cutexshinobi · 6 years
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Trust no one👋 . . . #noonereallycares #trustnoone #hellodepression #mentalillness #selfharm #donttrustanyone #mentalhealth #takecare #caring #care #caretoomuch #somethingdramatic
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harrisnovick · 4 years
Currents - The Way it Ends (Track by Track) 
HelloDepression posted this to r/Metalcore at 2020-07-02 19:08:49 UTC
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beautifularmour · 7 years
you know shit's getting bad again when I'm back on tumblr
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mercureaart · 6 years
I don't know what's wrong with me anymore.
It's taking me ages to get anything done, and I know life has its own rythm, that I probably will be able to do everything I must sooner or later.....But it's granting on my nerves...It's permanently on my mind, the task without double check....you haven't done this yet it says.
And still I manage to dissociate on important moments, like, yesterday I almost get hit by a car when driving my tricycle and fell face first to the road because my brain decided to go in its own world at that very moment....
I cry for no reason at all, I sleep a lot and don't get any rest.....I feel like a fucking mess
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jayinadazee · 7 years
When you want to die all over again.
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Good Ideas, Best Decisions
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Being in J.’s basement was like being in a time capsule that contained over 200 years of memories brought together by punk rock, mutual friends and bad decisions, but what came out of it was a camaraderie of friendship that felt as if we spoke only a week ago as opposed to ten years since everyone was actually together. A. didn’t want to rehash his pre-heart attack pre-born again Christian stories of drinking, fighting and possible kidnapping, not because he didn’t find them hilarious, but because his wife was never privy to what kind of person he was before they tied the knot over 13 years ago. J. proudly came down and laughed about his teenage days of taking acid and exposing himself to the red eyed drivers on I-275, something of which would make him a reluctant internet celebrity and earn an instant registration on the national sex offenders list. LD. was reminded of her brother’s legendary Wyandotte, Michigan eviction party where, looking back on it, most of us met in the first place: Broken furniture, walls tagged an exploding toilets and an alleged police investigation because of the roomfuls of splattered Jello that resembled a torture scene.* 24 years later, we still laugh about it especially knowing that LD’s brother moved back into said apartment 9 years later without realizing it. LD simply rolled her eyes; she heard all these stories several times before and she’s still known as the little sister who never drank, got in trouble nor were we allowed to date her --she looked way to much like her brother anyway.
Nobody brought up why we were there in the first place, that wasn’t the point of the impromptu wake. We were there to celebrate life, memories and friendships over beers and the records we still listen to 25 years later. We don’t do this enough and as much as I hope my friends and family would do the same for me, I also hope that it doesn’t take another passing for us to be together again. 
To Sandy. I know we haven’t spoken all that much in the last 20, but you brought a lot of love and friendship together over the years like it was yesterday. Nothing will be forgotten. 
*Two years later, a couple of knuckleheads in the neighboring city of Trenton tried to repeat this event going as far as posting flyers around town like it was some punk show. Although the apartment eventually got a giant mouse hole between the living room and bedroom that was big enough to safely jump though, all it led was a couple of arrests, historically bad credit and the organizers having to spend the rest of their married lives putting everything in their wives name.
Shrinks are expensive and I can’t help but resent how mental health is treated like an elective secondary treatment, like we choose to hate ourselves, feel guilty over some shit that happened over 30 years ago, that completely disappearing off the face of this Earth seems like it would be the best for everyone; just taking up all this room, being more of a walking environmental waste than a human being. It’s way easy to take up too much Tumblr space about my problems because this RAM (or broadband or whatever it is that makes all the room to publish data on here) could be easily used for puppy GIFs instead. I mean seriously! Puppy GIFs > Pages of my depression any day. 
So yeah, this is one of the many reasons why I’d rather see someone in person and talk it out. I’m not about posting way too personal information on the internets anymore; I mean as positive as it is to share and relate similar experiences with everyone on here, the well meaning advice from friends and complete strangers can be conflicting from either channeling one’s own issues and insecurities onto me, or unintentionally providing me with dismissive answers as if it’s simple and not daunting to go back to school and completely change careers at 40, or start a food truck like there’s no overhead and that everyone in Detroit wants a vegan Coney whatthefuck.
Can’t say I expected this year to start off the way it did, and that’s not exactly a bad thing. But living life without much of a  safety net and actually doing things for myself instead of putting others in front of me is a new feeling and I feel like I don’t completely deserve this in the first place --frankly, that’s been the most difficult part of what I’ve been trying to call Funemployment these past five weeks and counting. The network of family and friends around me is stronger than I imagined even if they provide the conflicting, well meaning, aforementioned advice --”leave Detroit,” and “don’t move to NYC” has been a common theme among everyone, depending on which side of the country they’re on which if anything, has given me the additional worst case neurosis' that no one wants me around. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with going to the library to write this out, there’s nothing wrong with taking a nap when you get home, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping in until 10AM just so as long as you get everything you need to get done and there’s nothing wrong with watching all ten episodes of The People Vs OJ Simpson in one sitting. Seriously, that’s a great miniseries you should all check out. 
It’s also a weird, almost unwelcoming feeling to make a decision on what you want to do next, whatever that it. It’s also way worse to...(edited out)...Ugh!
The above is what I’m currently stressing over at the moment. Maybe a vegan coney dog food truck is something Detroit needs after all. 
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monkeyun · 3 years
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Am i not valuable enough ? I cant even think straight. Maybe i should stop expecting people to treat me the way i treated them . Bec its killing me. Why does it seems easy for you but its harder for me ? Is this what it felt like breaking down all your walls for someone. ? Felt depressed . Felt like your world crumbling down on you? Like you walk around without your soul? You cry every night thinking what the hell is wrong with you ? Like you start to lose interest in everything you like to do . Like every single thing. Your thoughts keeps running away .
No dont tell me that everythings gonna be okay . That im gonna be okay. Stop telling me lies that im gonna be okay . Bec i am not okay. and i cant lie anymore under my sheets and pretend that im okay . That i dont fall , that im not crashed. That i cant fixed the broken pieces and some are missing along the way while fixing it.
Is this what it felt like to tell the truth how bad your last relationship was , and you are always afraid of falling in love bec it breaks you apart and then you start knocking down all your walls for someone thinking that they wouldnt do the same thing your past did to you, but they still left you anyways making you thinking harder and harder every single sec . Or wonder your worth of being a person? Am i not human that i shouldnt feel hurt, that i should be okay picking up and fixing all the broken pieces of it while putting a smile on my face? Or am i a fucking problem. ? Am i ? Is this how you felt when you go through your heartbreak the last time ? Am i not feeling the same thing that crashes me hard , that you felt no one was there. All you do is being in your comfort zone bec thats where you felt safe . Did i not cross your mind at all ? Or was it easy ? Easy forgetting everything like nothing ever happens? At one moment , when your mind wonders around while you were crossing the road , all you wish was you got hit by car , its either it brought you to your death or you lost all your bones or lost all of your amazing yet hurtful memories. Its insane how i keep waking up at a certain timing just to find you but you werent around. You are not here anymore . Youve disappear . Your words that keep pushing me through disappears too. Gotto always remind myself , stop thinking bout you . Stop feeling imma priority anymore . Bec i aint anymore . Stop doing shit that triggers the friendship and thats the last thing you have . You have all important things that youre going through now .
I gotto stop crying missing you too . I gotto stop thinking bout you in every lil ways . I gotto stop thinking bout the future or the memories we created . Im always here. I never left .
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bollywoodpapa · 5 years
World Mental Health Day: Alia Bhatt pens an emotional post for sister Shaheen
New Post has been published on https://www.bollywoodpapa.com/alia-bhatt-pens-an-emotional-post-for-sister-shaheen/
World Mental Health Day: Alia Bhatt pens an emotional post for sister Shaheen
Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt’s sister Shaheen has never shied away from talking about her ordeal with depression.
And now, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day her sister Alia Bhatt took to Instagram handle to pen an emotional post for Shaheen.
Alia Bhatt pens an emotional post for sister Shaheen
Alia Bhatt shared a picture of Shaheen and wrote, “I am so so proud of you @shaheenb And of @herecomesthesunofficial. You have taken something so personal and made it a symbol of strength and empathy. No one needs to be alone as they struggle with mental health, battling their own fears and anxiety. Sometimes all you need to know that you’re not alone!!! I’m here 100%.. to start the conversation, to raise awareness and to join you on this journey, EVERY step of the way @herecomesthesunofficial #WorldMentalHealthDay (sic).”
  View this post on Instagram
  I am so so proud of you @shaheenb ☀☀☀ And of @herecomesthesunofficial You have taken something so personal and made it a symbol of strength and empathy. No one needs to be alone as they struggle with mental health, battling their own fears and anxiety. Sometimes all you need to know that you’re not alone!!! I’m here a 100%.. to start the conversation, to raise awareness and to join you on this journey, EVERY step of the way @herecomesthesunofficial #WorldMentalHealthDay
A post shared by Alia 🌸 (@aliaabhatt) on Oct 10, 2019 at 1:40am PDT
Shaheen Bhatt launched her new initiative – Here Comes The Sun, which helps people fight depression and anxiety. Shaheen took to Instagram to talk about her initiative. In a post, she wrote, “#HereComesTheSun was born from a simple idea. The idea that we are not alone. None of us are alone in our struggles and journeys with mental health – we all have the same fears and we all hope for the same things.”
She further added, “Here comes the sun is a friendly voice reminding you that you aren’t alone, it’s an effort to raise awareness about mental health, to start a conversation, and to help end the taboo and the stigma surrounding it. The first step to all of this is to just say hello our demons. So I’m starting off by saying Hello to my depression and anxiety.”
Check out her full post here:
  View this post on Instagram
  Repost • @herecomesthesunofficial #HereComesTheSun was born from a simple idea. The idea that we are not alone. None of us are alone in our struggles and journeys with mental health- we all have the same fears and we all hope for the same things. Here comes the sun is a friendly voice reminding you that you aren’t alone, it’s an effort to raise awareness about mental health, to start a conversation, and to help end the taboo and the stigma surrounding it. The first step to all of this is to just say hello our demons. So I’m starting off by saying Hello to my depression and anxiety. The first time I felt it, I was twelve and approaching my 13th birthday. I thought that the niggling feelings of unease creeping up on me had to do with the fact that I had recently gained a lot of weight and was being teased for it at school. So,lI spent 4 months starving myself and lost all the weight before my 13th birthday rolled around. Surprise surprise: not only did those painful, uneasy feelings stay put, they got worse with every passing day. I spent a lot of time oblivious and unaware that those feelings could be something more. I spent a lot time in denial when I learned they were something more. And then, I spent even more time angry and bitter because depression was the big, scary monster under my bed that was ruining my entire life. But here’s the thing about monsters: they can only live in the dark. If you turn on the light you’ll see that what you thought was a monster, isn’t a monster at all. And the way you turn on the light is by acknowledging it and talking about it. So, I turned on the light, poked my head under the bed and said “Hello” to my monster. That simple act has changed how I deal with every bad day that has come since. It didn’t magically fix me – I’m in the midst of a depressive episode as I write this – but at least I no longer spend all my time and energy avoiding the elephant in the room. With my energy refocused I can spend time on what’s important – looking after myself. Now, I just take each day as it comes, secure in the knowledge that there’s nothing hiding under my bed – except maybe one of my cats. #HelloAnxiety #HelloDepression
A post shared by 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭 (@shaheenb) on Oct 10, 2019 at 1:39am PDT
Last year, on World Mental Health Day, Shaheen launched her book titled ‘I’ve Never Been (Un)Happier’, which was her account of life with Depression.
Read also:
Watch: Alia Bhatt gets annoyed with the paparazzi, yells ‘Jaise School Mein Silence Hota Hai, Sab Log Silence’
On the work front, Alia Bhatt was last seen in the period drama Kalank. Her line-up of films includes SS Rajamouli’s RRR, Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra and Karan Johar’s Takht.
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For And Against Living Forever | Opinions
Our survival instinct drives us to avoid death. However, if you use foresight, would you really be happy with the ability to live forever? Below are some user opinions from AskReddit to provoke deeper thought into the matter.
For Living Forever
Yes. I don't believe in an afterlife, so continuing to exist is preferable to ceasing to exist. - JoJoRumbles
It seems i have an unpopular opinion but maybe i would want to live forever. Just seeing how world changes over hundreds of years. Maybe walk around the world on foot. - moistpandas
If i had a good quality of life i would choose to live forever, as long as i can opt out at my own choosing. - [deleted]
Absolutely. Who knows what a person could be capable of if they had more than a lifetime to improve and a body that didn't wither? - JZweibel
Assuming it would not be feasible to truly live 'forever', and instead just for an extremely long time before finally dying, I'd go for it simply because I'd love to watch the world slowly develop, and new technologies and systems etc come to light. - Forricide
Yes. I would live forever. I want to experience everything and learn all there is to know. Takes more than a lifetime - PopulationDensity
Yes I would. To me the scary thing isn't living forever it's being dead forever. Yes I would see family and friends die, and if I lived long enough I could see the universe die as well. That is still preferable, in my opinion, to not being around. It is hard for me to express in words just how terrifying the idea of death is for me. Just the idea of being gone, of not existing makes me shiver. So yes I will watch everyone, and everything die around me. I will be the last thing in existence, and I will be smiling. - Book_Wurm
I'd live forever if I had a guaranteed path where I didn't have to deal with so much stress. Plus knowledge. I love knowledge and learning so spending that time learning and using it for the world. - HelloDepression
I would like to live forever just to see the end of the world and discover if the religions are real or not. If they're real and everybody except me are in the Heaven I'll be the next Truman Show in the lonely universe - aldach
Against Living Forever
I can't help but wonder how this would impact my emotional growth. Surely I'd see everyone I love age and die. Repeatedly. I wonder if I'd develop into some kind of unloving monster, or just get really good at loving and grieving. - garmachi
You would spend it in deep sorrow as all those you loved grew old and died. It would be too much to bear. - FrederikPohl
I find a certain comfort knowing I'll have my eternal nap. No people, no bills, no 24/7 campaign coverage 2 years before Election Day. - Smiilie
I wouldn't. Imagine the feeling you get as you get older when you start to realize you don't like the style of music/movies/whats popular and start to look for things that remind you of your younger days. You'd be the only one left that was born in your time range. Never being able to relate to anything you grew up with others. - Laureeadeline
I don't. I'm fine with being a finite part of history. Immortality holds no appeal. Though, if I pass on anything that someone of a future generation finds instructive, I'm okay with that as my legacy. - [deleted]
Absolutely not. My life is hard enough and I'm young. The last thing in the world I would want is to go on forever. - [deleted]
No. I'd prefer to let other people and animals get to experience new life through the absorption of my body's nutrients throughout an ecosystem. If I end up becoming privileged in living a long and meaningful existence, then I'd be happy to die in my late seventies to early eighties. - pathofraven
Absolutely not. There are far too many things I want to be different about my reality which are beyond capability to change. At 40, I'm wondering how I'm going to tolerate another 30-40 years of this shit, especially old age. Might just have to check out early. I'm one of those who thinks the future is going to look a lot more like Blade Runner than Star Trek anyway, so I don't think I'll be missing out on much. - [deleted]
No, because then i wouldn't be able to love anybody. Anybody i was with would eventually die and i would have to keep going. And i'm not entirely sure i could do that. - teh_jew
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loo-nuh-tik · 6 years
2018 mood ☠️
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harrisnovick · 3 years
END - Pariah 
HelloDepression posted this to r/Metalcore at 2021-06-02 03:39:40 UTC
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gentlecoast · 9 years
one of those days where i simultaneously realize i'm completely alone and that i also have no awesome hobbies/talents other than going to school and work everyday then coming straight home.
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wthsamantha · 10 years
i found out yesterday that i have to get another knee surgery.
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linkavichfoo · 10 years
It's times like these...
It's times like these that make me wonder if I really am a good person. I've learned that no matter what I do, I somehow get fucked over; whether I actually try to help a person or not, for some odd reason, I'm somehow the bad person in every situation. I don't think I'm such a horrible person. I do admit I have changed a bit from the chipper ol' Brenda many used to know, but I feel like, I've changed because people have changed me. I've grown more into a lifeless asshole because I've known the cruel ways of life. The fact that you're there to help a person out and in the end, they fuck you over, is just seriously amazing to me. Now there's people judging me for the way I come off, but then I ask myself this question all the time: what the fuck do you want from me? If I'm too nice, people still fuck me over. Then if I tell people my concerns about how they're acting or about the way I'm feeling towards them, I'm the bitch. I used to keep my mouth shut all the time and let people be, I found that to be extremely bad for my personal issues because I've recently snapped at people for the way they treat me. Sometimes I feel so unconsidered that, it makes me think, why am I even here? A question I never thought I would ask myself. So now, I'm sitting here crying cause some dumb fuck people at work tried to make me look like a bad person, when I had nothing to do with any of their situation. I hate my fucken work and basically almost everyone in it. Everyone acts like were fucken back in HS spreading stupid rumors and shit about everyone and anything. This place literally killed my soul. There's nothing but drama and people who only give a fuck about themselves and pretty much you're worth shit to them; even though you try to make the best of it by helping them, you'll somehow get fucked over. I gotta get out of this place. I feel like if I do, my life will change tremendously. I don't even know why I'm crying. Fuck. I hate this stupid place I put myself. I hate the feeling of my depression. I try so so hard not to show anyone; which is why I lay and sometimes cry my eyes out and hold all my emotions in and try to wake up to continue on with a new morning. I've never even made a personal blog, but I feel so desperatelto reach out and fix myself and learn why I'm always labelled as a bad person, when I try to seek the good unto others. Am I really such a bad person? I'm probably being dramatic, but I'm a hormonal girl that loves a good cry haha and tonight is just the night for that. I think I need to stop helping the wrong people and worry about myself and only those who truly care about me. I don't like to be a bitch. I seriously don't. Even when I am, I have a very good fucken reason to be, and yet, I still feel guilty about letting the other person know how much they hurt me or fucked up. And for some reason, I'm always the one apologizing, even when I do nothing wrong... Ugh. I just feel like complete shit. I'm falling slowly into this darkness, that I feel I'm getting back to my dark place. I hate that dark place. Once I'm sucked n, it's so hard to jump out of it. All I can say is, I really am trying to please everyone. So hard, that I'm not pleasing my own satisfaction. Yet, even when I do please someone, it's like, I'm still not worthy of being any good. Fuck. This sucks.
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