#i love thinking that Eric hates Wendy so much in canon for the only reason that he still likes her and doesn’t know how to deal with it
whatevahwhatevah · 28 days
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The girls are fighting (They are starring at each other lips)
Masc and Fem version for Eric :’)
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
20 & 28? i love all ur takes on kyman so so much!!!
These questions are a blast! I'm just happy y'all give me the chance to ramble abt them ghfs so thankssss
20. Do Stan and Kenny (and Butters) approve of this relationship?
Kenny canonically keeps most of his opinions to himself, and likes to watch from a distance. He’d approach Kyman in the same way, watching them unfold with a morbid curiosity, dishing his legendary advice only when he feels he absolutely must. Does that make him a dick? Probably. But, what else would you expect from Eric Cartman’s best friend?  
Butters on the other hand, is super vocal in his approval. The moment Cartman announces he’s with Kyle, its streams of "Congratulations, Eric!” and “Shoot, anyone could see this comin’ a mile away!" and “Don’t go breakin’ Kyle’s heart, Eric. He’ll fuck you up nine ways to Sunday if you do :D” 
And then there’s Stan. 
Kyle. and Cartman. Cartman and Kyle. Together….Would he approve? Well, he wouldn’t know. This indecision isn't the result of slow observation; he sensed something between Cartman and Kyle before they realized they had feelings for one another. It’s that Stan hates change, and he's anxious to think how the relationship will permanently affect the group, the one thing in Stan's life that’s endured all of South Park’s shittiness. Would things change for the better? Or worse? There’s so many ways Cartman and Kyle could fail and make things awkward in the group. Or, what if they get so engrossed with each other that they left him behind? That he disintegrates into white noise, losing his best friend? Cartman’s the only person capable of bringing out emotions no one else could with Kyle, so will he become the best or worst version of himself? It’s all too much. He needs a lot of time to process it. 
 More than anyone else, Kyle seeks Stan’s approval in his decisions, and has often come to him to rant about Cartman. Usually, he’d get a blunt response that refocuses him, if he ever gets a response at all. This time, he needs a prompt response, and Kyle’s patience is infamously thin. Kyle is already wracked with anxiety about whether being with Cartman is the “right” thing to do. Seeing Stan close in on himself once hearing the news sends Kyle’s paranoia thru the roof lmao. 
This is a whole ass fic askin to be written (am i not writing one already HILKDJGHLI), but essentially, Stan and Kyle would have a fallout before Stan reaches a conclusion on Kyman. Stan would probably say something he’d regret and be all moody and emotional for a while. Then he’ll get bitch slapped some sense into him by Wendy, or Kenny, or hell, maybe Cartman (because “Darsh, I can’t properly make out with mah boo cause he’s too busy PMS’ing over his butfucking-boyfriend. So cut the shit out already. "). He’s forced to realize that he should still be there for his best friend, whether he ends up approving of the relationship or not. Yes, Kyle wants his approval, but he also wants his super best friend more. (stg this is Kenny Dies all over again. Hoe runs away to deal with his own emotions before being there for others. When will he learn lol)
Stan’s wary for a majority of the relationship. But he’s there for Kyle. He’ll always be there. 
28. controversial opinion on kyman?
It has less to do with Kyman and more to do with tropes. I'm so SO tired of Party at Tolkien's House as the catalyst for Kyman. ;-; it's just, too easy to write, and it's even easier to fall into the trappings of "kiss as the only romantic awakening" and teen angst. Honestly? The kids probably wouldn't be able to enjoy themselves, bc the adults suck, and it's south park, so they end up crashing the party. And then aliens get involved, bc shit like that happens. Kyle and Cartman are feelin each other up and wanna seal the deal in the closet~? Well they can't. Randy's in there playin 7 minutes in heaven with a monkey and lo and behold, is the reason we have monkeypox declared as a health emergency.
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fanjiansaa · 3 years
My Top Ten and Bottom Ten South Park Faves!
This is just my insignificant take but here it is anyway. They're not in any particular order just think top ten and bottom ten bc I can't rank them specifically.
My Top 10 South Park Faves!
1) Jimmy Valmer The best character in the entire show I take no criticism he deserves the entire world. More screentime please!
2) Wendy Testaburger She is beauty, she is grace, she'll kick you in the face. Legit tired of seeing so much Wendy hate, this girl is the absolute best. She's the school's #1 activist and always looking out for her friends.
3) Kenny McCormick Because everybody loves Kenny. He's such a loyal and considerate friend. Plus the way he takes care of his little sister? That's just way too sweet. My muffled egg child is adorable.
4) Henrietta Biggle Superior goth. Need I say more?
5) Scott Malkinson HE! NEEDS! MORE! ATTENTION! Scott is always thrown to the side whether its by the kids of South Park or the fandom. He is an innocent little bean who must be loved.
6) Butters Stotch Resident cute yet evil cinnamon roll. He looks sweet but he's got a dark side and I love him for that.
7) Tolkien Black Legit one of the only rational, nice kids in the town and we have to appreciate him for staying like that
8) Craig Tucker My young homosexual i-don't-give-a-f/ck son
9) Ike Broflovski Don't kick the baby >:(
10) PC Principal Okay don't hate on me for this but Principal Victoria was so boring. I'm glad he replaced her because this guy never fails to make me laugh. While I support a lot of his beliefs he reminds me of those twitter softies who get offended at everything and it's a great parody. And the king's ideology made Creek canon so um, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
My Bottom 10 South Park Faves
1) Eric Cartman Obviously he's the worst person to ever grace that show. I hate him for his insane racist rambles, sexist behavior and ableist actions. But really, his awfully wrong moral code and antics are what make the show so funny to watch. I love him so much but I hate him too and that's the beauty of it. He's carrying South Park on his back ya'll.
2) Randy Marsh SHARON DESERVES BETTER WHAT THE HECK IS THIS MESS OF A HUSBAND. I swear she's the only reasonable adult left in town, Randy is the worst. He's bringing the whole family down and making them all miserable with his antics. Not to mention stealing away screentime from the kids too.
3) Mr. Garrison This dude went from a horrible person to an absolute atrocity. He was an awful teacher; It was an absolute pain seeing him get so much screentime. I was bored to death watching him. Ms. Nelson was the best teacher the kids ever had and it's such a shame she died.
4) Stephen Stotch #FreeButters
5) Gerald Broflovski Okay, why are all the adults in South Park the absolute worst? He completely wrecked his family and the entire world with his trolling and he gets off scotfree? Like what is this?
6) Towelie This high as a kite twink...
7) Mr. Hankey Come on, he's crap. Both metaphorically and literally.
8) The Whites I collectively put them in one single row lol. Jason if you could see your family now I know you'd be ashamed. I'm sorry buddy.
9) Bebe Stevens I really don't know how to explain this at all but she lowkey angers me sometimes
10) Kyle Broflovski Ya'll gonna flame me for putting him here, I know. Occasionally he's super great and I go: "Yes King, step on it!" But other times I just find him a whiny hypocritical prick.
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hachichimitsu2 · 5 years
A Comprehensive List of Stan and Kyle Moments (I UPD8 AS I GO)
A Comprehensive List of Stan and Kyle Moments (I UPD8 AS I GO)
Hello. Yes, you heard me. Here are all the scenes that legit scream out “STYLE” in South Park, whether these scenes are too far of a reach or not. I mostly compiled this out of my very own convenience, and hopefully this’ll help you a whole lot too. This is extremely text heavy, so I’ll put this under “Read More”. I haven’t played any of the games, so I won’t be including it here at this time, so if you guys know any good moments from the games, please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
Cherokee Hair Tampons:
- The entire goshdarn episode.
- Stan being concerned and distraught over a dying Kyle breaks my heart. He was even bawling next to Kenny.
- Stan willing to donate his kidney to Kyle, even if it’d hurt a lot.
- Stan knowing that Kyle ate a bean and bacon soup half an hour ago shows that he’s been by Kyle’s side for quite some time now.
- Stan holding onto Kyle while they were at Cartman’s house.
- “Dude, you’re my best friend. I don’t want you to die before I do...”
Super Best Friends:
- Yeah, um, this episode...is gay.
- Stan and Kyle entering the episode with ice cream cones while Butters and Cartman wondering where they got them from. It’s assumed Stan and Kyle were hanging out with each other off-screen.
- I think Kyle being convinced that he’s not “really happy” through brainwashing is parallel to Stan being convinced that he’s “depressed” by the Church of Scientology.
- Stan trying to help Kyle escape with him, not even mentioning this plan to Kenny, Cartman or even Butters.
- Stan and Kyle looking at each other with longing looks while dramatic music plays in the background. Ah yes. I am...not even joking...this legit happened.
- How to Find Your Boyfriend 101: “OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY!!” “Y-you bastards...”
- Stan pleading Kyle not to kill himself and to hold his breath while being there for him.
- The ending where they call each other Super Best Friends and both proceed to beat up Cartman when he teased that they should make out.
- Stan comforting a distraught Kyle.
- @belovedhomosexuals mentioned that canonically, Stan helps Kyle with his hemorrhoid cream, and IM-
- Stan doing everything he can to get back at Cartman for Kyle’s sake.
- Stan demanding the doctor to wheel Kyle out to see Cartman in misery.
- Kyle not wanting Stan to do the K-13. He doesn’t want him to die.
- Kyle holds a polaroid photo of the both of them. How cute. Does he bring it with him wherever he goes?
The Biggest Douche In The Universe:
- Stan not wanting to go back to Colorado without Kyle and does all he can to convince him that John Edward is a fraud.
Follow That Egg:
- They are dads.
- They take care of their egg really well.
- “As a matter of fact, it is the nicest hat I’ve ever known”
- They’re the reasons gays could get married.
- Stan getting jealous of Kyle being paired up with Wendy. It does seem like a reach I have to admit, but if you’re a Stylendy fan, then this one’s for you.
Return of Chef
- The iconic beginning “flashback” where they both look at the sunset together.
Smug Alert:
- Stan and Kyle meeting in the parking lot in the beginning when Kyle was helping his dad give fake tickets.
- Kyle being moved away from South Park has Stan write a song to get Kyle and his family to come back.
- The cute hug in the end.
Fantastic Easter Special
- Stan, out of breath, asks Kyle for help in protecting Snowball
- Kyle helping him out anyways even though he was busy with fingerprinting.
- Cinematic parallels of Kyle killing Jesus and Stan killing that alien in Pinewood Derby.
Imaginationland Trilogy
- Kyle calling Stan in the morning regarding the “dream.”
- Stan and Kyle, unsure of the notes, both trying to recall the Imagination song. It was cute.
- Stan being distraught when ManBearPig got a hold on Kyle. (I swear, I’ve used the word “distraught” for over 1948388 times now)
- Kyle communicating through Stan telepathically with his Imagination.
Guiltar Queer O
- The whole episode.
- “I know...I need you.”
- The whole episode was literally as if they went through a break up.
- They’re both in sync when playing, right up to their tongues up.
- “Oh, so the gallant knight now comes to rescue me from the bowels of mediocrity! Oh, thank you, your royal lordship!” (Foreshadowing for SOT?)
- Stan thinking of Kyle as he’s “driving”.
The List:
- Stan doing all he can to prove that Kyle is a handsome mf. Another episode that screams Stylendy rights.
You Got F’d in the A:
- Kyle being so happy to see Stan dancing back to the Orange County kids.
- It’s canon that Stan can dance well while Kyle doesn’t have rhythm whatsoever. Wouldn’t it be a cute idea for Stan to teach Kyle how to dance?
You Have 0 Friends
- Kyle pleading Stan to water his crops.
- A short detail but if you noticed when Kyle announced that they made an FB account for Stan, he only added himself as Stan’s friend. This means that Kyle legit “friended” himself in Stan’s profile and didn’t bother to add Kenny or Cartman to Stan’s friend list.
You’re Getting Old:
- Oof. Yeah....
- Stan obviously loves Kyle a whole lot, but him seeing Kyle slowly turn into a turd probably did break his heart little by little. And when I mean by probably, I mean massively.
- Kyle shouldn’t exactly be demonized for not being able to handle Stan’s cynicism. Because I think it’s ok to admit you can’t handle such emotional drainage even if coming from your SBF, but do mind that him leaving Stan was most likely NOT easy for him. It’s kinda sad that they’ve slowly drifted away since then. BUT NO I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN ;-;
- “Fuck you Kyle! You’re a piece of shit...Kyle, I love you. You’re a piece if shit though, fuck you...! I love you...”
- Stan immediately going back to Kyle when he’s feeling “better”
- That McDonalds Exec. literally narrating Stan and Kyle’s current rocky relationship and not believing every second of if.
A Nightmare on Facetime:
- Kyle bringing and guiding Stan through the iPad.
Ginger Cow:
- Jokes aside, when Stan was asking Kyle about Cartman’s farts, he was really sweet and understanding to him. He genuinely wants to understand why Kyle likes Cartman’s farts so much and knew something was up by the way Kyle was hiding things.
- I also like how he was not afraid to call Kyle a dick. I think a good level of transparency is needed in a healthy relationship. That’s just how they roll.
- Stan helping Kyle cover up in the end....though it did backfire.
Black Friday Trilogy:
- “DID KYLE KNOW ABOUT THIS?!” “Kyle thought of it.” ;-;
- Stan being grounded and Kyle apologizing at the other side of the door was peak gay angst level.
- “That’s just how Xbox people are...” D:
- Ok now for something sweet. In the deleted scene, Stan was showing Kyle how the playstation controller works and...wow.......what cute babies.
Prehistoric Ice Man:
- “Oh my god! They killed Kenny!!” *looks at Kyle* “What? I’m not talking to you anymore.”
- Them fighting and arguing was so adorable. Their voices were so squeaky and cute in this episode.
- “First one to die loses.” SOGKEKGKRI WHAT MORONS
- Stan and Kyle kind of awkwardly trying to start the fight reminds me of Tweek vs Craig.
Mexican Joker:
- Stan angrily sending Cartman to the detention center after hearing about him sending Kyle there.
Band in China:
- Stan making a death metal band because a.) He hates living in the farm and b.) He misses Kyle so hard.
Britney’s New Look:
- Another Stan and Kyle episode where they both realized how so far in the wrong they’re in, and they desperately want to fix it.
- Stan and Kyle giving up in the end and joining in the chant.
The Death of Eric Cartman:
- Stan offering Kyle money so he could buy milk for lunch.
Two Guys Naked In A Hot Tub:
- “You can't just hang out with your buddy Kyle all the time. People will think you guys are, you know, funny.”
- When Kyle walks over in the end, Stan proceeds to complain to him how he had the worst night and they both go to Kyle’s house to hang.
The China Probrem
- In the beginning, Stan telling Kyle to refute Cartman’s racist sayings and got overly concerned when Kyle said he couldn’t do this anymore.
- Stan going in Kyle’s room to talk about moving on from what they’ve witnessed.
- Stan holding Kyle’s hand to run away in Kyle’s dream. Kyle waking up and crying when Stan wasn’t around to comfort him.
- Stan and Kyle crying in each other’s arms and telling each other “I love you”.
- Small detail but when they were leaving the attorney’s office and the attorney and the kids were crying altogether, Stan put a hand on Kyle to comfort him as they were crying.
The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce:
- Stan appearing in Kyle’s living room suddenly.
- “Well dude, maybe we're just super badass. Have you thought of that?” Yeah I know Stan was trying to cover up what he just did by saying that but still.
Cartman Gets An Anal Probe:
- Stan helping Kyle save Ike.
- “Hahaha you farted.” WHAT GROSS DORKS
- Kyle telling a speech to the aliens and Stan remarking how beautiful it was.
A Very Crappy Christmas:
- Kyle calling Stan in the middle of the night to get the guys, and Stan answering all sleepily is so adorable.
- Stan and Kyle voice acting together.
- Stan and Kyle doing the stopmotion animation together.
- Stan and Kyle laughing when they had Stan voice act Cartman to say the “ham” line.
Fun With Veal:
- Kyle taking care of a sickly Stan despite being a bit of a germaphobe.
The Snuke:
- Stan coming over to a sick Kyle’s house immediately after school has been suspended.
Crack Baby Athletic Association:
- Stan not being afraid to call out on Kyle.
- Kyle snuck into Stan’s room and Stan was listening to him unfazed.
Quintuplets 2000:
- Them trying to do gymnastics.
- Kyle getting disgusted after hearing Stan talk about how it’s normal for people to pee in pools and in the shower.
- Kyle calling Stan out in the bathroom, and they have this long ass stare. Kyle knowing that Stan will be jackin it in San Diego.
Bike Parade:
- Stan making Kyle laugh.
Proper Condom Use
- Stan and Kyle playing with a Jennifer Lopez doll and roleplaying.
- Stan and Kyle in the same car with their cute big heads protruding.
World War Zimmerman:
- Stan and Kyle playing football.
The Scoots:
- Once again, Stan and Kyle playing football.
City on the Edge of Forever:
- Stan saving Kyle in his dream.
- Stan and Kyle sitting a bit closer to each other than usual in Stan’s dream.
Grounded Vindaloop:
- The tetherball date.
- Stan and Kyle saying “fuck you” to Kenny.
- Stan reading Bebe’s note, and Kyle being unfazed about it later in the episode. It was never defined whether he was informed the note came from Bebe.
- Stan and Kyle being called grandpas by the little kids.
Tegridy Farms:
- When one of Ike’s classmates blew smoke in front of Kyle, Stan got extremely defensive about it.
Raising the Bar:
- Stan informing Kyle that it isn’t cool to continue on with “Fatty Doo Doo”.
- Stan checking up on Kyle as he’s sitting alone and listening to him lament about how the bar has sunk so low because of people.
Go Fund Yourself:
- *looking at Kyle’s ass* Boy this is the life huh.
Truth and Advertising:
- Stan and Kyle fist fighting for real, and Tweek and Craig looking at them concerned since they rarely ever fight like this.
Conjoined Fetus Lady:
- Stan preparing to catch Kyle if ever he fails to catch the dodgeball.
Stanley’s Cup:
- Stan’s head on Kyle’s lap. It’s so beautifully rendered.
Board Girls:
- “Wow, you are really into board games.”
A Scause for Applause:
- Kyle confronts Stan about cutting the bracelet by saying Heidi Turner saw him with super glue.
The Death Camp of Tolerance:
South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut:
- Stan getting jealous that even Kyle is amazed at Gregory.
Cartman Join NAMBLA:
- Stan and Kyle putting their face against the glass.
Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics:
- Stan and Kyle making fun of Shelly behind her back.
- Kyle coming to visit Stan with the gang after the whole breakup.
- Kyle wanting Stan to be happy again by bringing him to Raisins.
- Kyle being annoyed over Stan being distraught over Wendy. Jealous?
Mr. Jefferson:
- When Stan hears a knock on his window, he assumes it’s Kyle.
- Stan and Kyle being good caretakers of Blanket.
- Stan and Kyle sleeping with Blanket.
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disaster take
i saw this discourse on other blogs and come to the realization that most people probably won’t agree with me but... here’s my two cents:
wendy and kyle are very similar characters, not identical, but the character writing in south park is usually quite shallow (for any character in the cast) and normally any depth that can actually be found in any one character is entirely coincidental or accidental on the part of the observer. For example, in a previous post I mentioned that Kyle probably learned to dance after the events of the rain forest episode, and we know he must have because of highschool musical. This creates and interesting nugget of character depth that fits with his overall character but the connection is most likely entirely accidental. Did the writers think that deeply about Kyle’s character, or did they just forget the throwaway joke they kin-assigned Kyle for one episodes purposes?
for me these gaps between writers intent and interpretation are entertaining and it’s very fun for me to play detective, putting together the whole characters through the lens of ‘death of the author’ and figuring out how the characters behave based on not only their behavior in any one individual episode, but how the inconsistent and shallow character writing makes an overall character-arc (no character is more fascinating in this fashion than Eric Cartman, who has the most cohesive and entirely accidental character arc that spans from episode one and showcases a fascinating and horribly flawed individual)
All of this stated, the similarities in how Kyle and Wendy are written may not be intentional, but the fact is that given the same exact situation they respond similarly and to varying degrees. A good example of this is when they are jealous or their ego is bruised, they both have a tendency to have excessive if not murderous reactions (teacher into the sun, nuke canada, burn down the school, bully your friends)
I don’t think anyone can really make a good faith argument denying that they have strong similarities. There are of course differences, during the smurfs Wendy showed a much cooler head than Kyle would in the same circumstance. They do not need to be identical to share strong similar characteristics
Now for how fandom has perceived Wendy.
There is good reason that some individuals feel that the fan-reaction towards her isn’t entirely based on her writing being inherently ‘worse’ than Kyle’s. It also isn’t true that everyone who loves Kyle and hates Wendy is sexist or suffering from a case of internal misogyny.
That said, Wendy is held to a higher standard than Kyle is. Or more accurately, she is held to account for her actions in canon and Kyle is not. A primary example that I’ve heard multiple times in explaining why she’s a ‘bad’ character or a ‘bad’ person is that she broke Stan’s heart by dumping him. Some accuse her of cheating on him (with either Gregory or Token, pick your poison).
We can dismiss the cheating accusations immediately, there isn’t even a sliver of evidence she ever cheated. The times where she pursued other love interests they were either broken up or not together.
But the underlying message that hurting Stan makes her a bad character and not holding Kyle to that same account when Kyle, as early as the super best friends episode and as terribly as the assburgers episode, has a pattern of hurting Stan and in worse ways.
Wendy dumped him, that’s awful, but she’s allowed to have different feelings for other people and she’s allowed to end a relationship with a boy who constantly vomited on her. But the fan perception of this is “what a bitch” while the reaction to the style friend breakups is “oooh the angst”
This is only one of the ways we can see her being held to a different standard than Kyle. Not every fan is guilty of this, but enough people share this sentiment that is entirely justified for people to point out what appears to be underlying misogyny in how the characters are treated.
There are arguments based more on her writing than her actions, I have heard the ‘she’s always right and that’s not realistic’ on at least four different occasions now. But not only is this factually untrue if you’ve actually watched the show, it ignores the many times Kyle has also been right for seemingly no other reason than the writers convenience. Making him the moral center of the episode or a center of a joke. I find the ‘she’s too perfect’ to be a bad faith argument because the research behind it is shoddy and even when the person behind it acknowledges cases where she was wrong (killing her teacher, bullying, petty grudges to name a few) it’s always hand-waved away as ‘oh, okay, that once, but other than anything that disagrees with me, she’s too perfect. This is a very clear case of confirmation bias. Any evidence that backs the argument that she’s too perfect is guarded and anything that refutes it is discarded.
There will be some fans that hate her and love Kyle for completely unrelated reasons to holding her to a different standard, sexism, or internalized misogyny. But it is a fact that a significant amount of the fandom holds her to a completely different standard and a very possible reason for that is either her gender or how she disrupts their precious ships.
I would make the argument that she has a far stronger and more engaging characterization than Clyde using the same standards I set above where I judge characters based on the totality of their appearances rather than on individual episode. A even removing that framework and basing solely on episodes that focus on them individually, she has a stronger character. And yet I have never once heard or seen anyone making the argument that they dislike Clyde because his character is too flat. This is another case where she, and the majority of the female cast, is held to a different standard. I’ve never seen anyone say ‘it’s hard to write Gregory because he has very little character and the writers only created a flat stereotype’. But I see that sort of perspective all the time for female characters that have more screen-time and development than Gregory ever had.
I love all the characters above and I find their characterizations and lack thereof to be a fascinating puzzle that I spend my free-time putting together.
But female characters in South Park do suffer from what I would consider a form of internalized misogyny. Most fans don’t do this on purpose (thus internalized) but the society we’ve been raised in has a tendency to put men and women on different scales.
This isn’t a scale that’s fair to either sex. The unconscious mentality that “its okay if he has no personality because he’s a guy” does men a disservice too. If you do fall under the category of someone who judges the female characters more than the male ones, I’m not trying to say you’re a bad person or even that you’ve done a bad thing. I want you to reconsider your opinion. Take a moment to actually think about it. I know I’ve been guilty of holding men and women to different standards. In both real life and fiction, I expect less from men. I look down on them in an unhealthy fashion that if I don’t address, could lead to ending up in harmful situations or harming someone else.
fiction is a lens that we can use to better understand reality. I am an advocate that you can treat fictional characters in any way you like and it doesn’t fucking matter. You want to kill Wendy because you think she’s an annoying bitch? Go for it. It doesn’t matter. Wendy is not real.
I don’t want you to change your fandom behaviors, I want you to reexamine them and ask yourself how deeply the disparity in how you view men and women goes. If you use fiction as an outlet for misogynistic or even misandrist feelings, I think that’s valid, but I want you to know that you’re doing it.
If you hold men and women to different standards, whether in fiction, real life, or both, I want you to be aware of it.
Now the elephant in the room.
Damien is one of the most popular characters in South Park and he has one episode focusing on his character. His personality is frequently discarded because in canon, he’s an uppity little git who is both petty and weak. He wants to be liked, is affected by bullying, and cries to his daddy about it.
In fandom he is frequently portrayed as a cool and collected impervious person who, yes, has a temper but instead of how petulant and bratty he appeared in canon, fandom portrays this as ‘badass’.
To put it simply, fandom has a tendency to ignore canon entirely in the name of what’s ‘hot’. They want the prince of hell to be sexy and dangerous, so he is just that.
The majority of popular fanon characterizations fit these same molds. They want Butters to be cute and sweet, so every character flaw he’s ever had is hand-waved away.
How does this relate to my topic?
Fans of the female characters are not impervious to this. Heidi Turner is an extremely flawed and vicious individual who would stoop to any low to protect her damaged pride. She is also a victim in a toxic relationship that put her through a horrible experience. And so the fandom either acknowledges one half, how cruel she can be, or the other, how pure a victim she was someone protect her. And neither combine her to a whole character. A person who was in a bad situation, had a lot of positive traits, bad things happened to her, and she didn’t bad things in return. Her penitent for cruelty in some earlier episodes when she was still a bg character is completely hand-waved away by both camps.
She’s an interesting character and she’s dumbed down for the pleasure of the audience, isn’t this the same treatment the men receive and thus invalidates my entire thesis that they’re held to a different standard?
For starters, the idea that an argument is entirely invalid because of one exception is in itself a fallacy, but to avoid acknowledging her existence would be confirmation bias. She is an anomaly, a female character given the same treatment as the male characters. Is it because she’s deeper or better written than the other female characters? I would argue no, critically watching her episodes she has tons of the same troped behavior that the fans love to despise in the rest of the female cast. Although unlike the other characters (both male and female), where I must do an in-depth watch of the series over the course of 20+ seasons in order to create a whole understanding of them, the majority of her arc happens over the course of two seasons.
An easily digestible amount of content. No one needs to put together the puzzle pieces to understand her like you do with the majority of the cast, it’s all there.
Except it isn’t, and this is why I mentioned her behavior in earlier seasons is discarded. The way people frame her is solely from the seasons where she’s a primary character, ignoring the clear characterization we got from her in earlier seasons that do help to create a more whole understanding of her personality and character.
That all said, there are still portions of the fandom who hate her purely because she blocks their kyman or style or insert-gay-ship-here. There are fans who hate her not because of her flawed personality or even that they find her character flat, but purely because they want to see ‘two hot boys kiss get the gross girl out’. Which is a pretty common mistreatment of Wendy as well.
Now, male characters are on occasion given this treatment but nowhere near as often. While creek shippers and crenny shippers might fight until their last breath, neither group seems to actually hate Kenny or Tweek. But in the ship wars of a ‘het ship’ vs a ‘gay ship’, the female character is frequently trashed by the gay side.
I could go into an aside about the troubling fetishization of gay men that borders on outright homophobia at times, but this has been surprisingly alot.
I guess my point is that any which way you fandom, try to at least understand that sexism is real and be aware when you might be perpetuating messages that can appear unbalanced. And maybe, ask yourself why you do that.
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pizzasteveofficial · 6 years
Here we go my South Park TFBW new kid sona
-Her name is Sarah Nac (cuz it wouldn’t quite be a sona if she wasn’t)
-She’s a Chaotic Atheist (She looked Jesus in the eye and told him that)
-She’s technically a Bisexual Demi-Girl, but PC Principal didn’t give her that option so she’s officially listed as a Bisexual Cis Girl. She is kind of upset that PC Principal does not define her gender or sexuality correctly but she appreciates him for trying to make the school more inclusive so she doesn’t say anything.
- Her parents might have been giving her medicine that inadvertently make her farts really powerful, but the real reason her farts are powerful is because she has IBS and doesn’t have the best diet in the world.
-They refer to her super hero sona as The Amazing Butthole, but her actual super hero name is Miss IBS
-She is voiced by Kristen Schaal
-She is a big fan of Garfield and has posters and memorabilia of him in her room (yes Garfield the fat orange cat)
-She LOVES to sew. Why do you think she was able to craft all those costumes? She’s very passionate about sewing. Her basement is her craft room
-She also loves cosplay, hence why she loves sewing. She doesn’t mind making costumes for her and her friends
-Sewing is her passion, but she also loves other arts and crafts. She likes to draw or write her ideas in sketch books
-She enjoys Star Wars only for Kylo Ren, much to Kevin Stoley’s dismay
-She is a self claimed goth. She has all the gothic interests and her wardrobe would be considered pastel goth, but alas she has not been accepted by the goth kids as an official goth (she doesn’t drink coffee, she doesn’t smoke, and she doesn’t completely hate her life only a little)
-She’s actually very intrigued with sex, unlike most girls her age. She understands, however, that she is too young to engage in it herself. She also likes to keep this part of her a secret from the others. She stocks up on sexual education books and porn star autobiographies about their sex lives in order to gain as much knowledge as possible about sex. The more knowledge she has the better prepared she’ll be to actually do it when the time is right. In order to read this material out in public (especially at school), she has designed boring looking book covers for them so no one suspects anything or tries to get nosy in what she’s reading. Kenny McCormick is the only one that knows she’s reading about sex because of good observational skills.
-She has OCD of the contamination variety. She said her kryptonite was Crab People but really its bodily fluids. She tries very hard not to say anything about it to the boys so they don’t make fun of her especially since her super powers rely on her flatulence. She carries Clorox wipes with her everywhere she goes to wipe down toilets she needs to use.
-Shes terrified of Mr. Hankey and his wife. Having to selfie with them was the worst couple seconds of her life.
-I’ve made it this way ever since I was into South Park in goddamn 1st grade, but she is the cousin of Eric Cartman.
-Even though her parents get along now that she fixed their relationship by making them tell her the truth about her existence in South Park, she still resents her dad. Not because he “fucked her mom” as Cartman and Butters suggest, but because she’s seen how abusive he could be to her mom. Making her cry, making her drink, calling her names. In a way, Nac misses the timeline where she chopped her father’s head off. She is extra vigilant on his behavior and makes sure he’s not being mean to her mom.
-Her father can kind of tell she doesn’t like him much, especially since she goes all out for gifts on Mother’s Day but Father’s Day she gets him scrappy presents and never makes him anything. Hell she even makes or gets nicer gifts for Aunt Lianne and Cartman.
-This treatment of him actually leads him to start fighting with her mom again, in which they finally decide to get a divorce because it was never working out anyways. Nac is happy about this, and chooses to live with her mom. Her dad was forced to move out of South Park.
-She’s not very popular, despite her powers to gain lots of followers on social media.
-Most of the boys consider her to be “one of the boys” and often misgender her even though they are fully aware she’s a girl. She doesn’t bother correcting them as she’s happy to just have some friends to play with.
-The only girls who are kind to her and refer to her by her proper gender is Wendy and Bebe. All other girls shun her and don’t like her much.
-She had a huge crush on Craig Tucker ever since she moved to South Park. He started dating Tweek, which made her resentful of Tweek. When they started fightingand broke up, Nac was happy and thought maybe she could make a move. However, she was coerced into going to counceling with them because they viewed her as their “level headed friend” and in that she inadvertently repaired a relationship she had no intention of repairing. After seeing them get back together and being impossibly inseperable, Nac has admitted defeat. She is very heart broken over this and goes into relationship solitude until she’s in high school.
-She also had a crush on Henrietta Biggle, but the goths don’t accept her and consider her a conformist. Unlike with Craig, who had a friendship with her, she barely knew Henrietta so it didn’t hurt as much.
-Her closest friend is Scott Malkinson. He’s the only one that listens to her and empathizes with her pain. He’s also the only one to acknowledge her gender (idk if any in game quotes had him refer to new kid as a boy but those don’t count in my canon). He has a huge crush on her that he’s actually too afraid to admit until high school. In high school he admits his feelings to her and they end up dating and being high school sweet hearts. This is also great because he gets to stick it to Cartman cuz look now I’m dating you’re beautiful cousin and there’s nothing you can do about it I’m family now Diabetes is part of your family now. (Also I imagine him leaning in to cartman’s ear when their seniors in high school and whispering “I fucked your cousin” and Cartman putting his fists in the air and shouting “NOOOOOO” into the sky)
-She is also good friends with Butters Stotch, Jimmy Valmer, Kevin Stoley, and sometimes Kenny McCormick.
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