placement and add them in a manner that requires their opening for flipping a page.
Get a soft cover for this journal and preferably the fabrics.
Gather an assortment of different laces for boosting up the aesthetics of loosely placed fabrics.
Junk Journal Idea 9#:
This journal provides a beautiful play of stencil stamping.
Glue all the pieces up for painting with a pen or inking out different colors with liquid.
Junk Journal Idea 10#:
I am so in love with the theme of this junk journal.
It has beautiful nude neutral colors that are aesthetically pleasing.
This is a different type of junk journal as you can see the mesh of different magazine cutouts, motivational quotes, pictures, and floral stickers.
If you want your junk journal to inspire and motivate you then this is a perfect example.
I am already in love with the quotes that it’s the little things in life and being so busy in life that you have no time to hate.
Extremely powerful.
It is all about mixing and matching different flowers labels frames and image stickers while clinging to the color scheme and journal theme.
Junk Journal Idea 11#:
This is a fun example of a travel journal where you literally dump everything as you do in a junk journal.
Create a junk journal around your recent vacation where you will be dumping all the stickers, patterns, images, powerful quotes, fun typography, or souvenirs if any.
If you own a passion for discovery and exploration then for a junk journal which also incorporates different world maps.
You can grab different maps from online stores to give beautiful nostalgic appeal.
Junk Journal Idea 12#:
Alice in the wonderland junk journal is a cute and perfect example of a loving gift you can give to anyone.
If your close one is in love with his character or you find a person curious, intelligent, and as wise as Alice then I think this junk journal became the perfect gift.
Give this junk journal to an explorer or wanderer as it reflects that you have put in the thought.
If you are the lost Alice then make it for yourself and keep adding new explorations of your life within it.
If you are wanting what you can add to this beautiful bundle then go for envelopes, cute little bottles, stamps, and playing cards.
You can create texture effects by inking them out for a distressed look.
You can create a much more distressed appeal by tearing the paper pieces or images very randomly.
You can make envelopes from scratch or get them from any online shop to fill it in whatever you want to.
Junk Journal Idea 13#:
What is the best thing you can do in the summer?
Create a journal that reflects the vision of warm weather, seashore, crowded shorelines, rich colorful seashells, swimsuits, and everything that goes into a happy summer day.
As far as the cover of the summer journal is concerned the neck is embellished with seashells and other watercolored prints.
I am in love with the pop of a metal embellishment on top.
It rhymed!
You can grab any little souvenirs from the shore and use this popping up technique for making your junk journal much special.
Junk Journal Idea 14#:
This is the perfect example of another seasonal junk journal.
You can make a cover by grabbing any old book and sewing through the spine.
You can add the embroidery floss for getting a more casual and special look.
You can make a cover image by printing it on vallum and then sewing it over the piece.
This scrap of lace adds some beautiful and delicate touch to the overall design of this junk journal you can further at a few bright buttons for completing the look.
Junk Journal Idea 15#:
Lastly, this junk journal can be inspired by your favorite character or book and in this case, it is undoubtedly Emma.
You can make the cover with layers of beautiful images of women.
Grab beautiful laces and adorn the cover aesthetically.
Further, you can add different postcards coupled with embroidered fabric pockets.
Lastly, you can create a simple and beautiful touch by adding beats.
I hope you are inspired enough to start digging into junk journaling.
Girl, if you are thinking that high school was enough in preparing for you college then that is not the case. 
There are several badass skills to learn which remain under the blanket in the school.
Thus, now is the time to tap them in college.
You will not get time in college.
Yes, i repeat that. So you will have to make one.
I will highly encourage these badass skills to learn before college starts. Why?
So you know things other than crafting professional emails! 
 Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.
21 Things to do to be Productive 
17 Best Advice for New College Students
19 Will Power Strategies & Tips to recharge self discipline
The best thing about these badass skills to learn is that you do not know that which one will help when.
Ready to smoothen your college life and make it more fun?
Let’s see how you can enrich college life.
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 #1. Badass skill to learn -New language
Girl, this will help you in the long run! And give you a competitive edge.
I know you can not download a new language into your head within a day.
But you can surely try day by day until you are finally there.
If you want to avail of the cognitive benefits then go on and discover a new language.
Improve your memory today and strengthen your career.
If you aim to travel for work to a certain place after graduation then now is time to start planning ahead.
If have absolutely no idea about how to get started in learning a new language then check:
Duolingo – It is a free app that can make learning another language addictive
Babbel – This app incorporates real-life conversation which makes it ideal for beginners.
 #2. Badass Skill to Learn – Go Cooking
 Girl, you will need some cooking skills if you do not want to torture your stomach cells.
Treat your taste birds by learning the essentials of cooking.
Can you live off maggie like forever? No right!
So get a masterclass on cooking so you could go beyond that basic omellete and could replicate a famous dish.
Youtube is a huge sea!
You might get lost in deciding . . . the worst thing is that you might end up wasting the ingredients which is the last thing you want to do is on a tight budget.
Need resources? Check:
Epicurious : great for beginners
Supercook : Ideal if you possess just limited ingredients.
Culinary Fundamentals & How To Cook Everything: These app are great to start with.
#3. Badass skill to learn -Unleash Creativity
 In college, you can easily get caught up in the overwhelming burden.
Studies can totally crush your creative potential.
(I have personally experienced this as my creativity totally drained in the freshmen year)
No matter what you are majoring in, learn the basic editing skills as this can immensely help you in the long run.
Tapping my tale: I had a computer science major in the freshmen year (yes, I intentionally wrote freshmen, want to know what happened with my degree in the sophomore and beyond? Here.)
Despite being a computer science student initially I possessed illustrator skills.
Get your hands on learning adobe or any other platform.
These are handy for creating social media campaigns, and poster presentation.
Remember that designing is a highly desirable skill that can add a great advantage to your resume.
Need a budget-friendly alternative to adobe suite? Try Sumo Paint OR Pixlr 
#4. Badass skill to learn – Pick up coding
 I have already mentioned above that how I was majoring in computer science.
Well, the girl even if you are not majoring in one then it is highly advisable that you try a mini coding course.
Even as a designer you should know the basics of coding.
My university did not spare any major! Whether you are in social development policy/ designing or electrical engineering, you will have to enroll in programming fundamentals.
Let me tell you exactly why!
Well, because when coding you are not just typing bunch of { ; } these elements here and there!
You are actually strengthening programming solving skills!
And these skills are vital for any major.
Most importantly you will be adding additional DEMANDING skill to your cv.
The competitive advantage you see.
Coding does not have to be boring thus take any Bootcamp or learn from interactive websites like:
Codeacademy OR Code.org : Great for beginners so start learning.
#5. Badass skill to learn – Musical Instrument
“Why is eisha suggesting to learn a musical instrument I wonder!”
Well, because it offers several psychological benefits.
Girl, trust me in college you will feel like hitting your head against the wall!
And that too several times.
In those cramming times playing a musical instrument will help you to a great extent.
So own this life-saving skill which I call.
Surprisingly, I did not know that learning to play a musical instrument has the potential of improving your memory.
Where to learn from:
Justin Guitar Or Simply Piano
Yousician: FreeApp with easy step-by-step tutorials.
 #6. Badass skill to Learn – Find a flair in writing
 No matter which major you are enrolled in. . . you have to own the flair of writing.
I cannot stress enough the importance which writing has on your overall career.
You need to give a great impression when crafting professional emails and your style of writing will speak volumes.
How to pro in writing before the college start? Here is how :
Model the professional style of your favorite writers.
Find your own writing voice through the process of journaling
Read extensively (not everything! But something that will actually help) for expanding vocabulary
Check your writing against Scrivener, iA Writer / Hemmingway App or Grammarly
One of Best badass skills to learn: Productivity
 Can you rank your productivity level on a scale from 1-10?
It is bound to get even lower in college.
You need to realize that productivity is a lifetime skill.
It will help you in your career immensely.
It is what differentiates a successful person and the one who is not.
Do you know how to actually have more than 24 hours in a day?
Through incredible time management.
I will highly suggest you check this ultimate productivity bundle.
Once the college starts or as the years will pass by . . . your procrastination level will mount high.
Very high. If you want to live the life you want then liberate yourself from the phrase, “I am busy”.
Learn from the experts.
  Before you go Know This Secret:
 Which skills are you willing to try? Any suggestions? Comment below. 
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The post 15+ Amazing Junk Journaling Ideas To Try Today (Junk Journal Supplies) appeared first on You Decode.
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softseraphs · 4 years
DIY Custom Wedding Favors That Couples Can Enjoy Making
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Wedding favors, if chosen well, can add an impressive touch to any sort off wedding reception. Many engaged couples today are more creative and unique when it comes to their wedding. They have a tendency to go for personalized information to include in their nuptial. Beyond customary bells, chocolates, and figurines, one could think about favors that she can make with her groom-to-be.
Many mass-produced business wedding favors can wind up equally pricey and common, 1 reason why many brides nowadays are into DIY. It is going to also be more meaningful if the favors are made by the bride and groom themselves. Irrespective of the theme and colors they want their wedding favors to possess, the couple can get very creative and unique in crafting their own wedding mementos.
Unique DIY wedding favors are usually based on the common interest of the wedding couple. These custom mementos are great because they can tell a story about the couple. It holds true too on favors which shows the way the bride and groom meet each other, in their first date, or their favorite hobby or pastime.
Based on the frequent preference of the wedding couple, custom made wedding favors may differ. By way of instance, if one of the pastimes is to play cards, then custom playing cards can earn a excellent solution for their wedding favors. Making custom playing cards is in fact pretty straightforward. There are a lot of cool images on the computer which are free to use to decorate the cards. Normally, the cards come in a box which can also be customized based on the couple's choice.
Another impressive idea that bride and groom can personalize are coffee or tea bags, stirring spoons, chopsticks, or even scents. The majority of these items can be bought in bulk and can easily be decorated by oneself. These inexpensive suggestions can be published with the names of the couple or perhaps their monograms, the wedding date, and a brief line of message or quote.
Customized favors aren't only meaningful, but also cheap. Among the cheapest are custom thank you cards that are extremely easy to make. While they are as straightforward as special cards that frequently sent to your guests, the couple may think about placing each card into a wonderful picture frame. Mini image frames can be bought in bulk at discount price. This DIY idea may create a memorable keepsake that will remind your guests about the wedding.
Custom favors that are made by the bride and groom themselves aren't merely a money saving choice, but also a possible method to produce meaningful wedding keepsakes which they can proudly offer to their friends and family members. Other thoughts for DIY wedding favors include custom candles, soaps, favor boxes, organza bags, tin cans, Chinese take out boxes, and a lot more. You will find available DIY kits for all these wedding favor ideas which may be obtained at a local craft store or online, and can be personalized with couple's names, wedding date, and a lineup of quotation.
DIY Ideas for Window Treatments At Home
Whether it's new material or not, houses can be decorated with simple creativity. Windows create the natural light from outside enter the house; and therefore, it is among the best areas of the house to beautify. These adornments don't always need to be costly and difficult.
In actuality, materials that aren't that useful in the home can be one of those frills to decorate a window. From belts that are old, old patterned tablecloth to cloth shower curtains and even old jewelry - these may be utilized as a pleasant collateral to decorate a brand new appearance to home windows. DIY home decor and window coverings are getting to be a fast-rising popular among homemakers nowadays.
Here are some of the Do-It-Yourself spree to decorate household windows:
No-Sew Window Treatment
As simple as no sew, windows may have new accents and fresh vibes through using scarf, table cloth, and cloth shower curtain, in addition to traditional jewelry. Simply by putting up a color and decorating present curtains with a few decorations, it can give an elusive appearance to the window. An individual may also place printed decals made for glass and created specifically for windows. This sort of window treatment can be easily purchased from any home depot and may also assist in preventing light from entering our homes. Plastic gems and trinkets are also glued to windows to add a different feel and look into them.
Gold Chain Tieback
For printed and plain drapes in your home, a gold chain tieback may be used to open the window up a little. In accord with design and extravagance, gold string can add visual appeal to the windows. Gold chains could be practically bought everywhere, but you can also create your own version minus the additional money by easy dipping ordinary rope with gold paint. Seal it with a paint sealer and you will have something as pretty as that of those purchased in stores.
Stenciled Draperies
Unleash some imagination and use some paint. Stenciled draperies can be customized to whatever the house motif is. Solid print patterns, however large or small, can transform a plain curtain to its attractive form. You may spend a weekend with the kids to perform the stenciling as a group. It would surely be an enjoyable and memorable experience for the entire family. You may also stencil designs on your plantation shutters to define and personalize its appearances.
Leather Belt Tieback
If gold chains aren't present and leather straps have started to worn out as a daily outfit usage, they may be used to secure the window drapes. Switch those curtains into a fashion statement and make use of old-fashioned belts in your home. You may add rhinestones or paint the straps in a different color to update its appearance.
Knotted Chiffon Café Curtains
Apart from the conventional whole drapes, various chiffon fabrics lying around at home can be tied side-by-side till they become curtains. This technique provides a relaxing and breezy atmosphere within the house with only a very simple use of chiffon fabric, curtain pole, and scissors.
Decorating your homes do not have to be costly. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, even the most unlikely materials within your houses can become a one-of-a-kind decoration and accessory for your easy abode.
Among the interesting DIY projects that you can add in their houses is plantation shutters. Costs aren't always expensive but comparing plantation shutters cost with that of the DIY ones can prove a substantial difference in your savings. If you prefer an instantaneous change in the appearance of your house minus the hassles, ready made farm shutters is advised.
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sunken-standard · 7 years
Drabble Ask Meme Fill
Requested by @mizjoely: Oh, here's my prompt #6: You drank a gallon of milk over night 
Tom!verse; pure, unabashed fluff.  I don't even know who I am anymore.  (Also, these are scenes that span the pregnancy, so it doesn't fit very neatly in the chronology; some are before Janine's visit and the very last one is after, because reasons.)
"You drank a gallon of milk over night," she asked flatly.  The space where her two bottles of milk had been were now empty.  So much for that rice pudding she was going to make.  And so much for breakfast.
"Drank?  Not exactly."
"So it was for science."  It was always for science, not 'I'm actually ten years old and do the first thing that strikes my fancy when I get bored,' even if that was the more accurate descriptor.
"No, it was for the long-term psychological well-being of our child."
"Fine," Sherlock groaned.  "I wasn't going to mention it yet, but after you go back to work I'll be taking over most of the daytime care of the baby, which will include feedings.  'The breast is best' on a number of fronts past nutrition, including infant-parent bonding and brain development from holding a mother's gaze.  Bottle-feeding is clearly the inferior choice, what with the potential for ingestion of air leading to a host of digestive issues, future orthodontic problems, what-have-you.  So I've been looking into alternatives.  I did some shopping and I've been road-testing."
"This is the slings and baby carriers all over again, isn't it?  Just attach a bottle to the side of his cot like in a pet store, he'll be perfectly fine," Molly said, looking morosely at her dry, tasteless muesli, made even more dry and tasteless by the lack of milk.
"And people think I'm the unfit one," Sherlock muttered.  "When our child has a healthy spine and fully developed musculature, you'll be thanking me because we went with the mei tai instead of front-facing carry."
It was entirely too early to be having this conversation.  Or any, really, especially with an up-all-night Sherlock who was obviously (enviably) caffeinated.
"So what were you road testing?"
"Harnesses that allow for the simulation of breast feeding."
Delightful, she thought.  She should be more surprised, but at this point, she didn't think there was much that could surprise her.  He would probably volunteer for an experimental uterine transplant to carry the next one himself if he could.
"Do you call it 'The Mannery Gland?'"
"That's not one of the brands I found, I suppose I'll have to look again later..."  He frowned.
"It's from a film."
"I'm not doing pregnancy yoga with you."
"It's good for the mind as well as the body."
"Both of which are still just fine, thank you.  I hate yoga.  It's all bending... and uncontrollable rude sounds," she said, remembering the reason she quit her first (and only) yoga class years ago.  
"Molly, I've already heard every rude sound you could possibly make."
"Trust me, you have not.  It's like having my very own set of bagpipes between my legs.  I'd rather keep some element of mystery to the relationship, at least until your screaming, fat-headed baby rips its way out of my vagina."
He looked at her in horror, affronted that she could describe their child thus.  Then again, he wasn't the one with an angry bowling ball resting on his kidneys.
"I smell paint.  Why do I smell paint?" Molly yelled from the door as soon as she walked in.
"Because I've been painting," Sherlock said, crossing from the kitchen to the lounge to greet her. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt like any other person, which was always a bizarre thing to see; of course he didn't have a single drop or splatter on him.  It was like he was magnetized to repel dirt.
"Going to go out on a limb here and guess you finished the nursery.  Which we haven't talked about at all."
"It's a surprise.  So, surprise. Also, I packed you an overnight bag because we're sleeping at Baker Street tonight.  These fumes probably aren't good for 2.0."
"Oh goodie.  I love surprises," she said, following him up the stairs.  "Aren't I supposed to be the one nesting?"
"That's late in the third trimester.  And this isn't nesting, this is preparing.  Better to do it now before we know the gender so the decor doesn't reflect our own inherent biases, no matter how unconscious they may be," he said, stopping outside the door.  "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
Sherlock grinned and swung the door wide to reveal—oh dear God.  It was... she didn't even know what it was.  Black, white, and red stripes and dots and geometric patterns spread over the walls with no real rhyme or reason; it made her eyes hurt and she wasn't even inside the room yet.
"So what do you think?"
"Are you trying to hide the baby from Nazi submarines?" she asked.
"Dazzle camouflage wasn't actually meant to hide, it only misled.  Kind of hard to miss."
"And so is this paint job."
"This 'paint job' is to provide visual stimulation in the first few weeks of life, when a baby can only process high-contrast and the colour red, thus aiding bra—"
"—brain development.  Yes.  But no.  I'm not sitting in this migraine-waiting-to-happen while nursing our son or daughter, you're repainting it."
"You can nurse in our room.  Or on the sofa," he protested, deflated.  He looked like she'd kicked his puppy.
She huffed a sigh.  "Fine, you can keep an accent wall.  Everything else gets repainted a colour we can both agree on."
"This is Rosie's nursery all over again," he said mostly to himself as he rolled his eyes looked away theatrically.
"There's nothing wrong with Rosie's nursery.  Mary changed her mind about the fish, she's the Mum, she's allowed."
"That coral took me six hours, and then you just stencilled apples and birds all over it willy-nilly and topped it all off with some frankly alarming wall stickers."
"The stickers were a gift, she wanted to use them."
"They weren't a gift, they were a curse.  What better way to instil coulrophobia? I bet they came from Janine, probably some kind of revenge."
"Uh huh," Molly said.  She paused a beat for dramatic effect (Sherlock was rubbing off on her, it seemed, though if he'd just done that in the first place they wouldn't even be there...).  "So, DIY store at the weekend."
"If we must.  At least that gives me time to pick out a new theme."
"Which we will both agree on before you buy so much as a mobile."
"Already have that."
She raised an eyebrow.
"...Which we can take back if you don't like.  Dearest."
"...And if you'd've let me get a proper a cot instead of this flatpack abomination, we wouldn't have this problem," Sherlock said, ruffling his hair as he looked at the debris field in the (newly repainted) nursery.  He was taking the fact that he'd been bested by IKEA entirely too hard.
"We're not spending £200 on a cot that can only be used for six months when Mary's already said we can use Rosie's Moses basket."
"Co-sleeping has been shown to—"
"I don't care.  If nursing is a problem through the night, we'll keep the baby in bed with us.  It's more practical to—"
"Yes, yes, practical. You sound like a Yorkshireman.  When is Mary getting here?"
"Mary? Who said anything about Mary?"
"You phoned her, I assume, as she's the one that put all Rosie's things together."
"I helped."
"Yes, and your talent for handing over the correct screwdriver in a timely fashion is second to none.  Mary?"
"Left twenty minutes ago.  And she's bringing Rosie so you have something to do while the grown-ups work."
He narrowed his eyes at her.  "Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with you."
Time stopped dead; he'd never said the L-word before.  "You—you're in love with me?"
"Yeeeess..." he said as though she were a particularly dim child.  "Why else do you think you ended up pregnant?"
"Because you're what some in the Old West might call a quick draw?"
He frowned, which turned into a scowl when he saw her get out her phone. "What are you doing?"
"Phoning Mary.  Telling her to circle the street a few times.  Your 'abbreviated stamina' is actually going to work for us this time. And, for the record, I love you, too," she said, stretching up to press a kiss to his lips before Mary answered her phone.
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herecomesthewitch · 7 years
So You Don’t Think You Can Grimoire?
This is a post for all of those witches who don’t think they’re handwriting or drawing abilities are good enough to make a “cool” looking grimoire. There are a ton of ways to make your grimoire look badass, even if you can’t draw or your handwriting looks like chicken scratch!
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Everyone dreams of having pretty grimoires with flowing words and beautiful pictures, but more often than not what we create doesn’t exactly live up to our expectations. We always find our handwriting doesn’t look pretty enough, or our pictures aren’t as good as what we see online. However, even if you don’t have any sort of drawing talent, or legible handwriting, there are plenty of ways to pretty up your grimoire with just a little bit of practice on a scrap piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
But my handwriting is awful!
That’s ok! In today’s world most of us communicate through keyboards, so if you aren’t in the habit of writing by hand, then you’re bound to get rusty. If you’re really hell bent on hand-writing your grimoire, then I recommend you start journaling! It gives you a reason to practice your writing, and as we know, practice makes perfect. But, if you still don’t have any faith, there are plenty of other tricks to use.
⛤ Faux Calligraphy
There are tons of tutorials online that show you different ways to draw fancy and cute letters with ease. One of my favorite techniques is called Faux Calligraphy (you can find a tutorial for it here). It’s a simple technique that is great for titles or headers. 
I like to find tutorials on Pinterest, but a quick Google search will probably give you plenty ideas too.
If you’re feeling especially fancy, you can buy calligraphy markers or pens and experiment with writing with those!
⛤ Computer Programs
Even if you don’t have neat handwriting, you are probably a little computer savvy. There are plenty of programs that you can make grimoire pages on, such as Word or sites like Pic Monkey. Changing the font style and size can make any grimoire totally unique. This also helps with organizing your pages. 
⛤ Newspapers or Magazines
Feel free to cut out sections from magazines and newspapers (or maybe even books!) that relate to your practice. You can cut out things from almanacs (such as astrological event charts, gardening tips or herbal recipes). You can also cut out recipes, cleaning tips for when we cleanse, or local places that you’d like to visit.
Ok, but I can’t draw!
⛤ Stickers, Stamps and Stencils
An easy way to put pictures in your grimoire is to use stickers, either bought from the dollar store or a craft store, or you can buy sticker paper and print images right off the computer to use.
You can also buy (or make!) stencils of images, like suns, moons and stars, so you can easily trace images. Another good alternative is stamps! Stamps can be bought in almost any shape you can think of, and they can be made by hand with rubber erasers too!
⛤ Magazine or Book Pictures
Another nice and easy way is to cut pictures out of magazines, newspapers, or even your old Witchcraft 101 books (if you can bare the thought!). There are a ton of spiritual-aimed magazines to get images from, and fashion magazines or National Geographics can give you other great images.
⛤ Borders and Doodles
I’ve found that just words on a page can seem quite boring, and adding in little borders, page breakers and doodles around the page can liven things up. Even the more complicated doodles or designs need only a little bit of practice in the corner of a notebook.
⛤ Flowers, Feathers and Other Finds in Nature
When all else fails, you can paste or glue things into your book that you find outside. There are a variety of different flowers, leaves and herbs can can be arranged in aesthetically pleasing designs in your book. You can also use feathers and small shells or rocks, or maybe a butterfly wing if you find one. You can dry flowers and such and press them directly into the book, or create a pocket with plastic or vellum and put that into your book. You can also transfer the pattern into your pages as well.
⛤ Photos
Take photos of things that would go well in your book and either print them on paper or photo paper at Walmart, or at home. This way, you can put exactly what you want in your book, whether it be a nature picture, the picture of a certain flower, herb or crystal, a picture of your altar, or a picture of your family.
Any other ideas?
⛤ Watercolor - Whether you use it to paint words, backgrounds or little pictures, watercolor often creates a beautiful texture with no effort whatsoever. 
⛤ Tea or Coffee Stains - By just dabbing your page with a wet you can make your pages look old as well as giving them a nice crinkly feel and sound.
⛤ Scrapbook paper - You can buy single sheets for less than a dollar, or you can buy a whole pack that has a theme. This is an easy way to give a section a matching background theme, or you can make paper crafts or cards to glue or tape into your book.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Minimalist 3 Tier Tray
Buy A&B HP42249-AB D19x30 Woodruff 3-Tier Round Serving Tray: Decorative Trays – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Shop Imperial Porcelain Teaware at the Amazon Dining & Entertaining store. Free Shipping on eligible items. Everyday low prices, save up to 50%. Wood 3 Tier Serving Stand Wooden Tiered Tray Two Round Display . 3 tier wooden serving stand wood tiered stands 2 server home improvement licious. Tiered Serving Stand Diy Australia 3 Tier Platters Stands Mint Green . Tiered Serving Stand Uk Rustic Australia 3 Tray Tier Stainless Home Improvement Inspiring St . Target Uk Spooky Eyeballs Upper General Home Improvement Licious. . ideas about 3 Tier Server. Jeffrey Banks Dublin 3-Tier Server @ HSN $69.95. 3 Tier ServerDublinBanksHome GoodsCondoTraysHousehold ItemsFood Trays. Galvanized Metal Three Tiered Tray Stand 3 Tier 2 Serving Home . You Need To Astounding Fruit Stan Cake Plate Licious Plant Smith Outdoor Drop Dead . 9 вер. 2018 р. – 2017 New Home Decor 2 Tiers Stainless Steel Fruit Basket Rack Tray Fashion Style . Suggested Searches: 3 tiered basket standstandwire . Home Improvement Programme 2 2018 Essex County Program Three Tier . Ang Mo Kio 2017 Payment 3 Tier Cake Plate Stand Licious Serving Tray Stands. 62374 Features: -3 Tier Tray Stand with basket weave design. -Material: Metal. -Color: Brown rust. Distressed: -Yes. Product Type: -Tiered stand. Color: -Brown . 3 Tier Serving Tray Stand – Round Cupcake Dessert Party Platter with BONUS Serving Metal Tongs – Three Tiered Food Holder Display for Weddings, Tea . Buy Deco 79 54347 Metal 3 Tier Tray Stand, 16″ x 29″: Decorative Trays . If you like things perfect don’t buy it because the trays are kind of wobbly and uneven. Type: Shape: Square; Material: Wood; Pattern: Geometric; Style: Modern & This Three Tier Beaded Aluminum Stand is a fabulously huge serving piece. Shop for Green and White Rustic Metal 3 Tier Tray Stand. Get free delivery at Overstock – Your Online . Style, Traditional. Type, Tiered Servers. Color, Green . Farmhouse 17 x 15 Inch Metal Two-Tier Tray Stand by Studio 3 . Type: Tiered Servers; Material: Stainless Steel; Set Include: 1 Piece; Care Instruction: Hand . 3r Studio Wood 3-Tier Tray Creative Co Op, Creative Storage, Tier Tray . hadley three tiered display stand Tier Round Display from Mothology (mothology.com). Results 97 – 144 of 156 – Get the best deal for Tiered Serving Tray from the largest online . Two Tier Serving Stand, Cake Plate, Tray, Cupcake Stand, Dessert, Easter This beautiful unique unusual one of a kind 3 tier serving tray is 16″ tall x . Results 1 – 48 of 362 – 3 Tier White Cake Stand Plastic Cupcake Wedding Party Display . Features: Cupcake Display Tray, Wedding Cake Stand, 3-Tier Stand. 3 tier tray Tiered Stand, 3 Tier Metal Stand, Christmas Kitchen, Country . +25 Essential Steps To Decorative Tray Ideas Coffee Tables Centerpieces 7 . Wooden Tiered Tray 3 Tier Serving Tray, Tier Tray, Tray Decor, 3 Tier. 3 Tier Blossom Jubilee 3-Tier Serving Tray – All the Kitchen Essentials We’re Buying. Limitless Décor Options – This tall, rustic serving tray features three tiers Home Essentials Set of 3 Mason Jar Flatware Caddies with Chalk Tags, Clear. 3 tier Swan tray, Carved Swan decor, Wooden decor tray, Gift for Mother in law . Essential Oil 3 Tiered Counter 15ml Display FREE SHIPPING Storage Tray . Shop Wayfair for the best farmhouse 3 tier tray. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, . Syreeta Decorative 3 Tiered Cascading Serving Tray. By House of Hampton. When it comes to displaying desserts, this three-tier stand takes the cake. three tiers that offer a stage to display decorative favorites or store essential . CANVAS 3-Tier Marble Tray Rose is a great addition to your home décor Will compliment your Christmas décor and look great on your mantle. Items 1 – 60 of 2093 – Walmart Canada – Save Money. Live Better. Cart 0 Winsome Benito Bed/Lap Tray With Curved Top – 92022 3 Pack, Oval Serving Platters. 7 Reviews. Price . Godinger 25954 Dublin 3 Tier Serving Rack. 0 Reviews. Buy THE PIONEER WOMAN BLOSSOM JUBILEE 3 TIER SERVING TRAY from Walmart Canada. Shop for more Trays & Platters available online at Walmart.ca. Jan 20, 2019- Explore Laura Miller’s board “3 tier tray decor” on Pinterest. See more ideas about . Things I Love Thursday – Galvanized Goodies Kitchen tier tray. Laura Miller3 tier Great Idea to add to any decor. You can change it of July tier tray but could be changed to Canada Day very easily. jinny martinezDIY. 27 січ. 2017 р. – Tiered tray stands are great for storage and organization or for seasonal displays; I used mine . I purchased mine at Canadian Tire – they called it a 3-tier ornament tray and it was . See – that’s what I mean when I declare that I will never be a minimalist! . Love your tea tray idea – thank you for sharing it. BESTONZON Three Tiers Cake Display Stand and Fruit Plate Party Serving Platter Great three tiered cake plate idea for afternoon tea . Classy, minimalist style of cake stand which makes a refreshing change from the fussy traditional ones. . Australia · Brazil · Canada · China · France · Germany · India · Italy · Japan . 13 січ. 2019 р. – Buy Creative Co-Op Wood and Tin 3-Tier Tray: Decorative Trays – Amazon.com . Add it to the dining archaic fair wooden tiered tray canada. Cool idea for those who require a dish rack. . IKEA Canada · Products . This 3-Tier Market Basket Stand is the practical and elegant storage solution that will . Follow. spring-themed-three-tier-wooden-tray Galvanized Tiered Tray, 3 See this Instagram photo by @yellowprairieinteriors • 3,010 likes Farmhouse Design, . 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand, Painted Fox Home, Tray Decor, Wood And · 3 Tier Wooden Garden 3-Tier Stand from Pottery Barn (potterybarn.com) Photo: . Rustic Wooden Three Tiered Tray Farmhouse decor from . P a i n t e d F o x H o m e (@paintedfoxhome) • Instagram photos and videos. Tray StylingTray . 16-1/4″ Round x 24-3/4″H Decorative Wood 3-Tier Tray photo by Kristen at @farmhouseflare designs on Instagram. 2 серп. 2018 р. – Me too and I share how to decorate a farmhouse style 3 tier tray. . DA4440 Bungalow Lane Grey Square Decorative Wood Three-Tier Tray. Buy products related to farmhouse tiered tray products and see what customers say about farmhouse tiered tray products on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY . Buy Square Wood & Metal Wire 3 Tier Trays Display Stands Gray Wash Finish Country Home D: Serving Trays – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on . Explore Erin Landauer’s board “3 tier tray decor” on Pinterest. See more ideas . Wooden Garden 3-Tier Stand from Pottery Barn (potterybarn.com) Photo: . Results 1 – 48 of 149 – Vintage 3 Tier Tidbit Serving Dish Tray Wood Painted Red Apple Disassembled photo also shows the bottom sides of the tiers (corroded . Hello everyone! I have a fun, inexpensive little idea for you all today. It is after all going to Mothers Day soon I thought you might enjoy a fun gift idea. I was at a . Three tier display stand created from dollar tree items pizza pan 2 cake pans 2 candle sticks and a curtain rod finial to top it off finally painted with rust oleum s . 126 Diy Cake, Tiered Cupcake Stand, 3 Tier Cupcake Stand, Tier Tray, the dollar tree. i could even make then chalkboards so i could write prices and ect. 24 січ. 2019 р. – This DIY 3 tier stand is so easy to make yourself and very inexpensive too. You can create them for around $5 and pick colors to coordinate with . 29 бер. 2017 р. – 3 tier trays are trendy in serving food at parties, for holiday decorating, and home decor. Learn to style them and find the best budget serving . 9 лют. 2011 р. – $5 Challenge — 3 different Dollar Store Tiered Tray Ideas {and a Chevron stencil printable}. February 9 . {total cost — $2.50}. I have made a I featured your DIY Trays on my blog as I made my own tray today! I went in . 26 квіт. 2016 р. – You’ll never believe how simple and inexpensive this gorgeous DIY 3 tier tray was to make! An easy to make DIY rustic 3-tier tray using common parts makes a stunning statement in just about any room! It also happens to be cheaper than buying a 3-tier . Mar 16, 2019- Explore Norma Cutler’s board “3 Tier Tray Decorations” on Pinterest. . 100 Gorgeous Farmhouse Fall Decor Ideas You Can Try for Your Home – . Words With Means on Instagram: “How beautiful is this tiered tray from @thepinkhutch If you haven’t met her yet, give her a visit! She makes incredible . Mar 27, 2019- Explore Patty Horsburgh’s board “Farmhouse Trays” on . 48 Gorgeous Three Tier Stand Decor Ideas To Beautify Your Home – Popy Home. Buy products related to farmhouse tiered tray products and see what customers say about farmhouse . Kate and Laurel Woodmont 3 Tiered Decorative Rustic Farmhouse Wood Tray, Antique White “It held a lot of food and was super pretty. Display your pastries, fruits or confectionery in style with this stunning Deco 79 Farmhouse 3-Tiered Galvanized Metal Round Cake Stand, 22″ x 16”. Beautifully . GalvanizeYourHome brings you a beautiful galvanized 3 tier country home tray that can be used for serving food, decorating for season or events or a catch all . Shop Wayfair for the best farmhouse 3 tier tray. . This charming tiered tray can be used to create a beautiful decorative centerpiece on your holiday table or any . 29 бер. 2017 р. – Here are some Beautiful ideas to decorate, DIY , and get the best . Rustic 3 tiered wooden farmhouse tray – ideas for decorating tiered trays . 10 вер. 2017 р. – Supplies for making your own 3 tiered farmhouse tray . How to Make a Gorgeous Fixer Upper Style Modern Farmhouse Tiered Tray for Fall . Tiered Tray Trays For Coffee Table, 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand, Galvanized . Check out these amazing easter decorating ideas for the home. Spring Home . Rustic Wooden Three Tiered Tray Farmhouse decor from tray? Check out how gorgeous it can be with just a few pine cones and gourds placed in it! . Three tiered tray Tray Decor, Galvanized Tray Centerpieces, 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand . Unusual Centerpiece of Tiered Herbs, Candles, Veggies and More. Wooden 3-Tier Tray – Vintage Farmhouse Finds Galvanized Tiered Tray, 3 Tiered Wooden. Visit farmhosue kitchen 3 tier stand. Most 3 tier trays have at See more. Take A Look At These Practical Interior Design Tips ** Check out this great article . Unusual Centerpiece of Tiered Herbs, Candles, Veggies and More. Results 1 – 24 of 175 – Discover Tiered Serving Trays & Platters on Amazon.com at a great . Marble Stone and Acacia Wood 2-Tier Cake Stand Dessert Server. Adjustable tiered melamine server stand can be assembled with 1, 2 or 3 tiers to present appetizers, . It looks great and stands out on the dark-wood table. logo 2 3 two three tier galvanized metal stand three tray wood iron metal steel. Bring warmth . The options are limitless – let it to bring out the creativity in you! The weathered details complement a vintage aesthetic and stand out when Organize your home in farmhouse style with this three-tiered solid wood tray. Shop Wayfair.ca for all the best Cottage & Country Cake & Tiered Stands. . Crafted of iron in a clean white painted finish, each matching cake stand features a lathed round pedestal base and a round lipped tray . This Wood/Metal Cake Stand is the perfect platform for all sorts of sweet Rated 3 out of 5 stars.2 total votes. the full heat of the furnace, while behind these are successive tiers of trays each . projects 2 or 3 inches beyond the first, and each succeeding tray stands out for the . be large enough to heat comfortably an ordinary 20 by 20 foot living room. . The furnace may burn either wood or coal, but both Farm and Home Drying of . Buy Ikea Kvittera Serving Platter 3 Tiers Clear Glass, Stainless Steel on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. IKEA – KVITTERA, Serving stand, 3 tiers, You can detach the plates and combine and vary the height as you like.Plates with a raised side keep food in place. IKEA – FÖRÄDLA, Serving stand, 3 tiers, The serving stand is a festive way to serve pastries, cheese or fruit. IKEA FÖRÄDLA Serving stand, 3 tiers 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand, Dorm, . Three-Tier Stand Tiered Serving Platters, Serving Dishes, Tiered Dessert Stand, . The IKEA KVITTERA serving platter is made of three interchangable glass tiers, so you can . IKEA – KVITTERA, Serving stand, 3 tiers, You can detach the plates and 12 Perfectly Charming Looks for Easter Sunday Brunch English Country . World Market tray, IKEA plants and pitcher, fresh lemons and a cute wooden . 20+What You Can Do About Three Tier Stand Decor Farmhouse Starting in the Next . A lemon filled mason jar provides a fun base to this charming arrangement. IKEA – KVITTERA, Serving platter, 3 tiers, You can detach the plates and combine and vary the height as you like. . IKEA FÖRÄDLA Serving stand, 3 tiers 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand, Dorm, Lobmeyr Candy Dishes-these are amazing! Explore Erin Landauer’s board “3 tier tray decor” on Pinterest. . #DIY # Amazing DIY Farmhouse Interior Tiered Stand, 3 Tier Metal Stand, Tier World Market tray, IKEA plants and pitcher, fresh lemons and a cute wooden sign from @ . Ikea Hack: Two Tier DIY Jewelry Stand For Less Than $10 . Next, drill a 3/4 inch spade bit through the center of each of the two coasters (one large and one . Explore Sally Pace’s board “Three tier trays” on Pinterest. See more ideas . 100 Gorgeous Farmhouse Fall Decor Ideas You Can Try for Your Home – Mbantool. Mar 16, 2019- Explore Norma Cutler’s board “3 Tier Tray Decorations” on Pinterest. . 100 Gorgeous Farmhouse Fall Decor Ideas You Can Try for Your Home – . Explore Chrissy Hernandez’s board “galvanized 3 tier stand” on Pinterest. . 48 Gorgeous Three Tier Stand Decor Ideas To Beautify Your Home – Popy Home. Awesome ideas for creating your own tiered plate stands and creative uses for A three-tiered dessert tray is a great tool for displaying a pretty grouping of. 29 бер. 2017 р. – 3 tier trays are trendy in serving food at parties, for holiday decorating, and home decor. . Isn’t this Christmas themed dessert stand gorgeous? Creative Three Tier Stand Decorations Idea 18 Tier Tray, Amai, St Pats, St 45 Awesome Farmhouse Table Decoration Ideas Galvanized 3 Tier Stand, . See more ideas about イースターのアイデア, イースターのデコレーション and イースター . 45 Awesome Farmhouse Table Decoration Ideas Galvanized 3 Tier Stand, . Love the owls 3 Tier Stand, Tiered Stand, Galvanized Tiered Tray, Galvanized Decor. 3 Tier . I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend! 14 бер. 2017 р. – First, we need to define 3-tier architecture. According to Techopedia, “3-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which the functional process logic, data access, computer data storage and user interface are developed and maintained as independent modules on separate platforms.” A 3-tier architecture is a type of software architecture which is composed of three “tiers” or “layers” of logical computing. . 3-tier architectures provide many benefits for production and development environments by modularizing the user interface, business logic, and data storage layers. 25 бер. 2019 р. – N-Tier architecture is an industry-proven software architecture model. It is suitable to support enterprise level client-server applications by . В программной инженерии многоуровневая архитектура или многослойная архитектура Concepts of Three-Tier Architecture (англ.) Linux journal, Three . 15 жовт. 2013 р. – Three-tier architecture is one of the basic paradigms of software development. This design pattern can be beneficially used in web integration . The 3-tier architecture adds an application server as a middleware tier between and is only interesting for a particular group of people inside the company. 26 лип. 2017 р. – This widely empowered the proliferation of Tier 3 architecture in which the UI component was separated from the core computing and the . 17 квіт. 2017 р. – 3-tier architecture in C# and T̶h̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶L̶a̶y̶e̶r̶ ̶A̶r̶c̶h̶i̶t̶e̶c̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶C̶#̶ ̶.̶N̶E̶T̶. Both projects are amazing specificly . Type: Cake Tools; Cake Tools Type: Stands; Feature: Stocked,Eco-Friendly; Certification: SGS; Model Number: SS-cake-171; Material: acrylic; Type: Cake Tools . Model # 13028944. Internet #305178230. Exquisite Honeycomb Net 3-Tier Garment Storage Cart with Hook in Black. share Share. save to favorites Save to . 3 Tier Black Acrylic Semicircle Dessert Cupcake Display Stand Rack . Hemoton 3 Tiers Elegant Cupcake Stand Durable Non Slip Acrylic Pastry Dessert Stand . 3 Tier Black Acrylic Semicircle Dessert Cupcake Display Stand Rack . Hemoton 3 Tiers Elegant Cupcake Stand Durable Non Slip Acrylic Pastry Dessert Stand . Buy Exquisite 3 Piece Bathroom Organizer Set from Walmart Canada. Shop for . 3-Tier Space Saver Toilet wire shelf Stainless Steel Bathroom Storage Organizer Rack. (2) . Exquisite. Product Identifiers. Walmart Item #. 31095011. Model #. Exquisite Model Agency · Home · Our Models · Female Models · Male Models · Child Models · Contact · About. Select Page. Home · Our Models · Female Models . . cook beans at KFC that assures an exquisite quality, with great consistency, to be . Customization and system delivery is the central value proposition to this tier. . Customer Tier 3: Thousands of Independents Description What remains are . 19 вер. 2014 р. – Help reduce bathroom clutter with 3 tier floor standing bathroom corner caddy. . Description Item # 005W007971327001 Model # 163 1300CP. Description Item # 005W007985370001 Model # 163 1410CP. Over-the-door rack can hold several towels of various sizes. Easily fits over all standard doors. #TrayIcon #TrayApp #3TierLondonBreakout #3TierTrayFarmhouse #HomeInterior
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/minimalist-3-tier-tray
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emmamiri8 · 5 years
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Our living room is normally the most utilized spaces in our home. The living room is one spot where you loosen up, unwind and engage yourself the most in the wake of going through a riotous day at work. 
Being the much of the time utilized zone of your home, the living room is a brilliant spot to explore different avenues regarding the inside planning aptitudes that you generally had. On the off chance that you are one of the individuals who get immediately exhausted with a similar sort of stylistic theme or change it consistently, at that point this is the most ideal approach to flaunt your masterful and tasteful sense by repairing your living room without going overwhelming on your pocket. 
There are many economical approaches to do it. So whether you are redesigning your current stylistic theme or brightening an all-new living room in your new house, we will control you on the best way to revamp your living room zone by giving ceaselessly five imaginative thoughts. 
Improve The Furniture 
First of all. This is by a long shot the most effortless, advantageous, and the least expensive approach to update the whole look of your living room. Revising or moving the furniture starting with one spot then onto the next can make a tremendous contrast without purchasing costly design things. 
On the off chance that moving the living room furniture alone doesn't satisfy you enough, you can attempt by putting some indoor blossoms and plants. Adding indoor plants to your living room space includes life, yet it likewise gives a refreshingly regular look to the room. 
Also, regardless of whether that doesn't help, have a go at revamping or moving your bookshelf shows and different embellishments. You will be enjoyably shocked at what a critical impact it can provide for the living room. 
Revive Your Living Room's Paint 
Changing the living room's paint is another approach to give a restored look to the room. This undeniable method for changing the appearance of the room won't be excessively substantial in your pocket and probably won't cost you in excess of a couple of dollars. 
With paint, you get the chance to appreciate an enormous assortment of shading palettes and unlimited choices to browse. You can get the whole room painted in one tone shading, or you can go intense by painting a component divider as it were. 
You can likewise redo your living room by painting some kind of plans or examples on the divider like stencil work, stripes or even chevrons. With paint, examples, and plans, anything is possible. 
Change The Room Accessories 
Many individuals don't pay a lot of notice to the lighting of the room. It is regularly a disregarded part with regards to redesigning the living room. Lighting and lampshades are those adornments that give a gem like an impact to the entire living room. 
The slight change in the shades and the whole mind-set of the room changes with it. Have a go at utilizing dim shaded lampshades like dark and maroon or offer inclination to creased over level, and from plain to design ones. Various choices are promptly accessible, all you need is a little market study, and you will wind up having numerous alternatives to browse. Attempt huge furniture stores. 
Acrylic photographs are ageless pieces that make divider craftsmanship look shocking. You can look at Bumblejax acrylic photograph obstruct here and get the ones that go well with the shading plan of your living room. Regardless of whether it's your wedding photograph or a family picture, transform them into acrylic edges to make a showstopper. 
Use Pillows And Throw Blankets 
Including toss covers and cushions is a great method to gives additional surface and shading to the living room. This gives an entirely different effect and aids in giving a shockingly present-day look to the room particularly when you do it in view of keeping the occasional changes. 
Substituting substantial and dim shading pads and couch tosses which most likely were comfortable and warm during winters with something new and light ones in the late spring season can spruce up and lift a living room immediately. 
Another method for giving an invigorating look to the living room is by putting fine art – from making new ones to revising existing and old fashioned pieces. 
Consider purchasing a couple of work of art pieces on the off chance that you don't have a few. It could be anything from texture tests to confining backdrops. The discernment that the craftsmanship which is expensive and substantial on pocket must be called as the work of art is only a legend, so make your own. 
Dispose Of The Clutter 
They state toning it down would be best, so when you feel that your living room is excessively packed with furniture, bookshelves and other workmanship pieces, help it up by expelling a few. Continuously recollect that any overstuffed zone can make the room look littler. Give your living room some breathing space by evacuating pointless furniture pieces. 
Changing The Living Room Landscape 
The following Are Some Trendy Ideas To Give A Modern Twist To Your Living Room Space – Adding A Touch Of Sophistication To Your Home. 
Change the vibe of your windows 
Save a divider to put your family photographs 
Put delightful and sensitive crystal fixtures in your living room 
Get hold of a utilized mirror 
Give a shower paint look to any of your furniture pieces 
Trim and give another shading to your entryways
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brewer08kay · 2 years
Creative Ideas to Decorate Your own Clutch Handbags
When an individual are dressing with regard to any occasion, merely wearing a great dress is not necessarily enough. You need to bring a befitting handbag to complement your own attire. Fashion purses and handbags are now a new must-have for all popular women and clutch i465 handbag is 1 of the most favored of this kind. With each passing day, newer patterns for handbags will be coming up available in the market. Recently, Lulu Guinness has launched Lips Clutch Bag which could become an best gift for Valentines? s Day. These types of lip-themed bags happen to be available in numerous pretty colors. Clutch system handbags are generally made from leather. Nevertheless, nowadays other materials like fabric in addition to plastics are also used in order to manufacture them. These types of bags usually come in small sizes and also have straps to hang up it from your arm. There are plenty of developer clutch handbags accessible in the market. But still many women prefer to decorate these bags along with their crafting ideas. Tips to decorate your current clutch handbag While you are going for a late night celebration, you should have a shiny carrier. Stick some rhinestone on the fabric clutch system handbag to make it glitzy. Rhinestones are very shiny and can be glued very easily around the bags surface. While designing, be sure in order to use glue that will is designed for textiles. You have observed many bags throughout boutique which are highly designed plus are unique. If you want to give such results you can employ semiprecious stone for decorating. Period bag to a local store in addition to select cabochons for decoration. website of such bead retailers keep wide selection of stone cabochons. You can get semiprecious stone involving different shapes, measurements and colors. You can either use the single big rock you can also stick several smaller ones with regard to decoration. Painting your own bag is one particular more proven fact that can easily make it look unique. If the talent in art work is limited, after that buy a stencil coming from a craft retail outlet. Use fabric paints for making your favored designs. You are able to set vintage impact on your own bag by attaching brass filigree. When you are unable to purchase classic filigree then you can make one of the own. Buy filigree from a craft shop then paint this with antique option. This will likely give this a metallic appearance. Once the paint is dry utilize this for decorating.
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