#*distant sobbing* /pos
wait wait wait guys have you ever thought about how the Mighty Nein are everything they shouldn’t be upon first glance
no no guys guys listen to me they’re all the antithesis of what they’re meant to be and that’s why they’re such amazing and heartfelt characters
like, Caleb is a wizard who’s afraid of his own fire magic. his own power causes him to falter in battle. his strongest spells are his most dangerous to himself. wizards are supposed to be prideful of their magic, but Caleb’s is the reason he hates himself
Beau is a monk who never wanted to be. her job is one that people normally associate with being calm and collected and Beau was a wild rebellious kid who got dragged into this line of work against her will. she never wanted to be this!! but now she is and she’s gotta deal with it!!
Fjord is a warlock who never wanted power from his pact, which is why you’d think a warlock would make their pact at all. but no. Fjord made his pact because he wanted to live, not because he wanted power. he was a scared orphan who hated his tusks, not a buff, muscled, angry half-orc like people assumed
Nott is NOT, that’s the whole crux of her narrative! she wasn’t pretty, like a halfling girl was supposed to be. she wasn’t a goblin, she was just transformed into one. and not only that, but despite being a three-foot-tall alcoholic kleptomaniac, she’s the mom of the group!
Jester is a Cleric whose god isn’t actually a god and who would much rather bash bad guys over the head with her lollipop than have to stop and heal her friends!! she’s a bubbly, optimistic ray-of-sunshine, but you know when she says she’s gonna change the world with friendship she means it as a threat
Mollymauk is an amnesiac, but he doesn’t want to remember who he was. if you ask him, that wasn’t him! he might be a flirtatious hedonistic carnie, but he’s also single-mindedly devoted to making the world a better and more loved place than it was when he found it. he’s a liar, but he means well. he’s an arrogant fool, yes, but he’s right! he did it! he left it better!
Caduceus seems like he’d be creepy and grim from growing up in a graveyard, but he’s actually the most chill out of the entire Nein by far. he’s calm, he’s sweet, and he’s comforting, more than anything else. you’d think he’d be amazed by seeing the outside world for the first time, but he spends the whole time knowing that one day he’ll return home, that he wasn’t supposed to be the one to leave
Yasha is a barbarian with skeletal wings and a dramatic, monochromatic look, but she’s a complete sweetheart. she’s Molly’s best friend, she was a carnival bouncer, she’s a lesbian disaster who collects pressed flowers in a book out of love for the wife she lost. those black wings were actually hiding soft white feathers
Essek was born straight into the den of politics, he was a spymaster, he literally started a war for his own gain, and yet. he’s sounds irredeemable on paper, but. he’s not!! sure, the Nein kind of have to drag his alignment kicking and screaming into neutral, but they manage it. Essek learns and grows and he overcomes his nature. he becomes good, against all odds
guys guys guys don’t you see it!! look at them!!they’re such compelling characters!! they’re everything they’re not supposed to be!! dude y’all how didn’t I realize this earlier!! they subvert their narratives in the most interesting ways ever and I justhshsbhshshsjnsmshsnhsfn!!
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
Something about Bubblegum FINALLY referring to Marceline as her girlfriend made me so happy ,,, they were soooo clearly together, they weren't denying it, but actually hearing the words was so sweet :((
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butvega · 8 months
oiiii voce pode escrever alguma coisa pro chenle? pode ser eles amigos ficando pela primeira vez e com vergonha depois mas reconhecendo que eles querem de novo 😭 sei la to obcecada por ele
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vicious — xhong chenle.
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A garrafa gira novamente. Você bebe despretensiosamente um gole de seu guaraná no copo descartável, esperando que escapasse novamente de algum desafio, mas infelizmente o universo conspira contra ti. Larissa, que está à sua frente lhe pergunta, e você teria que escolher.
"Verdade, ou consequência?" — quase debochada, ansiosa, ela lhe pergunta. Reza para que você escolha consequência.
"Ahn... Verdade."
"Ah, porra! Você sempre escolhe verdade!" — é a vez de Pedro reclamar. "Escolhe pagar uma consequência aí pelo menos uma vez na vida, po."
"Eu não tenho direito de escolha não?" — a indignação lhe atinge. O nome do jogo era verdade, ou consequência, e não consequência, ou consequência.
"Moleque sem graça." — você resmunga, passa a olhar novamente para Larissa, que te encara empolgada. "Vai! Consequência mesmo."
"Você vai ter que... "— o suspense te faz revirar os olhos. "Que ficar com o Chenle."
" O QUÊ?" — gritam quase em uníssono.
Você, e Chenle Zhong eram amigos mais ou menos desde a quinta-série. Agora, no ensino médio, haviam se afastado levemente, nada preocupante. Apenas você com seu cursinho pré vestibular, e ele fazendo aulas de luta. Grupos diferentes, ciclos diferentes, mas permaneciam amigos.
Óbvio que em momentos da sua vida, havia se perguntado se sentia algo a mais pelo chinês. Mesma indagação que Chenle teve algumas vezes. Mas preferiram deixar por isso mesmo, e nunca comentarem, mesmo que fizessem as famosas borboletas dançarem no estômago um do outro.
"Ah, para! Vai dizer que vocês nunca ficaram?!" — é a vez de Bárbara perguntar interessada.
"Nunca, ué." — Chenle dá de ombros.
"Vai, gente! Querem aqui na frente de todo mundo mesmo, ou querem ir lá pra fora?" — Larissa forçava um tédio inexistente. Sabia que lá no fundo você possuía um crush no amigo, e que seria interessante se ficassem.
"Tá, tá, que saco, hein!" — você reclama, se levanta dando menção de que prefere cumprir a consequência longe dos amigos. Sai da varanda da casa dos amigos onde rola a social, e vai para o quintal grande, se recostando no balcão da área da churrasqueira vazia.
Chenle vem logo atrás, as mãos no bolso, andando meio cambaleando. Respira fundo parando em sua frente, coça a nunca ao sentir a presença dos amigos um pouco mais distantes, na varanda, prestando atenção em tudo.
"Desculpa por isso." — é o que você diz, meio sem graça, olhando para o chão, mexendo em uma mecha do próprio cabelo.
"Tá de boa." — ele sorri sem mostrar os dentes. Novamente dá mais um passo para frente, colocando o peitoral no seu. "Posso?"
Você só assente com a cabeça, antes de levantar seu rosto, dando de cara com o dele. Fecha os olhos devagar, sentindo a respiração dele próxima da sua. Chenle cola os lábios no seu de levinho. Não sabe explicar o quão agradável é a mistura do gosto do energético, com a bala de menta que ele tem na boca.
Quando a língua dele resvala sob seu lábio inferior, você cede, fazendo o mesmo com ele. Chenle pousa ambas as mãos em sua cintura com delicadeza, pressiona de levinho seu corpo ao dele, te fazendo ter mais coragem para agarrar os cabelos da nuca dele.
Deixa o beijo apenas para morder seu lábio inferior, e novamente torna a beijá-la com vontade, fazendo seus amigos gritarem empolgados na varanda atrás. Imediatamente param o beijo envergonhados. A boca de ambos estão inchadas e vermelhinhas devido ao atrito, mas não encaram como algo ruim, pelo contrário, acham atraente.
"Isso aí." — é a única coisa que Chenle diz após o beijo, rindo envergonhadinho. Pudera, os amigos ainda zoavam e gritavam "uhul, aê lelê!"
O resto da noite foi tranquilo, trocou poucas palavras com Chenle, e nenhuma delas era sobre o beijo. Ele a levou para casa, já que moravam perto, dividiram o uber. Nada ainda sobre o beijo.
Desceram juntos em seu portão. Nada ainda sobre o beijo. Até que em meio a um suspiro fundo, Chenle te prensa contra o muro de sua casa, e a beija novamente. Desta vez é mais desesperado, afobado, e até meio desajeitado. Você não compreende muito bem, mas segue tudo que ele faz. Chenle para o beijo molhadinho, continua com a testa colada na sua, mas nada diz.
"Lele...?" — você murmura o apelido, busca por uma explicação.
"Sei lá, só... Eu não imaginei que ficar contigo seria tão gostoso." — você não esconde o sorriso, e não consegue negar; realmente ficar com Chenle fora uma delícia.
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munv · 1 year
Sobs in a lot of words - i might have changed it a bit from the lil teaser I made maybe a week or so earlier so don’t mind that tehe
2k+ words !! what if I said by the time I posted this I was already working on part 2?
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Step, step, step. Your heart pounded but you had no idea why, perhaps you didn’t turn off the stove when you were on your way to pick up Riko? No it couldn’t be that, but there had to be a reason you felt this..upcoming dread in your stomach.
Something was off..completely. You knew something was wrong, yet you brushed it off thinking it was nothing as you cotninued on your way home with your little sister.
By the time you reached home you had received a call that changed your life completely, your so called lovely parents were dead. You knew you couldn’t do much about it either way and it surely didn’t help you knew Riko was but only a 4 year old who would probably have no understanding of what is really happening.
A crush worthy reality that would break her small heart into more pieces than you could count.
“Hey hey nii-san! Look, this is what i wanted to show you!”. You slowly looked up to see something that made you feel as if you were completely shattered into pieces. You felt guilty, you knew you weren’t responsible for what had happened, but how would you be able to respond when she had such a angelic smile holding up a drawing of your precious family?
As if you weren’t controlling your own body your body went down on one knee and hugged her. “Hey riko..promise me something?”
The child felt as if you knew something she didn’t, she was well aware of her age and didn’t quite understand why you looked so..sad and distant but payed it no mind with the train of thought that you would be find not too long later into the day. “Promise you’ll listen to me and you won’t leave me, you fine with that?”
The child nodded her head enthusiastically “of course!”, holding out her pinky “to sweeten the deal” with a contagious smile that also spilled upon your face. “Deal”.
Ever since that day she was in your care until a woman named Misato Kuroi came around to take care of not only her but you as well. It was also thanks to her that you discovered you had cursed energy in the first place.
It was around this year that Riko was in junior high as you were secretly taking classes with Masamachi Yaga that you later found out to be the next principle of a school called “tokyo jujutsu high”. He offered to entroll you but you declined knowing that you still had to take care of Riko even with Kuroi taking care of her at times.
Obviously you having this amount of cursed energy wasn’t normal and most would be as bold as to assume you came from a very powerful clan but in reality, you were born of barely anyone with cursed energy fit to take down a 3rd grade at the very most.
Yaga knew about you potential and made no haste to waste it in no way at all, he knew that if he even hesitated in doing so the higher ups would get to you first considering a literal ball of huge cursed energy was just around and not being trained properly.
Despite your protests he made it so you would be entrolled either way.
“Yaga-san..as much as i appreciate you, I’d still like to stay away from that place as far as po-” You were cut off with his glare that really screamed ‘it wasn’t a question it was a order as your instructor’ and considering that you probably and most likely wouldn’t stand a chance against the older man in your attempt to change his mind, you gave in.
The same year prior you were ordered to come to his classroom in which you thought wouldn’t be a problem until you were proved wrong dearly.
In which that brings us to our current predicament
You were on your way down the corridor to Yaga’s classroom, the closer you got the more annoyed you got. “Why the hell do I have to wake up this damn early because the old man just wants to chat?” you mumbled as you dragged your feet to your destination.
The sunlight shined more than usually and to be honest you couldn’t confidently say you were a morning person. The way you weren’t able to get proper coffee didn’t help you either as it tasted like absolute crap.
As you were busy cursing out the very man you were going to go see in your thoughts, your train of thought was cut off by voices on the inside which you could say were particularly a bit too loud for your liking.
“He’s finally lost it”
“It is spring after all, with him being the next principal he’s probably gotten carried away”. Two deep voices from the inside of the room said.
You stopped your movements immediately realizing other people were in the room and with the amount of cursed energy coming from inside you could tell these weren’t just some average everyday sorcerers.
“I’ll decide whether that’s considered a joke or not..” The rest of what was going on was muffled and you considered yourself even grateful to hear some of it to some content. You were so deep in thought you couldn’t hear footsteps on the other side of the door approaching.
“Ah, I almost forgot to mention,recently we were able to come in contact with the said girls relative. The only one who has been taking care of her that is.They will be helping you escort her. Y/N you may come in now.”
The door opened and two pairs of eyes were on you. The silence that followed was unbearable as you were forced to stand in front of the two boys who looked at you with equally curious eyes.
One with white hair as pure as snow, seemingly had a slender figure with small round glasses covering his eyes. The other with jet black hair that was rapped into a bun at the back of his head as one starnd of hair neatly hanged in front of his face completing his handsome features.
Wait, handsome? When did you start thinking that? You cleared your throat knowing you couldn’t stand there for too long.
Bowing your head as your hair fell over your face like a curtain you introduced yourself. “I apalogize for coming in on short notice, my name is Amanai Y/N it’s a honor to meet you”. Raising your head you expected a response, not a specific one but the one you got made you stand there flabbergasted.
“So..are you supposed to be the hotter older si-” The black haired boy next to him smacked the back of his white haired friends head and turned to you with a smile “I’m geto suguru and this is gojo satoru” as he bowed his friend and forcing his seemingly supposed friend to bow his head too. You chuckled a little bit happy you could put names to the two faces in front of you.
Gojo scowled and yelled “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”. His friend slowly turned to him with a equally annoyed voice but not as loud “maybe because if you were about to hit on the very girls older sibling that we are supposed to be ESCORTING”
Sparks flew around the room as the boys started roughing one another up. You slowly turned to yaga with a blank expression, “so this is what you set me up for?..”
“Goodluck.” He responded with a dry voice that told in more ways than one that he deals with this more than he gets paid for. With that you both walked out the classroom leaving the two to their own devices.
“But honestly..I get why the curse-user group Q is after her but why would the star religion group want to kill her?” Gojo exlaimed opening a soda can as he caught up so he could walk with you and geto. “You have any N/N?” You turned your head to him with a confused expression, “N/N?..” “Yeah! That’s my nickname for you!” he said cheerfully putting his arm around your shoulder “Y/N will be just fine”
He took a rather massive chug out of his drink like a dehydrated man and took a sigh “N/N it is!”.
“Rather than getting off topic, they worship a pure masten tengen so if what I heard was right it’s that their beliefs led them to think a star plasma vessel would soil that purity.”
“And where did you supposedly hear that?”
“Rather than hear it’s more like the documents that yaga gave to us earlier, did you even read them?” you piped in.
“Nope!” gojo said making sure to pop to ‘p’ at the end.
“But the star religious group are all non-curse users so it shouldn’t be necessary to worry about them too much.” geto continued.
“Shouldn’t we be wary fo Q then?” you asked without looking at him. “mmh” he hummed in agreement.
“Anyways there’s nothing to worry about” gojo said and paused for a little bit to take another chug. “We’re the strongest so don’t worry your pretty little head Y/N-Chan!” you scoffed and started walking ahead of the two males “tell me the same thing when my little sister is safe idiot”. You mumbled yet still loud enough for them to hear.
“Hey satoru, i’ve been meaning to tell you this..” The black haired male said side eyeing his best friend sightly before fully looking at him. “What?”
“It’s just..you should be more aware of the way you talk, especially around your superiors.”
“WHAT-?!” gojo said as his eye widened at geto’s words.
“Maybe that way your juniors or new people won’t be scared of you y’know”
Throwing away his soda in a trash can he let out an exasperated sigh, “sheesh..gimme a break won’t you?”
“Yo slowpokes! You got long legs don’t you? Less chatting more walking” you yelled out to the two males behind you.
Just as gojo was about to let out a snarky comment back you all stopped when an explosion came out from the large building in front of you.
“SHIT!” you yelled running to the building at full speed.
“You think Y/N will kill us if the kid’s already dead?” he said as geto started holding a curse in his hand getting ready to unleash it incase anything else were to happen. They stopped when they saw something or rather – someone falling out the building.
“Forgive me” a voice said from the top of the building “feel free to blame this on tenge- WHA?” he stopped mid sentence staring wide eyed at geto who had riko in his hands on top of a flying curse.
You jumped up and kicked the man who had barely managed to block it. Debris flying everywhere from the very impact. “Keep your filthy hands off my sister you MUTT” you started to activate your cursed technique and millions of electric sparks started flying everywhere before a big clash of thunder came down on him.
“Don’t go making a mess now, we just got in trouble this morning” geto said with a satisfied expression still holding riko in his arms.
“Whatever” you said holding the man by the neck before giving him another punch to the face. This made geto sweatdrop at your anger you were seemingly letting out just for even attempting to harm your sister.
From below gojo let out a dramatic sigh, “phew! Just in time”. 6 knives then came rushing at him but were stopped by the contact of his limited technique. “Amazing” clapped a Q soldier coming close to the white haired male. “You’re Satoru Gojo I presume. I’ve heard you’re quite strong” he started to glare at the boy. “Show me if those rumors are true”, he said voice getting deeper with the last few words.
A smirk started to rise on Gojo’s face “sure, but.. Let’s make a little rule.”
“Rule?” His eyebrow raised in curiosity yet still on guard.
“I don’t wanna go all out and get in trouble so..cry now and apologize. Maybe I won’t kill ya”
“BRAT!” the Q soldier snarled with a pissed off look.
“So it begins..”
TAG LIST: @megumisemo @todorokistoya @sammyiguess @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9 @boo-kugo @vile-woman
Couldn’t @ the last person named woozzz someone do it for me I beg 💔 message me to be next on the tag list!
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darlingpwease · 8 months
chu wanning that stares at himself in the mirror and insults himself (like in that one chapyer iykyk) and he breaks down and when you take your insecure shizun in your arms and cuddle him and reassure him hes enough, he grows SO attached.
sorry i just love chu wanning i want to give him the biggest hug
as far as I understand it was written by "I" from an alternate universe because to be honest mood<///3 /pos /j
let me warm up in your shores
♡ comforting, pet names, crying wanning is awakens something in me, teacher/student (pre-teacher/student) implied, in chinese it is not customary to address simply by first/last name but we ignore this
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It turns out that shizun is soft.
Soft, delicate, with skin that looks not at all like white jade, but like soft fabric; like a cat, which looks like a sculpture carved out of stone, until you touch and realize that the 'sculpture' is nothing more than a fluffy cloud, while a cat moves, exposing a vulnerable warm belly in which you want to bury your nose, trusting you even if he knows what he's doing.
You want to bury nose in shizun too — in his strong, slender neck; inhale his subtle scent, somewhat reminiscent of a blooming apple tree, feeling his, it turns out, hot heart beating under thin pale skin. Shizun is not hard at all — he is so soft, delicate, and his whole appearance sounds like an elegy, leaving something inside you to respond indistinctly even when he is silent, but you know that his mind sometimes does not stop and does not fall silent, poisoning everything inside.
When you gently hug him, comfortingly pressing him to your neck, running your fingers over the white fabric of clothes, not hearing sobs, — shizun has never been loud, he is always quiet, always calm, something small and hiding, as if avoiding the eyes of the world, — but feeling how the fabric has soaked with water dripping from black eyes.
You want to say something, but what can you?
The silence seems almost transparently crystal, as if a little more and it will fall like frost on cold-sensitive body — when his fingers timidly touch you, you can feel how cold the tips are even through the fabric of clothes, although part of your mind is sure that this is impossible, — but for some reason it seems so important to make sure that he's not freezing.
The hands seem soft, sluggish, as if do not belong to you after they have touched the body of a shizun, — not so distant at all, but so close, dear, human, — his hair is jet black, falling on such fragile but strong shoulders and back like a curtain, — but he only exhales faintly inaudibly when you stroke, gently rocking him like a child, while his fingers tightly grip the fabric of your clothes, not letting and not wanting to move away.
“You... you are such a human, shizun,” — you whisper at random, pressing thin, vulnerable body to yours, warm and strong, never been so strong, and CHU WANNING only hiccups in response, trembling slightly, while his face seems to be trying to press into your neck, looking for a safe place where he can stay forever, hiding from the whole world as well how he hides from others, constantly moving aside, like an unattainable celestial.
No, not the "unattainable celestial."
Just like you.
“You are so human, shizun, so beautiful...”
CHU WANNING whispers something, but you can't understand what — even if you really want to, for the first time feeling him so close, not physically, but also in some intimate, deep sense, as if everything inside you is stretched, like the most intense moment in a battle — but at the same time you are shackled by an incomprehensible longing and the excitement swirling into a ball of something you can't name; the words are on your tongue, but all you can do is cling to CHU WANNING and let him cling to you, so much as if you can slip out of his hands like a dawn haze — and he will die the second he doesn't find you in his arms.
Your hands entwine him like strong walls, hiding him like the shell that he always wears, avoiding anyone who might want to see what is hiding under the hard shell, the cocoon that he himself made — but, in your opinion, CHU WANNING is already a butterfly.
He's already enough.
He is not at all disgusting or wrong; and not at all grotesque; and not at all a 'monster'.
Even if later — you are sure — he will look away with slightly red eyes, pursing his lips, with impotent anger and self-hatred, letting you know that he will never let such a thing happen again, and will hate if you decide to talk about it.
You don't regret anything.
“Shizun, shizun, Wan—... shizun.”
CHU WANNING sobs — for the first time — in response, and his arms hug you especially tightly, a little more and he will break your back, but you can't respond with anything other than stroking and cuddling, hearing faint intermittent sighs that sound deafening than any sobs.
“It's okay... Shizun. It's all good. You're beautiful. You are so beautiful. I am so glad that you exist in the world.”
A soft sob; the nose, hot and wet, presses against your neck while he fidgets slightly, pressing even closer, as if sticking. So touching, like a little kitten. Finally warmed up and loved.
“I am so glad that you have appeared in my life, shizun... Wanning.”
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agentplutonium · 4 months
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Live Blog: watch this PNO book obsessed nerd watch ep three of Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Spoilers under the cut. You’ve been warned.
- “and a bag of these things. I think they’re canadian. or from Chucky cheese, I don’t know” PLEASE WHY DID THAT TAKE ME OUTTT
- THE SHOES!! GOD THEYRE SO PRETTY (and so is Luke, but we don’t dwell on that because that’s the point and i have read the books i know where this goes)
- oh god we’re talking about Thalia i’m gonna cry
- “And you. Are not. Thalia.” YOU TELL HIM GIRL
- “Forbidden Child” is such a metal sentence actually
- Leah is killing it in this role i’m so in love with her acting she’s such an amazing Annabeth
- “They smell fear.” “That’s bees 🙄” I LOVE THEM
- oh god it’s dodds
- well that was disappointing/lh
- this forest is so pretty wait-
- “we don’t need help. we’re fine.” i love her
- “why are you so afraid of who you are?” “what?” DUDE
- “First? What do you mean “first”?” uh oh
- “hamburgers” man we are FLYING through this plot
- “not today, friends, not on my doorstep.” oh god. why is medusa hot. this is unfair.
- “i think we can trust her” white boy is at it again /j
- “we’re not our parents, after all.” oooo tie in to percabeth ???
- “So you’re not a monster, then.” “A survivor.” OOH. SO THIS IS HOW WE’RE PLAYING IT /POS
- “Do you know the story of how I became to be this way?” “I do!” “Do you?” Medusa love you’re gonna make me fall head over heels.
- Are we using Medusa as a metaphor for the reforged bond between Athena/Poseidon with Percabeth
- “My mother is Just. Always.” Girl idk how to tell you this-
- “She’s going to betray you. Sooner or later, people like her, always do.” GIRL YOU BETER STFU-
- she’s still so pretty, i said what i said-
- the hat on the head that’s p cool
- ooo that’s smart
- “He doesn’t look afraid.” *DISTANT SOBBING*
- grover speak your truth bb !! god i love him
- “Because the Oracle said one of you would betray me!” NOO PERCY
- “I’m feeling so alone! I don’t know what to think or who to trust.” *MORE DISTANT SOBBING*
- “They will see this as impertinent” “i am impertinent” PLEASE
- “you guys are not gonna believe this-“ HAH
- fuck the preview makes the next ep look so good i’m so excited
OKAY THATS THE END IF THIS EPISODE guys i’m so in love with this show you don’t understand. i’m so. the autism is coming out. pray for me.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
Barnacles and kwazii headcanon <3
If barnacles is upset in someway, kwazii wraps his tail around him, uses his tail to pull barnacles closer to him and kwazii starts purring
(They did this in my barnacles origin story, *barnacles was feeling claustrophobic so kwazii was trying to make him feel better* kinda a projection cuz I find the sound of cats purring relax)
[insert distant sobbing sounds /pos] i love that so much u have no idea aaaaaaadjadhfhajdsfsajhfdasjhsdj <3
It's actually true facts that A) cat purring is known to cause calming affects, and B) cats wrap their tails around people they like; it's kinda like holding hands :3
I have my own headcanon that Kwazii is secretly a huge sucker for affection (totally not because he's starved. cough cough.) and will very quietly start purring when he's hugging his friends. Like. SUPER quietly; the only two who've been able to hear him doing it are Barnacles (because he purs just a tad louder with him 👀), Tweak (because of how good her hearing is- she can probably hear him pur from at least 15 ft away lol), and maybe Peso (because I think he'd be at JUST the right height to feel it against his chest).
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u dont know who i am. wags finger
Blocking and reporting your ass /j
But anyways
You’re genuinely such an amazing friend!!! We were distant for like- one year or so, but WHJE i got back into the rp community, we became super close again!
Nah bc when I saw you follow me I’m like ‘Orihime?? Bleach??? Who tf-’
You actually got me back into Bleach. Kinda wish I didn’t get into it /j.
But yeah you’re so cool- and your art is SO FUCKING DELICIOSU LIKE RAHHHHHHHHHH I could eat that shit UP.
Portrayals are a 10/10. They feel so wonderfully canon and it’s just
SOBS /pos
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light-houses · 2 years
a kid called u a “good lookin fuck boy” oh my class /srs
distant sobbing/pos
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elderflowergin · 3 years
Not for nothing but if you find yourself saying the words "maybe she should have used birth control" (which - if you've read what this girl has written, misses the point spectacularly) or "she decided to have the abortion, it was her choice" with the subtext of live with what you've wrought (because all of us know what HER BODY HER CHOICE means in this respect, and it's not a pro-choice, pro-abortion statement) out loud, I urge you to think about the people in your life who are hearing you say your nonsense out loud:
(TW: abortion, implied sexual assault)
your friend who dated a POS who seemed like such a nice guy till she got pregnant; your friend who might already have kids and couldn't afford the time or money for another; your friend whose primary birth control and Plan B failed her (haha! but she should have used birth control, am I right? Not like there aren't class action lawsuits by women getting pregnant on birth control!); your friend who wanted a child very badly, only to learn that said fetus was not going to survive childbirth; your friend who was maybe just too young, didn't consent and was too scared to ever contemplate telling her conservative parents.
And then I urge you to think about the other people in your life - your mother, your aunts, your cousins, your sisters - and know that you know someone who has had an abortion. You very likely know several someones. Whether you live in a culturally conservative country or not, whether it was illegal or not, you know someone who has had an abortion. It's not a distant topic or a thing of fantasy only to bring down your faves. People have always had them, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends holding their hands, sometimes with a pill that makes you bleed out for days in pain, sometimes painlessly and with sobbing relief, sometimes with great grief and sorrow.
If you do not know anyone who has, and can confidently say that it wouldn't happen to you or your friends or anyone you know, I can tell you for fucking sure: 1) you absolutely do, 2) you showed your entire ass at some point, and the people around you know you're immature at best and a terribly unsafe person at worst, and that you cannot be trusted with that sort of truth.
Those are the people you'll need in your life, by the way, when you need a hand to hold or someone to hear your story and make you feel a lot less alone. Not the two-dimpled, middlingly-talented pond scum you ragetweet about because God forbid there be some accountability for things he's done.*
*it is no mystery that it makes you feel good and safe, because siding with the patriarchy always does, but the flipside of it is you are standing on a very thin piece of ice, one that will break the moment you say or do or wear the wrong thing or express an opinion at all. And if you never do, congratulations, I guess; good luck waiting around till a younger ghoul comes to take your place. No shortage of those, it seems.
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nanstgeorge · 3 years
my favorite acotar callbacks
“What do you know?” Nesta breathed. “You’re just a half-wild beast with the nerve to bark orders at all hours of the day and night. Keep it up, and someday—someday, Feyre, you’ll have no one left to remember you, or to care that you ever existed.” - Chapter 2, ACOTAR
“Your beast’s little trick didn’t work on me,” she said with quiet steel. “Apparently, an iron will is all it takes to keep a glamour from digging in. So I had to watch as Father and Elain went from sobbing hysterics into nothing. I had to listen to them talk about how lucky it was for you to be taken to some made-up aunt’s house, how some winter wind had shattered our door. And I thought I’d gone mad—but every time I did, I would look at that painted part of the table, then at the claw marks farther down, and know it wasn’t in my head.” - Chapter 30, ACOTAR
“Even wasted away by grief and despair, Elain’s beauty was remarkable. Hers was a face that could bring kings to their knees.” - Chapter 24, ACOWAR
The Cauldron purred in Elain’s presence as the King of Hybern slumped to his knees, clawing at the knife jutting through his throat. Elain backed away a step. - Chapter 75, ACOWAR
And even the Cauldron seemed to pause in surprise—surprise or some … feeling as Nesta looked at the king with death twining around his hands, then down at Cassian. And covered Cassian’s body with her own. Cassian went still—then his hand slid over her back. Together. They’d go together. I will offer you a bargain, I said to the Cauldron. I will offer you my soul. Save them. - Chapter 74, ACOWAR (Feyre)
“If you show me how to save her, you can have it back.” The world paused. Worlds beyond their own paused. Nesta buried her face in the cold sweat of Feyre’s neck. She opened that place within herself, and said to the Mother, to the Cauldron, “I’ll give back what I took from you. Just show me how to save them—her and Rhysand and the baby.”.... She would save him, save them, even if it took everything. “Show me,” she pleaded. No one answered. The Harp stopped its echoing. As Time resumed, noise and movement roaring into the room, Nesta whispered to the Cauldron, her promise rising above the din, “I’ll give it all back.” - Chapter 77, ACOSF (Nesta)
And as it faded, dark ink splashed upon Nesta’s back, visible through her half-shredded shirt, as if it were a wave crashing upon the shore. A bargain. With the Cauldron itself....The brisk spring wind whipped her golden-brown hair across her face. “I gave it back to the Cauldron in exchange for the knowledge of how to save them.” - Chapter 78, ACOSF
“I knew right then what you were. I knew that you were my mate, and you were in love with another male, and had destroyed yourself to save him, and that … that I didn’t care. If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn’t stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate.” - Chapter 54, ACOMAF (Rhys)
“When it’s time to go there,” I said quietly, “we go together.” “It’s a bargain,” he said, and kissed me gently. - Chapter 82, ACOWAR (Feyre)
Elain sometimes just … didn’t grasp things. It wasn’t meanness that kept her from offering to help; it simply never occurred to her that she might be capable of getting her hands dirty.” - Chapter 2, ACOTAR
“Don’t forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involves getting one’s hands dirty along the way.” - ACOSF Bonus
My finger traced a line of text, and I whispered the words. “‘She grab-bed … grabbed her shoe, sta … nd … standing from her pos … po …’” - Chapter 13, ACOTAR
One heartbeat, I was staring after him—the next, I had my shoe in a hand. I hurled it at him with all my strength. All my considerable, immortal strength. I barely saw my silk slipper as it flew through the air, fast as a shooting star, so fast that even a High Lord couldn’t detect it as it neared—And slammed into his head. - Chapter 5, ACOMAF
I stared at the coarse trunk of a distant elm, thinking of pleasant things. Like hot bread and full bellies—I will fill my belly with you. I will devour you. Look at me. A starry, unclouded night sky, peaceful and glittering and endless. Summer sunrise. - Chapter 10, ACOTAR (Feyre)
“And that time, I pushed a thought back. Of the night sky—of the image that brought me joy when I needed it most. Open night sky, stars, and the moon. I didn’t know if it was received, but I tried, anyway.” - Chapter 54, ACOMAF (Rhys)
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
Got any thoughts ab together again ? /nf !
TOGETHER AGAIN ,,,,,,,,, STARTS SOBBING /POS (man , $5 says i start crying while typing this /j /lh)
OUGH MAN OK ,,,,,,, SO ,,,,,,,,,,,, first , the dream(?) part at the beginning ? messes me UP . idk why it's just . ough . like , if i remember correctly , i had watched a behind the scenes of together again (or maybe it was distant lands in general?) and one of the guys helping told ice king's VA to go for an earlier seasons IK voice ? which is IMPORTANT methinks ,,, it gave off pure early seasons AT vibes with it being purely finn and jake adventuring . not plot-heavy , not anyone having a moral crisis , just ,,, them fighting crime :'] ,, BUT THEN ,,,,,,, grrrr how everything is so clearly just . slightly off ?? it's almost SORTA like the king worm episode in the sense that it's very much got fever dream vibes . you can tell something's wrong .
anyway rewatching , i think the first hint of something being off was the "you can't rush things" lines at the very beginning ! ANYWAY just ,,,,, jake being frozen in ice and he just ,,,, progressively gets more tired ? GOD ,,,,, ough man i'm gonna cry /nm /lh
ANOTHER THING THAT i may be looking too far into but i THINK i'm not was , the ice cream melting , and jake saying "it's ok , we've got time" , and finn's kinda bummed out expression ?? like he's aware ,, they really ,,, don't have time </3
(also ough now's a time to say that i , have memories of the events of together again so i'm just . ough . i'm ough /lh /nm /nav)
anyway , i think the dream-like quality of the opening is super important ,,, ALSO HOW THEY KEPT THE ORIGINAL OPENING , SORRY TO RANDOMLY THROW THIS IN , BUT THE OG OPENING PLAYED AND I PROMISE YOU I COULD HAVE STARTED CRYING THEN AND THERE . /pos , ANYWAY THE DREAM-LIKE QUALITY WAS IMPORTANT IMO BC YOU COULD TELL SOMETHING WAS OFF , BUT IT WAS KINDA VAGUE AND TOO EARLY FOR YOU TO REALLYYYY KNOW IF SOMETHING WAS WRONG , YK ? another thing dreamlike about it imo was , it going straight from saving princesses from the IK to turtle princess being like "OH BTW , THE LIBRARY'S UNDER ATTACK" , that's how my dreams are fr /lh AND AND AND ,,,, the "everyone's alive !!" AND THEN FINN STARTS CRYING ??? MAN ,,,,,,,, the foreshadowing is ,,, really good ,,,,,,, also also the "you don't break up the team" ,, oh man :(( and , how jake felt like all he was doing was slowing finn down ? this isn't my original idea , and idk where i heard this originally , but that , maybe it was how jake felt when he was getting too old for adventures ? and man ,,, the thought of jake aging , and eventually unable to adventure again ,,,, breaks my heart ,, ALSO , finn’s panic when jake melts ??? holy MOLY ,,,,,, idk how to elaborate , it’s just ,, god ,
 ANYWAY , SEEING JERMAINE WAS ALSO SUUUPER FUN , AND I FELT REALLY BAD FOR HIM TBH ???? i kinda wish finn gave him a hug or SOMETHING ,,,,,,, he ,, he's a great guy , he deserves more love :(( i understand priotitizing jake , but ,,,,, jermaine ,,,
OHOHOHOOHHHH AND !!! I LOOOVED SEEING TIFFANY !!! LOVED THE TIFFANY REDEMPTIONS !!!!!! looooved joshua and margaret adopting yet another child ,, they're great parents - anyway i also did feel bad for tiffany , for when finn sorta tricked him ,, also the part where he put their heads together was :((((( /pos?
I ALSO DID LIKE THE LICH'S APPEARAANCE TBH ,,,,, i haaate the lich , but i enjoy him as a villain , so seeing him was very much an "OH MY GOD" moment ,,,, i also like the concept of life and death being in a relationship <33 also life is very beautiful somehow ,, even if she's a snake , she's sooo pretty /gen /pos
Tho i did get watery eyed at multiple parts and maybe shed a few tears here and there , i think the point at which i began properly crying (…. / sobbing) was when Jake jumped in to be reincarnated with Finn . his line (going off memory here) "i'm just coming back for fun , because it's great being alive with you" BROKE me . i mean , it - it broke me :((( into a million little pieces ,,,,
ANYWAY , the ending bit with "finn and jake are together again" ? when i tell you i was SOBBING . i mean it . i was full-on crying my eyes and heart out . i was . oh man . so many emotions,,,,,,,,
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firaknight · 3 years
Kirby was having a nightmare. It hadn't been worrying at first, but the agitation skyrocketed after Dedede tried to wake him a third time, without success
The King of Dreamland first called Meta Knight and Bandee, who were not successful either, and slowly the other Star Allies came to lend a hand after being contacted by a panicked Bandee.
Kirby seemed trapped in his nightmares, and if Nightmare hadn't been dead long ago, the Star Allies would have immediately linked it back to him, but apparently there was no explanation.
They tried everything, until someone, by pure chance, took the mysterious cassette found months before in their hands, and then the others tried to play it.
The sweet voice of that mysterious woman rose through the room, filling it with notes that seemed to praise the stars and speak of distant planets, and that seemed to tell the story of an ancient and unnamed hero.
At the first notes Kirby began to calm down, and by the end of the song the little boy was back to his peaceful sleep, with a blissful expression on his face.
The Star Allies heaved a sigh of relief, when a single word came out of Kirby's mouth, little more than a whisper, which was enough to completely block those present.
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purpolmonster · 3 years
殺破狼 Sha Po Lang
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Title: 殺破狼 / Shā pò láng Author: Priest Sha Po Lang was the second novel I've always heard of getting recommended (the first one was Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) but never touched only because the genre was something I was very unfamiliar with so I was afraid I wouldn't like it. BOY AM I EATING MY WORDS NOW because this novel has made it to my top 3 favorites and you can guess where this review is heading.
Sha Po Lang is the story about Chang Geng, a boy living a seemingly boring life in a boring town. He lives with his mother whom he has a distant relationship with and there are only a handful of people he's close to such as his two neighbors whom he calls teacher and yifu (foster father). One day, the town gets attacked by barbarians and that's when Chang Geng's life is then turned upside down when he finds out that his mother, his two neighbors, and what he knows of his identity are not at all what he thought it was.
That's the gist of the summary I can tell you without going into further details and giving away spoilers (spoiler-filled review down below under the warning). But from the summary I gave, you can already tell that it's one of those stories wherein the main character goes into a huge life changing event and faces the reality he has been kept away from. And this story tackled Chang Geng's whole life so beautifully, from the prologue right down to the last extra.
One of the reasons I didn't touch this story was because its genre was described to be steampunk and at that time, I didn't know what it was but I thought it was similar to Mad Max (which I found out late was apparently NOT steampunk). And at that time, I was also invested in reading a certain theme like cultivation and so I pushed this one back a bit and kept it for future reading. I guess my timing was perfect because reading Sha Po Lang now was the nice break I needed from the world of cultivation stories and a step forward into exploring more themes.
With that said, this story is heavy on court politics, war, and love at a time of great battles and kingdom reformations. The steampunk part is through the use of the fuel they call Ziliujin which is used to power their weaponry and is considered like gold. Now, if all this bores you, I'm here to let you know that it wasn't. It was so well written that even as battles happened in this story, your eyes are glued to it and you're on the edge of your seat wanting to know who wins and who loses. And it was imperative you knew what tactics both sides were using to further understand the story.
The court politics in here are also something I like. It's not the usual stuff like poisoning the king and taking over the throne. No. It's much more than that.
And the romance? Oh my god you guys I have never- I have been tormented (in a very good way) for days by the love story between Chang Geng and Gu Yun. You get to read about it from when he was a child until he grows old. I loved how overprotective they both were of each other. They both go insane when one gets hurt. I also love how hilarious they can be. But the icing on top of this relationship is the trust. They trust in each other so much.
The two main leads also have a character development that just grows as the chapter pushes forward. They surprise you at the decisions they make and the care they give to the country, to their friends, and to each other.
One of my favorite things to read (and watch if it's a drama) is when the couples fight alongside each other, facing enemies together head on. That's Chang Geng and Gu Yun! I got fed so well by this imagery and if you enjoy reading about your ships in action, this is it. Sha Po Lang is for you.
It's not only Chang Geng and Gu Yun that makes Sha Po Lang an interesting read. Every character here is a favorite. Mine would have to be Shen Yi, Gu Yun's best friend. They both make me want a friendship like theirs where they grew up together, harboring the same love for their country but also knowing what it takes to save it from doom and all that stuff. Also, aside from the trust shown in the romance and love story between the two mains, the trust between friends here is very lovely.
I'm going to wrap up this none spoiler review by saying if you are looking for a story that's so interesting and entertaining that you'll find yourself losing sense of time at how enjoyable it is, if you're looking for a read where every chapter is engaging, read Sha Po Lang. It's a beautiful story about growth and love for country, family, and friendship that will have you linger on it even after you've read the novel.
Score: 10/10
One other thing that made me enjoy this novel immensely was the witchcraft involved in this story. This took me by surprise as I was not expecting a theme like this to mix in here but it added to the suspense, and man did it make Sha Po Lang a 10 out of 10 for me.
That and because, maybe I've read too many stories wherein half of the ensemble of characters introduced in a novel dies by the end so I was holding on to my hair hoping and praying they're all alive by the time I finish the novel. And *sobs* I can't believe everyone survived it. They're all alive and living happily ever after.
I love Sha Po Lang. This novel is sharing the top number one spot with TGCF and 2Ha in my heart.
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
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This one was a request from @starsandskies from this prompt list. HOPE YOU LOVE IT, BECAUSE I DECIDED TO TACKLE SHARKY HERE.
NSFT. 18+ only, because it’s Sharky doing what Sharky loves to do.
6. lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up
Word count: 1,245
Rook was still mostly asleep when the first warm sensations of arousal curled low in her body. Her alarm hadn’t gone off for work yet, and she had made a point of positioning her bed so the rising sun would wake her up, but there was no sunlight burning behind her eyelids. She was pretty sure the sun hadn’t even risen yet, but sleep wasn’t an option. Not with clever fingers playing with her, stirring her up. 
God, when had Sharky ever been a morning person? Normally it was a struggle to get him out of his trailer before one pm. 
She lay on her back in their shared bed, and the heat and hardness of his body was a wonderful thing to wake up to, especially as winter started closing in, but the way his fingers played her body was even better. 
The man was an artist with his fingers, and he was even better with his mouth, which was where Rook was hoping this would lead. 
Despite her hopes, his lips brushed hers instead. When he felt her lips curve into a soft smile beneath his, he gently deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into her mouth to taste her. 
“You awake, babe?” he asked, his voice still gravelly with sleep.
She made a humming noise, but she didn’t open her eyes yet. Being fully awake meant she might have to actually put some work into this encounter, depending on Sharky’s mood, and she’d done all the work the night before. It was his turn. 
Sharky chuckled and trailed kisses down the side of her neck, enjoying the way muscles jumped when his facial hair grazed sensitive skin. Occasionally he would stop and give those sensitive areas a little extra attention, biting or sucking on her skin as the mood struck.  
Rook had to stop herself from planting her hands on his shoulders and guiding him to where she really wanted him. She knew from past experience that he would make her wait worth it, so when his wet fingers started circling her clit, she couldn’t do anything but sigh happily. 
The man knew just where to touch, and how to touch, to reduce her to a whimpering mess before his mouth had even touched her. He knew what he was doing, so she couldn’t hold back the disappointed moan when he drew his fingers away, trailing them up and down her thighs. 
“Wider,” he grunted, pushing her legs further apart. The mattress shifted beneath her as he moved into position. 
The way he gripped her thighs, fingers digging into her flesh, as he spread her legs wider made anticipation skitter down her spine, and when he nipped at her skin, Rook felt her toes curl and her muscles clench. 
“Fuck, Shorty. That’s hot,” Sharky groaned, his breath so hot against her core as he moved closer and then his mouth was on her, and it made thinking impossible. Especially when the tip of his tongue found her clit. Her hips jerked, but his hands were there, holding her against him. 
She had never been with anyone like him before - someone who actually enjoyed going down on a woman, who didn’t treat it like a chore that had to be taken care of before they got to the actual fucking. She’d never known anyone who could happily spend hours between her legs. Who knew when to be tender and when she wanted it rough. 
And, Christ, who even knew teeth could be used like that?
Today though, he seemed determined to go slow. It took forever for him to pick up the pace, and she ground against his mouth, urging him on. He got the message, dragging his tongue against her in a way that had her seeing stars. His mouth covered her clit and Rook writhed, out of control as white hot pleasure coursed through her. 
Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close, even though there wasn’t a chance in hell that he would move before she came, she knew. 
Her heart beat staccato as he built her up to coming, so fast she could barely keep up with the sensations. It was almost overwhelming, and she released her grip on his hair to grab at the sheets, yanking them so hard they came loose as her muscles spasmed. 
Sharky sucked, flicked his tongue, and used every trick he knew on her and before she knew it, Rook was coming, sobbing his name. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her whole body shook as she came down from a stratospheric high. The orgasm hit her so hard, so fast, she could barely catch her breath. She thought she could hear Sharky laughing, but the sound was distant over the roaring in her ears and her mind was too fogged by sex for her to care.
Sharky crawled up the bed, pausing to wipe his mouth on the sheets that bunched around her body, before snuggling up against her. His cock was hard as a rock against her side, but he made no move to initiate anything further. 
“Po-Po, you may be a certified ninja badass, but on the inside, you’re all soft and tasty. I could live between your legs.” It felt like he hesitated, just slightly, before pressing a kiss to her cheek. “If you let me.”
Maybe it was her own insecurities inching their way back in after a mind shattering orgasm, but Rook thought she could hear a hint of vulnerability in his voice, as if he wasn’t sure she would let him stay. 
With a sigh, Rook wrapped her arms around him, cuddling him close. One hand stroked his back, while the other went to his hair, petting gently. God, he was good at cuddling. Nearly as good as he was at making her feel religion with his mouth.
She wasn’t good with words. She’d never been able to say what she wanted - it all sounded so good in her head, but somewhere between her head and her vocal cords, something happened and she was reduced to monosyllables. 
“I’d be crazy to say no to that.” She knew. She just knew by the way his shoulders drooped that it wasn’t what he wanted to hear. But their timing was shit. She had an entire family to arrest, a cult to dismantle, and it felt like she was expected to do the whole thing singlehandedly. The last thing she needed was for her life to get more complicated. “Like we said last night. We’ll see where this goes, and when this is all over, we’ll...talk.” 
“Man, talk about a boner killer.” 
Rook chuckled, and smoothed one hand down his side, shifting to wrap her fingers around his cock. “Doesn’t feel like it to me,” she murmured, nibbling on his lower lip. “I think you need to come, too.”
It wasn’t a subtle way to change the subject, but it was a welcome one. 
Sharky grinned and lay back, crossing his arms behind his head. “Okay.”
Rook couldn’t help the laugh as their positions were reversed and she worked her way down his body. She kept her eyes on his as she guided the head of his cock into her mouth, and there was no hiding the way his eyes went soft. The way the tips of fingers traced the planes of her face, so tender and reverent as she took him deeper into her mouth.
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Fated (Prologue)
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Hades!Bucky x Persephone!Reader
Summary: Humanity has broken the world. How they did it doesn’t matter. What does is that in doing so they quickened the old gods once more. A century later things are settling into a new order but all is not as it seems. As Fate draws two gods together the cracks begin to show in this new age. Will their bond tip the delicate balance or restore order to a broken world?
Warnings: Blood, death (background character)
A/N: I started thinking about a Hades!Bucky character after I saw that @invisibleanonymousmonsters wanted to see a fic centered around a Hades!Bucky and Persephone!Reader relationship. I’ve never done anything like this but I have been dabbling in a Greek pantheon novel for literal years. So I’m sort of using this as an exercise to break out of the rut with that work and to see if I can work with building a “new” character out of the bones of Bucky. It’s an interesting challenge and idk how I feel about it yet but here’s kind of a prologue thing. 
Feedback would be AMAZING because I feel very out of my depth with this. 
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @handplucked @katecolleen
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He runs his fingers through his long dark hair. Maybe he should cut it. That seemed to be the style men preferred these days. Short on the sides, almost to the scalp, length on top. No, he liked it long. The preferences of men never did interest him as it did his brothers.
Looking down at the dark navy and gold workings of his metal left hand he’s once again impressed by his nephew’s skill. Not a single hair snagged in the delicate joints. It brings a smile to his face knowing the care that was put into it. More care than Heph’s parent’s ever showed the boy. Well… he wasn’t a boy anymore, was he? Hadn’t been for millennia.
He sighs and looks in the mirror. Striking blue eyes flash under strong dark brows, a hard mouth, dark thick stubble not quite enough to be called a beard covering a sharp jaw. It had been almost a century since the gods awoke, the cold Ichor being brought back to blazing light by the hubris of men. Yet even after all these years, he was still settling into the feelings of once again being flesh. Still trying to see himself in the glass.
“James,” he intones. Would it ever feel quite right on his tongue? It was as good a name as any and certainly was more palatable to modern tongues than other names he had worn throughout his long existence like Aidoneus, Pluton (which had always been his least favorite), and of course Hades. James, was unremarkable, just like he liked it.
Heavily he sighs running the fingers of his right hand over the scars that connected metal and flesh. Like the name, it was a good body. Though battle-scarred and broken even in such a short amount of time. There were always battles to be fought. They would always call on him to fight them. After all… shouldn’t a god of Death herself be thrilled to be in the midst of a battlefield…
He sneers at his own reflection. No. He never wanted to be Death’s agent among the celestial beings of the earth. He took the title because his brothers would have rent the heaven’s and made the cosmos bleed in order to avoid the yoke of responsibility being Death’s consort gave one.
What did it matter? Choice, was never a boon he was granted.  
Sensing their master’s distress Cerberus paws at the door. The low whine from each dog perfectly in tune making it sound like one. He can’t help the smile that rises to his face. If nothing else at least fate had seen fit to give him his companion.
He opens the door and kneels down to the three massive black hounds, “I’m ok, boy.” Happily, they lap at his face. Though by all appearances they were three separate beings it was nothing but a clever glamour. Humans had adapted faster than expected to gods among them but a three-headed hell hound was rightfully unnerving to most.
With his signature perfect timing his brother’s obnoxious voice chimes in from the ether. “How’s my perpetually gloomy older brother today?” A wavering image hovers over the obsidian scrying disk revealing that fucking smug smile.
“Not in the mood for whatever bullshit you have in mind Zeu-“
“Anthony, remember. We are doing the whole use modern names thing aren’t we? I get yours right every time Jimmy. It hurts that yo-”
James’ skin crawls. “It’s James.”
“Ever the ray of sunshine.”
“Hey, Brother!” Pos- er Steven’s golden head pops up from behind Anthony. He always had a soft spot for this one. Even if he was inarguably the moodier of the three no matter what Anthony said about James.
“If the two of you are calling it can’t be good,” he groans and falls onto the bed, the image of his brothers switching to the ceiling to stay in his line of sight.
“Just thought we’d check in on you bruv!” Anthony had a thing for human slang. It was obnoxious.
“Yeah. Sure you are.”
“Just tell him,” Steven hisses at Anthony.
“Well… there is something. A bit of a skirmish is kicking up in the midwest, some factions and a demi-god, not one of mine,” his brother was known for his messy children so the distinction was warranted.
“And you want good ol’ Hades to put the fear of Death in them?” They both smile like idiots. He groans again, louder. All he wanted was to be left alone. Was it too much to ask?
“If you could,” Steven pipes up. “If you’re not too busy. I’ve got a lot on my plate and Anthony-“
“I’ve been whipping together some new toys. Speaking of how’s the new arm?”
“Your kid did a great job, almost as good of a job as you did blowing it off.” James wanted to be sure his brother never forgot.
“It was almost a century ago. Let it go.” Anthony’s voice is wheedling. It’s all the more annoying because his brother was notoriously terrible at letting anything go… ever.
“I’ll take care of it,” not like he had a choice.
“Thanks,” they call out, almost as in tune as Cerberus.
“Yeah.” He doesn’t let them say anything else, swiping his hand in the air to break the connection.
Sighing he sits up and flexes his arm, looking at how the light reflects on the surface. The humans used to depict death with a scythe. How long would it take for them to change the image to a dark man with a deadly arm instead? Not long he figured. Fear was a powerful thing.
And everyone feared Death.
You stare at your hands, bloody and shaking. The child shrieks behind you as Mother and Calli tend to its tiny form. It would live. Another orphan among thousands… millions on this broken world but the mother… Desperately her right-hand reaches weaker my the second still longing to feel her child in her arms.
“Kore,” your mother hisses. “Come away. She’s lost.”
But you can’t. Wiping your hands on your clothes you kneel beside the woman and take her reaching hand in your own. Her mouth hangs open as if her words have been stolen from her.
“She is Death’s now,” Calli says softly from the baby’s side. “Leave her be. There is no room for the dead here, child.” You glare at the two women.
They won’t even deign to look behind them at you and the woman. A soft sob comes from her, so faint you almost wonder if you imagined it and your attention returns to her.
“Shh,” you whisper in her ear. “You did your best. Your son will live.” Reaching into your pocket you pull out one of the old smooth coins you always keep. “Here,” you slip it into her hand, “for the ferryman.” Her eyes look like that of a frightened rabbit and your heart hurts. “I’m sorry.”
“That is enough, Kore!” Mother bellows with the force only a goddess can muster. It makes your hair stand on end. She still won’t spare you or the woman a glance. Quickly you kiss the woman’s forehead and rise. “Come tend this new life and stop wasting your time on one that is over.”
“She can hear you still, Mother,” the woman’s small heartbeat still tings in your ears.
“What does it matter?” She’s slipping tiny socks onto the baby boy’s feet. “Humans die every second. We are shepherdesses of life daughter. We don’t sully our hands with death.”
Calli nods in agreement and offers you a warm smile. You don’t return it. Instead, you focus on the child, now quieted by being given a bit of milk with the smallest drop of Ichor to fortify the small thing. Life pulses around him, hot white strands of light, so bright it almost hurts your eyes.
They always thought about life, her mother and Calli. Preserve life. Nurture life. Make things grow, make them thrive, heal this broken earth. They never wanted to talk about from where life came. Never wanted to acknowledge that even a plant must destroy its seed in order to grow. As far as you could tell all life sprung from the death of something else. Even this life you were all living, similar as it was to a distant past, was built on the ashes of humanities fall.
The old unsettling thought rises to your mind. The other gods spoke of ages past but you remembered nothing of those times. Mother said it was simply your youth- the woman makes a small sound, throwing off your train of thought and you know she’s gone.
Suddenly, the room feels too tight. You bolt, ignoring Mother’s call. Your feet echo in the hall as you run, desperate to be outside, to feel the earth beneath your still bloody hands, to breathe air that didn’t smell of birth and death.
Bursting from the doors you stumble into the courtyard, surging with plant life. It’s here too though, you can smell it. The decay from which the life springs. It overwhelms you. Every rose suddenly seems sinister in its beauty, every apple inherently vile.
Something that has been brewing inside you is reaching its peak. This was the fifth maternal death in the last week. And you’d lost count how many you had seen die in such a way over the decades you worked by Calli and your Mother’s side here at Eleusis House. Too many. Some girls you had brought into the world only to see them die years later in the same place they took their first breath.
You stare up at the steeple of the building, once a holy place for some now silent god. Something like a memory tickles at the edges of your mind, songs, a dry cracker being placed on your tongue. Shaking your head you look away. These echoes always came when you were upset. Mother said you were just being dramatic as young goddesses are wont to be from time to time. She’d then tumble into some tale about Hera you didn’t care about hearing.
“Kore?” Abigail stands at the door of the main hall staring at you, concern on her face. It takes a moment to understand why. You’re covered in the gore of a messy birth still and… when you look at your hands you notice the sheen of magic surrounds you. “Are you ok?”
Abigail was a kind person, one of the women who pledged to serve Eleusis House. She and her sisters helped find women who were with child and without resources. They would be safe and cared for here, better than anywhere else. Mother had made this place a haven, clearing a whole block of the city surrounding the compound that was already there to make a small piece of paradise.
The humans thought it was a kindness. Overwhelmed how these new gods cared for their fragile lives so much. You know that without the humans the balance of the world would tip and everyone would die. It wasn’t kindness to protect the humans. It was survival. Still, she liked helping them, and Abigail was something like a friend.
“Yeah. I just… needed some air.”
Abigail looks at your bloody clothing, “Danielle didn’t make it… did she?” Danielle. You hadn’t even known the woman’s name. You just shake your head. Abigail stares into the distance, her gauzy head covering marking her a servant of Demeter blowing in the breeze.
“Her son lives though,” you hope it’s a comfort.
“Small victories are still victories,” she sighs out. Thought creases her brow, “Who will he go to?”
It was March 21st. “He’ll be sent to a house of Ares.” The system had been worked out almost a century before. A crude but effective way to ensure the orphans had a place to belong by sorting them based on birthdate.
Abigail snorts, “And to Hades before 30.” She likely wasn’t wrong. Children of Ares died young, fighting some battle or other. It was the way of things. “I… I’ll tell the others and send someone for the body.”
“Thank you,” Abigail just nods and heads silently back to the main hall.
Your eyes wander to the rise of the skyline peeking over the barrier wall, covered in lush night-blooming vines. To your memory, you had never left this enclave nestled in the city once known as New York. Existence began and ended here for you, though you knew that couldn’t be right. Like all the gods you had lived before only to sleep away centuries… You shudder.
Regardless, it wasn’t a bad life. There was so much work to do. Plants to help heal the scorched earth as well as medicinal herbs for the blights threatening humanity needed to be cultivated and sent out. The women who came here needed shelter, healing, and someone to watch them tear themselves open… For decades you took comfort in this. Now… it wasn’t enough.
This growing awareness of death was bringing everything Mother told you was worth paying attention to in this world into question. Causing a restlessness within you nothing could quell. You begin to pace this section of garden, stopping before a small apple tree.
The golden ones were just about ready to pick and you run your fingers over the thin skin of the fruit. You can feel the glowing tendrils of light within it, connecting it to the tree, to the roots, to the earth herself. Life bright and beautiful pulsing there.
Your mind goes foggy for a moment. It’s as though something else takes hold of you then and you begin to pluck at those strands of light with an invisible hand. One by one they snap. Little rivulets of light like blood drip from the withering fruit down your palm.
When you fully realize what you’ve done you gasp and pull away. The apple hangs there swaying a bit, shriveled though not necessarily rotten before it falls, devoid of the light it held a moment before, to splatter on the ground below. An instant later, it’s dust. 
What had you done…?
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