#fun fact! 9/10 abortions happen before 12 weeks
hella1975 · 2 years
id like it to be known that i wholeheartedly support abortion. i support abortion for the person whose pregnancy has become too dangerous to come to term. i support abortion for the victim of rape. i support abortion for those who don't have the financial means to have a child. i support abortion for those underage. i support abortion for someone middle-aged with a stable family and finances and loving partner who quite simply does not want a child. i support abortion for people who sleep around. i support abortion for someone who thought they wanted a child but changed their mind. i support abortion in all its infinitely different situations. if it comes to me picking between a bunch of cells that look like fish eggs and an actual living breathing person with a name and future then babe we're having caviar
#fun fact! 9/10 abortions happen before 12 weeks#and over half happen in the first 8 weeks#at 12 weeks your fetus (bc it's not even a baby yet if u want to be technical) is the size of a lime. a fucking lime#i wasnt going to make a post about this bc i dont like bringing politics onto tumblr#bc after how jaded i got with covid and now Everythign Else i wanted a site that could be safe from real world shit#and also it's very tiring that an American Issue suddenly becomes Everyone's Issue and it can be quite frustrating#when that energy isn't met for literally any other country. and i didnt want to contribute to the en masse posting about roe v wade atm#for those two reasons (at least on tumblr. im not actually spiteful about this and obviously really care about the topic. it's just tiring)#but it's come to my attention that somehow i have pro-lifers in these parts#and i want to make it very fucking clear that i dont want them here#me and this blog are completely wholeheartedly pro-choice in any form it may show itself as#because i have enough critical thinking skills to know two basic facts#1) that people have ALWAYS had abortions. the only thing that's changed is the safety in which they're carried out#you will NEVER get rid of them you will only ever endanger the people and women you're trying so hard to 'protect'#and 2) i have never heard of a single person that was happy to get an abortion. not one. it's not a fun experience#it's incredibly hard and traumatic but oftentimes necessary for whatever personal reason specific to that person#stop fucking making laws about other people's bodies#it really shouldn't be difficult
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savagecuhnt · 2 years
𝕄𝕪𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔼𝕣𝕒 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕪
Thank you @popularmxnster , for the idea!!
(feel free to reblog, or steal)
tagging: @causticfuhk @gurlrot @daevilhorns @glorifiiedgore @writingxthexsilence @heartxshaped-bruises @glitchexmachina @goddamnmuses @captainboomer @sherots @guiltlaced and anyone who wants to do it!
(basing answers on @causticfuhk verse)
1. State your name: Rosalyn Marie Von Greyson...but you all can call me Rose. 2. State the name that your parents almost named you: Abortion? I don’t know shit about them. they’re supposedly dead. 3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most? Aunt Claudia is the only relative. She’s also dead.... 4. What was your first job? I ran a coffee shop for a little bit with my sister Vi. 5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most? uhhh My parents I guess? 6. Did anything embarrassing happen this week? I cried in front of my ex. does that count?...OH WAIT! hahaha My ex’s brother caught us in a awkward situation. 7. Do you miss your ex?(crosses fingers)... not a single bit. 8. Do you ever dream about your ex? Did he write this or some shit?...yes. yes i do. 9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Is there any other color than black??? 10. How do you wear your makeup? uhhh on my face? I like to look like I just crawled out of a grave. 11. What are some of your nicknames? Rose. Rosie Posie. Bitch..Cunt. 12. How many bedrooms are in your house? 2. no real need for more rooms. 13. How many bathrooms? 1. It’s only me. 14. Do you have a job? I have many. None that you need to know about. 15. Do you have a car? I can get one if I need one. 16. Do you think you will go to college? hahahaha no. 17. Tell me what you think hate means: when you look at someone and you get the sudden feeling of a thousand suns burning inside. 18. What is your definition of ugly: not appeasing to the eyes? 19. What is your definition of beauty: the opposite of ugly? 20. Do you have muscles? have you seen these guns? *kisses flexed bicep* 21. How about abs? ... i don’t got like a magic mike type a bod going on. 22. Do you work out every week? define working out. 23. Did you brush your teeth this morning? yes. yes I did. 24. Name a fact that you think is bullshit: Vampires are afraid of garlic. 25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullshit? are you calling their magic tricks bullshit? 26. Something about your neighbors that you hate: They’re alive and living next to me... 27. Something about your neighbors that you like: At least they’re not nosey and they thankfully mind their business. 28. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party? God no. 29. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again? hahaha So often. 30. Have you ever held hands with someone of the same sex? well, yeah. what the fuck. is this like a weird thing to do? 31. What kind of bathing suit do you wear? a black bikini thing...or nude..whatever works. 32. Do you like your eyes? I guess. They work just fine. I would probably hate to not have them. 33. Do you think you are pretty? I think other’s think I am. I’m alright. I’d probably fuck me. 34. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot? This is a stupid ass question, and I hate it. Fuck off. 35. Have you ever called someone fat? yeah. like I told my ex he was being a fat ass for eating my food a few times. 36. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger? yeah. They probably wish they hadn’t... 37. Are you a bully? I can be...but I’d like to think I’m a bully to the bullies. 38. Have you ever called a complete stranger fat before? what is with these stupid ass questions...this is why myspace failed. for shit like this. 39. Do mean people lack a soul? I might lack a soul.... 40. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you? bahahahaha! I’m not answering this. 41. Have you ever practiced witch craft?.....are you the occultist police? 42. What do you think of Satanists? it puts the fun in funeral . 43. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you? where did you get your information from. I need to speak the manager. 44. Do you believe in hexes? I swore this said do you believe in Texas. I was like, what? Is the whole state of Texas a conspiracy now?? 45. Do you believe in vampires? Yes. 46. Who was the last person you cussed at? Aiden...but for good reason. ;3 47. Do you have a jacuzzi? like a portable one? 48. How much money is in your pocket right this moment? $6.66. 49. How much money is in your checking account? $6,666. 50. How much is in your savings? $60,666. 51. Are you well off? what does this meeeeean?!... I’m well off of a few drinks and some illicit substances. 52. Do you have kids? NOOOOOOO. THANK THE GODS! 53. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)? uhhhh....at one point I did. 54. What do you think of people on welfare? good for them? 55. If we had a war over a tax on tea, why the hell have we accepted a tax on everything else?....Cause the human population is weak af.  56. Are you smart? I like to think so... 57. Did you ever get left back in school? no, I left school. 58. How many times have you gotten after school detention? A few. 59. How many times have you gotten in school suspension? again, a few. 60. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for? no. I just left. 61. What is your worst subject in school? Lunch. 62. Tell me what your back pack looks like: It was black, and raggedy. Had pins and shit on it. Band patches. 63. Who is the ugliest person in your school? Based on 'the inside': Everyone of those little bastards...including the teachers. 64. Who is the happiest person you know? Violet. always so optimistic. 65. Who is the loudest person you know? Myself. 66. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met? again, probably myself. 67. What celebrity do you think is hot? Does Aiden Grey count? He’s famous now. 68. Did you read Twilight? hahaha....yes. 69. Last movie you saw in theatre: oh man, I haven’t been in a theatre in so long...had to be some sort of horror movie. 70. Are you dating the same person you dated last year? uhhhh....no. 71. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you? HAHAHA They no better... 72. Have you ever cheated? no. 73. Have you ever flirted with someone online that you never met? never. I don’t meet people online. 74. Have you ever met with someone you met online? same answer. 75. Have you ever been mean to someone just to make yourself feel better? all the time...but in a sense i don’t think you’d understand. 76. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person?...I can’t just go confessing my sins on here, now can i? 77. Have you been honest? to those that deserve honesty. 78. Have you ever done drugs? lmfao....I’m a GOD DAMN SAINT.
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Jane the Virgin 3x02 Chapter Forty-Six
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Jane is having problems overcoming the fact that her husband got shot and almost died, and I almost forgot… they haven’t even had sex yet and now they must remain celibate for six more weeks until Michael is rehabilitated. At this point, I have to wonder if the show will continue to force Jane into virginhood ONLY so that the title of the show continues to be truthful. That’s torture.
2) A urine swapping PSA? What…?
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3) Xiomara gives Jane some good advice – if she’s still having nightmares about Michael getting shot and dying, then she should talk to him about it and tell him that she’s not comfortable with him rejoining the force. Jane, of course, tells Xiomara that she doesn’t want to tell him any of it, because going back to work is not even a possibility yet. But… the day will come, and it’s always better to talk this type of things out before you have to cross that bridge.
4) Ay, Alba…
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I have so many questions, but most importantly, why?
5) Is Rafael actually acing the parenting stuff? I know I give him a lot of flak, mostly because he’s quite often the literal worse, but now he’s the one who talked to the pediatrician and figured out Mateo needed to go back to his routine, and he brought up the issue in such a mature way, too. Like, it’s obviously MOSTLY because of Michael being in the hospital and all, and yet he comforted Jane and told her that it was his fault, too, and that both of them needed to work on getting Mateo back to his normal routine. Don’t make me regret complimenting you, Rafael.
6) How come no one has realized Petra is not Petra yet???
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Okay, so the whole plan was to get Rafael’s money and leave. That was it. A bit underwhelming, I guess.
7) See? The work stuff would come up sooner than expected. Michael is already planning his comeback, and Jane ended up telling him how she didn’t want him to go back to work at all kind of in a very crappy way. Michael doesn’t take it too well, at first, but then he assures her that if she truly can’t live with him being a cop, then he’ll quit. Typically, Jane doesn’t want to ASK him to quit, she wants him to want to quit of his own accord to avoid the guilt of making him give up his dream job. I guess they’ll have to reach some type of compromise.
8) Jane sets out to try and overcome her trauma, so she decides to get back to her routine and face the fear of losing Michael by going back to the Marbella and walking its hall. Except… we see her going back to her routine over what seems to be a period of time, but we don’t see her walking the hall where her husband got shot? So I’m guessing she won’t get over that real quick, right?
9) Yep.
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Every time she tries to go back to the Marbella, she is taken back to the night where she found her husband all bloodied and nearly dead.
10) How is Michael so comfortable knowing that Rafael is still in love with Jane…? Huh? He’s all jokey-jokey and exchanging knowing glances with Xiomara and smiling? What…?
11) Is this the only way of distracting men Anezka knows?
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I mean, it’s effective and all, but girl! Vests is not even all that!
But apparently he’s more skilled than Rafael? So I guess, good for you, Anezka.
12) Michael and Rogelio continue to be my BROTP. They’re so sweet and supportive and understanding, I just love them.
13) I guess Rafael is over Jane. Well, in this episode, he is. And he admits that when he was not over her, he would do about anything to please her, including choosing a school for Mateo he wasn’t totally on board with. Now, though, he doesn’t care if disagreeing with her upsets Jane. It’s a great character development moment, but I’ve grown accustomed to this show, and I know he’ll be back to making puppy dog eyes at Jane in one to five episodes, so… *shrugs*
14) Xiomara is forced to come clean to Alba about having an abortion, which was bound to happen since she felt so guilty about keeping it hidden from her, and… it didn’t go well. I think that when it comes to Alba no reaction is worse than a bad reaction, right? She just walked away without saying anything. I’m just hoping she doesn’t get too preachy when they do have the conversation and that the only issue she has with the whole thing is the fact that Xiomara kept it hidden from her and didn’t give her the chance to choose whether she wanted to be there for her daughter. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
15) Did he just…?
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I thought he was being cheeky and poking fun at Jane, but… he actually slipped up and called his wife “mom”. This is not cute and funny like when one of my young students calls me mom in the classroom. This is potentially creepy and dysfunctional… And to make it worse, Rafael witnessed the whole thing.
And I mean, Jane is acting like a doting mother, and they’re newlyweds who haven’t had sex yet, so it stands to reason that he would see her as a this Virgin Mary type.
16) This is it. This is the show.
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17)  So, Alba did take the self-righteous / hypocritical approach, considering she advised Xiomara to get an abortion when she got pregnant with Jane. And like, what’s the point? What’s the point of the whole guilt trip? It’s not like Xiomara can take the abortion back, and considering how distressing going through that can be, why would you add more guilt and shame to it? Why not be supportive and swallow your self-righteousness and I-told-you-sos? I’d somewhat get it if Xiomara hadn’t gone through with it yet, but after the fact? Seriously?
18) Jane thinks that Mateo biting people may have to do with people showing aggressive behavior around him, but maybe it’s because he’s feeding off her mom’s anxiety and tension over her trauma?
19) Fuck off, lady. Xiomara basically just conveyed the point I made before about how it’s done and they need to move forward, and this is her response?
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Fuck off.
20) Michael’s attempt to make Jane feel like his wife instead of his mom again is sort of cute.
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21) As usual, Rogelio continues to be the only beacon of light, brilliant, awesome, superb character in this show.
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20) Yep, Jane does her typical research and reaches the same conclusion I reached 10 minutes earlier. Mateo is imitating her mother’s way of dealing with stuff.
21) Thankfully, this leads Jane and Michael to have a very honest talk about how they feel – with Michael admitting that he wants to go back to work and he’s not scared, and Jane confessing she can’t get the image of him lying on the ground. He offers to help her, and that’s sweet and all, but maybe instead of doing research on the computer and asking her husband for help, she should seek professional help. I know. A wild thought, am I right?
22) This was a specially sweet moment for Jane and Rafael as co-parents.
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And they ended up loving the hippy school.
23) …which sort of led to Michael breaking down after coming to the realization that he was a victim and that he indeed almost died…
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…which, I have to admit, really got to me.
24) You’re damn right, Rogelio!
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25) Well, I’m glad she came to her senses by the end of the episode, although I don’t know what her journey to get here was. I’ll take it, anyway.
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26)  Apparently, Anezka sleeping with Scott was the best possible decision she could’ve made. He’s promised to give her exactly what she was looking for to blackmail Rafael.
27) Hm…
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I’ll believe it when I see it.
28) There were a lot of things that I liked in this episode. I liked seeing Rafael and Jane co-parenting in a healthy way, I liked how Jane and Michael navigated through their shared trauma, I liked Rogelio – as always. I didn’t like Alba’s reaction and then how quickly and inexplicably she overcame it. And to be honest, I’m over the whole Anezka/Magda storyline at this point. I just want to have Petra back. I’m still unsure about this season’s arcs, though. Maybe it’s a bit early to tell. It was a good episode, though.
29) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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theloniousbach · 5 years
50 Years of Going to Shows, Pt. 2: The Grateful Dead Universe
Part one of this series extrapolated from the conceit that the 9/4/19 Hot Tuna show here at the Sheldon Concert Hall also marked the anniversary of my Fall 1969 Johnny Winter concert that was my first rock show.  50 years!!   That segment was about those early concerts in KC (well, a couple of Dylan shows in St. Louis and then Chicago).  
The glaring omission from that note was the Grateful Dead (11/11-12/72; 6/16/74 Des Moines; and 10/28/77).  I propose correcting that with this entry that can take up 7/26-27/94 and 7/5-6/95 (shows 4 and 3 from the end) plus visits with The Other Ones, The Dead, Furthur, Dead and Company, various Phil Lesh and Friends iterations (including the Q 3 times, the Campbell/Greene band twice, another time with Campbell, and this past summer with an Allison Krauss sit in); Ratdog maybe 5 times; Weir and Wolf Bros; and Joe Russo’s Almost Dead to whom I’ve passed the torch.
This is a quite modest Deadhead roll call, but it does include 1972, a Wall of Sound, and 1977.  So I’ve been around long enough to have opinions.  
And I do have opinions.
1972–The 11/11 show was all we thought we were going to get.  A Sunday night show after them always missing us.  There was a rumor then, pure fiction it turns out, that they opened (?!?) for Iron Butterfly (#@%!) in KC before I got on the bus (1969ish?).  I was transfixed—the long unfolding two sets, pauses including for a cigarette puffs), the wide range of songs, the stacks of speakers and Macintosh amps even if it wasn’t quite officially a Wall of Sound show—but that’s all I remember.  Set lists say there was a Box of Rain.  
The second show got added and I was going to go no matter what—two school nights in a row.  And that one is better fixed in memory because of an Owsley Stanley tape that captures a sprawling Playing in the Band to close the first set.  I don’t need that tape to remember the Dark Star>Morning Dew, though being able to revisit it sure is a treat.  It was in fact huge though I was beside myself from the opening notes announcing that the adventure was beginning.  In the moment, I just knew it was happening and that was good enough then.  It is a big big one though with lots of space travel before settling into the Dew.  I turned grumpy about Dew but this one was magic then and now.  
1974–I couldn’t get anybody to go to Des Moines to see them that June.  My dad, actually, was up for the drive and camping (him staying in camp while I and the other Deadheads went to the afternoon outdoor show.  He had a draft dissertation to read which he left somehow but we got it back).  The key parts of this show (another Playing with a gnarly breakdown) were released officially as part of the Road Trips series honoring the Wall of Sound.  That was a sight though I thought I’d seen a version of it inside in KC.  Also a sight was Garcia’s chin and upper lip as he had reduced the beard to mutton chops for a very short while.  The second set was where the meat of the show was culminating in the Playing.  I experienced it at the time as meandering and anxious, without the tranquil spaciness of some of their explorations, but it’s just fine and part of the oeuvre as per repeated listening AND a much broader experience with their music.
1977–When Steal Your Face and then Blues for Allah came out, my enthusiasm was waning.  To this day, I’m a pre-hiatus fan with a real focus on 71-74 when Kreutzmann was the only drummer.  They were more lithe, exploratory, and dynamic.  Still a good friend told me I was going back to Memorial Hall for a late 1977 show, so I got part of that magical year.  And what stood out was 1977 slinkiness even though there wasn’t a Dancin’ in the Streets.  But Lazy Lightning>Supplication, Samson and Delilah, and Passenger all caught my ear.  It was fun, but I was not on the bus much.
The taping scene pulled me back in in the late 1980s, though I’d been intrigued by Lowell George of Little Feat producing Shakedown Street.  I suppose in some ways I am a secondary Touch Head, though Without a Net too was welcome.
I was on the periphery of the Brent Mydland era and actually found Bruce Hornsby’s interlude a real boost to the creativity, particularly Garcia’s. That was spent really by 1994 and 1995.  I went to both nights that they were in St. Louis on those summer tours.  Still I was glad to see the break outs and covers (Here Comes Sunshine, Take Me to the River), but they were going through the motions, keeping Garcia in tow.  It was fun, I'm glad, I'm went, they are memorable in a general sense, but I won't go play recordings.  1995 was the third and fourth shows from the end as they headed from here to Chicago.  Within 5 weeks, Garcia was dead.
It was about the party or, ahem, the cultural experience. I'm glad I got that too with the originals (and subsequent Furthur Festival/The Other Ones/The Dead/Furthur/Dead and Company shows in big venues were as much about that as the music), but an advantage of the end of the big machine is that the shows got much smaller.  The party was still there, but the music was closer. Also as I have aged, I've been willing to pay for better seats (to see Phil Lesh at Willie Nelson's Outlaw Festival this summer we even paid for premium parking.  Sheesh.) so that helps put the music to the fore.
So has couch touring—and that is how my concert gang and I saw the first night of Fare The Well—GD 50 from Levi Stadium in the Bay Area as well as the Friday and Sunday from Chicago.  We also saw a Phil Lesh Quintet reunion.  Being in real time, I count those as shows which indicates that experiencing the music live is what counts for me.
The GD Meet Up at the Movies don’t, but they do remind me that I like to be in the presence of those songs and their creators. And that has pulled me along so far to shows that have included at least Phil Lesh and/or Bob Weir.  I actually am a fan of Drums/Space and stay in my seat to watch the spontaneous magic happen, so having Kreutzmann and Mickey Hart along for The Other Ones, The Dead, and Dead and Company is just fine.  But those operations felt a little bloated.  They have to be in large spaces to accommodate the party, so the gestures are equally grand and the rituals are observed.  Furthur (Lesh and Weir’s operation) was a bit more nimble—one drummer, Joe Russo, and more flexible set lists.  But I saw them in a small arena (12 K) and The Fox Theater (almost 5 K), so those were big concert experiences.
Bob Weir is an indefatigable road warrior, sometimes when he shouldn’t.  St. Louis was an early stop of a Fall 2004 tour that was aborted.  But we got to see him and it was awfully good, one I return to.  It jammed into Jack Straw into the opening of a Terrapin that would be concluded in the second set and the rest of the suite in the encore into Dark Star (my first since 1972 and the only one of two more I saw in person, both from Ratdog) that concluded at the end of the set before back into Jack Straw.  The second set had Peggy O, The Winners, and Friend of the Devil for a can’t be beat acoustic interlude before firing up The Other One and Uncle John’s Band (its reprise after Terrapin proper closed the second set.  With the exception of Playin’, he rehearsed all the big tunes and was energetic and in good voice.  That one was a treat.
Ratdog was always fun, a solid band and a showcase for Weir’s quirkinesses which help make the GD experience.  I like many of his songs more than Garcia’s, excuse the heresy, but I confess that I probably haven’t given up being angry at him not just for being dead but for dying, for giving up which probably started in the 1980s.
Ratdog shows were chances to hear the songs and Weir’s take on them, including Garcia’s at the heart of the canon were always good to hear.  He brought most things into circulation.  The bands were not the all star configurations that Lesh’s were, but they were effective.  St. Louis shows reflected his connection with Johnny Johnson (a 2003 The Dead Show had Johnson and Willie Nelson jam on Little Red Rooster (overplayed over the years, but the way to do a 12 bar blues) and Lovelight that was historic).  After Johnson’s death, it was his horn section sitting in, usually for one of the big jam tunes.  A Dark Star stands out, but there must have been a Sailor>Saint or Eyes another year.
But it is Lesh who is the curator of the part of the universe that matters to me—the invention, the opportunity that any tune can unfold into a world of possibility.  That was most clear with the Q—John Molo, Warren Haynes, Jimmy Herring, and Rob Barracco whom I got to see in their prime three times.  They played the big barn with Weir’s Ratdog to open in July 2001, with a Weir sit in to open set one.  The feature of that one was a Viola Lee Blues sandwich that wove out of that primal jam vehicle from the GD past four times with interludes of Lovelight, Tons of Steel, and Into the Mystic.  Lesh would pull out tunes that had fallen out of the rotation—Alligator and Doin’ That Rag that night, Caution with Furthur at the Fox, Cosmic Charlie with the Q that November, and Viola itself.  The Q revival Couch Tour show we saw had a Mountains of the Moon which suggested a potential (not developed) for that tune as a subtle jam vehicle just as it was the last night of Fare The Well.  They did Beatles tunes, Brent Tunes, Van Morrison.  The second show at the Fox for some reason doesn’t leap out as magical.  But the third one, also at the Fox, on what would have been Garcia’s 60th birthday was.  The first hour was Bird Song>Here Comes Sunshine>Not Fade Away and had me riveted.  The second set had Sunshine of Your Love and a transcendent Low Spark of High Heeled Boys with Haynes somehow capturing the piano parts on guitar.
My only quasi bit of touring was to run over to Indianapolis to see Lesh in a hybrid band of Molo and Barraco with Larry Campbell, Barry Sless on pedal steel, Greg Osby on alto, and Joan Osborne on vocals.  It was a hot hot day but good adventurous stuff.  The Peggy O  as a story with Lesh narrating, Osborne being the fair maid, Campbell as our captain was very cool.  Bertha, Viola, and Shakedown stretched things out too.
With the Molo/Larry Campbell/Jackie Greene/Steve Molitz band, I got to see the premiere of the Ritter Eyes of Horus bass.  A dark stage, the fretboard LED lights on, a solo into The Other One and then Truckin' made quite an impression.  It didn't have the heft/power of the Modulus instruments he used before and after (a possibly smaller one) and it was more striking then pretty, but it was a moment of GD lore that happened on my watch.  Those were two good shows with Campbell showing a range I hadn't expected.  He could dig into the jams whereas I thought he would be more of a Robbie Robertson fills and one chorus solos player. It was also fun to watch Greene grow.  It was like he went to grad school or maybe a post doc in that band.
I have seen Greene at least 5 subsequent times (Duck Room, Old Rock House twice (band and "acoustic," Delmar Hall, and as an opener for Gov't Mule).  He has tasty covers including but not exclusively GD ones and some damn good tunes.  It's good to see his efforts to extend the GD universe.
But I'm putting my money on Joe Russo's Almost Dead as where the legacy will reside.
I saw them earlier in the year and they strike me as not just a Dead cover band, but a PLQ cover band--anything can be jammed out, the tunes can be played in any order in any part of the set.  Russo is a dynamo of energy on drums and his alter ego Marco Benevento is an inventive player.  It's cool to see the varied opportunities the music presents.
My shows this year with Weir (the Wolf Bros trio) and Lesh at Willie Nelson’s Outlaw Festival felt valedictory.  Weir was an interesting disappointment in that his wonderfully idiosyncratic guitar was at the fore, but too often through a too thin toned D’Angelico Bedford guitar.  He had that jangled tone in Ratdog but it went away during Fare The Well and beyond when he used Fender Stratocasters. His voice too was thinner.  So, while I wanted to see him in the spare setting, I don’t need to do it again.
And, though I’m likely to succumb to peer pressure if Dead and Company comes to town, I don’t need that party.
So, I’m content to go out on the Phil and Friends set at the barn with Willie Nelson as my last time seeing an original member.  There was Molo once again, Jason Crosby and Stu Allen from the Terrapin scene, and a new other guitarist Cris Jacobs.  The set had Jack Straw, Brown Eyed Women, Sugaree, and a Cumberland Blues (a favorite) as the closer.  Eyes was the jamming tune, but so was Help>Slip>Morning Dew.  And what a Dew it was as Alison Krauss sang it as she did on To Lay Me Down.  Amazing and what a rare moment in the Dead universe.
Dead music is magical and so it has been for me right to this end.
But long live JRAD too.
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Why I’m Ashamed to Be Christian
So, now that I am literally sick of the Measles nonsense (no, fucking literally, working 12+ hour shifts on an incident management team has got me sick and tired enough to call in tomorrow), I’ve decided to do a non PH rant, though it’ll for sure rear it’s fucking head somewhere in here. Instead, let’s tackle something real fun. Religion! Time to buckle up.  In my half fucking awake daze that I was just nudged out of, something really wild hit me. My faith, my belief in a very specific God with a specific book (though I admit that other religions, so long as their origin is not a company or a tool to oppress others on the outset, are valid/likely just as true) makes no God damned sense.  (For reference, here I will claim my most closely related sect as my own; American Evangelism [though if one were to ask in person I’d say “non-denominational”, but historically, the two are close] and will be speaking as a part of a community I used to closely belong to but now have drifted away from on some granola-crunching dumbassery that is “I am a church of one” bullshit. I’ve wanted to be other things, but ever since I left the Freemasons, fuck all else has had much appeal.) So, first things first, Garden of Eden, right? Pretty fucking cool place, some might have even called it a perfect garden, a perfect place for humans and God to interact? But here’s my hang up with it. The trees of Life and Knowledge, and the rule that Adam and Eve could eat of any fruit except those grown upon that pair. Why even fucking have them?
 When I asked that as a kid in a faith based area, they said because it was a test.
 Of what?
 “Well, of our loyalty to God and our Faith, of course”. 
Except again, what the fuck? Like, I get the idea of free-will, in fact I am a huge believer in individual free will (I’ll get to that in a sec), but here’s the stickler here. As any other creative type will tell you, we want our work to take on a life of its own. Like say I wanted to program a remarkably bright AI, and it worked, and all I wanted was for it to recognize me as its creator and to discover and enjoy what home I could make for it. You know what I wouldn’t do? I wouldn’t give an AI, even with some simulated free will, the ability to break certain rules. For example, I wouldn’t allow it unrestricted access to the internet or my personal accounts. I wouldn’t even give it the concept that such things existed, let alone put it right fucking there to be used. That would be a flaw, an imperfection in an otherwise perfect place. And yeah, there’s something to be said for giving free will with not-free consequences, sure. But two things: 1) Don’t be pissed when the thing happens that you allowed to exist in the first place and thus forced it to be a mathematical certainty now that you’re dealing with perhaps the most curious species to ever exist.  2) Don’t go blaming them for a lack of faith. If anything, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, an act that abusers often use to get what they really want and have a thin veneer of an excuse to make happen. Now doesn’t that sound a lot like a good number of the followers of this faith, as opposed to an almighty, omnipotent, powerful being? Hmm, something to consider there, maybe.  Speaking of followers, let’s actually also take a look at some of the prophets that we as American Christians often hold so dear. Now me? I’m a Luke guy, I like Luke. Peaceful, loving gospel for the most part, and I dig it. Peace and love, baby, that’s all I want coming from stories regarding a higher power that we had to hang up like a fucking tapestry to make sure we got all that love. But do you know who I fucking hate, and who I blame the most for how the American chruch is? Paul/Saul of Tarsus. Thiiiiiiiiiiis prick. This fucking Deus Vult Vulture. Actually in many ways, he really is the archetype to the Modern Evangelical fucking anything. Actively participated in the harassing, attempted extinguishing and successful terrorizing of a marginalized group. Then after being hit back for it, literally “seeing the light” and trying to be the fucking vanguard of said group only to lead it down a path where he’s suddenly the appointed expert of anything to do with the issue. And while he does this, he helps create the most violent and bigoted thoughts in the whole of the religion, and is praised for his visions as he says they are truly from God, and can thus act oh so righteously. This right here is a fucking problem, y’all. Like, I know the whole forgiveness idea allows for some mental gymnastics on how this could even happen, but even then to make a genocidal ass-face your de-facto leader aside from Christ himself for the next 2000 years is a fucking flip that even at the 1988 Olympics, if Christians were America, Russia would give them a straight 10/10.    And yet, for many of us, that’s exactly what we’ve done. Hell, we’ve even fallen into the forced victim narrative of the synopsis of this asshole:  “Oh well, you see, I was a heathen and thus I couldn’t help myself, but then like, the God of the people I was killing talked to me and like, now I have to do this (Take on the “burden” of leading the church) as penance for what I couldn’t help myself over.” We’ve fallen for it so much, that it may as well be hard wired into our nervous system to believe anything resembling it, just as we assume if something is flat, green and on a tree, it’s a leaf.  Maybe it’s why we as a religion (and let’s face it, other Abrahamic religions as well) are so damn good at beating down the marginalized while screaming that we are the saints, we’re the sacrificiers trying to make things better. Like, let’s have some modern day fun with this bullshit, man; let’s see how we treated and in many places continue to treat women.  Of the few churches I have been to, 100% of them had one dual-sided message that made me real fuckin’ uncomfortable, fam:  Part 1) That women cannot be trusted onto themselves and thus 2) Men must take control of them and society to not allow for some unspecified “Ridiculous bullshit”.  (as a fair heads up; I do fully recognize non-binary, trans individuals, etc, but for the sake of brevity I’ll be mostly referring to M/F in the traditional sort of way, because opening up Christianity’s treatment of anything regarding gender fluidity is a Ph.D. thesis for another day)  Now, I don’t know about y’all, but I know damn well that out of all the dudes I know, and all the lasses I know, they’re a pretty mixed fuckin’ bunch. It’s almost like their gender assigned at birth doesn’t really affect how reasonable they could be as people nor how much responsibility they should have. Obviously some cultural practices skew this quite a bit in so far that women are expected to take more responsibility, younger, and for less praise, but if anything that should help destroy, not reinforce that message.  And yet, the idea persists so much in Christian circles. And not just by the men themselves, but the women, also. For the longest time of my church going days, the pastor was a woman. She wholly believed it was just and right that her husband be in charge of everything, that women should be loyal to their men in all aspects. Then again, she also (despite recruiting members primarily from college) did not believe in evolution at all, so there’s that in terms of an intellectual hurdle. But regardless, this inherent submissive attitude within the faith (and even the half-hearted and self-congratulatory “Yeah but we REALLY are the ones making the decisions because we can withhold sex if we want” is essentially that too just a smidgen more empowering), when combined with the idea that men should be wholly in-control (which is a breeding ground for toxic masculinity if there ever was) is shameful. It’s what has allowed so much bullshit in the past, including these recent abortion laws. Now, I’m going to cover abortion in another post (I might get to it tomorrow; It’s been on the burner for weeks), but it’s super pertinent here.  We, as a religion, have allowed ourselves to tell women (just as we tell/told minorities before) that they cannot be trusted with their own bodies, that they cannot be trusted when they speak, and most certainly cannot be trusted to truly hold dominion over anything. And that has allowed the most insidious, hateful, bigoted, disgusting things to happen in the name of God. A God that while I am writing this post I still believe in, but my doubts about how genuine the message has ever been is hitting home. One whose words about peace have been ignored when they could be interpreted or pointed to to support war, where the rich can profit off the poor, or to support sexism, because we as men historically have wanted to control “everything of ours”, or to take the very free will we claim to hold so dear from those who need the ability to make their own decisions the most. Words that have been used to hold down good people from making lives better. Words that in the hands of those who wanted, could be profaned and desecrated and thus allow for profane and disturbing events, both on the grand stage of the world and behind the closed doors of any house in some small town. Words which are held up with a wink and a nod so that followers feel included when they are scammed by some fucking fried chicken joint who wants to make more money to fight against equality, or to pay for another $9 million jet for some asshole who croons about how the poor should be grateful they do not have the temptations of the rich.  To other followers, do you not lament that we are this way? That we have been this way for so long? Because I fucking do.  And to those who have been discriminated or marginalized or whatever else against because of your gender or skin colour or situation or victimization or  past deeds of any sort; I’m sorry. Genuinely, truly sorry you have suffered as you have. Sorry for what people have done thinking it was somehow morally or spiritually justified, sorry that they thought they were saving you. And I can assure you that I will never try to lead you as those before me have tried to. Though if it’s all the same, I’d like to get to hear you, and walk beside you. 
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sadienita · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @thisisgospelofthehorizon (thank you!! also did you tag me as a favourite mutual I love you)
1. What takes up too much of your time? Day dreaming
2. What makes your day better? Actually being productive and getting stuff done
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? The day just started so I’m not sure what the best part will be but I do always love my walk to work
4. What fictional place would you like to go? Hogwarts, but for a like a week before it gets crazy
5. Are you good at giving advice? For the most part
6. Do you have any mental illness? Depression and anxiety come by from time to time
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Yes, it’s scary
8. What musician inspired you the most? Probably Josh Ramsey of Marianas Trench
9. Have you ever fallen in love? I’ve loved but I’ve not been loved, sometimes you meet a good person at the wrong time
10. What’s your dream date? Honestly, just relaxing together and talking about something. If I like you I just want to spend time with you
11. What do others notice about you? I get told I’m articulate which I feel like I’m not but maybe my speech is just more of a mess the more comfortable I am
12. What is the annoying habit you have? I  smile when I’m nervous which makes people think I’m not taking things seriously.
13. Do you still talk to your first love? Only if we run into each other around town.
14. How many ex’s do you have? 2-ish (one was like a middle school relationship so doesn’t really count)
15. How many songs are on your playlist? The kpop recommendations one I’m working on has 633 songs save me
16. What instruments can you play? I can play chords on the guitar, and I can play an easy melody on piano. I’m very proficient on fife, tin whistle, piccolo, and flute, my undergrad is in music.
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? I just realized how many pictures I have of Choi Seungcheol
18. Where would you like to go before you die? Nowhere in particular, maybe just see more of the world.
19. What is your zodiac? I’m an Aries sun with a Scorpio moon and I think that tells you everything you need to know about me.
20. Do you relate to it? I mean like I mostly take it as fun but some days I get really called out by my horoscope.
21. What is happiness to you? Just feeling mostly content and at peace
22. Are you going through anything right now? Of course, I’m always going through something, everyone is.
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? Not putting in enough effort to things as a kid/teen.
24. What’s your favorite store? I buy a lot from Bluenotes and The Body Shop.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice, I can’t decide that for someone else.
26. Do you keep a bucket list? A mental one, but not written down
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? Probably like GFriend’s 5th mini I’ve been listening to is a lot
28. What do you want for your birthday? To get the job I applied for
29. What are most people’s first impression of you? Probably that I seem nice.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? I get mistaken for a high schooler because of my face but based on personality people tend to think I’m closer to my mid 20s
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Turned off on my desk.
32. What word do you say the most? Y’all
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? I don’t had a hard upper limit but after like 5 years out it probably gets less likely.
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? 2 years, in fact my little brother is like my hard cut off. If the person is younger than him it’s probably not happening
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? People seem to have faith in the teaching thing, but I’ve been told I’m destined for more so hey, who knows
36. What’s your favorite music genre? Ahhh I don’t have a favourite
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? Long term, Canada but short term I wanna travel
38. What is your current favorite song? Outro: Wings by BTS
39. How long have you had this blog for? Since 2012, so a while
40. What are you excited for? Maybe going to a new country in the fall, fingers crossed
41. Are you a better talker or listener? I don’t know, I think I’m good at both.
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Worked yesterday
43. What do you want for Christmas? More Kpop albums
44. What class do you get the best grades in? Uhhh my classes are weird now. In my undergrad I did the best in music theory
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? Like an 8 probably
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Yo hopefully married with kids
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Like sort of 13, but really at 20.
48. At what age do you want to get married? mid to late 20s
49. What career did you want to have as a child? A teacher
50. What do you crave now? Summer my gosh, I want winter to end
Cool cool cool imma tag @nervousatthenightclub @icecreamistheelixroflife and @flyingsculptures have fun
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
Bridget’s Diary
TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault
I’m going to go to a party tomorrow.
I can’t believe I’m doing this! I know parties are places of temptation, but my friends are all going and I just can’t help myself. They’re all purity club members, we’ll keep each other on the straight and narrow. I’m so excited, and at the same time I want to throw up because I’m so nervous. My parents obviously don’t know I’m going, I told them I’m staying at my friend Holly’s tomorrow night. I will be, kinda, just… after the party.
I will seriously throw up. This is so exciting. I just have to remember that I’m a fine china tea cup, not Styrofoam and disposable. I’m not easy, and I will remain pure until Jesus chooses my soulmate. ♥
For now though… I have to figure out what I’m going to wear!
I think I was raped last night.
I didn’t drink any alcohol, I didn’t dance with any boys, I was just there to hang out with my friends and keep them reliable. I was drinking a Sprite. It had a funny aftertaste but I didn’t think of it until I woke up a few hours later. The party was over, my friends were gone, and my skirt was on backwards and my tights had snags.
I’d been redressed in my sleep, and I’m really sore, like I’ve been thrown across the room.
I’m such a hypocrite. You don’t put yourself in those situations. That is willingly straying from God’s Will and protection.
I’m going to church today and praying for forgiveness… and hopefully I’ll forget anything ever happened.
I can’t believe the NERVE of some people!
The nurse had the gall to insinuate I was pregnant. PREGNANT. You can’t get pregnant by doing it once, even if I have done it at all! I’m not even sure if I was raped!
I’m honestly so mad right now. I told my mom to complain to the school, this is so awful. Tomorrow I’m excused from school to go to the doctor.
I had a panic attack, get this, a panic attack! In the restroom! After I left the stupid nurse’s office. I’m so angry. I couldn’t breathe, I just kept thinking about that stupid party, and I’m even madder at that stupid nurse!
I’m going to bed, I’m tired from all the freak outs I had today. I don’t care that I have homework or that it’s only eight PM. Today was rough.
My life is over.
I’m pregnant. I tried to get an abortion today, but apparently there’s a twenty four hour wait. And by the time I got home, the doctor already let my mother know. She was furious. I’m hiding in my room because I don’t want to see the look on my daddy’s face when he first finds out.
Laptop? Taken. Cellphone? Taken. I’m not allowed to leave the house. I can’t have friends over. I can’t go see them.
And the only computer time I’m allowed to have is with my mom over my shoulder as I message every person I can find on Facebook that was at that party. I cried so much I threw up. I tried to tell her that I didn’t remember, and she slapped me and called me a liar and a whore.
I only managed to message two of the guys, the ones who owned the house. They haven’t gotten back to me yet.
I want to die.
I’ve managed to find everyone I could at the party. No one remembers seeing me with anyone. And most of the guys never even got back to me.
Right now I’m watching moms on the streets, taking their kids trick or treating. I never got to do that as a kid. It’s a Devil’s Holiday… least that’s what my parents would say.
But those kids are having so much fun. I hear them laughing and talking and I feel so jealous, but at the same time, I wonder if I’ll be that mom. Out with her kid on Halloween, helping make my daughter into a princess or a cowgirl or a witch or really anything she’d want to be. I actually want that.
I don’t think I’ve spoken to my mom more than a sentence or so a day since I’ve been locked up in my room.  I don’t want that to happen between me and my baby.
I promise, baby girl. We’ll get out of here someday. I don’t know why I believe so strongly that you’re a girl. But you are. I know it. And we’re going to leave my parents the moment we can, and it’ll just be me and you. I love you so much. I do.
And no one is going to make me feel ashamed of you. Not anymore.
I found the father.
I’m partially relieved but at the same time I’m… afraid. I don’t want to meet him. I want him to stay away from me and my daughter. But I don’t really have a choice in the matter. He reached out directly to my parents, told them that he had been out of the country and hadn’t been checking his Facebook. He’s going to come over tomorrow night to have dinner with us.
I’m tempted to fake being sick, the Lord knows I’ve been in bed with morning sickness half the day. But my mom’s going to kill me if I don’t cooperate. She still thinks I can get married to this man.
I can’t even remember his name. He raped me. I don’t want anything to do with him.
That is not the father of my child.
I don’t know who he is but I do not remember him at the party. My mother forced me to get ‘pretty’ and to wear my nicest dress. I might be a ‘harlot’ (her words not mine), but I have to impress my future husband. I tried to tell her he’ll definitely not want to marry me but she pinched my arm so hard it’s bruised.
He arrived at six PM on the dot, and when he walked in I knew there was no way he was the father.
‘Malak’ is absolutely no younger than thirty five and wouldn’t be the type to be caught dead at a college party. He speaks with the class of someone who’s spent his entire life in high society, and he charmed my mother so fast she almost rolled out the red carpet. My father was a bit more hesitant, given his age, but Malak’s silver tongue had them chatting and laughing away.
I just stayed quiet the whole night, not that I had much room to speak. Malak dominated the conversation just by existing.
When finally dinner was over, he turned his attention to me, and I shivered under his gaze.
“So, Bridget. It may not be the best of situations, but would you like to come live with me during the rest of your pregnancy? I can make sure you’re always taken care of, I have personal doctors and I’d like to keep an eye on my future daughter… or son. What do you think?”
My mother practically leaped to agree for me. I just nodded and faked a smile before I ran up here.
I don’t want to live with Malak. I’d rather be locked up in this prison of a house than go live with him. He scares me.
I hear someone coming up the stairs.
It was Malak. He came into my room and oh my god, I’m so scared I think I’m going to cry.
He told me he didn’t rape me at the party. That no one did, but I did come very close. My tights were down by the time he came into the bedroom. The suicide that happened down the street, at the bridge? That was the boy who was going to rape me. According to Malak anyway.
‘I like irony, and it’d be the sweetest thing, having a virgin bear my child.’
I don’t know what he was talking about. He said I was to have my things packed by tomorrow, he’d be picking me up then and it was all arranged.
When he left the room, he stopped to look at the cross on my wall. It fell from the wall and broke, no, it shattered into a million splinters. Then he kept on walking.
It’s ruined. I’ve had that cross since I was a baby. It was made of a sturdy wood, even if it was old, it shouldn’t have broken like that.  I think I’m going crazy.
But he also knows I’m going to have a girl.
I’ve lived in Malak’s mansion for a week.
My room is enormous. My closet is so deep I can walk several steps inside. It’s full of dresses, made for different stages of maternity. Just one of these dresses would be worth more than the amount of clothes I buy in a single year. They’re so lovely too, each one personally made for me.
We’re going to the courthouse to get married tonight. My mom was upset that it wouldn’t be in a church, but I wondered if Malak would burst into flame if he even stepped foot on church grounds.
Any religious things I’ve brought into the house have either gone missing or broken. I think I saw the cover of my childhood Bible in the remains of the ashes of the fireplace, but I can’t be sure.
I can’t say I’ve been treated badly though. In fact, it’s the opposite. I’m waited upon like a queen. If I so much as open my mouth immediately there is someone there, eager to give me whatever I ask for. Lately I’ve really liked eating cookies and cream ice cream with sliced sweet and dill pickles. I asked them and within a half hour I had a tray with the bowl of ice cream and both kinds of pickles. It was delicious.
But at the same time, I’m still scared. I’m treated like royalty, and I don’t know why. All I am is the mother to Malak’s daughter. And the way they look at Malak… it’s with reverence and terror.
The servants don’t call him Malak though. They call him Master.
Something happened to the other girls at my school.
I was reading a baby name book while the TV was on in the background. Then Malak burst into the room, saw I was there, and told me that I had to remain indoors. I asked what was wrong and he wouldn’t say, he just told me again that I had to remain inside and not tell anyone where I was.
I turned on the news after he left and found out. There’s a huge thing going down at school today. The story is that some form of contaminant got into some school lunch and all students infected would have to be quarantined.
The camera panning over students being taken away though revealed a different story.
They were all pregnant.
Christmas is here. There’s no nativity, no going to church tonight. But there is a log burning in the fire and there’s the most beautiful Christmas tree.
I’ve accepted why I’m here. I’m having a special baby. Malak is special. And he picked me because he wanted to keep my baby safe.
We’re snuggling by the fire right now. Malak gifted me so many cute baby dresses. The best present though was going into the nursery.
It’s perfect. So soft and pink. I love pink. Malak looked so pleased when I hugged him. I nearly cried. That might be because of hormones though. I’m showing now too. I love my little baby belly. And Malak… I think he truly loves me.
He’s snickering. I think he read over my shoulder. You jerk.
I cried blood today.
I don’t really know why I started crying in the first place, I think I dropped something and it broke. But I started crying, and then I smelled it. At first I thought it was a nosebleed, given the familiar bitter scent. I used to get them all the time as a kid and I’m starting to get them more again.
But a servant ran in and cried out for her Master in shock.
Thick blood was dripping from my eyes.
Malak cleaned me up and snuggled with me in the study while I asked him what was going on, and if our baby was okay. He reassured me that my body was trying to adapt to the wonderful life inside of me, a life more than anything nature predicted. The baby will be fine. But I must be careful.
I must not get hurt. The wound might not be able to heal. The blood constantly expelling from my body would keep breaking it open. There will be more blood. From my eyes, my nose, and my ears. Don’t panic. I’m perfectly okay.
At night I will sleep with Malak, and he will protect me from any of the night terrors that will come for me.
I will feel cold. This will be normal. I will have any blankets or robes brought to me and the heat will be turned up.
And if I think anyone, even my most trusted servants, bear any ill will to me or my baby, I must tell Malak. He will get rid of them.
I’m watching Malak sleep right now.
It’s like watching the dead. I’m not even sure if he breathes. But he’s warm. Always so warm. I like having him around because of that, and the sharing the bed isn’t as bad as I thought it was. I stayed awake for a long time that first night. It’s not like sharing a bed with mom and dad.
But he’s good at keeping the night terrors away. Sometimes I see them, in my dreams I see darkness in the corners. But I face forward, into his eyes. And he tells me to just look at him, and I will be safe and free.
Oops. He’s not asleep. He just cracked an eye open and told me to put down the book. I need plenty of rest for the baby after all. I’ll go to sleep. I just wanted to write for a bit to settle.
Valentine’s Day! We didn’t go out. I haven’t left the premises in case of anyone recognizing me and trying to take me away. Thankfully no one’s come looking for me yet. I don’t want to leave Malak.
Our date though. It was just relaxing next to the fireplace while eating my favorite ice cream. Malak showed me some tricks with the fire. I’m not sure how he does it, but I’ve learned that I shouldn’t question these things. He made the fire dance and jump about, curl out and even create figures. Just with a twitch of his hand.
It’s power. It’s pure power. But it’s also so beautiful.
I haven’t written for so long. I suppose it’s just been busy.
None of the names I’ve picked out sound good for the baby either. Malak reassures me. Tells me I’ll know when I see her.
I guess there’s just nothing to say lately. I just can’t wait for my baby girl.
Malak had to leave me last night, and I understand why he told me he wanted to stay with me to protect me from the night terrors.
Diary, they were horrible! Screeching banshees and wailing women and dying men… I can’t put into words what it all was. I just remember Malak shaking me awake and calling my name, pulling me from this pit of hell back into the waking world.
I’d screamed so harshly I can’t talk anymore diary. It hurts. The servants have given me honey and other soothers, but I still can’t talk. Malak told me my voice will come back soon enough, but for now it just hurts so badly.
I’m afraid to sleep. Knowing that awaits me. But I just need to make sure I only fall asleep with him, in his bed. He is the only one who can protect me.
I wish the other mothers were with me though. I feel so bad knowing that they don’t have Malak to protect them. I hope they can come here soon. We could raise our babies together. A real family.
We can all trick or treat together.
The baby will be here soon. I’m so huge. I feel like a whale.
Malak kisses my belly and tells me that I’m the prettiest whale he’s ever seen. I laugh and call him a jerk. I feel so safe around him though. Even with the other mothers that will one day join us, I am special. I know I am.
I’m a mother.
Wow, I can’t even remember making that last entry. I was really that tired.
But yeah! I’m a mom! I’m a real mom! My baby has her father’s eyes and her hair’s already looking super dark like his too. Just like her daddy. It was over twelve hours of labor, and I was really worried at first since she came out looking like she was bitten by something. But she’s fine! The marks have faded a bit, they’re just adorable baby birthmarks now.
And Lucifer was right. I knew her name the moment she came out of me.
The other girls came tonight.
I was sitting with Jezebel and her daddy. Lucifer was petting my hair, I keep forgetting and calling him Malak but he’s never cross about it. I didn’t hear a thing but suddenly my husband looked up before he started to smile.
“They’re here.”
They had come through the gate.
They were covered in ashes and dirt, some were bruised and injured, and some of them had to carry in their arms babies that weren’t theirs.
Some of the mothers hadn’t made it out when they set their prison ablaze.
Alice was in front, I think that’s her name. We weren’t ever friends, I was mistaken in assuming she was just a slut at the time. Her arms were clutching onto a baby that wasn’t hers. I knew. She looked at my husband and said, “Absalom’s safe. I sent him away before the fight.”
Lucifer looked so thankful.
We’re still trying to make room, but I’m having Jezebel share a room with Sapphira. That’s Rosie’s baby. We’re making this work of course. It’ll be rough, if I’m honest. So many girls. And I feel so sad that some didn’t make it. Raquel. Catherine. And of course, the first one whose abortion ended her life so early, Lori. We all miss her. We’re already planning on setting up a small shrine to her. Just a way to honor her.
We are all his wives now.
Jezebel has gotten so big! There’s no time to write in my diary, so I suppose I’ll simply have to put this aside until Jezebel’s older. Then I’ll show her some of the entries. Telling her how happy I am to have such a beautiful girl.
All of us are getting ready for Halloween. No going out yet, they’re too little, but we’re gonna make them little costumes and play around and take all the pictures so we can embarrass them when they get older. I was at the store today picking up some things and I made time to grab supplies for an angel costume. I’m so sure Lucifer’s caught on to what I’m doing but he finds it funny.
Oh, speaking about that- while I was at the store today, I saw the school nurse.
It was only for a second, and at first I didn’t recognize her. I don’t think she realized I saw her at all. But Lucifer saw her too and I recognized that smile on his face.
I hope Jezebel won’t mind having another little brother.
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100 Truths Blogger Tag
Hey everyone! Wanted to do something fun here (while y'all 'wait' for my mega wrap up post to be completed oops) so I decided to do this tag! Stolen from the Mango Queen May @ Forever and Everly so definitely check her out, and her post is here. Anyway, without further ado, the tag!* *Still feel like I'm rambling though. Am I?
The Basics
1 What’s your name?
Cas; technically a nickname and unrelated to my "real" name but ah well.
2 Any nicknames or aliases?
Cath, Rose, and as for other nicknames too many to count/list.
3 Your gender?
Female! She/her.
4 Your star sign?
Taurus, even if it's not always obvious I am quite the stubborn one though mostly in subtle ways.
5 How old are you?
I mean, you can probably find that answer at least somewhere around this blog but I'm not gonna give it to you straight, but I am a teenager in high school, I'll give you that much.*
*Is this too cryptic? I really don't mean to be, it's just I'd like to keep it 'undisclosed' even though I've probably blabbed before.
6 Your relationship status?
Single; I've moved past the point in my life (intermediate/middle school and early high school) where I'd pretend it was "it's complicated" when that just meant about my friendships; lmao.
7 Any children?
8 Any pets?
I mean we have like 19 chickens I think, by my last count? I'm not great at keeping track. But out of those there are the four which are most like pets to me, a black orpington and three blue orpingtons :)
9 Any tattoos or piercings?
Nope and I doubt there ever will be I'm too indecisive and why have piercings when the only thing I'd ever get pierced are my ears, and you can just have clip ons?
10 What do you like about yourself?
Uhh well I'm not one of those people who constantly puts themselves down so that's a start? (And I really don't mean any offence to anyone who is like that, I hope you start seeing what an amazing person you are! 3>
11 What do you dislike about yourself?
Lack of confidence on some occasions I suppose? I try to be more outgoing and I am a slightly more extroverted ambivert but I think in certain situations I just need to be more willing to take a chance.
12 Righty or lefty?
Right :)
13 The last thing you drank:
Water. It's sitting in front of me slightly to my left as I speak :( (in case you haven't been able to tell I'm not a fan of water)
14 The last thing you ate:
An apple.
15 Your last phone call:
To a friend while I was walking to school, because when you're by yourself you get bored.
16 Your last text message:
Hoped it'd be something exciting, but nope it's just ":)" (minus the quote marks).
17 Your last email:
Sent email? To myself, a day ago, sending myself a resource for mock exams (sigh).
18 The last song you listened to:
Why would I remember, I'm not bothered checking but it was off my "pop ballads" playlist and pretty sure the song was almost over when the period ended and I stopped listening to music.
19 The last book you read:
Bright Thrones by Kate Elliott, though that is technically a short story... Oh well.
20 The last time you cried:
Ahh damn not a great story. In the car on the way home Wednesday two weeks ago, but that was really a chain reaction event which started around the start of lunchtime that day.
21 The last blog you read:
Forever and Everly!
22 The last person you spoke to:
A friend while walking to my dad's office where I am now.
23 The last place you visited:
School?? It is after school right now and I haven't gotten home yet...
24 Your last holiday abroad:
China! I mean more specifically Beijing as well as Shenyang, Dandong (the border with North Korea), Yuanjiang and Anhua.
Have you ever?
25 Have you ever gotten back with an ex?
That would require you to have one in the first place, so no.
26 Have you ever been cheated on?
Yeah no.
27 Have you ever cheated on someone?
28 Have you ever lost someone special to you?
Luckily, no.
29 Have you ever been so drunk you threw up?
I have yet to experience the feeling of being drunk and don't think it's something I'd like to try anytime soon based on other peoples' accounts of it.
30 Have you ever fallen out of love with someone?
31 Have you ever met someone who changed you?
Define change in this context? People I've met have definitely made me a better person though.
32 Have you ever been in a situation where you found out who your real friends are?
*long sigh* unfortunately too many times.
33 Have you ever kissed someone you probably shouldn’t have?
The sarcasm is back; that would have to require actually kissing someone.*
*Random fun fact: when I first wrote this response it was worded terribly, I think something like "have to require having actually kissed someone" which makes absolutely no sense at all.
34 Have you ever found out people were talking about you behind your back?
35 Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Not that I'm aware of. 36 Have you ever kissed a stranger?
See answer to question 33. 37 Have you ever had your own heart broken?
I don't know how to answer this one? No?? But, books, so yes?
38 Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Not an original answer but gee I'm underage and never been on a date! 39 Have you ever been arrested?
Gladly no, though this one time we did do something "suspicious" lol. 40 Have you ever been attracted to someone that isn’t the gender you usually find attractive?
Yes I think so. 41 Have you ever done something you regret?
Probably, though there isn't a specific instance that comes to mind. 42 Have you ever had a threesome?
No! 43 Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public?
Highly doubt I haven't though I don't remember anything in particular that was especially mortifying? 44 Have you ever misjudged someone?
Definitely, and I'm always very quick to correct myself afterward. I find it amusing when my judgment is extremely off though.
Your Beliefs and Opinions
45 Do you believe in God?
No thanks. 46 Do you believe in yourself?
47 Do you believe in Santa Claus?
No but Santa is great.
48 Do you believe in ghosts?
Kind of? But not really. 49 Do you believe in aliens?
Eh, they could exist, doesn't really concern me? I don't think they're gonna take over the world but hey if they did it would probably be better than Trump being president? 50 Do you believe in miracles?
Yes, they're signs you're doing things right. 51 Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?
Absolutely. 52 Do you believe in love at first sight?
You'd think I wouldn't, but I do? Like I definitely think you have to get to know each other and all that but I think there is that sort of instant connection, but it's not always going to turn into love. 53 Can money make you happy?
It can. But it can also very easily make you extremely unhappy so there needs to be a balance. But if you're in a good place I don't see why an extra pay check is gonna ruin your life. 54 Would you describe yourself as a feminist?
To be honest I'm not a big fan of the word, particularly with the whole misconception of it being "women > men" etc; but I definitely support equality and would consider myself an equalist. (See this post; this is pretty much my viewpoint summed up.) 55 Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
100% pro choice. I don't think it should matter what your own opinion on abortion is; that's for you. But others should be allowed to do what they want with their body. 56 Do you have strong political beliefs?
Yeah I guess? I do try and keep myself educated about such things but I'm not like a political activist or anything. 57 Do you have strong religious beliefs?
No way. 58 What do you think the most important thing you can give a child is?
Right Now
59 Are you eating anything right now?
Nope! 60 Are you drinking anything right now?
Nah. 61 What are you listening to right now?
The satisfying (don't @ me) sound of a printer printing... but it just stopped. 62 What are you thinking about right now?
Feminism/equality, having a chat with friends about it. 63 What are you waiting for right now?
Waiting to go home; two minutes till work ends. 64 What are you most excited about right now?
My band is playing on a pretty big stage on Saturday so that's something! 65 What’s your pet hate right now?
Does this mean pet peeve? And nothing extremely specific right now except people with their stupid far right extremist views. 66 What’s your favourite thing right now?
Dunno. 67 If you weren’t answering these questions, what would you be doing right now?
Probably studying, whoops.
68 Your first best friend:
Siân, love you girl.
69 Your first kiss:
Yeah nah, not happened yet. 70 Your first celebrity crush:
I have no clue, but probably Theo James? 71 Your first holiday:
China 2011 :) 72 Your first pet:
A beautiful grey chicken named Ash. 73 Your first regret:
Oh gosh this was awhile ago but way back in 2012 when the guy I liked moved away right after he *may* have found out I had feelings for him (not certain about this but hey I'll never know). 74 Your first job:
Basketball referee. 75: Your first childhood memory:
My first birthday party. I'm told I probably don't actually remember it and only know what I've been told of it and thanks to the photographic evidence though, which is probably true since I have like no memories before the age of eight.
Which would you choose?
76 Love or money?
Love, of course. I read YA.
77 Twitter or Facebook?
I use Facebook more because the lovely Twitter locked me out (much appreciated, not). But I prefer Twitter for sure. Facebook can be useful as band promo though so it's not all bad. 78 Hook up or relationship?
Relationship! Casual isn't really for me. 79 Dogs or cats?
Dogs. 80 Coffee or tea?
Don't like either, prefer hot chocolate but coffee. I actually have more tea but I don't like it very much. 81 Beer or wine?
People always laugh when I say this, but in my opinion beer tastes like slightly off sparkling water. Why would you enjoy drinking that? Red wine for sure. 82 Sweet or savoury?
Sweet :) 83 Introvert or extrovert?
Can I choose ambivert? Otherwise extrovert. 84 Vampires or werewolves?
This makes me instantly think of Twilight, so vampires of course. 85 Seaside or countryside?
Countryside, cmon. I don't like water much and I love country music. 86 Summer or winter?
Winter!! 87 Books or movies?
If you don't already know, I'm not a fan of movies at all and obviously books win. Books or tv shows though... That's a whole different story. 88 Horror or comedy?
Recently I admitted to some friends I've never watched an actual horror film and they were absolutely shocked. But yeah, comedy definitely.
A few random questions to finish on
89 Do you wish you could change your past?
Sometimes I do, but then I decide it's not that big of a deal because you know, the past is full of mistakes I've learnt from. The lessons are more important than erasing the mistakes.
90 What’s your dream job?
This is something I always get stuck on. Musician? Entrepreneur? Lawyer? Activist? Writer? Actress? 91 What’s your guilty pleasure?
$3 hot chips at your local dairy. OOPS.
92 What are you afraid of?
Disappointing people. 93 What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
No clue really but I think it was probably an actress!
94 If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I'd like to be able to fly, teleport, read minds, control time... You can tell I can't decide. 95 If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
I would like to live somewhere else, really, with a better education system... I shouldn't say that but still. You can't change your feelings *shrug*. 96 Would you want immortality?
I think it would be cool, especially if you had someone by your side. Immortality alone though... Not so keen. 97 If you could interview anyone alive or dead who would you choose?
I would absolutely love love love to interview Roger Federer. Why? Just because, it's Roger Federer so duhh. 98 Would you say you are happy?
Yes, I am grateful that I have a supportive family and live in a safe place. 99 What one piece of advice would you give to yourself at age eighteen?
Don't mess up your life! Kidding, but hey I'm not that age yet so I'll pass on this question. 100 Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
Ahh, five years... I'll probably be at uni, but ideally I'd like to be in the US whether it's to do with academic or music I care less. Well this has been an obnoxiously long post about myself but if you managed to read all of that kudos! Please tell me something most people don't know about you in the comments so I feel a little less self absorbed.
0 notes
deladane · 6 years
Day 12: Monday, March 12 ~ Bonaire
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Day 12: Monday, March 12 ~ Bonaire
(Eddy’s pronunciation: bon – EYE – ree)
One of the main reasons we picked this itinerary was the chance to visit the ABC islands.  Located outside of the hurricane belt in the southwest corner of the Caribbean Sea, the ABC islands offer a very different vibe than the other Southern and Eastern Caribbean islands which I have visited.  Bonaire is known for having some of the best snorkeling and scuba diving in the world, and ranks #2 for snorkeling in the Caribbean (Belize is said to be #1, and yes, I am secretly hoping to take a Western Caribbean cruise at some point to experience Belize first hand!).  In fact, 85% of the people who visit Bonaire are there to see the marine life.  They have a marine park that is protected, and I knew I wanted to see it for myself.  Woodwind Bonaire is one of the top rated snorkeling tour companies on the island. They were very easy to communicate with online, and I booked us on the 4 hour morning sail which would visit 2 sites in the marine park for snorkeling, and included lunch and an open bar for $65 USD per person.
Here is today’s daily schedule:
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While we ate our room service breakfast on the balcony, we could see that we were in for another windy day in paradise.  I was really hoping that when we cruised all this distance west yesterday, that we would get into a new weather pattern, but we could already tell that it was super windy in Bonaire today.
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Woodwind sent us detailed instructions on where to meet them the morning of our tour.  It was a short 5 minute walk to the right as we exited the cruise port, and we had pretty views of the ship along the way.
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We were instructed to meet outside the Divi Flamingo Casino at 8:20am.  It was very obvious where we had to go, especially when we saw this big sign:
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We arrived about 10 minutes early, and the guide was there waiting to greet us.  Unfortunately, he came bearing bad news… Due to the extreme winds, he had to cancel our tour for today.  He said he had cancelled all of his tours for the last 5 days, and he would probably need to cancel tomorrow’s tour too.  I can’t even describe how disappointed I was at that moment.  When he cancels a tour, he loses a lot of money, so I knew he didn’t make this decision on a whim and conditions must be really bad if he needed to cancel the tour, but I was so disappointed to miss out on snorkeling here. Not many cruises visit Bonaire and who knows if or when I will be here again.  While we did go snorkeling on a few other islands throughout this cruise, I always knew that snorkeling in Bonaire would be the highlight, and now I wasn’t going to experience it.  Even now, several weeks later, I am still sad to miss out on that opportunity.
Meanwhile, it was now 8:15am and I had no idea what we should to today!  I did not research any back up plans because it never occurred to me that the tour would be cancelled.  Someone asked the guide if we should take the water taxi to Klein Bonaire to snorkel there off the beach, but the guide did not recommend that because it is a barrier island with no protection from the wind, so the conditions would not be safe, plus the water would be too churned up to see anything anyway.  As we walked back towards the ship, we saw a few tents set up with vendors selling island tours, golf cart rentals, and water taxi tickets.  In lieu of twiddling our thumbs on the ship all day, we spoke with a few of the vendors offering tours of the island to see what our options were.  I really did not like booking a tour like this.  As you all know, I am used to doing extensive research, reading reviews on Trip Advisor and Cruise Critic, and making an educated decision on how to spend the day with no pressure.  I did not know how to tell if these vendors were a scam, or offering a good deal, or if the tour would be any good.  Had this happened in Antigua, we probably would have opted to abort the mission completely and retreat back to the ship haha  We were surprised to find the vendors in Bonaire were very easy to work with.  They explained what they had to offer with no pressure to book right away, and they didn’t mind when we walked away to think about it and speak with other vendors before committing.  We spoke with 3 vendors offering island tours for about 3 hours, costing $25 to $30 USD per person.  One had a 12 person van, one had a large open air bus for 15 people (I think?), but we opted for the vendor with a small minivan holding just 6 guests with air conditioning and free wifi for $30 per person.  The guide, Justino, said we would visit the whole island to the south first, then to the north, and we would spend some time at the beach.  He showed us these maps to highlight the stops along the tour:
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It was only 8:30am and the tour was due to start at 9:30, so we paid for the tour and Justino gave us a receipt and said to meet him back at the tent in an hour.  I was wearing a long sleeve rash guard in anticipation of a day on a sail boat with no shade, so we went back to the ship to get changed.  The security guards who scanned our seapass cards were quite surprised to see anyone reboarding the ship so early!
Back at the cabin, we got changed into tshirts and shorts, repacked our day bag to ditch the towel and snorkel gear in exchange for our cell phones from the safe to make use of the free wifi in the van.  We still had about 20 minutes to spare, so we walked around the area near the cruise port until it was time to meet Justino.
The Eclipse looks so pretty in the early morning sun
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This looked like a great photo opportunity, but there was no one in sight to take the photo for us!  Just imagine that we are standing next to those flamingos haha
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We returned to Justino’s tent just as he found 2 other couples to join us on the tour, so the 6 of us walked over a block or two to where his van was parked.  The van had enough space for the 6 of us to sit comfortably, and we were all happy that the AC was very strong and had individual controls to adjust it. Justino also had bottles of water in a cooler in the trunk that we could have as needed, plus he had space back there to stash our bags for the day.  We were on the road by 9:30am, and Justino immediately started giving us lots of facts and information about Bonaire’s history.  Bonaire is a tiny island of only 112 square miles, located about 60 miles off the coast of Venezuela.  Formerly part of the Netherland Antilles, it became a legal “municipality” of the Netherlands in 2010, when the Netherland Antilles was dissolved and Curaçao and Aruba became autonomous countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
On our way to our first stop, we drove past this brand new resort with brightly colored buildings.  I think he said it is a Courtyard by Marriott?
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The colors of the water were so beautiful… too bad we won’t get to swim in it!
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Our first stop was at the salt fields. Justino explained that they harvest the salt here by collecting water from the Caribbean into a series of huge ponds, where the sun and wind work to evaporate the water, leaving behind crystals of salt.  One of the characteristic features of salt produced by solar dehydration is the size of the resulting salt crystals. Unlike “rock salt” from underground mines, salt obtained from “natural” processes like solar dehydration produces much larger crystals of salt, which can be used in water softeners, swimming pools, dinner table salt, de-icing roads in the winter, and more.  There is a special algae which thrives in this salty water, which reacts to turn the water pink in color, making it a really interesting site to see.  
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Mountains of salt piled up, waiting to be processed
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Justino found some crystals of salt for us to look at.
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Proof that we were here!
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It is hard to tell because my hair is tied back in braids, but it was extremely windy out here.  Justino has an app where he could look up the wind speeds and he said it was 30mph, but I thought it felt like more than that.  We had to really brace ourselves and keep a wide base of support to avoid being knocked over!
After a few minutes of taking photos and looking around at the salt flats, we piled back in the van to drive to our next stop, just a few minutes up the road- the slave huts.  These huts each housed 7 or 8 people (notice the size compared to our van… they were tiny!)
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Justino explained that the slaves used to work at the salt fields all day, and they returned here to sleep at night.  They were fed just one handful of food for the entire day of work, so I can imagine how grueling that life must have been, especially in the hot Caribbean sun.  We spent a few minutes walking around, looking at the huts, and admiring the beautiful view.
Inside one of the huts
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They used a color coding system to identify the groups of slaves.  We were at the homes of the White Slaves, but there were also other groups with other color names.
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This marker on the main road indicated that we were at the section for the white slaves
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Justino lined us up to pose for a fun photo looking through the window and door of the hut
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There was no sand on this beach, just beautiful stones and shells that were worn away from the sea.
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 A few other tour groups arrived as we were getting ready to leave
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Once we were all settled back in the van, we drove back the way we came, going north passed the cruise ship, to drive through the downtown area of Kralendijk.  We didn’t get out of the van here, but DH and I decided we would come back to walk around here later this afternoon.
I thought it was funny that they call their post office the Flamingo Express haha
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We drove along the coast, admiring the views and the new upscale houses and hotels.  Everything was very green, and there were tons of cactus in between the trees and bushes.
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Justino explained that there are hundreds of sites where you can go scuba diving in Bonaire.  Because the road which circles the island is so narrow, there isn’t a lot of space to park your car, so they have these cross walk signs to keep the divers safe. I thought this was really funny…
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Our next stop was the 1000 Steps.  No, there are not 1000 steps here.  I think it was more like 70 steps haha  Under water, the steps continue and create one of the best scuba diving spots on the island as the plateaus and drop offs repeat and create a beautiful underwater world.  We spent about 20 minutes here, with time to walk down to the beach and take some photos.
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These yellow painted stones mark all the dive spots around the island.  Most are named for the person who discovered the site, but this one has a more specific name.
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Another rocky beach
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 The ocean eroded the side wall of the hill, mimicking the steps under the water
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I can’t imagine walking back up all of these steps, lugging scuba gear!!    
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One last view of the beach.  This was really a beautiful spot!
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Next, we continued driving north towards the town of Karpata.  There is a large protected nature reserve at the northern end of the island which is home to hundreds of flamingos.  Justino passed around this poster to show us that flamingos are actually white in color when they are born, but they feed on shrimp which turns them pink.  The older they get, the more shrimp they eat, and the pinker they become!
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After a few more minutes of driving, I looked out the front window to see this:
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It was a beautiful lake and home to many of the flamingos.  Justino pulled off into a parking area so we could get out and observe the view from an overlook point.  It was nearly impossible to capture the flamingos on my camera because we were quite far away, but I could see them with my naked eye.  If you look very closely in the lake, the tiny pink spots are all flamingos!
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We continued driving around the lake to get a closer look at the flamingos.  Justino said we had to keep a safe distance so we couldn’t get too close, but at least we could see them clearly now.  I think it was lunch time as they kept ducking their heads under water to eat. While I have seen many flamingos at the zoo or in enclosed animal habitats, this is the first time I have seen a flamingo in the wild, and I was thrilled!
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As we approached the lake, Justino said that there is this little yellow bird who always lands on his side view mirror whenever he drives through here.  Sure enough, as we were slowing down to watch the flamingos, the yellow bird found us!
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It was really cute- he kept peering down to look at his reflection in the mirror, then getting confused and thinking it was another bird so he flew into the mirror, then he went back on top for a second and started the process all over again.  This went on for several minutes, until he realized we were driving further and further away from his nest, so he gave up and flew away.  Justino said the same thing happens every time he comes to this lake, always with the same yellow bird.  How funny!
Last few glimpses of the flamingos as we drove off towards our next destination…
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Next, we drove further inland towards the town of Rincon.
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We pulled up to the Cadushy Distillery, where they make cactus liquor.  They usually charge $5 per person to take their tour and sample the liquors, but it was included in the $30 price we paid for our tour.
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They took us to a shaded area at the back of the property and offered everyone a sample of the cactus liquor.  This is Justino serving the samples… he made a silly face when he saw I was taking his photo haha
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I thought it tasted kind of sweet, but I liked it.  
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We watched a short film about the process of making the cactus liquor.
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After that, we had a few minutes to walk around the grounds, use the rest rooms, and sample the other flavors of liquor.
This cute bird was hanging out in one of the trees… Maybe he turned green from drinking too much cactus liquor??
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Some photos of their grounds…
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Sign for the restrooms
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There is a bar area set up where they offered tastings of their rum, whisky, vodka, and a few other flavors of liquor.  I tried a few but didn’t really like any of them. After everyone had their fill, we piled back in the van to finish off the rest of the tour.
We passed this big yellow church, but I don’t remember what Justino told us about it.
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Lots and lots of cactus everywhere we looked
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We continued driving a little further to see views of the waves crashing along the shore on the north side of the island. By now, it was 12:15pm and the tour was due to end back at the ship at 12:30pm but we still had not gone to the beach.  Justino asked us if we wanted to be dropped at the beach or the ship. I had assumed the beach stop was included in the 3 hours of the tour, but it appeared to be in addition to it. It was still very windy so we didn’t want to be blasted by the sand, and we were hungry for lunch now anyway, so we decided to skip the beach stop and just asked to go back to the ship.  The other 2 couples in the van had the same plan in mind, so that’s what we did.  We arrived back at the cruise port area promptly at 12:30pm.  Overall, I think it was $30 well spent and it was nice to see the island of Bonaire, but I know the snorkeling tour would have been way more enjoyable and memorable had the weather cooperated.  
Back on the ship, we went up to the buffet for lunch. I tried the made-to-order stir fry station because it is only available for lunch on port days.  It was very tasty and made for a nice alternative to the pasta station which I had already eaten several times.
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At 1:30pm, we ventured back off the ship to walk around the town.  It was pretty small, spanning just two or three blocks, but there were a few shops, galleries, a brewery, and a few restaurants along the water.  
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The sun was beating down on us, and even though we were wearing hats, it was still very hot, so we only lasted about half an hour before we returned to the ship.  On the walk back along the water, we spotted this little guy crossing in front of us.
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Back on the ship, we went up to the Sunset Bar to admire the wonderful views and cool off with a cold drink.  Bonaire is a very flat island, so the view from deck 15 of our ship was incredible!
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I ordered a Blue Hawaiian and this is what the waiter brought me… it looked like the cactus liquor from Cadushy! Haha Usually these are frozen blended drinks, so I guess this was the on the rocks version?  No worries, it was still cold and refreshing, which was what I wanted anyway!
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I think this island out in the distance is Klein Bonaire.  There is supposed to be great snorkeling out there, but I didn’t see anyone snorkeling today (not surprising given all the wind!)
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At 3pm, we went over to the Sky Lounge for today’s round of music trivia.  They just did general music trivia today so there was no specific theme.  DH and I just played on our own team, so we did okay, but didn’t come close to winning. The views out the windows of the Sky Lounge are always so pretty!  Unfortunately, the glare off the windows makes it hard to take a good picture, but I wanted to post this for anyone who is booked with Woodwind because it shows where we met our guide this morning.  Do you see the first pier coming out into the water that is closest to the ship?  The one with the building on the end with the reddish brown roof?  We met our guide on the sidewalk right next to that pier, so you can see it is not a far walk at all.
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After trivia, we went back to the cabin to get ready for the evening, then went down to the Martini Bar for a drink.  Now that it was week two of the cruise, I had a feeling for which martinis were my favorite, so I ordered the Blue Wave again, knowing it was tropical and refreshing.
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While I was sipping on my cocktail, I re-read today’s daily schedule and noticed that they were having a tapas and sangria event on the lawn at the Sunset Bar, and the Passion Duo was going to perform during sail away.  We wanted to go upstairs to watch the show, so I started to walk towards the elevators with my martini glass, but the bartender stopped me.  He said he had to transfer my drink into a highball glass and then I could take that with me wherever I wanted on the ship.  I guess they don’t want their special large martini glasses disappearing all over the ship, but I didn’t mind at all because this made it easier to walk with the drink and not spill it! Haha
When we got up to the Sunset Bar, we saw that they had set up blankets and little tables on the lawn for the event.
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There was a nice spread of food set up in a buffet with breadsticks, cheeses, meats, and veggies.
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At the end of the table, you can see 2 big silver bowls- that’s where they had the sangria.  They served it like punch from the bowl, but they were charging $10 per glass and it was not included in the beverage packages, so I just stuck with my martini.
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The Passion Duo was set up in the corner of the bar, performing a set of acoustic songs.
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It was such a nice event, and made for a beautiful ambiance as we sailed away from Bonaire.  I really loved hanging out at the Sunset Bar as the ship sailed away, and having this event at the same time made it even better!
Once we were far enough out to sea, we went back to the cabin for a few minutes, and were just in time to catch the sunset!
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Looks like a few others were out on their balcony to observe the sunset as well.
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After the sun dipped below the horizon, we went downstairs to take our nightly photo.
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Then, it was time for dinner.  This menu was another one of the new ones for us, and it featured a few things that looked really good to me.
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Maine Lobster Ravioli- This was soooooo good! Had I known, I would have ordered 3 or 4 plates to be delivered as my entrée!
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Cured Atlantic Salmon
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BBQ Pork Spring Roll
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Sauteed Duck Breast
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Dessert Menu
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Chocolate Lava Cake (this is DH’s plate, as it is meant to be served)
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I asked for mine without the ice cream and bananas, so Pinto brought me 2 cakes!  Winning!
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We were done with dessert by 8:10pm (Pinto and Jose must be the speediest MDR waiters on the ship, just how we like it!!), so we had time to go watch the evening hot glass show.  The Passion Duo had a busy night as they were performing here as well.  The gaffers stayed pretty quiet, so instead of listening to them explain what they were doing as they worked, we listened to The Passion Duo playing some music.  
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We stayed for about half an hour, then went downstairs to catch tonight’s performance by Jeri Sager.  She is a Broadway actress who started in Evita, Les Mis, Cats, and Fiddler on the Roof.  She has a big belting voice and performed a great show, singing an assortment of Broadway classics.  I apologize that these photos came out embarrassingly bad, but it’s the best I could get from the back of the theater…
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At 10pm, the Eclipse singers and dancers performed a little show in the grand foyer called Groove.  It was supposed to features songs of the 60’s, but the songs weren’t actually from that decade.  Instead, they were 60’s themed songs like “Welcome to the 60’s” from Hairspray and the theme song to Austin Powers.  You need to arrive early if you want to get a good spot to see the show, especially since you are not allowed to sit on the stairs since they use them as part of the performance.  I thought it was a lot of fun, especially being so up close to the action!  I guess this is how people feel when they gets seats at the front of the theater for the main shows haha
Singing “Welcome to the 60’s”
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There are no lyrics to the theme song from Austin Powers, so they only had the dancers performing.  In case you don’t know what I am talking about, this is the theme song: 
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As you can see from all the people lining the railing upstairs, the show was very well attended.  It lasted about 20 minutes, then they invited everyone to join them on the dance floor.  We took that as our cue to leave, and went back to the cabin to rest up for tomorrow in Curacao!
Step Tracker Daily Total:  12,467 steps; 4.703 miles
0 notes
eleven-87 · 6 years
My DDLC playthrough, day 1
[9:39 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
[9:47 AM] Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
[10:17 AM] biglawk: oh my god it's happening
[1:45 PM] Danimark: I expect great things
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
[9:55 AM] $11.87: ok but i only have one hour
[9:55 AM] $11.87: one sec
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have a life my dude
[9:55 AM] biglawk: get your shit together 11
[9:55 AM] biglawk: jesus christ
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have to go to UVA
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
[9:55 AM] biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ^
[9:56 AM] Tormeson: :veryTru:
[9:56 AM] $11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
[9:56 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
[9:56 AM] $11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
[9:57 AM] $11.87: since my gf is sleeping
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but if you want to follow along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
[9:57 AM] $11.87: yeah i'll do that
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but you can watch along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
[9:57 AM] $11.87: hmm what should my name be
[9:58 AM] $11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
[9:58 AM] $11.87: so thats my name
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
[9:59 AM] $11.87: nah im a boat rn
[9:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
[9:59 AM] $11.87: fine
[9:59 AM] $11.87: yeesh
[10:00 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
[10:00 AM] $11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
[10:00 AM] $11.87: brb putting on pants irl
[10:00 AM] biglawk: i'm going to be sick
[10:01 AM] Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: haha
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
[10:01 AM] $11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
[10:02 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
[10:02 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
[10:02 AM] $11.87: i feel insulted
[10:03 AM] Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10:04 AM] $11.87: =\
10:04 AM] $11.87: fuck off main character
[10:04 AM] $11.87: you're so melodramatic
[10:04 AM] biglawk: MC is the worst
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
[10:04 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Impressive
[10:04 AM] $11.87: who is MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Main Character
[10:04 AM] biglawk: main character you dip
[10:05 AM] $11.87: oh ok
[10:05 AM] $11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
[10:05 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
[10:05 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
[10:05 AM] $11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
[10:05 AM] $11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
[10:05 AM] $11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
[10:06 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
[10:06 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
[10:07 AM] biglawk: uwu
[10:07 AM] Tormeson: :smilepls:
[10:07 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I think
[10:08 AM] biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
[10:08 AM] $11.87: Limerick II
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
[10:09 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
[10:11 AM] $11.87: why is everybody so coy
[10:11 AM] $11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
[10:11 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
[10:11 AM] $11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
[10:12 AM] $11.87: one sec
[10:13 AM] $11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
[10:13 AM] biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
[10:14 AM] Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
[10:14 AM] $11.87: its working for me
[10:14 AM] $11.87: oh oops
[10:14 AM] $11.87: lemme fix that
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: stream it
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: I have exams tho
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: After exams?
[10:15 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
[10:16 AM] $11.87: time to seduce monica
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
[10:16 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10:16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
[10:16 AM] Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
[10:17 AM] biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
[10:17 AM] Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
[10:17 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
[10:17 AM] $11.87: title screen
[10:18 AM] $11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
[10:18 AM] $11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
[10:18 AM] $11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
[10:19 AM] $11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
[10:19 AM] $11.87: me_irl
[10:19 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
10:19 AM] Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
[10:19 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
[10:20 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
[10:20 AM] $11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
[10:20 AM] $11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
[10:20 AM] $11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
[10:21 AM] biglawk: lmao
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You shit
[10:21 AM] biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
[10:22 AM] $11.87: who tf is like this
[10:22 AM] biglawk: nic
[10:23 AM] $11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
[10:23 AM] $11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: No she's just perfect
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
[10:23 AM] biglawk: we're all her fans
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Don't
[10:23 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i actually have to do something
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You trash
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
[10:24 AM] $11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
[10:24 AM] biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: You
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: :ablobwink:
[10:24 AM] biglawk: :heart_eyes:
[10:24 AM] $11.87: monica obviously
[10:25 AM] $11.87: what the heck how does this work
[10:25 AM] $11.87: um
[10:25 AM] $11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: then click another
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > suicide
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
[10:26 AM] $11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
[10:27 AM] biglawk: delete tihs
[10:27 AM] Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
[10:29 AM] $11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
[10:29 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
[10:30 AM] Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
[10:31 AM] $11.87: hmm, i can probably record
[10:31 AM] $11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
[10:31 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
[10:31 AM] $11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
[10:31 AM] biglawk: explain this word
[10:31 AM] $11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
[10:32 AM] $11.87: she's bad at flirting
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
[10:32 AM] $11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
[10:32 AM] biglawk: big booby goth tho
[10:32 AM] $11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
[10:32 AM] $11.87: also brb im getting some water
[10:32 AM] $11.87: my recording software can probably do that
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
[10:33 AM] $11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
[10:34 AM] $11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
[10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
[10:34 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
[10:35 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
[10:35 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
[10:35 AM] $11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
[10:36 AM] biglawk: but who is the real MC
[10:36 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:36 AM] $11.87: stop bullying me
[10:37 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
[10:37 AM] $11.87: :thinking:
[10:38 AM] Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
[10:38 AM] $11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
[10:39 AM] Tormeson: Hmmm
[10:39 AM] biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
[10:39 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
[10:39 AM] $11.87: this some tasty smut
[10:39 AM] biglawk: lewd
[10:40 AM] Tormeson: Don't make me use this
[10:40 AM] $11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
[10:40 AM] $11.87: you fucking idiot MC
[10:40 AM] $11.87: brb getting water
[10:43 AM] $11.87: back
[10:44 AM] $11.87: oh no its decision making time
[10:44 AM] $11.87: who should i show my poem to
[10:44 AM] Tormeson: Who's your fav?
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Gross
[10:44 AM] biglawk: decision time
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
[10:44 AM] $11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
[10:46 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
[10:46 AM] $11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] biglawk: i hate you and your boat
[10:47 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
10:47 AM] $11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
[10:47 AM] $11.87: like, is that canon?
[10:47 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ?
[10:48 AM] $11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
[10:48 AM] Waytfm hype-train: lol
[10:48 AM] biglawk: yes
[10:48 AM] biglawk: what do you think of her poem
[10:48 AM] $11.87: :shrug:
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
[10:49 AM] $11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
[10:49 AM] $11.87: so i know who her waifu is
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
[10:49 AM] biglawk: based roni
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Roni is right
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: :(
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
[10:50 AM] biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You will be
[10:50 AM] biglawk: oh no
[10:50 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
[10:50 AM] $11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
[10:50 AM] $11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
[10:51 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
[10:52 AM] $11.87: the fuck is this shit
[10:52 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
[10:52 AM] $11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
[10:53 AM] Tormeson: :tharking:
[10:53 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
[10:55 AM] $11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
[10:55 AM] $11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
[10:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
[10:56 AM] $11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
[10:56 AM] $11.87: its not 2deep4me
[10:57 AM] $11.87: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA
[10:57 AM] $11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
[10:57 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
[10:57 AM] biglawk: way is going to ban you
[10:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
[10:58 AM] Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
[10:59 AM] $11.87: anyway i need to head out
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
[10:59 AM] $11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
[10:59 AM] $11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
[10:59 AM] Tormeson: :ANGERY:
[10:59 AM] biglawk: just wait until you're back home
[11:00 AM] Tormeson: ^Way rn
[11:02 AM] $11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
[11:02 AM] $11.87: im not bringing my bed
[11:02 AM] $11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
[11:03 AM] Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
[1:04 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
[1:05 AM] Tormeson: Eleven's gf
[1:07 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes
beautyandbraiiiiins · 7 years
All about me
1. Name: Jackie 2. Birthplace: Chicago 3. Ancestry: Puerto Rican? 4. Zodiac Sign: Leo 5. Biggest fear: getting sick, snakes, balloons lol 6. Strength/Weakness: organized and I work hard at what I love & weakness, not very artistic like my drawings suck lmao 7. Worst habit: biting my nails 8. Favorite holiday: 4th of July and Halloween 9. Ever been in a car crash: yes 10. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher:no 11. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house: Take off my shoes and jacket(if it's winter) 12. Age at first kiss: 14 13. When did you fall in love for the first time: 16 14. Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long: Samantha & 8 years 15. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: lose weight and gain confidence, learn to love myself 16. What were you doing at midnight last night: homework :( 17. When was the last time you laughed hard: yesterday 18. Who was the last person that told you they love you: momma bear 19. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up yesterday morning: fuck school 20. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with: I think Red Robin lmao 21. Who’s wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen: my cousin Melissa 22. Who did you see in concert first: Beyoncé and destinys child 23. Who was your favorite teacher: mr gates 24. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day: mom and sister 25. Who do you think about most: my family and Ava and my man 26. Is your ideal occupation? Pharmacist 27. Beer, wine, or liquor? Wine 28. Favourite restaurant? Chick fil a if that qualifies lmao otherwise chillis 29. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla or nutty coconut from baskin robins 30. McDonlads or Burger King? McDonald's def 31. Fantasy dinner guest(s)? Ryan Reynolds 32. Have you ever been drunk? When was the last time? Yes and shit a while back I'm not a drinker 33. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done drunk? Pee in an alley.... 34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? Cat woman she sexy 35. How many pets do you have? 3 36. What would be the first thing you bought if you won the lottery? My momma a house 37. When was the first time you smoked? Like 16/17 lol 38. Who last sent you a text? Coworker 39. Who did you last send a text to? Mom 40. What 4 things would you take to a desert island? Family obviously, makeup, internet, clothes 41. Name the 3 most important people in your life? Mom, Sara and Ava 42. Favorite song? Rn.. clash by alesso 43. Favorite movie? Transformers 44. When did you last cuddle someone? Today 45. When did you last have sex? Yesterday 46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? Get drunk and go on a roller coaster 47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? getting sick & yes 48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? No guns. Period. 49. What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go? Friendships with girls in highs school 50. Where would you take a road trip? Cali 51. How do Mondays feel for you? Ehh they ight 52. If you could spend ten minutes with your ‘hero’ alive or dead what would you ask them? How do you do it mom? 53. Do your practice ‘self love’ or ‘self loathing’? Self love 54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? Getting into pharmacy school 55. What scares you about your future? Not making it or having a family or getting over my fears 56. Why does pizza come in a square box? Why is the sky blue? 57. What would happen if you knew you could not fail? I'd never stop trying 58. How does it feel to be photographed? Awkward kinda 59. If you could erase an event from your mind, which one would you choose? My grandmas wake :/ 60. Do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’? Some aspects of me, yes 61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? Stand for what I believe in 62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? Make sure my family is happy and healthy 63. What are you thankful for, this moment? Being able to pay all my bills and having an amazing family as a support system 64. Do you have same sex fantasies?no 65. If you have had sex in a public place, where? In the garage? In a car ? 66. Have you ever cried during/after sex? Yes lmao 67. Who is the oldest person you’ve had sex with? 21 68. Who is the youngest person you’ve had sex with? 20 69. Would you rather be in a relationship with a totally submissive partner or a totally dominant partner? Dominant 70. How tall are you? 5'1 71. How much do you weigh? 130 72. What color is your hair naturally? Light brown 73. What size jeans do you wear? 7 74. What is your favorite color to wear? Black, nudes, army green, mauve shades 75. Do you have any piercings? Yes 76. Do you have any tattoos? Yes 77. Do you care how other people see you? Yes 78. Do you like sports? Yes 79. How do you feel about age differences in relationships? Not too old but love is love 80. How do you feel about race differences in relationships? Love it 81. Do you believe in karma or fate? Karma 82. Do you keep a journal? No 83. Describe the last dream you remember: my bf cheated on me with Fiona from shameless 84. Describe your favorite dream: winning the lottery 85. Where are some places you would like to visit? Paris, Italy, London and bora bora and Turks and Caicos 86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? Lolla and samf 87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? Rap & r&b 88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? Dubstep 89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Candles 90. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? Beer 91. What are your favorite alcoholic beverages? Margarita or moscato lmao typical 92. Do you smoke cigarettes or cigars? What about marijuana? Cigs sometimes like socially and weed barely once in a blue moon if that 93. Who is your number 1 friend and why is he or she there? Sam bc she's awesome and can keep a secret 94. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? Yes 95. Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? No 96. Would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath? Yes 97. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? No 98. Do you think your last ex still wants to be with you? Ehhhh maybe 99. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? Not really 100. What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual people? Don't care 101. How often do you brush your teeth? 2 times a day morning and night 102. How often do you shower? When was the last time you had a shower? Daily and today 103. How often do you shave your legs? Once a week. Not a hairy person lmao 104. Political affiliation? Democratic? Lmao 105. Opinion on abortion? Woman's body, her choice, for it 106. Opinion on immigrants/ immigration reform? Don't wanna get into that 107. Should prostitution be legalized? Fuck no 108. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 18 109. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Bc we have to.. like work 110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Judge mental ppl 111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Giving advice and support 112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yes 113. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Florida bc my dad lives there 114. Why are you the person you are? Bc of my personal experiences and knowledge 115. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Always 116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Bc they want you to convert? 117. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Do whatever I please 118. Were you happy when you woke up today? Yes 119. What’s a fact about the last person who text messaged you? He's a sweetheart 120. Want someone back in your life? Yes 121. What are you excited for? The weekend 122. Are you scared to fall in love? Sometimss 123. When is your next road trip? Idk 124. What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Homework 125. Do you like to cuddle? Love it 126. Have you ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours? Yes lol... 127. Plans for tomorrow? School and chilllax lmao 128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? Too much 129. How is life going for you right now? Pretty decent 130. If you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept? No 131. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? Billy 132. Could you stay in the same relationship for over a year? Yes of course 133. If you could have one super power what would it be? Read pls minds when I wanted to tho 134. Background on your cell phone? A lion 135. What are you thinking about right this second? Not wanting to go back to work from break 136. Last book you read? How was it? Milk and honey & super good 137. What is the last thing you bought? Chocolate covered raisins 138. Do you live with your parents? Yes 139. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? No 140. Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes 141. What are you like when you’re drunk? fun and crazy the good kind 142. What are you like when you’re high? Giggles and relaxed 143. Do you want children? One day 144. Do you want a church wedding?yes 145. How many pillows do you sleep with?3 146. Have you ever been scuba diving? No 147. Who was your first real crush? Omgggg this polish guy named prezemek lmao 148. What are you allergic to? Bullshit 149. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Not ready lmao 150. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Girl 151. How did you get your name? Charlie's angels, jaclyn smith 152. Name one thing about your body you love? My ass lmao 153. What is your biggest goal in life? To be happy 154. Do you still have feelings for your ex? Ehh somewhat 155. Do you think aliens are real? No 156. What age did you start drinking? 19 157. What do you think of President Obama? Love him miss him and want him back 158. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Maybe who knows 159. Describe your dream girl/guy? Honest, loyal, creative, easy to talk to 160. Story of your first kiss? In front of my middle school and cried when I got home 161. Story of the first time you made out with someone? It was awkward 162. Story of the first time you had sex? Friends basement -.- horrible but I loved the guy 163. When did you first have sex? Summer 2012 164. First time you gave/ received oral sex? Summer 2012 165. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? No he's a nut job 167. Favorite fictional character (movie, book, tv show)? Chuck bass 168. How many followers do you have on tumblr? 15,800 What about twitter/ instagram? 1,344 twitter and ig: 2,500 169. Are you friend with your parents on Facebook? Yes 170. First time you thought you were in love? When did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person? High school 171. Do you talk to yourself? To remind my self of stuff yes 172. How old will you be on your next birthday? Twenty fun!!!! 173. How did you meet the last person you kissed? Work lmao 174. Do you have any hickies? No 175. Turn ons? Neck kisses 176. Turn offs? Smelly breath 177. What qualities did you get from your mom? Her body lmao 178. What qualities did you get from your dad? His personality 179. How many siblings do you have? 1 180. Have you ever taken anyone’s virginity? Yes lmao
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