#goyim shut up challenge
morganas-simp · 2 months
If you are not Jewish you don’t get to say what is and isn’t antisemitic.
I don’t care if you have a Jewish boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, brother, sister or whatever.
You have no say in this.
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inklingm8 · 3 months
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@elenajones23 first of all, who are you, a non Jew to lecture me about what my religion does or doesn’t allow? Who are you to tell me, as someone who doesn't practice the same religion, that I can or cannot do things?
The Torah isn’t a simple set of guidelines and commands, it’s far more complex than that. It has different interpritations, so saying the torah doesn't allow it is blatantly false. The name "Zion" (Promised land) is mentioned 154 times.
“It isn’t your land and it never was your land” bullshit.
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We absolutely do have a land, if we don't, then why do we have holy sights in Jerusalem? Why are names like "Jaffa" and "Haifa" Hebrew?
The land of Israel is where my ancestors came from, it is where they lived, it is where they had a connection to, and it is where they suffered under the romans and were exiled.
We were never welcomed in Europe, we were never welcomed in the rest of the middle east.
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These are ancient scrolls called the "Dead sea scrolls" which are a set of ancient Jewish writings dating from the 3rd century BCE.
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This is all of what remains of our ancient temple, this is what it once was:
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The first temple is Solomon's temple, the second one is Herod's temple, which was destroyed in 70CE by the romans. centuries later, the Muslim caliphates built the Al Aqsa mosque which was built on top of our temple mount. Today, the west wall is all we have left of this historic holy place.
The name "Palestine" was given to the land of Israel by roman colonisers who exiled most of us from the land of Israel, took many of us slaves, and scattered everyone else through western Europe (Some moved further east).
Now about the Nazis = Zionist argument. The Nazis originally made a deal with German Zionist Jews (The Haavara agreement) to bring about a mass migration from Germany to Israel, it should be mentioned that this was because Hitler and the Nazis wanted a Jew-Free Europe, not because the Nazis supported Zionism.
This deal was criticized by both Nazis and Zionists. Zionist criticised it because it made a deal with the devil, and the Nazis criticised it because it went against their philosophy.
The Nazis were extremely antizionist, the belief that they were Zionists is soviet cold war propaganda to demonise the state of Israel and the broader Jewish community. They believed that Jews were biologically incapable of running their own state and were too inferior. Hitler had a "Palestinian" friend (Amin al-Husseini) who campaigned in Berlin, fought for a Palestinian state, and even CONTRIBUTED TO THE HOLOCAUST. They also lead a boycott of Jewish businesses in "Palestine".
So, you're wrong. So very very wrong. You can try to lecture me about the history of my own people and religion all you want, but you're wrong.
Please, kindly fuck off and read a history book. Please attend a Synagogue service and learn more about our religion before you come spewing false bullshit about it.
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pinkwitchbolt · 3 months
Pov: you were a Jew living in israel, who did not identify as a zionist like at all. then 07.10.23 happened and the internet's antisemitism started butchering the term zionism and using it as an aquivilent to a jewish nazi or some shit, although that's not what that means like at all. So now you're just a little bit of a zionist, out of pure spite.
Sorry internet, being 'anti-zionism' is actually just a fancy way of saying you're antisemitic af and/or don't know shit about the conflict or the history of i/p.
Enter my blog if you wanna know my political beliefs. (Spoiler- I've been vouching and doing activism for peace in i/p literally my entire life. And i wonder what have YOU done regarting the i/p conflict, except spreading misinformation and violence online.)
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
actually i’m not done rambling about this.
people have been harassing jews out of liberal, leftist, and queer spaces for decades, blaming us for what’s going on in israel/palestine, falling for christian supersessionism and labeling us as antiquated, mocking our laws and culture, telling us we can’t possibly be progressive if we’re religious and that we’re not actually jewish if we’re not religious, refusing to acknowledge the unique discrimination and oppression we face all over the world, including the united states. i have dozens of stories about how horrible leftists in particular have treated me as a jew. so to see people flouncing around on social media saying “just convert to judaism and then you can get abortions!!!!!!” is not only mindnumbingly stupid but a slap in the fucking face. y’all have never shown up for jews. i have been consistently and deeply let down by non jewish leftists, specifically white non jewish leftists, to the point where i really only feel comfortable interacting with other left leaning jews or in spaces that are at least partially under the jurisdiction of jewish voices.
the fucking audacity y’all have after the barrage of harassment jews received all over the internet and in real life - primarily from white leftists and liberals - after what happened in gaza in 2021, straight up invoking dual loyalty, blood libel, and every other fucking antisemitic trope in the book to the point where i and other jews had to stop wearing things that made us identifiable as jewish in public, for you to now turn around and use us as a tool in your plan to liberate yourselves that won’t even fucking work because this country doesn’t recognize freedom of religion for anyone but conservative christians, that is just fucking laughable. 
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I’m just a Jewish girl on my hands and knees begging the world to stop fandomizing this war.
Acting like this war is just some child’s t.v show, this is incredibly nuanced topic with, bad and good people on both sides. Acting like this is some simple “good guy versus bad guy” war harms both Israelis and Palestinians.
Real people lives are at stake, this isn’t avatar or the hunger games, it’s not fictional characters at stake, it’s real life people, and you’re using them as tokens.
Not to mention this ideal harms diaspora Jews. To the world it gives them reason to be antisemitic, because it makes it look like the Jews are the villains here.
So please world stop making this war so fandom war! It just harms people!
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jewish-vents · 2 months
americans stop treating genuine horrific complicated multifaceted conflicts as sports games with a heavy side of millennia-old bigotry challenge
the challenge is impossible 😭
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kelluinox · 2 months
"The colonial practice of zionism..." you know, if you don't even know the basic FACT that jews come from Judea and therefore cannot be colonizers in their own land, then maybe you shouldn't be speaking about things you neither know nor understand? Only two words into a sentence and you're already wrong. Truly, every day you absolute uneducated baffoons on here and twitter are just continuously proving that before the age of internet only your family knew you were a fool
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shinekocreator · 6 months
Had this woman (her IG bio said Rome and London) tell me that I should sympathise with the innocent Palestinians and be mad at the Israeli occupation. She commented on a post about the tearing down of kidnapped Israeli posters that we should also put up posters about the Palestinians. She really out here "all lives matter"ing and then has the audacity to tell me I should care about Palestinians more than my own people like she knows anything about me
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Someone on Facebook was saying they were kind of upset that their kid’s school wasn’t going to do any sort of “winter holiday” (ie Christmas) pageant even though they weren’t religious they just wanted to have that experience with their kid. I said that it was actually cool that the school wasn’t doing this because no matter how you feel about Christmas it’s still a religious holiday and that if you wanted that experience you should go to a church or have your kid in a religious school.
As a Jewish person it actually wasn’t that fun singing even mostly not explicitly religious songs for the “winter holidays”. I got accused of hating cheer by this person. I’ve had friends be accused of abusing their kids because they don’t celebrate Christmas! A historical tradition among Jews was to stay up on Christmas Eve just in case a bunch of Christians decided that they wanted to kill all of us. So many fucking pograms happened on Christmas!!!!
Like cultural Christianity isn’t something a person can be. It’s a way of thinking that’s been influenced by living in a majority Christian country. This is a great example of what it means. It’s impossible to separate religion from a religious holiday. It’s fine if an atheist wants to celebrate Christmas but it’s not possible to celebrate Christ from it. I actually dislike this time of year a lot. I can’t escape Christmas music or well meaning wishes of merry Christmas. It’s fucking fine if you want to celebrate it but don’t accuse Jews of being hateful grinches because we don’t fucking want to be forced to interact with anything Christian.
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jew-flexive · 2 years
so according to aoc, the reason we don’t have universal healthcare in the unites states is….israel. hm.
how convenient.
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dearest--gertrude · 3 days
remember when people would get death threat anons for blogging anti moffat comments in the sherlock main tag instead of the designated moffat hate tag? yeah that was actually good because nowadays people are fearlessly blogging completely irrelevant anti-zionist content in the passover tag
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inklingm8 · 2 months
The Irony of some Goyim
I don't know how many times I have been called antisemitic (yeah i know) by goyim and "antizionists" for defending our right to exist.
I have heard such bullshit as "Zionism is antisemitic" and "you're antisemitic for attacking chomsky (of all fucking people)" and in that same sentence accuse me of "overexaggerating the holocaust" and being a "jewish supremacist".
The absolute pure stupidity of some people on this site is becoming a serious issue and should be tackled. I no longer have much faith that we will ever be able to live in peace with these people.
If you are one of these people, shut the fuck up about Jewish affairs, you have no say in what is and isnt antisemitic, and read a damn history book PLEASE!
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pinkwitchbolt · 3 months
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Pov: this is Herzel reading whatever the fuck that comment is:
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
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every goy that says this willfully ignorant and blatantly antisemitic bullshit owes me $100.
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melancholic-pigeon · 2 months
I'm sure I'm not the first person to notice this but it IS super weird to see so many leftists
get told they're being rampantly antisemitic
fact check (which is a good instict!)
realize they've been hitting Antisemite Bingo with every post they make
...and instead of going "oh shit, I didn't realize it was that baked into all of society, I really need to listen to more Jews about this and do better not to perpetuate hatred towards them"
they go "well, I do all of this, and I'm a good person, so those filthy Jews Zionists must secretly control the media!"
It's especially weird when they know better than to do this to any other minority, but somehow when it's Jews it's acceptible as long as you call them Zionists before hate-criming them.
This is probably why the denial is so high, though. They HAVE to believe leftist antisemitism isn't a problem, because if they believe it's a problem then THEY are the problem, and that interferes with their mental image of themselves as Righteous Revolutionaries.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
One of tumblr's favorite white dude podcasters has been posting endlessly on bluesky (one of the sites trying to be the new twitter) about how Jews are hysterical and lying and worrying about antisemitism is a "moral panic" and I'm just. so. tired. Do goyim really have nothing better to do? Why are they so obsessed with us? Why does every aspect of their lives need to revolve around talking shit about Jews?
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