#frau schneider appreciation
We need a full, detailed and raw Frau Schneider biography right now! She is severely underrated and underappreciated! 😠
Ahh, Frau Schneider...what started as a character for a video (Mein Teil), where i even wonder if they had to talk Schneider into it, he started out so shy, maybe even a bit embarrassed
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but it awakened something..
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she quickly evolved to the 7th member of Rammstein, especially in fanfic world, and maybe just maybe, where the Rammstein democracy always maintains that each man's vote weighs as much as the other's...they never talk about *her* vote
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Without feeling the need to show her influence all the time, sometimes it comes out, like in the Made in Germany tour, where she showed she was the one to keep everyone in line, and give each of her charges the attention they need
She knows what Till likes, and trained him well
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The bratty guitarists get a stern talking too, and occassionally firm hand when they go too far
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Olli only needs a correcting nudge now and again (usually staying out of her way), Flake being the good boy he is, gets rewarded for it
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and being the strong and independent woman that she is, she knows it's important to find time for herself
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Where would we be without Frau Schneider (well, we'd probably had about 100 fanfics less 😊 among which the fabulous 'Mein Tier' by Arrestzelle/@babypaulchen )
(gifs in this post from posts by @mrsfitzgerald @fayn3ko @babypaulchen @butchstabu i hope i got the original makers)
PS. i checked out a lot of posts about Frau Schneider, and can only use 10 items here, so it would be a shame to let it go to waste, so i'll reblog those again too 😄
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cursedbotwbird · 29 days
just joined the rammtisch discord server (tysm to @sonic-counselor, @wizzardclown and @franwikema for sending me links and formally inviting me on account of my apparent vampire autism 😭) and if you guys told me y'all had a frau schneider chat i would've joined way sooner
a chat? just for my queen? my deity? my one and only?
that's it, i'm never leaving, i'm here 5ever
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marimayscarlett · 3 months
Another list of unrealistic wishes for the 2024 tour
Back at it again with the delusional takes and here to make it everyone elses problem - a very warm welcome to volume 2 of our wishes for the upcoming Rammstein tour ✨ This time again carefully put together by @wizzardclown @gothtoast and me, with additional wonderful influences by my dear @m---e---l. Thank you ladies 🤍
(Read our first list here and please consider checking out the great suggestions in the notes!)
Set list and concert organisation in general
first up, the question of the supporting act: -> either not happening in general, since none of us actually want to endure another round of the piano tinkling, so we though about this concept:
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This way, we get an even longer concert with no distraction from the pure Rammstein sound.
-> or, another idea which came to mind: to celebrate the literary-genius Flake, he could give us a reading of one of his books before the concert, lighten up the mood and feeding the masses with entertaining facts. Additionally, Richard could play some piano in the background during it, for dramatic effect (like the piano accompaniment during silent movies back in the old days).
Opener for the concert this year: 'Haifisch'. Would be an amazing and appreciative nod towards the fans in regards to the support the band was shown last year.
'Zwitter': a banger to set the sexual ambiguous mood for the evening.
'Mein Land': Not sure if they every played this one live, but it would be a fitting song to get some summer vibes going.
for sunset rather fittingly 'Sonne'.
Off to the first proper segment, welcome to the 👻haunting hour👻: fitting for the upcoming night time, a creepy conglomerate consisting of: -> 'Wilder Wein' (I could write a whole chapter about this song, it's so captivating), followed by 'Spieluhr' -> 'Hilf mir': perfect for some new haunting stage show (maybe as a replacement for 'Puppe'; or to quote @wizzardclown: 'When in doubt, set Flake on fire') -> 'Heirate mich': preferably with some 'sliding on his knees/a rolling board'-Till -> to end this phase with a classic: 'Du riechst so gut' is an absolute MUST.
following: 'Rein Raus', some relaxing ASMR to lighten the mood.
Welcome to the next section: 🔥Some like it hot🔥, consisting of: -> 'Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen': camera focus has to be on Schneider. -> 'Asche zu Asche' with burning mics (!). -> 'Du hast' with its fire rockets (my favourite pyro in the whole concert) because no Rammstein concert can exist without this song, that's a physical law, and additionally Richard would be sad if he couldn't play it. -> 'Engel' preferably with the iconic wings (poor Till really has to go all in during this concert).
as a moment to take a breather: Mutter.
'Deutschland': a song we all wait for, with a huge meaning, just overall a perfect piece - yet no remix this time, since we need the time to slide right into the next phase of the concert:
💗questionable on-stage actions and homoerotica galore💗, consisting of: -> 'Mein Teil', with dilf dad-dance moves AND several guitarist kisses (what better moment than the dick eating song for it) -> 'Zick Zack' with at least some sort of elaborate costumes, -> 'Feuerräder', for the perfect vibe with Flake riding on Till's back, neon tube ready to knock seven bells out of his tormentor (justice for Flake), additionally maybe Oliver skating with his roller skates which emit flames in the background and more guitarist kisses
after this breathtaking segment, how about some 'Anna'-sing along! Scream the name of your fave on the top of your lungs and show your love for him 💘
finally some unrealistic (as if the whole list isn't a fever dream already) wishes : 'Eifersucht' and 'Fellfrosch'. To finally give Olli's sick bass lines the stage they deserve 😤
2. some more outfit ideas
long hair Schneider with his handband, because this was a look:
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leg belts for Richard 🖤
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and last but not least, this is a PSA: If Frau Schneider makes an appearance and decides to grace us with her presence, consider everything on this list to be obsolete. Seeing the mother again would be the greatest joy of all, we don't need anything more 🙇🏼‍♀️🙏🏼
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josh-lanceero · 5 months
Just came back from Stuttgart Staatstheater‘s production of Cabaret and my first impression is that it was really dirty (in a positive and lovely way) but underwhelming in presenting the apocolyptical feeling that is the end of Weimarer Republik in comparison to other productions (London, Baden, maybe also Chemnitz from what I have heard). BUT, it is the kind of production that the more you think about it the more you realize how serious and grounded the sutle social commentaries are.
How this production deals with Tomorrow Belongs to Me/tbtm (a fictional Nazi propaganda music written by its jewish componist) is really really different from the other versions I personally have seen.
So, often, this music will pop up twice in Act I. The function of the first time would be to present the allure/charm of Nazism, its aesthatic and its feigned progressiveness, then The Emcree will mock it. This can be achieved by only singing the first two stanze of the song (just leave the VATERLAND part out), where the lyric is fairly unalarming and just nice to the ear, combined with having a harmony or a children's chorus sing it. The more beautiful and innocent this tbtm was, the scarier the reprise of it would be at the end of Act I. I also enjoy this kind of design, because it forces the auience to fight their own appreciation of the aesthetic and it is not that easy, you WILL catch yourself humming the melody unconsciously after the show and you will want to slap yourself for it. Because of how asthetically appealing this propaganda is shown, a huge group of esemble singing the full version of tbtm at the end of Act I also makes sense. People are drawn to this horrible thing, the audience can understant it because they would also feel the pull.
HOWEVER, in the Stuttgart production, tbtm was presented as underwhelming and unimportant, even quietened by Ludwig (that explicitly anti-semitic Nazi guy) after Kost sung it ALONE at the end of Act I.
The Stuttgart production of Cabaret doesn't go for the 'Nazi is asthetic pleasing/brainwashing' route for making sense of why would Weimarer Republik spiral into Nazi-Germany. It make the audience notice the chilling fact/warning that turning to right-populism can a case of making horribly wrong decisions for the right reason.
The character of Kost, the nazi sex-worker living in Frau Schneider's appartment, get alot more depth an nuances in this production. She get more stage time and also a new number, which is I Don't Care Much. Yes they move this song to the first Act directly after Frau Schneider threaten to evict Kost for bringing in the sailors. Kost acts like an asshole like in most productions, but the following number makes it clear that she was feighning her cheerful bastard personality. She doesn't enjoy sex-work and is always tailed by hunger and homelessness.
Her interaction with the jewish tenant Herr Schutz was also not explicitly enti-semitic. She did not evoke the stereotype of the greedy jew like in most production (and the original script), but insteat made a social commentary on how now in this world everything is about doing business and making money. For me this is her clear resentment towards capitalism, exploitation and inequality, which is a huge problem in Weimarer Republik. Because of this characterization of Kost, her singing tbtm ALONE at the end of Act I then being shushed by the explicit Nazi Ludwig is also very nuanced. The scene might feels underwhelming in comparison to other productions, but the constellation is clear: a proletarian suffering under capitalism full of hatred turns to right-extremism, and the right-extremist, while fully aware of the usefulness of rightpopulism, does not like how vocal she is with HER agenda.
Is Kost a lovable character in this production? No.
Is her turning to Nazism a right decision? Hell no.
Is her discontent with the economic system justified? Yes
Is her radicalization understandable? ...Yes
I never liked the simple 'nazi bad ppl were just brainwashed because propaganda was just that good' reasoning for why Nazi-Germany happened. The nuance of how rightpopulist political group exploits the ideology cultivated by (neo-)liberals and libertarians that their is no alternative ecnomic/socio-cultural system beside capitalism should be more present or become a common sense.
The choice of how to present the appeal of Nazism - through music or narrative - is also worth thinking about. The Stuttgart production seems to be intentionally avoiding the asthetic route. tbtm was actually presented twice in Act I. Besides Kost's solo number in the end, their is also this lovely lady/drag-queen Lena aus Essen playing it on a violin rather POORLY. Lena then said: "you weren't expecting this, right?" It is as if the production is encourage the audience to turn their attention to the mundane part of the dangerous (almost sensual in some hollywood films) appeal of Nazism presented by Kost: One would think that a party which doesn't dismiss their suffering and hatred like the current one, and even agrees with their irrational xenophobic/enti-semitic sentiment instead of trying to correct it like the current one, would eventually make their life better.
p.s. I remeber that in the original book Goodbye to Berlin by Isherwood there are actually some communist characters, also scenes about how they ran their activities in underground bars, and of course the indication of their terrible ends when the nazi got into power.
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xmanicpanicx · 3 years
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate Frau Schneider’s legs?
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sigmadecay · 5 years
Day #10: Radiation
One could argue that Frau Schneider ran her litter the way a warden runs a jail: the bare minimum requirement is that orders be followed, and misbehavior is not tolerated. But, occasionally, there were rewards for good behavior.
She had found that this method worked wonders, especially once the boys had gotten used to their home, and adored her too much to purposely disrespect her. Good behavior was never rewarded the same way twice: all of her pups had distinct interests and inclinations, and what kind of owner would she be if she did not take notice?
Till enjoyed sweets and had a particular weakness for gummy bears, which were easy enough to acquire on short notice; Richard paid his hair and hygiene quite a bit of attention and liked to get new hair gels or interesting soap; Oliver had a very deep interest in sports, and though he could not always play, Frau Schneider made sure to put the soccer game on TV when he’d been good; Paul liked to get new board games or movies; and Flake was an avid reader.
Frau Schneider had a number of bookshelves in her house: one in the living room and two in her bedroom, and surplus books strewn about here and there, which Flake was welcome to read and did so with fervor. Like Oliver, he was from a breeder. Unlike Oliver, he had taught himself how to read. Occasionally, as a reward for good behavior and secretly, in quiet appreciation for his intelligence, Frau Schneider bought him books that were just his: he did not have to return them to her.
One of these books was “Midnight in Chernobyl.” Flake had always enjoyed darker themes in his literature, but this, for some reason, threw him.
“Do you think the basement will be a suitable shelter in the event of a nuclear incident?” Flake whispered urgently to Till, who groaned and rolled over. “Is that a yes?”
“Put the light out.”
“I’m just asking.”
In the middle bedroom tonight were Paul, Till, and Flake. The two bedrooms that did not belong to Frau Schneider were more or less converted into large dens, with mattress-padded floors and strewn generously with blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. The boys sometimes switched around, and sometimes they all squished together in the large bedroom at the end of the hall.
Till made a swipe for the flashlight, and Flake scowled at him. “Give me!”
“Do you even know what radiation poisoning can do to you?”
Till blinked. “....no.”
Flake opened the book, inviting Paul to huddle closer when he heard the disturbance. “It says here that the firefighters who got ARS—“
“What’s ARS?”
“Acute radiation syndrome—they were so sick that their skin turned black and peeled off, and their intestines melted inside their body and came out in bloody—“
“Stop!” Paul slapped his hands over his ears, glaring at Flake. “That’s disgusting!”
Paul’s horror finally compelled Flake to put the book and flashlight away, and the three of them curled together and finally went to sleep.
Paul sat at the kitchen table the next morning. He must have woken up in a thick haze, because he didn’t remember getting out of bed. The house was strangely still, no puppies fighting or playing, and Frau Schneider was nowhere to be found.
He wrinkled his nose and scratched his itching arm, finally getting up from the table to look around. The kitchen counter was cluttered with dishes—odd, seeing as how spotless everything was normally kept for the sake of Frau Schneider’s sanity.
Paul began to scratch roughly at his arm again, this time making a face when he feels something catch under his nails. Glancing down at his skin, he nearly gags—the flesh all over his arms had turned dark and brittle and was sloughing off in sheets.
“Frau?” he called desperately, turning in circles before choosing an arbitrary direction in which to run. He took off at a jog, suddenly feeling incredibly nauseous. “FRAU? WHERE ARE YOU?”
Paul continued running, now in a panicked fervor, and began to bang on the closed basement door. “HELP!”
“Oh, Liebling,” Frau Schneider’s gentle voice cooed from behind the door. “I can’t possibly open the door. The basement is a fallout shelter, and we can’t allow the radiation in.”
Paul’s mouth went dry instantly. The radiation? “Wait! WAIT!” He began to beat his fists against the door, even trying the knob more than a handful of times, but she was steadfast, and locked the door stayed.
He stopped knocking on the door momentarily to examine the feeling of something warm and wet on his arm, and paled when he realized it was blood. The knocking had caused the skin all over his hands to blister and split open, and blood was running down his arms in thick streams. His knees felt weak suddenly, and he collapsed, kneeling in front of the door and banging on it with what little strength he had. “Please....please don’t leave me out here...”
Paul could feel the rest of his body beginning to develop painful blisters and welts, but he hardly even cared anymore. Frau Schneider had abandoned him. So, slowly, he crawled back toward the kitchen and awaited his fate.
Till snarled when Paul, clearly having a panicked nightmare, kicked him for about the fifteenth time. “I knew that book was a bad idea.”
“It’s not my fault he has an overactive imagination,” Flake scowled back. “He’ll calm himself down eventually. For now, where’s his teddy bear?”
“I don’t fucking know,” he snapped, and, impatient for a solution, decided to wrap Paul in his arms himself, not unlike a boa constrictor.
Within a moment or two, the struggling had stopped, but now Till had a new problem: Paul had made a permanent pillow, at least for the night, of Till’s stomach.
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astra-and-lilith · 3 years
The Secretary General concluded: "I do not believe in Europe alone. I don’t believe in North America alone. I believe in Europe and North America together, in NATO. And in cooperation with key partners. By remaining united and continuing to adapt to a changing world, we will keep the ‘deep peace’ here in the Nordic region and in Europe." Der Permalink lautet https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_188342.htm Account https://twitter.com/BG_LTU_eFP"A delegation of the 🇨🇿Czech Senate visited our @BG_LTU_eFP while visiting 🇱🇹#Lithuania. The President of the Senate @Vystrcil_Milos appreciated the Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD) system that the Czechs provide to the #eFP for collective defense. #WeAreNato #TogetherStrong" 23 : 44 Uhr. Leichtes Lasercut - Feeling an dieser Stelle des o.g. Zitats? Aber natürlich. Mit Bilddatei 3 erfasst. Ohne Kommentar. Dazu seit Stunden diverses Gesabbel, diverse Hacking for Future - Spielchen. Szenarien im Haustechnik - Protokoll. Am Screen eines der Kleidungs-Teile abgebildet zum Verkauf, die hier im Schrank verändert hängen? Aber sicher doch. Das Video vom Tag der offenen Tür dazu. Ich würde GERNE wenigstens wieder EIN Kleidungsstück als OBERTEIL aussuchen können. Siehe meine Anmerkungen unten! Doch leider: Fehler beim Einloggen auf Handelsplattformen:  Jede Menge Material für die Einheiten. Diverse Gefährder müssen vor Ort besucht werden. 23: 53 Uhr. Beim Copy - Modus in das Blog der Klause im Shtetl Check Herz sublim. Aversives Nee-Gesabble beim eher unbeabsichtigt technischen Back - Modus. Dieses eben bereits auffällige Gesabble ist anvisiert ... ! Nun Beschuss Wange und Ohr rechts. Das militärtechnische Protokoll ist da sehr viel genauer. 23 : 55 Uhr. Beim erneuten Versuch Copy - Modus in das Blog der Klause im Shtetl Beschuss Brustbereich. Und es vibriert so schön. Ausserdem ist mein Ohr rechts gleich taub. "Aha" wer bitte? Bestens bekannt. Noch mal zur Verdeutlichung: Meine Initialien lauten AH. Auch der Versuch, immer wieder die Suche nach geeigneten Kleidungsstücken zu boykottieren, Kleidungsstücke zu verändern, zu entstellen, wird als gezielte Provokation behandelt. Die Damen und Herren? Sie besitzen auch eigenen Geschmack? Die automatische Markierung des Textes soeben soll was genau sagen? Mittlerweile besitze ich nur noch ein Kleidungsstück als Oberteil. Und dieses auch noch in schlechter Qualität. Alles andere muss umgearbeitet werden. Wir schaffen es noch bis zum Schneider? Helen? Oder gibt es da weitere Probleme? Nun: Auch diese Formen von Provokation sind ebenfalls zur gezielten Bearbeitung freigegeben. Ich mag übrigens den sogenannten Zarenstil sehr. Warm, feminin. Und in immer neuen Variationen auch in anderen Mode - Richtungen vertreten. Ja, auch dort gab es solche. Und solche. Die Damen und Herren? Das Thema Bolschewiki und Menschewiki, Aktionen und Reaktionen mit diversen geostrategischen Interessen auch in diesem Zusammenhang werden weiter Gegenstand der Lernumgebung des Zug der Zeit sein. Siehe den Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Lernumgebung Zug der Zeit. Die Sache mit dem konkurrierenden Öl - Boom? Dann die "Revolution"? Mit welchen Folgen? Unglaubliches Wirtschafts - Chaos? Die große Frage: Cui Bono ... ? Ich bin da erst am Anfang meiner Kenntnisse. Ein kleiner Vorwurf: Auch kein "neuer" elitärer Jude, keine SS - Elite. ER nicht .... ! Siehe die verlinkte Literatur der Disabled Jews des osteuropäischen Shtetl. Übrigens eine amerikanische Veröffentlichung. Wahrscheinlich wohl auch böse Einwanderer - Wurzeln gehabt? ... Frau Rosenberg, bitte übernehmen Sie! Ja. Der Uralte hätte mehr Bildung vermitteln sollen. Ein ganz kleiner Vorwurf. Verzeihung! Der Klassenkamerad Winfried Scharlau hat beispielsweise dazu etwas merkwürdig klingende Literatur veröffentlicht, und es geht auf und ab auch in der russischen Geschichte. Schlammschlachten der Desinformation und der Verschleierung allerorten. Herr Lenin nutzte wem genau? Herr Stalin war wer genau? Das Hotel Lux war was genau? Und vor Ort gab es eine, Zitat: "Rattenplage"? Die haben wen genau angenagt? Verzeihung ... ! Ja. Wahrheit hat viele verschiedene Gesichter. Siehe auch den Titel eines der Ordner auf der Lernumgebung. Während ich dieses hier schreibe, gehe die hobbytechnischen Provokationen und das sublime Gesabble unverhohlen weiter. Es vibriert seit ca einer Stunde so schön. Teilweise steigert sich die Frequenz zum sublimen Beschuss insbesondere im Brustbereich und auf meiner Seite Ohr Wange rechts. Warum? "Toll" soeben mit Schallspielchen gegen 00 : 28 Uhr, dazu sublim erhöhter Beschuss Brustbereich ist eine unverhohlene Drohung, die wir gezielt beantworten müssen dank des Gefährder - Protokolls. 00 : 17 Uhr. Stich Eierstock links. Nun das Vibrations-Spielchen am Unterleib: Sublimer Beschuss Unterleib. Dazu das Geräusch zum Tag der Offenen Tür. Unter meinem Hintern vibriert es nach wie vor, während ich den Beitrag schreibe. Ja. So geht Kriegsberichterstattung. Sublimes, ununterbrochenes Gesabble. Das geht den ganzen Tag wechselnd. Gut. Auch da gilt: Antworten aus dem Arsenal der Dehybriden Kriegsführung dank der Protokolle sind vonnöten. Richtig! 01 : 20 Uhr. Jetzt Hobbytechnik Brustbereich? Na gut ... Die Schwimmflügel bereits angezogen? Weitere Wunschanmeldungen? Und nun zur Weiterbildung auf die Lernumgebung des Zug der Zeit: Dort steht das neueste Video am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Muss ich meer sagen? Ach, übrigens: Wie ist eigentlich die Kopie gelungen von der Blondine, die dank kurzem Gas-Geben grinsend dafür sorgte, dass ich beim Einsteigen ins Boot an der Leiter ausrutschte und mit gespreizten Beinen auf die Schiffs-Schraube knallte? Soldaten und Polizisten allerorten, die böse böse Gefährder testen. Richtig! Wer war das noch in diesem Fall? Och! Wen haben wir denn da wieder aversiv sabbelnd in der Leitung? Na Alte? Auch wieder mit Melonen-Vermietung beschäftigt? Und der Lude zum Schutz wieder wo genau? Auch eine Buttercreme - Torte? Ganz im Gegenzug? Fragen über Fragen. Ja. Von solchen Frauen kann man ja nie genug haben. Und sei es auf Vorrat! Ja. Aufräum-Arbeiten allerorten. Auch das ist richtig! Ich jedenfalls freue mich sehr auf: Fortuna: Why not again? Das aversive Gesabble kommt in dieser Form ganz bestimmt nicht mit. Auch das stimmt! Doch. Der Bagger holt wieder reichlich Material für den Aufbau vor Ort. So wie früher. Soll ich sagen. Done! Und? Wollteste wieder? Weitere Wunschanmeldungen?
Mehr Bildung? Und ich verspreche: Es ist garantiert nicht "das letzte Bild ... ". Eine sehr schön anmutende Bilder - Galerie hoffentlich auch in diesem Fall. Ja, auch das eine Frage der Organisation: Der Zwilling hat die Bohrmaschine wem genau gegeben? Nein, HengstIN: Diese Löcher kannst du nicht bohren. Um es mit dem Sprachgebrauch unserer feministischen HengstInnen zu formulieren. Das war ein kurzer Perspektivenwechsel. Ich nehme normalerweise andere Wörter. Ich stehe eher in der Tradition der uralten Shekinah. Ja. Die ist nicht neu. Und hier nun wieder Pinterest - Der Zug der Zeit
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babypaulchen · 4 years
babypaulchen’s fanfic recs
Most of these fanfics are shippy, some are gen (no ships). Please feel free to recommend me some fics as well!
Firstly, The Other Side of Midnight is my favorite Rammstein fic! “Till and Paul tell each tales to pass a sleepless night.” Paul and Till share stories about how they fucked Schneider, basically. I really like this one because one of Paul’s stories takes place in Feeling B era and I soak that shit up like a sponge. Plus it’s written beautifully. Like, this is one of those fics that makes me envious it’s so damn good. Read it or else!!!!
Fried Eggs and Honey - “Feeling B are just becoming established, but Paul wants more. He doesn’t know exactly what it is that he wants, though - not until he meets the shy, mysterious Till.” A super cute fic that I read all in one night. It’s written so realistically and casually that you can’t help but feel like you’ve lived the moment. I love fics that actually feel genuine. And Till is adorable. And Paul is so Paul. This fic literally had me punching the bed because they wrote Paul so spot-on. His faults and flaws, when he was young. Read this one. It’s so cute and perfect and the romance is written so realistically and ahhhh
Heroic & Durable by @zigratbites - “Paul has an accident on stage, but decides the show must go on anyway. This leads to some yelling, h/c and kissing.” Another great, wonderful, perfect fic where they capture Paul’s personality well. He’s a dedicated dumbass who will do whatever it takes to get something done well, and this shows in this fic. The side of Chrispaul does not hurt one bit, either. Love this one so much!!!
My Girl. by @till-hammer - “Frau Schneider comes out of her shell, but only for him.” this is Till/Schneider! this fic is SO GOOD I want more like this. exploration of character and gender is a favorite of mine. def recommend this one. love love love it
führe mich, halte mich by @slashs-head-is-fuzzy​ - “Paul and Christoph impulse fuck after leading each other on with regular cuddling sessions.” LEGIT ONE OF MY FAV FICS AHHHH this fic is for me and naturally I requested Paul topping. I adore how Paul is written, and the smut is sehr gut ahhh 
sehnsucht ist so grausam by @lunarcorvid​ - “As they wrap up the shoot for Du Hast, Till finds himself staring at the pistol that Schneider still has tucked into the back of his pants.” A++++ this is so hot lmao gun play can be so good if written well
Lied der unruhevollen Jugend by @wiener-blut - “After spending some time at a party, Christoph and Paul meander back to Paul’s flat, wasted, to have some more fun.” I LOVE THIS FIC another Feeling B era fic, done by the lovely Lily, for my birthday ;w; It’s so cute and fun and she is always so spot-on when it comes to portraying their personalities. Def read!!
Scent - “Paul is careless; Christoph gets mad.” I love this one. It’s short, but so so sweet. I’m a sucker for fluff. And they wrote them both well, too. It’s so cute ahhhh
You Make Me Perfect by @krispy-posts​ - No summary, but basically domestic Schneider and Paul being cute before delving into smut. I am sooo weak for the beginning domesticity, and also the mention of chubby WHDT era Paul. I’ve reread this fic so often. I adore it ;o;
Jetzt hab’ ich dich by @wiener-blut - “Attending a sophisticated ball, a particular man catches her eye.” A DRSG ‘98 AU where the reader is attending the ball and Paul approaches and dances with you ahhHHHHH I LOVE THIS ONE IT MAKES ME MELT
ich will eure blicke spuehren by @lunarcorvid​ - “Till and Richard need to work off some post-show adrenaline when they get back to the hotel room. Richard has an idea involving cigarettes.” I have a thing for smoking and Richard casually lighting up while sitting on Till’s dick is super hot lol
Rock Star - “Till overhears things on the tour bus.” Paul and Schneider flirt, with Till sitting in another room, hearing it. It’s from Till’s perspective. It’s really cute and funny!! Inspired by this pic:
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rein, raus - “ Paul could never shut up, especially at the most important of times. Like when fucking with Christoph on a tour bus while their band mates are sleeping.” summary says it all LMAO I think this was the first smutty Rammfic I read and actually enjoyed.
All My Marks On Your Skin - “Paul can’t remember when seeing Schneider’s claim on his skin became such an essential part of his life.” Post-concert fic where they stand in front of a mirror and Schneider touches his bruises! It’s Good™.
the strings that change the faces of men by @slashs-head-is-fuzzy - “Richard initiates something with Ollie. Schneider joins in on the fun. It all remains among friends, of course.” a very nicely written threesome fic!! I adore how Richard is written in this and the smut is EXCELLENT
Fluffy Slippers by @writing-rammstein (go and read all of her fics honestly, they’re all cute and perfect) -  “For the prompt: ‘can u hook a gal up with some good ol reader/paul hugging?‘” A request made by me LMAO This is super cute and sweet, I love it so much T__T
Herr Lorenz - “ After an inconsiderate joke, Flake feels insecure. Paul might just have the solution to it.” Feeling B era!! This was one of the first Rammstein fics I ever read…It’s so sweet. I love their friendship so much ahhhhh
Broken Machine by @iinchicore - “This story is set in 1994, during the time Rammstein stayed in Eichwalde to work on the songs for their first record, Herzeleid. The plot mainly focuses on Flake's struggle dealing with his speech disorder.” This one is so relatable and touching. I love this dynamic between Till and Flake and the writing is BEAUTIFUL ackkk please read!!
So seid recht gut auf allen Wegen (So be good in all your journeys) by @prismabird​ -  “Far from home for the first time, Till finds solace from the unfamiliar in the arms of the familiar (based on Till, Richard, and Oli’s first trip to America in 1993).” So far, this fic is REALLY enjoyable to read. I love the element of friendship and reliance on each other. It’s a fun read, albeit sprinkled with some angst. I have laughed a couple times, and I related to Richard’s struggle with language.
Scar Tissue -  “While Till and Paul attempt to get on with their lives and repair an alreay damaged relationship, the band are also dealing with their bandmate who is suffering from a serious addiction.” This one is really, very good. I love the TillPaul aspect, but it’s very bittersweet. This fic is so sad, it nearly brought me to tears hhhh
Du riechst so gut - “Paul finds Schneider's scarf while he is cleaning up the hotel-room he's in for the moment. He really had just intended to use it to block out the light but- well, he's not going to complain about what happens instead.” this writing is excellent, and the smut is very enjoyable. I adore any author that includes realism: Schneider’s inexperience and sloppiness in attempting to blow Paul is really appreciated.
Heart of the Matter by @weitweg-vonmir​ - “Paul received a heart transplant from a stranger that saved his life. Now, a year later, that stranger's lover comes to meet the recipient of the transplant.” man this fic is like a punch to the gut. honestly, I’m seldom ever moved by angst fic, but this one legit made me cry, thinking about how fucked up and sad this whole situation is. you can only feel true sympathy for both sides of this. excellently written A+
Nähe des Geliebten by @naraism​ - “It's New Year's Day and the boys (Paul and Richard) finally have some free time just for themselves.” so soft and warm throughout it....such nice writing, too. and ugghh TOP PAUL IS MY WEAKNESS overall a really enjoyable fic!!
Together - It has no summary but basically Ollie and Paul go to the stage of where they’re going to perform to get a feel for it, and cute stuff happens. I wish there was more Ollie/Paul out there ),:
Let Me See You Stripped by @wiener-blut - “Post concert, Paul submerges himself in an indulgent fantasy with Schneider.” this one is a bday gift for me and it is SOOOO good lmaooo lily knows what i likes B) good shit
Wir halten uns den Arm (We hold each other by the arm) - “Paul and Richard spend some quality time together.” I found this more cute than sexy. I like how they wrote Paul in this!!
For the sake of full coverage, I wanted to include my personal favorites of my own works. This is more or less in order from #1 favorite.
Ich Will Eure Hände Sehen - “A six-man group of criminals, lead by Till, operate in early 2000's Berlin. A series of occurrences, both good and bad.” This is my baby lmao it’s been with me since I first joined the fandom, and I really need to finish it. I love the characters sm... prob the most effort I’ve put into any of my fanfics in a long time ♡
Mein Tier - “Frau Schneider keeps to herself, unusually so. Her weekly life consists only of work, and staying at home. Unbeknownst to the people around her, Schneider goes home every day to five loyal dogs. Dogs who are unaware of their state of captivity. Dogs who are not truly dogs, but men with their humanity deteriorated to that of beasts. But they are more than happy to be cared for by their neurotic, loving master.” I’m so fond of this fic; I love all of the characters, and the dynamics. it is so fun to write for!! ♡
Reconnecting - “Paul and Schneider used to have an on-and-off-again sexual relationship when they were younger. Now it's 2017, and something has reignited.” I LOVE this one. Schneider/Paul is my OTP, and this was the one time I shoved all my Feelings for them into a fic. it’s so soft and intimate
Stripping Away the Layers - “It's been a while since their last "session". It seems Schneider has to reteach Paul how to obey. Unlike Till, who has always striven to please him, Paul clings to his pride. Schneider manages to rip it from him. He always does.” THIS ONE IS SO HOT THAT’S ALL HDSFFGL I’m really pleased with how it came out. The spanking part is my FAVORITE love this one...
This Is How This Night Is Going to Go - “Following the hectic evening of being followed around by documenting cameras, Paul and Schneider find some privacy away from the others. Paul doesn't really appreciate what he pulled earlier at the party.” the first smut fic I wrote for Schneider/Paul! I adore how I managed to write Paul in this one. he’s so bold and it’s hot lmao ♡
Red Ribbon - “Taking place in the 19th century, Schneider visits a whorehouse with intention of hiring the services of a male prostitute. It seems there are a few new additions. One in red catches his eye.” I’m mostly really proud of the second chapter... I love the pace of it, and the developing relationship. writing in different time periods is also sooo fun (plus ngl I really love prostitute AUs)
Worth the Risk - “Ollie visits Schneider in the secrecy of the night at a secluded villa where they're currently producing their newest album. He and Schneider make use of their bandmates' absence.” a super indulgent, super kinky Schneider/Ollie fic that I’ve reread multiple times just because I feel like I got it just right; it’s pretty damn hot lol
A Rocky Start - “Paul gets up earlier than Flake, and decides to make them breakfast. Soon enough, Flake joins him with a lovely surprise. Paul was never the best at resisting temptation.” I couldn’t get this idea out of my head while at work, and I’m really pleased that I managed to get it into words just how I envisioned it... so soft and warm and sexy ♡ I love this ship so much and I hope you give it a chance!!
And that’s about it! My greatest recommendation is exploring Rammstein fanfic as a whole, it’s another world of fandom that I feel deserves more recognition. Don’t be shy to test the waters!
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babypaulchen · 4 years
I love your mein tier fic. Have you thought to tell us how Ollie ended up with Frau Schneider?
oh thank you!! and yes, I have. Next chapter will be Till-centric, but eventually I’ll get to Ollie. My inspiration for Mein Tier has been very low though, thus the hiatus. I appreciate your interest!!
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