#i was fucking………shattered to say the least
seancekitsch · 3 days
Vox from Hazbin Hotel x siren! reader?? PLEASEE i love this concept sm-
i think i accidentally created myself an oc, also, if you spot the showgirls reference ill give you a cookie, this is inspired by the general flavor of moulin rouge and showgirls
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“What the FUCK?!” you all but screech, throwing your blush frustratedly at your vanity. The small compact hits the cool marble, and immediately the product with the pan shatters, ruined. It was expensive. Fuck. 
“I- I don’t know what happened…” Jinni, a succubus, your assistant and opening act, stutters from the door. Scared. 
You deflate, rolling your eyes as you calm yourself and stop scaring the girl. You have to remember to stop raging near her. She’s young, too young. 
Overlords in the club mean a good tip, mean security, mean you and girls like Jinni make rent safely and have some fun money to toss around as well. You practically fall into your chair, yank a fake eyelash off as you sigh, ready to put on the next pair for your closing number. 
“There’s gotta be some reason the voice didn’t work on him,” you say, “I’m gonna find out why.”
“Are you sure thats a good idea?” Jinni asks, her tail curling around one of her legs. You have a soft spot for the girl, you really do. A place like this is gonna tear her apart; or at least, it would if you didn’t immediately take her under your wing. You pat the little chair beside you, and wrap your arms around the girl as soon as she takes the spot. 
You both stare at each other’s eyes through the mirror, sweat and make up blurred against your complexions, a reassuring smile spreads across your face. 
“I’ll check and see if he has the VIP package, and pull out the damsel in distress act,” you tell the little succubus, now cheek to cheek with her.  She smiles at you through the mirror, knowing full well you’re ready to ham it up.
“Thats your best one,” she says, and comes closer to pick up a body glitter for you. Jinni leans on the chair behind you, resting her forearms on your shoulders. You gaze at her while your hand moves with the brush across your face, at this point muscle memory kicks in, flawless. She’s why you still play nice, you think. 
“Gonna make sure you don’t have to go back to doggy chow for dinner,” you chide as you finish up your new look, a bit more dewy and innocent looking, as you shake her off and grab a lace robe to walk backstage in. Jinni laughs, and then takes your seat to take off her own make up. 
You’ve done this walk thousands of times, the long dimly lit hallway, all of the girls rooms hidden behind flimsy curtains and makeshift doors, signed by girls current and long since past. Your feet feel light below you, though nerves course through your veins. The patrons cheering is almost quieted here, all the quiet white noise that sets you ablaze in excitement and anticipation for another performance. 
But before the end of the hall can be reached, a meaty hand comes out to stop you, wrapping around your bicep. 
“Outta my way, Flicker, I gotta tell the sound guy to switch my track,” You turn your head away from the stage manager, not willing to take a face full of his calamari breath.  
“You ain’t goin’ out there again tonight,” he explains, “Got a private booking with a big spender.”
You sigh, right, just what you needed right now. You wish you could shoot a quick text to Jinni but… your phone is back in your dressing room with her. She’ll have to fair without you until this is over. 
“Right now?” you meet his eyes, and you can tell he wanted you in there five minutes ago. Shit. Well, here goes the girls' good tips for the night, you sigh, and turn towards the stairwell that leads you up to the private boxes. 
These rooms are gross; there’s no way to sugar coat it. You hate private bookings, much preferring to dance on the floor with any high spending patrons, giving them the girlfriend experience while you have the added safety of being able to slip away. These private rooms don't even have walls, more like private theater boxes so the managers can make sure you're keeping the clients happy. Up here, your talents are much more obvious, much harder to avoid blame.
You wonder what this guy will want. A champagne pour? A strip tease? Or worst of all, a dry hump or an over the pants job? You’d hate for this asshole to fuck up your costume or make up. That shits not cheap down here, and you only hope that after this private booking the overlord in the back of the hall might have loosened up and opened his wallets to one of the other girls or the house. 
But it still digs at you, like an old wound you cannot help but pick at… that your voice didn’t work on—
Its him. You can see through the sheer curtain the overlord in a suit. An old fashioned in his hand as he leans against the railing, the finale of the show tonight kicking into full gear below, all of the patrons like dogs on leashes waiting to be released to dance and party with the girls until dawn once the stage is clear. 
“Oh, Sir!” you call to him as you pull back the curtain, your flimsy robe fluttering behind you, “What is a man of your caliber doing in a place like this?”
Maybe you’re laying it on a little thick with the sultry little voice and the innocent act, but that’s what the men pay you for. He turns quickly, as if he didn’t expect you here so soon, but his smile quickly grows, teeth glowing against the low lighting of the private box. 
“What do you mean?” HIs voice is smooth as butter, “Is a man of MY caliber not supposed to admire beautiful things? Consider me a patron of the arts.”
You lounge yourself on one of the couches, effortlessly parting the bottom of your robe, kicking your legs up, really giving him a show. The boning of your costume digs into your ribs, but you don’t move. You always win over the higher spenders by laying out the feast for them. 
“Is that so?” you ask, a fake demure giggle leaving your lips, “Well then consider me confused, because you didn’t look so happy during my number earlier.”
The glow of his eyes distracted you, both out on stage earlier and now. His gaze intense, his posture rigid. 
“Maybe,” he trails off, crossing the little box until he’s in reach. One of his large hands wraps around your ankle, and then carelessly yanks your ankle off the couch to force you sitting upright. Okay, you’re only a little offended. Moreso intrigued by his seemingly complete lack of attraction to you. You drop your robe from one shoulder, baring more skin to entice him. Men are men, after all. He moves to sit at the other end of the couch. Maybe not all is lost, you think, as you pour a glass of champagne from the side table. The girl they threw on stage instead of you is killing this performance from what you can tell, and you know she’ll finish strong by the aerial rig set up and ready to go for her. You sip your glass as he sips his, and lean in closer to him, hoping that a little more proximity to him will help you figure out his deal. 
“But maybe I’m more wondering what the fuck someone like you is doing here,” he sneers as he stands, leaving you falling sideways into the space he vacated, nearly spilling your glass. 
“I- I beg your pardon?” you splutter, the sultry voice gone for a moment as you check to make sure you didn’t waste a drop of champagne on your robe.
“And stop with the agreeable little whore act, you can talk to me,” he winks at you as he says it,  red glowing eye rimmed with teal. You sigh as you brush yourself off from both he physical and metaphorical stumble. Okay, what does he know?
“Someone like me?” you ask, your real voice now dripping through. 
“Someone with power, darling,” The overlord says as if it’s obvious, “Someone with a talent like mine.”
He finishes his drink, and tosses the glass over the railing into the patrons gallery below.
“I could use someone with talents like yours,” he says, and your blood runs cold. You know what overlords mean when they say that. Your eyes dart to the curtain, to the hallway. If you shouted, would Flicker hear you? Wait- What are you thinking? He doesn’t give a rats ass about his girls’ safety. 
You do the only thing you can, you open your mouth to sing.
“Ah ah ah, nope,” he holds up a finger to silence you before you can begin, “That won’t work.”
You close your mouth, open it, close it again. 
“How did you know?”
If he knows, he can tell. If he tells, you lose money. Girls back on the street, you without a plan here.
His scowl turns to a smile, his eyes glowing brighter, circular rimming pulsating within his sclera. A funny tickle passes over you, as if he was blowing on you, gentle and odd. You furrow your brow, and then your jaw drops. You get it now. 
“Oh, Sir!” you play it up, ‘agreeable little whore’ voice as he called it back in full force, “I didn’t realize we were so evenly matched!” 
“I’m glad the smartest girl in this joint is also the prettiest,” he flirts, walking back over to the couch until he’s leaning on the arm of it. 
“How were you thinking of spending the evening mister…?” You stick to script if you trail off, not wanting to ask him outright what he wanted, now that you know what you’re dealing with.
He crackles, static, his glow dimming momentarily.
“Vox, darling. Where are my manners?” he finally introduces himself as he reaches over you for the bottle of champagne in the ice bucket and the other glass. He knows this game too, you realize, as his cologne wafts over you; something rich and woodsy. Attractive and expensive. 
“I’d like to offer my patronage, to your little,” he gestures around with the empty flute before pouring it, “artistic endeavors personally.”
That would be nice. A steady patron would mean steady money, steady numbers and acts, a bigger costume budget. His lap doesn't seem like a bad one to be perched on.
“Thats very generous, Mister Vox,” you say, holding out your glass for him to top it off, “But I can’t help but wonder what you want in return?”
His smile changes, less sharp, more real as he moves the neck of the bottle to your glass. He looks you up and down, scrutinizing every detail. 
“Your voice,” he goes on to explain, “For some important events, some advertising. I can make you a star, darling.”
It dawns on you that he hasn’t even asked your name, but then again you also weren’t going to give a client your real name. The entire idea is attractive, desirable. The patronage of a handsome powerful man, a legitimate name for yourself in the entertainment industry, security.
You reach upward clink your glass against his, urging him to clink yours back.
“You’ll have to win me over with a dance,” you tease him, your lips curling into a downright vicious smile. 
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Okay, so- I would love to read your thoughts on healer Tav with Rolan! Could be HCs, or a blurb, whatever you prefer^^ if you decide to make it a blurb, perhaps Tav could be patching Rolan up after the fight with Lorroakan?
This was so fun, I haven't written about the aftermath of Lorroakan's battle much! I hope you're okay with Tav as a cleric?? It's what I immediately thought of!
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Rolan and Healer!Tav in the Aftermath of Lorroakan
Tav and their companions are absolutely exhausted. The fight with Lorroakan was nothing short of difficult, how were they supposed to know he had some elemental reaction? Karlach took plenty of hard hits because of it.
And then there was Rolan.
When they saw his bruises, they felt nothing short of anger. He was so excited for this apprenticeship, and Lorroakan twisted it into a punishment. He was a sick man, who now laid dead near Dame Aylin's feet after shattering his spine.
"Soldier," Karlach starts, putting a hand on their shoulder, "We're going to head back. Gale looks ready to collapse."
"Ah...yes. Of course." They say, eyes trailing to Rolan who has already grabbed a mop, "I'll catch up later. If not, I'll be here."
She gives a knowing smile before picking up Gale, throwing him over her shoulder despite his startled protest.
Dame Aylin gave the courtesy of disposing the body, so there is no worry there. They are worried about Rolan.
After promising to help in any way he can, it seems that he just started to...clean. Mindlessly. He's already mopping the floor of all the blood that was spilled, even as his muscles spasm from electrocution. He was almost killed, they all were, yet here he is, fucking cleaning.
They don't know whether to be more worried or pissed off.
"Rolan," they call, "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning. I do not want the blood to dry, it'll stick and be impossible to clean out."
"Did you even heal yourself?" They ask, marching up to him. "You got the worst of it all."
"I'm fine. Lorroakan is dead, the tower is mine. I do need to contact Lia and Cal-"
They snatch the mop out of his hand, and before he could argue they put a finger up. "Don't. Let me heal you."
"You took a beating! We all did, and you shouldn't worry about cleaning! I'll help you with that later." They sigh, summoning their magic. "Rolan, please, I care about you and I know you're hurting."
He sighs heavily and relents, annoyed. "Just make it quick. I have a lot to do."
They ignore his sass, gently placing a hand on his shoulder and mutter their incantation. It's not nearly enough, but they feel Rolan slowly relax. A low level cure wounds is not what he needs through.
"It's not nearly enough. I'll patch you up. Now, take off your robes."
If they were paying attention, the could see how flustered Rolan's face went. "Tav, this is not necessary. You've done more than enough-"
"You are limping and I see the blood under your robes. Sit. Down." They demand.
He huffs incredulously and plops down on the book throne, slowly taking off his robes and under shirt. Those don't go without a few winces though.
Bruises, scars, and dried blood coat his body. The bastard seemed to be have beating him for a while, longer than Tav thought. It makes their blood boil, but now is not the time for anger.
They take out salves, bandages, and ointments from out of their pack and start working on the wounds quietly. Rolan suddenly looks extremely bitter, probably noticing that they had a question on the tip of their tongue. "I know that look, don't you dare judge me for sticking around even after the first hit."
"I would never judge. I don't understand it all, but...I want to."
He looks away, and Tav spots his eyes getting watery. "I don't wish to speak on it, today. I've done enough of that."
"Of course."
They finally manage to wrap up his more major injuries, which were at least sealed thanks to their spell. These are mostly to protect the more tender areas and prevent more injury. They know Rolan has been keeping it together in front of them, but he looks so tired.
When they open their arms up in offering, he carefully pulls them in for a hug. It's tight, it's crushing, but also secure. They don't say a word when they feel his body shake, or when their shoulder starts to feel wet, only pecking his temple as the man silently weeps. "I'm here."
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zmediaoutlet · 9 hours
Two hundred miles north of Bodega Bay, Sam taps his fingers on his thigh in a particular pattern. Dean pulls off the 101 at Eureka, driving easy. Trying to make it look that way at least. Familiar roads off the highway—gas, fast food. Motels, and he picks the third he sees, a long low building with a cracked and unfilled pool, and he looks sidelong at Sam across the seat and Sam nods and goes into the office to get whatever room can be got.
Idling in the dark. He clears his throat, feels like an idiot. Says out loud, anyway, "Hey, uh. You there? 'Cause, I know—I mean, I guess, ghosts don't sleep, right? But me and Sammy have gotta get some shuteye before we go all guns blazing, so. Hope you're good to—to hang out, and…"
And what? Read their Dick Roman research in the dark in the parking lot? The idiot feeling hasn't gone away and intensifies when there's no answer but silence. There's this other thing squeezing his guts, though, a shiver that he's trying not to acknowledge so it won't rattle all the way through and make his bones leap fully a foot to the left of his body—and he jumps when there's a knock on the window, but it's just Sam. He holds up his fingers, backlit by neon and the white light of the motel office—room seven—and sets off walking, so Dean's left to pull the car around, the radio off, silence ringing through the car like a struck gong, shattering.
Big truck parked directly in front of room seven. Dean picks a spot a few down and mutters loud enough to be heard, "Take your half out of the middle, huh?" Sam meets him at the trunk, spinning the keys into his palm, and they don't look at each other while they pick up their duffles of clothes, the weapon bag Dean usually packs, the supply bag Sam tends to haul when they need to haul it, with its load of iron, and silver, and salt. Sam goes over to open up the room and Dean heaves his bags up onto one shoulder and sees the flask wink parking lot light back up at him from where it's stuck by the box of IDs. He says, "Night," easy, like it's easy, and then he shuts the trunk and follows Sam into the room and flicks the lamp and closes the door firmly behind them with his heart in his throat, and Sam opens his mouth and Dean shakes his head and Sam looks at the closed door and then turns away, his shoulders high and stiff, and dumps his bags on the further bed, and unzips the supply bag and picks up the salt.
Heavy pour at the line of the doorway and under the gross pink polyester curtain. Dean wants to toss it up into the vent in the bathroom but that's probably overkill. "Van Ness house gave me the creeps, what can I say," he says, to Sam, loud enough maybe to be heard on the sidewalk outside.
Sam blows out air. "You think they're stuck to your shoe?"
Dean licks his lips, checks his pockets. No flask—no, he checked, it's in the trunk, and now with salt heavy between them and what should be the past, that panic scrapes again at his gut. Sam lifts the EMF meter out of his bag, where it's been turned on, and there's not a blip, and Dean feels like all the tendons in his legs have dissolved when he drops onto the free bed, and he says, "What are we—Sam, we—"
How long has it been? Sam shakes his head but Dean knows he's thinking the same thing. Since that godawful day in the hospital, since they burned the bones, the blood-stained hat, and they'd gone back to the abandoned shitty house they'd squatted in and stared in at its grey wreck with dry eyes and they'd—fucked, that night, miserable and not even enjoying it but doing something that was other than death, that stupid instinctive defiance against the night that they'd perfected over all these years of tragedy, and Dean had—he'd filled the flask, after, with the sweat barely cooling on his shoulders, and sipped whiskey and swallowed with a mouth that still tasted like his brother, and it was—unthinkable. After all those years of secrets. On top of everything, this couldn't—they couldn't have—
Sam's dragging his thumb back and forth over his other palm, slowly. Hair hanging over his face. "Ghosts—they don't show up right away, right?" he says. He clenches his hands together, weird and cramped-looking. "And then once they form, it's because they've got—a goal. One thing they're focused on."
"Revenge," Dean says, and Sam looks up at him, and nods. No panic on his face, at least. Even the vague sickness drained away. Dean watches Sam's hands, the clawing in his gut not—fixed, exactly, but not worse.
All these hard-fought years and he didn't—think about it. After all they'd gone through it was just part of the fabric of the world and he knew there was no changing it and he thinks, he's pretty sure at least, that Sam's in the same boat. They'd either keep sailing it or go down with the ship and that's just the way it was, and now—with everything they'd lost—there'd been this kind of… raw and horrible freedom. He hadn't thought about it that way until he'd looked up and seen the ghost and known, after the initial shock and the fear and the thinking-through what it meant, that the veil had been drawn back and not fully closed—had known that raw hot terror of what—being seen would mean. Hadn't felt that horror since his real father had died. And, now—
"Got me wishing for a real private foxhole," Dean says. Mostly evenly, he thinks.
Sam looks at the closed motel door behind Dean's back and takes a deep breath. "If we win here, we will win everywhere," he says, quiet, and it sounds like he's quoting something but Dean doesn't know what. But there's salt thick over every gap and a closed curtain and three parking spots between that flask and here, and so Dean leans forward and grabs Sam's clenched hands. Sam looks at him, surprised, but he lets Dean worm a thumb in between his palms and touch the scar.
"We're not crazy, at least," Dean says.
Sam snorts. "Yeah," he says, a little ironic but not as ironic as he could be. He grips Dean's wrist very tightly before he gets up, putting space between them, and shuts off the EMF reader.
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angmarenthusiast · 16 hours
More Total Drama Incorrect Quotes
Duncan: What's your greatest fear? Heather: Being forgotten. Duncan: ... Duncan: Damn, that's deep. Duncan: Mine is the Kool Aid man, but I feel kinda stupid about it now...
Scott: ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.
*During a game of Hangman* Courtney: Nope, there’s no Q. You lose. Heather: Are you kidding me?! You can still add something! Courtney: I already added a belt, four earrings and an extra arm! YOU LOSE!
Noah: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Justin: Yesterday, I watched Cody try to eat a decorative rock from Harold's potted plant. Trent caught them and told them they can't eat rocks. Cody started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
Jo: All in all, a 100% successful trip. Brick: But we lost Anne Maria. Jo: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
Mike: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this. Cameron: What did you do Mike? Mike: a Mistake.
Brick: *eating a cinnamon roll* Anne Maria: Cannibalism. Brick: *confused chewing noises*
Sierra: I know what you're up to. Izzy: Really? Because I barely know.
Cody: *is visibly upset* Tyler: Cody, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Izzy, in Eva’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Noah, climbing past Izzy: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Cody: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective? Harold: *crouches down* Justin: *kneels down* Trent: *sits on the floor* Cody: Cody: I hate all of you.
Sam: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world. Dawn: Thank you for your sacrifice, Scott.
Sam: Pick a card, any card. Scott: Fine. Sam: Wait, that's my credit card! Scott: You said any card.
*Beth and Lindsay are in a mirror maze* Beth, seeing Lindsay: C'mon, you got it! Almost through! Lindsay: I see you! *runs straight into a mirror, shattering it* Beth: *screams*
Heather: Gwen- Gwen: *sighs* Courtney used to call me Gwen... Heather: ...Because it's your fucking name.
Zoey: Hey bro, what do you want to eat? Mal: The souls of the innocent! Mike: A bagel. Mal: No! Mike: Two bagels.
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babydarkstar · 2 years
despicable to go to my new college counseling center and see a p*n pride flag next to gay and lesbian and not the bisexual one.
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cluescorner · 22 days
A Batman who kills people is a bad Batman. Except for Terry because he is my special boy. Terry can drown a man it's ok. He can literally shatter a woman it's fine.
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slttygeto · 5 months
I just saw someone say that criticism without empathy is bullying and I totally agree. the internet has become so obsessed with “humbling” people, commenting on their looks, bodies, way of speaking. saying shit like “post this on ig reels now”. even if you don’t necessarily agree with a person, as long as they’re just being themselves without being self centered or problematic, why go out of your way to be mean to them? I also believe in karma. just know that if youre mean to someone unprovoked, it WILL bite you back in the ass ten times harder
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vettelcore · 3 months
people with outdoor cats be like: yes my cat came back home half dead, caught hiv, is full of parasites and sometimes has gone missing for weeks but i don't care bc at least the cat is free and not locked inside like selfish people do!!!
#i cannot fucking stress this enough PLEASE do not let your cats roam outside freely if you care about them#if they're used to going outside leash them!!!!#the amount of cats we get at the clinic who come almost dead/with horrible wounds bc they're allowed to be outside is insane#not to mention how many run over cats i see where i live#they could get attacked by other animals too#like its just not worth it#we had to put down a cat today after the owners found her almost dead with an INSANE infection bc she had ruptured her intestines#her hip was shattered too#looked like probably some asshole kicked her#and the owners were like oh we had just buried one of our other cats the other day after she got attacked by another animal#and im just standing there like ?????? and that's normal to you??????#oh but at least the cats can climb trees though 🤪#remember the dude i talked about a while ago who brought his cat in honestly the worst condition I've ever seen?#covered in poop vomit piss and fuck knows what else?#that had a colony of cats all infected with FelV bc he refuses to vax them?#yeah this woman was a family member btw#thank FUCK he didn't come today because that would've been a shitshow#all things considered at least this woman seems to be... not absolutely fucking insane? i guess?#but anyway she kept saying how it was sudden! and how the cat was perfectly fine last night!#oh my gOD that cat had maggots eating her from the inside that doesn't happen overnight#cats are tough and will hide a lot of pain but can't you just tell the truth???#you either didn't care enough to bring this poor baby earlier or you just noticed now what had happened to her
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loveologystudies · 1 year
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Hey guys what the hell???
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bevinconner · 4 months
honestly conner was such a load bearing character in the series bc after he died and no longer had a direct hand in the ongoing conflict the story fell apart
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bucketwingthoughts · 4 months
What are your opinions on shattered glass Megastar? I know you're into AUs and I find the concept of them meeting differently very interesting.
okay this may be an upopular opinion.
This is so funny because I've actually been talking about this on my twitter but eh....I do not like shattered glass megastar because i don't really like nor care that much about shattered glass starscream. i love aus, but to me, shattered glass megastar doesn't feel like megastar. in extension, shattered glass starscream is not starscream to meee. the qualities i love in starscream and the reason i am drawn to and like him as a character do not exist in shattered glass starscream. and in my MY MY personal opinion, a lot of fans tend to project shattered glass starscream's personality and stuff onto canon starscream and that's when we get like the soft boy starscream that i kinda don't really like or vibe with.
maybe if i read shattered glass in depth then i'd think differently but now, no not really. like i see it as a ship but just not megastar if that makes sense.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Also after scrolling through the hollow mind tag for a bit- I know it was definitely hunter's episode (the grimwalker reveal, his panic attack, him fleeing belos AND the owl house) BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT LUZ. AND BELOS. CAN WE TALK ABOUT LUZ AND BELOS FOR A MOMENT PLEASE
#ramblings of a lunatic#toh#the owl house#BELOS IS SO FUCKING SMUG. ABOUT MANIPULATING A CHILD. HE IS WITH HUNTER TOO BUT HE ACTS LIKE IT'S SUCH A ''gotcha!'' W/ LUZ#AND SHE FUCKING BELIEVES HIM. SHE SPENDS THE WHOLE EPISODE SO WELL INTENTIONED BY PUSHY AND NAIVE#BUT BY THE END SHE'S JUST. SHATTERED#he thinks they're the same because she's a human. he thinks she's the same as his brother because she's a human ensnared by witches#and she parallels both the wittebane brothers in certain ways but not the ways belos thinks she does#he doesn't realized that despite being hundreds of years younger than him- luz is a version of phillip who actually grew up#and hollow mind is such a big painful part of her growing up i just. HHHHGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!#man belos' whole deal is just. it's so much. it's so much you guys#local protestant somehow managed to introduce an islands worth of ppl to the concept of catholic guilt!!!! fucked up!!!!!!#idk I'm a bit head empty rn (or at least I'm not super duper coherent) i mostly appreciated all the subtle touches and the lore this time#(like how hunter describes his family as being wiped out because they ''knew too much'' and ''got themselves hurt''-#-like. he's just describing caleb. HE'S JUST DESCRIBING CALEB GOD!!!!! BELOS PROBABLY TOLD HIM A VERISON OF THAT STORY SAYING CALEB WAS-#-HUNTERS DAD OR SOMETHING I JUST. AGHH!)#but like. yeah. it's. its a good episode#i once saw someone say that they think before the great shortening hollow mind was intended to be the s2 finale#which i think is honestly a good theory considering it's kind of toh's thesis statement and biggest show of what it can do#pushing the characters and themes to their logical extremes and popping off with the writing and art direction#i could talk more but also. i couldn't. no notes#my only wish is that the collector got to rhyme more because it scared me so much the first time#(what with the secret code poems and the acrostic poems hidden in the titles. i was like WAIT A MINUTE)#idk we've talked before about ways that s3 could open and how it could parallels past moments in the show#what. what if it opened with the collector reciting a poem that recaps the series til now????? oooh wait that's juicy#even just as a trailer audio it'd be neat#(or a theme song takeover if disney cared abt marketing this show jdbdjsbdkf)#anyway yeah. the gay little witch show is kicking my ass rn!
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sky-poprocks · 1 year
Not to send an essay in ur inbox but LITERALLY. I've seen ppl complain that genshin is too grindy and it's like. You people would NOT survive playing sky: children of the light. Genshin has a lot of grinding and farming but at least you get noticeable progress from it!! In sky you spend 2 hours farming for 15 candles and then if u don't have any friends to hang out with u just kind of. Log off. But you can't Not do those 2 hours of farming because then you won't be able to get the 16 new cosmetics tgc introduced at once that all cost 200 candles. At least 2 hours of playing genshin gets you well into the story, or artifacts or primogems or SOMETHING worthwhile. Probably should've just made this a post this is long sorry abdhdbfjxbd I just. Have a lot of feelings about the fact that gambling: the game is less horrid to be invested in than sky: children of the light which is supposed to be this fun cute lighthearted experience. Idk. We literally do not know each other sorry for this abdjdnjd
gaymer. @forgetful-storyteller
look at my first post on this blog's fucking date. I've been playing since android release and stopped around Shattering getting into beta, this is my sky side-blog. I know Sky's draining on players. 2 years of sky fucked me up.
I grinded daily in sky. it fucking slaughtered me. I still have muscle memory of HF and VoT candle runs.
I don't play sky often anymore for a fucking reason; no one I'm close to plays, it's actually draining and stressing.
I was ftp other than maybe 2-3 seasonal passes on sky. I basically did crs daily for months when possible in 2020-2021, and got fucked over.
You may have a better experience in Sky than Genshin (if you played it), but Genshin is actually better for my mental health long term. I can drop it without worry, and I only play for fun with less worry of "I'm not going to be able to get something I want!" or "shit I'm low on candles". and don't even get me started on the winged lights that only got worse and worse.
I dislike gambling as well, but I don't spend money on Genshin, and quite honestly? I get more from Genshin than Sky ever did for me, which yeah, fucking sucks, but I hate grinding and I can bullshit my way through genshin without constantly gambling. Tbh bud, if TGC found a way to get people gambling, they would. They are not above that as a game company.
Why do you think all of the IAP are so fucking expensive for what it is, even when not collabs? Sky is not a moral game on ethics to it's making either. TGC have ignored the fact they need to pay artist and sweep so many things under the rug from players to try and keep people distracted they always will.
(Edit: I did misread it, look at reblogs)
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4giorno · 9 months
..... wriothesleys animations are really ugly :(
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local-magpie · 1 year
sometimes these days i think about who I was in 2017, compare them to who I am now. i've come so far, in so many ways, and I can't help but see that person as someone else entirely. They were so helpless, too proud to accept help or even that they needed help. They couldn't cook, couldn't keep a single thing clean - the guy I was dating back then once found a not-quite-empty half gallon of milk ready to explode behind my desk - and they couldn't make it to class, hardly ever. They went to OSU for two semesters, a different major each one because they couldn't decide what to do with themselves, and promptly failed out because they could not make it to class. There's similarities, I was still there under the skin; I've always been a fighter, never willing to give up, but back then I didn't even have a vision of what I wanted. I was just flailing around, determined to keep my head above water and convinced that was the whole end goal of my life.
It's like to that person, nothing better was even imagineable, which is probably why this year has been so surreal. Am I making any sales yet on my stock art? No, lol, I'm not even marketing enough for half my friends to know I'm in the ttrpg sphere professionally, as it turns out. But I'm doing it. I'm doing regular releases, actually keeping to a professional goal - I have a trade name, I'm networking, I've already had one paid project this year. I fought tooth and claw to finally get my degree, and now I have a salaried job. It's not perfect, but I finally fucking figured out what I'm fighting for, and it's not settling for being able to breathe. The last few years I've been so much happier than like... any other time in my life, even while dealing with some seriously crushing medical issues that STILL affect me today, and while I've been sort of confused but not questioning it this whole time, I think this is the root of it.
I'm not trying to go it alone, I'm not accepting anything less than happiness. I'm setting goals based on what will make me happy and satisfied with my life, instead of what I think I can convince life to give me. It's not easy, nothing worthwhile is, but I think I'd actually rather die than go back to who I was back then, wallowing in my circumstances and telling myself it was enough.
#this feels pretentious somehow but im literally just trying to get my thoughts down so whatever#i always feel a little dumb saying shit like 'i clawed my way to where i am' because i do have a pretty privileged background#but it turns out health does not give a shit about that and is an equal opportunity asshole#most people say it and mean theyre fighting society but i mean it like i fought myself and god and won#or at least am winning#very much still fighting the good fight#but i refuse to stand still#i refuse to just let things happen to me if i can do literally anything about it#we keep moving#one foot in front of the other#yelling at the void#also if you're wondering the use of they is very intentional#because honestly part of the divide is that back then i was iding as nb and avoiding thinking about gender any further#i didnt WANT to think about it. i blocked out the idea that i might be anything else for a long time#it was like two years ago now that a fucking. tiktok. shattered that shell#idk im just living more authentically as myself nowadays in like a million ways#and i am so so glad#i dont like... hate my old self or anything though#if anything i pity them#imagine if they had been able to pick themselves up off the ground sooner#what could they have done at OSU? what could they have done with their life?#well. they didn't. so they're me now#and I'm doing this now instead of whatever they'd have done#suddenly understanding the idea that life is a series of ego deaths
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corvigae · 2 years
Don't you just fucking love it when you keep thinking about a thing and you're like "Thinking about this think is actively harming me, I need to stop thinking about it and distract myself," and your brain goes "Got it, only be able to think about this thing exclusively for the entire day."
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