#gaz Garrick headcanons
buckysmith · 1 year
Advent special 3
find the others here
Baking Christmas cookies with you
Hey, I’m truly sorry that it’s too late again- I was just really busy
Includes: Ghost, König, Soap, Price, Graves and Gaz
You doesn’t have a gender (nonbinary) so everybody can see themself with :D
- he isn’t really a fan of Christmas at all
- and that’s why he doesn’t really enjoy doing anything Christmas related
- he just accepts if you like it ( he even accept if you decorate the whole house with Christmas shit)
- for him it’s important that you’re happy and it’s not like that Christmas itself is going to kill him
- but if you ask him to help you bake cookies, he’s a bit more interested
- but you both need to go shopping first
- he always wears a mask, so expect people to stare at you
- especially cause he’s so fricking tall and his eyes are always on the watch for threats
- creepy guy
- but he’s helping you like the good boyfriend he is
- you’re too short to reach one of the shelves? He’s got your back
- you forgot something? He is gonna bring you the item while you continue to shop (he would even ask you too, he wants to go back home as fast as possible)
- but back to the baking itself
- he’s gonna read the recipe first so that you both don’t make any mistakes
- a bit later you would argue
- you’re 100% sure the recipe said 2 cups of sugar and he tells you it’s 1 not 2 cups of sugar
- he’s right, you’re wrong
- he has to hold you back to not eat anything of the raw dough
- you’re complaining that it won’t make you sick
- he’s already so done with you after forcing him to listen to Christmas songs while baking and let’s you do whatever you want
- after the cookies are in the oven he cleans the kitchen by himself
- he knows you can do that too - but again he’s done with the Christmas songs
- he gives you a kiss on your forehead, telling you to go in the living room to watch some Christmas movie you love
- he absolutely doesn’t do this to get rid of you and your Christmas songs- no ofc not…. Cough cough
- he wouldn’t admit it but baking with you feels good for him, it gives him that warm spread in is stomach even tho he hates the songs in the background
- after the cookies are ready he lets them cool down
- he decides to join you and your silly little movie
- can’t hold a grin back after you complain that your tummy hurts
- didn’t he told you that you’re gonna be sick after eating raw dough?
- he’s the one asking you to bake with him
- it’s his and your first time being with his parents and whole family while Christmas so you’re quite nervous
- and it’s somehow a tradition for him to bake with his family and cause you are his family now he wants you to accompany him
- watch the whole McTavish family having fun including you
- watch out for flying eggs cause his brothers an him will have a fight
- watch momma mctavish scold her adult kids like their 5
- Johnny is also constantly touching you, keeps giving you a kisses on your cheek or neck and whispering sweet little nothings in your ear
- at one point while you knead the dough he warps his arms around your waist, burring his face in your neck mumbling how much he loves you and that he’s so happy to have you
- this sweet little moment would end pretty quick with his brothers mocking him
- well- your boyfriend doesn’t take it well and hunts his brothers with a pastry roller
- you have to run after him cause he will use his weapon to beat his big brothers asses
- when you all come back into the kitchen, theres no dough to be seen
- just a happy golden retriever with a wagging tail
- watch grown men freaking out cause they think she not only ate the dough but chocolate too
- the little Nessie is the most chill out of all of you
- eventually everything will be okay after they found the chocolate- but the furry little girl is now banned from the kitchen
- you just have to make a new dough now
- with the Nessie out of the kitchen there’s only one threat left for the dough
- keep an eye on your boyfriend or he will eat some of the raw dough too… wonder why Nessie does it, seems like she had a good teacher…
- after hours of making cookies, eventually it will come to an end
- as a good end for the day his family watches a Christmas movie with all of you
- watch your boyfriend excuse himself to go the bathroom
- wasn’t the brightest idea to eat raw dough, wasn’t it Johnny boy ?
- what you both don’t know…. his brothers put viagra in the part he ate….-
- they know they fucked up when instead of exposing him with a boner in front of everyone while you’re sitting on his lap, they managed to give him the worst diarrhea imaginable
- they fucked the pills up and gave him laxative
- what a wonderful shitmess- sorry, I meant Christmas!
(It took me some time to find a German song that I could imagine König to sing along too, but that song slaps… it could be a bit faster tho )
- he loves to bake, especially since it reminds him of the winter break
- it’s just that he wants to be with his whole family at least before Christmas to bake some cookies
- if you want to be with your family he just decides that they should come too
- so now you’re baking with your deadly boyfriend while your parents talk with his and thanking them that they can live rent free while they stay
- your parents doesn’t know that your boyfriend is in the military- well nobody knows besides you and his family
- they think he’s a baker cause his baked goods look way better than the baked goods in bakery’s does
- but- he’s still a bit hyperactive and he’s clumsy, especially thank to his height
- he yanks everything over- not just once
- watch out of his elbows cause if you don’t, well… we just say that the Christmas photos wouldn’t look that good-
- you have to tell him that’s it’s not good for the old Bernese Mountain Dog called Bernd to eat cookie dough
- he doesn’t give a duck about that and gives his beloved Bernd a piece here and there- only for him to eat something too
- the first dough you made is almost entirely in the stomach of your boyfriend and Bernd
- but you have to leave the kitchen for one single second
- watch Bernd slowly walking out of the kitchen while you’re entering it again
- there’s no dough left -
- it’s your boyfriend that has the last piece in his mouth, grinning at you like a child after you put one and one together
- he and the dog just ate the fricking dough- all of it!
- „Es tut mir leid Liebling, ich konnte nicht widerstehen“ (I‘m sorry darling, I couldn’t resist)
- don’t worry he helps you after that like a pro-
- well he doesn’t help- he makes everything without your help cause in his eyes you deserve to rest after making such a yummy dough
- he also cleans up everything! Even the stuff you used!
- decorating the cookies is the best part of everything
- he makes two little gingerbread men that look exactly like the both of you
- your parents see his one
- they ask him why he made such a weird face masked cookie
- I mean Halloween is already over, so what’s with that ugly mask…
- …. You should tell him after you’re alone again that his mask ist beautiful…
- you’re the one asking him to bake cookies with you
- he’s quite found to the idea
- it’s a struggle to find a cooking book in his house- is there even one there!?
- good thing there’s google
- bad thing, he lives in the woods- there’s no signal for your phone
- so you end up frustrated and sitting on the couch
- but wouldn’t he be a good boyfriend if he doesn’t know a cookie recipe?
- so now you’re following his orders
- don’t worry, his voice is just as loving as usual
- everytime you bring him whatever he needs he gives you something in reward
- be it a cute little nickname after a thank you or a kiss on your lips, cheeks or on your forehead
- he has a radio but he enjoys listing on a gramophone much more
- so you’re baking together, while the fire is safely burning in the fireplace, and o holy night is playing on the gramophone
- he takes breaks while you continue to make the cookies
- he just admires you while you’re smiling over such a silly thing
- he wraps his arms around you while pressing your back against his chest, burring his head in the crock of your neck mumbling sweet nothings
- he just can’t believe that this is really happening
- you have to tell him to let go of you or you both will continue to stay there for forever
- after the cookies are in the oven he just takes you to the couch
- cupping your cheeks and kissing you like it would be the last time
- just have an eye on the time or the cookies will burn -…
- but your eyes are everywhere but the time
- everywhere is btw price
- the cookies end up black as coal
- and after another try they’re really yummy!
- Sweet Family
- such a good thing you are
- he’s rarely home but he makes sure he is around Christmas time
- he has already made a plan so that he can do everything he wants to do
- baking cookies is one of the first things on the list
- expect to be in the kitchen the whole day
- don’t worry he’s too
- you wake up, next to you a hot chocolate with a sweet little note
- „come to the kitchen when you’re ready darling“
- see your man in a red and white Cooking aprons with Santa on
- the moment he sees you he smiles at you
- he comes to you, wrapping his arms around you before kissing you with the brightest smile you’ve ever saw from that man
- he asks you to join his baking session
- hear him singing to whatever Christmas song is playing
- he can’t hold himself back
- he has to give you a kiss whenever you give him what he needs to make another dough
- together you bake for hours straight
- you both end up with 20 different Christmas cookies from around the world (whenever he worked with another military he asked them for recipes and he also asked his shadows for recipes )
- he did and does that so when he brings cookies to the shadows that can’t leave the base or that don’t have families that they at least have something for Christmas
- he wants that everyone feels like home (everyone, no matter the religion or ethnic)
- he even ask you to bring his shadows home for Christmas so that they don’t have to be alone at a military base
- Shepard is strictly forbidden to visit btw
- so you not only end up with hundreds of cookies but also with like twenty (or even more) soldiers at home
- even when they’re older than you, his soldiers see you as somehow a parent figure
- I mean, graves is their father figure so….
- you love them the same way they love you
- he’s a sucker for Christmas
- but he doesn’t really have free time, I mean the bad guys don’t really care about holidays don’t they
- so the base is decorated to at least feel a bit like home
- you have to visit him to do the Christmas stuff just like baking cookies or something like that
- so you now you here, standing in the big ass kitchen that would normally prepare food for his man and him but now baking cookies
- but no no, you’re not alone here, his whole team his there too
- Rudy overwatches the younger recruits while Alejandro decides which cookies they should do next
- he loves to wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest while you’re decorating some of cookies
- his man know how much he loves you so they would look away, so that you could at least enjoy the moment of intimacy with your husband
- Rudy makes a picture of it
- supportive best friend
- after all the cookies are baked Alejandro enjoys the moment of peace
- in the end you end up with Alejandro, Rudy, and some of his other men on the couch, all cuddling together while watching a Christmas movie and eating the cookies you baked
- the others sit around you, some of the other couches, some on the ground but all with cookies in their hand
- big ass family
- you’re the one asking him to bake cookies with you
- watch him getting excited
- he’s not the biggest fan of Christmas but the music rocks
- with him it’s a pain in the ass cause he will do everything but what he has to do
- flour fight
- he casually grasp some of the flour and throw it right into your face
- after that you both are fighting
- watch out for the eggs!
- you’re able to throw a egg right into his face
- it wasn’t meant to hit his face tho….
- after that you should run
- very fast
- hes after you like a hell hound
- after you both are done with playing with each other
- there’s no flour, eggs, sugar and butter left
- well it is- but you can’t use it anymore cause it’s like everywhere
- the kitchen looks worse than a battlefield
- you both don’t look any better
- you both are covered with flour, eggs, butter and sugar
- there’s no need to add sugar peeling while showering….win win… cough
- it takes hours to clean the kitchen
- after that you agree to just buy dough from the store
- but you both can’t stop yourself so you end up eating half of the raw dough
- the other half makes it into to oven!
- but…. It wasn’t the brightest idea to eat raw dough
- you both are laying on the couch dying
- but hey- at least you end up with tasty cookies
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widxwed · 9 months
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Kyle " Gaz " Garrick Headcanons
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❛ Bloody right you do! ❜
- A / N : a request for a friend!
- CW : skulls + mentions of alcohol + mental illnesses
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💣 ⁾ he is touch starved but at the same time doesn't want touch. he's very picky on who can touch him. even hugs or pats on the back are a no. he wont explain why but everyone on the team respects it and makes everyone else respect it. gazis a very cuddly person when he trusts the person enough though. especially with soap and price
💣 ⁾ he also hates the silence. though, he is a very quite person. he likes to sit with his headphones on just so he doesn't have to be in silence. he'll also hum or tap his fingers on things when its too quite and he doesn't have his headphones or phone on him. he just can't stand what may be lurking under the veil of silence. plus it's just creepy
💣 ⁾ he has autism, it's not very obvious but you can tell if you pay attention enough. he manages to hide it along with his hyper - activity and adhd. he's just a mental mess but he handles it very well and hides it from others
💣 ⁾ when he gets excited about a topic he will ramble about it. its one of the few times anyone is able to hear his voice for a long period of time. he especially does it with rudy because rudy just loves the golden retriever like boy. he just wants him to be happy
💣 ⁾ he loves reading. probably more than he loves himself or anyone else. he could sit with his headphones in reading for hours. funny thing is he hates audio books with his whole soul. he wants audio books to burn ( quite litterly what hes probably said despite the irony )
💣 ⁾ he also owns a journal that he draws and writes in. animals and guns are his main subjects. he also draws and lables flowers for fun. he loves to lable flowers. he's given all of his teammates paintings of flowers that are labled. every flower has their meaning and why the flower reminds gaz of them on it. he also likes to draw animal and human skulls. he doesn't even know why. especially with flowers
💣 ⁾ despite just being 24 he's pretty knowledgeable on alcohol. he personally likes whiskey and beer, especially darker beers. he isn't very picky but hes probably tried everything under the sun. he just likes to try new things, no matter how disgusting they may genuinely sound
💣 ⁾ when he does training he is pretty violent. he doesn't mean to be really! he just lets his anger out. his past wasn't the best so he was so used to just being violent. he normally trains with ghost and soap so that he can be as rough as he wants and they'll be okay
💣 ⁾ he is very much a junkrat at heart. i'm so sorry non - overwatch fans. he's a pyromaniac little shite. he loves his explosives. he also loves making them. he doesn't know how he got so good at it. he was a good fit for his job and ghost was happy that he loved doing his job. gaz seems to scare everyone with the fact that he was so good at throwing and making explosives
💣 ⁾ he has a good memory. he always remembers what everyone likes. especially food. he knows everyones favorite snacks or movies. one of the things that makes everyone off put is the fact that he remembers everyones fighting styles and guns. he's just that good at his job apparently. that's what he brushes it off as. he also remembers what everyone likes that he can draw. he'll draw them all the time and will give everyone the drawings
💣 ⁾ his love language is baking people food and gift giving
💣 ⁾ he's an amazing cook. he says its because he had to feed himself as a kid. everyone hated that answer but it was right. gaz always had to cook for himself. he loved cooking for others. it just made him feel so happy when other people are full and enjoy his food
💣 ⁾ he's just a happy lil man! my favorite happy lil man
This was not proof read! I apologize for spelling / grammer mistakes
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xynnoix · 7 months
//mw3 spoilers
He’s fine, what do you mean? He’s just in recovery
(And I’m still in denial)
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teamblck · 4 months
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shadow4-1 · 2 months
I'm just imagining getting so used to physical contact from the 141 that you don't realize it's inappropriate until it's too late.
At first you shied away from them all. You gave them a good breadth of space because, well, it would be inappropriate. But eventually you acquiesced to the noogies and the funny little pats Price loves to give.
Soon enough you found yourself being aggressively head-locked by Soap and tossed around by Gaz. It's just boys being boys, it's friendly and fun. The deeper your bond the less you seem to care about their hands on you.
It isn't until one night when you're playing a little handheld game in the rec room do you think maybe everyone's gotten a lil' too comfortable. You're curled up between Soap and Ghost in one of their hoodies and some non-reg shorts. Both of their hands are splayed out on your inner thighs, one tapping, the other rubbing. Gaz comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your neck to get a good look over your shoulder.
"Catching 'em all, Love?"
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witchthewriter · 2 months
Gaz: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Soap: Weak. I sleep with a gun.
Y/N: You’re both pathetic
Soap: What do YOU sleep with?
Y/N: Simon.
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shmalk · 3 months
ghost has no idea what to make of you. you show up out of nowhere, barely a day after price announces that they have an extra addition on their team for the next mission, and then you show up.
you're nothing like them - you probably haven't seen a man get shot, never felt your bones break and have to set them yourself in a fight. he has this sick fantasy of breaking you, wiping that stupid smile off your face and watching you crumple as he breaks your spine with one hand.
soap loves having you on base, you're good with a gun and you'll joke with him about almost anything - sure, you never come out to the pub with them, but whenever they come back to base you've cooked something and that's better than any pint of beer johnny's ever had.
he's worried, he thinks you wont make it out there - beside them. you're small, and not in the sense that you're short, in the sense that there's barely anything to you, nothing to grab if you trip in the middle of active fire.
gaz is just finally glad to have someone else to talk to, to complain about soap and ghost to, rant about how price pissed him off. you're always willing to talk, which is probably a good thing.
he always turns down his radio whenever you're on a mission together, he doesn't want to hear you die, or hear your voice trail off as you get caught. he has to bite his knuckle whenever you speak out of fear.
price is sick of it, sick of watching the boys play with you like a doll and then sit you delicately back on the shelf, so he takes matters into his own hands and shoots you between the eyes.
you sit up four minutes later.
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i just rlly like the idea of immortal!reader but the guys have no idea and suspect nothing until they get shot in the head and then just,,, get back up !
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bruhhxiao · 7 days
You finished night chores in the kitchen after dinner and Simon was laying in bed “enjoying” Manchester match alone, since you were too loud 🙄
Once you get in bed too you toke a look at the screen.
“Unlucky one?” You say softly sitting next to him, he was grumpy, so you kissed him.
He signed not kissing you back, so you give him two more but he leans his head on the side ignoring you.
“C’mon the match is over.”
“No, it’s not. 3 minutes left.” He says pushing your head out of the way.
You kissed him again and again and then again, leaving sweet pecks on his lips. The match was over and he was listening to the after match conference.
“So you’re into this old man more than me? Give me one kiss!” He sighed and bought his lazy hand behind your head pulling you down for a short stamp.
“One more…” You say leaning closer and he kisses you back.
“A bit more…” as you said that he pulls you in a passionate kiss, a slow one.
After you broke the kiss and try to sit back like before, he grabs your arm pulling you down next to him kissing you a few times as he slowly positions himself on top of you.
“Simon it’s already 11:00 pm- Mhh~” he cuts you off.
“Now you got me in the mood, so shut up” he said with his nose against yours looking into your loving eyes before kissing you passionately.
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luxeslore · 7 months
why do you hate me?
tf141 men reacting to their spoiled gf saying “why do you hate me?” when she isn’t getting enough attention.
warnings -> 18+, f!reader, dom + sub dynamics, brat taming, allusions of impact play [spanking], petnames.
“excuse me?”
john’s eyebrows raise almost comically high. if it wasn’t for the stern glare taking over his features, you’d be giggling by now. instead you stay standing in front of him, shuffling on your feet with the same big pout you murmured your dumb question through. you despise making him upset with you—
at the same time, though… you feel those little sparks in your tummy when he pushes himself back from his desk and pats his lap. beckoning you to come sit on those strong thighs so he can sweet talk some sense to you. your feet can’t move fast enough, shuffling in your soft socks against the carpet. the rough denim of his jeans rubs against your own uncovered thighs as you shuffle in his lap.
“don’t ya think you’re being a silly girl?” it’s a simple question, but one you’re not exactly prepared for nonetheless.
your eyes meet his and there’s no way you can possibly shy away from his gaze. so you nod dumbly, and john’s chest rumbles with an approving hum. a strong hand cradles the back of your head, coaxing you to relax against his chest so he can put an end to this bratty streak you have in you rearing it’s ugly head.
“what the fuck are y’on about?”
“just forget it, simon.” you bite back, turning on your heel to march away from him.
you hear his heavy sigh and it’s only a matter of seconds before the pair of big hands he has squeezes your waist, pulling you back into him until he’s able to growl right over the shell of your ear. you turn your head, tilting it upwards and meeting his fury filled eyes. it takes everything in you not to grin wildly and piss him off more than you already have— especially when you can practically feel the soreness his fingers will leave behind in your sides already.
“dumb pet,” he grits out, “could never hate you, not even when you act like this…”
at those words, you press a gentle kiss to his masked lips. and you know for a fact he’s rolling his eyes, tired of your theatrical tendencies and outbursts, but that doesn’t stop him from nudging your nose with his own. from pulling you closer and snorting out a breathy laugh.
“you’re still gonna fuckin’ get it later, y’know that right?”
“how dare ye?”
you know— you just know— that you’ve really fucked up this time. why would you say such a thing? why would you be such a nasty girl to the man who does everything for you? sure, he didn’t have his eyes on you for a bit— bless him, he just wanted to decompress after some training. and here you come, stomping over to him like a proper fusspot.
in a second, you’re tugged into his lap by your wrist. you clumsily fall on top of him but johnny is quick to readjust you, to make sure you’re getting a good look at his disappointed face.
“do ye even know what you’re saying?” he speaks lowly, doesn’t care how much your bottom lip wobbles under his harsh tone, “because i really don’t think ye do.”
“johnny, i’m sorry— i really—” you attempt blubbering out. however he presses his thick index finger against your pout, shushing you in an instant.
“fucked up again, bonnie.” he tsks.
maybe he’s right. you don’t know what you’re saying. you know better; you know what he likes to be called when you two find yourselves in situations just like this one, when you need to be put in your place. that’s why you don’t resist when he guides you to lay over his lap tummy down…
“princess, come on…”
kyle begins, treading carefully around your huffing form. strong arms loop around you from behind, humming softly when you melt right into him despite your bratty demeanor. you can feel him smile against the side of your warm face, while his scent and warmth invades your senses, calming you down immediately.
“you know that’s the farthest from the truth,” he whispers, kissing your cheek with an obnoxious smooching sound tacked on to each one. it prompts you to giggle and kyle laughs right along with you when he sees how much your nose scrunches up with happiness.
“there’s my sweet girl!”
he squeezes his arms around you, ignoring you when you shamefully apologize for being so ridiculous… because he knows deep down in his heart he’d let you get away with murder. so he shushes you with more kisses and murmurs about just how much he loves you, and plans on doing the same thing between your pretty thighs later on.
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tb-png · 11 months
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catching up on some Zzz - 🧼🧢👻
there’s something so intimately cute and just adorably human about people squished together in a train napping
- ghost has soft shoulders, soapgaz love it
- gaz has specific music if he wants to listen to something while he sleeps, soap can sleep to anything so they always share earbuds
- ghost listens to whatever shuffle puts on
- soap always takes up the most space + needs to cuddle SOMETHING
- ghost tries to stay awake & alert (book in hand, 1 earbud out) but he gets too cozy btwn them
- as the big strong boyfriend, ghost knows he should be looking out for them, he always gets this crushing anxiety about being unable to protect his team and his loved ones. With Soapgaz tho, he knows that his srgs are some of the most capable ppl, that can hold their own (and even protect him too) so when his eyes get heavy, for once in his life he feels comfortable just sleeping
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COD men and what article of clothing of theirs they prefer to see you in.
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John Price is an elegant gentleman, he loves putting his coat over your shoulders when you're cold. He always holds it for you to help you put it on, and he adjusts the collar as his fingers gently brush against your neck. His coat is big, warm and it smells like him, and he adores the way you burrow yourself into it. During the colder months, he keeps an extra jacket in his car that he can wear if he gives you the one he had on, and if you fall asleep while you're not at home, John always gently lays his coat over you like a blanket. 
Simon “Ghost” Riley is an absolute sucker for the way you look in his hoodies, and although he never says it out loud, he gets a certain look in his eyes that speaks a thousand words in his place. They're oversized even on him, and they fit his style perfectly: black with the occasional skull/edgy design of some sorts. He especially loves it if your style is even just a little bit different from his, the contrast makes him melt. He never asks you to wear his hoodies, but he does leave them lying around in a way that is very obvious.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish goes feral every single time he sees you in his boxers. It doesn't even have to be sexual, just the intimacy of it makes him go wild. It's something that you simply don't share with anyone else, sure, someone else might lend you their jacket, but no one else but him can lend you something as intimate as his boxers. If you also wear boxers he is more than happy to trade, if you don't, he will not so jokingly insist that his underwear is way more comfortable than whatever you're wearing.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick puts his signature cap on your head every time he isn't wearing it or he isn't on a mission. It's the most him thing he owns, and he thinks there's something incredibly intimate (and attractive) about seeing you wearing it. He's sharing with you the one thing he wears that truly feels like it represents him, and he'd love it if you did the same for him. Sometimes he helps you put it on almost reverentially, other times, he pulls the visor over your eyes and chuckles like it's the funniest thing in the world.
Alejandro Vargas loves when you wear his shirts. It's a bit of a classic, but he loves the difference between how they look on him, tight and accentuating his muscles, and how they look on you, with the neckline wide enough for small flashes of your collarbones to peek out. Wear his shirt as a dress, even just once, and he will never shut up about how much of a breathtaking sight you make. He subconsciously starts buying colours he thinks will suit you, and the wide grin he gets when he sees you in them could light up an entire city.
Rodolfo Parra prefers to give you the most comfortable, cozy clothes he owns. It can vary from a warm sweater, to comfortable joggers, to a loose T-shirt. Whatever makes you feel the most at home is immediately transferred from his wardrobe and into yours. And if you prefer it when they still smell of him, he'll either take the care of wearing them just to give them back to you, or give you a bottle of his perfume that you can spray on whenever you want to. Most of all, he has a gigantic soft spot for seeing you in an article of clothing that has sentimental value and meaning to him.
Phillip Graves loves to give you clothes that are very easily recognisable as his, like the blue button ups that he always wears. He adores seeing how comfortable you look in them while you wear them at home, maybe paired with high socks. And he adores it even more when you style them properly to wear them outside the house, in a way that makes it clear that you're happy to let everyone know who your man is. Either way, his eyes are glued to you for the whole day while you are wearing his shirts, a smug smile on his face.
König always gives you small pieces of himself, small things that remind you of him but that are subtle enough not to bring other people's attention to it. He likes that it's something only the two of you know about, something you keep for yourselves. The things he gives you always change, it could be a ring one day, then a necklace, a scarf, or even a bag. And in the privacy of your home, he adores seeing you in his mask, as he shares the intimate part of himself he never shares with anyone else.
Alex Keller literally gives you free reign over his closet. Everything that is his is yours as well, you don't even have to ask. He'll even change his outfit for the day if he sees you wearing something he was planning on putting on. When he goes shopping, he often asks you to accompany him, so that you can help him choose the pieces that you think would look best on him, and also the pieces that he knows you'll want to steal later. He also adores wearing his clothes after you've borrowed them, your smell still lingering comfortingly on them.
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buckysmith · 1 year
Their past/ how they grew up Modern warfare Headcanons
A quick preface before the headcanon, I'm not really being active at the moment and that's just because of some things happening in my life rn and I’m sorry for that. I just want to say thank you for all the support I get, for the encouragement and I especially want to thank you, M. I know you read this and I know you know it's addressed to you, so thank you Angel, you help me keep going in times I don’t want too.
Includes: Ghost, Price, Soap, König, Gaz, Gromsko, Graves, Alejandro and Rudy
TW: eating disorder, loss of family, abuse, reading on your own risk
I find it kinda hard to write for Ghost cause we know a lot about his past and I don't want to rewrite what you already know, so I decided I write how it affects his now self
- he looks like a guy that lets nothing gets to him, cold, distant, emotionless, a born killer
- but when you get to know him he is not all that, he is not emotionless, he is not cold, he is not distant and he is not a born killer
- his soul is scared, the child in him is badly wounded and scared
- he wants to be safe, he wants to get attention but he has the feeling that he does not deserve all this
- he is also afraid that someone will hurt him again, so he pushes away the people who come too close to him
- he secretly needs physical contact, even quite a lot but doesn't know how to handle it when he gets it
- he enjoys it when Soap falls asleep leaning against him, because Soap radiates an incredible warmth and generally Soap gives him a feeling of security
- he would never admit it but he loves Soap so incredibly much, not on a romantic level but on a deeper level
- he also has incredible problems with eating, he forgets it very often if you don't remind him because it's just not normal for him to eat every day, he didn't know it differently in his childhood
- even when they are on mission he offers his food to Soap or another comrade when he sees that they are still hungry
- he usually gave his food to his little brother
- after Soap finds out that Ghost doesn't eat much, he forces him to eat something
- he makes sure that his masked friend always has enough food and water in his belly
- another reason why Ghost loves his best friend
- Soap has adopted him and forced him to join the rest of the mctavish family.
- He is surprised how many of Soap's family there are and he is sure that the McTavishs could fill a whole village, there are so many of them.
- He was born into a large family
- he is the fourth born, out of a total of eleven children
- he helped his mother early to take care of the babies
- He often quarreled with his eldest brother, he simply did not like him and they fought at least once a day.
- Soap was also quite an active child, could hardly sit still and always had to do something
- be it playing soccer with his brothers, helping his mother to take care of the babies or letting his two little sisters do make-up on him and braiding his hair, which was still long at that time.
- his eldest brother laughed at him because of his long hair, said he was also a girl
- that pissed soap off
- especially because his brother always smeared chewing gum, burrs and other sticky stuff in his hair
- one of the reasons why he bought hair remover in the local supermarket and smeared it in his brother's hair at night
- his brother never said or did anything after that
- Soap, however, got spanked for the first time in his life, but he never regretted it.
- when he turned fifteen he cut off his long hair, donated it and made his first Hawk
- he also knew that he was a good looking boy, one of the reasons why he had permanent new girlfriends from the age of fifteen
- this even went so far that his parents almost had to forbid him to bring a new girlfriend home every weekend
- after he joined the military it was not better with his love relationships
- but with him being about twenty-five he realized that this did not bring him to his goal
- because he knew from early childhood that he would want to have a wife and at least three children
- and so he started to improve himself, for himself, for his future partner and for his children.
- he grew up quite normally
- together with his family in a farm house just outside the city
- his parents grew vegetables and raised cattle
- he helped from early childhood
- he is the oldest of five children and also the only boy, his other siblings are all girls
- at the beginning he was not so enthusiastic about having only sisters, but since most of them had the same interests as him he understood that it did not matter which sex the other one has.
- he let his sisters do make him up on him, they dressed him like a doll and he was horrified to find out that he could walk in high heels.
- his mother took many photos in that time, all with a disposable camera
- his father is a quiet man, very nice and polite
- his mother is also very nice and polite, but she can also get very angry very fast which keeps the whole Vargas family in breath when she gets angry
- as the eldest brother he had of course also responsibilities like taking care of his sisters
- he was the one who beat up boys twice his size if they said something wrong about one of his sisters
- when he left his family to join the army and fight for his family it was very hard for him in the beginning because he was and still is an absolute family man.
- Rodolfo helped him a lot, so they were in different squads but Rodolfo gave him a certain feeling of home and Alejandro in return gave him the self-confidence to defend himself against others.
- after he quickly got acquainted he hid his family outside of las almas, far away so no one would find them
- he was also a ladysman, he knew early on that he was good looking and he enjoyed the attention of the ladies
- but even after years and several failed relationships he knew he would not find his wife in the army
- from then on he tried not to be a flirter but to find his wife for life the old fashioned way.
- he grew up together with his little sister and his mother in a small apartment in las almas
- his father had left his mother for a younger woman after the birth of his little sister
- but he was not sad about it, his father had been violent towards his mother and him and he was glad that at least his sister did not have to experience him
- while his mother worked day and night to support her two children he took care of his sister
- there were days when they could hardly afford anything, on others they had enough to last the rest of the month
- he was bullied by other boys his age, they called him all kinds of things but one thing they were all the same for
- they always made fun of how high pitched his voice was and how submissive he was and joked that he was definitely gay
- something that was dangerous in his cultural circles, damn dangerous.
- when he was old enough to go to work himself he did it to earn some extra money
- then when he was old enough he joined the military
- mainly because he didn't really get schooling due to their lifestyle and so he hoped to get at least a pretty well paid job
- at the beginning it was hard for him, also here they made fun of him, called him all kinds of names which is discriminating against gays
- but only until he made friends with Alejandro, the strongest guy in the army.
- they just hit it off from the beginning
- and while Rodolfo gave Alejandro the feeling of a family, Alejandro taught Rodolfo how to defend himself against those idiots.
- he grew up with wealthy grand parents and parents, never had to worry about anything
- there was enough money for everything
- but no matter how much money there was, you couldn't buy a Loving Family anywhere....
- his father wanted him to join his company but young Price didn't want that and joined the military instead
- he hated his father dearly
- he knew his father only had him to have an heir for his company
- his father abused him and his mother on daily basis
- most of the time it was only his words.. at least for him
- he knew his father beat his mother up but he couldn't do anything, he was to young to go against his father and when he did his father made sure to beat him up properly
- his mother left him when he was around ten, leaving him with his father
- she never came back, cause years of abuse left her with to many open wounds she tried to forget about with drugs and alcohol
- she died when he was twelve
- nothing changed till price left his „home"
- it was the last time he saw his father too
- he never came home, stayed at the base till the lawyer of his father contacted him
- it was about ten years later
- his father had died in a car accident, leaving his only son everything he owned
- big ass company, multiple houses two big villas with one having a big ass forest too
- when he was younger his parents forbade him to go into the forest, but now he was grown up and he could go to the house he had already discovered as a child
- it was half decayed, animals had taken up residence in it and all in all it was in a horrible state.
- Price worked every free minute on the house, the villas he left for the most part to the servants.
- he didn't want to live in it, but he didn't want to sell it either.
- when his cabin was finally finished he moved in
- he always wanted a family and while on the one hand he wanted to be better than his father, on the other he was afraid of becoming a monster like him.
- he was adopted as a child and his biological parents were good friends of his adoptive parents
- his parents died in a car accident when he was still an infant and since there were no other living relatives he came to live with his godfather and his wife
- the two of them always wanted children, but they suffered miscarriages again and again and at some point they gave up
- his biological parents are from Germany which is why he is also a German citizen, but he grew up in Austria with his surrogate parents
-as a child he was constantly bullied
- he was the smallest and slimmest among the boys, a perfect target for the others
- he never defended himself against the others, but rather started to hide because he did not want to get beaten up
- there was a forest with big trees next to the school, so he started to hide on the trees  during the breaks.
- because even if his bullies found him, they couldn't reach him so far up.
- he also always had shoulder-length curly hair, which he liked to tie into a braid
- one of the reasons they bullied him
- but one day he cut off his hair completely off
- he was held to it the day before while they kept dunking his head into the toilet and flushing it
- in that moment something snapped inside of him
- he was tired of being treated like this by everyone, so he cut off his hair completely and started training
- his bullies then tried to beat him up again, but this time they ended up beaten up and not him
- after that nobody dared to say anything against him or to make him look stupid again
- he spent the rest of his youth studying and at some point he joined the military
- he grew up with two mothers
- his father had cheated on his mother with another woman while she was pregnant and when she realized that her "boyfriend" had a pregnant wife, she told his mother that her husband was having an affair
- the two got along well because they were both being screwed by the same man
- the two spent a lot of time together
- she was also present at the birth of gaz
- so at one point friendship  turned into love
- Gaz grew up quite normally, he had the love of both his mothers, his father had disappeared completely and his grandparents were always part of him
- both sides of the grandparents were the biggest support from day one
- although he was a bit bullied for having two moms  in elementary school and also in secondary school for  his two mothers they were his greatest pride
- he took them everywhere with him and if his friends did not like his mothers, he had no problem to dump those friends
- his mothers also taught him a lot, which made him very popular with the girls
- he had always been a good boy, never made problems and even if there was a problem somewhere his mothers helped him to solve it
- they never really had any quarrels until the time he wanted to join the military
- but they knew that when their son set his mind on something he would do it anyways no matter what, so they supported him where they could
- he grew up with his grandma
- his father had been in the army, but he disappeared during the war (M.I.A)
- his mother could not bear the loss of her husband and died only a few months later
- his grandmother lost her husband in WW2, so there were only his grandmother, a few chickens and cows and pigs which belonged to his family
- his grandma was not the typical polish grandma, so she ran after him with a leather belt only once - not to give him an old school ass whipping but because the pants of little gromsko were hanging on dear life... you could see half his underwear
- he was also disturbed as a child by the picture in his grandma's living room, but never told her about it
- he was a strong boy, nobody dared to stand in his way
- but he never thought of abusing his strength against the weaker ones, so he helped the weak ones and beat up the strong ones
- something that never changed
- he was also very respectful, helping the old ladies in his village with the cooking or the men with the
chopping wood and herding cattle
- when he was old enough he joined the military
- his grandmother was worried that he would not come back as well as her husband and son, but he always came back home.
- He grew up in Texas on a large cattle ranch with his parents, a big brother and a little sister.
- he also had grandparents and many uncles and aunts on both sides of the family
- he always got along well with his siblings, his brother was his role model and he knew he had to be the same for his little sister
- a little cowboy he was though
- not even his brother was as good a rider as he was.
- he loved working with the animals, being outside for hours, being free was something that was always very important to him
- in school he was very good, mostly even very underchallenged
- he was also very sporty, popular with the girls and even if you wouldn't believe it he was always very respectful to everyone
- he had however again and again arguments with the "bad boys" and "clowns" of the school since these provided only turmoil and did not fit into his picture with their behavior
- his brother who was seven years older than him went into the military after he finished high school
- everyone advised phillip to go to college when he graduated from high school, however, like his brother he also joined the military
- due to his physical strength and intelligence he also climbed the positions ladder quite fast
- several years later he and his brother did almost every mission together
- every mission was successful, except one
- his brother was in command, but was killed during the battle
- phillip could not reach his brother in time and so the bullet pierced his brother and hit him himself
- his brother died in his arms and he immediately took over the command
- he led the whole troop to safety while carrying his brother's body and finished the mission despite being severely wounded himself
- when his sister wanted to join the military he made sure that she would never be accepted into the military as he was afraid he would lose her as well
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springtyme · 9 months
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐀 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 ♡
afab!reader x König, Ghost, Price, Gaz, & Soap
warnings: Allusions to sex/sexual themes, some angst but mostly fluff, language, König picks reader up, unplanned pregnancy, references to Simon's past (I've tried to keep it very vague cause that is a really rough topic), implied ptsd, mention of painful (IUD-related) period cramps (18+ mdni!)
word count: 5k
part two
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König ♡
Your hands instinctively find their way to König’s hair, as the kiss deepens, tangling your fingers in the soft strands as the intensity of the moment increases and the atmosphere around you grows more and more steamy. Despite your wish to fully emerge yourself in the euphoric feeling, something in the back of your mind keeps nagging at you.    
You have all evening had an underlying feeling that you have forgotten something, but without being able to figure out what, but as König’s hand starts to wander downwards, grabbing a handful of your arse it dawns on you. 
Condoms. You forgot to pick up condoms earlier…  
You have recently gotten your IUD removed, due to heavy period cramps. You had hoped and believed that it would get better over time but it had seemed like you had been one of the unlucky ones for whom it just didn’t get any better. 
You don’t regret your decision, your last period was way less painful than before, but after being on contraceptives and in a committed relationship for so long, you have still not gotten back into the habit of buying condoms again.     
“Fuck…” You groan out as you curse yourself out for your forgetfulness. 
 “What’s the matter, meine Liebe?" 
You sigh as you bury your face into his broad chest. He gently strokes your back and holds you closer. Taking a deep breath, you lift your head and meet his concerned gaze. “I forgot to pick up condoms earlier," you admit, your voice filled with frustration. “We're all out, and I didn't even realise until now.”
König's face softens, understanding the reason for your sudden frustration. He gently cups your face in his hands, his eyes filled with love and reassurance. “It's alright, Schatzi," he says, his voice calming. “We'll manage,” he lets out a low chuckle. “Besides, I'm skilled with my hands and mouth, no?”
You let out a sound, somewhere between a sigh and a chuckle, at his words. He is, truely, very skilled. But you have to admit that you haven’t been able to stop thinking about having him inside of you, to have him ravish you with his cock, all day. You’re currently ovulating, and like always, when you’re at this point of your cycle, your hornyness-level increases immensely.  
“Yes, you are skilled, my love,” you assure him, “Very skilled, I had just hoped that I would have been able to ride you tonight without worrying about you cumming inside me. You confess, “I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day,” you feel a tiny bit embarrassed by your blunt confession - but only a tiny bit. You don’t think that you ever could feel truly embarrassed about confessing anything like that to him, you are too comfortable with him, too secure in your relationship for that. That is one of the most beautiful things about your relationship with König. He makes you feel so loved and seen and protected. The way he can look at you and make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world.         
You feel how he squeezes you a little tighter by your confession, but also how his bulge hardens even more by your words. The burning fire that has been smouldering in your abdomen the entire day is now fully ablaze, and you feel how your pulse is throbbing between your legs. 
The thought of bouncing on König’s cock, of having his mouth buried between your legs, of having him on top of you, of cuming on his cock as he fills you up till you’re leaking with his release, infiltrates your mind.  
“I’m not going to lie, that would have been nice to do, Schatz,” he says and you can only agree.  
But before you can voice your agreement, König continues, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination.“Would it be so bad if we said screw it and did it anyway?” 
Surprised by his suggestion, you pause, unsure of how to respond. The idea of not using protection has not been something you have seriously considered before. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you ask him, “What are you thinking?”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mix of nerves and excitement as he meets your gaze. “I've been thinking a lot lately… Well, I have actually been thinking for a while now and I realised that I would really like to have a baby with you. That I’m ready to start a family together,” " he confesses, his eyes never leaving yours. 
His words catch you a little off guard, and you feel a flurry of emotions rushing through you. The idea of becoming parents together is not something you have discussed yet, you take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding, “Having a baby is a big decision.” 
“I know and I know that we haven’t talked or planned for this, and it may not be the ideal situation or timing, but… I can't help but want it, and I don’t know… this just feels like maybe it’s a sign.”
You're taken aback by König's revelation, a mix of surprise and uncertainty washing over you. However, his unwavering gaze and the love in his voice give you a sense of comfort and reassurance.
“I've seen how amazing you are with children,” he continues, his voice filled with warmth. “And I can't think of anyone else I'd want to start a family with. We may not have planned for it now, but I can’t help but want it.”
His words touch your heart, and you find yourself considering the idea. Despite the initial shock, a part of you has always known that you wanted to start a family with König, despite the two of you not having had a serious conversation about it yet. 
As you take a moment to collect your thoughts, you realise that this situation could be an opportunity to grow together, to embark on a new chapter in your lives. You look into König's eyes, a mix of hope and determination shining within them.
Now that it’s said out loud, and you have seen the want and longing in Königs eyes, the idea of starting a family with him seems right, downright logical. 
“Maybe you're right,” you say, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Maybe it is a sign.”
König’s face lights up with joy, relief evident in his expression. He pulls you closer, his strong arms enveloping you with love and excitement. “Wirklich?!” His eyes now shining with unshed tears of joy. 
“Yes, my love, really.” You grin up at him, before letting out a surprised shriek as you’re suddenly lifted from the ground.
König’s spinning you around as he lets out a deep laugh of pure excitement. You feel how tears start to form in your own eyes. You lock your legs around his torso as he finally stops spinning, your hands cupping his cheeks and your gaze finding his again.  
“You really want a baby with me?” He whispers, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, the air filled with a thick tenderness. 
“I do,” you assure him, before kissing him softly. “Let’s make a baby.” You whisper into his lips.   
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Ghost ♡
This isn’t happening…  
This can’t be happening. 
Simon doesn’t even know how to describe what he is feeling. Is shock a feeling? It doesn’t really matter–a feeling or not–shock is the only thing that he is feeling after the words have left your mouth. Or maybe, in reality, he is feeling so much all at once that shock is the only thing his overstimulated brain can register. 
Simon has been in situations that would leave any other person in a state of paralysing shell shock, more times than he will ever be able to count, but he always finds himself able to push through it, but not this time. No, this is about the most petrified he has been in years.   
His mind is running a hundred miles an hour and has gone completely blank at the same time as he tries to process what you just told him. He finally manages to pull himself somewhat out of his trance and his eyes finally find yours again. 
The look on your face pains him, and what pains him, even more, is the knowledge that he is the reason that you are pulling that face. His instincts, the protective side of him, scream to take you into his arms and comfort you but he is still too paralysed by the situation to do so.   
“Ar-are you sure?” He manages to say, his voice cracking. He sounds uncharacteristically frail, the usual husky gruff  of his voice weakened. 
“I took three tests, Simon…” You say  
He just nods as the reality of the situation fully hits him, he feels how his heart sinks as he absorbs the weight of your words. The room feels suffocating, as if the walls are closing in on him. He takes a shaky breath, desperately attempting to maintain the little composure he had managed to gain.
“And you really want to keep it..?” He hates how the words sound as soon as they leave his mouth. You don’t deserve this reaction, but he had never thought he would be in this situation. 
It has always been a secret wish of his, a wish he knew he never would be deserving of getting granted. It would be too pure, too good for someone like him. But it has not kept him from secretly dreaming about it. All those late nights over the years when he has laid in his bunk on employment and couldn’t sleep, with no distractions other than his own head. On nights like those, he has let his mind wander, let his imagination run wild, and dreamt about it. Something wholesome and good, so different from the stress and terrors that come with his line of work. 
On the worst nights when the nightmares keep him up or the adrenaline just won’t leave his body and let him get any rest, he lets himself indulge in the fantasy. It used to be more vague, but after he had met you they got clearer, more evident, almost tangible, which had scared the shit out of him. The fantasy of someday having a family of his own, of getting a chance to do everything right, of doing it differently from how he grew up himself.
But that was all it ever was, all it ever could be, a fantasy… How could it ever be anything else?! How could someone like him ever be a good dad?  It was a thing that might not be that unrealistic of a wish if he was anyone else but himself. 
He is too broken for that, has seen and experienced too much fucked up shit, and committed too many sins. But, fuck, now that it is actually within reach actually a real possibility he can’t help but yearn for it, even though it scares him shitless.        
“I know that we have never discussed this and that it was nowhere near planned and I’m sorry if this fucks up everything between us but…” You trail off, nervously fidgeting with your sleeve, your eyes have left him, as you chew on as you take a shaky breath as if you’re gathering courage to continue, “I think I want this, Simon,” you finally say, your voice low and shaky, close to a whisper, but you take another breath, this one deep and certain, as you again lock your eyes with his, “I want this baby, Simon.”  
Your eyes shine with a certainty that sends a rush through Simon’s entire body. You want this baby… His baby. It is like the entire world stops, a whirlwind of emotions runs through him in this moment and he can’t deny it anymore. He wants it too. He wants this baby, to become a family, to be the man that he always secretly has dreamed of being.
“I want it too,” He is still trembling slightly but a tone of determination has returned to his voice. 
“You do..?” Your voice close to a whisper, but a hopeful tone lacing the unsurety.        
“Yes,” and he does, he really does. “I want to be a family.” 
“Yes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m scared shitless, but I do want this, sweetheart,” he reaches out a trembling hand towards you, wanting to offer some form of comfort, and to reassure you that he means what he is saying,  “I really do.” 
“I love you, Simon,” your beautiful eyes now shining with happy tears, “so, so much.” 
“I love you too.” His protective instincts fully resurfacing, overriding his initial fear. He pulls you into a tender embrace, holding you tightly against his chest. “And I already love our kid too,” he adds, as he squeezes you a little tighter, protectively holding you in his strong arms. You and the child you’re barring, his child.      
His own father had fucked him up so severely, taken so much from him, but this is not something his father will be able to take. As terrified and scared as he might be Simon knows, in this moment with you in his arms, that he will do everything to not become his father and that he will do anything to keep you and your unborn child safe, that he will make sure that they will grow up to know nothing but love and security and that he will do everything in his power to make sure that you never are gonna regret having him as the father of your child.      
Simon's heart swells with a newfound determination. He knows it won't be easy, that there will be challenges and sacrifices along the way, but he is ready to face them head-on. He has spent years battling his demons and overcoming his past, and now he has a reason to fight even harder - for you, for his family.
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Price ♡
As you sit across from John in your usually so cosy living room, you can't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from him. You’ve noticed a change in your husband's behaviour lately, and it's left you feeling puzzled and a bit concerned. John’s been acting distant, withdrawn and  you can't help but worry that something might be wrong with him, that there might be something he isn’t telling you which is so out of character for him.
Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer you take in a deep breath, you have been gathering up the courage all day to confront him. 
“Jonathan?” You say, voice close to a whisper, but still strong enough to be heard clearly. He removes his eyes from his book, in which he has been staring down into for the last thirty minutes without turning a page, seemingly without reading a single word.  “Is everything okay? You seem different lately, and it’s been making me worried. Can you please tell me what’s going on?” 
His gaze shifts between you and the floor. Sensing that something important is about to be revealed, you lean in closer, waiting for him to speak. 
John hesitates for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. “I'm sorry for acting distant. It's just that... I've been feeling nervous about something important, and I didn't know how to bring it up."
Your heart races as you anxiously wait for him to continue. "What is it?" you ask, a mixture of anticipation and concern in your voice.
“Darling,” he begins, his voice filled with both excitement and trepidation. He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. “I've been thinking a lot lately, about our future, about the life we’ve built together."
Your heart skips a beat, you feel a little pang of fear in your chest but you’re also curious to know where he’s going with this. “What is it, John?” you ask, your voice filled with anticipation.
“love, I think I want to try for a baby.”
The words hang in the air for a moment, and your mind races to process the magnitude of what he's just said. A rush of emotions floods through you – surprise, joy, and a hint of uncertainty. You’ve dreamt of having a family with John, but the thought of bringing a child into the world amidst the challenges and uncertainties of his military career has always given you pause.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts, reaching out to hold his hand for support. "John, I…" you begin, your voice filled with a mix of emotions. "I've always imagined us having a family, but I worry about the dangers you face, the time we'd have to spend apart."
John's grip on your hand tightens, his eyes filled with determination. "I understand your concerns, darling, and they are valid. But we've faced countless challenges together, and we’ve  always persevered. I believe we can navigate this journey too."
His words resonate deep within you, reminding you of the strength and resilience you both possess. You find yourself nodding, a smile tugging at your lips. “You're right, John. We have overcome so much, and I believe we can face this too.”
The relief and joy that washes over John’s face is palpable. He pulls you into a warm embrace, holding you tightly as if never wanting to let go. “Thank you, darling,” he whispers, his voice filled with gratitude. “I promise, I'll do everything in my power to protect our family, to be there for you and our future child.”
In this moment, as you hold each other tightly, you realise that together, you can face anything that comes your way. The journey ahead will be filled with uncertainties, but with love as your anchor, you know that you and John are ready to embark on this new adventure – the adventure of parenthood, embracing the joys and challenges that lie ahead, hand in hand.
Together, you begin to discuss your hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. And as the evening unfolds, you find solace in the knowledge that love, support, and a shared vision will guide you through whatever lies ahead on this new and exciting path.
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Gaz ♡
You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring in your ears. Groggily, you reach over to turn it off, but as you do, you feel a sense of excitement bubbling within you. Today is the day Kyle is coming home from deployment for a short visit. It has been months since you last saw him, and the anticipation of seeing him again fills you with a mix of nervousness and pure joy.
You get ready quickly, making sure everything is perfect for his arrival. The butterflies in your stomach flutter wildly as you make your way to the airport. Finally, you spot Kyle standing amongst the sea of people, his eyes scanning the crowd. As soon as he sees you, a wide smile spreads across his handsome face, and you can't help but match his enthusiasm. You run towards each other, embracing tightly, cherishing this precious moment as you kiss each other deeply.
Over the next few days, you spend every moment together, catching up on all the missed conversations and stolen kisses. It feels like time has stood still, and the world revolves solely around the two of you. But one evening, as you're cuddled up on the couch, a casual conversation takes an unexpected turn.
Kyle's arm is wrapped around your shoulder, his voice low and comforting as he recounts some of the experiences he had while deployed. He talks about the sacrifices made and the hardships endured, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. In a moment of vulnerability, he accidentally says, "I hope our kids never have to go through any of that."
You freeze, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. The two of you have never discussed having children before, and the mention of it catches you off guard. mind races, trying to process his words. You turn to face him, searching his eyes for answers.
Kyle’s eyes widens with embarrassment as he realises what he just said. You can tell that he hadn’t meant to blurt out his thoughts so suddenly. He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he speaks. “I’m sorry, I've just been thinking a lot about thre future lately, you know, about what I want in life and all. And despite our age, despite everything going on, I can't help but imagine a family with you.” Kyle confesses,  reaching out, his hand gently caressing yours. “I don't want to rush anything. But I want you to know that I genuinely see a future with you. I can't imagine a life without you by my side.”
His honesty touches your heart, and you can’t help but smile, feeling a warmth spread throughout your body. You take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers, the sudden image of a beautiful little baby with Kyle’s eyes looking up at you is filling your head, “Kyle, I honestly never imagined having this conversation now, but I can’t deny that the idea of starting a family with you is really tempting. We may be young, but if we’re together, I believe we can face anything.”
Kyle’s face lights up with relief and happiness. He pulls you closer, his embrace tighter than before. In that moment, you both realise that the love between you knows no limits, and that sometimes, life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it.
You know that this unexpected conversation has opened the door to a new chapter in your relationship, one that holds the promise of a beautiful future.
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Soap ♡
You sink into the soft pillows with a content sigh, getting comfortable under the soft covers. You and Johnny had attended a family gathering at his parent’s house and now that you’re finally home and in bed you begin to reminisce about the day, recalling your favourite moments,  the cheerful atmosphere that had filled the air,  the delicious home cooked food and all the laughs and easy going conversations. 
But one conversation had taken you a little aback, a comment made by one of Johnny’s relatives had stuck with you. You know that it had been meant in good humour but it had weighed on you. You had tried to push it aside but now that you’re home the words keep ringing through your mind. You ponder over what had been said to you but you’re pulled out of your thoughts as the bedroom door creaks open. 
Johnny enters the room, a gentle smile on his face. In his hands, he holds a glass of cool, refreshing water. He knows you well, understands the little things that bring you comfort. A wider smile appears on his face as he approaches the bed and offers you the glass, his blue eyes filled with tenderness and care as he lets out a low laugh. “Can’t believe Rob’s having another boy!”  He gently shakes his head from side to side. You had learned earlier in the day that Johnny was having yet another nephew.  
You take the water from him, feeling the coolness of the glass against your palm as you smile up at him. The gesture touches your heart, a reminder of his thoughtfulness and love. Taking a sip of the water, you feel a sense of rejuvenation wash over you, as if his kindness has quenched not only your physical thirst but also your emotional weariness.
As you set the glass aside, Johnny slips into bed beside you, his presence a soothing balm to your soul. You snuggle closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body radiating against your skin. His touch is gentle, his embrace a source of comfort and security.
 “Yeah, seems like boys just run in the family.” You smile up at him.  
Johnny chuckles and jokingly comments, “You know, I think mam secretly hoped it would be a girl this time. I think she's secretly always wanted a wee girl to spoil since she only got sons.” 
“Well, Hannah seemed rather serious when she told me that this kid will be their last.” You chuckle as you recall the conversation you had had earlier with Johnny’s sister in law. But the topic also again makes you recall the comment said to you earlier by Johnny’s aunt. 
It had been amidst the cheerful atmosphere, when the news about Rob and Hannah expecting another boy had broken. The news seemed to ripple through the room, prompting everyone to offer their congratulations. You couldn't help but notice a sly smile from Johnny's aunt as she turned to you and said, "Well, now it's up to you and Johnny to bring a baby girl into the family!"
You had blinked from surprise, caught off guard by her comment. The weight of her words settled on your shoulders as you realised that the expectation for a future child had somehow fallen on you and Johnny. You had looked over at him, he was in the other end of the living room playing with his two young nephews. You couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and admiration for him by the sight of them. Seeing him interact with those little boys, his blue eyes twinkling with joy and his deep laughter filling the air. But you also felt very  put on the spot. "I... uh," you had stammered, searching for the right words. "We haven't really talked about all that yet."
Aunt Maggie chuckled softly, patting your arm. "Well, dear, there's no rush. But I'm sure everyone here would love to have a wee lass in the family someday and I’m sure you and Johnny would do a great job."
Her words had lingered in your mind for the rest of the day. You didn’t know if you should mention it to Johnny or not, you have no idea how he will react. But now as the two of you are in the secure atmosphere of your own bedroom you think that you might should. 
You take a deep breath, gathering the courage to bring up the topic that has been weighing on your mind all day. As you snuggle closer to Johnny, feeling the warmth of his embrace, you softly say, "Johnny, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."
He looks at you with concern in his eyes, sensing the seriousness of your tone. "What is it, love?" he asks gently, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your back.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to begin. Finally, you gather your thoughts and speak from your heart. "It’s just… Maighread made a comment about us having a baby girl to balance out all the boys…” 
Johnny's eyes widen slightly, surprise evident on his face. He takes a moment to process your words
"Wait, she really said that?" Johnny's surprise is evident on his face as he takes a moment to process your words. He gently moves closer to you, his fingers still tracing soothing circles on your back. “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable, love. I guess my family has a tendency to be a little too brash sometimes.” He says in an apologetic tone.
“It’s okay, I love your family, it just caught me a little off guard I guess,” you assure him, placing your palm on his cheek, gently stoking your thumb over the rough stubbles of his beard. A long silence breaks out between you, both absorbing what had just been said between you.  
But Johnny finally breaks the silence. “It isn’t a terrible thought though," he whispers, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement, nerves and tenderness.
You pause for a moment, taking in Johnny's words, honesty and vulnerability shines from his eyes. 
“No, it isn’t,” you finally say, finally letting yourself imagine it without any sense of fear or doubt about what Johnny would think of it. The idea of him holding a little girl, makes a smile tug at the corner of your mouth, and you suddenly feel like you’re about to cry. Just earlier today the idea seemed scary to you since you and Johnny never have talked about children, but now as you look into his eyes, your smile mirrored on his face, you aren’t that scared anymore.  
“It’s actually a little weird that she said that, because earlier when I was playing with Noah and Oliver I couldn’t help but imagine us having a wean of our own… It’s actually something I’ve been thinking about for a while now..." 
Your heart skips a beat at his confession, the weight of his words sinking in. You can see the sincerity in his eyes, and a wave of emotions washes over you. “Really?” you ask softly, your voice filled with a mix of joy and curiosity. “You want a baby with me..?”
“Yeah, I really do, love," he says softly. 
"I think I would like that,” you say, your voice filled with sincerity. Johnny smiles, his eyes reflecting his love for you. 
You lean in and press a gentle kiss to his lips, feeling the connection between you deepen. In that moment, you both know that this conversation is just the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. It's a chapter filled with love, hope, and the possibility of bringing a new life into the world. As you both cuddle in the warmth of each other's embrace, you feel a sense of peace and excitement wash over you. The weight of Aunt Maggie's comment no longer lingers heavily on your shoulders. Instead, it's been replaced with the knowledge that you and Johnny are on the same page. 
With a renewed sense of love and purpose, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep, knowing that the future holds endless possibilities for you and Johnny, both as a couple and as future parents.
Part two
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crashandlivewrites · 4 months
Bathroom Habits with the 141 Boys
These were random thoughts that I had so I wanted to make it a thing with some input from @soapsgf
TF141 x GN!Reader
CW: it gets mildly steamy in a couple of them, but relatively domestic otherwise
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Chronic shower sharer. If you’re showering, he’s showering. Just enjoys spending the time with you
Hogs the water and adjusts the temperature for his liking, even if you got in there first
Washes your hair and body tenderly, massaging you gently with your favourite soaps and presses soft kisses to your shoulders as the water rinses your skin
Always comments on the smell of everything and tells you his favourites so you buy them again. Also takes into consideration the smells you like best on him
Loves when you return the favour and wash him. He’s a glutton for being pampered
Avid skin-care enthusiast. You don’t get skin that pretty without some TLC. Definitely takes sunscreen away with him
If you’re into skin-care as well, he enjoys doing it together (read: he enjoys lying in your lap and having you take care of his skin for him. Don’t worry, he’ll return the favour)
Does enjoy a cheeky swipe of moisturiser on your face when you’re not paying attention then bolts out of the room before you can retaliate
He’s also a neat man, meticulously laying out your bathroom bench or shelves with products so they’re easy to grab
Enjoys having his face mostly clean shaven when he’s home, but goes to a barber more often than doing it himself
Pushes the toothpaste from the bottom, making it easy to get most of it out
John Price
Not really a fan of sharing showers but enjoys sharing the bathroom at the same time
He likes doing his beard routine/ casual trims if you’re in the shower and vice versa for your small daily tasks whether it be hair or skin care
However, if you are looking to have a bath and you have one big enough to hold you both? You can be damn sure he’s joining you
Also makes it a big deal when he’s back. There’s candles, drinks, bath salts, and a movie playing in the background as you relax, back against his chest
Cannot keep his hands to himself. As you’re paying attention to the movie, his hands are gliding down your sides and over your thighs
Tells you to keep focusing on the movie if you start squirming too much before doubling down
Not big on skin care, but has a beard care range. Thoroughly enjoys spending his time re-shaping his beard especially after coming back, then having you keep up the smaller trims here and there
Does let you put moisturiser and sunscreen on his face but that’s it
Enjoys brushing, stroking, and/ or braiding your hair as you brush your teeth
Sits on the toilet for an hour despite knowing it’s bad for his bowel health
Clenches the middle of the toothpaste tube initially, but does push it up from the bottom when it gets low
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Gremlin in the bathroom. Invades your space. Like Kyle; if you’re showering, he’s showering even if he’s already washed himself for the day
Unapologetically pees in the shower and on you if you’re not careful
Enjoys washing you. Or rather, your chest. Loves soapy nipples. It’s the cleanest part of your body
Also abuses your body with the detachable shower head, holding it between your legs as he pins you to the wall, making you whine
Encourages you to wash him too, trapping your wrists and running your hands over his body suggestively
Can’t have a minute alone with this man. Always has something to talk to you about or show you so there’s no point closing the door
Washes his face with water; bar soap if he’s particularly dirty. We all know he’s a 3 in 1 user
Skin is crusty when he comes back from missions but sits pretty for you if you want to put moisturiser on his face (read: you’ll have to sit on his chest and pin him down but he likes it)
Also another one to spend an hour on the toilet but doesn’t think it’s an issue. Wants you to sit in there with him (no thanks)
Adores it when you shave his mohawk for him. Pretends he can’t do it himself if you’re around. Loves the way your eyes squint in concentration and move his head around forcefully, barking orders at him to sit still
Squeezes the toothpaste right at the top, doesn’t close the lid and leaves it in the sink
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Like Price, also not a shower sharer fan, especially early on in the relationship
The size of him is the main reason, but also wary of making you anxious about his heavily scarred body
No preference of soap or shampoo, probably whatever he’s stolen from base. Also doesn’t use conditioner
Doesn’t mind sharing the bathroom with you though once he gets comfortable, if you happen to be in there at the same time
If you’re having a bath, he won’t join you in the bath, but rather sit next to it on a stool either silently or having quiet conversations with you
Does love washing your hair as he enjoys the way you moan softly at the feeling of his strong hands pressing into your scalp
Always takes deep breaths of your hair and skin when it’s clean, committing the smell to memory
He wears a mask most of the time. He has acne because he doesn’t really wash it, especially on deployment
Doesn’t really care about treating it, but sits for you if you express an interest in taking care of it for him. He won’t admit it, but he is also a glutton for being pampered
Tries to remember what you’ve told him but forgets when he’s away. Sometimes he remembers moisturiser and sunscreen, but it’s a bit hit and miss
Toothpaste looks like he’s had it for years. All shrivelled, cut open, and squeezed to high hell in order to get every bit out
Thank you for reading!! If you have any requests for hc’s, don’t be afraid to send them through!
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teamblck · 4 months
okay but being a bookworm and your strong military boyfriend takes you shopping at a bookstore and follows you around carrying all your books and every time you start rambling about a book you’ve picked up they get a small loving smile on their face
characters in mind while writing- könig, john mactavish, simon riley, kyle garrick, john price
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shadow4-1 · 2 months
I'm just imagining unknowingly giving the 141 boners.
Like, you're just minding your own business. You don't even wear revealing clothes.
For Soap, he gets hard when you get physical with him. Working out, wrestling, or just moving around. Watching you sprint makes him hungry for you. His brain imagines you panting, bent over in those tiny shorts, and flushed with heat. He's not shy about adjusting himself in his shorts either.
For Gaz, it's when you're typing away on a laptop or doing something with some finesse. Watching your fingers work gets him wound up. He can't help but imagine what your grip would feel like around him, or if you'd work him with just as much ease as you do everything else. He's pretty good about discreetly adjusting himself so you won't see his hard-on.
For Price, it's watching you drink something. He feels an unnecessarily large urge to pull your canteen away from your lips just to see the wetness dripping from them. Watching you greedily suck down water makes him throb. He can't help but imagine what it'd look like to have your soft, wet little mouth wrapped tight around him. He stays hard for awhile, but he's pretty good about talking himself down. He could easily have you anyway he wants, but he's better than that. He'll let you come to him.
For Ghost, it's watching you interact with the rest of the team. Watching you get hugs and pats from Soap and Gaz makes him ache with jealousy. He wants you and he's always hard for you. He doesn't even try to hide it.
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