#if you want your hint then look at the punchline ig!
spooksicl-e · 1 year
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floralkittygambler · 3 years
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@critical-hazbin @devils-advocutie @what-the-hazbin I have Gasu on notifs because I really loved the quality of his fanart (Velvet needs love ❤️). Confirmation hes part of the team, as well as designs some merch and runs the Val account (Good on him! His art is incredible, again Velvet needs more love ❤️) but I wanted some thoughts on this. Firstly, the auto translation is gonna be shit bc they usually are but I’m interested in the focus on Val’s sex appeal and staff interactions with the characters.
Personally, Val’s sex appeal. It’s subjective I suppose? But I feel making a pimp have that is really good PROVIDING it’s backed up with why it’s dangerous and the vile nature of such people in a genuinely threatening manner (publicly, he needs to show more affection to Angel and Vox in a way that seems believable, partnered with subtle hints that it’s fake and he’s a pos. avoid teen drama as it can look fun and appealing to kids!
As for staff interactions with fiction, do that in your own time and have fun - I implore! However when you’re publicly and professionally representing a product and company, you NEED a set layer of professionalism as well as empathy towards the consumers and your products potential impacts on them. This is TWO staff members publicly romanticising and interacting with a fictitious character in ways to appeal to ships and profession. Probablyfakeblond and Gasu have now publicly done this - now with younger audiences, this is dangerous to make pimps JUST seem ‘sexy’ and ‘quirky’, and make their behaviours seem fun. Because pimps really don’t care if you’re legal or not. An insecure teen who’s easily influenced and desperate enough for love, money or ‘clout’ is a walking dollar sign as far as they’re concerned. These folks are EXCELLENT at manipulation and reading body language. Val just appears... stupid, to be honest. And his faux teen drama excuse of a love life with Vox just makes both their threat levels seem disgustingly low and comedic - even the abuse is supposed to be a punchline (and if it’s not, this is a terrible way to present that).
Overall, these accounts could be fun and interesting insights to the HH/HB universe, but that potential is wasted on staff publicly making a teen drama of every character, ships being a focus, many characters being neglected INCLUDING main characters, personalities nullifying any decency in a good designed character, publicly interacting with characters in an almost ship bait way, clear displays of self indulgence, these making more of a mess of an already poorly stringed together plot line and overall...
The lack of professionalism and visible breaks in the fourth wall for staff indulgence (which almost shows off a privilege of the team in a NEGATIVE way - the privilege is in the art/characters/plot building NOT you’re ability to have people potentially ship you with your favourites, it’s blatantly unprofessional) is just... I COULD say cringeworthy at best but that just feeds into cringe culture (though I think we’d all cringe at someone walking on a path of Lego’s barefoot - make that the new cringe culture, things we cringe at legitimately whilst some madlad just doesn’t give a fuck and faces it - jackass style). In reality it’s lack of professionalism that seems to dismiss real toxic behaviours as quirky humour is appalling for a business. As a business woman, this really makes me nervous of the hands these shows are in as well as the mixed messages, lack of research and lack of compassion for the real world effects. The promotion of toxic behaviours being a ‘quirk’ (sexual harassment being ‘cute/romantic’ to full on abuse) especially towards the influencial minds of the audience is terrifying. The real message won’t just be lost - it already IS. Maybe I’m being too paranoid, but once you have kids in your life, you see the effects so much more clearly and it’s terrifying.
The staff aren’t treating this with the sensitivity it needs. It’s just a shagfest, self indulgent, imbalanced, plot holed, immaturely handled mess. I’d expect better behaviour from the staff - and this isn’t even roughing upon the member who appears to have some disturbing fixation towards rape. It isn’t just upsetting, it’s terrifying. They’ve let the underage work illegally on the products (Al comic - FULL ID PROOF IS A MUST IN HIRING). There’s been numerous accusations of art theft that are brushed under the rug, I’m incredibly concerned. Though it’s clear this is going to be a fucking mess. When Blitzos IG posted about “Wish me luck” on him having sex to keep the Grimoire, there was a glimmer of reality - fans actually showing concerns for the feelings of deep discomfort from Blitzos side. That is before Stolas posted, then all memories of Blitzos feeling were lost. Husk being upset with Angel or uncomfortable leads to fans harassing HIM for being ‘rude’ or ‘needing to apologise to Angel’ - why? For being uncomfortable? There’s a LOT of victim blaming for “uwu gae ships” that fetishisizes gays (gays are fuckin PEOPLE not some kink-) and then the canon gays such as Chaggie are given so much shit for “crushing fan dreams like chalastor”. Funny how compatibility is involved their but the second Husk and Blitz show discomfort and no compatibility, it’s “but it’s true gae lovezzz” - how disrespectful to sexual harassment victims (ESPECIALLY male victims who people already treat as a fucking joke-) as well as turning a sexuality into a kink. I’ll be honest, rl person x fiction isn’t my issue - it’s how they’re handling it. Are the staff a part of this universe then? Why? What do they contribute? Why is this their story? Or is this self indulgence that fellow staff and fans can uwu ship? There’s nothing wrong with real x fiction but their needs to be a limit (fixation is unhealthy and self indulgence so openly is far from professional standards).
PLEASE don’t fuck this up SpindleHorse. There’s potential here for something original and enthralling, please don’t waste this over temptation and immaturity.
Sorry to tag less and I hope you all can see this, just unwell.
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
Tall Tales and Short Stories
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Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Words: 1300+
Summary: You manage to befriend the strange janitor at your college.
Based on the request by: @becca-boop1310​
Warnings: Bullying
A/N: My hiatus is over. Miss me?
[General masterlist]
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Nobody ever notices the people in the background. Nobody thanks the lunch lady for serving food, nobody asks the librarian how their day was, nobody ever says hello to the janitor. And that's exactly what Gabriel was counting on.
As the janitor of Crawford Hall University, the Trickster could go anywhere, listen in on anyone, and nobody would bat an eye. It was the perfect disguise, hiding in plain sight. Nobody would ever know, hell nobody would ever ask, who he was.
Except to keep up this cover, sometimes Gabriel actually had to do- ugh- work. He was an archangel, for crying out loud, and he was sweeping the floor!
Cafeteria duty always sucked the most. The mess hall looked like a hurricane had hit it once the students moved out. And dear dad, the jocks ate like there was no tomorrow and cleaned up like there was no trash can.
Today was no different. The students at the university were sitting at their tables of cliques, chattering on about midterms. Honestly, it was worse than high school.
The sounds of a tray clattering to the floor notified Gabriel that it was time to move out of the corner and do his dumb job. A student was on their hands and knees, grabbing items that had been spilled, and trying to put them back on the tray.
“Don’t worry, kid. I got it.” Gabriel assured you.
Reluctantly, you got up and out of the way. Some students were still snickering, pointing at the pasta sauce that now covered your shirt. You’d been walking when all of a sudden a foot appeared out of nowhere, sending you hurtling to the ground.
“You got two left feet, freak?” Curtis, the head jock and Crawford’s reigning asshole, guffawed.
“I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, you’re on the football team.” You sassed.
Curtis clenched his fists with anger, but you ignored him. Gabriel tried to hide a smile at your perfect comeback.
You smiled at the janitor once he’d cleaned up. “Thank you.” You said, quietly.
The man smiled. “Hey, just doing my job.”
Back to being wallpaper, it was, to the both of you, not that you minded. While Gabriel used it as a disguise, you used it as protection. It meant fewer people to bother you, fewer people to use you as a punchline.
Curtis turned back to his friends, immediately forgetting you existed. “You hear about the professor?”
“I heard he tried to get tail and got murdered.” One of his friends retold.
The jock snorted. “No way. He just took a nosedive from his office.”
Ah, so the news was spreading. Gabriel felt a little pride that his work hadn’t gone unnoticed. But at the same time, this might attract unwanted attention.
“You think it’s the ghost of room 669?” A girl piped up.
“Ghosts? God, you’re starting to talk like the weirdo.” Curtis scoffed, looking in your direction. “Like seriously, I’d rather slow dance with an alien than read one of their dumb stories.”
Gabriel crossed his arms. This pledge master had a reputation for being a bully. You stood up to him, which Gabriel admired, but it didn’t look like Curtis would change. He’d just made his way onto the trickster’s list of targets.
Was it dangerous? Yes. Did it only make the pair of hunters that had recently arrived more suspicious? Yes. But was making Curtis think he’d been abducted by aliens, probed, and forced to slow dance worth it? Hell. Yes.
The rumour spread around campus like the plague in medieval England. People were talking about the pledge master who’d been rambling on about aliens like a madman.
It felt like poetic justice to you. You were glad to finally have some peace. Even more, it would make a great short story.
It was time to head home. Most had already left the campus. You liked this little bit of time. Just you and your thoughts.
“Hey, hold the door!”
Well, you, your thoughts, and the janitor. You stopped the door you exited out of before it could close and pulled it back open.
The janitor, hands full of boxes, walked through. “Thanks, sugar. Guess who put off moving supplies? Now an entire wing is out of toilet paper.”
You laughed. “Here, let me help you.”
His eyes peeked over the mountain of boxes and you could see his brow furrow. “You sure? It's pretty late.”
“It's fine, I live pretty close. I don't mind helping.” You replied.
“I'd offer you a hand, but…” The janitor said, causing you to laugh again. “My name's Gabriel.”
It had been over a thousand years since he said that. Over a thousand years since he had used his real name. He could have told you anything. Loki, Griffin, Sam, Richard, all past aliases. Yet somehow, he trusted you enough to say 'Gabriel'.
“Nice to meet you, Gabriel,” You said, taking a box from the top of the pile and carrying in your arms. “I'm Y/N.”
“Y/N, yeah! I've seen you around campus. Always with a notebook. You a creative writing major?”
“Yeah. I want to be an author in the future.” You confessed. “Don't think I ever will be, though.”
“What? No way!” Gabriel exclaimed. “I bet you're an awesome writer. Tell you what, we meet up for coffee tomorrow and you read me something from your notebook.”
“What? No! My stories are-”
“Erotic?” Gabriel asked with a smirk.
You tried not to laugh. “No! I was going to say horrible. Besides, what would I get out of it?”
“A free coffee and seeing me out of uniform?” Gabriel said, wiggling his brow.
“Okay, okay. I guess I need a beta reader anyway.” You complied.
“Awesome,” Gabe said, setting the boxes in his arms on the ground and taking one from you. “It's a date.”
You smiled and walked off, Gabriel was glad you finally started to talk to him. You may not have been popular, but you didn’t care. You fought back.
A cowardly archangel had to admire that.
You jogged into the small coffee shop, the aroma of ground beans hitting you right away. Your eyes scanned the room, searching for Gabriel.
The college janitor was sitting at a table in the corner, one hand holding a tabloid, the other stirring a whipped-cream covered hot chocolate monstrosity with a teaspoon.
“Sewer gators?” You asked, the faint hint of exhaustion in your voice.
“Crazy what people will believe, huh?” Gabriel replied with a grin. “Glad you can make it, Cupcake.”
You sat down, taking off your shoulder bag and placing it on the floor. “Sorry I’m late, I slept in.” You sighed.
“Not a problem. Want me to get you something? It’s on me.” Gabriel offered.
“Oh, I can’t-”
“Relax, sugar. It’s the least I can do.”
Finally, you complied, giving Gabriel your order. As he walked off to the counter, you couldn’t help but stare a little. He looked good in casual wear, especially from behind.
“So, how long have you been working at Crawford Hall?” You asked once Gabriel sat back down.
“Six years.” He replied. “Might quit soon.”
“Oh.” Your face fell. “Why?”
Gabriel couldn’t exactly say ‘because there are hunters on my trail and I’m not in the mood to get a stake through the chest.’
“Just have better things to do, I guess.” Was the excuse. Not a lie, just not the full truth.
“I can understand that.” You sympathised. “I’ll miss you.”
Gabriel grinned, tapping his fingers gently on the table top. “Aww, you care about me. I’ll miss you too.”
You smiled, hoping your cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. You took your laptop out and placed it on the table, turning it on. “You sure you want to read my stories?” You asked.
“More than anything,” Gabriel replied.
Suddenly being a janitor didn't seem like the worst thing in the world to Gabriel.
~ Murdoch’s tag list - want to be added or removed? Send me an ask! ~
All fics: @alexanderhamlinsin @a-r-c-h-a-n-g-e-l @ashiewesker @ashtheironbat @authoressskr @baritonechick @blessedbebucky @crowleysprincess159 @cynda-kiwi @d4rzill4@eileenlikesyou-maybe @ellienovak @fayemenelmir @feelmyroarrrr @gabriels-depressed-angel @hiswickedkitty @hunters-hiraeth @kristaparadowski @lenawiinchester  @like-gabriel-and-castiel @madelineannmolder  @negansgrimes  @oldpaperfan  @sdavid09 @shrimpdrake @sumara62 @team-barry @thehowling1234 @thewhiterabbit42 @treitike@tenderlybeautifulbarbarian @tyrex15 @unsink-the-titanic
Gabriel: @elven-leaf @hiddles-and-skittles @hp-hogwartsexpress @im-gabriels-bitch @jannalionheart @elenawrit
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