#he voices Ercole Visconti
Not me realizing only now that Daisuke Namikawa (japanese voice actor of Italy and Romano) also voiced another Italian character, in the Pixar movie 'Luca' (set in Italy).
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ironychan · 2 months
Scary Monsters
@dysphoria-sweatshirt @30spiders @sweatersexual @angrylittlesliceofpizza @writer652
Part 1/? - Rocco’s Closet
Part 2/? - School for Monsters
Part 3/? - The Waternoose Family
Part 4/? - The Terrifying Humans
Part 5/? - Hiding Places
Part 6/? - Nobody’s Fault
Part 7/? - Edge of Disaster
Part 8/? - Caged Monsters
Part 9/? - The Journey Home
Part 10/? - Portorosso
Part 11/? - A New Family
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Faustina Visconti was in her early forties, with a tower of bottle-blonde hair and a fondness for bright-coloured dresses and deep red lipstick that made many of the more conservative types in Portorosso look askance at her. Giulia had always found her polite but rather condescending, as if she believed Giulia to be only six or seven years old.
Today was no different, as the woman opened the door and smiled down at her guest. “Why, thank you, Giulia,” she said, taking the box of fish from her. “Have they found your little monster friends yet?”
“Yes, Signora Visconti,” Giulia replied. “They're just fine.” Hopefully, she could finish this interaction quickly, before Harry had time to do anything.
“Oh, that's a relief,” said Signora Visconti.
“Yes, it is,” Giulia nodded. “But I've got lots to do today so I can't really stay and chat. I'll...”
It was too late, however. Harry had heard the woman's voice, and abandoned Ercole to his Vespa. He scuttled up next to Giulia and looked at Faustina hopefully.
“Are you Ercole's mom?” he asked.
Giulia held her breath. How would Signora Visconti react? Would she scream, like several others had done? What would Harry do if she did? Would he finally realize he didn't belong here and needed to go home, like Luca and Alberto said?
“Oh, my goodness!” Faustina exclaimed. “What kind of monster are you?”
She was clearly startled, but she did not use the word monster in a pejorative way. As when she'd referred to Luca and Alberto a moment ago, she seemed to use it the way sea monsters used land monster as an alternative word for human, as a way of describing something that was clearly a person but not like themselves.
“This is Harry Waternoose,” said Giulia, trying not to sigh. “He's the kind of monster that hides in little kids' closets.”
“He is?” asked Faustina with a frown. “When Ercole was little he thought he had a monster in his closet, but he grew out of that.”
“I never had a closet,” said Giulia. “Although one of my friends at school used to think he had a monster under his bed. Are there monsters under beds, too?” she asked Harry.
“Of course not,” he replied, “don't be silly.” Harry directed a sharp-toothed smile at Faustina. “I came here with Luca and Alberto. Alberto told me his dad was terrible, so he found a human to be his new dad. My Dad said he'll never be proud of me, so I decided I also needed new parents. Do you want another son?”
“We... we never considered it,” Faustina admitted. “How old are you, Harry?”
“Eleven,” the little monster replied. “I'm in the sixth grade.”
Faustina nodded. “What do you eat?” she asked.
“Candy,” Harry said immediately.
“He seems to eat whatever we eat,” Giulia said, not about to let Harry get away with that.
Ercole had made sure his Vespa was safe, and now came up the path to see what was going on.
“Giulia said you're the people in town with the most money,” Harry said, “so I figure you can afford to take in another child.” He did his best to look adorable. Giulia was not convinced.
“Oh... I don't know,” said Faustina. “I'd have to talk to Aristide.”
Giulia's mouth fell open. She wasn't actually considering it, was she?
“Could you please?” asked Harry. “I've been staying with Signor Marcovaldo, but they don't have much room and I don't like to be in the way.”
“I will,” Faustina promised. “Ercole, what would you think of having a little brother?”
“You can't be serious, Mamma!” Ercole protested.
“I always did want a big family, but life has a way of intervening,” Faustina said. “He's a rather cute little fellow, isn't he?”
Harry beamed.
“He's not cute,” said Ercole, disgusted. “He's just a bug.”
“Well, bugs need mothers, too,” said Faustina. “Thank you again, Giulia, and Harry, so nice to have met you! Perhaps you could join us for supper tonight, and we can get to know you.”
“I'd love to!” Harry chirped.
Giulia couldn't believe what she was hearing. “Aren't you having guests?” she asked, pointed to the fish she'd just delivered.
“We've got some people coming in from Milano tomorrow,” Faustina told her, “these are lunch with them. Harry is welcome to come tonight.”
Giulia knew she should just be polite, but she couldn't resist poking at the situation like a loose tooth. “I thought you didn't like sea monsters,” she said. Ercole himself certainly didn't, and his parents had always seemed like they considered sea monsters to be sort of less people than they were... although they did tend to treat everybody else in town the same way.
“They're our neighbours, we're supposed to be polite to them now,” Faustina said firmly. “Anyway, this little fellow isn't quite so... fishy... as the rest. Not so slimy.”
Sea monsters were not slimy. Giulia bristled, but Harry beamed.
“You must be joking!” Ercole protested. “Mamma, look at him, we cannot have him at our table! He looks like an entree! Can you even sit in a chair?” he asked Harry, looking dubiously at his many legs.
“We'll find him some cushions or something,” Faustina decided.
Giulia shook her head. “Come on, Harry, we'll let them argue,” she said. “Let's go see if the boys have gotten anything done.”
Harry fell into step beside her, looking smug. “I was starting to think it was gonna be hard to find a new family. What with everybody here being scared of me, including you.”
“Ercole's not scared of you,” Giulia pointed out. “He just doesn't like you.”
“I think his Mom likes me better than him already,” said Harry.
“That's not hard. Even I like you better than him.”
On their way back over the hill, Giulia counted up the extra money she'd made. It was less than she'd hoped – quite a few people had been in too much of a hurry to escape Harry and hadn't given her a tip. She was pondering how she might earn some more when they spotted Luca and Alberto.
The boys were sitting on the porch of the house belonging to the two old sea monster women, Pinuccia and Concetta Aragosta. They were not working. They were drinking lemonade and eating cookies, and Alberto was stroking one of the women's pet cats.
“Working hard, huh, ragazzi?” Giulia called out to them.
“Hey! We're taking a break!” Alberto informed her.
“They said we should have some lunch, and then we can finish weeding the garden,” Luca explained.
“We'll be able to work even harder after we've had a rest,” Alberto agreed.
Concetta Aragosta opened the door and waved to Giulia. “Won't you join us, dear?”
Giulia hopped the low stone wall and headed in. Harry scurried after her, and she wondered if the women would cry out. Scares weren't supposed to be good for older people were they? What if one of them had a heart attack? Fortunately, however, they didn't seem startled at all.
“This must be your friend from that other world,” Concetta observed. “Enrico, wasn't it?”
“Call me Harry,” the monster boy said. Concetta offered her plate of treats, and Harry stuffed a pizzocato in his mouth. “Guess who's going to have dinner with the Visconti family tonight?” he said as he chewed.
“What?” asked Alberto, spitting crumbs – his mouth, too, was full. “Really?”
“Ercole's Mom thinks he's cute,” said Giulia. She took a cooking for herself.
“Lemonade?” asked Concetta.
Giulia nodded, and made a point of swallowing before she spoke aloud. “Si, grazie.”
“Me, too!” said Harry.
Alberto swallowed his mouthful. “What does Ercole think of this? Or has he met him yet?”
“They've met,” said Giulia.
“He's no problem,” said Harry firmly. He found a padded basket that had been set out for the cats, tipped a sleeping animal out of it, and settled down inside. The orange cat made a startled noise and looked around, not sure what had just happened to it. It turned in a circle, then seemed to forget the whole thing and sat down to wash its face.
“You must not have met him for very long,” said Luca dubiously.
“I can handle him.” Harry was confident.
Back at the Pescheria that evening, the kids counted up the money they'd earned. It was enough for two children's tickets, or one adult. If all three were going, they would need more,
“You really want to go on the train, Mom?” Luca tried. “I thought you didn't like things that moved.”
Daniela had never been on a train. She'd ridden in a car exactly once and had felt ill the whole time, but apparently she could not be budged. “I've talked it over with Helena,” she said, “and we've both agreed that you're not going back there without a grownup. She has things to do, so I have volunteered.”
Luca nodded glumly. “Then we're gonna need more money.”
“Maybe we need to check out some of the shipwrecks,” Alberto suggested. “There might be something down there we could still sell.” Most possible salvage had been cleaned out by him and his father over the past ten years, but they couldn't have found everything.
“Or we just need to do another day of work,” sighed Giulia.
Luca shook his head. “The longer it takes, the more likely something awful happens to Louise and the others.”
A clattering on the stairs made them raise their heads. Harry was not built for human-sized stairs, and the ones in the house above the Pescheria were particular steep. He'd nearly slipped, and had finally settled on descending them backwards. The kids watched as he made his way down step by step, and then strutted up to them. Helen had put his sailor suit through the laundry, so it was now clean and white and newly-pressed.
“I'm off to dinner with the Visconti family!” he said cheerfully.
“Good luck with that,” said Alberto.
“Thank you,” Harry replied, smug. He headed out. “I'll be back later, unless they decide to keep me.”
The door closed behind him.
“He's really serious about this,” Daniela observed.
“He is,” agreed Luca, grimacing. “What if they do keep him?”
“They won't,” said Alberto.
“They might,” Giulia warned. “I told you, Ercole's mom thought he was cute, and he was very polite to her. He might pull it off.”
Alberto shrugged. “Then let them have him. He and Ercole deserve each other.”
“That's a really bad idea,” said Luca. “He's not gonna be so cute anymore when he gets older. What if he grows up to be huge and venomous like his dad? He won't fit through doors.”
“I told him about Ercole's reign of terror and he didn't sound like he was worried about it at all,” Giulia said. “He kept saying he would have this town in the palm of hand.”
The boys considered that. Ercole had been bad enough. The idea of somebody taking up a similar type of bullying, while that someone also had sharp teeth and many legs and might grow to be seven or eight feet tall... that didn't bear thinking about.
“There's no way,” Alberto decided. “Once they actually get to know him, they'll realize he's kind of a jerk, and after the way Ercole turned out they won't want another one of those.”
“And he won't want anybody else adopting him because he thinks we're all peasants,” said Giulia with a scowl.
Luca could only hope they were right.
Daniela had other concerns. “How are you going to get into this museum?” she asked, and nodded across the table at Giulia's mother. “Helena said it wasn't open.”
“Not to the public,” said Helena, “but they're doing restoration work, so people are going in and out all the time. The security guards know me,” she added. “Like I said, I've been in there working on the frescoes before. They'd probably let me in.”
“What about the rest of us?” asked Luca.
“Daniela can come with me if I say she's my assistant, but I don't know about you.” Helena pursed her lips, thinking about it. “They won't want children running around.”
“Unless we're there for school!” Luca suggested. “What if we tell them we're doing a school project on the history of the building?”
“It's summer,” Giulia protested.
“But we go back in a couple of months,” said Luca. “I heard some of the older kids get assigned summer projects. Maybe they'll believe we did, too!”
“That might work, but not if it's a surprise,” Helena decided. “I'd have to give them some warning. And now are we going to get Harry in? They probably won't let me take the pram.”
“Do you have something you bring supplies in?” Giulia asked. “Maybe we can hide him in a cart or something.”
“Then there's the question of staying in,” Helena went on. “You'll need to be there at night, because you said when it's night here it's daytime in the monster world. They like to get everybody out by sunset, and they patrol the place at night so they won't have squatters.”
“We'll have to be very careful,” said Luca.
As well as insisting that she accompany the kids, Daniela was also firm about Luca coming back to the house in the bay to have dinner with his family. He grudgingly did so, but afterwards hurried right up onto the land again to talk to his friends. He looked very worried when he did.
“Mom keeps trying to talk me out of it,” he said miserably, sitting in the treehouse between Alberto and Giulia. “She keeps saying that what happened to Louise and Curtis and Sullivan isn't our responsibility, and it's Louise's fault for dragging us out of Rocco's closet in the first place.” He leaned on his knees, face in his hands. “And maybe she's right, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help! They wouldn't be in all this trouble if Harry hadn't slammed the door on them!”
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“We could just sneak away without her,” Alberto suggested.
“No way. She'd be so mad,” said Luca. “She'd send me to the Deep, or at least never let me go back to school again.” He sighed heavily. “Where's Harry? Is he still at Ercole's?”
“I guess so,” said Giulia with a shrug. He was taking an awfully long time about it, wasn't he?
“I wonder how dinner went.” Alberto snickered as he pictured it. “Him and Ercole probably fought the whole time. They're too much the same to get along.”
That was when the door in the yard below them opened, and Massimo leaned out of it to look up at them. “Bambini,” he said, “Signora Marsigliese says you have a telephone call.”
“What? All of us?” asked Albert, startled. The only time anyone ever asked for him on the telephone was when Luca and Giulia called from school.
“Yes,” said Massimo.
The kids exchanged some confused looks, then climbed down the ladder to meet Signora Marsigliese, who was at the front door. “It's your friend the crab,” she told them. “He wants to speak to you.”
Confused, the kids trooped across the piazza to the grocery shop, where the nearest telephone was. All sorts of possibilities were running through Luca's mind. Maybe Harry was hurt or in some other trouble and needed them to come rescue him. Maybe Ercole or even his father had tried to harm him. Whatever it was, Luca was pretty sure it would make this situation worse.
Signora Marsigliese handed him the phone receiver, and he put it to his ear and said, “hello?”
“Hi!” said Harry. “I'm calling to tell you they're keeping me. I told you they would! Ercole and his Dad are a little scared of me, but that's okay because it means I'll get my way.”
“Really?” asked Luca. That was better than Harry being lost or hurt, but still made for an awful feeling in the pit of Luca's stomach. They couldn't just let this happen... could they?
“Yep! Mrs. Visconti says I'm a nice young man, and Mr. Visconti says he can't deny her anything and it's not the weirdest pet he's seen!” Harry sounded very proud of himself. “And Ercole complained a lot, but it's not his house!”
“What about your own Mom and Dad?” Luca tried. “I mean... you're really never gonna see them again?”
“Nope!” said Harry. “Tell them I've found better parents in the human world – and make sure you tell my Dad that they're gonna be proud of me!”
Luca had his doubts about that. “Uh... okay,” he said. “If you change your mind, let us know. It's gonna take another day for us to earn enough money for that train trip, so if you...”
“I won't,” said Harry, and then his voie became muffled and Luca heard him call, “hey! New Mom! They need some money for the train – can we give them some?”
They couldn't hear Faustina Visconti's reply, but a moment later Harry spoke again.
“Yeah, my new Mom will hire you to pick some grapes tomorrow morning,” Harry said.
That made Luca stop and think for a moment. He knew that Alberto had done chores for the Visconti family before, and they paid very well because they wanted to continue being thought of as 'the rich people' even if that wasn't strictly true. Surely picking grapes for Signora Visconti would get them enough money plus a little extra.
“What's going on?” asked Alberto.
“Harry says Signora Visconti will pay us to pick grapes,” said Luca.
“Oh,” said Alberto, weighing up the pros and cons. The Viscontis did pay well, but then, Ercole was always around to be a pain. “Is it worth it, though?”
“Yes,” Luca insisted. “We need to rescue Louise and Curtis!”
Alberto made a terrible face, and looked at Giulia for a third opinion.
“We have to do it,” she said. “Harry doesn't belong here. We need to get him to go back to his world and we're not going to convince him over the phone. We'll have to go see him anyway, so we might as well earn some money.”
Alberto groaned.
Luca uncovered the mouthpiece of the telephone. “Okay,” he said, “we'll be there first thing tomorrow morning.”
“I'll tell my new Mom!” said Harry cheerfully. “Good night! Or... how do you say it here? Bwana naughty!”
“Good night, Harry,” sighed Luca.
The next morning, bright and early, Luca headed back to land. He and his friends put on work clothes, then headed over the hill to the Visconti vineyards. None of them were very enthusiastic about it. Alberto grumbled to himself the whole way, and Giulia knocked on the back door of the big house, where she'd delivered her fish yesterday, as if expecting bad news. They were worried it would be Harry himself who answered, but instead it was Faustina, with a smile on her face.
“Oh, Harry's little friends!” she said brightly. “He told me you'd stop by today. I'm going to have you bring in some of the Bosco that have ripened early. You'll want to be careful not to bruise them.”
“Yes, Signora Visconti,” Giulia replied, polite. Luca nodded. Alberto just grunted.
“Follow me!” said Faustina.
She led them up to the section of the vineyard where they'd be working, on an east-facing hillside to catch the rising sun, and provided them with baskets and clippers. All three kids had picked grapes before, and knew the proper way to do it – cut down the whole bunch and lay them carefully in the basket so as not to damage the delicate flesh. Alberto had once tried to eat a few, but had found them so sickly sweet he'd had to spit them out. When she'd finished laughing at him, Giulia had explained that wine grapes had much more sugar than food grapes, to help the juice ferment.
Faustina left them to their work, and for a little while it was quite pleasant. The shadows cast by the vines on the trellises kept them cool, as did the nice morning breeze, and they were far enough from the house that neither Ercole nor Harry could watch them. Of course, that would not keep.
Harry was the first to arrive. He was carrying a big pillow and a glass of lemonade, and wearing a pair of sunglasses that he was having trouble keeping in place because he had neither a nose nor ears. Without any sort of greeting, he shook his pillow a bit to fluff it up, then sat down on it and sipped his lemonade through a straw.
The kids continued to work, waiting for Harry to say something, but he remained silent except for the slurping sounds as he drank. He seemed content to watch and know that they were working and he was not, which in his mind was apparently how the world was supposed to be.
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“You're not gonna make your new parents proud by just sitting there,” Alberto said eventually.
“I'm supervising,” said Harry. “I'm making sure you're not slacking off. I wouldn't want my new Mom to pay you for doing nothing.”
“What happens when you get bored?” asked Giulia.
“I have a magazine.” Harry held it up.
“Can you even read it?” asked Alberto. He still found reading difficult, although he'd gotten much better at it with the incentive of understanding Luca's letters from school.
“Of course I can,” said Harry. He opened it and pretended to examine the pages, perhaps unaware that it was upside-down.
Giulia rolled her eyes and moved closer to the boys. “How are we gonna convince him?” she whispered.
“I have an idea,” said Alberto. He stopped and stretched before resuming his grape-picking. “Man,” he said, “now I wish I'd taken one of those eyeball pops! I guess if you're staying here, I'll never get another chance.”
“You're right,” Luca joined in. “They had some really strange food in the other world, Giulia, like the three-eyed fish.”
“He mentioned the three-eyed fish,” Giulia said, nodding.
“Some of them have four or five eyes,” said Harry. “The four-eyed ones are always the most delicious.”
“There aren't any four-eyed fish here,” Luca said, “only the two-eyed ones.”
“What a shame,” said Alberto.
They glanced over at Harry. He was watching them over the top of his magazine.
“You really want to live here where you'll never have a four-eyed fish for dinner again?” Alberto asked.
Harry pushed his sunglasses back into place. “You just want to get rid of me,” he accused.
Giulia decided to try honesty. “You don't belong here, Harry. There are no other people like you in this world. Sooner or later you're going to want to go back.”
“They don't,” said Harry, pointing to the boys.
“We are back, though,” said Luca. “I live with my family underwater during the summer, remember? And even if Alberto lives most of the time with humans, there are still lots of sea monsters around here so if he has a problem the humans can't help him with, there's somebody nearby who does. What if you get hurt or sick, and the doctor doesn't know what to do about it?”
“I'll be fine,” Harry insisted. “I'd rather have a Dad who'll be proud of me.”
“Has Signor Visconti said he'll be proud of you?” asked Alberto. He'd only met Aristide Visconti a couple of times, and he'd always seemed to be arguing with Ercole, not proud of him.
“He bragged about how his other son won the Portorosso Cup race five times,” said Harry. “I can do that, no problem.”
“He only won because he cheated!” Alberto protested.
“And you'd need a team to do that, because you can't ride a bike,” Giulia said, bristling.
“I'll figure it out,” Harry vowed.
The conversation was cut off then, as Faustina Visconti arrived with a picnic basket. “How's everybody doing?” she asked. “Oh, looks like you've made wonderful progress! And you're so gentle with them, that's lovely.”
“I've been supervising,” said Harry. “I'm making sure they do it right.”
The other kids glared at him.
Faustina set down her basket and began unfolding a blanket. “I've made you some lunch. Why don't we all take a bit of a break? Ercole!” she called over her shoulder.
“I'm coming, Mamma!” came Ercole's voice.
He arrived a moment later with a second basket, and helped his mother to lay out a torta di verde with stuffed artichokes, fresh bread, and fruit from the garden. Luca, Alberto, and Giulia came and sat down while Faustina passed out food and offered each child a very small glass of wine.
“This is what we make from the grapes you're picking,” she said proudly. “Our Bosco.”
Alberto and Luca sipped it carefully, to be polite. Neither of the boys particularly liked wine, finding it tasted quite sharp even when the humans promised it would be sweet. Giulia tried it and smiled. Harry and Ercole both swirled and sniffed it in the way they'd seen adults do, trying to appear refined. Giulia was about to say something to tease Harry about this, but Harry himself spoke first.
“Are we billing them for this?” he asked.
“Billing them?” Faustina echoed, confused.
“Yes. At the factory, if employees don't bring their own lunch, they have to get it from the cafeteria,” Harry explained. “We take it off their paycheques.”
“Don't be silly,” said Faustina. “We want them to come back and work for us again sometime, don't we? We're going to be welcoming. It's not as if we can't afford it. Would you children like some soda pop?”
“Yes, please!” said Luca and Alberto eagerly. They liked that much better than wine.
Faustina pulled out the bottles and opened them, while Harry sat there, looking surprised but thoughtful.
They finished up with tangerines for dessert, and then Faustina directed Harry and Ercole to help her bring the grapes already picked back to the house. Harry, with his low-slung, wide-set body, was able to heft one and carry it along mere inches above the ground, which Faustina told him was very good. He grinned toothily at the other kids before scuttling away.
“Ercole, try to be very careful, could you?” she asked. She took one basket in each arm, balancing them on her hips, and followed Harry.
Ercole was in the middle of lifting one, but he didn't straighten up. Instead, he waited until his mother and new adoptive brother had vanished between the vines before putting the basket down and gesturing for Luca, Alberto, and Giulia to come closer.
“You have to get rid of him,” he ordered them.
“Why should we?” asked Alberto, who had strong feelings about Harry returning to his own world, but possibly even stronger ones about Ercole suffering inconvenience.
“Because Mamma treats him like one of her precious Bologneses!” said Ercole, referring to the two small dogs Faustina doted upon. “It makes me sick. And they let him sleep in my room. I woke up in the middle of last night and he was three centimetres from my face! I screamed, and he laughed at me!”
Giulia snickered.
Ercole glared at her. “Besides, he's already planning to enter the race this year, and neither of us need more competition.”
“You don't have to worry about it, because you're too old to enter,” Giulia pointed out.
“We agree he needs to go back,” Luca put in, before an argument could develop. “He's going to grow up to be really big and he'll probably bully everybody, but what are we supposed to do? We already tried to talk him out of it, but he doesn't want to go back.”
“Then you have to make him,” Ercole insisted. “How do you get back to that monster world?”
“We've got a plan,” said Alberto.
“We're going back to Genova tonight, we hope,” said Luca. “We can do it from there.”
“Good,” said Ercole. “The last train leaves late, like nine o'clock, right? So after we go to bed, I will let you into the house, and you can grab him and take him with you.”
“Like... kidnap him?” Giulia was startled.
“Yes,” said Ercole. “But you'll have to gag him first or he'll yell, like he did when one of the employee's children put a spider down his back.” He snorted. “I don't know why he shoudl be afraid of spiders. He's more likely to be mistaken for one. Mamma scolded the other child terribly.” He scowled. “She used to do that when people were nasty to me.”
“Ohhh,” said Giulia. She grinned. “You want to be the baby again.”
“I am not a baby!” huffed Ercole.
“Yeah, but you're your Mom's baby!” Alberto said.
Ercole pouted. “She used to say I always would be. Then she got the dogs. And now this.”
Giulia nodded – although she couldn't help but wonder what Ercole had done to try to get rid of the dogs when they'd first arrived. There must have been something. “Okay, ragazzi,” she said to her friends. “We'll come back after dark with the pram, and tie him up and put him in that.”
“We should probably trap him in a net,” said Alberto. “That way it'll tangle up all his legs and we won't have to do them one by one.” He knew from unpleasant experience that escaping from a fishing net was harder than it looked.
“We've got lots of nets,” said Giulia. “All right – we'll come get him tonight after bedtime.” She offered Ercole a hand.
He took it as if it were a dead fish, and gave it one quick shake. “I hate having to make a deal with you,” he said, “but I must think about my own future.”
“Don't worry, we don't like making a deal with you either,” said Alberto.
“But we've got a lot of people to think about,” Luca agreed.
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15 notes · View notes
beasanfi1997 · 6 months
I would like to made Pirates of Caribbean AU starring Open Season, Monster House and Luca.
It's called the Animals of America
Elliott the deer: Jack Sparrow
Boog the bear: Joshamee Gibbs
Luca Paguro: Will Turner
Giulia Marcovaldo: Elizabeth Swann
Ivan the deer: Hector Barbossa
McSquizzy the squirrel and Mr. Weenie the Dog dachshund: Pintel and Ragetti
Tank the penguin: Bo'sun
Deni the mallard duck: Cotton
Coraline Jones: Anamaria
Horace Nebbercracker: Davy Jones
Constance Nebbercracker: Tia Dalma
Massimo Marcovaldo: Governor Weatherby Swann
Lorenzo Paguro: Bill Turner
Giselle the deer: Angelica Teach
Grizzly Bear(From Fox and Hound): Barbanera
Todd the fox: Philip Swift
Vixey the vixen: Serena
Ercole Visconti: Norrington
I taken a few characters from Fox and Hound to play Philip Swift, Serena and Barbanera
You know? Open Season and Monster House are two movies that release in 2006 the year that Jacob Tremblay was Born, fifteen years before he voice Luca. Fox and Hound was release in 1981 and twenty-five years later arrives the midquel and i choose Todd, Vixey and the Grizzly Bear to play Philip Swift, Serena and Barbanera because the Grizzly Bear captures Todd, because he was raise by Widow Tweed, and he force him to attire Vixey with the Fox call and to capture her and to search the waterfall of Youth. Fortunatly Elliot with the help of his formerly rival Ivan and his friend Boog save Giselle using the waterfall of Youth while the Grizzly Bear gets killed and Todd and Vixey can live in peace.
In carriage Chase from Pirates of Caribbean 4, i was thought to use Dixie, from Fox and Hound, playing the Older lady in Aqua dress that Jack Sparrow stealing her earring.
Luca and Giulia were perfect to play Will and Elizabeth and because Luca when he gets wet he becomed a Sea Monster Just like Will and the ship of his father.
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@sunshells​ asked: " .. If you're worried about being spotted by Ercole, then i have the perfect place where we could go. He'll never see us there. "
The blonde offered the other a look of comfort and tenderness, his soft hand slightly squeezing Guido's in an attempt to ensure him that he was going to be safe as long as he kept close to him. Guido's reasoning for his concern wasn't entirely wrong, walking around town in an area where they could easily be seen by anyone -- especially Ercole -- was way too dangerous, who knows what that imbecille would do if he saw them together. Not to mention.. rumors spread pretty quickly in a town as small as Portorosso, so the word of them being together would have gotten to Ercole anyways.
" We could go to my uncle's house, i have my own room there .. he'd be happy to see me bringing a in a 'friend' so -- he wouldn't mind you being there. "
( Shippy starter .. ? Shippy starter .. 👀 )
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      guido allowed a soft breath to puff out of his chest as his fingers curled around gabry’s own, giving his hand a squeeze in return, trying to ignore the way his heart fluttered and pounded from the simple show of affection. admittedly, he was.. truly anxious about the thought of ercole or.. anyone ELSE really, seeing them together so intimately.   primarily, though, his worry was about his cousin.    he was on thin ice with the older male as it was, and guido tried to avoid the visconti household whenever possibly, mostly to avoid ercole’s ire.. if he had a REASON to pick on him, then guido was sure the torment would increase tenfold. 
       “ are you sure that’s okay? ”    the relief was evident in guido’s voice, his eyes moving to glance around them just to make sure that ercole wasn’t close by or in the general vicinity. no sign of him, or anyone else, really. he was grateful for that.    he loved spending time with gabriele, he just wished it was easier -- but he wasn’t naive, he knew that wasn’t possible. however he got to spend his time with the other boy, he was glad. 
     “ i mean, i’d like that.. a lot. ”
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
Here’s chapter 10! The Rescuers
Hours went by and Luca and Giulia haven't seen Alberto nor Maria. "Where are they? Are they ok?" Giulia said worriedly "I don't know! I'll go check!" Luca said and dove into the water and swam out towards the island Alberto was heading. A few moments of swimming, Luca saw a trail of blood coming from the side of the island and followed it. As he followed the floating blood trail, more blood started appearing as if something was bleeding. Luca looked down and saw Alberto at the bottom unconscious. "ALBERTO!" Luca yelled and swam towards him. "Alberto! Wake up! C'mon, please wake up!" Luca cried. Alberto groaned from the pain in his head and started waking up from a long blackout. "Ugh... What happened?" Alberto said sitting up and rubbing the wound on the side of his head. "You tell me, why is there blood everywhere? Where's Maria?" Luca asked, then Alberto remembered what happened "OH NO! MARIA! Ercole stabbed her through her shoulder and took her away!" Alberto cried, "What!? Ercole!? What for?" Luca asked "A competition! In Genoa!" Alberto said, "The train! He's gonna be on the train!" Luca cried and they both started swimming back to town.
Giulia was pacing around the dock waiting for Luca and Alberto to return. Luca and Alberto started coming out the water and ran to Giulia, "Giulia! Have you seen Ercole!?" Alberto asked worriedly, "I saw him carrying something under a blanket and headed to the train station." She said "That was Maria!" Alberto shouted then ran over and hopped on his Vespa and started racing to the train station before it took off, Giulia and Luca got on their bikes and started racing behind. "C'mon, c'mon!" Alberto said nervously as he was almost there to the train. Giulia and Luca caught up to Alberto, "Alberto! The train's leaving!" Said Luca, "Look! There's Ercole!" Giulia said pointing to Ercole hopping onto the train carrying a bloody humanoid-shaped blanket. "There's Maria!" Alberto said and sped up faster, Giulia and Luca followed behind. As the train was moving away, Alberto, Luca and Giulia started riding on the train tracks trying to get as close to the train as possible.
"We're not gonna make it!" Luca said, Alberto looked to his left and saw a rocky ramp then grabbed Luca and Giulia hands and had them sit with him in his Vespa, "You guys hang on!" Alberto said as he started riding up the rocky ramp and jumped onto the top of the train losing the Vespa and struggling to stay on top as they started sliding off. Giulia started swinging back and forth hanging off the edge of the train and hopped in the end of the train where there was a door and railing. "C'mon guys! Jump down!" Giulia shouted and Alberto and Luca started doing the same thing she did and jumped down to the end she was at. "Now let's find Maria!" Alberto said as he opened the door and they went inside viewing a lot of people in the passenger seats. "Let's be careful, and keep an eye out for Ercole and Maria." Giulia said as they started walking through the seated passengers looking for Ercole.
After a long while of strolling through the train to find Ercole, a conductor caught them. "Hey! What are you doing? Do you have a train ticket?" The conductor asked, Giulia laughed nervously, "Hehe, it's a funny story..." she said then started running and Alberto and Luca followed running after. "Hey!" The conductor shouted and started chasing after them. The three started running through the train cart to cart until they bumped into Ercole.
"You three!?" He said, then the conductor caught up. "It's ok, Amico. These three are with me." Ercole said, "Well... Ok, next time they should have their tickets." The conductor said and walked away. Ercole pushed the three into a cart that had no seats or passengers, but it was dark and only had two window left to right. "Where's Maria, Ercole?" Alberto said standing up and walking towards Ercole. "Relax, fishboy. She's fine, we managed to stop the bleeding and get the harpoon out." Ercole said. The three sighed in relief, "But that doesn't mean your gonna stop me from having her make me a winner!" Ercole said and snapped his finger and his mates grabbed Alberto and his friends and put a clothe over their noses that had a sleeping chemical on it and the three started falling asleep, "By the time you wake up, this will all feel like a bad dream." Ercole said, his voice starting to fade away as everything faded to black.
Hours had passed and it was nighttime, Alberto woke up to find that they were tied up with their hands behind their backs and a piece of cloth covering their mouths and was sat against a brick wall underneath a bridge. Alberto started struggling trying to break his bonds, Ercole started walking up and kneeling in front of Alberto, "Don't worry, I'm sure your fidanzata will be just fine!... In an aquarium!" Ercole said and started laughing evilly while walking off downtown where the competition was being held. 'No! Maria!' Alberto said in his head thinking of all the bad stuff that was gonna happen to Maria if he didn't save her in time.
Giulia and Luca woke to find themselves also tied up, they started muffling and struggling to break free, but it was no use, the bonds were too tight and strong. Giulia managed to get the piece of clothe off her mouth, "C'mon guys! It's not over yet!" She said trying to cheer them on as she rolled over to them and took their clothes off with her teeth, "Yes it is!... We failed... Maria's gone... we're too late..." Alberto said sadly looking down. "No, Alberto. Look! We're here! We just have to find Maria and get to the train back to Portorroso! As soon as we get out of these ropes!" Giulia said continuing to struggling through her ropes. "And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Alberto said, "Well...uhh..." Giulia said trying to think of something hopeful to say. Luca looked at the water that was next to them on their left and started rolling towards it until he fell in. "LUCA!" Alberto and Giulia screamed, Luca jumped back out the water free from his ropes for he had bit them off with his sharp teeth, he started untying Giulia and Alberto.
"Giulia's right, Alberto. We can't just give up now when we're so close! We just have to hurry and find Maria before Ercole sends her away to someplace horrible!" Luca said. "Yeah! Maria's our friend too! And she's a part of our group, The Underdogs!" Giulia cheered putting her arm out as Luca joined in and put his hand on top of hers and they both looked at Alberto waiting for him to join in. Alberto looked at both of them and smiled, putting his hand on top of theirs in the middle, "Underdogs!" They shouted, "Alright! Let's go find our friend!" Giulia said, "And I know someone here who will help us!"
After a while of walking through town, they came to a house. Giulia knocked on the door and a lady that almost looked like Giulia opened the door, "Giulia! This is an unexpected surprise! And I see you brought Luca and his friend here too!" The lady said, "Ciao, mama! We need your help!" Giulia said, "With what?" Giulia's mother asked, "Ercole stole Alberto's friend! She's a Siren and Ercole is trying to enter her in the competition so he could win the prize money!" Giulia said. "Santo Pecorino!" Giulia's mom gasped. "And Maria's injured because he stabbed her with his harpoon, so we have to get her out of here before its too late!" Alberto cried. "Then what are we waiting for? I'll help you save your friend and make sure you get home to Portorroso safely." Said Giulia's mom. She put her shoes and stuff on and they started heading towards the competition.
There was a crowd of people gathering around to see the Sirens up close, Ercole started walking up to the front desk to sign in. "And what's your name?" The lady at the front desk asked Ercole, "I am Ercole Visconti, the five-time winner of the Portorroso cup!" He said bragging. "Okay, and what costume are you submitting today?" The lady said sarcastically, "She is not a costume! She's the real thing!" Ercole said pulling a blanket off of a large and wide fish tank containing Maria inside. "Oh my!" The front desk lady gasped in shock. "Yes, so you may as well tell everyone to go on home, I won this year!" Ercole said walking backstage and taking Maria with him. Giulia, her mom and Luca and Alberto made it to the competition, it was crowded and they could barely see over the crowed. "See anything guys?" Giulia asked, "Nope, nothing yet!" Luca said, "Look! There! Behind the giant red blanket!" Alberto said pointing to everyone going backstage. "C'mon! Let's go see if Maria's back there!" Giulia said and they all started running towards the backstage.
Behind the red curtain were boxes full of fish tanks and costumes, "You three look around for your friend, I see Ercole I'll distract him." Giulia's mom said, "Thanks, Mama!" Giulia said and gave her mother a hug then they started looking. They searched everywhere, there were mermaid costumes, makeup, tails, and fish tanks. "Ugh! This is gonna take forever!" Giulia complained, "Maybe we could try calling for her?" Luca said, "We can't alert anyone or else they'll find us and then we're never gonna save Maria!" Giulia said. Alberto looked around and started thinking, then he got an idea. Alberto started to sing while walking down an isle of boxes and fish tanks, "Come with me, into the sea, as we swim far out to sea. In the deep, you will see, a world of my dreams. As you sink into the ocean, without a warning-" "You've fallen into my trap..." Alberto looked in the direction he heard the voice and looked down to his left and saw Maria laying down in a large wide fish tank. She looked as if she was still weak from her wound on her shoulder that was now patched up and covered in bandages and was now wearing a royal blue dress.
"Maria!" Alberto shouted and kneeled down to her tank, "I'm so glad your okay!" He said letting out a sigh of relief. "You shouldn't have come, Alberto... What if he catches you?" Maria said, "He'll have to fight me first. And I won't back down from a fight!" Alberto said smiling at Maria. "I'm sorry, Alberto... You were right... I should've listen." Maria said, "No, It's my fault. I should've stayed with you before he came." Alberto said standing up "And now this time I'm gonna make sure of it! I won't let you go alone again." He said uncovering Maria's top to open her tank.
Alberto grabbed Maria and picked her up out her tank as she started drying and turned back into a human, her wound on her shoulder started hurting as she hissed through her pain, Alberto started holding her up using her right arm and started heading towards his friends. "Guys! I found her!" Alberto said as he and Maria started walking towards Giulia and Luca. "Maria! Your okay!" Giulia said, "For now, yes." Maria said still weak and sore from the pain "C'mon, let's get her out of here, quick!" Alberto said and they started rushing back outside to Giulia's mom. "Mom, is the coast clear?" Giulia asked, "Yes, c'mon, hurry!" Giulia's mom said and they all started pacing through the crowd out of downtown. Ercole was coming back from having some equality time to himself, getting something to eat, got himself a drink, then started walking back to the competition. Ercole started heading backstage to Maria's tank to find it empty. He spat out his drink from shock, "Mama Mia! She's escaped!" He shouted and grabbed his harpoon and started running outside searching for Maria.
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jellofangy · 2 years
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(The one I was excited to do the most! Ercole is next! I definitely had the most fun with his design and seeing what designs I could conjure up lol. For those wondering in this au, sometime after the events after the first movie - At least half a year??? - Ercole started to get help from the other main characters to redeem himself and learn to be nicer and more respectful to others. It took a while to gain everyone’s trust back and he still retains some of his original personality, but he’s getting there!)
AGE: 17
BIRTHDAY: May 11th (Taurus)
SEA JEWEL: Sapphire (Colour: Blue)
MERBILITY: Storm Creation/Tempestakinesis (From time to time can also change the weather)
SYMBOL: Diamond
VOICED BY: Saverio Raimondo
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@5tiiimewinner​ asked: as roughly as he could, ercole shoved his hands against that massive chest of massimo's, but it was pointless - this guy's as stiff as a wall! he didn't budge, but that didn't stop ercole! he tried again, and again, ramming his shoulder and side into the big guy and shuffling his feet against the ground to try and push massimo at least A LITTLE, like he was trying to move a heavy crate.
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       as ercole’s hands reached out and shoved against his chest, massimo didn’t move an inch, merely letting out a disapproving grunt at the gesture. he wasn’t entirely sure what the visconti boy was trying to DO, but it was wholly ineffective, regardless.        the older man’s hand curled into a slight fist as ercole continued his attempts to try to move him, and he lifted one eyebrow as he continued to watch him. what was the end goal here, exactly? 
       reaching out, massimo grabbed ercole by the scruff of his collar, effortlessly lifting him up off of the ground, squinting at him.      “what are you trying to do, exactly?”      his voice was flat, unamused, and he tossed ercole forward slightly, watching the younger man stumble as he was let go, shaking his head.         “ qual era il punto? “
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