#caleb rambles
I love Harry so much.
I mean, he wakes up into a world that he doesn't understand and he has no frame of reference for anything, he doesn't even know the alphabet! He wakes up alone and knows nothing about himself but is still faced with the aftereffects of his past. He knows he's been hurt but he cannot remember how or why.
And then he learns things about himself, horrible things. He learns that he killed people that didn't deserve it, he burned all of his bridges, he was mean and angry and treated everyone around him like shit because that's how he was treated. He learns that he was sad and lonely and actively wanted to die, that he did everything he physically could do to make sure he could escape the feeling of constant dread.
If you played it the way I did, and how most people seemingly did, that version of Harry is so far removed from in game Harry. He had barely any time to establish who he is as a person and it's precisely at that moment when he has Kim and has helped people and connected with the people of Martinaise when it's kind of torn away from him. And I honestly wouldn't know what to do in that situation. Learning about all the truly fucked up shit you've done seems life ruining, the guilt alone would probably destroy me. But Harry just takes it? Like yes he has moments where he feels horribly guilty and remorseful about what he's done, but he doesn't give up. He keeps going, he stays connected with the people around him, he continues to make efforts to be kind and caring, he wants to help others. He still thinks that life is worth living and that he can be better.
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pass-me-the-dilfs · 9 months
Actually transitioning after years of wanting to transition but not being able to is a whiplash.
I've been on T for five months now and it still feels unreal. I've been waiting to do this since I've known I was trans at 10 years old and I actually get to now?? And I changed my birth certificate a while back but now I'm planning on changing the name on my social so I can get a state id with my actual name and it feels unreal.
I spent so long dreaming of being where I am today, and it's amazing.
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witchesandbirds · 1 year
So apparently, what I'm hearing from sources I shall not disclaim is that witch hunting fell largely out of fashion in the United States-- The colonies aren't colonies anymore (not TOO surprisingly, honestly)-- decades ago! I consider this a win. It and many other practices aren't really the norm anymore. The only remaining "witch hunters" are "social media crazed lunatics" and "so-called history fanatics," and even then, it's scarce.
I also learned that apparently, the werewolf trials were a thing, too. Mostly during the, ah.. 15th-17th centuries, with the last recorded cases sometime in the 18th century. People were punished on the account of "werewolfery." It's a shame, too. Werewolves are such a kind folk! They hardly have a bone to pick with anyone!
Monster hunters are a thing still, though. I don't think they put them to death but from what I'm hearing, hunters will go around dressed in funny, inconvenient clothing with cameras and other gadgets, chasing after giant ape men with large feet and other similar beasts. It's fascinating to me. Truly fascinating. Humanity is an odd sort.
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mothboyzp · 1 month
All the rat grinders count as undead, that's why they kill they're clerics because radient damage hurts undead, also why the rouge is the leader (rouges usually don't take damage due to sneak attack) but this also means the deity they got brought back by is only alive due to the rat grinders and if they die the corrupted version of the diety goes
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sldlovescartoons · 6 months
I just want to take a few minutes to ramble about the inherent hilarity of Caleb Widogast becoming a professor as a level 17 wizard.
Caleb became a professor after turning down becoming an Archmage and deciding that TIME TRAVEL wasn’t for him. While that is all very in character, it’s also crazy as all hell and just very funny to me. Cause like, most of the professors there? Probably around level 8-10. Maybe one or two level 11 or 12, excluding the Headmaster because Archmage.
Level 17-20 is you are a legendary hero, pretty much a Demi-god. Once a character reaches level twenty they only way they can get more powerful is if they start developing legendary resistances and lair actions like Goddamn dungeon boss or bbeg. And Caleb is just. Teaching, and fiddling with the highest level magics and digging out evil on the side. And like, this sort of thing is all true of all the M9, and it’s funny for all of them, it’s just funniest with Caleb to me.
Just- Caleb apologizing to his class for missing a few days, he was dealing with something. Dealing with something being he and Beau were in some epic battle with an evil wizard or something. It’s his go to excuse when he gets caught up in business with Beau or has a high magic accident. “I was dealing with something” could be as simple as the normal he was moving, some friends got married, to he physically fighting corruption, he accidentally trapped himself in a demiplane for 24 hrs while he was trying to figure that spell, ect.
Caleb, chatting with other professors
Random Professor: I finally got Telekinesis working properly. Math isn’t my strongest suit, I got forcefully flung into the ceiling so many times before I figured the equation out with my notations.
Caleb, who has fought Demi-gods, dragons, and can teleport long distance a few times a day if he wants: Ja, I hear that. It’s fun to use for pranks, though.
RP: ???
If a bright wizard of the far future tried to dig into the legendary Wizard Caleb Widogast, after like finding an artifact or scroll Old Man Caleb made or something, they’d have such a weird time. The source of this powerful Magics they found and he was just a dude. He was rumored to have a harem of male lovers (just Essek in his many disguises), he taught transmutation, there is cat imagery all over his stuff, every portrait they find of him has like 12 dicks hidden in it. What the hell?
I just- it’s just really funny to me.
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eyes-of-nine · 8 months
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while canonically impossible I love the idea of gale and caleb being neighbors
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wait wait wait guys have you ever thought about how the Mighty Nein are everything they shouldn’t be upon first glance
no no guys guys listen to me they’re all the antithesis of what they’re meant to be and that’s why they’re such amazing and heartfelt characters
like, Caleb is a wizard who’s afraid of his own fire magic. his own power causes him to falter in battle. his strongest spells are his most dangerous to himself. wizards are supposed to be prideful of their magic, but Caleb’s is the reason he hates himself
Beau is a monk who never wanted to be. her job is one that people normally associate with being calm and collected and Beau was a wild rebellious kid who got dragged into this line of work against her will. she never wanted to be this!! but now she is and she’s gotta deal with it!!
Fjord is a warlock who never wanted power from his pact, which is why you’d think a warlock would make their pact at all. but no. Fjord made his pact because he wanted to live, not because he wanted power. he was a scared orphan who hated his tusks, not a buff, muscled, angry half-orc like people assumed
Nott is NOT, that’s the whole crux of her narrative! she wasn’t pretty, like a halfling girl was supposed to be. she wasn’t a goblin, she was just transformed into one. and not only that, but despite being a three-foot-tall alcoholic kleptomaniac, she’s the mom of the group!
Jester is a Cleric whose god isn’t actually a god and who would much rather bash bad guys over the head with her lollipop than have to stop and heal her friends!! she’s a bubbly, optimistic ray-of-sunshine, but you know when she says she’s gonna change the world with friendship she means it as a threat
Mollymauk is an amnesiac, but he doesn’t want to remember who he was. if you ask him, that wasn’t him! he might be a flirtatious hedonistic carnie, but he’s also single-mindedly devoted to making the world a better and more loved place than it was when he found it. he’s a liar, but he means well. he’s an arrogant fool, yes, but he’s right! he did it! he left it better!
Caduceus seems like he’d be creepy and grim from growing up in a graveyard, but he’s actually the most chill out of the entire Nein by far. he’s calm, he’s sweet, and he’s comforting, more than anything else. you’d think he’d be amazed by seeing the outside world for the first time, but he spends the whole time knowing that one day he’ll return home, that he wasn’t supposed to be the one to leave
Yasha is a barbarian with skeletal wings and a dramatic, monochromatic look, but she’s a complete sweetheart. she’s Molly’s best friend, she was a carnival bouncer, she’s a lesbian disaster who collects pressed flowers in a book out of love for the wife she lost. those black wings were actually hiding soft white feathers
Essek was born straight into the den of politics, he was a spymaster, he literally started a war for his own gain, and yet. he’s sounds irredeemable on paper, but. he’s not!! sure, the Nein kind of have to drag his alignment kicking and screaming into neutral, but they manage it. Essek learns and grows and he overcomes his nature. he becomes good, against all odds
guys guys guys don’t you see it!! look at them!!they’re such compelling characters!! they’re everything they’re not supposed to be!! dude y’all how didn’t I realize this earlier!! they subvert their narratives in the most interesting ways ever and I justhshsbhshshsjnsmshsnhsfn!!
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shadebloopnik · 1 year
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Don't you just love the primary colors?
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No offense but I want Hunter to brag about him and willow next episode I don't care how out of character it is.
I want Eda to exorcise Belos out of puppet!Raine's body and for Hunter to stand over the shambling, melting corpse of the man who abused him and scream "you think you could hurt me? You think you could keep me down? Kill me? WELL YOU CAN'T. AND I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT AFTER I AROSE FROM THE GRAVE, I GOT A GIRLFRIEND. WE HELD HANDS FOR 3 WHOLE SECONDS. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, 3! YOU TRIED TO LEAVE MY BODY RIDDLED WITH SCARS??? JOKES ON YOU! SHE THINKS THAT'S HOT!!!!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES, "UNCLE"???!!!!!" With Zeno doing his best unhinged hunter voice as Caleb fucking Fortnite dances in the background and Belos thrashes about in pain at the mention of premarital hand holding
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letssofia3006 · 10 months
All right, little update before I sumerge myself into the pain of learning how to animate fire.
Cuz this is the next scene in my check list and I'm both excited and scared 😭
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jennifer-jeong · 3 months
Love and Deepspace Men as Memes I Have Saved on My Phone With Little to no Explanation
Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel, Caleb
I was inspired by the lovely @anxiousgoddest heheheheh <3 I'm planning to do this with other fandoms so stay tuned LMAO
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The cat picture is basically how he takes photos with his phone cause he's a boomer
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Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker Zayne lol Yes I just used a TF2 meme in 2024
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No bc do you see what I'm saying, IT'S A PEARL Also yes the graphic design one is a screenshot from Kenji's (a vtuber) video
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He's actually a bully who sends you 0.5x photos of you and himself
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I genuinely didn't even put cat memes in each one on purpose. I just have a lot of cat memes I guess LMAOO
This was very entertaining to make LMAO thank you for reading!
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gorgynei · 1 year
"who would win in a fight percy or caleb" im sorry but that is hydrogen bomb vs crying baby. percy has higher dex higher hp and sooo much damage output. its one round and caleb's out
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pass-me-the-dilfs · 1 month
Anyway I love being gay and finding men attractive. I wanted to be a gay man for so long and now I am one 💪
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dent-de-leon · 1 month
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Forever feeling soft about the fact that Molly found love and joy after feeling so broken and empty. The way he can't help but reach out to other lost, lonely souls. Caleb's quiet, despondent, "I broke a bit." Molly telling Lucien,"We love broken things the most." The way Caleb feels like, "softness and light" to him.
Just...Caleb spending so long isolated and abandoned, believing he was only ever broken. And Molly, who awoke in a world that made him feel lifeless, and Empty, and broken--showing other shattered souls the love and compassion that saved him--
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cryptids--hands · 6 days
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Doodles from watching the first episode of Mighty Nein!! Oh gods, there's so much to binge
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sldlovescartoons · 2 months
Some Professor Widogast thoughts:
So, you know about how weird it is to see a teacher outside of a school setting? That’d definitely be a thing with the Academy students, but at least for most of the Professors it was at normal places like the market or at Balls or whatever. Not Caleb, though, or well yess also then but also other times.
Like you’re a fancy rich kid, you go to fancy wizard school, and you’re doing a rebellion by sneaking out to this underground club with these crazy new age bards and a bar and a fight ring. You feel so badass and then you get there and your Transmutation 101 teacher is there, drunk, getting playfully grinded on the left and right by a purple tiefling and a married halfling that’s husband is dancing on her- and you just leave. Just right away. You don’t even have time to notice Expositor Lionnet trying to get to second base with her wife right behind them.
One student is from a prominent land owner in the Zemni Fields, their family goes to Blumnethal’s festivals to set up stands to sell wares and have a good time. They go to a fight pit that they hear is really cool, they have a keg stand and everything, and they get there and their teacher who’s pushing 40 and teaches their ‘Advanced Components 205’ every Wednesday is doing a keg stand, being held upside down by a blue tiefling and a half orc dressed like they stepped out of smut book with a sea theme, while two scary looking lesbians and and Halfling in sundress cheer him on. And when they let him down, the whole group immediately jumps into the fighting ring and destroy the competition even though the Halfling looks like they are too drunk to see and none of them are in decent gear. The group gets bored right away, start a three way shoulder war/chicken fight, which goes to hell right way because they all try to cheat. The Monk has their Professor in some sort of leg lock when the student’s father drags them out.
A student’s family goes on summer vacation to Nicodranas. To their horror, they find out that Professor Widogast and his friends don’t believe in bathing suits when they go to the beach.
The best part? Everytime something like this happens, nobody believes it.
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