#hopefully this makes up for yesterday's bloop...!!
dailybloopy · 2 years
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1800-seungshine · 5 years
acts of kindness.
group: txt. member: choi yeonjun. genre(s): fluff, highschool!au. summary: a bandaid and an umbrella. who knew that a simple act of kindness one fateful day could lead to a blooming friendship and possibly even more. (bullet-point format) word count: 1.5k
note: what better way than to publish a scenario as a 100th post! this is my first time writing since last year and this time it’s not wanna one but about one of the txt boys. i’m very nervous about how it turned out ooft. hopefully, i didn’t butcher it too much since i haven’t watched a lot of videos to grasp yeonjun’s personality lmao. anyways, thank you for the likes, follows and reblogs i’ve been getting :’)) i appreciate it very much aheh. happy readings!
ok wow i’m so rusty 
bear with me y’all lmao 
i know that yeonjun would have probably graduated by now but let’s pretend that he didn’t lmao teleport yourselves to last year aight
choi yeonjun is known around the school for being one of the coolest and nicest seniors around.
he’s popular with all the girls, guys and even the teachers love him.
he’s involved in the dance club but also an honorary member in the music club. he’s the guy they call when they need someone to sing or rap.
basically,, sis is your talented all rounder smh how rude is he amirite
you were also a senior like yeonjun except you weren’t as famous around the school and you’re more involved in academic clubs. 
there are a large number of students who know you but that’s because you often help out with tutoring.
the teachers are quite fond of you as well since you’re quick to jump when they need help, even if they didn’t think they needed help.
overall, you’re a helpful person. 11/10 good citizen yknow.
but due to being in different classes, you don’t know yeonjun that well and vice-versa; you two only pass each other in the hallways.
hence you recognise his face but you don’t really know his name.
[inserts jungkook’s “i know her face but i don’t her name”]
you don’t know much about the social circles around the school since you usually find yourself cooped up in the library during break, helping out younger students with their assigned work
and if tutoring wasn’t the case, the academic clubs you’re in always seem to have endless lunch meetings.
look at me trying to fix a plot hole lmao
but you have heard the name yeonjun thrown around here and there
you just shrug it off though since you don’t know who the guy is or what he looks like.
your paths never really cross anyways.
but that won’t be the case for long :^D
it all started when yeonjun found himself in the school library, printing his assignment last minute (it was due the next class). 
being in such a rush, what yeonjun didn’t realise was that he gave himself a paper cut
“ack!” he feels a jolt of pain, causing him to stand there as he flails his hand around, a pained expression on his face as he internally screams because hey it’s free real estate the library
you were going over to the printer to collect the documents which were you but you momentarily stopped as you watched this dude making a bunch of pained expressions in a single minute, grumbling to himself.
from his endless mutterings, all you could make out was “why does paper hurt so much? why is the world forsaking me? i hate this library.” 
we love a dramatic boi
stifling a laugh, you walked over to check up on him. 
“hey are you ok?” 
realising someone had approached him, yeonjun pulls himself together as he clears his throat. 
“oh yeah, i’m good. just a paper cut, nothing major. i can handle it.” 
doubting his statement, you rummage in your skirt pocket for a bandaid and after successfully finding one, you hand it to him. 
“i experience paper cuts quite a lot. more than i want, really.” you tell him, chuckling a little bit, “here you go, just so it won’t irritate you as much.”
he looks down at the bandaid you gave to him, staring at the sky blue background and the drawing of a polar bear lying down. 
“what a cute bandaid.” yeonjun mumbles, chuckling in amusement at the design before he looks up, his eyes immediately meeting yours as he sends a smile. “thanks...” 
you reciprocate with a smile, “no worries.” you say to him before walking off. 
left in a small trance, yeonjun finally snaps out of it as he smacks his forehead. 
“i forgot to ask what her name was!”
time skip yeet 
it was nearing the end of another school day and of course being the last period of classes, you couldn’t help but to zone out for certain sections of it.
you stared out the window again, taking note of how the huge grey clouds that formed earlier began to cover the sky and rain started to fall.
as you watched the rain transition from light sprinkling and now pelting down, the school bell rings as realisation hits you. 
you didn’t bring your umbrella today. 
releasing a tiny groan, you shut your eyes in frustration before shaking your head at yourself. 
“seems like we’re walking home in the rain today.” you say to yourself as you pack your things, placing them in your bag. 
as you near the school doors, you briefly stop your tracks to take off your blazer, placing it over you as you let out a sigh, “well there’s no other choice.” 
with your blazer providing some sort of shelter, you exit out of the school gates in a rush. 
what you didn’t know was that someone was waiting for you.
choi yeonjun to be exact. 
he notices you power walk through the large groups of students walking together, with a blazer above your head. 
and suddenly he finds himself trying to catch up with you, “hey!”
luckily for yeonjun, his yelling caused you to halt and his long strides helped him block your path. 
forgetting his original plan of thanking you and asking for your name, he takes your blazer and places it in your arm whilst shoving the umbrella he had in your other hand. “take it, you’ll get sick.” 
“i- but,, what-” you fumbled, taken by surprise due to his sudden presence and gesture.
but before you could utter a coherent sentence, yeonjun had already turned the other direction, running in the pouring rain. 
time skip bleep bloop.
the next day, you made sure you went to school earlier than usual. 
you stopped by a convenience store on the way to school, purchasing a box of chocolate milk as a way of saying thanks to the guy who helped you out the previous day.
unsure of what time yeonjun would arrive, you aimlessly walked back and forth the hallways where you usually see him.
with the chocolate milk in one hand and the umbrella in the other, you take a look at the flower patterned design on it, grinning at it in amusement.
you chortled in amusement when you saw it last night, wondering how a guy who seemed so cool had such an umbrella. 
as you direct your gaze away from the umbrella, you look up to see a figure walking down the hallway. 
“hey umbrella guy!” you let out a small yell, waving your arm as you were sure of the familiar face.
hearing your voice, yeonjun then jogs lightly to you with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. 
“oh, hey bandaid girl.” 
you raise a brow at the nickname, smiling softly. “bandaid girl?” you repeat before snapping out of the thought at how cute the nickname was.
getting to your original point, you hand him the things in your hands, “this is for you!”
yeonjun slightly tilts his head to the side, looking down at the umbrella and the chocolate milk.
“just a simple gesture to say thanks since i didn’t get the chance to do so yesterday.” 
he lets out a small chuckle, placing his bag down to unzip his bag, putting the umbrella back before pulling out a carton of strawberry milk.
standing upright, yeonjun places the strawberry milk in your hands. “seems like we had the same idea, i wanted to say thanks for the bandaid but i didn’t get the chance either.” 
taking the strawberry milk from him, you let out a soft laughing as you sheepishly scratch your cheek out of habit. 
“this is quite strange, i don’t really know your name so i don’t know whether to call you umbrella guy or to ask what your name is before thanking you.” 
forming a wide grin, yeonjun stretches out his hand, “the name’s choi yeonjun but umbrella guy also works i guess. nice to meet you.” 
“oh you’re yeonjun. oh goodness, i should have known.” you say with realisation, hitting your forehead lightly before replying with a similar grin, “i’m y/n but bandaid girl’s just as fine.” 
you take his outstretched hand, shaking it as firmly as possible, sending a sweet smile at his way. 
“it’s very nice to meet you, yeonjun and thanks for the strawberry milk.” 
“likewise, y/n. thanks for the chocolate milk as well, i appreciate it.” 
having twenty minutes of free time, the two of you open your cartons of milk as you walk around the school, spending some time chatting with one another.
“so you’re choi yeonjun, the popular senior who everyone thinks is cool right?” 
“yeap, and you must y/n the smart tutor senior?”
“smart isn’t the proper word but i do tutor the younger grades.”
“wait— hang on! what do you mean by everyone thinks i’m cool? i am cool.”
“well, that’s what i first thought too when i heard stories about you but your flower patterned umbrella ruined it.” 
“ok hold on,,, that was my mom’s.” 
“uhuh ok.” 
“what? you don’t believe me?? :’(”
as the day slowly begins, the empty hallways begin to be filled with laughter and voices of two people who never really knew the impact of their benevolence until now. 
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jaimistoryteller · 6 years
Update 9/18/18
Hellos All!
For a change my update is mostly good! 
First Sota: his vet appointment went well yesterday. I wouldn’t call it great, because he hasn’t improved, but I’ll call it good, because he hasn’t got worse. We caught the kidney failure at a point we could stall it and he is stable currently. The medication and special diet are going to be a life long thing, roughly 50 dollars a month, there was a minor adjustment to it.
Due to wonderful peeps, I was able to pay for yesterday’s vet appointment and have the money for the next appointment. At least as long as no extra tests are needed. That leaves just his food and medication that I will need to build money for.
Second car: it’s still at the shop, however I hadn’t had to get a rental because my stepdad’s coworker had one he could use, so I could use his. It’s a bit of a gas guzzler compared to what he normally uses to and from work, but it’s cheaper then getting a rental car. 
Third @converginglives Unexpected Meeting: the editing has been going good. Chapters 1 and 2 are ready for beta and critique peeps! I am working on chapter 3 right now and should hopefully have it done tonight. Each chapter is roughly 1.5k to 2k long. Current story summary:
After sailing accident kills his parental triad, Jon is sent to live with his biological father. He never expected to meet his first soulmate there.
Luc never expected to wake up after a fall that should have killed him. He doesn’t quite know what to make of the teenager taking care of him during his recovery and refusing to be intimidated.
Unexpected Meeting Beta & Critique Peep Survey
Despite the good news, I could still use help. I’ll have just barely enough to pay this months bills (yay!) but won’t have anything extra in case things go wrong again, which as many of you might have noticed, my life likes to do. Generally due to events outside of my control. So, with that, some free ways to help, because I get being broke but wanting to help:
Reblogging Sota’s GoFundMe (most recent update!)
Retweet Sota’s GoFundMe
Tales of Identity: Memories & Reflections - with all the links to where it can be bought: Lulu, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBook.
Reblog my ko-fi
Consider sharing something from my Etsy
Send my bloops on either JST or CLV as they are a great distraction from the panic of my baby boy being ill
Comments on or about my stories are wonderful, even ones that make me think. Sometimes those are best, because I like the challenge. 
Unexpected Meeting Beta & Critique Peep Survey 
Previous Updates:
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[ID: black and silver cat laying on a leg in a vet office]
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I Don’t Know Who You Are, Pittsburgh Pirates
My Dearest Pittsburgh Pirates,
I’m at a loss for words and we both know that’s a rarity. In only the second week of the season, the city of Pittsburgh and myself had already considered the season a bust. You started the week by getting swept and blow out at home by the rebuilding Reds. You had the makeup game against the Red Sox on Thursday which you had a lead in the 8th inning and blew because of poor defense. You were on a four game losing streak and you were about to start a road trip in Chicago against the World Champion Cubs. On top of that, you had to face their three best pitchers, two of which were one of the three finalists for the Cy Young last year and the third won the Cy Young two years ago. Things seemed dire. Then you did what no one expected. You swept the Cubs at Wrigley Field. Last year, you only won a single game there and this season you have already won three. Your offense did finally wake up especially on Saturday when you came back from four runs down to win. That win was highlighted by a 3-run homer by Cutch in the 8th inning when you trailed by a run. All of Wrigley were on their feet waiting for strike three to end the inning and instead Cutch broke their hearts. You could have heard a pin drop there. It was beautiful. Sunday’s win was highlighted by Jameson Taillon pitching a brilliant seven innings. This guy looks like one of the best pitchers in the league right now having shut down the two best offenses in baseball in two of his three starts. You’re currently 6-6, 1 1/2 games out behind the first place Reds and a half game behind the second place Brewers (no one saw either of those coming). I don’t know who the real you is: the team that got swept by the Reds or the one that swept the Cubs. I guess we will find out together. 
Remember when I told you to clean it up last week? Well, evidently you didn’t listen. You continue to play sloppy, mistake laden baseball. Whether it’s JHay getting picked off first right before Marte rips a double, Gosselin not ready to receive the ball on a potential force play at 2nd on a bloop single that led to a big 8th inning against the Red Sox, Marte not catching a very catchable ball in the same inning that scored two and cost you the game, Jaso going for a grounder that is the second baseman’s ball which turned it into an infield single in the 8th inning against the Cubs on Friday, Freese botching a grounder one inning later that should have ended the game but instead kept the inning alive, Frazier booting a routine grounder at shortstop on Saturday that cost you a run, Freese getting picked off first, Mercer getting caught stealing when he shouldn’t be running with his lack of speed. Your basic fundamentals are horrendous. You can’t afford to make that many mistakes. With a lack of power in your lineup, your margin for error becomes even smaller. This has been a problem for a long time. You make mistakes running the bases constantly. You can never seem to get a bunt down when it’s called. Balls seem to drop with too much regularity in the outfield that should be caught. When you’re not doing the little things right, that’s usually signals a lack of discipline. Players have to make plays but a lack of discipline falls on the manager. I like Clint Hurdle a whole lot but I can’t help but point the finger at him when these types of things keep happening. It’s early so hopefully you will clean up these mistakes but this is becoming way too much of the same old story. 
The most interesting story coming out of Spring Training was Tyler Glasnow winning the fifth spot in the rotation. Glasnow has been ranked as one of the best prospects in baseball the past couple years and he would finally be given his chance to shine. Well, that hasn’t quite come to fruition yet. Glasnow’s first start of the season came on Monday against the Reds and it was an unmitigated disaster. His line, 1 2/3 IP 4 H 5 ER 5 BB 1 K, was actually a little better than he actually looked if you can believe that. In 64 pitches, he only threw 35 strikes. He had zero control and had to drop his velocity to even get pitches over the plate. His next start was going to be against the Cubs in Chicago so another nightmare seemed highly likely. Surprisingly there was improvement. He did give him a leadoff double on a weak slap hit down the line followed by an absolute bomb by reigning MVP Kris Bryant. Then his defense began to fail him miserably. Frazier made the error that cost them one or arguably two runs. Cutch dove for a flyball that he wasn’t close to that turned into a triple. JHay let a ball roll by him in left field that led to another run. Cervelli and Glasnow got their signs mixed up so a strikeout turned into a passed ball putting the hitter on first. It makes no sense that through all of that only one error was charged on the defense. Your complete lack of basic fundamentals were on display for the pitcher that needed them the most. There were positives though. Glasnow gave up 6 runs but only 4 were earned and it honestly should have only been 3 earned. His changeup looked impressive. He struck out 7 batters over 5 innings while walking two, both of which came in the 5th when his pitch count was over 90. He only threw 55 strikes in 99 pitches but he looked dominant at times unlike the first start. With any help on defense, there’s reasons to be encouraged. If he can put it together, this rotation becomes very intriguing. We’ll see how his next start goes which will most likely come against the Yankees. Stay tuned...
Adam Frazier can’t play defense. It’s as simple as that. But right now he’s ripping the cover off the ball which was on display yesterday when he launched a 3-run homer to ice the game and clinch the series sweep. But where do you play him? Frazier has already made errors at 2B, 3B, and SS this season. All three errors cost us at least a run. He also couldn’t make a catch yesterday after taking a horrible route to a fly ball that cost you a run. Polanco has missed the last couple game with a groin injury and if he needs a DL stint, you can play Frazier everyday in left field. Once Polanco is back, Frazier most likely fills the role that JHay used to have. Move him to different spots based on who needs a day off. Also for right now, you could play him at 3rd and start Freese at 1st until Josh Bell starts hitting (he currently sports a .469 OPS). Frazier will be a liability no matter where you play him but when he’s hitting like this, you have to find him at bats. It does hurt that you already have a team of players who don’t field their positions well. You don’t have a 1B on the roster who has played the position regularly for more than a year and you have three of them. You moved all three of your outfielders into different positions and so far that experiment has been a borderline disaster. It’s going to be very frustrating at times when he makes an error but when his splits are .343/.410/.543 for a .953 OPS it doesn’t matter. The old adage is “You hit, you play” and Frazier is hitting. Until he doesn’t, he plays. 
Who knows what this week will bring? If you would have told how last week went down before it happened, I would have never believed you. Today you start a three game series against the last place Cardinals in St. Louis. That’s right, I said last place. The Cards are currently 3-9 and look like a shell of their former self. Don’t think for one second that this will be an easy series though. You get a needed rest day on Thursday before heading home to take on the 8-4 Yankees who look like they’re back in the playoff discussion. I have no idea what to expect from this week. If you went 6-0 or 0-6, I wouldn’t be that surprised. I know I keep harping on it but your fundamentals are poor and that’s rarely a quality of a successful team. The crazy part is you haven’t hit much until recently, you’ve played putrid defense, you can’t stop making base running mistakes, and you’re 6-6. There’s something to be said for that.Your starting pitching has been pretty solid so that can take you a long way. Play this week with the same level of confidence you had in the Chicago series and I really like your chances. Congrats on a terrific series. Let’s keep the winning streak rolling. Have a great week and thanks for a fun weekend. 
                                                                         Your (Not So) Speechless Suitor,
P.S. stands for Pens’ series. The Pittsburgh Penguins took a 3-0 lead in the best of 7 series against the Columbus Blue Jackets last night in dramatic fashion. They trailed 3-1 at the end of the first period and battled back to take a 4-3 lead in the third. They gave up a goal with under five mintues left in the game which sent it to overtime. Sidney Crosby’s brilliance was on display again as he beautifully set up Jake Guentzel for the game winning goal. It was Guentzel’s third goal of the game and Crosby’s second assist. The Pens go for the sweep in Columbus tomorrow. Go Pens!!!...                                                   
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