#first post in the tag blease be nice
qualquercoisa945 · 3 years
okay so in mag106, "a matter of perspective", it's revealed that ivy meadows, first introduced in mag36, "taken ill", was the care home in which melanie's father was staying.
TWs: fire, illnesses, death, corpses, and as always feel free to ask me to add warnings if i'm missing anything
now for those that don't recall, ivy meadows was attacked, for lack of a better term, by the corruption, its residents slowly becoming infected by a disease that would slowly kill them, a yellow rash that would eat at the flesh. The exact wording of the episode is the following:
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a section of the transcript from episode 36 of The Magnus Archives, Taken Ill. After the second sentence, the text is highlighted, turning it from blue text with beige background to white text with grey background. It reads: "Based on the colour of those sections of skin still whole and unblemished, Mr. Miller couldn't have been dead for more than a few hours, half a day at most. You wouldn't have known, though. Large sections of his body were covered in a wet, creamy yellow rash, which... I'm not a doctor, so describing exactly what it did to the flesh it touched would serve no purpose except to start me having the nightmares again. Let us just say that it gave a plentiful home for the flies that swarmed around his body." End ID]
now this is the first part of what i wanna talk about, which is: did elias show melanie the fire? or did he show her the disease?
to be entirely honest i think the implication is that he showed her the disease but it did take me a reread of this episode to realize the possibility so i'm bringing it up here regardless
the second point i want to make, is that, later in the episode, the statement giver, nicole baxter, returns to ivy meadows only to discover the disease has spread even further. she's then intercepted by two people, and i'll just let the transcript do the talking:
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a section of the transcript from episode 36 of The Magnus Archives, Taken Ill, with blue text on beige background. It reads: "I turned and began to sprint back towards my car. I had to get away, to get out. Then, without warning, I felt something heavy hit me in the side and I lost my footing, falling to the ground. I looked up to see an old man pinning me to the ground, his long, white beard matted and filthy. I screamed and tried to escape, but his age seemed to have done nothing to diminish his strength, and he kept his grip easily.
Then he spoke in a thick Mancunian accent and told me to keep my voice down. I noticed that his skin was unblemished pink, and behind him stood a young woman, tall and lean with close-cropped hair and a deep scar over her right eye. She carried a large canvas bag, and was shaking her head, telling the old man to leave me alone. After a few suspicious glances, he got up. I could swear I recognised him from somewhere, but when I asked the two of them who they were, they just shook their heads and told me to leave. I asked them what was going on, and the old man looked at his companion, as if asking permission, said something about knowledge being a good defence here. She shook her head and said that leaving quickly was a better one. I didn’t need to be told a third time." End ID]
now that alone, with further knowledge of the series, would let us suspect that this is trevor herbert and julia montauk, but the episode itself implies it, with jon saying, and i quote, "And the old man and his companion… who does that remind me of? If he wasn’t dead, I’d think it might have been Trevor –" before being interrupted by tim.
now the exact thing i want to talk about is the fact that like, ivy meadows was burnt down right, by trevor and julia. and idk!! maybe i just have brainrot for this girl but i just think julia and melanie interactions would be nifty and even more so with this added context ya know
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chlockeee · 7 years
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Thought I'd start off inktober by drawing my favorite bird asshole for day 1! I finally finished this game yesterday and all I can say is :')
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U: I don’t do tag games I don’t want people to Know Me too much U: posts IDENTITY ASKS Anyway 3, 5, 11 blease?? <3
omg i cant believe im getting CALLED OUT in my first ever ask 😭😭 too bad id rather become a victim of identity theft than actually study 😌
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
pretty much only pjo. hmm probably annabeth... i did spend most of my childhood acting like i was all Logic and Reason™ only to then act purely on impulse and have emotional meltdowns ✌ also i get the feeling shes super competitive at pretty much meaningless games and i once got so excited that i was about to win at uno that i actually smashed through a chair and folded up in half - like to the point where i could lick my knees - in the hole i created... my family had to pull me out and get a whole new set of chairs to prevent it from happening again but at least i won the game
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
being, definitely being. i do too much that contradicts what i say i do or wanna do to identify myself by the things i end up doing lol
11. describe your ideal day.
waking up late. but not too late cuz i like breakfast. since this is an ideal day id get omelettes. i do love most egg dishes but omelettes are something else entirely. id go catch a movie in the theatres, one ive been dying to see for forever. id pay for the normal seats but then sneak into the rich people section. theyve got some proper comfy chairs there. probably grab lunch by myself cuz i do like my solitude. then id head home and id actually get some work done cuz theres no way im procrastinating on my ideal day. dinner im not too fussy about, pasta is something i can never get tired of. after that, id go over to a friends for drinks. there wouldnt be too many people but there also be a decent crowd, so we get to actually interact with each other and get drunk together. but not too drunk either, a nice buzz, where i know i wont lose my phone again, but also drunk enough that i cant get through telling a funny story without cracking up myself. we'd then head out to this club where they practically only play 2000s pop punk and emo shit, and we can all get emotional to the dj playing wake me up when september ends bcos its not a good night until we jam to a song written about/for the singers dead father. also im a big green day fan so. we'd dance to our feet hurt and our backs ache bcos we're no longer 18 and we'd go get some overpriced late night food at the local chippie but cuz im friends with the server he sometimes gives me a discount. my friends wanna go home but its 4am and i no longer care so i talk their ears off about whatever pseudo intellectual crap comes across my mind in the early hours of the morning. my friends tease me about the 1000+ word review i once wrote for mr beans holiday so when i do finally get home, ill put that on and fall asleep to the gorgeous shots of french scenery
identity asks
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions on Pesterquest Volume 12, with a side dish of various future speculation! Volume 11's post is also out on the tag (which im not gonna link bc idfk if tumblr still hates links).
-Jake's volume is... weird. Both routes leave him not too far from where he started (can't jake have a little a character development, as a treat?), and the correct “choices” literally involve not doing things. Overall his volume doesn't really tread on new waters so much as go deeper into older ones, so to say? It's still a nice volume, though.
-Also, I think there might be a possibility for next volume to be Dirk's instead of Roxy's? If anything to call back to Jade's route, “The Loneliest Girl In The World” → exactly what Roxy is at this point in the plot! An Epic Alpha Kids Reunion would of course solve the whole “can't meet friends because no sburb au” problem, as well.
-There's also the fact that MC has made the association between Roxy and Mom Lalonde (though regardless of which strilonde gets to go next, mc's likely gonna flip their shit due to time shenanigans), and that they might prefer to meet Roxy first based on what they've learnt about the rest of the alpha kids. Another extremely important factor for this is that Roxy was sad in vol 11 and that's illegal so basically give roxy pesterquest now pls
-And of course Dirk's route has a very good chance to be the last one, both because he was the last alpha kid to be introduced and because of more... dubiously canonical reasons (might pesterquest's no sburb au nature have nipped the whole ultimate self shit in the bud, even if only for one instance of dirk? Like, it was implied that he'd been actively becoming a dirk smoothie since a good way back, right...?)
-There was that Thing (the fake error featuring ultdirk) back at the beginning of Pesterquest, but so far in Hs2 he's just creating potential horrorterrors with Rosebot and I personally hope he keeps to it for a while, ngl.
-Where's Calliope??? IIRC they were helping Jake out with Liv Tyler the bunny robot, but neither him nor Jane have even mentioned them. If Roxy doesn't talk about them either, then we'll know that something's up... did they lose contact with them when the No Sburb AU happened?? might this be the version of A2 that Alt Calliope would have interacted with??? like, does she come from Pesterquest's timeline/reality?
-Will Hal (if he appears big time in Dirk's route) be a cameo like Vodka Mutini, or will he have an actual route for himself?
-dare i hope the volumes after the alpha kids' ones might include the cast from hiveswap (act 1)????????? blease........ at the very least MC *can* go there with their powers.... this is also the second time they “malfunction” like this, the first one was in Jane's route to get to the post-scratch universe....
-Jake time again: he's incredibly deep in denial about his life sucking ass, both for perfectly understandable reasons (as he's spent like 10 years completely alone in hellmurder fisticuffs island) and for more selfish ones (he wants his friends to be happy and doesn't really want to deal with conflict, which again is understandable but the way he's going about it Can -and Does, as we've seen in Homestuck proper- end very badly for everyone involved)
-He's also really really in denial about his relationship with Dirk, specifically. There's even a comparison with Vriska and Tavros and everything, talk about going deeper into the same old waters. (This is the part where we sit down and ask ourselves how in the froggy universe did MC take so long to realize introducing Jake to Vriska was an awful idea.)
-English's my second language so I'm not sure if “jake” is also a word that means good, but. That kinda does make all those times that Vriska called him “Joke” or “Jape” in Act 6 even worse...
-Jake aro canon. Also Jake and Jade meeting was just lovely.
-Regarding what Jade said... at the end of the day there's good things and bad things in both Pesterquest's and Homestuck's paths.
-Jade also says that you can't have powers such as MC's without being a little corrupted by them (especially as they're getting stronger with each route)... so far they haven't changed too much, though not everyone's Threshold of Evil Because OP will be at the same level.
-On Jake's opinion on shorts: does this mean that left to his own devices instead of plot hitting the fan, he'd have liked his godtier costume? (as well as added some leg pistol holsters to it, almost definitely)
-MC made Marvus' outfit for their cosplay...... and it's all but confirmed that all our Friendsim pals are dead by Hivebent's time...... :(((
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grailedsovereign · 6 years
i dont think i’ve talked about it much in my earlier post bUT NOW I AM HERE. I AM PREPARED TO SHOWER THE GROUP WITH MY LOVE???
the group is open. it doesn’t bar us in any way to interact with people who aren’t a part of it. this is a huge thing to me since i have a lot of mutuals that i dont want to lose just because i decided to join a group. i can interact with my friends freely and at the same time have fun with grailed people. i dont worry about who i have and who i shouldn’t write with. more cent for my good people.
you have so much freedom in grailed. it’s not like we were told to tag our stuffs (aside from triggering and heavy themes, which you should do because you are a person that is considerate of your followers, whether you are affiliated or not), to choose who to prioritize (i do this on my own accord, because i want the people in it to feel INCLUDED, because that’s the point of them joining.) or be here 24/7. the last part is important because i am someone who works every weekdays and i come home very late. it’s a challenge for me to jumble through my blogs and be expected to be here all the time. i can rp without forcing myself to come up with something just to meet an activity requirement. grailed doesn’t have that. it respects your limits and your being human. the mods themselves emphasize this as they, too, have a life outside of pretending to be a fictional character online.
MATCHING URLS BRO!!! this actually wasn’t a rule when it first opened. i am the guilty party who suggested it because i thought it was cute??? and it appeared that one of the mods and i shared that idea, so we decided to go through with it and it just feels?? really nice. to be included in something and to feel like you have a group of people you can rely on. as one of the mods have said to us ‘we are a family here’. isn’t that nice to hear though?? that you have a family in this community that you can always go to for stuffs without feeling like a bother. i’ve felt this a lot when i first started on the indie community, bc i never knew who to approach and stuffs. it’s just nice to see that grailed is making that effort to emphasize INCLUSION, which is becoming tame in the community. i also wish that the indie community could improve on this! this isn’t a sympathy that only extends on grailed. i hope for all RPCS to never ignore others in it. that we can be one whole community, you know? grailed isn’t attempting to discourage others or feel like the indie scene is a dying breed.
you can easily call all the members your friends. even though you’ve barely met or have barely talked outside of rping, when you’re in just one small chat, everyone can talk and have fun. you don’t have to worry about being judged when you feel like you have something that you need to say. everyone is just kind. what i want you to understand from this is that, THE GROUP HAS ALLOWANCE FOR MISTAKES. it doesn’t persecute you for what you do, what you did, what you want to do. we’re all human here. a lot of us had forgotten that over time.
i joined because i was kidnapped. i was being myself, minding my own business, having my own fun, being some nerd then ARTORIAS COMES AND ATTACKS ME ON MY DMS.. PUT A GUN TO MY HEAD AND SAID ‘join grailedrpg or i’ll murder you in cold blood’ blease… i feel so threatened :( that’s why i’m here. he threatened me so much and i am just one scared bean!!! of course that are lies. artorias came to me and gave me news about him opening an rpg. he is someone who used to be in the indie fate community and had disappeared, only to come back and give me this gift that is grailedrpg. he just asked me to check it. he didn’t put a knife to my neck and said i’ll stub my toe on a lego if didn’t join. he was very respectful and not forceful with inviting me. i wanted to give it a chance because i adored his writing and wanted to see how it could grow from here. so it was just me considering, and now i’m in this hellhole because artorias didn’t want to give me peace :(
if you decide to join: tell mod vixxey she’s the ultimate furry, mod skoll needs like five hugs and mod artorias need to stop bullying me i have done nothing :(on a more serious note: i highly encourage that you still open yourself to outside interactions! you don’t have to, but majority of the members are, because grailed strives for that kind of openness. never allow the indie community to feel like they’re being overshadowed or forgotten. never let others feel that joining grailed is a trend, because it’s not. it’s a place full of fun and promotes a healthy place for writing and encourages that WE SHARE THAT ENERGY TO OUTSIDE PEOPLE. we do not keep this to ourselves, nor would we deprive others of what grailed is teaching us and shaping us to be and become.while the usage of live action fcs are heavily recommended, you’re not out of the times for not using it. it’s not a mandatory rule, but something that most of the member base just want to do because it’s the core of the group first and foremost. it’s what the mods were striving in the first place. they have decided to compromise and have changed the mandatory rule to become an option in hopes of the people understanding that the mods want it to become a fun place. see?? the mods are even compromising a lot, and grailed hasn’t even been around for long. so when you do join, never forget to thank the mods for their hard-work. it’s never easy to handle a community!
that’s all! i had fun answering this
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ariyadaivaris · 7 years
artemidi replied to your post “boy oh boy i sure hope nobody asks about the embarrassing sappy au i...”
I need......more info on this.....blease
i’ve GOT more info on this don’t you even worry your sweet fred head about it !!
nxt’s tag team division is, to say the least, KIND OF...UH...BORDERLINE NONEXISTENT AS OF LATE and so when the time comes to set up the dusty rhodes tag team classic they really end up needing to Scrumble something together! the original plan was that tyler (bate) (to name specific tylers) and jack would team up however long they needed to for the tournament, but oh NO tyler’s been gravely injured, probably by pete because he’s a motherfucker
jack is stuck without a partner and the tournament is stuck without the final team! regal puts out a desperate call for help and ariya decides to strike a deal because why would he team with jack motherfucking gallagher without something to gain from it
the deal is this: ariya teams with jack, withstands whatever mockery comes his way this time, carries the team through the tournament and when he wins, he gets a shot at the cruiserweight title. ariya is a difficult person to work with but desperate times calls for desperate measures, and so ariya and jack end up being the newest addition to the tag team classic! Oh What Drama ! 
they have to take a bit of a hiatus from 205 so they can travel with nxt, some of the tournament matches take place at house shows and live events and they do still need to work together as a team outside of the tournament if only because they’d be completely fucked otherwise! jack still can’t drive so ariya (dear sweet ariya who can’t drive for shit) is the official pilot in their travels, and jack is...an...interesting co-pilot
the first few weeks are mostly ariya giving jack Ze Silent Treatment while jack refuses to shut up ever and it’s kind of an awkward uneasy dynamic, even after they win their first tournament match through SOME MIRACLE
ariya finally talks to jack during a drive because jack stumbles onto the topic of musicals and says some things and ariya gets very heated very easily and it MIGHT turn into a cutting discussion about the accessibility of theatre and of bootlegs, and about who and what gets visibility in mainstream media and who and what gets nominated for tonys, etc, but its the most fun ariya’s had in awhile and they both kinda learn smth from it and from then on ariya’s more willing to like. at least talk to jack. and it’s...disappointingly...very nice
i feel like during a house show ariya gets trapped in the corner and almost gets dropkicked but jack manages to get to his corner and use his umbrella as kind of a makeshift shield to throw off their opponent and give ariya time to collect his wits and it’s maybe a silly thing to think about but its cute imo! my city now! 
after their second round match, which they almost accidentally win (against reDRagon, no less, bc let’s be real while we’re being self indulgent here i DO care more abt this storyline than about those two probably very talented but uninteresting slices of white bread), jack compliments ariya’s performance in the match and ariya doesn’t take it well because like. to this point he’s only thought jack’s just been humiliating and mocking him for no fucken reason since they met, and why wouldn’t he turn up this opportunity to backhandedly insult ariya now. and jack doesn’t KNOW that, and so ariya starts giving him a cold shoulder again for no reason as far as jack knows. OOH this drama. OOH this suspense
after they make it to the semi-finals (which no one was expecting, and certainly not them, honestly), they’ve gotta go to a press event with the other semi-finalists and it’s maybe not the most plot relevant thing but ariya does clean up really nicely and jack is maybe a little distracted the entire time because holy shit
and maybe then jack kinda realizes he hasn’t been engaging in a rivalry with ariya so much as maybe he’s had a dumb awful crush on him this entire time and not known how to realize that or express it and spends the night trying to keep his composure (because who is jack gallagher if not composed) while internally just writhing in embarrassment and agony and going “oh nnnnNNNOOOOOOO oh my goddd what did i DOOOO why did i DO that oh noooooOOOOOooOOooOoo” and its a rough night! 
and ariya sees jack being less than 100% during all this and sees it as Oh He Doesn’t Care, Of Course, Why Would He, and he’s pissed because he really thought they were getting somewhere as a team, and alas here they are and jack isn’t even paying attention to what’s happening, what a rude asshole as fucking always, and ariya MAYBE--just maybe--maybe just fuckin clocks jack in the face after jack tries to tell him he handled that really well
and jack sincerely admires that ariya remained pretty composed and serious and focused even when jack was busy trying not to wither into embarrassed gay dust but ariya only hears that as jack intentionally leaving ariya to his own devices and mocking how shitty a job he did
(not that ariya would ever say he thinks he did a shitty job, but in his heart he DOES want to do well and be a worthy contender, and opponent, and partner, and he knows he gets lucky a lot and so when he DOESN’T and when he’s painfully in control of the things that happen to him everything feels amplified and clumsy and Wrong and jack’s not helping lmao. i love drama)
obviously this isn’t received well and jack and ariya get into a brawl and they have to get broken up by their coworkers in attendance and ariya’s just yelling WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU ASSHOLE, WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM
jack stays with mustafa and lince for the night because ariya straight up threw his bags outside the door of their room and locked him out and jack plays the words back and he’s like Wait...Maybe I’m Misunderstanding The Situation Here
and the next morning he goes to talk to ariya 
(who answers the door looking just fine and who hasn’t been alternating between uneasy sleep and furious tears all night, ariya’s fine) 
and he doesn’t like...get the nerve to go “hey i think i might be in love with you a bit” but he does manage to tell ariya he hasn’t been mocking him, and he’s been sincere this whole time, and he’s genuinely sorry he’s been a dick to ariya since they started on 205, but ariya, to be fair, has also been a dick, maybe more in terms of beating people up but jack’s sorry about what’s been happening, and ariya doesn’t have to accept that apology, and if ariya wants to forfeit their semi-finals match, he understands entirely
and ariya’s just like “yo what the fuck are you kidding i’ve still got a title shot on the line and we’re gonna win this, get in the car, it’s cool or whatever cmon lets GO” and he’s a bit flippant about it but for some reason he wants to...start grinning like an idiot and never stop again? for some reason? weird
things aren’t just all Cool suddenly after that because when i say i love slow burn shit i MEAN like, years, they’re still only barely allies but something’s There and that’s endgame, don’t play with me, we’ve gotta get face!ariya calling for a parlay with heel!jack in between here and The Datening for me to feel truly alive but thats just my humble imho
also they lose in the finals but ariya puts on enough of a performance to merit a title shot anyway and after the loss they might not work as a team anymore and they’re back to their own stories on 205 but before they get back to the hotel and get cleaned up and wash off the grime of bitter bitter defeat ariya finds jack sitting with his chin on his knees in the stairwell and sits silently with him and they maybe hold h*nds for like the BRIEFEST of minutes and never talk about it again but like. we’ve gone this far with this shitty badly written self-indulgent embarrassing post right? try and stop me
just kidding im stopping myself now. i hate that i wrote all of this. im gonna kill myself thanks
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sleepyams · 7 years
otasucc replied to your post “i’m drunk and full of love who wants to hear how great they are”
can i get some uhhhhhh validation blease
oh my god first of all i can’t believe @otasucc follows me??? ?? like are you lost
you’re such a beauty?? your selfies are a blessing also you’re so funny i love your tags to death i always read them and laugh and i told my brother i love your tags and he insisted on scrolling through your blog for funny tags the last time i saw him (he loves yoi and was laughing so much and i’m 100% he stalks your blog even tho he doesn’t have tumblr)
i know you’re younger than me which is so weird bc you seem so mature and so cool and i’m just?? me?? very un-cool
you’re so kind to everyone and every time i see you in my notification i scream no lie and all the nice tags you’ve left on my writing?? thank you so so much i don’t deserve that kind of kindness
stay awesome!! you’re so damn amazing!! i wish i could idk hug you for being so great 
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tsdo · 7 years
Tagged by @kittymewmyu <333
THE LAST: 1. Drink: mr pibb 2. Phone call: can't remember, prolly my mom 3. Text message: me gorlfren 4. Song you listened to: Sidewinder - sheepdance 5. Time you cried: i aint got a dam clue my dude
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: i dont think so? 10. Been depressed: :^) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. highlighter yellow 13. bright ass green 14. black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: ye :) 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no 19. Met someone who changed you: ye!! 20. Found out who your friends are: idk 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: dont have a fb
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see 21 23. Do you have any pets: not anymore (i used to have a really big cat, he was great) 24. Do you want to change your name: yes 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: eat....Borger 26. What time did you wake up: like 11 am i think 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: celebrating the fact that i got manjaro linux working 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Girlfremd??See??yes???blease?? 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: some hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: [insert better parents remark here] 31. What are you listening right now: 7th element layered 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no clue 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my Toe of Pain 34. Most visited Website: tumbler, youtube, reddit?
RANDOM INFO: 35. Mole/s: yeah 36. Mark/s: starch masks stretch marks on my back also a scar on my right hand 37. Childhood dream: didnt have one 38. Hair colour: brown 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: My Groel Friend ????? I Lov Her !! 41. What do you like about yourself: the hwat now 42. Piercings: yes, still healing 43. Blood type: ? 44. Nickname: V 45. Relationship status: taken!!<33 46. Zodiac: taurus 47. Pronouns: he/she/they/really anything tbh 48. Favourite TV Show: mlaatr or mythbusters 49. Tattoos: not for a while 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: i got a baby tooth taken out once thru surgical procedure, does that count 52. Hair dyed in different color: blease? 53. Sport: paintball (if i could/in the future) 55. Vacation: wendy's 56. Pair of trainers: u mean tennis shoes? yeah
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing atm 58. Drinking: see 57 59. I’m about to: post this dank ass meme 61. Waiting for: the next day 62. Want: comfort. also money 63. Get married: yes 64. Career: what's that
WHICH IS BETTER? 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: hug me 67. Shorter or taller: give me a hug 68. Older or younger: it's hug time 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: gimme huggies 71. Sensitive or loud: v sof 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. where are my hugs
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: no 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex in the first date: nah 79. Broken someone’s heart: probably some fuckboy's but w/e lol 80. Had your heart broken: yeah but thts on me for being a dumbass kid 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: no 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: not rly 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: no 87. Santa Claus: never did 88. Kiss on the first date: tbh irl im not a big kissy person, hugs are better. i will supply the cuddles. you cannot avoid the soft. i will love you 89. Angels: *looks at victory*
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: will 91. Eye colour: brown 92. Favorite movie: coraline
if any of yall wanna do it then go a head, im too tired to tag people rn lmao
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irailleth-archive · 7 years
hfhfhf the tags on the khleb doodle is killer so i’m copy pasting it all into this under a cut
#blease be nice with him.....#he is Trying........#especially kars ocs honly heck#they all look intimidating to him.....#he'd probably be TERRIFIED of Maxim at first ngl#but if he got to know him better he would actually genuinely enjoy his company#khleb is v weak in arguements or trying to convince people so like...#if anyone he sees is overworking themselves or doing something bad to themselves he'll just....#*gently hits with a croissant* and then look at them with a similar expression to the one above#he is very affectionate and loves to try and help people but feels he lacks the ability to do so and that he's too awkward so he kinda just#:| and just gets eaten at by anxiety#i love him so much#also aenlanwwane since i put all that in the tags and said smth about kar's ocs ig ill just...#kar look#ig????#hfhfhf wait i wanna add more...#the ppl he'd most likely not be terrified of (that are kars ocs) are sergej and danek...#sergej could be overwhelming with his postivitiy and kindness but khleb would welcome it#danek i feel like would probably... be awkward with khleb...#theyre both just anxious lil beans but khleb would certainly Love to try his cooking#he'd probably try to make something back in return as a thank you#owenlan kar im so sorry if you're reading all of this hahaha#it's such a huge overloaded tag thing...#i'll probably copy paste this into a seperate text post :")))
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