#i also love my way of showing the burn scar like lava or stone
st7arlight · 8 months
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you may recognize this color pallette- some buddies and i did a color pallette challenge with the general theme of tma! i thought id try something new :3
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
this is going to end badly, but... Can you do Yandere love letter where the boys found out Reader cheated on them?
The Yandere love letter from Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Henry VIII pls
Alexander the Great
My Queen,
May your betrayal be your own curse. If you persist on this path, know that I am capable of things that not even the gods would dare to speak of. My wrath is relentless and uncontrollable when it comes to the woman I once loved.
As for this man you cheated on me with, know that he is playing with death itself. I, who faced entire armies, will pursue him to the end of the earth, and he will find no refuge. If he touches you again, not a stone will be left unturned in his city, and he will be remembered as a traitor until the end of time.
I swear I will destroy his city, put men to the sword and sell their women and children into slavery. And then I will deal with you.
You, (Y/N), have the power to avert this dark fate. Return to my arms, renounce this treachery, and perhaps I will consider showing leniency. If not, know that my vengeance is a storm no mortal can weather. Make no mistake though, because you will be punished and I guarantee you won't like your punishment, my love.
This is your last chance, my Queen. Return to me and hand over your wretched lover and perhaps I will show you mercy.
With fury and despair,
Julius Caesar
My love,
Today, darkness enveloped my heart. The news of her betrayal, my sweet wife, tears me apart in a way that not even the bloodiest battles have been able to do.
For you, I crossed oceans and crossed deserts, shed blood and brought down empires. However, I realize that the hardest battle I face is the one you fought on the sly with another man. I feel betrayed, but also consumed by a sick, and furious love that burns like the fire of Rome.
I will not allow him to breathe the same air as you, to touch your skin as I did, to steal your love from me. I will hunt him down, torture him, and kill him.
(Y/N), my wife, my life and my soul belong to you. If you continue with this traitor, I swear I will make an example of him, a warning for all to see. I'll make an example of you. You are my wife, my reason for living, and I won't let anything or anyone take you away from me.
Reflect on your actions, my beloved, for my passion is stronger than any army, hotter than any fire. I won't forgive you, but I'm willing to compromise.
With angry and love,
Julius Caesar.
Napoleon Bonaparte
My beloved wife,
I write these words with a heavy heart and a mind tormented by the thoughts that have invaded my soul. I found out that you, my beloved wife, betrayed the trust that we once placed in each other.y pain is indescribable, my mind troubled by terrible visions of your betrayal.
You know what I can do when faced with challenges when those I love are threatened. My reputation as a military leader is widely known, but what you may not know is that my love for you is just as fierce.
I know where you've been, who you've been with, and what you've done. Every detail is etched in my mind like a scar, a scar that burns like lava from a volcano. (Y/N), my love, I solemnly warn you that if you persist in this betrayal, the consequences will be dire. The fire that burns in my chest can be directed to protect or to destroy, and you must choose wisely.
Reflect on what we have together, on the lives we've built, and on the price that may be paid for your actions. My love for you runs deep, and I will not hesitate to use every means in my power to keep what's mine. You are mine and I will destroy anyone who gets in my way, especially that damn lover of yours. But don't worry, I've already dealt with it myself.
I pray that reason prevails in your heart, for my passion and my anger are a force that cannot be contained. I hope you make the right choice and maybe I'll be benevolent.
With love and so much jealousy,
Henry VIII
My sweet wife,
I write these words with a rage that burns hotter than the sun. My trust in you has been unacceptably betrayed, and my rage is untamed. How dare you betray me, a woman who swore allegiance to me and our kingdom?
I, Henry VIII, a mighty and formidable king, will not tolerate such dishonor. You must be aware that by challenging my authority and my love, by violating our marriage, you are playing with your own destiny. With your life.
My spies have reported every detail of your heinous betrayals, (Y/N). There is no escape, no hiding place where you can hide. My anger is like an approaching storm, and the thunder of my vengeance will resound across England.
You, who shared my bed and my trust, now face the wrath of a disgraced monarch. Have no illusions my dear as my love for you has turned into a darkness that will swallow up everything in its path. And it's all your fault.
(Y/N), if you wish to avoid a dark and terrible fate, I suggest you change course immediately. Renounce your betrayals and be my loyal wife again, and I can show you mercy, but not your damned lover. No. He's already dead. Should you decide to disobey me once more, the sword will fall on your head, as it fell on others who dared to defy me.
With unabated fury,
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drfoxlefoxyfloof · 4 years
Some of my more humanoid oc's
OK so, I've got a bunch of unikitty oc's, but I actually do have some non unikitty oc's and two of these guys aren't even from a fandom, I just made them up,
Anyway here are my characters and some info about them
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Rebel isn't from the same story as trinket and nebula, and trinket is a muifandom oc, meaning that I put trinket in a lot of fandoms, the trinket in this drawing being the original
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Rebel was originally a nexo Knights oc, but I've made a version that can be used in multiple fandoms/stories besides nexo knights, and that's the version I will use here
Rebel is a lava monster who can be summoned from a spell book if she is ever killed, she just goes back into the book and waits to be summoned back to the real world, this book still has many completely blank pages after the page showing rebel, and ripped pages where her description used to be only 2 pages of the description are left,
the creator of the book decided that rebel was a lost cause, sense she would never turn out the way she was supposed to.
Rebel was supposed to seem innocent and childiah, but actually be violent and deadly, with the power to controll heat, ranging from a warm summer day, to burning hot lava, when her powers are activated the brown patches on her skin turn black, looking like stone, with what seems to be visible lava flowing through her veins instead of blood.
but rebel always turned out to just be an innocent and friendly child, who just wanted a family, she did turn out with the lava abilitys though, but mostly used these powers to bake and cook with her bare hands, or to give someone the perfect warm hug,
Rebel was discarded, her book can be found in a garbage can or at the dump, she just patently waits to be summoned again.
If she's ever used in a story or rp, a random character within this story will find the discarded book and acedentally summon this innocent and niev child, who will claim the summoner as her parent, what happens next with her is up to whoever finds her
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Trinket coppervine forestgear has two origin story's, depending on where she is used and what works best with the story,
In her cannon origin trinket was a a blacksmith from an isolated small town, separated from modern day, this town was called ironsteam village, and is a heavily steam punk themed place,
Trinket has worked in that blacksmith shop sense she was 9, due to ironsteam village claiming that children where old enough to start working at around 8, wich resulted in many young children getting injured due to jobs being too dangerous,
Trinket lost two of her fingers in an accident with the weapons rack when she was 11, wich is also how she got the scars on her cheek,
Eventually when trinket was 15, she got bored of work and was curious of the world outside of ironsteam village, and set out on her adventure, wich is where whatever story she is placed in begins.
Her second back story is pretty much the same other than she worked at a clock tower and started working there when she was 6, and lost two fingers in the cogs and gears of the clock towers when she was 8,
In either story you go with trinkets personality is pretty much the same,
Trinket is a curious and friendly young teenager who likes to help where she can, and loves to explore and find out new things, she's creative and resourceful, using what she has to work with to solve her problems,
Trinket does have dyslexia though, making reading a little hard, and also has some trouble holding things sense she's missing a few fingers, she can also get a little pushy at times, and also ends up panicking at certain things.
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Nebula nadara silvara is the princess of a race called " elemental weavers "
Nebula is a kind and generous princess who does her best to help around her kingdom and make her subjects happy, both of her parents are still alive and rule the kingdom, nebula just likes to help where she can,
Her usual story is,
A greed weaver from a tribe of purposefully corrupted elemental weavers manages to lure nebula away from her home,
Nebula gets lost, unable to find her way back, and now has to try and get home,
This is usually how she ends up meeting the other characters in any story she's involved in.
Info a about the race
Elemental weavers are a race wich evolved along side humans, but mostly kept themselves seacret, and are able to live almost everywhere, but prefer caves and forests, these creatures are closely related to spiders, and can even produce spider silk, wich is where the " weaver" part of the name comes from,
Elemental weavers can live for around 400 years, nebula being 99 years old, wich to this race is considered to be rather young to this race a 40 year old still counts as a child, and 50 through 100 counts as being a teenager.
Elemental weavers also each have a special power that they usually unlock between ages 10 and 40, once their power is discovered their first name is changed to their middle name, and their first name is changed to be something related to their element,
Their hair will also change from grey to matching their new element, and they will gain related markings on the natural armor like plating on their skin, it is also sometimes possible for a weaver to have 2 elements, or end up with a different element later in life, it's even possible to lose an element.
It is also normal for elemental weavers to have different amounts of eyes, going from 1 eye to 24 eyes, the number of scarf arms also usually match the number of eyes, these weavers don't actually have arms, and never have, instead using natural telepathic abilitys to control scarves or ropes made of weaver silk that they wear around either their necks or waists,
Elemental weavers are also incredibly accepting and understanding, so it's completely normal to meet a, LGBT+ weaver and they will gladly allow humans and other races to live in their kingdoms.
( sorry about how long this was, I just had a lot of info on these characters and really like my elemental weavers race, they are a little flawed though sense I made them when I was 13, but I'll keep working on improving them ^-^)
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