futurebird · 2 months
Tube loitering
One of the downsides to connecting your nests using long tubes is "ant loitering" some ants like to just hang out in the tubes because they retain a little moisture and it's near everything. This will cause the tubes to get dirty and less attractive... hence my new invention of a "mid tube fan."
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Getting ants to do anything is next level. They respond to every change and not in the ways you'd predict. They are sensitive to temp, light levels and air currents in ways that aren't obvious. I just need to find a small enough fan and 3D print a little holder for it. 
I recently cleared out a tube that the cone ants blocked with sand, using ... the legs of dead crickets like rebar to reenforce the structure. They had made this whole barricade to regulate the air flow to the nest (hence I'd never recommend a fan on a nest tube)
I guess building a wall out of cricket legs (as struts) with a sand slurry like concrete... isn't any more strange than those early humans with their bone huts...
though I still find both creepy.
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drhoz · 24 days
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antsplan · 2 years
Camponotus aethiops🏠🐜, antkeeping diaries
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wfxue · 2 years
20220504_F0001: Formicarium tunnel queue by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - A tunnel in the ant farm that had some traffic jam.
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ravenswildside · 6 days
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decoartspacefinds · 11 months
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Ant farm , Horizontal formicarium, Formicarium with built-in arena, Ants house, vertical Formicaria, ants colony farm for ants,
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Formicarium source images, documenting channels underground.
I am particularly interested in the creation of cavities and the forms created by creatures, and how networks are created. Similarly, with maps, underground maps (train stations, subways) and the way these naturally made channels share similarities with man-made large-scale industrial plans.
Ant farms (Formicarium's) were used to study ant behaviour patterns, but allow access into the intricate ways that these insects manoeuvre their enclosures, often making large "rooms". These rooms provide different purposes, some for storing food and some for keeping dead ants.
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Connections I have made between printmaking and sculptural work evoke this, as the small marks I have made from transferring and stylising rubbings are very small scale which will develop into a larger and more dominant visual "map".
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hobbiestopickup · 1 year
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adragonsoulants · 1 year
Colony 4 moved into one of the DIY Grout nests I made... I uh... Over estimated how big of a space they'd need...
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Still waiting on 6 to move in to their new nest, they've almost completely chewed through their water cotton 🙃
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Gong! - Mein spektrakuläres Leben - Folge 9 und 10
Nachdem das mit der Pyjamaparty nicht geklappt hat, lädt Eileen die anderen in den Kletterpark ein. Sören muss als Begleitperson mitkommen, aber er hat Höhenangst.
Er gibt sein Bestes
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Während alle anderen die Seilrutsche runterrutschen, entscheidet sich Eileen dagegen. Und die Moral davon wird jetzt nicht "Sie entscheidet sich doch noch um und überwindet ihre Angst" sondern "Es ist auch okay, seine Grenzen zu kennen und etwas nicht zu machen."
Und Eileen hat dadurch neuen Mut geschöpft: Wenn sie es schafft, "Nein" zu sagen, schafft sie auch die Klassenfahrt.
Um optimal darauf vorbereitet zu sein, veranstaltet ihre Familie ein "Klassenfahrt-Bootcamp".
Punkt 1: Die grauenhafte Getränkeauswahl. Lenni: "Instant-Eistee, lauwarmes Wasser aus einem uralten Wasserfilter und der totale Endgegner: Hagebuttentee." Wer das Glas Hagebuttentee zuerst ausgetrunken hat, gewinnt.
Punkt 2: Das eigene Bett beziehen. Eileen löst den Publikumsjoker ein. Ihre Mutter: "Warum gucken sofort alle mich an? Sexistische Sch..." Ist das ein angedeutetes Schimpwort? In meinem öffentlich-rechtlichen Kinderfernsehen?
Punkt 3: Auf der Toilette ist kein Klopapier. Eileen *zieht eine Packung Taschentücher aus ihrer Hosentasche* "Easy. Was glaubst du, was ich immer in der Schule mache?" Allerdings hat Lenni noch Zahnpasta auf die Türklinke geschmiert, sodass sich Eileen später auf Sörens Rat auf diesselbe Art an ihm rächt.
Lenni hat ein Entschuldigungsgeschenk für Eileen: Da sie ihr Formicarium nicht auf Klassenfahrt mitnehmen darf, will er ihr einen Livestream einrichten, damit sie ihre Ameisen trotzdem die ganze Zeit sehen kann. Hoffentlich gibt es in der Jugendherberge auch Netz.
Eileen hat es geschafft: Sie ist auf Klassenfahrt und hat Freunde gefunden. Doch dann tritt das ein, was sie von Anfang an befürchtet hat: Es gibt Brokkolisuppe - oh nein, was für ein spannender Cliffhanger für eine eventuelle zweite Staffel!
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futurebird · 1 month
Enrichment for my ants.
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I’ve filled an extra wide tube with wet sand and connected it to my Dorymyrmex bureni colony’s outworld. This is to simulate the sandy soil where they dig deep nests in the wild. I hope they will start digging— if they do I’ll connect a little nest on the other end so they can move in. The tube is vertical and three feet long. I will update if they make progress.
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This is the bookshelf where they live. The tube runs down the shelf giving them a place to dig a very deep nest if they want to.
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UPDATE: (10 min later) The first ant has discovered the sand tube! They always find anything new so quickly. She’s on her way back now to tell her sisters what she has found.
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Watching them run down the long tube it’s hard not to think they seem excited. They always move with so much haste!
UPDATE II: Now there are five of them. Still deciding what to do. More and more ants make the long trek down the tube to check out the sand layer.
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Ants don't give each other orders or commands. Every ants takes in the information and options based on the actions of her sisters and decides what she wants to do.
But they act together so well. Like they have a discord where they are discussing and planning everything. The trek to the sand tube is long. Longer than their whole outworld. They found the new region in mins. They are planning how to use it best even now.
I love ants so much!
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drhoz · 24 days
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antsplan · 2 years
Happy anniversary 👑🐜
Camponotus cruentatus, antkeeping diaries
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wfxue · 2 years
20220506_F0001: Empty nest in the formicarium
20220506_F0001: Empty nest in the formicarium by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - The ant farm is empty here in this part so it's easier to see the three-dimensional tunnels the ants dug in the gel.
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decoartspacefinds · 11 months
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Formicarium Farm A Miniature Ecosystem for Ant Enthusiasts, Formicarium Farm Build Your Own Ant Colony Observation Station, Ants Farm  
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dwarvendiaries · 10 months
Submitted my entry for the DF gladiator tournament. She's a massive spear-wielding ant woman queen, called Regina Formicarium.
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