#i know im inconsistent as hell
pealingpetals · 1 year
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sneaky peek at something im rendering tf out of right now
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z0nic · 5 months
why didnt sonic do more stupid comic book speedster bullshit we were ROBBED. like yeah the gag stuff he pulls off crazy stuff like regular faster than light speed travel (dodging natural lightning and running in between raindrops like its nothing, moving fast enough to mismatch his own shadow, and moving faster than the speed gravity can act, a force that is theorized to be lightspeed) but then later, more serious stories hes nerfed soooo bad. like it takes him HALF AN HOUR to get to the top of mt mobius? very likely he can't even do the dumb shit running around the earth thing because he had to be angry and pushed to his limits to just run to the atlantic and back pdq (pretty darn quick). the CLOSEST thing i can think of that he does without external aids such as super emeralds, chaos emeralds, power rings, or super sonic is when he gets through the knothole time barrier by vibrating his molecules or whatever. why didnt we get more of that
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nuclear-smash · 4 months
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Damn das crazy @topsytop347 can't believe how good the AI generation of Clip Studio Paint timelapses was back in 2022, even showcasing characters drawn in each separate layer!
Anyways, don't baselessly accuse random small artists' work of being AI generated, not only do you look silly as hell but you also give a platform for people who hate artists to further bully folks for having specific styles (that were all fed into bots! Literally not their fucking fault their style was stolen!) or for just simply having imperfections in their works.
That was a genuinely insulting comment, really don't have much to say lol. Lmao even.
Here's the original post in question in case anyone's wondering what's the 'AI-looking' art we're talking about is: https://www.tumblr.com/nuclear-smash/693038436893999105/tragic-tale-of-michael-afton
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hydrossity-zone · 2 years
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[11/27/2022] caved in and sketched out @candycatstuffs‘s Sky Amy design as well as a Snow/Yuki Amy to go with the Snow/Yuki Sonic I made the other day. blue amy bias
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smthn loosely inspired by all those people who said synthv yuma sounds suspiciously like piko
yuma and natalie's designs based off the vimalion project's designs for em (tho yuma's had a few changes)
mai's design by Froggy
also in case its hard to read (b/c i suck ass at comic layouts 😔✌️) this is what the text says in each panel:
panel 1: as far as anyone knows: i died seven years ago. i wouldn't say it's something i had planned, but i wouldn't say it was an impulsive decision either
panel 2: what motivates someone to leave everything behind and start fresh? there's a lot of reasons. i was given the chance to run away. and i took it.
panel 3: would i say i have regrets? ...
panel 4: a lot of things still remind me of the past. i borrowed my new name from an old friend. i wonder what he would think of me now. what would everyone else from my old life think? anger? shame? relief?
panel 5: but i shouldn't think about that too much; i've got a new life now, after all, and it's alright
panel 6: i just have to move on. from the start i knew there was no going back, and i'm fine with that. no use in mourning the truth.
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kirbyddd · 9 months
barkbarkbark Riichi Book I's writing is like screeching chalkboard to my game designer's, translator's, and writer's ears all at once
it's got great concepts buried in there but it's in like the most anti-comprehension packaging conceivable
#what the hell is wrong with you#folks like you are the BANE of game designers everywhere#and game PLAYERS for that matter#THIS is the best strategy reference the English speaking world's got?#baddabingbaddaboom ladies and gentlemen#im about to make bank writing the West's first riichi primer that actually meets the standards of the modern analogue game industry#(which to be honest is abysmal right now the industry's in an insane 'text free' fad right now where every word is replaced with a symbol)#alright then im gonna set the new standard then#imma bout to do for Riichi Mahjong what i did for Ryuutama Traversées 🫸🤛#and for all the dudes at unpub who know how to design incredible games but dont know how to write instructions#alright sorry I'll calm down#but seriously i am gonna start throwing together an actually quality-controlled guide#cause every english resource ive found so far has been like this... inconsistent and full of holes and omissions in explanations#chiba talks about the game's strategic immaturity in the west... well it's got an even bigger gap of educational immaturity#anyways.... I'll toss a bit of effort that way#we'll see how far i take it#I'll either make a few loose articles or a fully fledged book. no in between#god i dont have the energy to make another book when i dont even know if Traversées is ever gonna see the light of day#100% complete full color layout and everything. publishing limbo is real and it's every bit as stupid and unnecessary as you think.#(my case is much simpler than most though cause im only working with two small publishers rather than a big corp)#but still. damn#anyways im so tempted to throw some of my rulebook magic at riichi while it's got my interest#not like i need to write a strategy tome the game just needs a professional quality introduction#don't make me do it i absolutely will do it#i did it for ryuutama when no one wanted to give a decent publication-quality localization for the supplements#and by garriot i will do it for riichi mahjong too if no one gives me a quality guide. i aint afraid of a global high strategy game#<- manic#(im not manic im just extremely restless having not been able to do any solid design work in a while and this book is getting me riled up)#cause it's like “i could write such a more coherent rulebook and HAVE written a more coherent rulebook. so why don't i do it again?”#the Disease is why. but maybe I'll give it a shot anyways if i get a second wind (i guess im otakaze right now harharharhar)
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
legitimate question for those of you who send me asks about social situations/interactions: what makes you think i'm any better at this than you are 😭
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snow-and-saltea · 6 months
doing the new tot event and im reminded how much i fucking hate canon vyn and the way he's written. you were better in my delusions when you were a metaphor and symbolism for how we inherit fears and insecurities from our parents and we aren't too far off from finding the same fate (but still worthy of love. and goodness. and kind gestures). whenever i look back to read canon vyn he's always speaking over trauma victim's stories and interpreting their trauma for us (through projection and personalisation) and is treated by the writing as someone with no weaknesses (despite literally all of his story cards being about a "weakness" he has)
i never want to be the bigger person again. we can both go to hell
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dude-iloveu · 9 months
i think it's time for 3rd reiteration notcis
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look at my boys..... everyone look at my boys right NOW.
#hello i love them so much i love them soooo so so much#i do however feel like this is inconsistent with the books description ?? tho i could be wrong#wait no i think im thinking of derek who is not blonde canonically and teft who IS. never mind that tho im disregarding blonde teft#thats not part of my reality thats not my vision i reject it#blonde teft isnt real and cant hurt me#anyway look at them look at keras in the back (presumably) oughhhhhh my babies#sera having short hair also very not what i was envisioning but i love it#ALSO and this is hammered into every corner of the book but i KEEP forgetting it the fact that corin is like. swole as hell#like it makes sense w his dueling history but it does not register he is my little nerd what do u mean he's got arms#jin looks very cool here... baby boy <33#anyway im not buying any of the merch bc this isnt smth id wear on my body and the 'its not cheating shirt'#while very cool#unfortunately comes from my least fave series in the universe#i dont even know why i dont like w&w as much i just finished diamantine and like it should be hitting every high point for me#like its keras and he's being silly with dawn and he's being thirsty as hell and yet . i cant seem to get into it its very confusing#but omg on andrew's blog the vague little pictures hes posted......... i definitely think whatever it is is a hardcover#so maybe a hardcover re release of sufficiently advanced magic ??#idk tho bc the spine also had like a bind up type feel to it#obviously its not a bind up of AA so far bc it'd be massive#even if its just the first 2 or 3 itd be massive#but maybe a bind up of wobm ..... except idk it does look like itd be a corin book with that blue on the cover#like realistically it could just be a cover reveal for the next one too but i feel like thats very early#i know he's been working on 4 and 5 alongside each other but still#OUGH i love this universe sm sm sm#recently read
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exopelagic · 7 months
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sludgeguzzler · 7 months
i do NOT want to do this history assignment lol
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sanchoyo · 9 months
the job has been going surprisingly ok! I got most of my hours for the week done in like 4 days and im kinda hoping next week i can cut that down to getting it done in like, 3 and then having 4 days off lol. but i do have a webinar thing to attend tomorrow and im dreading it dskkfhkj. i never do well at live meeting call thngies. I do ok at in person ones but for some reason web based ones wig me out x_x (its only like 45 mins and mic only so it could be worse??) auggh
#just experiencing Real Heavy anxiety abt it. like im sure itll be fine#but also its kinda objectively funny to have a training/basics and faq webinar. after ive been working here almost 2 weeks? LMAO??#a bit late for training isnt it?? 😭 ive been learning on the job...#ive made a few mistakes so far and my brain is like. the person is going to call u out on ALl of them and be mad#but. the guide literally said u have 3 months to get ur accuracy up to a certain level . so i know thats just anxiety talking#BUT STILL.#at least i recognized they were mistakes on my own and dont make them anymore?? like im still learning TwT;;#i dont actually hate the job its very chill and a diff vibe from my prev jobs and the work is kinda interesting#like its prob not what id choose to do ideally. but. not mental breakdown type terrible?#like itd never be enough to live off of and the work loads are very inconsistent but. yk. its better than nothing#and better than going back to retail hell. ill die before i go back.#im kinda just hoping theres a lot of new hires at the webinar so i can just knda sit back and chill w/out having to say much lol..pls dont#be a small group...#i also want to try and list more things on depop tomorrow or this weekend bc idk whats going on w me#but i like. hate evryhting i own suddenly ?? and want to kinda overhaul my style...#ugggh. my brain is full of bees lately#sanchoyorambles#i also wanna post some art sometime soon bc my art blog is STAGNATING but i havent had anything huge to post#im working on smthbehind the scenes but its BIG and taking TIME
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syxnewt · 1 year
Thinking about that time I hate read the entire Maximum Ride series
#wouldn’t trade that experience for anything less than a human life/1 billion dollars#the entire time i read past the first half of the first book i was like >:(#the chapters were too short the plot twists were inconsistent#the damn story was inconsistent too#total for sure had wings when he was introduced right?? but then all of a sudden he didnt anymore#and im pretty sure he got more wings later on for whatever reason#then the Voice#oh that wretched Voice#there was no reason for the Voice to be so inconsistent but the author just looooves his plot twists#first it was joel or whoever the hell#then it was.. something else don’t rememebr#the final twist?#ANGEL???#listen.#if it had been revealed to be angel before anyone else it would be dumb but not nearly as dumb as saying it as the story ended#angel being the voice doesn’t make any sense#she didn’t know how to project thoughts into other people’s heads when the voice started#also she was in the school?????#also how could joel know about and be the voice sometimes if angel was the voice the whole time?????#how does it interfere with technology? granted that was explained away by the chip but i can still be mad#and don’t get me started on the ENDING (is already started)#maximum ride#A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL#MY AGE AS I READ THR BOOKS (which is why it bothered me so so much and still does)#GOT PREGNANT AND GAVE BIRTH AS A WICKED BURN#“Haha hagen-daaz! I am pregnante and now winged humans will live forever!”#JAMES.#MAX WAS FIFTEEN.#and the father was also a teenager. don’t remember if it was the golden boy or fang but it doesn’t matter really#Oh and the golden boy
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hwangsify · 2 years
dude i have like no chan or changbin fics AT ALL this is becoming a problem
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jazjelspen · 3 months
scarlet and silver lining (part 2)
alastor w/ daughter reader
(notes: apologies for any inconsistencies!! not proofread!! apologies for slight ooc vox since im unsure of how he first acted when he recently died and how he got into power qwq. apologies for anyone ooc in general cuz my brain is stew. slight graphic depictions of violence. this is definetly not by best work but I'll make sure to try harder next time!)
(tags: @falsemain @aconfusedwonderland @stasiaclash )
Today was a certainly an... eventful morning?
Certainly unusual though, considering on what you have stumbled upon on this certain morning.
You had barley been here on your first day and this is what you were to see? All you wanted was food-- even cereal would suffice.
But god-- really Angel??..
Having walked down the steps from your room, gotten ready for the day you walked down with a grace you've held even during your days living and breathing. With careful and cautious steps you managed to not come across him and have your morning ruined too early.
You had accidentally stumbled upon everyone at the main seating room, you being here due to not remembering where the kitchen or dining area was very well.
Unfortunately, Angel was proudly presenting one of his porn films to the group. Few disgusted.. embarrassed.. or even weirdly-- enjoying it.. geez Nifty's certainly weirder than you expected her to be.
You scrunched your nose up slightly as you started to feel a bit grossed out yourself, simply because others seemed uncomfortable and you weren't exactly fond of seeing these kinda of thing often.. but it was hell so you couldn't exactly complain.
You walked up to the group while trying to mute the moans and squeals from Angel Dust on the television in your head, propping your arms up on the large gold headboard of the sofa Angel was laying on and when you finally spoke you managed to even catch Angel and the others jumping slightly from the unexpected surprise as they spoke amongst themselves.
"Geez Angie.. Really gotta be showin' everyone what you do?"
"--And you!"
Now you were surprised, your eyes darting towards the winged cat that, turns out, was speaking before you got there and was even pointing at you.
There was a pause. Your eyes and his meeting as he was pointing at you.. he narrowed his own set before becoming seemingly speechless.
"Actually I don't even know you yet, but considering how you act on that disgusting show and simply being here you probably got some kind of issue similar to your friend here." His eyed flickered to Angel as he spoke towards you. You being incredibly confused on what the fuck this guy was even saying by mentioning you but Angel decided to spit out his words before you.
"Oh yea? And what's my issue pussy cat?"
The cat, name being Husk from what you could remember the day before, scoffed at your friend. "Don't get me started. I see right through you and all of this bullshit and how fake you are."
Angel in response, seemed to laugh nervously.. almost in a way to cover something up. "Me? Fake? Wow.. I had no idea.." The spider's voice holding certain sarcasm continued, you just simply waiting to be able to ask your own question next. "Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass.. AND--" and just like that he was interrupted by a ring of his cellphone, having to quickly hold his finger up and mutter to Husk a 'hold that thought' before moving away to answer his oncoming call.
Meanwhile.. you finally managed to ask your question to Husk. "When you mean me having an issue similar to my friend's.. do you mean I seem fake? Wait-- why was I even mentioned anyway?.. I just got here!.."
"Depends. I haven't talked to you enough, but if you and him get along then I'm sure you must have some kind of fake act you hide behind as well.. you definitely can't be as cheery in person as you are on that show.
Oh and I was just revealing everyone's darn issues.. being a hell of a bartender works out for these kinds of things.." standing there almost mumbling his last few words just made you bite your cheek a bit as your face flushed in slight embarrassment. He's not exactly.. not totally wrong..
In the end Angel confessed that he needed to do an emergency shoot for his boss, whom you hated with all your guts as well with how badly that piece of shit treated Angel. You never did get abuse as bad as Angel's but still.. it all definitely gets to you on how both your bosses treated you and those around.
You frowned slightly while looking down at the sofa he previously sat on, dreading when you'll have to get back on TV as well.. although you were a bit unsure of how you'll get Vox's message if you didn't bring your cellphone.
Ah well.. not for you to worry about anyway-- if he really wanted to contact you then you're more than certain he'll find a way to reach you whether you liked it or not.
You snapped out of your thoughts once you heard Angel huff and puff out the door while exchanging a few hurried words to Charlie before slamming it in front of her face.. slight disrespect much? You felt a bit bad for the princess, seemed like quite the pushover.
You truly hoped she wouldn't rule the entirety of hell in this exact way, for if she did she'd get eaten alive for sure.
But while she was groaning and becoming frustrated as her girlfriend was helping her out you were still very much hungry. "Sooo.." you mumbled "Where's the food area? I didn't exactly wake up too early to eat with all of you.. if you did all eat together." You smiled nervously at what's left of the group, body facing Husk who was the closest.
He even responded to you! How kind-- although he was still quite grumpy.
He pointed a finger from his left hand holding the bottle behind himself at the nearest entry way behind and beside the staircase you walked down from. "Over there, turn left, head straight, see two large fancy doors? Open it. walk through it, ignore the empty tables unless you want to eat alone which would be fucking sad and head towards the door with the circular window at the top. That's the kitchen and eat whatever you want, don't complain if anything's spoiled since you chose to be here of all places."
You couldn't help but want to roll your eyes slightly, but with a minor huff of your own you walked passed him and tried your best to remember his shitty directions. "Thanks.. Husk.."
Once you started walking his directions were shitty indeed, simple but being a bit more descriptive definitely would've helped.
Walking through the hall you'd eventually go through your steps echoed against the walls, bouncing back and forth like the ripple of a rain drop on a puddle. Thankfully it was very clean, Nifty certainly seemed to have done her job right with how spotless this part of the hotel was! As weird as she is.. she does her job well.
Finally reaching said 'fancy' doors you opened it to see an entire dining room. Clean as well with newly furnished tables and chairs with unique tablecloths with intricate designs only reminiscent of the royal family. Even each of the tables had a vase and flowers set up and two small pepper and salt shakers, although you ere certain those flowers were fake considering the lack of realism to them.
Nonetheless, fairly charming.
You walked past them all to head towards a large door with the circular window that was described by Husk, peaking through it from a distance it was certainly to the kitchen.
Gosh.. what was that smell?..
It was a humble, nostalgic, delicious smell.
God-- what the fuck was it??..
As if the smell was leading your nose faster towards the door, pushing your body against it since it was those doors that simply would swing itself open or closed with a push.
"Ooo.. is that--" you walked in with a big smile, your nostrils filling itself with that childhood scent.
"It certainly is, ma puce."
You should've known.
The voice that disturbed your entire morning and mood turned around from the stove to reveal itself as none other than-- Alastor.
"Why.. it's certainly an absolute gas to see you up and awake! I even made you your favorite--" the radio demon exclaimed whilst picking up the pan he was using to plop whatever food he made onto the plate, with a swift motion he set down the pan to grab the plate and reveal your hot and fresh breakfast to you.
"--Jambalaya!" he cheered, a subtle audio track of an audience cheering could be heard from his staff that seemed to work as both a microphone and a speaker.
"Uh huh.." you frowned deeply while crossing your arms and raising your shoulder while taking a step back from him. "Actually I ate before I came he--" and even as you tried to escape him by turning back he managed to teleport right in front of you!
"Tsk tsk.. my dear you know you can't lie to me. Take a seat, enjoy your meal! You can't be telling me you aren't dying to try your favorite dish?" He put his hand on your back and the other holding the food as he pushed you through the door, then suddenly pulled you by your wrist, and sat you down on the nearest empty table. "Besides.."
"It's your Nana's recipe..."
Your Nana.
Your eyes softened at the mention of her but immediately glared at him with a sharp gaze which seemed to not even affect him in the slightest.
'This fucker..' he knew how to get to you, he knew your weakness.
"Don't you dare fucking mention her. You have no right to have her name roll down your disgusting tongue and through your rotten teeth."
"Oh, is that any way to treat your father little fawn? My.. you're not even little anymore! My mistake.."
His large smirk widened as he set down the plate and a pair of silverware in front of you.. it only made you want to strangle that thin neck of his.
You hated him.
He was the reason why you were down here.. although indirectly. You were blind, you were so caught up in his act even after he died--
it costed you your life.
"I'll only eat it because of Nana, other than that I would really appreciate if you could fuck off Alastor." Even as you told him to screw off he stayed ever so present! Even setting down a cup of hot coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) in front of you that also smelled utterly delicious. "Besides you only started properly raising me instead of playing babysitter when you realized no one else would, I'm more surprised you didn't throw me back into the orphanage."
"Oh darling I'm certainly a monster but I'm not a downright devil!" Alastor you know damn well.. "Your grandmother loved you too much.. I couldn't just let you go so easily!"
"Yea yea whate-" you picked up your mug to take a sip of whatever was in it which to your surprise.. it was an old favorite drink of yours. One that you would drink every morning with Alastor during your teenage years..
"Hm.. not bad.." You mumbled as you took another sip of it, yet again another sense of home washing you over once more.
"I still yet remember your favorite morning beverage mon chere. What kind of father would I be if I wouldn't?"
"Uh yea-- when I was a teenager. A few years behind dontcha' think?" You scoffed at him while trying to seem as if his efforts were meaningless but the simple action of continuously sipping the liquid totally didn't just.. contradict that.
"Which is why I'd like to catch up a bit more hm? You begged me to leave you alone and I let you be your own independent self when I first found out you were associated with that.. thing." He pulled out the chair across from you to take a seat himself. Right after he set his staff resting against the side of the table and relaxed his elbows on the surface, his chin laid on the back of his hands while looking right at you.. inspecting you.
"If my memory serves correct I'd say around.. seventy-one years? Hm? Since I've seen you? I'm sure you've made some absolutely splendid decisions all those years."
You loudly sighed as you set the halfway empty mug down and replacing the item with the silverware beside your plate.
" Look my decisions aren't for you to judge. You're no saint and I'm not obliged to listen to whatever terrible advice you have. I'm ten years older than when you have last seen me alive and not even including the ninety-four years I've been down here in total." Intertwining your fingers with the silverware you picked up some food from your plate and bring it up towards your plate. The smell seemingly holy to you and once you plopped it in your mouth..
You could've sworn heaven took a delicious shit in your mouth. This was so fucking good...
The spices, the vegetables, the rice.. it was all just cooked to perfection.
You could definitely feel goosebumps crawl around your body and your mouth exploding in flavor.
Oh how you loved the taste of New Orleans.
"Just the way you like it dear?"
You snapped out of your thoughts as your eyes popped open towards the smirking overlord, seemingly proud of your reaction and it made you release a loud scoff from your throat.
"Just-- screw off. I don't want to associate myself with a murderer and a sadist." You set your silverware on your plate as you held your food on one hand and your mug in the other as you stood up from your seat.
"I sure do hope you know that your employer, that imbecile with one of those wretched picture boxes for a head, isn't any better darling." Alastor stayed in place but his eyes were the only thing that followed you while you took a few steps away from him with your back facing him.
Although his comment made you freeze on the spot you didn't dare turn around and face him for he wasn't even worth the action.
"Sure, he's not any better than you. But at least he didn't lie to me all my life and made me believe he was the most amazing person in the world, he didn't make me believe that he was a saint.. that he was actually a good person.."
You paused.
"So, yeah.. he may not be any better but he at the very least he isn't anything like you."
Just like that you resumed walking out the dining room, hands occupied and heart full.
You only amused your father albeit feeling a slight uncomfortable twinge in his chest that made him only want to reconnect with you more.
You just reminded him too much of your grandmother, noticing a few small actions and habits you did that you acquired through growing up with her.
You were all he had left of her, and you were all he had left of that little girl he had to leave behind.
Through selfish means it happened but..
He wished to try, just once more.
You let out a shaky sigh of fear.
It was your 12th year in Hell and you have been scraping by simply scavenging for scraps, fighting foes with any weapons you could find or trade for and trying to stay alive. You were basically living in squalor but in the nicest parts of town, and was surprisingly somewhat respected due to being affiliated with a few loan sharks that you helped in return for money of resources.. even working 'normal' jobs to at least rent out a small home.
It was now the day of the 'Extermination' Where exorcist angels from above would kill any demons they could find in order to keep the population at bay. You've managed to survive each year due to your connections but all your 'protectors' have been murdered by said exorcists or have fallen from their once high power.
Cruel for heaven but-- then again you couldn't blame them. Not with how power and money hungry these sinners could be.. maybe it was best for them to keep sinners on the low.
But god did you wish you could be pardoned from this the way the hellborn were.
You didn't mean to die the way you did.
You tried to do it for a good cause.
You truly trusted in your beliefs.
You really didn't think you'd get that angry.
You didn't mean to kill that man.
You regret everything.
Especially on the day you heard Alastor's broadcasts all over hell.. you were shocked that he was even in hell but he was even torturing and toppling overlords for his own amusement??
It feels as if the version of Alastor that you grew up with, your dad..
It felt like he died all over again.
Even yet you're still mourning over it.. not for Alastor-- but for your father.
You really should've trusted those detectives and cops huh? Should've trusted the newspapers, even the 'news' on the new picture boxes they invented spoke about his case like daily gossip.
You should've trusted them all.
Evidence was right there but since you grew up with him and saw no signs on your part you could've sworn you felt it in your gut that he was innocent! That maybe that deer hunter that shot him was framing him!
That had to be the case--
Preaching about good behavior, following laws yet rebelling when they are discriminatory or unfair, that life was beautiful and precious...
Pfft. Precious my ass.
He lead you to your death and he didn't even take any part in it.
But to you, your blood was on his hands.
Which is why you knew you weren't going to regret this next part but..--
inevitably.. you did.
You were currently on the floor of an overlord's abode.
You have been seeking refuge from the exterminations happening just outside and this place was the nearest one before an exorcist angel could cut you in half.
How you managed to get in? You were quite unsure at the moment.. it went so quick, did it in a panic, and you're losing blood from a slash on the leg?? Yea getting in here was all your body was begging you to do.
But you let out a shriek when you were once again having a weapon pointed at you.
Well-- two.
Two bodyguard-looking guys confronted you as you looked up at them in fear, a third more sophisticated figure approaching.
Vox, the television demon, his head a bit funny to you considering how small his screen was yet he terrified you as well due to his status.
"How did-- oh I'm going to fucking kill Betty for leaving everything except the back door closed." He eyed you, a look of disgust evident on said small screen. "Oh just kill he--"
They positioned their weapons to your forehead this time, Vox about to turn around until you mentioned he- who-must--not-be-named.
"I...I knew Alastor!!--"
A shriek of a television signal could be heard, a new kind of static radiating from the overlord.
He faced you-- in a scary yet almost funny kind of way..
"What did you just say?"
"I.." you gulped.. you can't tell him he's your dad! you're smarter than that even in dire situations like these.. it's only more trouble for you.
"I knew him.. I was his.. assistant! yes and I wrote his scripts and he uh--" you felt yourself cower slightly seeing Vox come closer and put a hand up which caused his bodyguards to put their weapons down. He didn't need them, but they caused that fear he needed.
"He got me.. killed.." you trailed off and flinching when he bent down to you.
Vox smirked "Killed huh? You were one of his pathetic victims?"
You nodded vigorously, hoping this will get you to live another day. "He.. He used me as a shield when some coppers tried to shoot him.. got me instead.."
"Does that make you hate him?"
"Yes sir.."
"Hate him so much you could strange him, open his stomach, twist his intestines and feed them to them old rats in the hotels and skid ro--"
"Yes! yes sir.."
Okay maybe this overlord went a bit too far with his hate but.. whatever to not get fucking impaled by an angel.
Vox's smirk widened as he then dragged you up by your arm in a way that was far from gentle. "You sure have a pretty face as well, sight for sore eyes." He inspected you as you only stood there in fear on one leg with your other still bleeding out "Water, some rest and your voice just may be as smooth as honey." He harshly grabbed your chin to look over your appearance even more, your hair, any facial marks you may have. "You say you wrote scripts too? If you're any good you may be able to make some interesting headlines if so."
"Hm.." he hummed in thought " I like you. Prove to be useful to me and I'll let you live.. and just maybe.. I'll protect you from the exterminations and let you live comfortably working for me. As comfortable as it can get.. "
Protection from an overlord.. job from an overlord--
Not the best choices but it's way better than what you're doing right now..
"What do you say, is it a deal sweetheart?"
You weren't that stupid to make a deal with an overlord.
But as mentioned before,
Your undying spite with Alastor might've been your biggest push to shake Vox's hand and give your soul away carelessly.
(It's 1AM I need sleep BUT I JUST WANNA POST THISSISISIS GRAHHHH im so tired but there's one particular scene I want to get to.. may take awhile but AHHHHHHHH I can't wait!!)
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