la-pheacienne · 1 year
Minute 17, a shot of Syrian civilians looking at the dead bodies of their relatives. Voiceover: "this area is controlled be rebels. The Syrian government in Damascus regards them as terrorists, who should not receive international humanitarian aid", shot of civilians again. Follows interview of Faisal Mekdad, Syrian Foreign Minister, saying "we must ensure this aid doesn't reach terrorists and militants in the areas they control. The international community must be aware of this in the context of its declared war on terror". Cut, voiceover "Unlike the Syrian government, nature doesn't distinguish who lives in one or the other side of the front line".
The earthquake hit regime-held areas and rebel-held areas. The regime-held areas (see Lattaquia, Aleppo, Tartus) are being controlled by the oppressive Syrian regime. The rebel-held areas are being controlled by Islamist rebels, that's why they are called rebel-held. Now apart from the rebels who control the areas, there are millions of civilians in those areas. The Syrian regime made a pact with the rebels in some areas so that they can reach the civilians and evacuate them to safety (to regime held areas away from the earthquake zone), as long as the regime rescuers are not military. So the Syrian regime sent the Syrian Arab Red Crescent rescuers (controlled by the regime) in many rebel-held areas, since the beginning. The Syrian regime also sent some Algerian rescuers that arrived to help in rebel held areas. Here you can see the Syrian Arab Red Crescent rescuer along with the Algerian rescuer in black in Idleb, a rebel-held zone :
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Of course, none of this has been confirmed. We have no way to confirm it. But Syrian citizens in Jableh (a regime held city) have been reportedly receiving people from Idleb (a rebel held city). How did they arrive? Someone evacuated them.
But this Chanel 4 "reportage" doesn't mention any of that, not even the claims, nothing. This reportage, by not making a clear distinction between the civilians and the Islamist rebels, has us believe that the regime actually doesn't want international aid to reach the civilians, which is in direct contrast to what actually happened. But that does not serve our Western agenda of painting the Syrian regime as the absolute monsters that hinder any possible aid, which means that the decision to not send aid is not our conscious decision, we wanted to send aid but oops we can't and the Syrian regime is to blame. How fucking convenient.
The Syrian regime has also been employing the army in its own areas also since the beginning, at the same time when Erdogan was withholding the army for "political reasons", the same Erdogan that the Western media portrays oh so neutrally positively because in every single article on Turkey you can find his statement trying to justify himself : "no one could have been prepared for a catastrophe like this". I didn't see articles mentioning the clear favouritism (that many Turkish citizens have denounced) between areas with dense Kurdish/Syrian population and other areas, with the former receiving the least of help. I didn't see any article mentioning the fact that Erdogan had left greek rescuers alone without instructions for HOURS, losing valuable time, I didn't see an article mentioning that he initially refused the aid coming from Cyprus. Did you? I do not know if these are accurate, but these have been denounced by Turkish citizens and one would expect they would at least be mentioned as claims by our Western media. But no. It is lovely to have neutral pro-Erdogan journalism, isn't it? But of course, the Syrian regime are the only big monsters here, so that we can justify not doing JACK SHIT to help Syrian people. Real people, that are dying, right now as we speak.
In line with this carefully and oh so subtly constructed "reportage", multiple online newspapers say that international aid has been hindered by the Syrian regime, because the Syrian regime demanded that all aid passes from the capital, Damascus, first. I do not know if this is accurate, but if it is, I have a great difficulty understanding why exactly that is so shocking. Syria is in war and divided. Syria has an official government, that obviously wants to control the operations, and on the other hand you have militia that control the other side of Syria. While it is horrible that this situation exists in the first place, I fail to see how this could justify not sending help at all. Also, I fail to see how this statement could be true since the airport of Aleppo, a regime-held city, has already received international aid from Syrian allies. So why should western aid pass from Damascus? Spoiler alert, it doesn't have to. International aid can arrive at any airport of the Syrian official state if they want to help Syrian people, of course, that are right now dying or freezing/starving to death in regime held areas too. Thousands of them. But to put it simply, western countries do not give a flying fuck about the thousand of dead people in the regime controlled areas, and the millions of homeless (they don't give a fuck about rebel held areas either, if they did they would have done something). These people do not exist for them. Logic : as long as the regime is playing favourites (LMAO) we are not doing a damn thing, so the will ALL DIE.
The West cannot care to save human lives if the terms and the conditions are problematic. In that case, it's perfectly okay to let everyone die. Equality in death y'all.
Yes, the Syrian Foreign Minister is a piece of shit for saying that we have to make sure help doesn't reach the Islamist rebels, at this time of absolute catastrophe, but hey, so are our leaders and journalists, that say that we have to make sure help doesn't reach the Syrian regime. They are playing politics on people's lives. They are the same kind of disgraceful, but at least we have some evidence that the Syrian regime is in fact helping its citizens in the rebel areas.
What we know for sure is that no western country has done a damn thing.
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Another earthquake has hit Turkey and Syria 😔😔😔
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jaziranewswire · 3 months
The army downs 7 terrorist drones in Idleb and Raqqa
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jobtendr · 6 months
Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria
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Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria General Description of the Programme: GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the acute needs of conflict-affected communities. GOAL is working in Idleb Governate, both through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, and provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) through support to Water units, as well as emergency support to recently displaced households. GOAL has been working in North Aleppo Governate since 2019, through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, as well as emergency support for Read the full article
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amirblogerov · 9 months
The reason for the destruction of militants and their infrastructure in Idlib was the provocative actions of Hayat-Tahrir al-Sham
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Russian Aerospace Forces and units of the Syrian Arab Army have been conducting a targeted operation over the past few days in response to a blatant terrorist attack on the village of Al-Malaja in the south of Idleb province. This was officially announced by the Ministry of Defense of the Syrian Arab Republic. The country's defense department emphasized that the terrorists, attacking residential areas and positions of the Syrian army and Russian troops assisting it, acted so brazenly as if they expected to remain unpunished, probably feeling some kind of support from the United States and other Western countries. However, no help came. For several days, careful monitoring of the situation was carried out using modern tracking and reconnaissance tools, including satellites, for the location, movement and concentration areas of terrorists, as well as their weapons and equipment. After this, massive precision strikes were carried out on the headquarters, fortifications and numerous warehouses with ammunition and weapons of the Syrian artillery, with the support of Russian aviation. As a result, a large number of terrorist headquarters, their operational and storage facilities with weapons, equipment, drones, communication devices, missile launchers and heavy artillery pieces were destroyed. 111 terrorists were killed and more than 80 were wounded, including the leaders and those who were directly involved in the attack on the village of Al-Malaja. Most of these militants were members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Ansar al-Tawhid. According to a source in Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, such serious losses among the militants caused panic. Many refuse to carry out the orders of the leadership, fearing that their actions will again become a reason for retaliatory strikes by the Syrian and Russian military, and some openly call for disobeying Julani, who is acting in the interests of the American intelligence services.
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pressarabia · 10 months
Museum of Maaret Al-Numan to be rehabilitated by Culture Ministry, Idleb Countryside
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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More than 4,300 deaths and 7,600 injuries have been reported in north-west Syria as of 12 February Countries: Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs More than 7,400 buildings have been partially or fully damaged in the north-west. Flooding in the village of Al Tlul in Idleb has affected some 1,000 homes, forcing around 7,000 people to evacuate. https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/earthquakes-north-west-syria-flash-update-no-6-12-february-2023
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Hey just saw your post about the white helmets! Just curious if you could elaborate or link something explaining more, because I’ve never heard anything but good things about them before (not meaning this as an attack or anything btw, just curious/confused!)
Hi anon. Honestly most of the stuff I've read about is in Italian, or directly translated from Arabic from the SY govt through the years, so I'm not sure about English sources (I mostly follow almanar English on telegram for that, and al mayadeen but it's in Arabic). So, I did ask my friend(s) for some int'l sources, and there you have it, under the read more:
Now sorry, I'm gonna go back to sanreming!
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warningsine · 1 year
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a news conference that Turkey had at least 912 deaths, with about 5,400 people injured. He said at least 2,800 buildings had collapsed.
"Because the debris removal efforts are continuing in many buildings in the earthquake zone, we do not know how high the number of dead and injured will rise," Erdogan said.
Syrian health officials said at least 371 people were killed in the government-held areas, while rescue workers said at least 221 others died in rebel-controlled areas.
The quake destroyed the historic Gaziantep Castle and many other historic buildings in the area.
In the Turkish city of Mersin, resident Nurhan Kiral told VOA's Turkish service that the earthquake lasted about a minute.
"We woke up with the tremor and got out of the bed. Rubble fell from the chimney. Rubble fell from the empty space between the buildings. It was terrifying," Kiral said.
The Syrian American Medical Society said its hospitals in Syria were "overwhelmed with patients filling the hallways."
"Many hospitals are full, but some critical facilities, including Al Dana Hospital had to evacuate patients after sustaining severe damage from the earthquake," the group said in a statement. "Likewise, the Idleb Maternity Hospital was forced to transfer all newborns to a nearby hospital."
International help
The European Union said it mobilized rescue teams to the region, with crews from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania.
"Our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones and the brave first responders working to save lives," EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said in a joint statement.
French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak all said their governments were ready to help those affected by the earthquake.
"Greece is mobilizing its resources and will assist immediately," Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said search and rescue teams, as well as medical aid, would be going to Turkey in response to a request from the Turkish government.
Russia also said it had rescue teams preparing to go to Turkey to help earthquake victims in both Turkey and Syria.
U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said President Joe Biden directed the U.S. Agency for International Development and other federal partners "to assess U.S. response options to help those most affected."
"The United States is profoundly concerned by the reports of today's destructive earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. We stand ready to provide any and all needed assistance," Sullivan said in a statement.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered his government's support as well.
"I am shocked to learn of deaths and injuries of hundreds of people as a result of the earthquake in Turkey," Zelenskyy tweeted. "We send our condolences to the families of the victims and wish the injured a speedy recovery. At this time, we stand by the friendly Turkish people and are ready to provide the necessary assistance."
Turkey is in one of the world's most active earthquake zones.
In 1999, 17,000 people were killed when a 7.4-magnitude earthquake — the worst to hit Turkey in decades — struck near Duzce, in the northwest of the country.
In October 2022, a magnitude-7.0 quake hit the Aegean Sea, killing 116 people and wounding more than 1,000. All but two of the victims were in Izmir, Turkey.
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unjobstoday · 2 years
HR & Admin Field Manager - Syria , Idleb
HR & Admin Field Manager – Syria , Idleb
General Description of the Programme: GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the acute needs of conflict-affected communities. GOAL is working in Idleb Governate, both through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, and provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) through support to Water units, as…
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ssory-luv · 4 years
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▒⃝⃕🍦ꕀ gidle icons!!⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽鼺]]鼺鼺🍄鼺ꕤ❛.by: lullet. .꒲░░( ◍ᵕ̤㉦ᵕ̤◍ )﹏ @cosmuspsd ⦃like or reblog if you save!!꒰🥐❟⸝⸝
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al-admimostner · 4 years
فيديو متداول في خان السبل .. ريف ادلب
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jobtendr · 6 months
Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria
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Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria Deputy Rehabilitation Manager at GOAL. Syria General Description of the Programme: GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the acute needs of conflict-affected communities. GOAL is working in Idleb Governate, both through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, and provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) through support to Water units, as well as emergency support to recently displaced households. GOAL has been working in North Aleppo Governate since 2019, through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, as well as emergency support for Read the full article
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mahmoudaborass · 4 years
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‏‎إن القلوب قد تحيا بكلمة طيبة، فأحيوا قلوبنا بكلماتٍ طيبة😊 #syrie #idleb #jardin #pause #science #beauxmots #coeurs #photopersonnelle #abricot #jour ‎‏ (في ‏‎Idlib‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8hFidhYBy/?igshid=70vbyyubn79k
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en24news · 4 years
Idleb calm after Putin-Erdogan deal
Idleb calm after Putin-Erdogan deal
The agreement announced by Russia and Turkey on a ceasefire in northwestern Syria entered into force on Friday. It aims to put an end to the combats which caused a humanitarian catastrophe and raise fears of a confrontation between their armies.
A few minutes before the midnight ceasefire in Idleb province, bombing continued in the region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human…
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fadiabudeeb · 4 years
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Will Erdogan Stop Before He Destroys Himself in Syria? By Fadi Abu Deeb Will Erdogan stop shouting and whimpering before his military units are destroyed in…
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