#i havent posted her yet but shhhh
noxbunni · 29 days
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yep this is the dynamic between adam and my oc LMAO
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dragonjadearts · 3 years
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Hello fellow queers, happy pride month
here are some of my queer characters and just a few of their associated pride flags
i dont really post about my characters on tumblr so i’ll give a quick rundown starting from the left (under the read more cause holy crap there’s a lot and this is only a tiny percentage of aaaalll of my characters ((in case anyone was curious I have 79 official characters and then 40 characters who are so old that I don't count them anymore but im considering bringing back because I thrive on making bad choices)))
PS: check out my instagram to see the individual pictures of each character at dragon__jade
PPS: if you send me an ask about my characters to let me talk/rant about them I will lover you forever mwah
Spider: Inspired by a marvel au but ended up becoming his own original character; bisexual and aromantic
Teris: Skyrim fan-character, generally a bad ass; asexual
Ryoko: ATLA fan-character, a firebender; lesbian and maybe trans?? (i haven’t decided yet)
Cyren: One of my DND characters, a druid water genasai; queer
Commander: a shapeshifter who can turn into a giant lizard-dragon thing, tough as nails; lesbian
Liam: Owns lots of pets including his snake Jay, a cat named Olive, a bird named Scar, and his tarantula Frisk; asexual, biromantic, and trans
Everett: the worlds biggest himbo; gay
Ronan: Another shapeshifter (just his tail/legs though) who comes from a futuristic sci-if dystopian world; non-binary (he/they/xe)
Archimedes: A 700+ year old vampire, very proper and kind; non-binary (xe/he/they)
Amber: amputee, probably an alien; queer
Apex: Mandalorian oc, collects bounties for dangerous animals, runs a rehabilitation center on their ship, ze own a rip woven out of beskar that ze use as a lasso to capture the animals; non-binary (they/ze), gay
Arin: a gymnast and performer, can sing super well, has a black cat named Lancelot; trans, non-binary (she/they)
Leah: teenager, possibly indigenous? idk i havent thought about her character much; agender (any pronouns)
Rahil: Another DND character, a tiefling rogue with a traumatic past and poor coping mechanisms (can you tell she was edgy first dnd chatacher? shhhh I still love her anyways); asexual
Bane: yet another DND character, a tiefling druid, his tail is prehensile and he uses it to climb through his forested home like a monkey; bisexual, trans (he/they)
Koa: Originally was a sanders sides janus and virgil fusion but had evolved into his own character since then, usually wears his mask because he had big teeth and his face scares people; asexual and aromantic
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unclejuho · 6 years
🚨 Weewoo weewoo 🚨 You've been held back by the love police! 👮 Say something nice to 10 of your mutuals and pass the message around 👮 Let's spread love not hate ❣️
ooaabhjdbhj this took me so long to answer but here i go!!! im late!!! and im repetitive!! but all these people make my heart go u*u
@jaevoon  ((((her name is liz?????))
liz,,, you were like the solid first person i came to talk to on tumblr bc of your stupid lizard youngbin ask n then made the greatest decision to watch about time with the squad. i love your loyalness to jaeyoon, your even more loyalness to doyoung and your tags that always make me angery wheeze. and uh. i guess youre actually most loyal to yoelin, h u h. your soft huevos tag says it all. and i love your personal blog
moving on to my next target, dear miss dawONSt,,,, i cant compliment you the same as liz bc loyalness, dont know her. im actually surprised roro is your icon. guess you really love seafood huh ;))) i love your face and your love for all your mans. like.. your obsession with shownu sim is still my favorite thing about you, but recently i havent had the pleasure of seeing him in the chat,,, hmmm,,, maybe you and liz should do your next spam with shownu sim.
louise im feel like i always say this but youre lowkey my absolute favest blog on this entire flop site… i know we dont rlly talk but dbhjbhbh youre such a dear mutual to me???? like you just make my dash the best it can be and ugh. i love your love for sf9 so much its so cute and so pure and god youre so funny and also. french??????  je aime a french bitch!!!! anyway yea you make me soft and i just highkey always wish to remain mutuals bc when we do talk its so much fun and you always make me smile so much  ♡♡♡
SAMMMMM UGH… my sweetest???? my loveliest?????? i just have a soft heart attack whenever youre online in the chat bc like. i love talking to you ashhjsbhs honestly??? youre so easy to converse with it feels lovelie. youre so cute and your gifs are!!!! so good!!! and so much goals!!! honestly you deserve to be the top tier blog out of all the rose, day6 and got7 blogs if youre already not!!!! i love you sam!!!
LARA SO I KNOW WE HAVENT TALKED IN A WHILE EITHER which is all bc of my dramatic switch of blog styles but i love you so much and asdbbhsj youre my favorite ravi stan ever???? who honestly deserves HIM so much??? if not you deserve more which… how is that even possible tbh… but omg youre always so cute and so nice to me nnn,, even though lettuce is your favorite food (ill never forget it im sorry i just)) youre one of my favorite people on this stupid site abhabhsh. honestly i hope you do get to see ravi bc i havent asked you yet bc if you dont i may actually cry… your instagram is also so PRETTY LIKE i get a heart attack whenever i see you on there i sometimes forget youre a 100/100 goddess like… i love you so much
OUR QUEEN OF TALENT??? OF DRAWING??? OF BEING SOFT AND JUST????? BEING so amazingly sweet im??? bawling???? ugh im still smad we couldnt meet up when you were in holland like.. i need me to go to canada asap… ugh i love how nice you always are to everyone plus,,, your cartoon drawings… im actually obsessed.. i cant believe youre actually gonna make me a juwoon one someday too… sO NICE.. and like i just love you so much asdbhahbsbh youre always so sweet and you just make my day when i see you on my dash its actually a bit embarrassing but shhhh… i also love sassy soph that we so rarely get to see ;))))
another QUEEN??? just (hwiyoungs) queen of general being the most amazing??? oof em i have so much respect to you and everything you do like. your gifs are so amazing and youre overall so nice to everyone and just. whenever you rb a post of mine and compliment smth i do i just get giggly and proud and ugh you make me so happy!! plus youre so cute and asdbhjhb i love talking to you… also your selfie tag gives me butterflies hows the aesthetic like that. do you remember when we all trolled you as ems 8)
ALE??? MY SWEET ALE WILL YOU ACTUALLY SEE THIS??? omg alex honestly the first thing i think of is us voice calling and just. shbjhadhbj talking to you is so much fun ugh… im smad we havent talked in a while but ALL IN GOOD PEACE since i know youre busy and go you.. so good at staying away from the web.. anyways alex i love you sm ugh.. youre always so funny n so cute and hhhhhh i just thought of your selfie n i choked again that hair was on fleek and youre so gorgeous!!! you and youngbin jaeyoon would be so cute im sure of it… my otp 8(((((
miss sflop9???? my dearest inseong anti?????? my gOOD hwi stan friend???? my UNNIE??? sahdabbahds god.. or should i say,, heol??? omg shi talking toyou is so much fun n we’re always the same with our spams.. n our thirst abt our mans even tho you say you hate inseong n all he stands for but i KNOW DEEP DOWN in your bONES you love that guy a whole much! also its so funny ahsbjd your love for drama… a true kpop stan… ugh i know you dont like showering me with love but ill continue to shower you with my love till the end of times bc thats just how it be!!! heol youre just so funny n im glad we r talking like we r because you make my days a lot more progressive hhh and im glad to be sharing these fine men with you.. even if you call juju zaddy which. im still not on board with but whatevs!!!!!
I SAVED THEBEST FOR LAST???? my lovlie inna!!!!!! im lov you forever!!! and you know no one can take that away! i hope you know im always here for you and you can always come to me
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moonbinandback · 7 years
My KCON experience!!!!
I just got home and I wanted to write down everything while it’s still fresh in my memory so pls prepare for a very long very screaming account of today’s amazing events ;___; (I’ll post the pics and videos I got soon!!)
so my mom and I drove together (she didn’t want me to go alone bc none of my irl friends like kpop lol rip s/o to my mom for being the coolest ever!!!), and we got to the venue at around 11:30ish. I wanted to get there earlier bc i was really paranoid about not getting an audience pass for astro ;___; we went to get our wristbands and stuff and our concert ticket barcodes ended up showing as invalid ?? ?! even tho we bought them from the official website ;~; so we had to get our tickets validated at staples center and then walk back to get our audience passes. after getting that sorted, I opened my passes and got Heize and Oh My Girl, both of which had already been completed :((( but as I was standing to the side trying to figure out if I could get passes off facebook, I overheard this group of ppl opening their audience passes and they were like “who did u get???” “uh... astro....” “me too....i don’t rly know them” and i was like HI HELLO DO U WANT THOSE BC IF NOT IM LOOKING FOR 2 PASSES FOR ASTRO NO PRESSURE THO and they were like “uhhh yeah sure” AND I GOT 2 AUDIENCE PASSES FOR FREE HOW LUCKY IS THAT !!!!! ! 😭😭 bless those ppl i hope they got hi touch or something lol they saved me like an hour of hunting for passes
after that we checked the room where fan engagements are held to see if there was a line for astro and there was already a crowd of like 60ish ppl there like 2 hours before the event and i was like fuk!!!!! but also it’s so nice to see fellow astro fans supporting our bois!! c: there were actually so many astro fans at the con i was so happy!! so we got in line and chilled and there were some rly cool fans handing out free astro banners with their own digital art, and one person was passing out these nice quality pics of the boys and asking “who’s ur bias??” and then just giving them out for free?? arohas are so nice ??? ???
then after we got into the room, i was like 3 rows from the very front of the audience barrier, but the hi touch ppl were way closer than us rip i was so jealous ;~; when the boys walked on i LOST MY FUKCING SHIT AS EXPECTED and OH YM GOD LET ME TELL U HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE! !!!!!! they all had on very crisp clean button ups and slacks and they looked SO FRESH omg 
jinjin’s hair was so beautiful and smooth and he looked extra tiny today!!!!! i LOVE mj’s current hair color on him it looks so pretty and he also looked tiny af I LOVE!!!! sanha is SO FREAKING TALL like he absolutely towers over the hyungs lmaooooo but he’s also the CUTEST BAB his hair was slightly messy and very beautiful i cryyyy and rocky looked SO GOOD with his hair color!! it’s actually a lot more subtle irl than in the pics he posted recently :’) it’s like a very gentle auburn-burgundyish kinda color, and a little more brown than mj’s hair!
and eunwoo!!!! oh my god he is absolutely prince charming irl, even more so than in videos and pics like HOLY SHIT he is so stunning!!!! he was wearing this beautiful white button up and his brown hair makes him look EVEN MORE PRINCELY like i could not believe my eyes and when he hits u with THAT EYE SMILE u are deceased on the spot!!!!!!! he is a very beautiful dork and i love him!!! AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BINNIE LIKE I THOUGHT I LOVED HIM A LOT BEFORE TODAY?? ??? WHTA THE FUCK ???? he is genuinely the most handsome and attractive person i have EVER seen like i was blown away by his natural charm, hes just SO DAMN CHARISMATIC IRL like if u dont stan bin before u see him irl.. ..u do afterwards lmao like he’s UNREAL ;__; he was wearing a bluish black button up with the tucked in and puffy look which I LOVE and some very well fitting slacks 👀 HES FINE AS FUCK YALL I RLY CANT EVEN EXPRESS HIS BEAUTY RN LIKE GOD DAMN!!! MY IDEAL MAN!!!! i was looking at all the bois but i kept going back to him like i honestly couldnt take my eyes off him he is so gorgeous!!!!
the Q&A session was CUTE AF but i couldnt hear them over the screams ;____; also ppl were sticking their phones in the air all over the place so my view was partially blocked sometimes but i got some lil viewing windows most of the time :D after the general questions from the mc they played this dice roll game where they have to do whatever action corresponds to the number they rolled! they did “switch parts” if i remember correctly, they sang confession and FUCKING JINJIN SANG I HEARD HIS BEAUTIFUL VOICE IRL I WAS DYING HE SOUNDED SO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! (@FANTAGIO LET MY BOI SING!!!!) ALSO ROCKY SANG AND I LOST MY MIND HE WAS SO AMAZING AS WELL!!!! sanha, eunwoo, and mj sang their fave pop songs and they were SO GOOD as usual!!! 💞💞 ALSO EUNWOO RAPPED HE WAS SO CUTE
ok and here’s the part that literally killed me: THE SEXY DANCE WHAT THE FUUKCJKEJGHDJ I WAS ON FIRE!!!!!!! rocky’s dance was SO DAMN GOOD and i was like FUUUUUUUUCK ok that was amazing and then the bois were like “binnie u do it!!” and i was like GOD.. ..IF UR OUT THERE,,, ,,, MAKE IT HAPPEN and then not only bin but jinjin too! !!! BICH!!!! THEY ENDED ME RIGHT THEN AND THERE I CANT BELIEVE I SAW BIN DOING HIP THRUSTS IRL LIKE ?????? PLS WATCH THE FANCAM OF IT IF U HAVENT, IT WILL SAVE UR LIFE OK
so after the sexy dance i was in a state of euphoria ofc, and i remember them rolling aegyo on the dice and they were like “SANHA DO IT” and he was SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM he did the arm cross thing with a lil head shake and rocky joined him too!!!! god bless!!!!!!
during hi touch i just continued to bask in the boys’ presence hahah and i noticed they were doing mostly single handed high fives instead of the usual two hand high five/hand hold that they normally do :c but they all looked so cute and happy and smiley!!!! it made my heart so happy!!!!
after hi touch we took a group selfie with the boys (which i am definitely invisible in lmaooo) and then after leaving the room i was like “ah i heard they’ll be at the toyota booth at some point today i better go find out what time” and right as im walking to the booth i see a group of well dressed guys walking on the 2nd floor above me and im like “no way they beat us here” and then i saw a tall bean with white hair and i was like SANHAAAAAAA and they had just gotten to the toyota booth right as i got there!!!! a crowd had already formed but I got a decent view, and they were doing some more q&a that i couldn’t hear lmao but I was so happy that i got to see them again!!!!
when they left I walked around the marketplace and bought a dream part 1 poster (the one where they’re all in white dress shirts lookin cute af) and a poster of sleepy autumn story bin bc im WEAK and I LOVE MY BOIS
then i just hung around the food trucks area until we got to enter the concert venue, and my seats were pretty good!!! they weren’t GA or lowest tier, but i was decently close and i had a clear view of the stage like 95% of the time blesssss
first up was KARD and they were pretty good! their songs are not rly my style but they’re very talented and they look like a hardworking group!!! :D also they are all hot hahah
after that was Oh My Girl, and they were also good! again, their songs are not usually what i like but they were SUPER CUTE and charming!!
then Heize played!! I LOVE HEIZE OMG shes so pretty and her voice is beautiful!! i also love her style and her songs are so soothing/fun to listen to!! she asked us to turn on our phone flashlights while she performed Star and she started tearing up before she started singing and i was like NOOOOO BABY she almost made me cry ;~; anyways YES I LOVE HEIZE U SHOULD LISTEN TO HER IF U HAVENT YET
i had only rly listened to Energetic and I only knew ong seongwu before seeing wanna one, but HOLY SHIT they blew me away!!!!! i was really impressed by their choreo and they’re really great performers! their songs are catchy af damn!! AND ALL THE MEMBERS ARE CUTE like daniel?? ??? hot as fuck???? he had on this earring and im like damn?? what is this guy doing to me lmaooo
i hadn’t listened to any NCT 127 besides cherry bomb and I thought it was an okayish song, but again i was SO IMPRESSED by their performance!!! they were so on point for choreo, other theatrics, visuals, etc!!!! honestly i feel like all kpop groups are like 100000x better live bc of the choreo and atmosphere!! and there was a guy with light pink hair who was HOT AS FUKC i need to find him omg (taeyong? yeah hes fine as hell hahahah) also the bass in the staples center is SO INTENSE like my entire soul vibrated during cherry bomb lmao
GOT7 were great performers too but after hearing about the jaebum stuff im like 😒😒 also they give me a very arrogant vibe and im like eeeghhhh (sry to any GOT7 stans 😷) bambam looked cute tho shhhh
okay onto ASTROOOOOO so they first came on stage with Kim Tae Woo (who i don’t know at all rip sry ;__;) and they were wearing white/baby blue suits and they looked SO CUUUUTE they were covering Kim Tae Woo’s songs i think? and they did some CUTE AF CHOREO PLS WATCH THE LIVE STREAM TO SEE IT IT’S AMAZING
after doing 2 cover songs they LEFT THE STAGE and i was like THE FUKC!!!! but then i was like oh wait they’re definitely coming out later too lmao
THEIR OUTFITS WERE SOOOOO GOOOOOD they were all wearing tight black pants and eunwoo and sanha had on white graphic tees with black blazers and jinjin had a nice black striped dress shirt and mj had this super cool black and white jacket and ROCKY??? HAD A BEAUTIFUL WHITE DRESS SHIRT THAT HE SWEATED COMPLETELY THRU AND U COULD SEE HIS CHEST AASHSHJSFHSJ
when i first saw these outfits i was like CONCEPT CHANGE ???? DARK ASTRO ??? ? so we’ll see what happens omg but DAMN the more mature look suits them so well and as much as i love their cute style i 10000% support this more dark look like hnnnn yes
the first song they performed was AGAIN AKA THE SONG OF MY DREAMS THE CHOREO OF MY LIFE and it was EVERYTHING to see it performed live!!!!!! and in those outfits??? i was LIVING oh my god and i got to see bin and rocky do the pirouette flippy thing and it was SO AWESOME
they did their mentions next and they were so cute!!!! also rocky kept jumping and dancing around everywhere hes the lov of my life ;__; then they were like “we have a special surprise! we’re going to play.... pinata!!” but eunwoo pronounced it PEEN-uh-ta and i was like omg what is that...and then i figured it out when it came up on the screen LMAO EUNWOO IS SO CUTE
it was another randomized game to decide what activity to do and they got “fan gifts” so they all had 1 min to decorate a tshirt to give away, and they also gave away some other signed merch!! then sanha was like “we gave the shirts to the ppl in the front bc we can’t reach u up there, but we want to give u shirts too!!” and they brought out TSHIRT CANNONS HAHAH but they only shot as far as the lowest tier boooo :c
then they performed a shortened version of breathless and IT WAS AMAZING TO WITNESS EUNWOO CARRYING MJ IRL AAAAAAAA also it was kinda funny watching them perform a super cute poppy song in their current wardrobe lmaooo
then they did a bit of polaris and i was like EEEEYYYYYY and then they did baby!!!!!! the baby choreo is SO GOOD and it’s so amazing to see them do choreo irl bc u can really focus on them and see their talent and hard work come to life!!!!! I LVOE THEM SO MUCH AND I AM SO PROUD!!!! THEY ARE SO TALENTED AND THEYVE COME SO FAR I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR US 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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