#fun fact I actually dislike licorice
cinnamon-flame · 5 months
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Concept for a lynx piñata cause I love Viva Piñata and I love lynxes and I think those two things should go together.
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I also love moths so totally self indulgent drawing of the lynx and a mothdrop
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solsnicks · 5 months
Fun Licorice Info!
Licorice Cookie is a super interesting character that I hold dear to my heart! Because of that, I collect lots of lore tidbits about him! So I’m sharing my findings in case any of these facts interests yall too! :D
[NOTE: These are all taken from in-game information, promotional art, social media posts, and Devsis’ own words]
Things Licorice enjoys
- Playing Jenga with his licorice minions (Source: Concept art)
- Reading (Source: Concept art)
- Collecting wizard staffs (Source: Concept art)
- Skulls (Source: character model, in-game CRK and CROB info, and concept art)
- Making voodoo dolls (Source: Concept art and CRK “Celebration in the Dark” cutscene from “Warmer Together”)
- Rollercoasters (Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcCAz2bLJpz/?igshid=NTYzOWQzNmJjMA==)
- Puns, but pretends not to in order to keep up his “tough” persona. (Source: https://youtu.be/v_krUSVWmHY?si=zIb6qLU1grslJL9y)
- Writing out his thoughts in his diary (Source: in-game CRK and CROB info, as well as promotional art)
- Silver ink and silver paper [so one one can read what he writes] (Source: Ovenbreak)
- Dancing when alone! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fwMYS8/ )
- Slipknot (Source: A comment from the CR account on this promotional video https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fTxrRD/)
- 😏 is his favorite emoji (Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PdpDwC/)
- Food/drinks he likes: Boba milk tea, taro balls, mango sticky rice, strawberry juice, pineapple(?) juice, cake, popsicles, ratatouille with rice, pizza, and hot pots (Source: Too many posts to link here… But they come from BAD4 promotional art, regular promotional art, the CRK bakery event, the CROB “Bistrot Des Fleurs!” event, and the Parfait Summer Soda Rock Fest music video)
- Receiving letters (Source: https://x.com/gingerbrave_dev/status/1489226937428230145?s=46&t=397Cw8wwfHGjgUtBqyZEiA)
Things Licorice Dislikes
- Kids (Source: CROB relationship chart)
- LOATHES Pomegranate (Source: CROB relationship chart)
- Practically everyone except Dark Enchantress and Poison Mushroom (Source: CROB relationship chart)
- Hammers in a close proximity to his servants (Source: Ovenbreak Aberrant Conjurer line)
- Taking Red Velvet’s hounds on walks (Source: Gnomed Season 1 ep.1)
- An incredible tailor! (Source: https://x.com/gingerbrave_dev/status/1436253120456101889?s=46&t=397Cw8wwfHGjgUtBqyZEiA)
- He has very good handwriting (Source: His ZZ Skull signature)
- A good singer and songwriter (Source: BAD 4 event)
- Good ice sculptor (Source: https://x.com/gingerbrave_jp/status/1487259206184943618?s=46&t=397Cw8wwfHGjgUtBqyZEiA)
Miscellaneous Info
- Born a Gemini in 2002 (Source for birth year: Licorice’s CRK April Fools Skin, Source for sign: https://www.instagram.com/p/CODmsT3BQXz/?igshid=NTYzOWQzNmJjMA==)
- High school dropout (Source: A Live stream on the Cookie Run Kingdom YouTube channel. Unfortunately I cannot remember which one or the timestamp. If someone has this, please let me know!)
- Dogs don’t like him, which seems to make him somewhat upset. (Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYqa_Drv8Dv/?igshid=NTYzOWQzNmJjMA==)
- He does prefer cats, however! (Source: CROB “Cookie Debate” event)
- Doesn’t have a ton of upper body strength. (Source: CROB Aberrant Conjurer Desc.)
And for anyone who likes Lico romantically (don’t worry I’m guilty as well) here’s how I interpreted his info from the CR Banggooso love quiz results! (Actual results linked for anyone who wants the original Korean writing) https://www.banggooso.com/gl/63/result?score=IBDY
- If he’s upset with something in the relationship, he’ll keep it to himself and in his diary.
- If his partner messages him, he stops everything to read and reply.
- He doesn’t express it, but he cares VERY MUCH about the other person’s past.
- The most important thing in a relationship for him is how he currently feels, not thinking rationally.
- Even if there’s arguments, Lico is happier in a relationship.
- Lico puts his heart and soul into a relationship. So much that it could take away from his daily activities.
- Holding all his emotions in is tiring to him.
- Lico seems to be worried that his partner would not share what’s upsetting them, like he does himself.
- If there ever was a breakup, Lico would regret bottling his thoughts and try to make up.
- To have a nice relationship with Lico, there needs to be honest communication on both sides. This includes being open about thoughts and also being able to express love!
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lananiscorner · 2 years
Anon said “you know what would be more stupider than dark knight Lin? Dancer dedue let’s go”
Also for the fe questions, 1,6 and 9 :3!
Thanks for your ask, Anon! I am going to tuck question 6 beneath a read more line, since I know at least one of my followers hasn't played the DLC yet.
1 - Favourite house, and why?
The Blue Lions. Oh my gods, the Blue Lions:
- There is not a single character in this house that I actively dislike.
- As a matter of fact, Dimitri is my favorite ever. Dedue, Felix and Mercedes are also among my favorites, even if Felix is Problematic™ in many ways. As a matter of fact, he's the perfect example of a character I love as a character, even though I probably could not stand him in real life. Annette and Ingrid are both very relatable to me (I was Annette when I was in school and I can relate to Ingrid in many ways now). Ashe and Sylvain are also good. Gilbert grew on me after a while.
- Azure Moon feels like the only route where there is actually a war going on. You know. With actual consequences.
- AM has the most emotionally gripping story.
- I live for traumatized found families in fiction.
- In between Falcon Knight Ingrid, Swordmaster Felix and Dimitri’s battalion shenanigans, this house is pretty unstoppable.
- House of DILFs (On this blog we stan Lambert and Rodrige. And Lambert & Rodrigue. And Lambert/Rodrigue.)
- Queer subtext house.
9 - Favourite route (gameplay wise) and why?
Can I say White Clouds or Cindered Shadows? Because White Clouds had the most interesting maps, imo, and Cindered Shadows had interesting maps + an amazing final boss + interesting restrictions on classes/gear.
No? Okay, um… Verdant Wind. Hunting by Daybreak is one of my favorite “oh damn” moments in this game, Aillel is a hot mess (pun intended), Gronder 2.0 is great (although it should have been a fog map, imo, infuriating as it would have been), Fort Merceus had so many moving pieces to keep track of, Enbarr/Imperial Palace are great for Stride/Warp shenanigans while still letting me use my favorite movement type (cavalry) without getting hindered by bushes or sand every step, Shambala is very unique (and potentially very painful if you don’t know in advance that Thales has Quake and you need to kill him before he gets a hit in), Nemesis and his 10 Elites hit hard. This is the only swamp draining I stan. (Caveat here: I have not yet played Silver Snow’s final map, although I’ve read up on what awaits me).
Also, a word on paralogues, even though most of them are not route exclusive: Claude has the most infuriating but also most fun paralogue of all the lords, what with all the enemies scattered across the DESERT. Leonie & Linhardt's is hilarious--like, Leonie is there just straight up "thanks bro"ing a dragon-shifter saint and I like the mechanics of the paralogue acknowleding that taking Edelgard to fight a dragon is not a great idea. Marianne's is just all around amazing, yes, I actually like the fog, so what? Raphael & Ignatz + Lorenz's tie nicely into one another and you get a busted relic + a lot of goodies from the merchants.
6 - Favourite Ashen Wolves student, and why?
Constance. I have dealt with a lot of alpha bitches in my life and not in good ways, usually, so for this game to make me love an alpha bitch is quite an achievement. Constance is arrogant, over the top and full of herself, but she still cares about the people around her, and no matter how rough things get for her, she just does not give up. She misses Yuri’s sarcasm, so she invents a spell that turns boots into licorice to make boot-licking less awful. She invents her own spells, which is something no-one else in this story does!--but they all come with a catch/are kind of useless. She has a hidden talent in brawling and goes off on people who demean her commoner friend Hapi. She is similar to Lorenz, but more likeable and interesting, imo. Then there’s her sunny side, which is a fountain of both hilarity and tragedy. She makes a great Dark Flier or Gremory and Bolting + Rescue is just so goddamn useful. I love Constance, okay?
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telltalia · 4 years
Mathias Andersen
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Name: Mathias Andersen
Age: 24
Birthday: June 6th 
Personality: Extroverted | Sensing | Feeling | Percieving
The Good: Mathias is extremely optimistic and strives to lift others up. In fact, he often puts other people’s needs before his own. He has a great sense of humor and boasts his ability to put just about anyone in a good mood. Despite all the silliness, Mathias knows when he needs to calm down and be serious. He isn’t easy to aggravate, as he ignores aggressiveness and dislikes confrontation. He is not afraid to speak his opinion and is extremely hardworking and productive when he applies himself. He cares a lot for everybody and feels responsible for everyone he cares for.
The Bad: Although he’s calmed down since his younger years, Mathias still has a youthful, doesn’t-try-at-all personality, which can often get him in trouble, along with his habit of speaking before thinking about what he’s really saying. Because he is so childishly stubborn, he can come off as bossy and uncaring, but he really does care. He worries a lot, though he doesn’t let it show, and he has a habit of not taking things seriously enough, as he jokes in the face of confrontation. 
Hobbies: Mathias is very good at baking pastries and cakes and he loves to. He is super athletic and likes to go biking, he actually bikes most places, more than he drives. Plays soccer, bikes daily. When it comes to more sedentary hobbies, he loves to build things, usually small to furniture sized. 
He swears he’s 6’, but he’s actually 5’11.5. That will never stop bothering him, even though it’s only half an inch shorter. He has light skin and light freckles all over. He is fit and well-built, although his muscles aren’t as prominent as some of the other nations, and it doesn't make him intimidating. He usually just runs his hand through his hair and gels it up rather than brushing it. It stays up because it's so thick and fluffy.
 Arched eyebrows, high cheekbones, and dimples. He also has a birthmark covering his shoulder that represents Zealand. (I saw this from someone on Deviantart. If it was you, or you know who's headcanon this is, please tell me so I can credit them :))
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Possible Major In College: Marine Biology, Environmental Studies
Possible Jobs: Maybe working in a zoo or protected part of the ocean, he’d prefer to be out in the field rather than just studying. Anything related to dealing with marine life or the protection of the environment. Mathias loves the ocean and all aquatic life and thinks it's super cool that there’s so much down there that we haven’t even discovered. He focuses on the importance of taking good care of the oceans and would definitely be active in groups to promote preserving the environment.
Other Fun Headcanons:
He loves licorice with a passion
His hair is very bouncy and springy naturally
He’s amazing at braiding
Strongly believes Nordic mythology and loves mermaids
Big fan of Hans Christian Andersen and his work
Persistent- he doesn't give up even when he’s hurt
He’s best friends with the Netherlands
Basically forgets how to speak in English when drunk
He is super protective and devoted to the ones he loves
He has the reflexes of a god
Falls into bouts of depression every once and a while. Calls these days “recharge days”
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archive-idium · 6 years
1.-45. For Seiko and Jay. JUST DO IT AND SUFFER
Character Development Questions: Hard Modequoting: do like 1-15 for Seiko and 20-35 for Jay 
Seiko;;1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?Seiko doesn’t have anyone close in his age group. Even If there was someone from his family like his half brother; he would be likely try to avoid them.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?He doesn’t have a proper opinion for that. She wasn’t around him very early.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? It’s a bit confusing. At times he would say It is fantastic, then the other minute he would be in distress at the slightest thought of his own biological father. Seiko can contact him; but he has reasons not to.4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
He saw a fox woman getting kidnapped; when he was a kid. Later discovered her as a victim of manslaughter in newspapers. She used to be his old caretaker when he lived with Leonidas, his biological dad. Since then he had a poor understanding of death; this point have lead him to believe that women despise his existence. It made him dress feminine ever since the event in the sake to … Catch their interest. It’s a long story.No one knows of this situation, aside from his biological father. But he doesn’t know that It affected Seikos’ understanding of death.5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?Hairpins and wrapped licorice candies.6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?He does – It always involves him being a woman; and living a different, but a desired lifestyle. Often dreams of how his mother looks like.7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?He doesn’t. Seiko rarely has dreams, and when he does; It’s usually as how stated in question #6.8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?He shot his best friend by accident; but It was given to shoot under pressure.9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?If I understand the meaning of socioeconomic status well – He currently is categorized as a working class member. Seiko did finish high school; finished online studies of interior design. Currently earns profit through streaming games; sometimes sells sewn clothes he learned from his adoptive grandmother.10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?More clothing. Less clothing would be only worn at the bedroom or with someone he’s close with in a romantic sense.11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?When someone broke down in his step -- fathers’ house, while Jay wasn’t around until an hour later. It lead to him hiding at different areas constantly and almost getting caught.There where other events that lead to fright; but this was most memorable to him. The concept of death was more understandable from here.12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?When he attended his first convention and ended up finding a few more people that where of his species – And kitsune’s. Befriended them; had his anxiety soothed by the cheerful company he was in.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?Due to being a half creature of a wild canine; It can bother him solely on the hunger part. Seiko has tried to consume human meat earlier in the past, but refuses to take part in cannibalism since he might go through … Something you could call as a “ withdrawal. “14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?He remembers faces, better. Majority of the people he knows have names that are common in other countries, so It does confuse him. He always can recall a familiar face.15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? Most of the items bring him plenty of comfort and occupy his mind from negative ideas or intentions. Clothes are another factor; which really let him express himself. Other items are usually have to do something with him – Whether It are wolf girl figurines, a sweater with wolf ears and such.A bit of a hoarder too, TBH.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jay;;20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?When It comes to comparing; It’s more for self - validation. He already understands that he came here with imperfections, might as well focus on the parts to be proud -- worthy of.21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?He would always feel as if he where to deserve it. While he isn’t very expressive; him fiddling his thumbs alone would be a dead give away with him feeling low after an event that isn’t so pleasing.Jay would only blame another individual if he knows that there was something he DIDN’T cause for sure.22. What does your character like in other people?Their mannerism. How differently each person behaves while having similar interests and portraying their excitement/disappointment to the topic.23. What does your character dislike in other people?The narcissism. Especially in youth or individuals involved with business. While a lot would hate these particular types of people; he just can’t stand it to a high degree.24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?His gut feeling usually helps in this situation; not to mention working at a organization in the past that required to take notice in every piece of one’s personality to detect their nature. Sometimes he pretends as If he doesn’t take notice in the red flags until in the moment, for the fun.25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?He doesn’t trust the individual ever since from speaking to them; only taken at ease and develops more trust when he gets to know them better. Sometimes he’ll seek on the hand motions and mannerisms the other person performs and guesses from that; as well.He trusts anyone he is close with. It’s a small circle of people he actually has no trouble with believing in.26. How does your character behave around children?He’s a bit awkward around them; won’t lie. Jay doesn’t mind giving candy here and there; or to the children of his friends. Sometimes even gives sweets for the trick & treaters during Halloween. As long as they actually reach his house from that far. LOL.27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?Puts up a neutral attitude; never mind that his expression does change to concern. Usually he would try to ease up the tension in the situation to be able to provide better answers to the confrontation.In a highly fantastic mood -- He’d crack jokes and provide answers afterwards.28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? Never raises his hand unless provoked to; or if It where a victim of his. The provoking part is usually rare; though.29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?He dreamed to become a scientist; or at least be involved in bio engineering – His inspiration was Leonidas Verruckte; who turned out to be the biological father of his adoptive son. He worked with him, though.Jay was actually a great student; passing with a nice, bright red diploma indicating his chances to study further.It didn’t come true. He’s just a deep web personality now; a hit man and mercenary. At least those professions provide him with fine wealth.30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?Hard to say; he can stomach a lot of things for someone who’s actually involved into cannibalistic ideas. Corpses; rotten limbs; swollen bodies are whatever.Although -- He did find it disgusting when he saw someone look at Seiko inappropriately; just when he was a teenager. It couldn’t be helped that he would dress in some clothes that might not be quite alright; but It still grossed him out, the fact someone would look at his son with an odd eye.So I guess; you can say he’s kind of repulsed by pedophiles?31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.It’s winter; or the weather is at least leaning towards the colder temperatures. Fire was started in the furnace; Seiko is playing some sort of thriller / adventure video game in his console while he watches horror themed films.They both have hot drinks to keep themselves warm. Trying out the drinks his son receives from monthly subscriptions of snack -- involved goodies.32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.Family reunion type of events. While having no problem greeting his relatives; they’re clearly fond of putting some sort of pressure when It comes to having “ biological “ children and finding a partner to wed.It gets worse if he’s sitting by the table that’s further from the exit of the house he’s visiting / living in.33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? Depending on the situation – Most likely defensive. Not in the way that he would cower himself; rather find an excuse within the other person to gaslight them. That method is usually done with victims or strangers, though.Normally he’d be still defensive; say an excuse here and there and then willing to improve himself. As long as the criticism is actually something worthy to change. If It’s something as -- “You need to wash clothes, you smell like you’re a homeless person.” then he won’t listen. 34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?More likely keep on with the same solution method until It’s sure enough that It will not work out. Usually keeps with the attempt for long.35. How does your character behave around people they like?Flirtatious or friendly; depending on the ‘like’ part. It’s not surprising from him that he would tend to say inappropriate jokes. If he likes an individual as a friend; It’s all never ending support from him, coming from his fatherly nature. Overall a people’s person.
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