#he assumes a lot and doesn't realise that his assumptions aren't facts i think
dinotoaster · 17 days
one would assume that someone who regularly gets called a slut for how much he sleeps around would be smart and uncomplicated about it. apparently one would be wrong.
#still pissed at could-have-been-fuckbuddy#because my dude could you just have a tiny bit more self-preservation?#like he was fun and all but he also got way too invested way too quickly and I do not understand why#like I have people that I care very much about that I haven't met often but with those I actually talked and connected#with him it's like he's skipping half the “we don't know each other” conversations while also claiming not to befriend people quickly#he assumes a lot and doesn't realise that his assumptions aren't facts i think#like I can guesstimate what kind of issues someone has but I won't actually act on those guesses or treat them as truths???#this boy is too trusting#back to lusting after people twice my age#that's somehow way more sane#and a lot less complicated#it's a shame really because it would have been nice to have someone simple and easy to talk to to fuck and hang out with for a weekend#every now and then#but he seems so committed to being all emotional about it and I'm just... not nearly as invested? he doesn't matter to me beyond being fun#I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE AROALLO ON AROALLO FUN TIME BUT MY GUY DECIDES THAT HE ACTUALLY IS ALLO#which is fair and I'm glad I could help him figure that out#but also means now I gotta worry about him being way too invested since that's apparently where this is going#brb tattooing “CAUTION: DO NOT TRY TO DATE THIS PERSON - THEY WILL BREAK YOUR HEART” to my fucking forehead#local aroallos where are you and why aren't you my friends and/or fuckbuddys?
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sunriseverse · 9 days
it's been years since i made a reclist from my bookmarks, and i've trimmed down what i had and added some new things to my bookmarks, so here's a reclist, from oldest to newest bookmarks! fics beneath the cut with the original summary and my recollections/comments after. (please note that for any fics with smut, i can't comment on how the smut is, because i skip those portions.)
Tony Stark Meets an Extremely Unimpressed Time Traveler, or, Thomas Barrow Makes a Surprisingly Good 21st Century Butler by Alex51324 (87k, t, no warnings)
In which Tony Stark ditches a boring party, makes an addition to the household staff, throws a much better party, and tries not to sexually harass his new butler. Or,In which Thomas Barrow has a little trouble getting home from the pub, is generally unimpressed with many aspects of the 21st century, never thought of himself as a conservative dresser before, and may or may not be falling in lust with his new employer. tl:dr: Thanks to time travel, Thomas Barrow becomes the Avengers' butler.
my commentary: this is actually one of the earliest fics i bookmarked! i haven't been into the mcu in...........a long, long time, but i distinctly remember pulling an all-nighter to read the entire thing when i first ran across it. i'll be honest, i had clicked into it assuming it was crack, but it's not—it's played entirely earnest, and, in my recollection, does so well. and, well, what can i say; thomas was my favourite character back when downton abbey was airing (for reasons that i did not realise until much later). largely free of angst or action conflict; the issues stem largely from the conflict between thomas' biases and (mis)assumptions and the modern (well, 2010s) world.
Ain’t No Nancy Kerrigan by cleverqueen (t, 13k, no warnings)
It's 1994, and young Lisa Snart's jumps aren't strong enough for an Olympic singles skater. Thankfully, her older brother has an athletic friend who can match her in pairs. Mick Rory is hopelessly in love with Leonard Snart, though he'd never say anything about it, so he jumps at a chance to do Len's little sister a favor. If he's patient and works hard, maybe he'll even get to skate with her older brother.
my commentary: as i remember it, this fic was an absolute delight! i don't remember a lot of mick-pov fics, though i haven't............been in the dc tags in ages, let alone the cw dc tags, but it's really well-written! it's canon setting, but takes place pre-canon, and the dynamics are very well-written and enjoyable. it's even tagged "pining", which, as i remember it, applies very much so, and, well, what can i say; i have tropes i love.
and who shall wear the starry crown by consumptive_sphinx (2k, t, major character death)
Blackfoot serves Shadowclan, first and always. That is not, in fact, the same thing as serving Tigerstar.
my commentary: i think this is the only wc fanfic i have bookmarked on ao3? and deservedly so! it's a human au, and while it's short, it's so well thought out. the worldbuilding and lore that's hinted at, everything you can feel beneath the surface—so good!
The Nationwide Network of Oz by ErinPtah (3k, t, no warnings)
It's long past time Oz upgraded from the wireless telegraph.
my commentary: it's such a shame there's not a lot of oz novel fics—i truly think the series doesn't get the attention it deserves. a fun little short dorothy/ozma fic, with a dash of magitech and blogging.
Spaceships, Private Jets, and Minivans: How to Start a Global Incident in 5 Minutes Flat by Scientia_Fantasia (49k, t, no warnings)
One early summer morning in Riverside, Iowa, a spacecraft crash lands into the backyard of a highschooler by the name of James T. Kirk. Earth history is changed forever.
my commentary: i actually lost this fic for a long time and only tracked it down after a year of searching; it's a fun, teenaged star trek au—i'm usually not too fond of aus where characters are teens, but this one pulled it off very well! and it's rather funny, and the way the characters run into each other and get involved in the plot is very fun!
we make our friends, we make our enemies by ORiley42 (52k, t, no warnings)
Benji finds out he has a new neighbor. This new neighbor happens to be off-the-charts hot. Hijinks, friendship, more-than-friendship, and secret agent drama ensue.
my commentary: i actually read this from start to finish as it was updating! the author, ORiley42, is a fabulous writer, and this fic? so good. i've fallen away from the mi fandom, but i have fond memories of it, so this fic has a warm place in my heart. also, the trope of a civilian getting involved in spy bullshit? so good. and the pining. the drama.
The Long Con by harleygirl2648 (19k, t, no warnings)
There are two kinds of cons: long and short. Short cons mean short-term gain, with smaller rewards, mostly just everything you have in your pocket at that moment. Long cons mean lots of time, effort, costumes, masks, props, sets, and other characters all looking to set up the downfall of the mark and take them for all that they've got. Con Artist/Thieves AU: Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter are both interested in acquiring a Botticelli, but both of them are quite fond of each other's short games. For both of them, it's the deception and thrill of the game that's worth more than the payout. And well, after all, aren't the easiest people to scam are those who think they are smart enough to not get scammed?
my commentary: it's an art heist au, what more can i say? it's funny, well-written, and, crucially, fun.
deus ex machina by coloredink (26k, t, creator chose not to use archive warnings)
"What the hell?" said Katz. "Is that--" "Yeah, I know, it's kinda flashy." Will shut the car door behind him and patted his pockets for the little fob to lock the car. "Isn't that Hannibal Lecter's car?" The car beeped to indicate it was locked. "Yeah, I guess so." Will walked away, toward the field, Katz on his heels. "I needed a new car." "So you bought the cannibal car?" ----- You asked for it: the one where Hannibal is a murderous self-driving car.
my commentary: every time i talk about this fic, people are like. [newt geiszler voice] w—wh—whhhhattttt? and, yeah, okay, i get it, i do, but i swear to you, will graham x the luxury car possessed by hannibal lecter the cannibal's soul is, in fact, a fantastic fic. it's so well written, so funny, so novel. it's the cannibal car!
The Man Who Invented Sherlock Holmes by Calais_Reno (15k, t, no warnings)
John Watson, struggling young doctor, doomed to live an ordinary life, dreams of writing detective fiction. If he can just figure out his hero's name, the story will practically write itself.
my commentary: look. i am, at my core, a lover of experimental, weird concepts. and "john watson accidentally brings a fictional character into being and they fall in love" is, in fact, precisely something i would like. and, and, and! it's acd canon, and written in such a charming style! it is truly one of my favourite fics.
A Really Private Person by astolat (18k, m, no warnings)
The end of the world started on a Wednesday in March.
my commentary: i don't have many poi fics bookmarked, but this one is absolutely the best out of all of them. the emotions i will always associate with reading it are that of being half lucid and experiencing something just so utterly satisfying it makes you smile like a cat.
I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym (19k, t, creator chose not to use archive warnings)
Arthur's a corporate lawyer, Eames owns the coffee shop across the street, and all good love stories start with a quadruple shot latte.
my commentary: an ode to struggling out of sunk cost fallacy, finding people who love you, and slowly, slowly building a better life. also the cafe food all sound so so good i would love to eat there.
Atonement by acedott (9k, t, no warnings)
I know how lonely you must be. All by yourself in that room. Morgana’s words stuck with Gwen long after the enchantment was broken. She recognized the veiled vulnerability in her tone from years as her servant. She hadn’t sounded like that in so long; she’d trusted Gwen with her every thought since they had both come of age. But when she first arrived in Camelot, when they were brought together as mistress and servant, Morgana had not known how much to trust her. Gwen, in turn, had not known how much to trust her new mistress.
my commentary: written by the fabulous lovely wonderful @owengrose, this fic makes me feel So Many Emotions. it's written with such care and purpose, and made me cry when i first read it. read it!!!
On the Risks and Rewards of Being Seen by acedott (8k, g, no warnings)
The year is 1815. Karla Gottlieb, the lady of the Gottlieb estate, rekindles an old friendship with Vanessa Haile, the groundskeeper’s daughter.
my commentary: yes i am putting another one of my friend's fics on here, but listen: risks and rewards is just so, so good. i can't even give further commentary beyond "it's so good" because it's just that good. it's historical, it's carefully-crafted, it's lesbians! what more could you want? go forth and comment.
Of Madness and Mammals by Briarwitched (series, four works, 619k, t-m, no warnings)
this series doesn't have a summary, but more or less: alex, suffering from horrific hallucinations and trauma, is discarded by mi6 and tossed into prison—where he meets yassen once more, and, once again, yassen tries to look out for hunter's son.
my commentary: this is, in my opinion, the best set of works i've read in the alex rider fandom. it's one of the best series i've read period. it is so well-crafted, well-plotted, and well-executed. it's a shame that the fandom isn't larger, because the series deserves more attention.
Beginning Where You Are by TF Grognon (gloss) (15k, t, no warnings)
"There's no such thing as magic," Dove-Gray said. Min snorted and flexed her fingers. "Tell that to the magic bloodthirsty soulsucking sword that lives in my hand."
A disgraced scholar and well-meaning mercenary forge an unlikely partnership.
my commentary: i found this while trawling the sci-fi tag, and honestly, i'm so glad i did, because it's just so good. the worldbuilding and lore and character dynamics and every other bit of it is just. god. so good. also, one of them literally has a bloodthirsty soul-sucking sword in her hand.
You're Dead (and Outta This World) by TheOceanIsMyInkwell (10k, t, no warnings)
“Holy shit!” shouts the EMT at his side. His partner on the other side of the gurney--the other side of the body bag--follows up with a well-deserved holy fuck and stumbles backward over her boots to sag against the back of the open ambulance. “I’m fine, I’m fine, oh God, I’m sorry,” Guillermo babbles. His knees are trembling. He wriggles out of the body bag and hops to his feet, feeling like his legs are a cross between jello and underbaked macaroons, and he repeats his litany of apologies as he bounces from one foot to another to restore circulation. Pain shoots through his joints from the roots of his toes. He ignores it, instead pivoting his head from side to side wildly seeking the detritus of his phone and groceries. “Sir! Sir! You were--sir, please get back here! You were dead!” “Not today, sorry!” -- Or: 3 times Guillermo came back from the dead, and 1 time Nandor was there to see it.
my commentary: this fic preserves the horror-comedy of the show so well, and you can see poor guillermo having a longform breakdown across the fic. it's so fun.
and yet we still bloom by gdgdbaby (110k, e, graphic depictions of violence)
When the Crown Princess of Xian Le, Her Highness Xie Lian, saved a tiny street urchin from falling to her death during the nation's biggest parade, she could never have predicted that same street urchin would eventually become her greatest spymaster. Xie Lian hadn't anticipated the heavens-upending events that followed the drought either, but sometimes these things just happen. OR: Xie Lian and Hua Cheng save their country and save the world.
my commentary: i would say this is easily one of the best tgcf fics, and it fulfils so many of my desires: lesbians, fix its, slow burn, and woldbuilding/lore! i cannot recommend this enough.
rare as the glimmer by Euphorion (24k, e, no warnings)
“Do you—” Quan Yizhen started, and then on the other side of the room Pei Ming started up his jackhammer, so he waited, bouncing on the balls of his feet, and then said all in a rush, “doyouknowHuaCheng?” Xie Lian blinked. “You know—him?” she asked, in case 'San Lang' was some kind of private name, a secret code just for her. She liked the thought of that. Quan Yizhen shook his head vigorously, his curls bouncing. “No!” he said. “But Yin-ge said you were with him at Home Depot and you left together!” Xie Lian stared at him. One of the employees that had helped her a few weeks ago had been called Yin something, she was pretty sure, but that’s about as far as she could follow what was happening here. “Yizhen, if you don’t know Hua Cheng, why is this… notable?” “He’s famous. Or like. The bad one. Infamous. I thought—” His eyes gleamed. “I thought maybe you fought him.”  + Retired (read: disgraced) famous boxer Xie Lian meets a helpful stranger while at Home Depot attempting to fix her collapsing roof.
commentary: lesbians! modern aus! butch!xie lian! everything about this fic is just *chef's kiss* it makes me lose it every time. the dynamics and writing feels so true to canon, and reading it is just. so so good. i'm trying to come up with more comments and i can't, it's just. so good.
We Stan Scrap Gege! by PaidSubscription (31k, m, no warnings)
“San Lang…are you sure about this? Life on the road, storage units…it’s not glamorous. There’s junk and there’s gross fluids and roaches and raccoons and meth labs, and one time I got lead poisoning and- oh! Another time I accidentally got locked inside a unit with five families and loaded on a truck and then I think technically we were human trafficked-?” “Gege. I’m in this, all the way.”
Scrap Collector’s cancellation is inevitable. Once, Xie Lian was the most popular face in reality TV. After the...incident, Xie Lian is banished to 2am cable, and turns to making a different kind of show: storage hunting. But in his final season, he suddenly acquires a new producer: a Youtube star named San Lang. And San Lang- along with his legion of fans- is determined to save the show. 📺🎥💕
my commentary: this concept is both utterly batshit, and weirdly sensible for the characters? i loved the interspersing of social media format between the prose, and the dynamics between all the characters, especially hualian, are so on-point!
Knowing Only This by CatMouse (dioscuridevotio) (31k, m, no warnings)
Bai Yutong is handling it. Ever since he was fifteen years old and realized that the horrible, sickening, aching feeling he got in his chest whenever he looked at his best friend wasn't a sign of early heart failure but instead a warning of something much worse, he's been handling it perfectly fine. With full maturity and dignity. He's the head of SCI. He's the best cop of his generation. He's the pinnacle of self-control and an expert at compartmentalization. But sometimes—Sometimes Zhan Yao doesn't make it easy. In fact, it's times like these he's convinced Zhan Yao is determined to make his life as difficult as humanly possible.
my commentary: a wild sci fic emerges! poor bai yutong is going through trials and tribulations of being in love, and it's so so fun to read. i laughed and gasped and was on the edge of my seat while reading (well, metaphorically; i was laying in bed). it's just very very good.
codify my wasted youth by lungache (6k, t, no warnings)
“We're way too caught up in the race with time It's getting hard to take it in We're tryin hard to be the first in line Just wanna be a kid again, a kid again”
An Origin Story “We should start a band!” “Holy shit, we should totally start a band!”
my commentary: the fabulous @lungache wrote a marvelous band!au, and i wish i could eat it like a fine dessert. why does it only have ten comments. it deserves so much more. read it. comment on it. now. that is not a suggestion.
The Tiniest Heipaoshi by tehfanglyfish (6k, t, no warnings)
Jiajia was already handling a good number of Professor Shen's lectures and labs, fielding office hour questions, and all of his online correspondence. Why not add a few more responsibilities into the mix? It wasn’t like she needed to sleep. OR The one where Jiajia impersonates the Envoy.
my commentary: i'll admit, i don't go here, so i can't give a fully accurate commentary, but i stumbled across this somehow (perhaps someone else's rec list? who knows) and the few chapters of the novel plus the episode or two of the show i watched gave me just enough knowledge to enjoy this fic. and, anyway, the concept of "exhausted TA pretends to be a terrifying non-human political entity" is, in my opinion, universally appreciable.
I Love You (I Want Us Both To Eat Well) by freakesque (6k, m, creator chose not to use archive warnings)
In which Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan take it upon themselves to make sure Xue Yang eats regularly, and Xue Yang finds out he’s actually not a twink.
my commentary: @xueyang's fanfic which i got to cheer them through writing and then read; it's so so good. it will make you Feel Things and Have Emotions. read it. now.
And the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it by lucientelrunya (39k, m, graphic depictions of violence)
It's him. It’s really him. For a moment Zhang Rishan looks up from his phone again, letting his gaze wander over the pool and then the shoreline behind it. There is still no trace of the merperson, but he had come to save Zhang Rishan. Again. He smiles to himself. So he is still here, still saving drowning people. That means Zhang Rishan can start step two of his plan. To the humans who hire him, Zhang Rishan is a proficient hunter, one of the best to hunt the rare magical creatures, the yaoren. To Ba Ye, Zhang Rishan is a stranger, a poor human he saves from drowning, not a hunter that has been tasked with catching him. Their meeting will change them both and alter the course of both of their lives drastically.
my commentary: am i using this rec list to recommend my friends' writing? perhaps. but also, this fic is just so good! the worldbuilding and dynamics.................so so fun. and it gave me the perfect excuse to dabble in conlangs again. also i regularly think about the mer lore, so. @lucientelrunya did a fabulous job here and i WILL make you hear about it.
Confidence Trick by duty_free (21k, e, creator chose not to use archive warnings)
"Your umma was going to die instead of you," Jae Ho said as one of his guys dragged Hyun Soo out of bed. Another guy stood waiting by the door, his back to them, looking down the corridor and smoking silently. "But it's smarter to kill you." He gestured at Hyun Soo. "So here we are."
my commentary: yes, i'll admit it, i watched the film and then immediately went looking for fics because the ending killed me. this one soothes those wounds at least partly; i like how it keeps the fucked up elements of their relationship while also still having them, well, fall in love trust. and it's such an interesting canon divergence concept, one that i think is executed excellently.
alright, that's everything, for now, anyway! i hope you can find something on this list you're interested in!
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
sae has weirdly been my fav blorbo for a long time but when considering his type I've come to realise that he probably wouldn't be into nerdy or not conventionally pretty girls. + I don't think that sae is the type to commit at all like. he's just there to fuck around and then leave and if anything the fb trope would be more fitting for his character (imo). and everytime I read fluff about him it's just so ooc to me I can't help it 😭 I mean he does have a lot of toxic traits and could be considered 'a horrible person' but yea idk you always have this deep analysis of characters I was wonder what you'd think about sae and this topic specifically haha hope I didn't bother
i disagree with this characterization of him for a lot of reason
i don't pay a lot of attention to what the fanon interpretation of sae is and im sure this aligns with his image but i dont personally think that this assessment of his character makes a lot of sense. i do understand where it comes from though !!!
i believe that a lot of this miscommunication of his characterization stems from his relationship to rin, but i've broken that down as to why i don't think sae hates rin. in fact in his own way i think he views his own harsh behavior as a way to shield rin from reality (though it had the opposite of his intended affect) i also don't believe that sae is a vapid or shallow player off-field, and that's largely in contrast to his personality before he left for spain and after.
sae is always viewed to be cold, blunt, and serious but he is also deeply affectionate of rin in their adolescence. his major change happens while we're overseas and while we don't know yet what happened specifically - it's clear to me that something borderline traumatic happened. this type of change of character through rigorous training happens to kunigami through the wildcard system and this type of betrayal that leads to betterment is a theme in bluelock as well (i.e. nagireo)
im of the belief that saes arrogance and crass way of speaking developed largely as a defense mechanism as his goal of being a striker was shattered through playing in spain. in the same way kunigami views being a "hero" through soccer as a stupid ideal post wildcard.
sae is a normal guy outside of soccer. he even says that one of his major flaws is that he's pretty clueless about everything other than soccer. his least favorite food is fries, not because he hates the taste but because he can't have them because of his nutrition restrictions. his 'fetish' is ass because he thinks it can show what kind of an athlete someone is. all somewhat silly and ultimately regular things
all that being said - i don't think sae is a shallow person. i think he thinks very deeply and logically about a lot of things and he is indefinitely arrogant, but not shallow which is why i think it wouldn't make sense for him to judge on appearance. it'd be more accurate to assume that he's sort of dense and doesn't pay attention to people who aren't in his immediate circle. the assumption that he would make judgements on your appearance if you're just a regular joe-schmo doesn't quite connect to me. he's not insecure enough to do that.
on the issue of commitment - my only opinion is that sae is a character who values independence of sense of individualism in his partners. anyone with a strong sense of self is someone he is drawn to. this is why he likes isagi and shidou and often reprimands rin because he lacks a sense of selfhood and self confidence. rin only realizes that post the u20 match.
my point being that i think sae can and will commit to somebody but there's a lot more factors for a character like him that others like isagi or chigiri or kunigami who are naturally emotionally in tune with you.
sae isn't and will never be a 'romantic' person in the traditional sense to me but i don't think it means he's incapable of love or commitment. he has a hard time communicating verbally and saying things to your face but he remembers everything you said from your last conversation and pay attention to your hobbies. if you argue, you'll always find a vase of flowers in your kitchen with a note but you always have to call first. he's not Good about the emotional aspect because even if he puts in a lot of effort - it's never going to come naturally to him
BUT that also means if you're able to meet him half-way he's a committed and decent lover to you. he tries really hard to be and it takes some patience because he's sometimes too logical and hurts your feelings but he's there where it matters etc.
this is an essay SORRY KFDHJKSD. ive spent a lot of time thinking about him and giving him depth. and im not defending him necessarily because he is a massive douchebag for a lot of your early relationship. just not for shallow or petty reasons. simply bad at coping with his emotions and expressing himself because he's very prideful
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Ok for crack purposes if Avitus is getting a piece of red velvet, fuck it, Saren/Macen and then for further crack purposes let’s open the multiverse portal, swap Jaen and Trouble into each other’s respective ships
oh man I love how we're passing the collective braincell around with Saren/Macen here. Ok so: Saren's getting fucked and he's getting therapy, no those things aren't necessarily in order or separately as items on Maceys to-do list. It starts like this: Macen brings cookies to work whilst on guard duty. Saren, permanently hungry, is there to hand in a report in person and oh whoops what's this why is one of the guards offering him food whilst he waits? Since when did these people exist as more than shiny set dressing excuse me???? Is that allowed?? Only the cookies are good and, well, Macen's genuinely impressed concerned at how quickly the box gets inhaled and asks if he wants to come by for dinner some time because CLEARLY this man simply just doesn't eat enough and hey he hates cooking for one so that works out even better. Ah, except, Saren assumes that (now he's registered this guy exists) that hey he ain't bad looking and he's very polite and shiny in a nice way and he assumes that Macen's suggesting a one-night-stand but also, he's hot and he's close at hand and has the potential to be a nice occasional booty call and most crucially, sounds like he might be willing to bake him some more cookies. Wildly different expectations going into that evening but y'know what, around dissecting why Saren's primary assumption was that the interaction was purely transactional in intent and the fact that he gets guilted into helping with the washing up, it sure wasn't a bad experience. Saren swears for a long time that he's only in it for the food and the sex, Macen enjoys his company once he's gotten past the prickly exoskeleton (and the challenge of taking him apart a little more every time is too good to resist) and before the pair of them really know what they're doing, well shit he's become Saren's first port of call when he gets back to the Citadel with some time off and Macen might keep cookie dough ready to bake in the freezer in case he turns up unannounced at 3am covered in blood to demand snuggles. TL;DR: Get domesticated Saren you fucking edgelord wannabe you are not immune to a handsome man with who can cook and fuck. Now, for the shepiverse of madness: One thing I think we can ABSOLUTELY say for sure is that Garrus is getting pegged. At length. On both sides of the swap. I do think that trouble's Garrus is having one HELL of a time with Jane and he's gonna be real fucking lucky if he comes away without at least one new kink and aches in places he wasn't aware existed. Also he's getting gagged. That's almost obligatory bc oh man that boy does not know how to shut up to save his life. The only question which remains is how fast this shitty little twink realises that he likes pushing her buttons, even when it nearly gets his head blown off. Ride-or-die this boy is and oh whoops, she is SUCH a terrible influence you know he's head over heels in an instant. Very much the "I could make him worse" to Trouble Shep's "I'll make him better". 10/10 dynamic. On the other hand, I suspect dear little trouble is an awful lot softer than what helix garrus and zaeed are used to - a LOT less of a wild animal. Sure she's bossy but she's got this very gentle "make these people want to please me" sort of attitude that is unbelievably frustrating bc she straight-up refuses to get angry beyond telling people to quit-it when they piss her off. Ngl I think Zaeed would be a hard sell at first bc she has absolutely no interest in picking a fight but roping him in to hep fuck Garrus would definitely do it. Would it work out long term? Doubtful. But they're sure as hell gonna have fun along the way.
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sanfl0werrr · 5 years
the meaning of love
Tumblr media
| part one | x | part three | part four |
you felt weird, like really weird. the ride back home with jaemin was weird. the both of you barely spoke and he looked as if he was so done with everything. it felt as if he didn't want anything to do with you either.
i mean, he could have just rejected me, you thought, why go through all the trouble?
you decided to not think about it anymore. the run in with the dreamies were too weird, and it was probably the first and last time you will ever interact with them. at least you hoped it was.
just as you were about to leave the house, your mother called out to you, "i don't see wonwoo anymore. did you have a fight with him?"
you rolled your eyes, "no, i didn't. there's rumours that he's dating someone now. i don't know who's the lucky girl though."
"y/n doesn't need any man! she has me," your little brother ran to hug you, with his arms wide open.
"that's right, my little prince! i only need you," you kissed him on the cheek as you carried him up.
"what about me, princess?" your father coughed from behind the newspaper, "i'm practically the first man you love."
both you and your mother looked at each other and laughed, "well, someone's craving for some love."
"i'm going now. bye!" you shouted as you put your shoes on.
the rumours of wonwoo having a girlfriend was spreading like wildfire in school. no matter where you went; canteen, garden or even the toilet; you will keep hearing about it.
you sighed. your heart was hurting after all, and the fact that everyone was talking about it, made it worse. it was as if you were invisible, like you weren't the one who's been next to him all these while. everyone dismissed your existence now that wonwoo has a girlfriend.
break came, and when it was break, wonwoo would usually find you to eat together. ever since the rumour had spread, he no longer finds you anymore. so, you secluded yourself in the music room at the end of the hallway.
you entered the music room, finding solace in the silence as you sat down in front of the piano. wonwoo and you would usually hang in the music room from time to time, just catching up or even talking about random topics.
the music room was also one of the reasons why you fell for him. because when two people spend so much time together, they're bound to be alike. that was what happened to you and wonwoo, the both of you were inseparable.
remember when you told me you liked the colour green? you smiled to yourself, remember when you told me you wanted to write?
remember you told me you wouldn't leave me? your smiled faltered, remember you told me you loved me?
"it was probably as friends, though," you sighed.
"as friends? what is?" a voice boomed from behind you.
you jumped in shock, "oh god, make a noise! you nearly killed me!"
"you're exaggerating," you could sense the sarcasm in his tone.
you turned around to give the boy a piece of your mind, but you didn't expect it to be him, out of all people.
"jaemin?" you squealed.
"cat got your tongue?" he raised his brows.
before you could even say anything, the rest of the dreamies entered the room.
"y/n is here!" chenle shouted excitedly.
"luck is not on my side today," you huffed.
"what do you mean by that? we're the best you've got!" donghyuck snapped in fingers.
"i suddenly don't feel so good," you joked as you grabbed your unfinished lunch, trying to get away.
"she just called you thanos!" jisung laughed really hard, slapping mark's and jeno's arms.
"jisung!" both of them shouted in unison.
you were just about to escape the chaotic scene until someone closed the door shut from behind you.
"going somewhere?" jaemin voiced out.
you turned around, his tall figure hovering above you, "yes, i'm trying to get away."
"why!?" chenle questions you, very loud.
"i mean, aren't i intruding? seems like the music room is your hangout place," you shrugged.
"y/n... come sit with us. like chenle said yesterday, you're always welcome to hang with us," mark softens.
"why is mark so soft towards y/n? suspicious," donghyuck scratches his chin.
"yucks, i can't get used to mark being soft," jeno chides in.
"mark, i didn't know you had a crush on me," you cooed.
"oh god, y/n! stop teasing me so much. you always do that during our committee meetings!" he shrieked, "not here too, please."
you laughed, "i'll try."
the moment you looked up, your eyes made contact with jaemin's. you didn't realise how pretty he looked up close, almost too sinful to be that beautiful. you blushed momentarily and looked away, walking to take a seat to finish your lunch.
as you sat down, jaemin plopped next to you immediately after that. you looked around to see that there were a few other seats available, but didn't really heed much attention.
"so, y/n! do you like games?" renjun started the conversation.
"mobile games? not so. arcade games? hell yeah," you grew excited the moment you mentioned arcade.
jeno placed a hand on his heart, acting offended. you just laughed and stuck your tongue out as a joke.
"let's go to the arcade after school, then!" chenle suggested.
"that's very impromptu though," you widen your eyes.
"you don't like it?" renjun asked.
"hell no, i love it! let's go! i'm so excited!" you danced a little, out of excitement.
the rest of the dreamies laughed, except for jaemin. he tried stifling his smile, because he found you really cute and all he wanted was to squish your cheeks. not that you know anything though.
you were just fidgeting in class, and knowing that you're gonna go to the arcade right after that you couldn't control the excitement.
"ms y/n. i will have you know that my class hasn't ended yet," the teacher voiced out.
the bell rang right after that, signalling the end of class.
"well, it has now," you winked at the teacher.
you spranced out the door to get some of the things out of the locker that was needed for the weekend.
"arcade! let's get it," you whispered to yourself.
just as you closed your locker, someone called out to you. you turned around to see who it was and it was none other than, jeon wonwoo. right next to him was a girl, whom you assume to be his girlfriend.
"y/n!" wonwoo greeted you excitedly.
"oh, hey!" you forced a smiled.
"i know i've been missing in action a lot and i know you've probably heard the rumours and i'm super sorry for the late introduction!" he clasped his hands together, hoping you'd forgive him, "her name's aera, and she's my girlfriend!"
and those assumptions were correct.
"finally, jeon wonwoo! i've been dying to know who's the lucky girl!" you took his hands and jumped around gleefully, while your heart literally broke into a million pieces yet again.
"i wanted you to be the first one to know and i'm sorry for keeping this from you. you're my best friend," wonwoo smiled.
you're my best friend, he said.
"o-of course! you're my best friend too," you repeated to assure him but it somehow left a bitter taste in your mouth.
"let's catch up soon, y/n!" wonwoo waved goodbye.
looking at their silhoutte fading away, your tears threatened to fall any minute. i thought i told you to suck it up, you said to yourself again, suck it up!
he isn't worth any tears, you tried brainwashing yourself again, but the tears fell anyway.
you ran to the music room. you didn't care if anyone saw you or judged you, but you kept running. you just needed to be alone.
the moment you slammed the door open, you were face-to-face with 7 familiar faces.
"y/n?" chenle whispered.
"oh my god, what happened?" donghyuck tried to come closer.
you stepped back, shock evident on everyone's faces, including yours.
"i-i have to go, i'm sorry," you ran away.
"y/n!" you heard jaemin calling out to you.
you ran till you reach the one place with no memories of wonwoo and you together; dream book cafe.
with a heavy breathing, you tried to make yourself comfortable at the restricted section that was located at the end of the room. you hated that you cried easily, and the fact that you've fallen deeply in love with your best friend.
everyone said don't ever fall for your best friend, and you could see why now. there wasn't any guarantee that he/she will love you back. you only realised that now, which sucks.
"y/n?" a voice call out to you.
you immediately looked up and widen your eyes, "h-how did you know i was here?"
"i live around here remember? and you mentioned this cafe once before," jaemin sighed.
he came closer and sat right next to you, "wanna tell me what happened?"
"n-no," you stuttered.
"really?" he asked once again.
you hiccup, "n-no."
jaemin chuckled, "come here."
he placed his hand over you, making you lean onto his broad shoulder.
"are you comfortable?" he peered into your face, making sure that you're okay.
you nodded, "very comfortable, thanks to you."
jaemin chuckled once again, "so, do you wanna tell me why you were crying?"
you waited and contemplated for a little while, wondering if you should opened up to jaemin. i mean, he was actually the one who didn't talk to you, but also, what's the harm in letting him know.
you breathed in, wondering how to start, "um, well.. i like someone, and he turns out to be my best friend."
you looked at jaemin, and he was staring back at you, listening to every word you were saying.
"maybe it's more than just a like. maybe it's love, but i don't know. we've spent every day together and doing things together and that made me grown to like him so much, so the thought of us being together most of the time was never really weird. i thought maybe we had a chance together, until i saw his girlfriend."
you paused again, and you felt jaemin hugging you tighter.
"his girlfriend was so pretty and they really look compatible together. maybe, it was just me, being my delusional self, you know. wonwoo deserved way better and i can never match up to him, i would never. i was never meant to be loved by him but i wanted him to love me badly."
"you're fine the way you are, y/n. my words probably won't be of any comfort but, believe me when i say you deserve just as much love as wonwoo. maybe even more. the love you give to people is the love you're definitely gonna get back. wonwoo's girlfriend is pretty, you say? i think you're even more stunning and charming than anyone i've met."
you didn't dare to look up to meet his eyes. you didn't want him to see you've became a mess, a blushing mess. it wasn't even a confession, you know it, but it drove you mad, a wreck.
from then on, you knew things will never be the same.
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infinitysgrace · 7 years
Ship Analysis: Gruvia
Welp, here goes nothing. Spoilers of a LOT, but that's a given.
This is my interpretation of the ship Gruvia, the trope it follows, and how the two characters work in the trope(not in that order). It's just what I've noticed from watching other anime and manga, some that aren't even the same genre as fairy tail (which is important). Anyway, on to it.
First, the trope. The trope is something that I've seen in a lot more manga that AREN'T the same genre as fairy tail, where two broken characters bond over hardships and grow stronger with eachother, taking care of eachother, and/or themselves for each other's sake rather than their own. This trope can sometimes include the Red String of Fate trope, which in this case it does although not very prominent, but it does not have to. There are certain things that are pretty distinctive of this trope which is why I call it a trope in the first place but the only thing necessary for this trope is that both characters need to have had some sort of emotional pain inflicted on them that defines a part of their character at their introduction.
An important thing to note is that they are NOT broken for the same way. Both of them experienced some sort of heartache as a child that shapes their personality now, but not in the same way:
Juvia was outcasted because of something assumed to be out of her control, and ironically it was because of that assumption that she never realised that her magic is tied to her emotions. She always felt like she had no hope of being without the rain, therefore the rain never went away.
Gray lost his entire family, and everyone he knew as a child to an actual demon(besides Lyon). As it's revealed, he's never told anyone, except probably Gramps, and from him literally crying in the same arc that that was revealed, it is obvious that the reason he hasn't told anyone ISN'T because he's over it and is completely content with his life. It's because he's been holding it in for who knows how long. He feels extreme guilt and regret over the death of both his parents, and especially Ur. I think that is what shapes the carefree attitude he has up until, and after that arc of the series. I personally see it as a mask to keep himself from getting attached to people to the extent he did to his family, and Ur, so that they won't die for him. I see it that way because of his reaction to Ultear's death, to which he's broken over the fact that she died for him.
Now that that's out of the way, since i already talked about the character backgrounds as I see them, now on: 1. The two characters meeting, how they interact with each other and 2. The ship itself, and its base
We all know how they met, it was a fight. Juvia thinks he's cute so she kinda holds back for fear of actually hurting him, but she goes between fits of either being defensive over her alliances, or being full blown angry over either something in her memory coming to the surface, or something Gray says that makes her question her emotions. During the fight, Gray is also telling her that her guild doesn't value anything or anyone, and that there more to life than depending on people who don't care about you, which also makes her lose it because to her, the guild was the only place and group of people who accepted her and her rain. This goes on for a bit, and at the end of the fight she slips off the roof and starts to fall to the ground, but Gray catches her not letting her fall even though they're enemies. It's that moment that she sees what actually caring about someone is--which is helping them up rather than falling with them-- and it's really at that particular moment that she actually falls for him. After she's pulled back up, the clouds go away, and she sees the sun and the sky for the first time. In cliche terms, he showed her the sky, and I think at this point she realizes that the rain is tied to get emotion.
After she joins fairy tail, I see these arc spans as the time they're getting closer: Tenrou, and the GMG. I think Tartarous is where their development is the most prominently shown, and that everything after that is just screaming canon. I would say Edolas, but that wasn't over the span of the arc, that was only at the VERY beginning, and they were incapacitated during most of the arc.
I'm not going to explain everything that happens between them in those arcs, I'm just going to bring up certain points, while telling I see the characters in these arcs since this is a ship analysis.
Gray is the one who hangs out with her, and I think people forget that any time they're with eachother, talking or whatever together and Juvia isn't going on a love tangent, that is REALLY just them hanging out. that isn't her stalking him, that is them both voluntarily being around each other. When Juvia is NOT going on and on and on about her feelings for him, they are completely fine, and when she does it, starting at the end of grand magic games, he lets her know that he won't put up with it like he used to (Note: A lot of people bring up this moment as Gray rejecting her when it's really just him telling her not to glomp him in public anymore. Just think: Why would he reject her, and then right after tell her that he'd give her an answer after the war? That makes no sense.).
I think that the ship's road to cannon was only set after the GMG, because even though we already knew Juvia's feelings, that was the arc where Gray actually starts thinking about his own towards her.
Now, on to the ship itself.
Gruvia is a ship based on three main things: Teamwork, Sacrifice, and Spring.
Spring is seen as a time for new life to flourish, and sacrifice is risking and giving your own life to a cause for the sake of something or someone else. Sacrifices must be voluntary, as must be self inflicting to be sacrifices.
Both of them have a change of philosophy somewhere in the series, Juvia's is blunt and shown, while Gray's is implied, but they're both a change to a philosophy that "you don't die for the ones you love, you live for them." It took Gray the entire series to have that change while the change in Juvia happened at the end of her introduction arc, and it's because of her change, and apparent death that Gray had his change as well and realised that no one is asking him to be a martyr, they're asking him to LIVE; it genuinely couldn't have happened without her sacrifice and return. That change was their new start at life, and was their Spring.
The Teamwork in battle from these two is almost unmatched in the whole series, and they both play a roll. They work well together, and they're literally in sync to the point that they simultaneously strip before battles (which I find hilarious btw), there's really nothing else to say about that, it speaks for itself.
Anyway, that's it, and I hope you enjoyed my analysis of Gruvia.
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