#guess i'll cross that bridge when i get to it !
apparently-artless · 3 days
To every aromantic people in the entire world: YOU ARE VALID. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL GIFT. YOU ARE LOVED. I SEE YOU.
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So I actually got the chance to tell my mother and my brother about me being aroace. My sister who lives with me already knew. To be honest, you could say that they are not aware that such gender exists. But one thing I was able to confirm is that they respect and support the LQBTQIA+ community. In fact, back when I was still figuring out my gender, I already talked to my mom about it. And she told me that she's okay with it if I'll turn out to be a lesbian. And so a few months back, when I got the chance to go home, I took it as an opportunity to let them know. I explained to them what aromantic and asexual meant, although I think they pretty much had a general idea. Their initial reaction is "but that would be lonely" which I would take as a positive reaction all things considered. I can understand that they are concerned about me not finding a partner and that I may end up alone in the future. My mom also added that maybe after 10 years or so, I might change my mind. I just explained to her that yeah, I will still be an aroace 10 years from now but it's not like I'm fully dismissing the possibility of finding a partner. Who knows, I might find someone like me. But I'll cross the bridge if ever I actually get there.
Anyway, my family still loves me and respect my decisions. And I know they will still be there for me in the future no matter what. I guess as someone who is an aroace, it's up to me to make them understand (maybe not in an entirely full understanding but so much as to accept) that I can also live a happy life without being in a relationship. That it's not a requirement in life and that it doesn't make me a lesser person. So that in the future, if they encounter another aromantic and/or asexual person just like me, they would know what to say and not to say.
To those who managed to read up until this point, thank you! And I hope that in the future, more and more people would be aware of ARO/ACE/AROACE spec.
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"It is done, my Champion. When this world comes to heel, you will be my blade in the dark. Together we will remind mortals why they once feared the night."
Guess who just finished Mordremoth's Fang the other night. :)
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forestwhisper3 · 6 months
I'm a bit behind now, but here's day 3 of Risecember:
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The theme was "Elf," and who better than Donnie? After all, elves make all the toys.
(Who knows what this mad scientist has made for his family, though)
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Day 4 is the one I need to catch up on, and since it's 1 am now, I need to do day 5, too. But I'll catch up.
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k1ttysh1ft4r · 10 months
Scripting struggles
I'm changing my magical girl outfit and I have 5 I like and I cant pick one... they don't even match the magic I gave myself anyways idk why I'm like this...
Anyways I'm just taking them all 🤷🏾‍♀️ when I wear them in my DR I'll decide which ones I want to keep.
On that note I need to pick a wand/weapon too. The struggle starts again.
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wereh0gz · 7 months
Ok so. I've decided that I'm for sure gonna get a binder. I looked at Spectrum Outfitters specifically and they seem pretty good. I've already taken my measurements and everything so I know what size I should get and I've looked into y'know how to put it on and how to bind safely and all that stuff. Just need to choose what color I want :] (probably the hardest part of this whole thing lmao)
HOWEVER. I don't have enough money for it right now and I haven't talked abt this at all with my mom (I kinda.. don't want to explain all of this to her. She's very supportive of me and I'm sure she'd be cool with it but idk it's still scary and awkward and I don't wanna deal with that) so I was thinking of setting up a goal on my kofi and holding a sale for my comms so I can get enough money for it by myself + just have some extra cash for other unrelated stuff. Since this is a pretty personal thing for me I wanna do it all on my own and not have to go through mom first for once. I wanna feel like an adult and do things for myself y'know
So yeah point is I'll probably try and do a holiday sale for my comms soon to hopefully get enough to cover that so stay tuned :]
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theirloveisgross · 2 months
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magicstormfrostfire · 5 months
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e2019 · 9 months
stealing catalytic converters seems way too easy and so so profitable. i often work overnights at car dealerships and/or random commercial parking lots all by myself idk for how much longer i'll be able to control myself
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viric-dreams · 9 months
SMEN seemed incredibly stressful and unrewarding gameplay-wise, so I'd decided to just Not... But after reading about the actual lore I'm not sure how Ockham can spend that much time in the Parabola and not somehow get involved. Fingerkings, take the wheel.
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axewchao · 1 year
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Playing with Power-Ups
Since Leon and Dusty (as well as the rest of their friend group) started out in the Marioverse, it's only fitting that I try giving them power-ups at least once :3
But I wasn't gonna risk nearly crashing the program like I did the last couple times I drew all five of them in one pic, so it's just Leon and Dusty for now, with the super leaf and boomerang flower respectively! Complete with both human and hooman versions because it took like... I dunno, ten minutes to edit the differences =w=)b
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bearsgrove · 1 year
crying, coughing up blood, screaming and biting as im selecting my art pieces to sell on inprnt
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etherealnoir · 1 year
My mom is so afraid of the world at large that she can't imagine me wanting to live someplace else. I told her that, if I have kids, I won't raise them here in the US. She said she thought that was silly because racism is everywhere.
But racism isn't the only issue here in the US, especially when it comes to the welfare of children and pregnant people.
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bunnymajo · 2 years
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Oh. It’s this.
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I’ve been warned of you…
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chaoticsoft · 6 months
Believing for the brown, curvy, leftist best friend of my dreams to find me soon. An emotionally mature, emotionally healthy (not in an ableist way, in a "you're aware of and have mostly processed your childhood trauma and it is no longer actively sabotaging your life and relationships" way) earth sign would be lovely. Or Scorpio or Cancer placements. Someone ideologically aligned with me, I'm so exhausted with the apolitical mentality of my past friends. Someone from a multicultural (or just a nonwhite) background; it is so deeply lonely being my friends' only "ethnic" friend; being the only one in conversations who has that lens they see the world through that my past and current friends are just oblivious and apathetic to.
I don't want to teach them. Challenge them. "Help them grow." I don't want to do that anymore. It is beyond exhausting. All my life I've been like water to my friends, adjusting myself to the shape of their container. Finally, I want someone who matches me, meets me how I actually am. Attuned and aligned with me.
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rcharsals · 11 months
º ✧ 。––– in . º ✧ 。––– dc . º ✧ 。––– answered .
º ✧ 。––– out . º ✧ 。––– my edits . º ✧ 。––– images . º ✧ 。––– musings . º ✧ 。––– isms . º ✧ 。––– dg . º ✧ 。––– video . º ✧ 。––– music . º ✧ 。––– aesthetics . º ✧ 。––– hcs .
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monster-noises · 11 months
BARTHOLOMEW!! I went to my first ren fair in over 15 years a few weekends ago and got inducted into the royal mycelium society! Anyway how was your weekend?? 🎃
The JEALOUSY i feel omg.......
Welcome to the royal court of the mush!!!!!!
I woooooorked all weekeeeeeeend
I get every other weekend off and this was my On weekend, so i closed yesterday and did a 9-6 today AUGH terrible...
I get tomorrow off though so that's fun
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