#i understand that much of this debate with isabela is also because of white lgbtq+ people ignoring the theme of the movie
“Just because she’s independent and single doesn’t mean she’s a lesbian, you’re being stereotypical” shut the fuck up shut the fuck up SHUT THE FUCK UP.
As if every single female character doesn’t already have to be attracted to men and center men in their attraction. And now the second we headcanon a female character who doesn’t have a romantic relationship with men as a lesbian suddenly we’re the bad guys?
Lesbians get no representation ever but oh I get it, female characters are allowed to be strong and independent and not need a guy to be fulfilled and all of that crap you spew in the name of feminism, so long as they’re still attracted to guys that is.
God forbid a female character is actually independent from and fully de-centers men by not being attracted to them at all. God forbid lesbians have an ACTUAL CHARACTER to see themselves in to remind us that we are not “incomplete” for not liking men. But y’all don’t care about that, I already know. It’s not forcing independent girls to be lesbians and it’s not “stereotyping” you guys just see lesbian as a dirty word, and you see us as perverted, gross, forceful, man-haters, or less than women because your identity is wrapped up in liking men and you center them at every turn, straight women will always complain about female characters being lesbians with “why can’t she just be independent” meanwhile y’all exclude us from conversations with your endless jabber about boyfriends and crushes, lol fucking jokes.
The truth is lesbians are the embodiment of what womanhood looks like without the centering of men and that threatens y’all somehow, so the second a female character is seen as a lesbian you come out with the pitchforks screaming “nuh-uh, she’s STRAIGHT!” It’s not the “independence” that is the problem, you’re just mad and offended by female characters not being available to men or depending on them to find love and be happy, that’s the real problem that you pretend is the opposite.
And don’t pretend that you treat canonical lesbians any better either, because when we do get them you erase their sexuality by calling them straight or bi and writing fics about them being shipped with male characters they have no chemistry with(because they’re lesbians), or making them aroace(because if they can’t be into men then you’ll make sure they’re not into women either), you don’t give a shit fuck about independent women and even less of one about lesbians, you just see a woman not being attracted to men as not fulfilling their proper role as women because you still define womanhood as revolving around men even when they are “independent” and thus you need to “punish” them somehow.
So, disrespectfully, fuck off, and don’t come after us lesbians with our headcanons about characters as lesbians with “but but but can’t she be strong and independent without being a lesbian?! Can’t she still be straight!!! I can respect her not getting with a man but I still need her to like guys please!!!” Because you WILL get embarrassed and you WILL get your feelings hurt.
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