negreabsolut · 11 months
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Un fons de pantalla inspirat en Looney Tunes.
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void-dreaming · 4 months
Feeling Sleepy
Been having a horrible time this December so far, pretty sick rn, so I wanted to sketch some wholesome uwu
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casimirtully · 1 year
setting: flashback. The Riverlands, the last of the kingdoms to depart from Dorne, have finally returned home after spending the summer months abroad. Despite the push for negotiations of friendship, the Peace Summit appears to have been in vain, and the people of the Riverlands seem almost relieved to be settling back into their home. King Casimir Tully sits in his study — the newly refurbished room now completed in his absense — and has requested the precense his younger sister, the Princee Mellara Tully, after a series of ravens have arrived from abroad….
who: @mellaratully
casimir: he sits at his desk, the lines between his drawn eyebrows seeming to have deepened as the months of his kingship pass. he doesn’t stand as Mellara enters, and it is clear the matter he wishes to discuss is of a serious nature. two raven scrolls rest, half rolled, before him. though he doesn’t stand, he gives a small smile as his younger sister enters the room, and gestures to the seat across his desk.casimir: Hello, little fish. casimir: he seems tired, stress lingering in his words. as she sits, he picks up the first scroll.casimir: Mel — you… casimir: he sighs.casimir: I need you to… let me just show you, I suppose. casimir: he holds up the first scroll.casimir: I received this raven from The Reach three days ago. It encloses a list of bethrothals that would strengthen our alliance with both The Reach and The Westerlands. I am included on this list, as are you — as a candidate for joining our House with the Hightowers. Gareth, it seems, would be your match, should I accept. casimir: he hands her the first scroll, then picks up the second.casimir: I received this scroll this morning from Longbow Hall. I don’t think I have to tell you who it is from. casimir: he hands her the second, then sits back in his chair.
mel: it was not hard to tell something was going on. just the way he called her in and his demeanor as she walked in. gods she hoped it wasn’t too poor of news.mel: “cas…is everything alright?” she asked, before listening to what he had to say. mel: “gareth hightower? the second son and a fool? surely if the reach wanted me to marry someone they would not toss me someone like him?” mel: she worried for a moment, afraid of saying much else. not because she was afraid of speaking her mind to her brother, but not wanting to cause any issues for him. after all he had done for her, didn’t he deserve her loyalty? but the hightower lord….he…well she could find a way to be happy in a marriage with him. if that is what cas wanted mel: “wait another scroll?” she said reaching out to accept it from him. a sparkle in her eyes lit up when she heard who it might be from. “he wrote to you?” she muttered reading through what he had written.mel: “i…i didn’t know he would write to you like this.” she told him and then quickly spoke up again. “i haven’t done anything forward with him, i swear. we had only spoken a few times in dorne. nothing that would lead to anyone thinking anything was wrong.” she said, worried.
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
Oh my god. Alan Alda's hair is so black.
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mychemicalissuues · 2 years
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Clown Baby from last night in Berlin
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
you know what im loving atm? the fact that my brand is becoming "that girl which likes f1 an absolutely insane amount but its kinda unhinged cute enough for me not to block her online or in rl" 🥰
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quatregats · 2 years
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Me and WHO
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kachmedcom · 1 year
Crypto Booster
Vous avez toujours eu une passion pour les cryptos, mais vous n'êtes pas encore libre de vos décisions ?
Vous avez toujours eu une passion pour les cryptos, mais vous n’êtes pas encore libre de vos décisions ?Pas de panique, avec une bonne formation et une méthodologie précise, vous pouvez enfin savoir où investir, détecter les scams et être dans le bon sens sur votre trading, peu importe la tendance de fond du marché crypto. Apprenez à être enfin libre et maître de vos choix avec les cryptos grâce…
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callilouv · 2 years
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fox-on-the-moon · 2 years
Me editing the first chapter for my technodad fic for the 4th time:
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lucysecondaccount · 1 year
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IM BACK after getting locked out for months! Stopped bleaching my hair for the forat time since I was 14 too yeah, anyway someone come fuck me and piss on me in my DMs lets gooo
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v-anrouge · 1 month
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lic0ricer4diat0r · 1 month
La titella seu a les golfes, envoltada de tota classe de joguines.
Algunes rompudes,
Algunes velles,
Algunes noves de trinca.
Totes abandonades per el fabricant de joguines.
Totes, originalment, creades per lluitar les batalles dels nens que les havien d'emprar.
Excepte per la titella.
Ella estava feta per servir. Una actriu de teatre. Una bona amiga. Sabia preparar cafè o te, la que vulgui, senyor.
Va ser creada per la pau.
"¿Per què m'abandonaren?"
Ella vaga per les golfes, repetint-se la pregunta. Les altres joguines no contesten. Estan apagades.
"¿Som inútil?"
Encara no hi ha resposta.
Ja han passat anys des de que el fabricant de joguines ha mort.
Hi ha teranyines i pols. Forats al sostre quan plou.
Ningú els arregla, excepte per la titella, que és massa petita per fer-ho eficientment.
S'està quedant sense corda.
S'està quedant sense seny.
Sense trobar resposta a les seves preguntes, està furiosa.
"¿Per què em varen crear, sense donar-me un propòsit? "
"¿Per què em varen tancar, a les golfes? "
Ja s'havia començat a témer el pitjor.
"M'odien. I a les altres joguines, també."
La posseeix un desig de venjança rabiós. No poden quedar impunes. No poden fer-li això sense conseqüències. No poden ser menys humans que ella.
De sobte, sent que la porta s'obre.
Entren dos joves, un alt i un baix. Es riuen de les joguines, els hi fan fotografies, les rompen, els hi fan mal, he de protegir protegir proteg-
La titella observa la sang a les seves mans. Els dos nois estàn al terra, un toll de sang taca el sòl.
Els seus centres de recompensa s'activen, alliberant hormones sintètiques. Electricitat.
Por, culpa, felicitat, satisfacció,
Ella surt de les golfes, cobertes de sang.
Ningú tornarà a controlar-la.
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whistl-stahp · 8 months
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between this and the schoolwork i've got im not going to be talking to anyone forat least a week
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