#i can't formulate my thoughts
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
And another reason why i don't like having a DNI is because it makes for either an echo chamber where you will never be exposed to differing opinions and made to think about your views or you're putting smth like "dni nazis" in your dni which is like. Functionally useless; no nazi will just go "awh i gotta respect their boundaries tho :("
A DNI is for annoying fandom shit where the other people would probably respect your boundary and making an echo chamber about it isn't as bad. Tho imo even that is like. If someone respects a DNI (boundaries) i'd be cool with interacting with them in most cases anyway. It's paradoxical to me*.
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thebigchips · 11 months
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Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
(t.A.T.u. "Not gonna get us")
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softcryz · 12 days
oooh since you said even scug crea has changing markings... some weird modified strain similar to vitiligo in its active state ... markings/spots just appear and disappear sometimes
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MAYHAPS... I know in his default [iterator] form I can write off the patterns moving as him painting over himself again but!! Finding ways to work around that for other forms is actually really fun!!
He's either perfect at camouflaging or the worst at it depending on the region [bright green]
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
The Future of Season 7 of Wild Kratts
In light of this week's premiere of Wild Kratt's 7th season, Martin Kratt has discussed the new season as well as the overall history of the show and what is to come in the future of the series.
You can read all of what he has to say in this article, but I'm going to address the very interesting stuff regarding what to expect next for Season 7.
“There's so much that people know about animals that hasn't been published yet,” notes Martin. “So, we can find things that aren't even in books yet and put them in the show by talking directly to these scientists. One thing about the format for this show and the subject matter is we'll never run out of stories. There's so much to do still, and so many animals left to write about. This season we’ll be breaking the 200th episode and we’ve only scratched the surface.”
Now I will not lie, this paragraph gave me a lot of joy. Because Martin is right, there IS a crap-ton of animals that people know so little about. Anyone who says this show isn't a cultural impact for all that it's done to inform and inspire this generation over the past 12 years of its airing is lying out of their fucking asses.
Ok now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's address the bolded point:
Wild Kratts will air its 200th episode in Season 7.
200th Episode!!!
Now everything is starting to make sense: The reason why the hiatus took nearly 2 full years was because they were producing a minimum of 47 episodes. That's even more episodes than Season 1 had:
Which means that the potential for this season is limitless: And that's not even going into what Episode 200 may be about. This season is totally going to be worth the two-year long wait and these madlads at PBS are going to make damn well sure of it!
Then there's this line from Martin:
Still, what would a monumental seventh season be without a bit of mysterious animal flare? And, of course, the occasional lemur?
Ok now it's getting good. It looks like we'll be going on a return to Madagascar for more lemur-centric episodes. Fingers crossed for more Zooboomafo references:
“A big special we’ve got coming up in Season 7 is called “Blue and Green: The Living Earth,” which is all about habitats and climate and it features blue whales,” says Martin. “It also has another lemur in there, the Indri, which is the largest living lemur."
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Also, google search what an Indri lemur is, I gaurentee you that it's very interesting!
This is all so exciting and honestly, anyone who felt let down by the first few eps. of S7, I think you guys will feel very vindicated by the remainder of this season. I think after the lackluster 5th and 6th season and the subsequent negative response for that, they're bringing forward a revival era for WK's quality that may be on par with, or even succeed the earlier seasons. Regardless, I'm excited for where this shit goes.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
sobbing crying i love them so much-
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werewolf-w1tch · 11 months
the transmasc experience of feeling that little girl you left behind heal is something that can be so fucking emotional actually
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aweisz · 9 months
a headcanon that has been stirring in my brain for weeks is that din shows a LOT of emotions under his helmet because fuck you nobody can see it anyway so it doesn't affect his status as a cold-blooded bounty hunter
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desnayy · 10 months
Thinking about little Fitpacza moments... Fit flirting with both Pac and Philza separately, not knowing if the other two really know each other that well. But then sees Pac (and later on Mike) with jewelry that clearly came from Philza. Jewelry that Fit also has, but doesn't really wear, so his collection would be a lot smaller...
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to-to-karamba · 1 year
Still mulling over the changes to the Feywild episode
Of course they don't have the time and a lot has to be compressed to fit into 20 minutes, and honestly I think I won't judge some things till we get season 3, but I think they could've handled Vex' story a bit better?
I think some of my issues come from them moving some stuff around, since I feel like at this point I'm the campaign Vex was more open with VM? Her asking Percy of she looks like she comes from money was such a vulnerable moment, with her polishing her armor, trying to make herself look "presentable". It really showed how fucking important to her this was, how much it still weighted on her. Seeing Vex', who up untill that point was always so (at least outwardly) confident in her looks and her abilities, be so uncertain of herself, I think it was one of the first times someone other than Vax saw behind her mask. It was the first time Vex felt small
Whereas in tlovm "do I look like a noble" seems... Flippant? Partially why I don't want to judge yet, is because I do thing it kinda works for tlovm. I think right now they're leaning into Vex putting up a front, more then they're trying to show her insecurities (I think her being the mediator with her father kinda plays into this as well), and I'm curious what people who haven't seen c1 will think of this moment
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mostlymobilegames · 11 months
Lou gave me unreal chills this season's finale
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risperidog · 3 months
your symptoms are just as worthy of acknowledgment, acceptance/lack of judgement, and treatment even if they're not included in "you're so valid 🌸" posts.
people with homicidal thoughts or urges to harm others. people with narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder and any other disorders that can lead to a disregard for others in any sort of presentation. people with "scary" psychosis symptoms/reactions, including lashing out. people that aren't ready to get sober or clean or even decrease their use at all yet, and are very much so in active addiction. etc.
so fucking sick and tired of feeling awful for symptoms i can't yet control. how the fuck am i supposed to magically stop feeling like i hate everyone and everything and [censored] as a fear response and viewing myself as superior in many ways and suddenly just stop talking in ways people find terrifying while delusional. i've felt like a bad fucking person for so long about it because of how stigmatized it all is.
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demonzoro · 6 months
[coughs weakly] i see the reiju and sanji ask in my inbox.... please.... [dabs the blood off my mouth] wait for me....
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nyaitsu-writes · 1 year
if i posted the silliest hcs that have been sitting in my pc for half a year would you guys read them. it has leo and natsume. and a cat cafe. and it's been finished for the longest time but i didn't want to post it because i feel like my stuff isn't read anymore and it's a tiiiny bit discouraging
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lenievi · 9 months
Mudd's Women
EVE: I, I suppose you understand [loneliness] even more, having to run a huge ship like this with so much responsibility every minute and having to be so careful with all your men looking up to you.
The Enemy Within
SPOCK: You're the Captain of this ship. You haven't the right to be vulnerable in the eyes of the crew. You can't afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect. If you do, they lose faith, and you lose command.
The Naked Time
KIRK: This vessel, I give, she takes. She won't permit me my life. I've got to live hers. (...) I have a beautiful yeoman. Have you noticed her, Mister Spock? You're allowed to notice her. The Captain's not permitted. (...) Now I know why it's called she. (...) Flesh woman to touch, to hold. A beach to walk on. A few days, no braid on my shoulder.
Balance of Terror
KIRK: I wish I were on a long sea voyage somewhere. Not too much deck tennis, no frantic dancing, and no responsibility. Why me? I look around that Bridge, and I see the men waiting for me to make the next move. And Bones, what if I'm wrong?
The Conscience of the King
LENORE: At the party, you were such a brash young man. Now somehow different. Not a ship's Captain with all those people to be strong and confident in front of. You know, you're really very dear, aren't you? In some ways, very lonely.
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lilysundragon · 1 year
I don't know how to put into words, but Or the Beautiful Golden Drop is such a perfect Knights song. The sound of it is pure Knights, in a way that I don't think any of the other songs have quite captured, with the exception of Fight for Judge. Everyone gets a moment to shine but during the chorus, when Knights are unified and are singing together, it sounds so seamless. When I think of Knights, this is the sound I envision and I'm so glad that Izumi's center has really done him justice musically while simultaneously allowing Knights to shine as a whole.
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emiliosandozsequence · 3 months
everyone asking me lately to analyze my fav media: i'm kissing you on the mouth
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