iamcharles66 · 2 years
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Als Kind fühlte ich mich einsam und fühle mich immer noch so, weil ich Dinge weiß und auf Dinge hinweise, die andere nicht zu wissen scheinen und die meisten nicht wissen wollen. Die schlimmste Einsamkeit ist, keine Menschen an seiner Seite zu haben, aber Dinge, die einem wichtig erscheinen, nicht mitteilen zu können oder bestimmte Standpunkte zum Schweigen zu bringen, weil andere sie für unzulässig halten würden. Carl Gustav Jung #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CYa4E4RgM-M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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germanicseidr · 3 years
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Frey is the Germanic God of harvest, peace and fertility. He's the twin brother of Freya and possibly the most loved God of all the Germanic deities, which makes sense considering that the harvest and fertility were one the most important aspects of Germanic life in peace time. Judging by his character and attributes, he could also be one of the oldest Germanic deities.
Frey is being described as part of the Vanir tribe. He owns a ship, Skidbladnir, which has the ability of being able to fold up so that it could be carried inside a pocket. He is often depicted with his boar, Gullinbursti, who has a golden mane and can run faster through air and water than any horse. Further more he is often depicted with a huge phallus, which symbolizes his fertility, and a sword.
The meaning of his name is incredibly similar to his twin sister's name. Both Frey and Freya are titles rather than personal names. As I have explained in an earlier post, Freya means 'lady', the same seems to be true for Frey. Frey literally means 'lord', the word is derived from the Proto-Germanic 'Frawan' which means lord. The actual true name of Frey is therefore uncertain but we have a very likely theory.
Several archeological finds, written sources, still existing traditions and place names have been discovered that have a link to this deity. There is also a theory that might explain Frey's actual name. Yngvi is the name often linked to Frey and might actually be a much older name to describe this deity than Frey is. But why? Frey is a name, or rather a title, that seemed to have been used in the early medieval ages, especially during the viking age. The name Yngvi however has been mentioned by Tacitus back in 98AD.
Tacitus described a region which belonged to the Ingvaeonic people, Ingvaeones can be translated into 'son of Yngvi'. The Ingvaonic people are said to have been descended from Yngvi who in turn was a son of Mannus, Mannus himself was a son of Tuisto, better known as Tyr the oldest deity of the Germanic pantheon and former chief God. This theory might actually be the only, pre-viking, attempt in making a family tree of the Germanic Gods. It gives us an interesting insight in the ancestral tree of the Gods before the medieval ages. The modern day Ingvaeonic offspring are: the Dutch, North-west Germans and the Danish people.
Another source linking the name Yngvi with Frey comes from the Ynglinga saga written by Snorri Sturluson. In this tale, that tries to legitimize the reign of old Norse kings by linking them to Frey, Frey is being mentioned as Yngvi-Frey. If Yngvi is really the true name of Frey, that means the Inguz rune is bound to him. There are also many modern day names in the Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Frisian, old English, Norse and Incelandic language that are linked to Yngvi, per example 'Inge' and 'Ingrid'.  
The old English Runic poem, written somewhere during either the 8th or 9th century, contains a stanza about Inguz which seems to confirm the link between Yngvi and Frey:
"Ing wæs ærest mid Eástdenum gesewen secgum, oð he síððan eást ofer wæg gewát. wæn æfter ran. þus Heardingas þone hæle nemdon."
"Ing was first among the East Danes so seen, until he went east over the sea. His car followed. Thus the Haerdingen called that hero."
Here he is also described as 'first of the Danes' just like Tacitus had done many centuries before this poem was written down.
Most of our written and archeological sources however come from medieval Scandinavia. Adam of Bremen, a German chronicler from the 11th century, has written down several Scandinavian pagan practices and mentioned the God Frey with his Latinized name 'Fricco':
"In this temple, entirely decked out in gold, the people worship the statues of three gods in such wise that the mightiest of them, Thor, occupies a throne in the middle of the chamber, Woden and Fricco have places on either side. The significance of these gods is as follows: Thor, they say, presides over the air, which governs the thunder and lightning, the winds and rains, fair weather and crops. The other, Woden that is, the Furious—carries on war and imparts to man strength against his enemies. The third is Fricco, who bestows peace and pleasure on mortals. His likeness, too, they fashion with an immense phallus." - Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis
A statue of Frey has also been found in Södermanland, Sweden in 1904. This statue has been dated back to around the year 1000 and is made entirely out of bronze. The statue is about 7 centimeters tall and depicts Frey with a beard, hat and an erect penis. Interestingly enough, ancient wooden statues have been found inside bogs, in both Denmark and the Netherlands, that depict a figure with an erect penis. These statues date back to the bronze age and might perhaps be the earliest representations of Frey.
Unfortunately we do not exactly know how the ancient Germanic people worshiped Frey. There are several theories based on present day traditions and historical research, by comparing Frey with other fertility deities. One of these theories, based on the fact that Frey is almost always depicted with an erect penis, is that Frey might been linked to certain unknown sex rites. It is of course completely unknown what these rites would have been like, perhaps by singing? Adam of Bremen mentioned in his work that certain raunchy songs were sung in temples.
Another theory, which might date back to the Proto-indo European culture, is that the people might have honoured or sacrificed a horse's phallus. Another, perhaps the most wildest theory, concerns the description made by Ibn Fadlan, a 10th century muslim traveler who witnessed a bizare ritual surrounding a burial. According to his words, a slave girl that was sacrificed, was first put through several sexual rites, it is unknown if it was basically a rape or part of an ancient ritual, perhaps a ritual based on the worship of Frey.
There is still at least one existing tradition that can possibly be linked to Frey. This tradition, which I have practiced myself as well, is practiced in the Netherlands right after harvest. According to the tradition, the last piece of harvest is left behind on the field and made into a doll figure to thank Frey for the succesful harvest and blessing the land for next year's harvest.
Frey certainly is a fascinating deity and we still have much to learn about him and the history behind the people who worshiped him.
Here are images of: Frey by Johannes Gehrts, Swedish Frey statue, Danish bog statue of a possible ancient depiction of Frey, A map showing the Ingvaeonic people in red, A Dutch harvest doll,
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napoleonfucker69 · 10 years
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iamcharles66 · 2 years
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Die Zukunft gehört denen, die an die Schönheit ihrer Träume glauben #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CXA-Zudr583/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 2 years
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Ist es Liebe, dem anderen seine Einsamkeit zu schenken? Es ist das Tiefste, was wir von uns geben können. #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CaCJej5ufte/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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Weisheit entsteht aus einem Prozess ständigen Wachstums. Erstens müssen wir Gott vertrauen und ihn ehren. Zweitens müssen wir erkennen, dass die Bibel uns Gottes Weisheit offenbart. Drittens müssen wir eine Reihe guter Entscheidungen für das Leben treffen und moralische Gefahren vermeiden. Viertens müssen wir bei falschen oder sündigen Entscheidungen aus unseren Fehlern lernen und uns erholen. #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #JEHOVÁ #CRISTO  #Sabbath #Shalom #Dios #Biblia #Bless  #Oración #Jesús  #tips #amén #proverbios  #natural  #sagrado #God #Nature #Católica https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSwFLGhXlh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 2 years
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"Hunde haben nur einen Fehler: Sie glauben an Männer" #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CYqcnteu1Ul/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 2 years
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Italien schreibt Geschichte, indem es den Verkauf von Pelzen verbietet und seine letzten aktiven Farmen in 6 Monaten geschlossen werden #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ_mwXBuR_a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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"Die erste Tugend ist, die Zunge zu stoppen, und es ist fast ein Gott, der, wenn er recht hat ... weiß, wie man den Mund hält." -Utica Caton #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CUMt8n_Ld1Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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"Ich habe mich geschämt, als mir klar wurde, dass das Leben eine Kostümparty ist, und ich nahm mit meinem wahren Gesicht teil." Franz Kafka #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CULgzOaADHR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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Wir sollten keine Angst empfinden oder Momente der Prüfung verabscheuen Durch die Prüfung wird unser Charakter gestärkt und Gott lehrt uns wertvolle Lektionen. Wenn wir dem Bösen gegenüberstehen, denken wir an Jesus. Er benutzte das Wort Gottes und ERFOLGREICH. ---------------------- No debemos sentir angustia o aborrecer los momentos de prueba A través de la prueba se fortalece nuestro carácter y Dios nos enseña valiosas lecciones. Cuando estemos frente al mal recordemos a Jesús. El uso la palabra de Dios y TRIUNFÓ. #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #JEHOVÁ #CRISTO  #Sabbath #Shalom #Dios #Biblia #Bless  #Oración #Jesús  #tips #amén #proverbios  #natural  #sagrado #God #Nature #Católica https://www.instagram.com/p/CPvnkXCh_Gy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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"Mitleid mit denen, die nur Körper, Formen, Bilder lieben! Der Tod wird alles zerstören. Versuche Seelen zu lieben, sie werden sie wiederfinden." • Victor Hugo (Les Miserables) #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CIlypUaBkM5/?igshid=j8geag8xxz5z
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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Ihre psychische Gesundheit ist wichtiger als Ihre Karriere, Ihr Geld, die Meinung anderer Leute, die Veranstaltung, an der Sie teilnehmen möchten, die Stimmung Ihres Partners und die Wünsche Ihrer Familie. Wenn auf sich selbst aufzupassen bedeutet, jemanden im Stich zu lassen, dann du muss lässt man jemanden im Stich. #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1gb7dBsOW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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Lass uns über alles lachen, weil traurigkeit nicht mit mehr traurigkeit geheilt werden kann -Bob Marley- #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1f6ygBAdq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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Lieben heißt leiden. Um Leiden zu vermeiden, darf man nicht lieben. Aber dann leidet man, weil man nicht liebt. Daher bedeutet lieben zu leiden, und nicht zu lieben bedeutet zu leiden. Leiden ist Leiden. Glücklich sein heißt lieben. Glücklich sein heißt also leiden. Aber Leiden macht unglücklich. Um nicht glücklich zu sein, muss man also lieben oder lieben zu leiden oder an zu viel Glück leiden. Ich hoffe, Sie nehmen es zur Kenntnis. WOODY ALLEN, Die letzte Nacht von Boris Gruschenko #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CPrhu37BrDf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcharles66 · 3 years
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NACH ?, Es gibt kein "Nachher". Denn nachdem der Tee kalt geworden ist, geht das Interesse verloren, dann wird der Tag zur Nacht, dann werden die Menschen erwachsen, dann werden die Menschen alt, dann endet das Leben; und man bedauert später, es nicht früher getan zu haben, als er die Gelegenheit dazu hatte. #Inspiration #Frawan #Literatur #Librons #poesie #chote #Lebenszeit #kunst #arte #motivation #inspiración #Frase #frasedeldia #filosofía #Literatura #poema #Libros #poesía  #amor #Sabiduría #palabras #quote #palabrasbonitas #motivación https://www.instagram.com/p/CPlYe6Jhy4B/?utm_medium=tumblr
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