#i am in the enneagram rabbit hole
Enneagram & Movement
If you look into the OG enneagram documents, they didn't even use it as a personality theory. Gurdijeff was never typed with an "ego fixation" until after his death.
The creators of enneagram used it to map processes in nature. Read the Wikipedia page about the original enneagram, pre-Naranjo and pre-Ichazo. The OG theorists never took the movement out of the enneagram like Naranjo did when he wrote his chapters about all the different types as if they are static caricatures rather than moving beings. the original theorists were OBSESSED with movement between the numbers. They were trying to map biology to the hexad types.
In modern enneagram, we are obsessed with pinning ourselves to a static point, which I think is moronic because an enneagram that doesn't move is a dead symbol. Never forget this quote.
In order to understand the enneagram it must be thought of as in motion, as moving. A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol, the living symbol is in motion. - George Gurdijeff
Tritypes based on the head / heart / gut triad were not a thing until Oscar Ichazo made them so. Pre-Ichazo, enneagrammers were concerned with all sorts of "tritypes" beyond the 27 common ones we know. 147, 285, 369, 428, 571, etc. They were even concerned with quadtypes, quintypes and sextypes. There was far more flexibility in their thinking about how to use the enneagram map, as they did not confine themselves to these arbitrary rules that we use in modern enneagram, and they were not obsessed with their own ego fixations.
The Sufis used enneagram as a personality theory, but not in the same way we do in 2022. Again, they were not obsessed with their own egos. They did not go labelling themselves as this number and that number. They explained the points on the enneagram as vices / virtues that all humans have inside of them and all humans can relate to.
As for me, I type myself the way I do because that is the movement I observe inside of myself. I never saw my fixation as an ego fixation that I needed to "fix" or rid myself of. I saw it as an impartial pattern operating inside of me, for better or for worse. A pattern I enjoy observing, through observing my feelings and reactions and psychological state over time.
I am someone who started from observing the enneagram inside of myself as a moving symbol. Now I am expanding towards seeing it more broadly applicable to things beyond myself and the personalities of people I know. Going back to the basics where we applied it to biological patterns and nature patterns and patterns which weren't our egos. But perhaps starting from inside ourselves and our feelings and our reactions is the best way to develop a framework which lets us understand things more broadly.
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sleepless-crows · 11 months
as someone who actively tries to show that i don't care what people think of me, i actually do care way too much and it is controlling my life whoops
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
the end of an era
I wanted to thank you all, not only for all the notes of gratitude, encouragement, etc., in my inbox, but for being my faithful readers over the last ten years as I blundered around, answering asks, figuring things out on the fly, mistyping myself half a dozen times, and learning by “answering.” It’s been an incredible blessing for me to be part of your lives, and now, I hope, I have left behind enough of a resource, through my thousands of answered questions, my MBTI book, and my ongoing FunkyMBTI Blog, that you can be guided to your type and start the journey of self-development.
I want to say a few more things, but first, I’ll answer the burning questions that I know are going through your mind directly.
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Does this mean no more character typings? No, it does not. I will continue updating FunkyMbti.com for the indefinite future, and those posts will automatically be ported over to this tumblr page, along with posts from Sixy Pixie (which I may expand to include general Enneagram posts/information/insights).
All it means is I am retiring from answering typing questions. I will still be active in various online communities, doing research, gathering information, and sharing it on my blogs. My interest in MBTI has waned since writing my book (which I consider the “achievement” of over a decade of work/research/learning), so the best way I know of is to move forward.
Does this mean I can’t request characters anymore? No, it does not. You can always contact me through FunkyMBTI.com’s contact page to make character requests. I have an ongoing list of characters people would like to see, and I hope to get around to most of them. (Such as, people want to see The OC, The Scream movies, and more Hollywood icons, such as Natalie Wood). I also have Sanditon, more Shadow and Bone typings, etc., coming.
How can I know about your Enneagram book and/or other books? Thank you for asking! You can either stay tuned here, since any announcement posts on my blog will update here, or you can join my mailing list to receive all my updates (of reviews, upcoming books, free book giveaways, and more).
Are you going to delete Funky on tumblr? No, it will stay up as long as tumblr survives, not only as a monument to my zillion hours of work, but to the thousands of people who braved the internet to ask me questions and allowed me to showcase my “Big Sister Energy.” Ha, ha. Seriously, though, I appreciate all the questions, comments, compliments, and submissions over the years, including the gigantic assortment of characters from shows/movies I may never watch.
What now? I will stock the queue for a few months and take time off, and then hopefully dig more into the Enneagram, since I think that has real potential to change people’s lives for the better.
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Final Thoughts:
It seems fitting that I close “the end of an era” (as my ENFJ friend put it, when she heard about this) as I approach the end of a “decade” in my life, and a big “0” birthday. I can’t exactly recall how my journey started. I think I took one of those MBTI quizzes, shared by a friend on some social media website, got mistyped as an INTJ, and fell down a rabbit hole that took over my life for over a decade. I went through every possible type known to man (other than SP), and can now finally claim with authority to be an ENFP.
I made all the mistakes you are going to make, if you are just starting out on this journey of self-awareness – I listened to the wrong people, I took in the wrong information, I mistyped myself and others, I had to unlearn everything that made no sense, but along the way, I learned how to introspect and be present with myself. To pay attention to what I am doing, and why I am doing it, and that is the most valuable take-away from this experience. You can either go through life oblivious to your true self, or you can go through life friends with yourself, and aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses. I recommend the latter. It's hard but worth it.
Doing that for so long, getting used to being “wrong,” prepared me to read my first book on the Enneagram. And it changed my life. I knew I was a 6, that there was nothing “wrong” with me, that other people struggled with the same things I did. And my introspection started growing deeper. There were many ego battles along the way, denial of the aspects of 6 profiles that I didn’t want to admit to, followed by resignation and self-awareness (that I do that too, and it’s revolting!). But it’s a journey that I intend to walk on, for the rest of my life, and I’m glad to know these things. I wish I had known them sooner. I would have been a much better friend.
All of my current friends came to me through Funky. My friends in Sweden and Tennessee and Idaho and India and Philadelphia and Florida and Spain and Greece. I would not know them, had they not reached out to me, asked me a question, asked if we could e-mail, or helped me figure something out. Funky has been my “social” life for a decade. Some of them are still with me, even though one of them is not – Maddie, my beloved ENTP co mod, my zany, nutty, wild-hearted 793 “DJ” who could simultaneously make me laugh until I cried and drive me insane with frustration, passed away of a heart attack during the pandemic in 2021. One minute she was in my life, and the next she was gone forever. I never told you at the time, but it seems a fitting end to my time here, to pay homage to a friend I hope to meet one day “in person” in whatever comes after this. So Maddie, thank you for everything you put into this blog with me, thank you for the hours of fun and laughter, for the many hundreds of posts that will stand as a testament to your memory. I miss you. And I hope wherever you are, you are doing something crazy.
Thank you, dear reader, for coming with me on this journey. I know we shall meet again.
XOXO, Charity / ENFP Mod / Big Sister Energy
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
Hello. I hope your matchups are still open. I have been curious about them for a while. I tried to keep my answers as succinct as possible but I am a very verbose individual, and I do not apologize for it. But do take all the time you need to read it through, I do not mind the wait. - Polaris
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? "Take Me to Church" by Hozier. I love his music. My favourite lyric is: "No masters or kings when the ritual begins, there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin. In the madness and soil, of that sad earthly scene, only then I am human. Only then I am clean." It's raw, it's dark and vivid, and it has a level of inhumanity in the words I relate to a lot. There is power in the lyrics, and an implication of love that is not romantic, nor familial, nor platonic, but something more queerplatonic. Which I love and relate to very deeply, as someone not inclined towards romance, sexuality, family, etc. It's rare to see, and Hozier is the KING of that kind of lyricism. Also, the accompaniment is just beautiful and Hozier's singing voice is stunning.
What is your Enneagram type? 4w5.
Do you love gargantuan YouTube video essays, and if so, which is your favourite and why? I live for them. My current favourite is Plagiarism and You(Tube) by HBomberguy. I love all his work, as it's so well-researched, witty, and incredibly entertaining. Whether it's about things I know so much about or nothing about, I always love what he does. And that newest video was such a rabbit hole, and very informative.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. I have had many, and to an extent still do. They take the form of characters I like and relate to. I would take a piece of myself that was similar to that character and isolate it, giving me someone who both understood me, and still differed enough to chat with me, debate, give advice, and so forth. I didn't really have imaginary friends until the age of around 11, and they've been a constant ever since, and there are quite a lot of them.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? With my window open I can hear the sound of rain or snow or rustling wind and watch fog or water drops fly into my room, under a weighted blanket with it bunched up around me like a large hug or spoon. It makes me feel safe.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) I have changed my name to Yuri, for a few reasons. One is the connection to my birth country and culture. I may not feel the most connected to it socially but it's still an important part of me. I also quite like the phonetic sound of it. And I may have unintentionally been inspired by several pieces of media I like. This name is common in many cultures, and several of my favourite characters when I was younger shared the name.
What is your favourite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Taking a Chance With a Sadistic Demon. The lore in that video is incredibly satisfying to chew on, Vega's voice is comforting to listen to, his characterization in that video in particular is incredibly dense and nuanced, and so much more. I could talk about Vega all day.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. Guy. Guy is a bit too... much for my taste. Too much chaos, too much energy, too much explicitness which I can only handle in VERY specific cases. He seems like a great guy but I got off on the wrong foot with him from his first video and have had no inclination to listen to his series ever since.
Tell me about that one book/movie/TV show you know all the words to. I don't often find myself memorising large chunks of media but I have many singular quotes from different media. A few from The Song of Achilles, from Critical Role's 'Mighty Nein' campaign, and a LOT of songs from musicals. Some of my current favourites are Epic the Musical, Heathers, and Six. 
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Avior. I love his insights into the world, his curiosity, his carefulness, his care and so forth. I actually liked him more before the romance reveal, though I still find him an amazing character who I would love to befriend. Also, the lore from his series made me love it again.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? Not really. I can ramble about any of my interests at any level of energy or time of day.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. Spicy or Salt and Vinegar chips, fruit mentos, and any sour Ice Sparkling Water.
Tell me about your favourite playlist at the moment.  If you mean music, I don't really... do those. But as for Redacted... it's so hard to pick. Sadism's Hold and Invisiboi are both horrifying in the most visceral ways and are always a treat to watch those times that I do. All the lore-heavy ones (Balance, Sovereign State, Project Meridian, Carpe Deus, etc) feed my hunger for lore. Project Meridian was my first series and holds a special place in my heart. Carpe Deus and Kody's playlists are my go-to relaxing playlists because I love their voices, so I listen to them the most often. I cannot give a precise answer.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? I do not have any. I do not see any media I like as 'guilty pleasure' media. I like it, and that's that. I am cringe and I am free.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
My favourite colours are brown, black and blue. I'm a digital artist, in University for it, and I do a bit of writing on the side though I have not posted any of it yet. I'm a fan of the night. Of storms. Of clouds blotting out the sun. Of pouring rain and winter's snow, and bike rides down foggy roads. I love learning in general, but especially about art, society and people, and all the subjects related to that. Also, I alluded to it before but I do not feel human. I may be a person, but I am not human, at least socially speaking. I find more connection with the inhuman, like robots, vampires, demons, monsters, or just villains. And I am not unhappy with the separation between myself and the rest of humanity. I have my small set of interests, morals, thoughts and feelings which I may never full be able to articulate or share with others, but I still like to socialize with them regardless. They're lovely, even if confusing and sometimes tiresome.
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Interesting. So Type 4w5s are characterized as contemplative, thoughtful, typically introverted people, and it seems like you’d like someone of the same temperament. With that in mind, I think Camelopardalis would be a good match for you.
I’m really intrigued by your feelings of being disconnected to humanity and the fact you don’t seem bothered by that. I like Cam for you because he’d relate to that the most. Like, I can see him feeling your contentment with that fact and vibing with it, shrugging with a little smile and being like “I’m not really human; we can be whatever we are together” you know? Also, when you said you didn’t like Guy’s explicit nature, I was trying to come up with his opposite in that respect, and Cam is who immediately came to mind.
Another reason I think Cam works well for you is that I feel his immortality will lend him a sort of… unrushed, unbothered attitude toward relationships. I can see him not needing to label what y’all have as romantic or platonic and just wanting to spend quality time with you, and it’d be such wonderfully quality time. Cam would be such a supportive partner while you pursue your degree, bringing you water or tea while you work. When you’re not studying, the two of you go on walks at night, Cam pointing out familiar constellations.
Watch the sunrise along the coast/ As we're both getting old/ I can't describe what I'm feeling/ And all I know is we're going home/ So please don't let me go, oh/ Don't let me go, oh-oh-oh/ And if it's right/ I don't care how long it takes/ As long as I'm with you/ I've got a smile on my face
It took me a bit, but this is almost exactly the kind of vibe that I was thinking about. Like, it’s a little sad, because I think loving d(a)emons can be a little sad, but it’s mostly loving. It’s mostly about appreciating the little moments together and smiling about the time you’ve had versus crying when it’s over.
I like Anton as a runner-up because he had that same mild temperament that Cam does; if you had expressed displeasure at feeling separate from human nature, he would have just nudged forward in front of the serenity daemon. Sam is a good runner-up because he’d be a great night walk companion. I also think he’d commiserate, feeling separate from the human he once was, though he’d be leaning more negatively against it.
note: thank you for waiting and sending in a submission 💚
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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indepth-mbti · 1 year
Hey, I’ve seen your posts on insta and you’re a great content creator! I was wondering if you could help me identify my MBTI and my enneagram. I was pretty confident about my type but I wanted to get out of the “rabbit hole” of MBTI and gather some external consensus (from my loved ones and my own non-biased experiences) to objectively track down my behaviors rather than relying on self-typing.
ENTJ 8w9 sp/sx 836 [I believe this is my type. Not sure.] I’m deciding between= ENTJ or Se dom and Ti-Fe or Te-Fi. E8 or E6 subtypes 8 sp or sx. 6sx
(A lot of detail to ensure you have enough information to work with [if you want ofc])
Experiences and behaviors (useful for enneagram)
I was a natural born leader, but a very insensitive one. I would gather everyone every school recess and tell them exactly what we were going to play and everything had to go my way. Nobody could tell otherwise.
Until one day a friend started to refuse to go under my dictatorship. That one friend was kind to everyone unlike me, so the kids obviously began to follow her instead. I did not approach the kids or call them back to join me; instead, I isolated myself and became a loner. It’s all or nothing. I started to become selective: If I can’t dominate them and they won’t obey me, their friendship is not worth keeping (very immature, I regret it). I would start to approach the kids that had stuff in common with me and that would not try to control or question me and simply follow my lead. It was useless to have the other kids or try to control them when I could have my real “sidekicks” genuinely supporting me instead.
I’ve learned to be much more intelligent/wise with my actions (This is where I start to doubt if E8 or 6.) My parents said when my teen years beganI was much less impulsive and I could regulate my anger better (though it’s still very present)
In fact, I’m highly intellectual and I work for what could be my future job/occupation/money etc. I’m much more of a loner than I was as a kid, and I only have very few friends and 2 very loyal “sidekicks” since I don’t seek nor am I interested in social interactions with random people and most importantly people I dislike. I just like to hang out with my friend group and relax with them. I can’t take personal attacks, they make me feel vulnerable, powerless, stupid, so I react pretty quickly to them if it’s my family or delay with friends (for the sake of our friendship)
The last paragraph is really the biggest change.
My friends/family describe me physically as: scary or intimidating to look at from afar. Walks quickly and moves hurriedly. Very different/contrasting behavior compared to the rest: remarkably expressive and straightforward. “Jokes around. doesn’t give a shit” (not my claim 💀)
I think I am a Se dom because=
I need engagement with the environment in any form. the exception being I don’t socialize much or go out of my house. I just engage with the physical world by doing many things through different ways, the greatest being passionate or exaggerated self expression through communication/ facial expressions/ voice tones and art (people have told me this). I do notice changes in the environment when I’m not doing something else: I have a knack of overhearing conversations in the background while I’m doing something else. Not to mention I have quick reflexes and get easily distracted with objects, sounds, smells, etc. I’ve also been told I’m equally blunt and straightforward with everyone regardless of our closeness. I’ve always hated being controlled and been real serious about freedom, and I refuse to be controlled even when I know it’s more convenient to let go.
I think I am a ENTJ because=
I just execute things even if I don’t like it. I’ve been told I think in shades of black and white, which I think could be inf fi. I’m pretty stubborn and confident about my viewpoints. I also have this great expectations of my future, so I put effort daily into my grades and scores because I think to myself that it all matters because everything I do today will determine my future (Te-Ni?). I’m highly organized and prefer having things under control. There’s also a logical reason behind the claims I make. I also engage with people even if they are strangers by helping them with work or things, helping people makes me feel good.
Info I collected about my worst faults (possibly Inf function)=
- indifferent overall in the exception of school or grades.
- Quick tempered and easy to anger
- too blunt and straightforward speech/ prone to using offensive language
- insensitive
Thant’s about it. I’ll do further research myself.
ENTJ sx6 683
Judgement > Perception. Te > Se. You're too focused on structuring the outer world, in organizing people and executing efficient strategies. You think on terms of benefits and results, even when it comes to people.
6>8. Attachment > Rejection. Head > Gut. You have a strong 8 fix but it is not your core. E8 don't think in terms of support as you do, look at how you worded your concerns about people = what you look for is support. 683 is overall quite an insensitive combo because the 8-3 stem makes the E6s attachment manifest in a pretty particular way. You're also focused on intellectualism and ideas in a way E8s don't. 6+3, you adapt your strategies.
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bunmurdock · 1 year
OKIES i'm putting this in the inbox since u noted on ur reply acc u don't check it much but... i'm 18 and I feel like the fluctuation is a huge part of why I just gave up on choosing an mbti but... most tests (at least the ones i trust... i like keys2cognition and michael caloz is pretty alright too) never feel to give me accurate enough results which is why i stick to enneagram. i just know i'm an fi user and that's a point of pride for me
AAH you're back bb! hi! <3
i have a pretty handy guide for mbti saved in my camera roll (below), idk if it helps but i love the way it distills down cognitive functions. if you're a strong Fi user, you may be an ISFP or INFP. do you identify more with Se (ISFP) or Ne (INFP)?
but yeah i don't put much stock into mbti, a lot of it is self-aggrandizing shit and imo online tests hand out intuition (n) and thinking (t) results like candy dispensers.
re: sticking to the enneagram, god yeah. when i first learned about the enneagram, i teared up a little. it was one of the first times i genuinely felt understood and had an explanation for the way i am. but it also hits hard, and can hurt to read. it just made sense, and it's been amazing to help me understand trauma, motivation, fear, and growth opportunities; as well as for the people around me. it's also a great tool for lots of writers. it's a whole rabbit hole, and i love getting lost in it.
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enneamage · 1 year
how do you find out your own enneagram & how did you find out all the information you know today? i am very indecisive so i cannot find out what i am for the life of me; tritype is frustrating to no end
In the very very beginning I just took a standard test and found that the answer suited me well enough. That won’t always work for everyone, but it’s a place to get started and get some best-guesses. The thing that really got me hooked was reading around the profiles and abruptly finding descriptions that made some very confusing people in my life suddenly make a lot of sense—I really fell down the rabbit hole from there.
I think I’ve gotten to where I am because I’ve been in a feedback loop with the world. I would know a lot less about how Sixes act and think, for example, if I only read info and profiles and didn’t observe them in the wild; Tommyinnit must be seen to be believed. There are a lot of resources online, both on websites and forums, and switching between observing people and checking reference materials got me to where I am today. It isn’t constant and sometimes I go for a long time without thinking of it at all, but it’s still lingering at the back of my mind for when I need it.
I tend to not do tritype, I understand why people want to do it but I tend to not think of it as useful as nailing down your core type. I’m even starting to get a bit sceptical of wing with the number of people who have a hard time relating to one exclusively over the other, although having an idea of the different flavors that exist within a type is still useful since the core type descriptions tend to miss nuances. I talk a bit more about hunting down type here, in case that helps.
I was repeating this a lot in the beginning, but the disclaimer has dropped off a bit since then-- people are still individuals with unique personalities above anything else. I really like this system because I’ve found it very helpful, but in the end individuality wins out over type and abstract patterns. Sometimes profiles can feel reductive if you’re expecting a perfect match and not finding it, so don’t worry if it doesn’t feel 100% as long as you’re pretty sure. Sometimes. Unless you’re wrong, but that can be hard to avoid without a second opinion >_>;. I think reading through more detailed versions of the personality profiles can help narrow it down from there.
Overall, you can find a lot just from googling around. I don’t think I’ve ever come across a book or website that managed to nail everything about this system that I think works well, but there’s a whole host of random websites out there that you can puzzle together info with.
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trdr1 · 11 months
This personal introspective journey is a surrealistic dive into some weird rabbit hole. First getting the confirmation that I am still an INFJ, 10 years after mbti testing first time. Then, following through the enneagram point of view, the bare naked truth is printed black on white paper, Steinar; «you are ONE». Sounded good in my mind, and my ego really liked it, until we started reading what that is, traits, and whatnot. What the ffing hell!
A whole lot of googling accept and letting go followed. In addition to anger and resentment of course. I mean, how dare they talk to ME in that way?
Oh well, back to daydreaming again, thats my comfortable happy place. The enneagram people probably defines it beeing dissociative….
Still have the dream, and hope may I add, of being a closet INTJ. One day I will show ya, yes you sorry ass personality chrushing entrepreneurs slash coaches, I was right, I win. Oops, sorry, was that my shadow side, or passive aggressive 3 or 10 year old INFJ demanding accuracy? You know what, I dont care anymore, I hate the world, BANG = Doorslam (was that «right»?)
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
infp, 2w3, hufflepuff, piscies or taurus ^.^
infp yes, but idk if you cheated 👀 akksksks i dont know enneagrams lemme google what that one means
https://psychologia.co/2w3/ okay looking at this some of it definitely sounds like me askksk i think i might be 7 instead tho?? thsi shit definitely looks interesting tho watch me fall into a rabbit hole later askksks
i am neither pisces nor taurus <3 I AM CAPRICORN AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i have the same birthday as todoroki 😄 ✌️
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someofusarequeer · 4 years
I just fell down a rabbit hole of personality quizzes
but I found out I am definitely a type 4w5 on the enneagram test
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
✨21 Questions tag!✨
Hi! I got tagged by @curly-bangtan ✨ 😭 which was so stinking nice :’) I feel like such a ghost on this platform so it’s lovely when I feel like I have friends....so let’s hop to it
1. NICKNAME: honestly, my own name (Christiana : kris-JOHN-uh) is such a handful for people to pronounce that we hardly ever get to nicknames, but I do have just a couple- Christi-mama, C. Willy, ‘Chana, poison ivy, Jean grey (ya girls very intuitive)
2. ZODIAC: Libra baby!
3. HEIGHT: almost 5’7”
4.HOGWARTS: hufflepuff (I’m told I have a lot of personality similarities to Luna lovegood)
5. LAST THING I GOOGLED: liminal space, what can I use if I don’t have a philips screwdriver
6.FAVORITE MUSICIANS: besides BTS, I love the Civil Wars, Brooke Fraser, Dodie Clark, Noah Gunderson, Sara Mclachlan, Billie Eilish, Julia Michaels, Finneas, Kesha, hillsong United and tons of others. I really love music
7. SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: lately, I’ve been in love with the acoustic versions of “la la lost you” “strange land” and “low key” by Nikki and I just fell down the Jackson wang rabbit hole so “bullet to the heart” “titanic” and “I love you 3000” with Stephanie poetry have been on heavy rotation. “Break my heart again” by finneas is gorgeous too
10.DO YOU GET ASKS: only when I update my jungkook drabbles 😅 which is so encouraging then, but I honestly really love interacting and I don’t get to do it near enough. I’d love to get more!!!!
11. AMOUNT OF SLEEP: 7ish hours on average? I adore sleep though.... really wish we spent more time together.
12.WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: a long sleeve mauve babydoll dress, black tights, black ankle boots, long camel colored duster, a silver midi ring with Jimin’s name that I wear on my pinky
13. DREAM JOB: I’d love to be a touring singer song writer, or a novelist who wrote only via typewriter who lives in a beautifully isolated woodland cabin with no WiFi so I just Henry David Thoreau it in nature, or a baker in a small downtown area where people travel everywhere on foot or on bicycle to have my fresh baked bread and a hot cup of coffee, or a missionary in India who helps rescue girls from sex trafficking
14. DREAM TRIP: touring the Pacific Northwest, luxuriating somewhere along the Mediterranean in Greece, sipping something cozy whilst bundled up anywhere in the UK, having second breakfast in New Zealand
15.INSTRUMENTS: just a frighteningly rudimentary amount of keyboard and guitar. I pick it up quickly but forget it almosy immediately. I am a vocalist though. I’m really passionate about singing
16.LANGUAGES: unfortunately just English 😭
17.FAVORITE SONGS: “Iris” by the goo goo dolls and “landslide” by Fleetwood Mac
18. IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? oh hands down, I’d be a rabbit. 100% gentle, smart, affectionate, needs community but thrives in the quiet, very nurturing, mates for life, playful + cuddly, self preservation is alarmingly high, is naturally so high strung they could give themselves a heart attack, big eyes and a cute little rump, delicate but strong ✨
19.FAVORITE FOOD: I LOVE FOOD YALL😭 LOVE IT. I’ll try just about anything. :)I love chipotle. But also peppermint tea, fruit smoothies, sushi, poke, milk tea, Chex mix and lots and lots of other things 💕
20.RANDOM FACTS: I am a licensed cosmetologist and specialize in doing bridal + bridesmaid hair :) I love doing intricate, romantic braids and updo styles and get to do a wedding almost every weekend while assistant teaching pre-k during the week.
Also, I am garbage at technology but have 4 different tumblr blogs. If you’d like to know what they are, you can message me. But I just separate my interests so each one feels cohesive and not super random. However, I dont have a laptop and strictly operate on mobile so I can never figure out how to reply to asks, messages, or comments with the correct corresponding account because of my homeschooled, cavewoman lack of technical skill.
Also, also, I freaking HATE wearing pants. I’d never wear a pair of jeans again if I didn’t have to. Dresses til I die! I prefer to wear as little clothing as possible 🙈 I have some autoimmune issues that can cause a lot of physical pain and I sometimes I just can’t stand tight clothes touching me. So I feel the most comfortable and most like my self in soft floaty spaghetti strap dresses that just barely skim my body.
21. AESTHETIC: I am an INFP in the MBTI, a 4 in the ENNEAGRAM and an HSP (highly sensitive person) so all in all, I am extremely driven to cultivate my personal aesthetic in its purest, most authentic form. It really heavily impacts my mood + headspace. I love nature so plants, flowers, eucalyptus, lavender and pampas grass are everywhere always. I love soft lighting- so my apartment has loads of candles and string lights everywhere. Gauzy sheer curtains. Gold and rose gold details. Soft, cozy rugs and textured pillows. Lots of DIY-art and re-done furniture that I’ve painted white. Moon + star details where I can sneak them them. Lush throws and a fluffy white duvet. Tons of windows and as much natural light as I can get. So very cozy, very feminine, very soft, very peaceful so my over analytical brain has a space to rest. That’s all my home- my personal clothing + beauty style shifts with my mood but I drawn towards whatever makes me feel most like myself- blush toned dresses, silky nightgowns, simple gold jewelry that glints in the light, lots of cozy sweaters, soft shorts, bare feet whenever possible, my natural curls or blown out beachy waves, loads of blush and a fiercely flicked cat eye. (I require eyeliner)
Tagging: @laurelevermore @thedreaming-poet @sandyfata13 @urlocalkpoptrash @chaoticneutralwriter @kimcheeeeeeeeee @jhspetitegf @hayjeon @lamourche @underthejoon @kpopfanfictrash @lorengarcia-yut @outrotearot7 @bts-luvvv @madmadmilk
I wasn’t really sure who to tag? So I just tagged a few accounts of either writers I deeply admire on this platform or super kind strangers who have taken the time to invest in my writing :) (and some people are both!) I hope your next day rocks your socks off and all your wildest + simplest dreams all come true! Have a glorious whatever it is, wherever you are.Thanks for sticking it out to the end 😅✨
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ikerev, ikesen, and arcana matchups pls?
i’m an infp that borderlines intp/type 9 enneagram and a college student who’s working to get a doctorate in medieval history + western tradition.
i’ve been described as ‘aloof’ more than once but once you start talking to me i’m pretty nice. i’m very strong willed, practical and patient, but my tongue can be sharp but i try not to hurt people too badly with my words. i’m very slow to trust others with romantic feelings but i’m affectionate once i’m comfortable.
i have always attracted very emotionally troubled ppl to be my friends and it’s given me an intense fear of them leaving me once they get what they want from me/no longer need me.
i love anything beautiful and when confronted with something cute i become a mess. i love to walk, sew, and antique shopping, and i adore children and animals. thanks! 💖
I’m so sorry for the wait, but I hope you still see and enjoy the matchup!
Ikemen Revolution
I’d pair you with............................................ Blanc Lapin!
Your aesthetic literally screams Jonah Clemence, so it was hard to drag my mind towards anyone else. There’s quite a bit of overlap between your interests, so I had to close my eyes and pluck out the remaining suitors to make sure that my initial bias wasn’t clouding my judgment. And I am glad that I did because Blanc suits you a bit more!
The recordkeeper is also your tour guide around the Cradle, so he’s not taken aback by your initial aloof nature. He understands that this is a lot to take in, especially since you’ve just fallen from another world where science is highly valued. Blanc will always remain a friendly and judgment-free pillar that you can always visit whenever you have any questions or concerns.
Besides, there’s plenty of opportunities to interact with him! As he shows you different places and teaches new rules, you find yourself growing more comfortable around him. Unlike your other friends, Blanc is also much more emotionally stable, so he never asks for anything from you. If anything, he’s constantly trying to accommodate for your well-being, so it’s a nice change in pattern. Soon, conversations begin to arise and the two of you become extremely close.
Additionally, Blanc loves to take you to antique shops around the town. He knows you love to look at them and insists on paying for any item that you want to buy. Of course, you always refuse to buy anything because you don’t want him to spend money on you. This happens every time the two of you walk into an antique store.
To make up for all the gifts he couldn’t buy for you at the antique store, Blanc decides to gift you with a relic that he holds dear to his heart: an antique stopwatch. Your eyes light up as you feel the cold metal between your fingers and pop the watch open. It’s a reminder for your time in the Cradle, just in case you decide to head back to your world.
Blanc shares your love for history, so the two of you can spend hours discussing the historical events of the two worlds. Although there are many things he can’t tell you, Blanc will happily talk about different aspects of history that most people overlook. The two of you spend some time comparing and contrasting Cradle and Western traditions, which leads to another rabbit hole of interesting conversations. The conversation only comes to a close when Olive barges into the room and drags Blanc away.
Another Possibility: Jonah Clemence
Ikemen Sengoku
I’d pair you with............... Mitusunari Ishida!
I originally thought about doing a complete 180 and going with Kenshin. Although the two of you would be frosty towards each other, mutual respect would develop over time. Additionally, you would never have to worry about Kenshin leaving you because he makes it very clear that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. However, I ended up staying on the sweeter side and went with Mitsunari.
Mitsunari has no problem approaching you during your colder stages. He’s a literal angel who only sees that best in everyone, so he is more than happy spending time with you during your early days in the Sengoku Era. You don’t turn down his companionship because everyone else in the palace manages to irritate you.
Now you need a lot of patience to deal with Mitsunari’s clumsiness, which really helps drive this relationship. The warlord isn’t ditzy, but he’s too focused on other things to take care of himself. Sometimes you’ll have to drag him from his pile of books and take him outside for a nice stroll by the river. The two of you point out the different animals and objects that cross your path. You even teach him how to play “I Spy”, but he always guesses correctly with one guess.
Mitusnari appreciates your practical approach to life because it provides him with a different perspective. He’s constantly considering the theoretical possibilities (due to his excessive time studying and planning tactics), so it's refreshing to hear your perspective. He learns a lot about things that he never considered before.
The warlord’s support for your sewing projects is endless; he loves everything that you make. You could literally sew two trashbags together and he’d manage to find something special about it. He’s always excited to examine your latest products and has even asked to learn about sewing. However, you’re more worried that he’ll prick all his fingers, so you just show him the basic techniques.
Another Possibility: Kenshin Uesugi
The Arcana
I’d pair you with................. Asra!
Usually, I have a hard time picking between two suitors, but I think this one is fairly clear! However, I’d say that your runner-up would definitely be Muriel as he wouldn’t be off-put by your aloof demeanor. Additionally, I think there would a beautiful story between the life-long bond of trust and connection that would form between you and Muriel. However, Asra takes the cake in my book.
I’d assume that you’d seek out Asra to better understand magic and explore your capabilities as a magician. Similar to the MC apprentice in the game, your relationship would probably brew from those interactions. Asra is willing to help anyone with a stronger passion for magic and you find yourself delving deeper into the tradition, culture, and history of Vesuvia magic.
Asra admires and appreciates your steadfast and patient attitude. Since you have plenty of history in screwing up with your extensive student background, you have no problem spending extra hours with the magician to perfect your imperfections. It brings him great pride, especially as he watches you improve and apply your knowledge towards reality.
I can confirm that Faust will be your number 1 wingman. The slithering companion will always be on a lookout for opportunities to bring you two closer. Sometimes, Faust will coil around both of your arms, placing your arm against Asra’s arm. You’ve got to give credit to the snake because that’s how the two of you first held hands.
The magician has spent most of his life waiting, so he has no problem waiting for your affection. Besides, the wait will only make your future affection seem much sweeter. He can’t get enough of the soft hugs, cuddles, and kisses that you shower him with, so he’ll sneakily find opportunities to display his affection towards you.
You become a mess when you see cute things? Well, Asra might purposefully take you to a field with the cuties bunnies because his heart flutters every time you gush over something adorable. The two of you lay on the grass, laughing and playing with the bunnies that crawl over your face. 
Another Possibility: Muriel
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freakypanther · 5 years
Fixing a hole.
There’s an inch of fat on my upper inner thighs that wasn’t there a month ago. I’ve had a little jones for pad thai. I’ve been eating it in amounts that are way beyond what’s advisable throughout all of June and some of July. I now affectionately refer to my legs as  “pad thighs” (hold for applause). It’s more than just a craving though, it’s a hunger. I often find that consumption is my answer to confusion—not always in the form of noodles. I get that itch and I try to run it off, drink it off, sex it off, travel it off, shop it off, sing, bike, sweat and surf it away- pick your poison. Rather, pick mine. 
I have all this energy. All this crazy fizz that’s shook up in me like a glass Coke bottle. I think it’s been there for as long as I can remember. This fear in me that I am too much, too fat, too crazy, too pointy, too big, too small, too emotional, too embarrassing, not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not interesting enough, not good enough, doing it wrong, upsetting everyone, ruining everything. Those are hard things to hear that you think about yourself, even harder to write them down. And they’re hard things to keep bottled up. No matter how tightly you try to contain them, they never really go away. They greet you every morning, and sleep with you every night. They doubt everything good that ever happens to you, and say “I told you so” in the midst of something bad.
So for a very long time I just put the Coke bottle in the back of the fridge. Hell, I don’t even think there was a fridge. It was in a shoebox, in the back of a pantry, in the corner of a garage, in a house I didn’t live in anymore. And if anyone ever asked about bottles or soda or sugar or fizz I said “What do you mean?” and I walked down the street every day and said “I”m fine—let’s talk about YOU, or THAT, or HIM.” And I smiled in a way that said I’m so so so great. And stepped in a way that said, check this shit out. And on some level, I was great. It was a pretty good system.
And I did all the things. And I went to all the therapists. And meditated all the meditations. And got all the money. And controlled all the narratives. And kept all the secrets. And held it all together. And fixed all the problems. And entertained all the people. And bothered no one. And most importantly kept my mouth shut —because I knew that nobody could argue with that, and consequently everyone would love me. And everybody did. And I was happy. And life was good. 
And then one day without warning, someone I hardly knew looked at me in the eyeballs and casually said “So what’s the deal with that Coke bottle?” and I froze. 
Because for all my whining, and pining, and dining, and doing, and going and growing, and working, and improving, and being the best, the first, the most, the only—I still couldn’t beleive or accept the existence of a girl I had shoved in the back of a fridge, and left alone to deal with whatever problems she was causing for simply existing. 
In fact, I had buried her so deep, for so long, I wasn’t even really sure I knew her anymore. So I sat in that stew, and confused myself over and over. And I called out to her, and ordered a lot of pad thai. And took a lot of personality tests. In case you’re wondering, I’m an INFP. I’m an enneagram 4 wing 3. Aries sun. Leo moon. Cancer rising. Fire rabbit. My blood type is AB positive. My aura is crystal, magenta, orange, and red. My akashic records are “chill”. My life line is very pronounced. I’m choleric, rather than sanguine. I’m a carrie. I’m a 90′s kid. And my ancestry is 100% all over the place. 
But none of it mattered. And I shouted “Jesus! Who even are you!?” And she said “Pshhhh. Please...don’t act like you don’t know.” 
I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I’m intense and exciting. Playful, sexual, and powerful. Creative, intelligent, deep and wide. Confident, charismatic and independent. Intuitive, ferocious, and made to move. I am not an island, but you like to pretend that I am. I work hard, but I could work better if you were nice to me. I’m patient, especially with you. I’ll try anything once. I’m excited by possibility. I think most things are possible. I see myself in everyone, it’s easy for me to connect. I’m good in a kitchen, and behind a camera. I have a way with words and instruments. I love strange things. Odd things. Old things. Quirky things. Magic, Mississippi, and marbled tomatoes. Art made by adults that looks like it was made by kids. Summer rain and slide guitar. Etta James and the East River. Blood oranges and my bare feet out as much as possible.
And I said, Okay. “Well what the hell do you want from me?”
Then she leaned in and whispered “Bitch—let. me. out. of. this. mother. fucking. bottle.”
So for the millionth time in my life I have an extra inch of fat on my thighs that I’ll spend a month working off. But for the first time in my life, I don’t consider myself garbage because of it. And that’s the best way I can think to describe my summer so far. And if you don’t get it—well, for the first time I don’t really give a damn. 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
done with tritypes
Something has been bugging me lately and growing into a greater concern the more I observe myself and others. It's centered on the Enneagram, a tool for self-knowledge that leads to self development.
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You are supposed to do introspection to discover your motivations and unpack your behaviors. From there, you move toward growth as your type by identifying things you can change and tackling them. When that happens, amazing stuff unfolds in your life. You get to see yourself growing, maturing, and changing as you shift away from “automatic” behaviors to “I am choosing not to do these things that make my life hell.”
That was my journey, and I was growing a lot... until I learned about tritype. And now I see others locked in the same swirling toilet bowl that has claimed the last several years of my life. I am seeing people focusing on finding their tritype and becoming more confused about themselves in the process. Instead of working on self-development and erasing the problems caused by their type/wing, introspecting and learning to identify those behaviors as they are happening, and finding clarity by identifying their inner workings, they get caught up in a loop of “What’s my fixes? What’s my second fix? What if I am this instead of that? Is this one or this one my core??? HELP ME.”
Which… means there’s no inner growth happening. It has stalled out while they focus on a far less important facet of their personality.
I have gone down this rabbit hole. Spent hours thinking about myself in unproductive ways (as opposed to analyzing my reactions as a 6 and choosing to work on them), rethinking my fixes, and trying to see them at work… with no growth as a result.
When, all along, 6w7 made perfect sense to me from the start, and is all I needed to know to stop projecting my motivations onto other people, assuming people were mad at me without evidence, over-apologizing, and playing games with people due to my indecision. That type made sense. It gave me total clarity. I read my first 6 chapter and wanted to cry, because for the first time in my life, I knew someone else understood how I think and that I'm not crazy. Other people go through this! Other people are cautious! Other people also second-guess themselves! It brought me a flash of insight. A boom of self-awareness that caused ripples in my life. You mean the negative stories I tell myself aren't real?? I don't have to believe them?? Dazed by all this sudden clarity, I got to work on the tedious task of growth. Of realizing, "I am projecting right now. I don't have to do that." Or asking "Am I jerking this person around by being unsure about them? That's a lousy thing to do to someone I care about." Or "I am freaking out, but when has the worst actually happened to me? ... never. Calm down and stop your catastrophic thinking." Or "Why am I second-guessing my ability to write another book, when the 12 lined up on my shelf are evidence that I am more than capable of doing this?"
I am done. I am going back to my core, wing, and stacking. It's all I need. It explains me entirely. It gives me clarity and joy because I can see how much I have grown. I think that's vital, especially when you are deciding who to learn from in the Enneagram world. How has this teacher grown? How are they different? How has knowing their core type and wing helped them advance to a higher degree of self-awareness and self-growth? Do they have stories about how they used to be at a lower level, and what changed? If you interact with them over a long period of time, are they still stuck at the same place in their ego-development? Are they able to laugh when they catch themselves "doing" automatic responses and say, "Sorry, total __ moment! I really thought I had gotten past that!"?
Unfortunately, the thing I hate the most about myself has not gone away, and that's my argumentative, contrarian nature, a facet of 6 / Ne-dom. Being contrarian causes my loved ones pain. I hate that. If I had put as much energy into catching myself launching into 'brat' mode out of boredom and... not doing it, maybe I would be even further along in my journey than I am today.
I’m done answering tritype asks. I don't ask anyone to agree with me that it's unimportant, but I intend to view any of my identifications with other numbers by asking myself, “Could this be a deep aspect of my type/wing? Where is this coming from and what do I do with it?”
I want myself to grow.
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I’m pretty sure I’m a strong Te user, but I’m not sure about my perceiving axis. I am really good at noticing things happening around me, like I’ll notice when someone is leaving a house really quickly and have come up with the fact that something is wrong and come up with a couple of responses to possible troubles before other people have noticed that the person has left the house. I’m really good with verbal details. As a kid I would always be a better organizer than my parents because (1/2)
I could remember all of the different bases we had to cover and was already keeping an eye out for possible misunderstandings so I could handle them later and so forth. Also I like practical information that I can use (though that might be strong Te?) like I’m a screenwriter so I watch A LOT of videos on story structure and elements of character and stuff like that. So all of that should point to a strong sensing function, but every description of strong Ni is (2/? On the first I said 1/2)Spot on. Like I over complicate everything, writing out new theories and interpretations of typology in the notes of my phone to try and being everything together and find a way to use the system to predict relationships and best friends and I’ve actually added extra subtypes and stuff before but that didn’t pan out for obvious reasons. Also, every time I take an action, I’m entirely focused on the long range benefit of it (like ten to fifteen years) and making this one idealistic picture (3/?)I’ve got this one idealistic picture of the future in my head and every time something happens to make that less likely I freak out internally and strategize for a while on how to correct course. Also, this is a minor tendency, but I improvise a lot in my writing and shift around and make up plot points and plot lines as I’m doing it. Do you have any insight on what my type could be? Also if there’s anything enneagram related in here that would be helpful too. Thanks! (4?/4?)
Hi anon, I’m actually not sure but I’ll give you a couple thoughts on both your potential type and some of the assumptions many sources make about Ni that I have some doubts about. If you’d like more information after that I’d recommend providing some more information, especially about areas outside of screenwriting and typology (I know that’s a major part of your life, but it’s also an area where you feel comfortable presumably and can explore creatively in a way you might not otherwise).
So, I would agree on high Te and I think some of your sensing evidence (organization, practical use of information etc) might be due to Te alone and not sensing.
Some of what you say does sounds like Ni, specifically the highly idealistic idea of the future that you are constantly course-correcting towards. It definitely sounds Se-Ni axis rather than Ne-Si.
Overcomplication is a little bit of an Ni thing, but often it’s Ni with either weak Te or with Ti. Te has some oversimplification tendencies, so in the healthier NTJs they often balance out, or you’ll get some weird fringe overcomplications (like making up subtypes) but they tend not to get paralyzed by going down weird rabbit holes because Te shuts that down.
Improvising in writing is more just a writing style; again I think people, even those who write for a living, are more likely to take risks in writing that they wouldn’t in the rest of their life. I tend to improvise a lot and actually struggle to plan out creative endeavors because they’re often more Fi and Ne outlets for me. 
Therefore my first guess would be that you’re an ENTJ with reasonably good Se. If that doesn’t fit, I’m not sure any of the other TJs really do just because I doubt you’d have as good sensing if you were an INTJ, and your future plans wouldn’t fit ESTJ/ISTJ who tend to have more branching ideas of the future.
My second guess would be that you’re an ESTP or ISTP with strong organization skills and a lot of discipline, with overcomplication coming from Ti instead. Se and Te aren’t similar,  but both do tend towards making things happen in reality in different ways so without knowing more about your thought process it could be that you’re an Se user rather than Te, though again, not my first guess. ENTJ fits better for me (your Ni sounds at least tertiary, and while I can’t say for sure why, your ask gives me extrovert vibes) but if you’re really sure ENTJ is wrong then that’s what I’d check next.
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iamhumanpresident · 7 years
i love you but all the other infjs i know are annoying...how do i get over this so that i can love this blog even more
I love you too!! So, I will give you my best answer as to what might be up with Those Other INFJs. Maybe that will do a help?
1) INFJs that are in earlier stages of development can be really prone to falling into thought-traps of “I’m such a good person; I’m so sensitive; No one understands me or is as deep as I am.” This is more true of some enneagram types than others. From an outside perspective, it’s really frustrating to watch. I see other INFJ blogs do this on tumblr sometimes and I just want to shake them and say “NO you’re doing it wrong!” They’ll probably get over it eventually though. (I had my phase, and at the time I didn’t realize I was doing it).2) Ni, at least from my experience, can be kind of a dark and scary rabbit hole of doom. It has been since I was a kid. I’m now okay with that, and I like to explore and understand fully how it works. I’m also aware it’s not a super power by any means. I think there are some INFJs who would rather still keep some distance from their Ni, and treat it like it is some magic psychic super power - and just embrace those silly mysterious INFJ stereotypes along with that, because that’s easier. Sudden “eureka moments” and all that.3) Consider that they might not actually be INFJs. A lot of people mistype themselves as INFJs, and so I run into blogs of people self-typed where they’re an INFJ but are clearly something else. What clearly stands out is a post where an “INFJ” was explaining how she uses her “Ni” and “Fe” and it became clear she was talking about Ne+Fi. Other people were using that post to then inaccurately confirm their own self-typing, and it was a whole mess. Outside in the real world though, INFJs are particularly hard to spot. Even with it being my own type, it’s taken me a while to learn how to find and type others. Several I have typed only after being totally stumped on their typing and ruling out so many other options (including someone I used to be really close with). INFJs are sneaky in person. They hide behind Fe. I know INFJs in their 30s and 40s who at first I would swear were ENFJs. Or, if they’re teenagers, they might just be super awkward (that was me).
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