#if you saw me use this quote for dps no you didn't
laciefuyu · 1 year
(aka I am blasting my niche)
Apologize in advance for long text LOL
People who follow me before my new obsession aka Tears of Themis definitely know I keep using FFXIV quotes for my Jedi gifset (which I will willingly attest that it has some of the best writing in the media.) 
Anyway if I didn't make it my niche aka Tears of Themis x FFXIV that won't be me. So let's ramble about NXX members and what they will play (race and main jobs) and faves NPCs in the game and whatever popped up in my mind.
Main Character/Rosa
She was thinking of an idea for team bonding because they are friends and she wants to do something together
Luke proposed FFXIV because it's an MMO (so they all can play together) and has a good story.
She looked up and immediately agreed after seeing the glams of the various wol (warrior of light/playable character)l.
She was thinking of playing as a female miqo'te at first but she saw how jacked female roegadyn is, immediately steering to it with the speed of light.
She knows she wants to avoid tanks and healers because that is too much responsibility when she just wants to attack.
She ends up with arch/brd (archer/bard) for starters because 1) physical range means away from big mechanics 2) she just wants to shoot the boss from far.
Later end up becoming the main mch (machinist) because 1) cool gun 2) she is learning to shoot irl so it makes it more fun for her 3) she can PEW PEW in the game.
Always going blind to any dungeon, trial, and raid.
Because FFXIV can make you play all jobs if you will it, she tried it all eventually but she prefers being dps especially range dps
Sometimes she fights with people on forums because people keep saying mch is a useless job, and she will not stand for it!!!!
Likes to collect glams so she often drags NXX boys to farm a certain raid and dungeon to get variations.
Her favorites are Minfilia and Lyse. She really loves their characters.
She is also fond of Aymeric and G'raha. 
Used to dislike Emet-Selch but then she sobbed over him. After that, she will clown Emet-Selch whenever he shows up on the screen.
She loves Venat after Endwalker.
Artem Wing
He chose to play Elezen. He actually prefers duskwight elezen but seeing the psychiatrist stating he is going to play duskwight, he detracted from his choice because he doesn't want to ruin the mood.
Rosa casually mentioned isn't he want to play as duskwight because he was looking for the lore, and because Vyn has brain cells he put it together and gave Artem a dirty look. 
(It's just a feeling, but I think Artem in general is not sure where to put himself in a friend group especially when one of them previously had some kinda bad blood between them.)
They Have a Fun Talk™
Anyway in the end Artem still played as wildwood elezen but at least the air between the two is no longer silly and tense.
(The younger trio wanna know so badly what they talk about but neither is relenting)
Because Artem is Artem he is looking up the game stuff after the idea is proposed. He is not used to playing games all that much and feels the need to know how to do it correctly so he won't end up being a bother.
Funnily, he looked up the race lore and the twelve but managed to avoid spoilers because there is always a preface of warning when it reaches that territory of expansion spoilers.
He actually studies mechanics before they enter any dungeon, trial, or raid. 
Artem ended up playing tank as main because the younger trio preferred main dps and they needed a tank. Luke is an all-rounder but he avoids healer and tank roles when possible.
He chose gld/pld (gladiator/paladin). He studied the starter tank role and found that he would like to play that job the most.
He also played dps as either mch (because it feels right since he can use a gun) or blm aka black mage (he finds it fun to get a spot and to Not Move and deliver big damage)
Actually really into the story, and take notes while cutscenes play. 
(This left the other three confused while Rosa giggled to herself because she already knows it's his mockingbird self that is surfacing.)
Is actually a really good tank because he always does his rotation and mitigation correctly. Not without stumbles but he keeps improving to the point he can play tank with ease.
Multiple times saving a normal trial/raid because he got good mitigation and clemency (healing button) and finished the raid/trial or saving healer before dying so the healer can save the rest.
His opinion of Emet-Selch is sympathetic but ultimately the damage is already done, and his end is inevitable.
He really likes Aymeric. Find it admirable that the man is able to stay in his conviction even when the place and people he wants to protect would not always stand by him. He is glad to see Aymeric people in the corner no matter how few there are. Artem hopes that he could always stay true to his conviction too like Aymeric 
Is actually crying at Venat's famous monologue. (Flabbergasted the team)
His favorite scion is papalymo therefore it made him sad when he died.
Also loves watching countries' leaders growth, especially for Merlwylb and Nanamo.
Vyn Richter
He chose to play Duskwight because he finds them fascinating and also finds that they deserve better and should be given more fleshed-out lore.
He has a Fun Talk with Artem because they are friends now and Artem needs to understand that. (Albeit Vyn thought they would be enemies longer but they are friends now he needs to make it clear.)
(He would still annoy artem time by time but that's different vibes)
For him there was no other choice but play as a healer. This just makes sense to him because he in fact has an MD. Thank you very much, he would emulate this energy in a game too.
Vyn learned healing in the game very fast. 
His starter job is arc (arcanist) but immediately steers to sch (scholar) as soon as they get lvl 30, and he actually finds it funny when the fairy jank.
His main job is sge (sage) later on. It is interesting that the attack can heal, and he wants to master it.
He actually can play all healer but he finds whm (white mage) a bit mind-numbing, and while ast (astrologian) is fun with keeping up healing, cards, and attack he prefers something more reliable like sge.
He still plays because when there is a fairy jank, he finds it fun to play. It was also his first healer job, so he was kinda attached to it.
(And because he loves the barrier healer job. He will have to heal but he loves that he could mitigate or prevent the damages.)
He sometimes argues with Artem because of his use of clemency.
("Have more faith in your healer or play healer yourself, Artem." Vyn said in annoyance.
Artem sighed, "I canceled the clemency, Vyn.")
That said, sometimes he had to hand it to Artem because his decision to save or to mitigate the healer was usually top notch.
He only ever tells him good job and does not elaborate.
The only non-healer job he plays is rdm (red mage)
He sometimes studies the mechanic before entering the dungeon/trial/raid, but sometimes he trusts his ability enough to wing it. (He said 'I will wing it' usually when they all played in the same room instead of playing in their own place. He found it funny when Artem gave him an annoyed, yet fond look.)
That said, healing the younger trio is actually more stressful than healing Artem who plays tank.
Both Rosa and Marius play main range dps, and they are always somewhere in narnia (as in a far-off range of the heals) and Vyn either had to use a rescue button or adjust his range.
Vyn never does this to Rosa, but he sometimes uses the rescue button to drag Marius straight to the killing mechanic.
"Easier to kill you than healing you.")
Luke is a different kind of trouble for Vyn. He is always on range most of the time, but he is always trying to maintain uptime therefore sometimes he dies at the silliest mechanic.
Vyn, pulling a face: behave or else
(Never make your healer mad, folks)
His favorite scion ironically is Thancred.
He took a glance and saw a man full of contradictions and took it personally. He loves to psychoanalyze Thancred.
He actually hates Thancred. He is a Hater but Thancred is fun to analyze then he grows to like him as a character because the chara growth is unexpected and endearing.
He grows to love Thancred (bitter)
Vyn is also very fond of Cid. He can relate to Cid's story and how made the decision to step away from the Garlemald. Vyn hates Garlemald as soon as they are mentioned in the game.
He takes one glance at Ishgard and is immediately a Hater. Remind him too much of Svart. He thinks Aymeric is too soft and should take care of himself more instead of the ungrateful country.
He is pretty sympathetic to Yotsuyu albeit in the end, he knows there is no good end for her.
He hates Emet-Selch. 
He is very fond of Y'shtola because one sane person (in his opinion) and the sass along with intellectuals are fun to see.
He grows to like the twin.
He has a lot of Opinion™ on Venat but ultimately he could see it as a desperate gambit at the end of the world.
"This is why an ethical class is needed for scientists and the like. Also, Hermes needs therapy. His coping mechanism is to drag the world to hell."
Luke Pearce
He is the one who suggested FFXIV when Rosa suggested gaming as bonding time.
He is actually a veteran player but uses a new game+ mode so he can enjoy the game with them.
He has an alts which male sun seeker mi'qote but his main is a male midlander hyur.
He likes to say he plays all roles but he actually doesn't like healing as much even though he can do it very well and his habit as a melee player is always bleeding through when he is tanking which causes healers to get annoyed at him.
(He still gets healer annoyed at him as melee dps but he always delivers big damage so.)
His main from the beginning is pgl/mnk (pugilist/monk) and he is one of the few people who lament when the devs tried to remove some positionals. ("But that's the fun of playing monk!!!")
Is actually a melee jobs specialist, but his best damage has always been when he plays mnk.
Luke tried to not be silly for Vyn but his Positional Is Important™
("Sorry Vyn! But-
"-My positional is important."
"Yes." Embarrassed.
Vyn sighed.)
He is the one who calls out for extreme trials or savage raids.
He knows most mechanics, that's why he can clear things with ease, the only issue is that as melee, he is very greedy for more damage so all his dead usually is silly.
He knows the story is good, so he was looking forward to seeing all of them reacting to it.
Luke already predicted all of Rosa's possible reactions to it. There is something satisfying watching people reacting as expected in certain scenes
He is happy to know Marius also likes it, commenting on what he likes and also sobbing at some parts. He finds all of Vyn's comments either funny or very on point.
Artem was unexpected because Luke didn't expect the oldest to be very taken to the story, even taking notes and all. He provides thoughtful opinions that give him more insight into a game. Luke thought he already aced all the lore then there is Artem.
Luke is HELLA curious about what is written in the notes.
His favorite scion is G'raha, previously it was Minfilia. He likes their optimistic view, and he cried a lot over Minfilia's fate and G'raha's life during shadowbringer. Hope Punk all the way!!
He hates Emet-Selch's gut for a while but also pities him because Emet-Selch lost so many people he loves and Luke could understand the feeling.
The burden of memory, but he couldn't approve of the way Emet-Selch handled it either. It's complicated.
He is very fond of Hythlodaeus and thinks that kinds of people are needed in life. To not take life too seriously and enjoy it.
He loves Meteion and is very sad about her story. In the first playthrough to Endwalker, he cried at cutscenes before the Final Dungeon.
When he played the game again with NXX, he found he started to take Venat quotes to heart. 
He respects Venat as a character.
Marius Von Hagen
He was scrolling through the races and found the most perfect fit of the character he wanted. Male Viera.
He took forever designing his character to the point that Rosa and Vyn are actually bombing his dm to get faster. Luke uses his main, so he waited for them to finish and in the meantime does roulette for dungeon/trial/raid. Artem is already finished but also looking for mechanics and lore, and most gameplay. 
His starter job is arch/brd but it also became his main. His other DPS are dnc (dancer) and smn (summoner).
Marius always goes blind when doing dungeons/trials/raids. He and Rosa high-fived over this.
He and Rosa are also the most obsessed with glam therefore he always roped all of them to hunt ones. 
("Listen, I want this so badly, Artem!"
 "Me too! The phys ranger gear is so good in this one so please 🥹")
Both of them always roped Artem 1) Easier to convince (softie mode on) 2) Luke prefers to heal if he has to fill in either tank or healer 3) Vyn can be convinced but takes time.
Also the one who is most into PVP in FFXIV
"Killing people is so fun." About Frontline mode PVP
Payton almost had a heart attack hearing it out of context once. Marius has to explain it's about a game.
"C'mon let's play Rival Wing mode!!!" Marius every time they could have time to play together. Luke and he tries to outdo kills each other whenever they get on different sides.
He sometimes knew that he annoyed Vyn with his playstyle, but that only tempted him more. The result, ofc, the occasional dragged to killing mechanic.
("Worth it." 
Marius famous last words)
His favorite character is Guydelot. Rosa knows who Guydelot is because she also plays brd. The others find out of curiosity.
("He speaks to my soul you see."
"Being a drama queen?"
"Missy! How could you!")
His favorite scions are Alphinaud and Alisaie. He is really fond of their character growth. He also has a few things he relates to each twin (family legacy, finding his own path, unlearning some behavior) and he couldn't help but cheer for them. 
He loves Emet-Selch but will clown him whenever he is on screen.
("Making fascist empire to cope? Please be serious.")
Venat/Hydaelyn's last farewell made him really sad. 
He is also really curious about Artem's notes on FFXIV.
Also despite his first playthrough blunder, he is a really good brd. He always maintains his rotation if he doesn't die.
("I am a perfect support."
"Please fix your bad habit of going far off then.")
They sometimes end up using FFXIV as a reference for what they talked about and confuse people
Luke carries them through other contents such as Deep Dungeon.
Whenever Luke used the callout for the first time ex trial/savage raid, Artem was always confused about what even fisting the ground meant.
Vyn is such a good healer that it carries thru PVP 
Marius really loves giving ideas for group glams. Artem and Vyn used to resist it but now it is just a fact of life.
Rosa has tons of their gpose.
That’s what I have so far lmao. Anyone can agree or disagree, this is just my opinion after all but if this is actually a springboard for a fic where NXX finds out about Artem’s mockingbird persona? Hahaha… Unless? The NXX Idols AU is shoving guns to my temple now.
 Hope you all enjoy my niche LOL
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purplesurveys · 9 months
When you’re visiting a site, do you still type ‘www.’? I don't and don't think I have in the last, like...13, 14 years.
Can you still read the time if an analogue clock doesn’t have numbers on it? Like if it's just those short lines? Sure. It'd take me a few seconds though hah.
To whom will/did you first talk about the first time you’ve had sex?  I don't think I ever shared that particular experience with anyone. My friends and I just eventually started talking about sex and our sexual experiences gradually, like as we got older and as it became a quiet understanding that we were all doing it.
Have you ever fallen asleep while taking an exam?  No. If I finish early, I was the type to keep going over my answers again and again to make sure I was satisfied with them. Sometimes I'd play with my pen or daydream or whatever, but I'd never sleep.
Tell me something ridiculous about the place or country you live in:  Nobody makes enough fucking money here and that's why nobody ever moves out of their homes and that's why nobody is happy. Also, we regularly make fun of the police because they don't know how to do their jobs and think shooting solves everything. Oh and the fact that we are an extremely religious country, automatically making our culture and society a suffocatingly conservative one.
Sorry, I know you implied to name just one ridiculous thing but when I tell you the Philippines is just in itself a horrific meme of a country...
Did you know that ` is not an apostrophe? Are you guilty of using it?  I know it's not an apostrophe but I've never learned what it's called either. No, I have never used that as an apostrophe.
Have you ever gave the rejection hotline number to anyone?  No...that exists?
What is something you didn’t like about being thirteen?  Struggling to adjust to high school.
What can you hear right now?  SE SO NEON.
Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones?  Sure. I feel like I'm in no place to speak about this as I got my first cellphone when I was 7 haha.
Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favorites?  I don't. I tried getting into Attack on Titan super recently but life got busy at the same time I started it so I never really was able to get invested. What I've enjoyed before, though, are Pokémon and Your Name.
A quote/funny line from the last movie you saw?  Not funny, but "Private An Jun Ho!" from DP, a Korean drama I started over the weekend. Apparently in the military you need to state your name every time you're called by a senior, so that line is said 75934398420343204 times in the series.
Don’t you hate yes/no surveys? Or do you prefer the ones that make you think and explain your thoughts?  I used to dislike them, but once I figured I can just say Yes/No but then also elaborate, they didn't seem so bad and boring anymore.
Do you have a favorite curse word? If so, what is it and why?  Fuck. It's just applicable in so many situations and is also so flexible as a curse word hahaha.
How well would you say you do in school? Do you actually exert effort or are you naturally good at your subjects? I was a carefree student in that I would put a lot of effort in subjects I liked; do enough just to get by in subjects I don't necessarily care for but don't expect to ever fail in; and entirely not give a shit about subjects I hate, even if it means failing tests. In the end, that behavior made me an average student who faked my way to the finish line through my writing, being the one thing I'm good at.
Or do you not care at all? Why?  I only started taking school seriously in junior and senior year of high school (because my dream university considered your grades in those levels as part of your overall entrance exam score); and in college (because this is when your performance actually starts to matter as far as landing jobs, and because I wanted to graduate with Latin honors).
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best?  I have two siblings and get along very well with my sister.
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it?  Breaking Bad will always own my heart. Fave character goes to Gus Fring.
Is there someone that you look up to? If so, who and why?  I used to not believe in role models until I encountered Namjoon – RM, the leader of BTS. Now that's an example of a guy who's turned piles of chicken shit that was pelted violently towards him into perfect, pristine, delicious chicken salad. I feel like he is ARMY's unofficial therapist too lmao; he's always spewing out creative metaphors in describing life and its realities while still steering such realities to something hopeful and positive. He's a born writer, a born artist, and a born leader.
Do you take surveys on other sites besides Bzoink?  I used to get my surveys from Bzoink but have never made an account on there; I've only ever openly done this here on Tumblr.
When did/will summer start for you? The warm season started in April and ended around July.
Do you have a poor eyesight? If so, what is the power of your eyes?  I have horrible eyesight. I think we do the levels differently in the Philippines but in any case, the last time I had new glasses done my left eye was around 160 and my right eye at 400+.
…do you use glasses or contacts for it?  Glasses. You could never get me to wear contact lens.
Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what?  I'm sure I have. A bunch.
What would you consider to be your most valued possession? Why?  My ticket to Yoongi's concert, because it was the happiest day of my life.
Are you ever satisfied? Or are you one of those people who always want more? I'm a perfectionist who's trying to slow down and be satisfied with whatever it is I accomplish. Done is better than perfect.
What were you like as a kid?  Too shy you could barely feel my presence anywhere.
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treadmilltreats · 7 months
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Judging before you know the facts
So recently, I was watching Beckham on Netflix. It was a documentary about David Beckham and his wife, Victoria Beckham Aka Posh, spice. Now I never knew the backstory of them, but what I saw on social media made me assume that they were 2 rich snobs. Yes, shoot me, I am human, and this occasionally happens to me too. I judged them.
Watching this documentary showed me the backstory on who they really were and how they got here. It was nothing like I thought.
He was a world-famous football (soccer) player in England. Loved by all and one mistake at a World Cup game made him the most hated person in the world. They take football seriously in Europe.
They called him names, spat on him, and even had death threats against him and his family. He had just met Victoria, and they were falling in love. Both of them were in their early 20s, and this fame was extremely hard on them. Can you imagine the whole of Europe hating you? And you thought a few internet trolls were bad.
How he kept going in spite of that is beyond me. It definitely would have broken many people. But with the love of his woman, family, and teammates, he persevered. He went on to make a comeback winning the first in 20 years for England, the world's cup.
Now look how fast we are to judge. I only saw what I saw on social media. I didn't know the back story. Imagine if we stopped for a second before we judged and took the time to look at maybe what a person is going through before we judge. How many of us would change our tune? I felt sorry for him and his family, I no longer thought they were snobs, but 2 human beings holding on to each other through this shit storm that was his life.
So today, my friends, my takeaway from this is to all of us, myself included, don't judge someone so fast. You have not walked in their shoes. You may not know what they are going through. Have compassion for others and an open heart because one day, this could be you in this position, and wouldn't you want others to treat you like that.
Let us all remember that he who had no sin cast the first stone. Yeah.. that.
"Be the change you want to see,"
@Treadmilltreats"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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Zenitsu: so, what's your favourite drink?
Inosuke: mountain juice
Zenitsu: you mean mountain dew, like the soda?
Tanjiro, sighing in defeat: water....he means water
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I've had two days FULL of stuff. So I'm gonna tell you all. Okay, the premise is that, for those of you who don't know, I am studying at the last year in an artistic high school. In the first two years I had a teacher that was my personal John Keating. I am not exaggerating when I said I basically lived two years of Dead Poets Society, but better, because reality is way more powerful.
I won't get into the details of why this teacher is so great, and I'll directly get to what happened at the beginning of this school year: she asked me and a few other ex classmates and friends to write something about those two years, because she was working on an academic article on her project and her different methods, and she would've liked to have the point of view of the students, too. She told us we had all the time we needed so me and my best friend managed to finish it at the beginning of march. She called us and she said that a good university of my country had called her and asked her to explain the project in two lessons, so, she asked us to come with her because, she keeps saying, "the project is also yours" (we were the first and last class to see it completed from start to finish, the others either saw the work in progress or were stopped midway through it because of covid, soo we were sorta the beta testers for it).
Yesterday was supposed to be the first half of the lesson. The one where my teacher explains everything, quite in-depth, quoting the studies it's based on, how it works, etc. (Side note: this is the part that I was most interested in, because I want to do this job, I want to become an art history teacher like her, so I was dying to finally get the chance to attend this class). My current teachers at school were all excited to have two student from our school, me and my friend, go and be sort of co-spokeswoman with one of our school's teacher. We all agreed we could simply stay in an empty classroom for the hour and a half, with a computer, on teams, and our teacher would let us not attend the regular lesson.
It was a triumph, for us, because the project has always been a thing that the school considered to be useless, time-wasting, stupid, even "dangerous" sometimes (yknow. just like in dps when the headmaster tells Keating that his job wasn't to make us think, etc etc). We thought, finally, it's getting the recognition it deserves! This will make the school feel more prestigious, because, cmon, how many times do some high school seniors end up answering the questions of uni students? Some of them were 5 years older than me! So we thought, finally, they will understand it was a nice project after all, finally they'll let the teacher do her project peacefully, at least.
Well, we went to school, at 8am we went to the headmasters offices and asked for the wifi password, they told us to come back at 10am because the guy who knew it wouldn't be here any earlier, we went back at 10am, they told us they didn't agree to make us participate and that us, two 19yo students with our media of grades over 9 (for those of you who don't know the grading scale, it goes from 2 to 10, nine at the last year is pretty fucking good), couldn't stay in an empty classroom alone, with a teacher of the school literally watching us from the screen. Oh, and both of us were/are class presidents, so, our teachers knew us to be responsible. We then asked them to give us permission to go away, and they told us that to do that, they had to have permissions from our parents. We told them we're legally adults so it wasn't necessary, they said they didn't care. We called our parents, and they told us we didn't say it "in time", because you need to send an email before 10am. I couldn't see from anger. They told us we could do it IF the teacher we were supposed to be with during that hour approved. So, since mine was one of the three that were telling us all this bullshit, I begging him, and he said, of course, no. So I couldn't attend that lesson. I had a one in a million chance and they fucking ruined it. And you know what's fun? It was him who told me to come to school and not skip the day, that he would've let me use one of the three periods I had with him.
I cried like I never did before, my body was shaking and my stomach was hurting and at some point I didn't even have tears left to cry, literally, my eyes burned but they were dry, because man. It felt like the ending of the film, but way worse, because, as I said again, it was more powerful. I had the permission to go cry in the hallway and not in the classroom because I really couldn't help myself. One of the janitors came to me and tried to help but I was too fucking sad and she clearly didn't know how to help, she just said that things get better, and this is the way the world goes, and stuff like that, and then, she asked me what teacher was I talking about. I said her name, she replied oh, I figured it. It could only be her. And I was like, fuck, and I began crying even harder. Then, she told me that this was her last year in this school, too, because it's pretty sure that she won't be confirmed for another year.
Then 'my Captain' called me and said that the headmasters called her to tell her that if I still tried to take part in her lesson she would've faced a lot of troubles, so she asked me not to do anything, while trying to console me and calm me down, and said lots of cute things that made me cry even more, until the teacher who allowed me to cry in the hallway came outside to ask me what was going on, I didn't speak, ended the call, and then she just asked me to come back and kept on talking about Joyce. At the end of the period, my Italian teacher, friend of my Captain, looked for me, and told me to keep on crying to make the dickhead feel at least a little bad about it.
The three periods with that dickhead arrived and I couldn't help but kept on crying for an hour, then proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the periods. He let me do nothing for all his periods without saying a word. To think that I could've listened to a final lesson with my captain... and supported her, too, because she told us she was facing a quite rough time... ugh. Nothing. Wasted time.
Today, there was the last half of her lesson, but it was done with the participation of another teacher and it was more an hour of questions and answers than an actual lesson. I wanted to attend the first half, the crucial part of it. Still, I didn't go to school today and stayed home to attend this half lesson, and it was quite nice, in the end, even if the other teacher was the most ordinary teacher in the world (that is to say, she had nothing to teach) and said a lot of bullshit. Me and my friend were asked a few questions, we answered them quite nicely despite the absolute panic that it is to have to answer to questions of uni students when i am just a kid, still, and my teacher was asked what books about the studies the project was based on she recommended and she gave almost 20 books, so now I have LOTS of stuff to read. It was nice. At the end, she made a groupchat with me and my friend to thank us, and she was, as always, super fierce and lovely.
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baezdylan · 3 years
so i watched dps again, and keating’s quote “beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for” made me think of how in your writing scrapbook of flowers, you purposefully distinguished between romantic and platonic love, and i love that in this quote he lists both “romance” and “love” which i saw as him recognising that not all love is romantic. idk i just wanted to share with you, i thought it was kinda cool <3
That's exactly what I was thinking! I'm so glad Keating acknowledged it. I love that he didn't say friendship? He just classified friendship as love, which it is. Love means so many different things to so many different people. I firmly believe it's an unique experience for all of us. I think he listed romance separately not because he thought it was more important than other kinds of love, but because he wanted to highlight how not all love is romantic (and how love isn't lesser than romance). I'm literally jumping with happiness, I rarely see anybody talking about it and now, you noticed it too and connected it to my writing🥺. I'm so honoured. Dead poets society is one of the major inspirations for my storybook and reading this meant a lot🥺. I really need to get back to writing it. Thank you thank you thank you for this. It really did make me smile.💕💕💕💕💕
PS. this gif reminds me of you🥰
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treadmilltreats · 1 year
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Getting scammed
In today's world, there are so many scammers out there trying to take advantage of people.
There's the dating scammer, who steals others' pictures and pretends to be them. They sweet talk you into giving information and then will ask you for money. Some lonely people, will really think that this person is into them and fall for it. It's sad that there even has to be a show called Catfish, that calls out these people.
There are the scammers on social media who tell you you won something and fill out this link or that link to try to get your personal information.
There are email scammers and now text messaging scammers telling you that your credit cards are frozen or to go through a link to get to your Amazon or PayPal account. Again praying on people who aren't tech-savvy.
I remember getting one such email that said there was a breach in a hospital I went to. They said click here and I did then they said call this number which I did and they started asking me for personal information. That's when I said I'll call you back. I immediately went on Google to see if there was truly a breach, which there was but I went one step further and called the hospital itself to ask if they were using this service to give a free credit report for everyone for one year.
They gave me the number to call the service to join. I felt I did my homework enough to proceed.
Recently I saw an ad for a personal assistant for a real estate agent. I reached out to her and she said it was 400.00 a week to post some ads for real estate under my Facebook marketplace.
I asked who was paying for them, she said no one. Which didn't make sense, so I asked why didn't she do them under her Facebook account.
She didn't answer but kept trying to hire me. I decided to Google Facebook job scams involving the marketplace. And Bam! There it was, many people had been scammed by ads like this. I went one step further and searched her name in the Department of Professional Licensing and guess what? Nope,
nothing there. I then called the DPRS and turned her in for fraud as she is going around saying she is a licensed real estate agent.
These stories are crazy and these scammers are getting better and better at this game. We must remember
that we have to be careful, and we must always listen to our gut feelings.
So today my friends remember that unfortunately there are all kinds of scammers out there, please check it out before potentially being scammed.
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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treadmilltreats · 1 year
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How the world has changed
I love Facebook's remember when because it reminds me of events that I may have forgotten or didn't realize happened so recently or so long ago.
This morning as I was going through I saw so many of my posts about what the world was like a few years ago. We were on lockdown, covid was spreading like wildfire, people were dying and on top of that there were riots all around the world about black lives matter. In all my years on earth I had never seen anything like what was going on during this time.
It felt like the world was imploding on itself. People had so much anger and hatred and most people were just scared of what was going to happen in the fKaren?
I even remember my girls asking me if the world was coming to an end and I honestly couldn't answer them. None of us knew what was going to happen.
I can't imagine what people who had depression issues or anxiety attacks were going through during this time. I look back and think, did we learn anything? Has the world changed because of this? Unfortunately, It doesn't seem like it.
The left is still against the right. Our freedoms are being taken away little by little every day. There are still mass shootings and definitely no different gun controls. Black men are still being shot senselessly without any justification or reprocussings.
If you follow me you know that I try to look for all the lessons in whatever life throws at me. In the good and the bad but others don't see the world like I do. Many people don't want to take responsibility for their actions, or admit to failure or wrongdoing. As if that would make them look bad or less than in others eyes. But we all must stand up and take responsibility for the state the world is in right now.
We allowed politicians to lie to us, to do things that don't benefit the whole instead of just the upper 10%. We haven't spoken up enough for the rights of others when we could have and now our own beliefs and rights are slowly being chipped away at.
People are going without food and shelters in the United States of America!
We are leading into a third world country right in front of our eyes and yet there is no change.
So today my friends, like I always say at the end of every blog, be the change you want to see. I believe that wholeheartedly, we can all change at any time, if we choose to do so. It takes one person to stand up and say enough is enough. One Rosa Parks to say I will no longer stand for this to make a difference. We all need to take responsibility and be that change we want to see.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats
Instagram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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How far I've come
When I look back I can't believe how far I've come. I've grown and changed so much in the last 10 years, more than in any other time in my life.
I saw a remember when on Facebook and it was right after my bitter divorce. I was so filled with anger and rage, so much so that I remembered being in church one Sunday and my Bishop was preaching about prayers. He said you have to pray for everyone, even your ex's. I turned and looked at my church husband and said "I pray he gets hit by a big bus!"
Yes, I did right there in church and yes, my church husband was just as shocked he said "Girl you're in church" I said "Isn't this where I need to be real?"
I was being real, that is exactly how I felt. Pray for him? Are you kidding me? He got everything, he still kept his lifestyle, meanwhile I'm working 3 jobs. He controlled me for 24 years wasn't that abusive enough? But that day I found out he got a cleaning girl, was planning a huge fancy vacation and was looking to buy a Maserati. Yes, I was pissed and yes, I wanted a bus to hit him.
But as I continued to go to church, I realized that God was taking care of me. As I kept growing and learning to love myself again, I started building this amazing life. I learned that I had to let go of the anger, the bitterness, the hate I felt.
Writing my book helped me tremendously, I got to write all that I felt for all those years and let it go. I realized that in order to really move on I had to forgive and let it go. I couldn't be jealous or mad about what he was doing, I needed to forgive him for what he did...for me not him.
If I didn't let go of it, it would have eaten me up. It's like taking poison and wishing someone else dies. Seriously? My anger and bitterness wasn't affecting him, he was obviously going on with his life but it was definitely affecting my life. I needed this for me.
Was it easy? Oh hell no, at least once a week I would fall off the wagon and think about that bus! But I kept praying that I would forgive and let it go.
Eventually and definitely not overnight I did forgive him and myself and yes, it still took a while to be able to pray for him but in time that came as well. I realized that when I did that I opened myself up to more blessings, to a freer mindspace, to a bigger heart. This changed me and my life, I no longer am jealous or even care about him. Let him live and be happy, do you boo! Because I sure as hell am doing me!
If you believe in karma,and I certainly do. Well, karma never forgets and we all have to live up to what we did and the hurt we caused others. I know I am just fine in this department as I learned to ask forgiveness and learned to forgive.
So today my friends remember, we are never too old to learn, to grow. We can learn to let go of the hatred that is eating away inside of us. We can learn to forgive and move on without bitterness and anger. But you must be willing to change, you must do the work and even if you slip and fall, keep going because you will get there… to a place of peace and joy, that is free from all of that, so as I say at the end of every blog..
"Be the change you want to see"
Join our women's community @SoulSistersSoulution
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats
Instagram: treadmilltreats
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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A community of women
All through time there has been a community of women. Back when there were tribes, the men would go hunt and the women in the community would come together to cook and clean and watch all the children. In the 1900's in neighborhoods all over the world everyone knew you and watched out for you. Even if it wasn't your mother, if they caught you doing something wrong they would reprimand you and then tell your mother.
Something happened at the end of the 1900s, technology came to play and we became a me society. Women went to work, kids went to daycare and we lost our communities. All of a sudden women were competing with men but also with other women. They didn't see sisterhood, they saw winning at all costs and we lost that sisterhood. As time went on and more reality shows came on like The Housewives of who gives a shit, it seemed normal for women to put down other women, to stab them in the back and to be down right cruel to one another...this became the new norm.
I didn't have that community growing up, that circle of women friends. I was a Tomboy, I only had one girlfriend and all guy friends and to be honest teenage girls are mean, they are hateful and I wasn't about the drama as I never had any growing up an only child. I liked peace, I liked the calm and Boys didn't come with any of that.
I only realized what I was missing out on when I got into college, it was then that I expanded my circle and started to find more women friends.
By the time I was married, I had built myself a tribe of female friends. We did things with our children, we helped when one of us were sick by stepping up getting their kids ready, dressed, fed and taken to school. We were our own support system, we were there for one another when things in our lives were crazy and it seemed like we would scream if one more kid said she's touching me. Yes, I know you're laughing because we've all been there, when your family is eating on your last nerve, who do you turn to? Yes, your tribe, your sisterhood to calm you down, to give you a shoulder to cry on, or a big glass of wine and tell you it will be okay.
I know I definitely couldn't have gotten through my abusive marriage and raising my girls without my sisterhood. I'm not sure how we lost this community but I am determined to get it back.
I want others who feel alone, single mothers who are doing it on their own, women in the second half of their lives and young girls to know that there is a tribe for them, a sisterhood who is there, to support you, to uplift you and carry you if need be, to a better place.
I don't want anyone to feel alone like I did for so long when my ex husband pulled me away and isolated me so he could keep control and this happens to so many women out there.
I want you to know we are here for you, The Soul Sisters Soulutions, a group of women, a safe community for you to find your tribe.
So today my friends, please join our tribe, we are waiting for you, we love you and we can't wait to meet you, sisters.
Join us at @SoulsistersSoulutions
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"
Join our women's community @SoulSistersSoulution
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats
Instagram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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