#harrier's rambles
newcronomicon · 10 months
cringe culture is dead put cute stickers all over the old men
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bubblingsteam · 14 days
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linktoo · 10 months
kim's responses to you naming the case are making me mental bc they say so much about him. lets break it down
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ok makes sense. It's the only option you can end up settling on in the end without him asking for another name. he likes how simple and effective it is. Kind of "cool detective" vibes in his book. tbh it's more hilarious in another dialogue path where you end up deciding on the same name
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Kim doesn't like fancy poetic stuff.. he likes it cut and dry. as an art cop if you're painting a mural kim still lets you play around with it, but he rolls his eyes and sighs. It's not like he hates all creativity, he later wistfully quotes the moral intern motto "A blue forget-me-not, a piece of the sky". like he just clearly isn't the type for abstract concepts and flowery poetry without a clear point.
This makes me also wonder if this was incorporated conversation when the devs changed the game title from "No Truce with the Furies" to "Disco Elysium".
EDIT: and because I've seen a lot of people bring this up; suggesting this stays with him. Kim does use this name in honour of you if he gets shot at the tribunal.
YOU - What is the name?
ESPRIT DE CORPS - Twenty-eight kilometres to the northeast, in the infirmary of Precinct 57, Lieutenant Kim 'Pinball' Kitsuragi rests under a heart monitor. A triage sign coloured yellow hangs from his injury record -- safe, it means. He coughs, propped up against the pillow. ESPRIT DE CORPS - On his right hand side -- a little blue notebook. Open at case notes..
CONCEPTUALIZATION - He went with the 'Furies'. Perhaps the internal strife it implies was not so off after all? Or perhaps to honour your wishes? Or for some other reason. Hard to say...
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we get another technical name that kim likes because it's simple and straightforward but doesn't mean anything about the case. lmfao.
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kim doesn't like crass humour for no reason. He does give tasteless names to his cases like "THE MAN WITH THE HOLE IN HIS HEAD" but nothing glaringly offensive.
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5. I dont have one
ok this is where it gets funny because now you get to decide if kim gets to say what name he wants for the case.
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1. No.
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he gets fucking pissed and he likes you less
2. Go ahead.
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It's clear how much he likes it. but you don't get any kim reputation points if you let him name it, you get kim points if you approve.
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he gets pissed if you don't like it.
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whether you mock him or not.
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3. Let me guess- the HANGED MAN?
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doesn't matter you beat him to it, this guy gets happy if you suggest the same name as him... lmfao.
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jajatoc · 10 months
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Part 1
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I love Harry so much.
I mean, he wakes up into a world that he doesn't understand and he has no frame of reference for anything, he doesn't even know the alphabet! He wakes up alone and knows nothing about himself but is still faced with the aftereffects of his past. He knows he's been hurt but he cannot remember how or why.
And then he learns things about himself, horrible things. He learns that he killed people that didn't deserve it, he burned all of his bridges, he was mean and angry and treated everyone around him like shit because that's how he was treated. He learns that he was sad and lonely and actively wanted to die, that he did everything he physically could do to make sure he could escape the feeling of constant dread.
If you played it the way I did, and how most people seemingly did, that version of Harry is so far removed from in game Harry. He had barely any time to establish who he is as a person and it's precisely at that moment when he has Kim and has helped people and connected with the people of Martinaise when it's kind of torn away from him. And I honestly wouldn't know what to do in that situation. Learning about all the truly fucked up shit you've done seems life ruining, the guilt alone would probably destroy me. But Harry just takes it? Like yes he has moments where he feels horribly guilty and remorseful about what he's done, but he doesn't give up. He keeps going, he stays connected with the people around him, he continues to make efforts to be kind and caring, he wants to help others. He still thinks that life is worth living and that he can be better.
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
Harry and his relationship with his own disability is so tragic to me. Because you have this man who is disabled in *so* many different ways, he's physically paralysed in his jaw, he's got severe nerve damage and internally his organs are going into shutdown due to the alcohol/drug use, but then on top of that you have the mental illness, the depression, the potential schizophrenia, the adhd/autism and you end up with this man who is in So Much Pain all the time from every imaginable angle. He's overstimulated every second of every day. Everything hurts him, including light and sounds. The world screams at him. He can't emote in a way that others relate to. Every inch of him physically hurts and he's one insult away from death. He can't get better- chronic illness is chronic illness, he's just going to be *like that* forever- so what is there left to do but get worse?
And then he's trapped in a system that values capital above human life. Capitalism treats disabled people like burdens but that won't stop them from wringing every last drop of life out of you. Empathy isn't profitable. The only percieved worth he has to the society around him is his productivity, his work for the RCM maintaining the status quo for capitalist interests, and its so entwined with *who he is* that it's impossible to separate him out from it. He is the Law. A force, not a human. He has to dehumanise himself to keep going. And really he does have to keep going, like a shark dying if they stop moving; there is no other option for him. What chance is there for him if he stops working? He's institutionalised- the RCM quite literally lives in his brain as esprit de corps. He can't escape them. He is the infernal engine. He will never stop. But his body, his health, are collateral damage. And to Harry, all that is inconsequential as long as he's doing his job.
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autiezo · 3 months
Come, I will briefly explain what Disco Elysium is to someone who has never played it before. No spoilers. Reblog if you want your friends to understand DE.
it's a book disguised as a game. A majestic, miracle masterpiece, and I'm not even exaggerating.
Disco Elysium is where you wake up with zero memory of yourself and the world, and you still have to solve a murder case. Over time, you realise that you weren't a good person in your past, and you can work to be better or get worse.
There's tons of dark + goofy humour and it's all fantastically voice-acted and written. The commentary on psychology, grief, addiction and politics are very tasteful and wonderfully fleshed out. There's quality meme material and angst everywhere; that'd be sure to give you so many laughs and sombre feelings.
Revachol loves you. In here, it's almost always safe to fall, fail, and rise up again.
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I’ve not seen this specific topic discussed when people talk about Disco Elysium yet so I’d like to mention it cause I think it’s so so so cool.
So Harry ripped the shit out of that poor poor Skua right? Garte thinks Sylvie did it because she was angry at him but that’s not the case at all, Harry was just super fucked up and took his mad anger rage out on that little taxidermy’d bird.
This detail is largely irrelevant to most things, merely showing how much of a roiling mass of sadness Harry was before we met him (and giving Garte another reason to be sad).
But dear reader, what if I told you it could have far reaching symbolic significance. Let me explain.
Joyce says:
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“Proof of reality”, and our little Harrier in an attempt to destroy his being and erase himself from reality, brutally breaks the insulinde’s symbol of that proof right before losing himself in a sea of neurotoxin, forgetting all that ties him here.
Is that anything? Idk, I just think it could be cool
It’s also a symbol of hope and stuff, Harry’s hope being destroyed (he himself killing the bird symbolising hope and new beginnings)
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BUT through the progress of the game we can repair that hope in a new way, not by easily fixing the old Skua, but by finding a new bird, the Ruffled Grouse. A different sort of hope for a different sort of Harry. A New New New New start for him, if you will. Proof that Harry can change and feel bad about the awful things he has done/ does, isn’t that nice?
It’s also a symbol of the advent of Dolorianism which is also fun to draw parallels to. 51’ is a shit time to be living in Revachol, so maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit get ‘Le Retour’ going and do away with Dolorianism, usher in a new age by stamping on the old imperial one, let’s hope Harry’s an Innocence or something. (and hopefully a Harry that is now removed from Delores and hopefully on a path of truly moving on from her, like Jesus SIX YEARS dude)
That’s all I wanted to say, I’m sure other people have said similar things about this, I just think it’s nice to draw parallels between things in this subtext rich game.
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I started Disco Elysium this week and im obsessed im already 25 hours in i cnat belive it took me so long to play it im just so excited its so good im literally harry du bois i love my bff kim i love solving crime rahhhhh
The only hard part has been avoiding spoilers ive forced myself not to look anything up about it not even reddit hints or Pinterest art or anything. I want to see art of everyone so baddd ahhhhhh
I actually started sobbing that first night when your dreaming and talk to your hanging body. Im glad im playing this now because i just got out of rehab (almost 3 months sober!) and Harry really connects with me those feelings those urges and the regret and guilt. Somtimes its almost to much when I discovered his crashed car and i could feel the pit of my stomach ive been there waking up after a blackout and that feeling or guilt, terror, denial, they capture it so well.
Im also avoiding same scumming besides to go back to hear all of kims unique dialogue
It is a little slow at times and the skill checks have been frustrating but i just love it I actually feel like a spitfire detective solving crime. Like im making real notes in my notes app and putting stuff together constantly just eeeeeeeee
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o-wyrmlight · 4 months
Did you know that there's a harrier dog breed
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H. Harrier Du Bois. Get it. Because th. The dog is a. Harrier dog. And Harrier is Harry's name. You get it. Give him a dog. Harrier and his harrier. Harry and Hairy. Yeah. Anyway
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zkyeline · 1 year
I miss my girlfriend(the wip on my program of which I see every time I open it up)
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newcronomicon · 9 months
on my movie watching shit again and i swear to fuck how is this not a david firth project, this looks almost exactly like his current style
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tawreline · 1 year
when I first started the game, and was told that Harry loved disco my eyebrow definitely popped up because. the 70s? in our time, that era was about gay liberation and possibly the peak of gender fluidity, music, dance and art. he loves that era, and its message of liberation/openness because of how he's repressed and rather wishes he wasn't. Disco clubs (in the real world) were very popular among the gay community because, for short periods of time, people of the same sex were allowed to openly dance with each other.
and even if the game didn't confirm he's bisexual, i'd still be convinced only a queer man can pull off mustard bell bottoms, crocodile skin heels and that haircut and still make it look good
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quillheel · 7 months
@playedbetter // harry & kim!
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the wind ( breeze, don't be so dramatic. ) rakes its nails through him, and has been doing so for the past eighteen-turning-nineteen minutes that the windows had been opened. The air inside Harry's apartment was the kind of air of someone who didn't have good heating, and knew they didn't have good heating, so they improvised. This was to say it was almost unbearably stuffy, but Spring had been bleeding out into the snow for months now ━ not snow, into the slush. thick and muddy and more ice than anything, caking on the edges of roads where motor carriage wheels didn't shatter them into a thousand tiny pieces. it was a terrible death to die, jagged in the cold.
but with it came a feeble, nervous kind of warmth that slowly settled into the streets, almost sticky in a not-quite-warm not-quite-cold way, most of it man-made from body heat burning holes into the atmosphere and swirling up into an updraft 80 miles above Revachol, one Harry had been studying every time he'd stalled like a failing motor in a cold-spot. mostly written off as lost in thought, perhaps a side-effect of the brain damage or the Pale or whatever it was that resulted in his mind being as fickle and fragmented as it'd become. Not that Harry had much evidence that it wasn't before, either. It wasn't often someone wrote down exactly how their mind worked ━ excluding Kim. Harry wished he worked like Kim. Though, that was generally the norm, not the exception.
Distracted like a dog from his thoughts as they slugged like syrup in his mind, half delusional in the rock-hard tension gripping at the back of his skull and in the front of his cheekbones : he comes back to reality at the cold cloth, fingers twitching upwards at the Lieutenant's hand as it retreats as though for a moment tempted to catch it, and he decides with dizzying conviction that he would die for Kim as it soothes the heat he swears he can see misting off of him in the light. ━ or, actually, he might just be dizzy. It's hard to tell. Kim is absolutely winning points, though.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY ━ Oh, yeah. Caffeine sounds like the best cure you could dream of right now. In '19s, it was in everything. It's nature's cure-all, or so you've heard, and if they gave it to children with measles during the epidemic in the '20s, why wouldn't it work on you? Maybe it'll fix whatever's wrong with your throat right now, too. The white splotchy bits. You know the ones.
He did not, in-fact, know the ones, but that was a problem in a never-ending growing list and/or battle for future him. He didn't have the heart to logic his way out of this line of thinking, nor to even consider whether or not he had coffee in his apartment at all. ( He was pretty sure his ability for logical thought was stranded somewhere in his fore-head's sinus cavities, alongside his hand-eye coordination. )
" Coff'hh.. " is what comes out of his throat, rasped and thick ━ It might've been genuinely attractive if it was intentional, and vocal chords not so heavy with mucus. Instead, it mostly just sounds like a dying man's final plea. Most things out of Harry's mouth sounded like that.
" Thank y'h, Kim... " a strong hhh-sound hangs from the K in Kim's name like a heavy weight, breathless as he expresses his endless gratitude. the years of heart problems and breathing in smog sought vengeance upon him now, in his weakest moments. ━ Okay, well, maybe not his weakest. That would've been when he was recently shot in Martinaise and, if he remembers correctly, running a fever of 110. But still! he had a point.
there's a tender few minutes of inactivity as Kim is occupied, ribs aching and air filled with the sound of traffic, wheezing and Kim's footsteps, before spite becomes a motivator and lights his veins on fire with antsyness. undexterous hands flail for a moment before finding purchase, couch groaning against his nails, and he hauls himself sitting upright ━ Sorry, Kimmo. He's a busy man, he can't stay lying down fore-
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT : Critical Failure. ━ You really shouldn't have done that.
Oh, that's a lot of blood going to his head.
For a few minutes he stays tensely still as his brain pounds and writhes in his skull with the sudden change of elevation, head bobbing like a poppy on its stalk, before his vision comes back to him in the white splotches he'd lost it to, and he slowly regains activity. Okay, standing, not an option, not even gonna try that one, got it. Well, he could still look at the paperwork he has to do! Get some of that done! ( Regardless of how boring it is... )
It's only when the loud shuffling of his hands pulling out his wedged, stained, and crinkled folder of paperwork from beneath the coffee-table has ceased in his victory and he flips it open to a familiar page, swaying still, that he realizes there's no chance in hell that he can read such small text right now.
" 'Dei, this is fhhucking horseshit... " the intent is mumbling his complaints, but... Well, Harry has never been a quiet man about anything, really.
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Listening to Francis Forever by Mitski in a loop because a) I am mentally ill and b) it reminds me of Harry. I feel like that song captures a lot of his feelings towards him: I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be but I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me.
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inverswayart · 1 year
i've been thinking about Harrier for some time and had a strong feeling that for all their friendship he would definetely clash with Varric - but what over?
i think i have an answer now. see, Harrier is extremely purple kind of Hawke - he is the kind of person to quip while viscount cradles his dead son. and from what i can extrapolate about hawke family pre-game is that Harrier spent most of his life being The Bullshiter and The Storytelling Jokester - with so many things outside of his control (limits of his magic, endless escape fom chatry and templars, Malcolm never giving him the closure of straightforward clear answer on anything, him turning out so much like Malcolm) - and ability and possibility to shape people's perceptions of him was one of few reliable sources of comfort and and a way to protect himself and his family.
but now as Varric takes this niche in their growing friend group all for himself not only Harrier feels like he's losing his ground as the Funny Guy (and consecventially doesn't know how's he supposed to act with people if that role is taken), now that it's Varric who tells his story and shapes his reputation and public perseption Harrier loses one of the few things he could control about his life and realises that now he's basically at mercy of Varric's flair and whims, and that if they are ever to fall out on each other he will gain powerfull enemy - one more thing he'll have to run away from.
and the worst thing is that otherwise Harrier likes Varric a plenty, and Varric likes him even more - Harrier is exact kind of guy Varric wants and is best at telling stories about, and the nore Harrier tries to regain his ground by being insufferable jester, the more Varric writes about him and makes him into The Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall.
(off topic but Varric's nickname for Harrier would definetely be Birdie. or Sweety Tweety (menacing) when Harrier zeroes in on Varric as the butt of the joke)
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