#hc: natasha trace
fyrewalks · 1 month
goldenrod: does nat believe in luck or fortune? why or why not? where does she believe these things come from?
botanical hc questions
Nat accepts a little bit of luck. It's just how the world works. She puts more credit in hard work and honesty, though.
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milesdickpic · 7 months
Halloween with the Ohana | H.C |
This one is within the same universe as HLG!
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Happy Halloween, besties! Please be safe and have a great night! 🎃
Hangman, Phoenix, and Austin decorated the inside and outside of the house for Halloween. While you, Bradley, the boys, and Leia were passed out in your bedroom.
They were all already in their costumes. Austin was Buzz Lightyear, Phoenix was Jessie, and Hangman was Woody. 
Hangman and Austin set up the front yard with webs, spiders, signs, skeletons, ghosts, and pumpkins. The arch way leading into the house was cute and fun for the trick or treaters that would come later on.
Phoenix was hard at work decorating the inside to surprise all of you for when you woke up. 
She decorated the kitchen counters with webs and skeletons. She hung spider webs, spiders and ghosts from the ceiling. She bought an illuminating globe to shine little pumpkins and ghosts on the walls. 
Hangman and Austin joined Phoenix back inside to help with desserts and games. 
Austin created a festive snack board and some worms in dirt cups for the kids.
Hangman made spooky Jell-O shots for the adults and spooky punch for the kiddies.
Phoenix blew up black balloons and put spider webbing on them to decorate the house some more. 
After Austin and Hangman finished their contributions to the party, they got together and came up with games. The created the zombie eyeball toss, pumpkin ring toss, and they set up some toilet paper for a mummy game. 
You and Bradley finally woke up and got ready for the day. You all had a family theme, Star Wars. 
You dressed as Padme, Bradley dressed as Anakin. Bradley got Leia up and got her ready. After she was ready, you and Bradley got the boys ready while Leia got Gunner ready. 
Leia was Princess Leia. Luke was dressed as Luke, baby Bradley was dressed as BB-8, and Gunner was dressed as Chewbacca. 
Leia jumped around your room in her costume. “Momma I am so excited for trick-or-treating! Can Lukey bear and Braddie come with me?” She smiled up at you as she held onto your legs. You kissed her head. “Of course, my Leia!”
Bradley carried both of the boys down stairs while you, Leia, and Gunner trialed behind. 
“WOAH!!” Leia screamed as she saw how the down stairs was decorated. She ran over to Phoenix, Hangman, and Austin giving them all hugs.
Bradley looked around at all the decor. “Damn, you guys really out did yourselves! Are we having a party?” 
“Uh, duh, Bradshaw. We have to keep the tradition up.” Hangman laughed as he showed Leia around. 
The doorbell rang and Austin went to get it. In came Phantom, dressed as Mr. Incredible, Evelyn as Elasta-girl, Kamalani as Violet, and Kaia as Dash. 
Evelyn brought over some more goodies for the party. She made pretzel witch fingers and strawberry ghosts. 
Leia screamed as the girls came through the door. “YAY! We all get to go out together!”
As the night went on more of the pilots from work started to show up for the Halloween party. Everyone was enjoying themselves. You, Bradley, Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman brought all the kids out for trick-or-treating.
You and Bradley watched on excitedly as Leia went up to every house with three pumpkins. One for her, one for Luke, and one for baby Bradley. 
“Momma! Braddie and Lukey Bears pumpkins are full!” She ran over to you and Bradley with candy falling from their pumpkins. 
Bradley took the pumpkins and started to eat the candy from them. You slapped his arm. “What babe? They’re not old enough to eat it yet. We can’t let it go to waste?” He started to laugh.
You all made it back home to out the boys down for a nap. You all rejoined the party.
You and Bradley played some of the games and mingled with your friends.
Hangman and Austin stole Bradley for a game. Everyone made teams of three. There were 6 teams. One team member was going to be a mummy while the other two team members wrapped the one in toilet paper.
Everyone had 45 seconds to make a mummy.
Once the timer started Bradley stood still as Austin and Hangman ran around him with toilet paper.
“WHY DID WE PICK THE BIGGEST DUDE TO BE THE MUMMY?” Hangman yelled as he ran around Bradley.
“You’re the one who wanted him to be it!” Austin yelled as he sprinted in circles around Bradley.
”SHUT UP AND HURRY UP, GUYS!” Bradley yelled at the both of them.
You and Phoenix laughed as you kept track of the time. “10 Seconds!” Phoenix yelled.
“SHIT!” Hangman panicked. “SHUT UP, SERESIN. THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!” Bradley yelled at him.
“STOP!!” Phoenix yelled. You and her went and judged the mummies. Everyone was covered completely, but Bradley. He still had a human head and his arms were ripping out of the toilet paper.
“Well I know who is getting last place.” Phoenix laughed.
Bradley looked at the guys annoyed, “You guys suck!” He started to laugh. “Now take this TP off of me and re-roll it. I am not wasting this.”
The party went on and you all danced together to the Halloween playlist.
When everyone left, you, Phoenix, and Austin started to clean up the house. You didn’t know where Bradley, Hangman, and Leia were.
The three of you finally found them, Bradley and Hangman passed out under a table with Leia and candy wrappers everywhere.
You placed a kiss on Bradley and Leia’s head. “Like father, Like Daughter. Happy Halloween, Party Animals.”
Happy Halloween, my friends! I am sorry I haven’t been posting! And I am really sorry if this sucked 😭 I have been away for a mental health clinic and I have been so drained mentally, physically, and emotionally. I promise to be posting more soon for HLG! Thank you for being here and I love you all so much! Be safe and ALWAYS CHECK YOUR CANDY!! 👻🎃❤️
Halloween Party guests are in the comments 🎃
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Give me the randomest detailed little headcanon for each of the dagger squad! As silly or as mundane as you can think of, anything goes, but it has to be a small detail
Oh, Sam. You spoil me. You know I could talk about the Daggers forever and even before I start this, I know I'm going to go wild with it 😂
This is going to be long so my random HCs for each member of the Dagger Squad plus Mav is below the cut.
Mav once asked Carole to marry him. It was years after Goose had died and Mav had basically moved in with Carole and Bradley when he wasn't deployed. He was gone so often that they had both agreed that it was silly for him to pay for his own place when he was hardly ever there. Besides, when he was stateside, he spent almost ever moment he could with Bradley anyway. There was never anything romantic between Mav and Carole. He never tried to stop her or talk her out of dating anyone else, but in his head, she would forever be Goose's girl. But Mav did love Carole like family just as he loved Bradley. One night when Bradley was at a sleepover with a friend from school, Mav took Carole out to a bar to let her enjoy herself and her one night off from mom duty. Penny had just broken up with him (again) a few weeks before and he wanted to drink his sorrows away anyway. So, they both drank-- a lot. And by the end of the night, Carole was lamenting about her latest attempt at dating and how no one would ever be able to accept her baggage with Goose or the fact she had a young son. She just missed being a wife, missed having someone who knew every part of her, missed having someone who was the other piece of her heart. And while she knew she could never replace Goose (not did she want to), she just wished she could find someone with whom she could have a relationship even half as strong. To which Mav in his extremely drunken state responded, "How about me?" Carole was shocked but Mav continued. "I already know you almost as well as Goose did and we both have our own baggage when it comes to him. Plus I couldn't love Bradley more if he were mine. And it's not like I have anyone wanting to be with me. So, what do you say? You wanna get married?" Gently taking Mav's hand, Carole softly said, "I appreciate the offer and you looking after me but Mav, honey, you're drunk. Tomorrow you'll realize why that's not what either of us would want. I love you to death and I know you love me, but not in that way. So, thank you, but no." Mav just shrugged. "Ok. It was just an idea." And he went back to his drink. It wasn't until the next morning when he reluctantly drug himself out of bed to find some aspirin that he remembered what he did and was mortified. He tried to apologize to Carole when she got home from picking up Bradley, but she just laughed and waved it off. But as she was headed into the kitchen, she added, "How about this..... If neither of us are married by Bradley's 20th birthday, then we'll do it." Mav smiled. "Sounds like a plan." Neither one of them could have known then that by Bradley's 20th birthday, Carole would be gone and Mav would be cut off from the only remaining connection to her.
When the movie came out in 1996, Bradley stole a copy of Fly Away Home from the local Blockbuster. As a boy of 14, he knew the movie was not targeted towards him but from the moment he saw what it was about, he knew he had to see it. The next time Carole went to work and left him alone, he watched it. Halfway through he had to call Mav sobbing and ask him to come over because he was a complete emotional wreck (luckily Mav was on leave at the time). Mav comforted him and they agreed to finish the movie together. Carole came home hours later from work to find them both clinging to each other and crying like babies. Bradley never watched the movie again, but he put it in a box of his dad's things and still has it to this day. *in case you aren't familiar, Fly Away Home is the story of a young girl who is living with her estranged father who is an inventor. One day, she finds a nest of abandoned goose eggs and she helps them hatch, they imprint on her, and she raises them. Then when they are old enough, the dad builds a small aircraft so that the girl can show the geese how to fly south for the winter since usually the mother goose does this. Major events along the way include the weakest of the goose slamming into the girl's craft and plummeting to the forest below, lthe dad crashes his own aircraft (he lives), and the girl and her day talking out their issues and repairing their father-daughter relationship. In a scroll at the end it is revealed all the geese flew back to their farm the following spring to be with their "mother" (including the one who crashed in the forest).
Jake has a tiny scar on his tongue. It is really hard to tell because of the size and where it is located but for the few people who do notice, he always tells them it is from a piercing attempt in high school that went wrong. In reality, when he was trying to teach himself how to flip a toothpick in his mouth (he thought it would impress girls) and one time he stabbed it deep into his tongue where it got stuck. It took almost a full day to stop bleeding and he lost some of his sense of taste for almost three months. He never told anyone what really happened, not even Javy and he considers it one of the most embarrassing things he has ever done.
Natasha and Javy have an ongoing friends-with-benefits agreement going on that started when they were both at Top Gun together the first time. They don't advertise it but they also don't deny it so the ones closest to them know about it. Everyone constantly tells them it's a bad idea or that one of them are going to get hurt, but so far there has never been any issues. Neither one has any romantic feelings towards each other, they just know that dating is difficult while on active duty and sometimes you just need to scratch that itch. And it doesn't hurt they are both extremely attractive. But over all, it is very much an "end of the night and neither one of us picked up anyone so let's go back to my place" situation. There is never any expectation or hurt feelings if they end up not doing anything, it just is what it is. During training for the Dagger mission, they hooked up several times including the first night in town, in the showers after the beach football match, when Nat got out of the hospital after the bird strike, and the night before and of the mission. Jake walked in on them after the football match but he just rolled his eyes, grabbed his shampoo, and grumbled, "This is still going on?" as he left (normally, he would have tried to take more of a peek, but he respected his best friend too much and feared Nat's wrath too much to try it).
Bob isn't a dog or a cat kind of guy. He's a fish guy. And not just any fish but specifically goldfish. His grandmother bought him one for his fifth birthday and it became the only pet he ever wanted. As soon as he would come home from school, he would drag his bedroom chair over to his dresser so he could scamper up on it to stare eye-to-eye with Goldie (yes, Goldie). He would spend the better part of an hour chatting away and telling Goldie all about his day. Then he would climb down from the chair and go about his afternoon until it was time to feed Goldie. then, his mom would help him sprinkle in just the right amount of food (she was extra careful since the time Bob poured half the bottle in the bowl for a single meal). Goldie lived five years and Bob was absolutely heartbroken when he died. However, that didn't stop him from taking his allowance down to the pet store and buying two new goldfish, a larger tank, and a few accessories to decorate the bottom of the tank. While at this point he was no longer giving long speeches to his pets, he still greeted Bert and Ernie every morning when he woke up, and told them goodnight every evening when he went to bed. Even while in the Navy, he still has a few goldfish to keep him company when he is stateside. His niece takes care of them when he is deployed or away for any period of time and he bought her a pair of goldfish of her own from Christmas after she told him how much she loved taking care of his.
Ever since he was a kid, Javy has sleepwalked when he is under a lot of stress. Later he found out it also happens when he has too much to drink. It is the sort of sleepwalking where he just sort of shuffles around but is also very susceptible to others' suggestions or will answer questions (though his responses are often too slurred or mumbled to make out and they usually don't make a lot of sense). The first time it happened back at the Academy, Jake nearly had a heart attack when he heard something and barely opened his eyes to see his roommate standing over his bed. His panicked scream of "What the fuck, dude!" was enough to wake Javy up and he reluctantly explained what happened. After that, Jake would sometimes stay up when he knew Javy was extra stressed or had one too many beers that night just hoping it might lead to another episode. When it did, he would find creative ways to mess with him. For example, one fall Javy woke up in his pajama pants and old t-shirt in the middle of a cornfield with just a crudely drawn map and a walkie-talkie with him. Jake took his sweet time helping him get out. Another prank involved strapping a life vest on a sleepwalking Javy and telling him to walk into the Academy pool. That was definitely one way to wake him up. Yet despite Jake loving to mess with his best friend, he never did anything cruel or that he knew would embarrass Javy (not too much anyway). Because of that, Javy put up with it and even secretly enjoyed it after the fact (he was usually pretty mad in the moment). And sometimes he would pretend to be sleepwalking just to then mess with Jake in return.
Everyone assumes that Reuben probably played basketball in high school or college because of his height. However, he actually was never really into playing any sports. Instead, he took dance classes for about six years. He was very talented in ballet and had actually considered perusing it as a career before deciding to go to college for an engineering degree (he didn't join the Navy until after he graduated college). However, he never lost his love of dancing. First, he used his skills to pay for his college education (ballet was not the only kind of dancing he knew). Then once he graduated and joined the Navy, he loved going out dancing every chance he got. He was always the star of the Naval Balls and always had a line of people wanting to get their turn to dance with them. Once the Daggers were formed, he tried to offer to teach a few of them how to dance, but it soon became clear it was a lost cause. Rooster had his own..... unique style of dance already. Bob was always a flustered mess who stared at his feet and muttered "one, two, three.." under his breath as he moved. Hangman was more interested in standing at the bar talking to girls than trying to dance with them. Phoenix was the one exception. Her parents had forced her into cotillion as a teen and she had hated it with a passion. However, she still remembered the dances they taught her and Payback was able to help her brush off some of her rusty skills.
Mickey ran into William Shatner in a Starbucks when he was in California the first time he was at Top Gun. Growing up, his grandparents had lived with his family and every day when he came home from school, Mickey would get a snack and watch TOS reruns with his grandma. It was this show that not only sparked his obsession with pop culture but also made him want to fly when he grew up. So seeing Captain Kirk standing in front of him ordering a grande cappuccino was a completely surreal experience. Luckily, Mickey was in his khaki uniform. It had his ribbons, Naval aviator pin, and his last name but it did not have his callsign on it. He signed in relief. He did NOT need his idol to have seen that. However, he forgot that he had placed a mobile order and he always used his callsign on his app so when the barista called out that there was an order ready for "Fanboy", Mickey froze. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Shatner had also stiffened at the name and his eyes were darting around the room trying to see whose order it was. Mickey decided he was just going to pretend it wasn't his order, but unfortunately, the barista recognized him. She stared pointedly at Mickey and repeated that his order was ready. Reluctantly, Micky stepped forward and took his drink. With his eyes on the floor, he hurried out of the building but not before muttering, "It meant a lot. Thank you." as he passed Shatner. When Mickey made it back to his car, he burst into tears out of embarrassment and the pure emotionality of the situation. He didn't go back to that Starbucks for over a week. However, when he eventually returned, the same barista was there as last time. She handed him his drink once it was ready and also slipped him a large envelope with a wink. When he opened it, he found an autographed picture of William Shatner that said, "For a true Fanboy. Live long, and prosper-- Captain Kirk". Once again, Mickey left Starbucks in tears.
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Tagging a few people who might enjoy these: @lorecraft, @green-socks, @nerdysuperchick, @heart-0n-fire, @blue-aconite, @mayhem24-7forever, @wildbornsiren, @colerambles, @ryebecca, @wkndwlff, @tavners, @sunshineflowerchild789, @topguncortez, @@straightforwardly, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @srry-itshockeyszn, @slightly-psycho-multifan, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @marvelandotherfandomimagines
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d4r32bstup1d · 2 years
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top gun characters as shit i have saved on my phone pt. 1/?
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Rooster and Phoenix dated for about two months in flight school. Rooster asked her out and Phoenix never let him live it down, even though she did say yes when he asked. Years later...
Rooster: So, I think I like Hangman.
Phoenix: Wow, your standards are extremely low nowadays.
Phoenix: Such a downgrade.
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jackiequick · 1 year
What If The Dagger Squad Were Teachers Headcanons… 👩‍🏫📚👨‍🏫
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! 📓
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—> If you haven’t seen the last post yet, it was What If The Daggers Were YouTubers 🎥
— Starting this out by saying Iceman is the Principal while Slider is Vice Principal of Top Gunner High School 🛩 and Maverick is one of older teachers there, also the Driver’s Ed instructor as well. Now onto the Daggers!
Mr Rooster Bradshaw ~ Music Teacher 🎶
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Mr. Bradshaw classroom is a pretty chill environment but it can get kinda chilly due to the AC being on or windows being open sometimes. It’s a very simple set up with posters on the wall, instruments played neatly in alphabetical order and plenty of notes on his write board with the lesson plan.
Bradley easily a very tough but patient teacher, always trying to be very gentle and patient with his students even if they can roughly annoy him sometimes. He’s tough and will call out a child if they’re not being best behavior with the others students, he wants everyone to be treated fairly in his classroom!
In the very front of his classroom, nearby the whiteboard and SMART board, Mr Bradshaw has a gorgeous black cherry one of a kind piano. And he will play that thing every single Friday for his students as everyone sang ‘Great Balls Of Fire’ as loudly as they want! They also has his students play songs on the piano and other instruments too of course.
Rooster tends to take a lot of requests from his students and staff for songs to play everyday they come into the classroom. He labeled it ‘Bradshaw School Playlist’ as hooks it up to the speakers every time he can.
Speaking of song requests, Rooster always takes songs from the suggestion box in the front of the classroom and depending on the song, that will be the song they analyze that day for class.
Mr Hangman Seresin ~ Gym 👟
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One of the youngest P.E./Gym teachers in the school and he takes that with pride. He knows he’s one of the young teacher for standard stereotypical ones are supposed to look like but he doesn’t care. Since Hangman a lot more active he’s able to keep up with the young students physically, mentally and emotionally!
He knows all about jokes and fun Tumblr fan pages the students created about him & Mr Rooster. Hell, he encourages it! His students laugh and tease the teachers for their tension haha. Especially the winks Jake leaves Bradley with sometimes during the school week.
Anyways, back to teacher stuff! Jake is a simple and fun gym teacher, every three weeks he has his students playing all the sports and games he can think of. Volleyball, baseball, mini basketball tournaments, hockey, tennis, ping pong, football games outside in the field and etc.
And if you wonder about Time Of The Month, Jake totally understands! He grew up with sisters, a sweet southern mama and a few girlfriends to know how annoyingly painful periods can be. He will let the girls sit on the sidelines of the gym if needed.
Mr Phoenix Trace & Mr Bob Floyd ~ Social Studies & History 📕📗📘
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These two have their classrooms next to one another, so it made it easier to keep track of each other’s students while also popping in to chat. Sending their students into classrooms to collect or swap sheets with.
Social Studies with Phoenix is a fun one, she tends to challenge, joke around and teases her students with questions during class to see who was paying attention and who wasn’t (You know who you are!!). She wants all her students to pay attention and treat people with plenty of respect.
Phenix is very helpful as a teacher and always listens to her students. She’s very open to hear them out and give them suggestions or cut them some slack if needed. She’s the Mama Bear of the teachers, cause she has such a big heart!
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History with Bob is pretty a chill one, he tends to play music in the background as the students work on their classwork (and whatever was leftover sometimes will be homework on Fridays). Bob always has his eyes and hears on high alert, so he might catch you quickly, if he sees your doing something your not supposed to be doing.
Bob takes participation very seriously as he likes if everyone can communicate, interact nicely and understand the lessons. Sharing thoughts and answering questions. Even coming up to the SMART Board to explain and demonstrate certain topics of history. Bob doesn’t tolerate misbehavior and rude people in his classroom, especially if a teacher or fellow students is presenting something to the class. So be nice! 
Mr. Fanboy Garcia ~ Science teacher 🔬
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One of young nerdy science teacher, he tends to try to dabble in teaching a bit everything over the years. But the ones the schools will give him are Biologically and Earth Science, with some Chemistry too.
Fanboy always treats his students with care and respect, expecting the same thing in return. If there’s no respect or everyone is misbehaving in his classroom, you wouldn’t get the happy and somewhat loud teacher. He will be quiet and annoyed, everyone will get memo to act better.
He’s the teacher to nerd out about certain things in between class and if he’s able to incorporate his love for fandoms into the classroom he would. Fanboy will joke around and mention Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Star Trek and etc during lessons to get the point across. Some students will catch onto it and smiles, others might be confused until he explains it in between the lessons.
Those tricky science tests? Well if the class is good enough and depending on the exam, they will be an open book test with notes. Fanboy wants to see who’s actually paying attention and taking notes, and who’s not. So he can re-teach and go over certain topics later on.
Mr Payback Fitch - English teacher 💻
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This man one of the chill teachers in this school. So in result his classroom tends to be be very relax and entertaining for his students. Payback tends to have books to read, notebooks to use, sheets of papers in his closet, pens and pencil in the front of the classroom and etc. Along with posters on the wall to help with tips and tricks for writing and reading.
He’s very causal with his students and treats them plenty of patients and support during lessons. He expects the same in return, to have respect and patience with him.
Payback enjoys teaching his students all about writing stories, reading chapters of books their using to the class, explaining themes and ideas, the passion and mindset behind a character, points of view and the list goes on.
He tends to play movies in his classrooms usually they were related to the lessons but sometimes they were used as talking points. As for projects, he has one very specific project he enjoys doing, Shakespeare Fair! Each grade is given a Shakespeare book to reads, have lessons based on and a project to do. This is where he gets to see the creativity of all the students in the school shine!
Mr Coyote Machado - Art Teacher 🎨
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Get your sketch books and art supplies out because you will be taking note here. This man is cocky, sweet and a gentlemen, he will joke and call you out on your shit if he notice something ain’t fitting the vibe to the grooves of the classroom.
Coyote is the type of teacher that encourages creativity and critical thinking. His classroom is where students can experiment, make mistakes and learn from each other. Use that mind of theirs!
Each month he puts up two interesting fact about Art to impress and inspire everyone. He doesn’t want his students to give, he wants them to try and try until they feel satisfied with them. Or to at least say they tried!
His art class consist mainly of class projects and assignment reflecting a certain degree of styles. Painting, pop art, cubism, contemporary, fantasy, impressionist and etc. He tends to encourage his students to use the supplies and examples in the room to help with inspiration. Also well as the music Coyote tends to play from his speakers from his computer. He usually takes music requests!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy it and happy Teacher Appreciation Week 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @fanboygarcia @topgun-imagines @rooster-84 @hangmanbrainrot @bradshawsbaby @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @starkleila and etc
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minilpark · 2 years
i like to think rooster and phoenix have that same relationship that goose and mav had, where they would call each other pet names, look out for each other, consider each other their sibling, and def be each other's wingman date-wise
like i can totally see rooster just "alright you look good, go get em honey" while fixing nat's fit or hair before she goes to the bar to try and flirt with her crush
or nat tying rooster's tie while they get ready for the navy ball and nat gives him some pointers on how to hit on people while making sure he looks spiffy
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callsign-daydream · 1 year
Phoenix: Are you alright? You look like you didn’t sleep at all last night. Rooster: I got a solid eight minutes. Not consecutively, but still. It’s fine. You’re not even that blurry.
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hangmanbrainrot · 1 year
Sieeee I’m so sorry for the brainfart I’m sharing but I can’t stop thinking about the Daggers with a partner who has opposite personalities as them. Hangman with a major introvert? Bob with a major extrovert? Rooster with…Idk I’m too tired to think of who could be opposite Rooster
Do with this what you will, I just wanted to share it with someone 😭
MY DARLING ANNA, pls never apologize. I love you & your mind. Always share any and every thought with me.
Okay, so here is about to be my first attempt at writing hc's! Talk to me nice. <3 I wrote these with gn pronouns.
the dagger squad & their partners
I feel like Bradley is a textbook definition of an ambivert; that or he's social when he strictly needs to be. Otherwise, he's content not to be the star of the show or the person with the loudest laugh in the room. This makes him able to be incredibly adaptable to his partner's needs, no matter what their personality type is like. Quiet, shy, reserved partner? He's at home with them, catching up on the show they've been waiting weeks to binge together because he's finally home and making sure they have a ton of snacks. Outgoing, super gregarious and affable partner? He's helping them play the role of the perfect host, mingling at the many holidays and parties hosted at their shared home, and practically fucking dazzling every at every social outing.
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He gives me major life of the party vibes, for sure. Bradley and Jake were squabbling like an old married couple and he didn't have any trouble being like 'anyway.' So, for as much as I love Reuben, I feel like he'd struggle the most with a partner who was opposite from him in terms of personality! He would absolutely, fully commit to the bit, drag them out of their shell, kicking and screaming. He's belting out along with the radio in the grocery store and making everyone laugh, he's the fun uncle who dresses up in a Santa costume for the kids, like Reuben just seems so fun and larger than life, to me. His person, 100%, has got to match his energy.
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I don't know how else to say this besides she's just so fucking cool, man. People perceive her as standoffish, I think, but I'd rather think of her as observant. So, Natasha is likely, like Bradley, very much an ambivert. Though, instead of electing to find a partner who's opposite of herself, I think Natasha would prefer to be with someone who, like her, can match the energy of a room. Much more than that, Natasha's partner has to be smart as a whip and really able to keep up with some healthy banter. I think having to shoulder a conversation on her back with her potential person would be super irritating for her; she likes someone who can keep up. No matter what their personality type, they've gotta be able to keep Nat on her toes.
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Being best friends with Jake has sort of equipped Javy to be able to deal with every sort of personality type, so Javy is another person who I think is often perceived as a little more reserved, but absolutely isn't. He's just used to his little green-eyed Ken doll friend making a spectacle of himself, is all. Javy is absolutely the kind of person who can have fun with his person in a museum, whispering commentary on what they saw, as to not interrupt the other patrons, and making note of specific works to discuss later over coffee, but also down for karaoke in a sweaty, crowded bar, just to profess his love for his partner in a room full of people he's never met but that absolutely need to know how special they are.
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Mickey is literal sunshine personified. I believe this completely. Like, he was very much well-liked in school, class president, had a ton of different friends. I feel like Mickey has an uncanny ability to make any and everyone like him, no matter what their differences are. He just gives me that FEELING. So I feel like Mickey would end up in a sunshine x sunshine protector dynamic with his partner, in which said partner is maybe a little rough around the edges but will threaten harm to anyone who dares try to dim the light of their Mickey. This is one of my favorite ship dynamics and it suits Mickey so well.
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He's not quite pushy, but he's definitely leaning on his partner to open up a little bit and be a little more sociable. Like, he's a real "take them dancing and show off some flashy moves" type, but only so everybody can see how absolutely captivating his person is, and how lucky he is to have them on his arm. Despite how big and loud his personality can be, I think he'd definitely be the type to respect his partner's limits; he'd be so in tune with them that he'd know when they've had their fill of social interaction and be ready to spend some quality time curled up on the couch, especially when he knows this is their preference. But, if Jake is with someone whose personality is bigger than his? They're absolutely always trying to playfully one-up each other, and see who can be more endearingly, ridiculously annoying or boisterous. I imagine Jake with a partner whose personality is similar to his is just on level 500 energy-wise, and they're always laughing together.
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My secret hc is that Bob is only shy with the Daggers because he doesn't know them like that, oops! So, his partner fully expects someone shy and, he is but like only for the first few weeks of dating. After that, I think Bob would start to reveal his true personality, which is like singing full-throated in the kitchen while making his person breakfast and striking up conversations with fellow patrons in the Starbucks line (but like in the least obtrusive, least annoying way possible). Bob has such a soothing aura and vibe that people just feel like they can trust him and strike up small talk with him in public spaces. With this in mind, I think his ideal partner is already fairly extroverted, but they're completely shocked by his 180 once they're out of the 'getting to know you' phase.
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fyrewalks · 1 month
what is your most secret dream? ( nat )
botanical hc questions
Sometimes, Nat thinks of life where maybe she isn't a pilot anymore, maybe she still is, but it's a life with a partner and kids and the white picket fence. It's not that she thinks this life isn't available to her because of her career, but more so that she spent so much of her life distancing herself from her upbringing. Having a more family oriented life feels almost like a betrayal to what she fought for when she was younger. She's got a lot to sort out there.
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talktomegooseman · 1 year
Phoenix and her siblings are adopted! She’s got a twin brother and a young sister. Grew up playing ball with her brother and def talked about boys with her sister even if they were 3 years younger than her.
Hangman is the baby of 4 kids. Dude has 3 older sisters and doesn’t mind one bit. Coyote is basically his brother. Let's be real here.
Coyote has two younger brothers, and an older sister. Def known to torment his sister and wrestle in the house with his brothers. Hangman dated his sister in high school.
Fanboy has 3 sisters and 2 brothers and he’s in the middle. So specifically it goes sister, brother, fanboy, brother, sister, sister
Payback has 2 younger brothers and sometimes wants to strangle them but loves them nonetheless
Bob has 2 younger sisters and would kill for them. He loves them so much they get a little annoyed.
Rooster. Oh Roo in canon has Amelia let’s be honest. Man loves that kid more than life itself. Now if Goose lived, Rooster would’ve grown up with at least 3 siblings. 2 of which are twin sisters and then the baby of the family is his little brother. Loves them to death and will fight them and for them. No one is allowed to tease his siblings except him.
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Dagger Squad's Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Before everyone leaves Top Gun for the holidays, the squad gathers at the Hard Deck for one last drink together wearing their favorite ugly sweaters....
Rooster shows up wearing the sweater and everyone has a good laugh about it. However, halfway through the night, he gets hot so he takes it off to reveal the shirt underneath and those laughs turn to playful groans.
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Hangman came wearing the same sweater he wears every year. And as always, he is ready to fight anyone who tries to tell him that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
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Phoenix and Bob:
Bob picked out their sweaters and Phoenix begrudgingly agreed (she can never say no to Bob). She wore the green one while he wore the red one.
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Though he is more of a Trekkie, Fanboy also has a deep love for Star Wars. And when he saw this sweater, he just had to get it. (side note: I may or may not own this one personally as a shirt)
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As the tallest one on the squad, Payback has heard all the comments and jokes so he decided to lean into it. Of course, his outfit wouldn't be complete without the matching headpiece!
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Coyote originally wasn't planning on wearing a sweater, but after seeing everyone else getting into it, he changed his mind. He also showed up with a plate of gingerbread cookies.
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Iceman and Maverick (back in the day):
Carol bought this for Ice and Mav the first Christmas after their time at Top Gun. They tried wearing it for a while, but their height differences caused a few problems... (guess which one was which 😉)
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace Headcanon
Natasha comes from a military family and is technically an Army brat. But hilariously her family is split 50/50 Army & Navy. Her dad was career Army but her mom was a Navy nurse when they met.
Both her maternal grandparents were in the Navy (Papa was a naval aviator and Nana was also a nurse), while both her paternal grandparents were in the Army (Grandpa was a tanker and Grandma was a WAC during WWII).
So it’s fitting that she and her twin brother each ended up in a different branch. She got into the Naval Academy and her brother got into West Point. The annual Army/Navy game is a big deal in their family.
Her little sister is the wildcard of the family and went Air Force. No one’s sure what happened there.
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the-killer-queenie · 2 years
ok but what if Phoenix got her callsign not because of the mighty mythological creature but because she's a massive simp fan of River Phoenix, and she got teased mercilessly which lead up to getting her call sign
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minilpark · 2 years
hangman + sad/missing SO (wife/gf)
wow yall really are gluttons for pain,, honestly this might be a bit shorter than the others
hangman was deployed on a mission earlier that month and so he didn't get news that you we're on your own mission until he got back
of course he had faith you'd return, he knew you were one of the best aviators he's ever met
and so when he got the call that you were shot down protecting your wingman and they weren't able to find you, he was in disbelief
there was no way you would leave him behind
there was so much he had planned for you both
he wanted to eventually propose, he even had the ring ready he was just waiting for a time you both were off..
he thought about buying a bigger house near the beachside
he even thought about having a family with you
a daughter, he loved the thought of having a baby girl but of course hed be satisfied and in love if you both had a boy too
he thought about names as well
even having a dog or cat
and now, all those dreams seemed like they were being ripped away from him
he couldnt process the news
and when your crew got back, he still waited to see if maybe you'd turn up
instead he was faced with the disheartened look of your wingman
no words were exchanged when he came face to face with them, just a simple teary eyed nod between the two of them and a tight hug
jake honestly did think about lashing out but he realised it wouldnt help anyone and you'd give him that disappointing look that would always put him in his place
and when he parted ways with your wingman he was faced with the admiral sending his condolences and reassurance that they are still trying their best to search for you
he simply nodded and thanked cyclone and went back to your shared apartment
he was granted leave for however long he needed and most of the time spent was at home
he didn't want anyone to see him like this
and yet his friends still came to visit and try to cheer him up
he really appreciated the gesture and he knew in the back of his head that you'd hate for him to cope alone
and then it happened
a call that you were found
jake just dropped the phone and sat down on the couch in shock
rooster patted his back and phoenix just "hey, jake what happened? who called?"
"they found y/n."
at this point the silence is deafening until fanboy speaks up
"well LETS GO THEN-"
everyone just scrambles and gets up to go to base waiting your arrival, jake of course is speeding ahead of the pack
and when he gets there, he sees you being wheeled out on a stretcher
everyone just smiles at each other in relief and leaves hangman to his reunion
at that point he's running as fast as he can to you and he lets out a deep sigh
you're pretty banged up and extremely tired but you manage to croak out
"i'd never leave you hangin', hangman."
he just smiles and lets out a sob
"god i missed you so much please don't scare me like that again"
as much as he wants to cover you in kisses and squeeze you tight, he refrains from it because he knows you need to rest and recover
and so he settles for accompanying you to the hospital along with your friends
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callsign-daydream · 1 year
Payback: Phoenix, I assume you’re here for your $200. Can I interest you in a check that will definitely bounce? Phoenix: No, you will pay me in cash.
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