#if youre trolling and looking for a reaction other than this then i guess look elsewhere cause im not interested lol
dingodad · 4 months
trolls sleep in sopor slime to help with nightmares, but the text is not really explicit about the meaning or origin of these nightmares so i guess it makes sense that there is some confusion about their nature. but the way i see it there are two main ways of looking at it.
a) the "terrible visions of blood and carnage that plague the dark subconscious of [trolls]" do not occur through some supernatural means. they are just the natural result of trolls being forced to take part in a baby arena as soon as they are born and then being subjected to unrelenting retraumatisation throughout their whole lives. this has always been the answer i have found the most compelling, and though i think it is perhaps the answer that is the least beholden to homestuck's themes, i don't necessarily think it is mutually exclusive with any of the other answers, particularly on a symbolic level.
b) the "terrible visions of blood and carnage" are "because of" something. generally this answer is related to the idea that was popular some years ago (but whose origin i do not really understand) that "trolls being violent is a myth" or "doc scratch (supernaturally) made the trolls violent", and itself has two main arguments.
first and by far the most popular is the horrorterror explanation. this has some merit as a widely held belief because it is fundamentally based on stuff that is in the text. we know - or can at the very least surmise - that horrorterrors are the source of nightmares, and that although they are not strictly malevolent their messages tend to be frightening thanks to their 1) forms which are hard for a mortal mind to comprehend (i would not strictly call this a 'vision of blood and carnage') and 2) ongoing slaughter at the hands of lord english (which i would consider to be such). we also know doc scratch provided alternia with its own personal emissary to the horrorterrors as part of his own design, and gl'bgolyb was known to provide feferi with cautions about trollkind's oncoming extinction, in a way which would seem to mirror the noble circle's own warnings. gl'bgolyb needs to fed to keep her voice at a whisper, because anything louder than a whisper results in widespread psychic death; it makes sense, to an extent, that a much more subdued version of this glub might result in horrifying nightmares.
but i am not convinced this is the main reason trolls suffer nightmares in their sleep, for two key reasons. first is karkat's reaction to the nightmares he experiences after his dream self dies, causing him to bump up against the horrorterrors for the first time:
what is markedly lacking, here, is any sense of recognition or callback from karkat. though there is a logic to assuming this new onset of nightmares is related to the nightmares experienced by trolls back on their home planet, karkat never draws the connection, instead speaking as if these nightmares are actually news to the trolls and not something they are already familiar with. and there is a key reason for this: at least half of the trolls, including karkat, have some kind of natural buffer between themselves and the horrorterrors, that being that they dream on prospit, with proximity to skaia, rather than derse in proximity to the void. and feferi's negotiation of more stable dream bubbles becomes yet another buffer between dreamers and nightmares, even for the dead; so having nightmares caused by the horrorterrors is something that happens under very particular circumstances, and these circumstances do not seem widespread enough to justify a whole race sleeping in slime to stem them.
the second reason i veer away from the horrorterror explanation is related to the second supernatural source these dark visions may stem from, which is the one hussie himself seems to endorse thanks to its appearance in the text:
For the subjugglators in their small numbers to keep such a large population under their control, it would be very useful to have the ability to psychically amplify fears through dreams. They may have directed their chucklevoodoos on every susceptible mind in the population. Each lowblood may have a little highblood voodoo doll lurking in their subconscious, making them too terrified to organize any sort of rebellion.
this commentary is from 2011, so it's close enough to the time the text was written that I can be pretty confident it was authorial intent; and it's also something we know for sure can cause nightmares even among prospit's dreamers. a fear of jesters psychically debilitated john for years, even where he was safe from the horrorterrors. it makes perfect sense that a bath of soothing slime might assuage the urge to crawl out of bed and deface your room with the visage of your deepest fears.
but i think this option does raise a really interesting question that perhaps opens up a third way of looking at why the recuperacoon exists... presumably it's the same alternian authority that both forces trolls to sleep with clown-related nightmares, and then makes them sleep in the same drugged cocoons that dim these nightmares. the alternian machine is seemingly both causing and solving its own problem to net zero effect. why?
we need to dispense, for a second, with the idea that trolls sleep in cocoons because slime helps them with their nightmares, and look at the more obvious justification. trolls sleep in cocoons because a cocoon is the troll version of a bed. beds are where humans go to sleep/die (in the case of a Quest Bed - but in homestuck, dying and going to sleep are symbolically the same act), receive spiritual knowledge in the realm of sleep/death, and then wake up enlightened. and for an insect, the cocoon performs the exact same function of death and rebirth.
so my theory is that the slime's purpose isn't really to help trolls feel better about their nightmares at all. i think its very purpose is to cut off the connection between the sleeping troll and the dreaming world entirely, suppressing their spiritual enlightenment. it's a buffer between trolls and the horrorterrors just like prospit is - not because the horrorterrors are somehow psychically detrimental, but precisely because they are the enemies of lord english. in the same way a lick of the trickster lollipop obscures the meat of reality with a veneer of reality, the soporific - i.e. drugged - slime obscures the frightening truth which horrorterrors represent. no doubt the chucklevoodoo puppets in every trolls' dreams are real, but they're just pretense; scare trolls away from their own dreams enough to make them reliant on the slime that will ensure they never dream any deeper.
this relates to the "computer beds" idea i reference regularly on my theory blog, but without going into too much detail: i think recuperacoons have slime in them because they're supposed to visually evoke the computers trolls use, which are also cocoon-like and filled with slime; which, in turn, is supposed to evoke jade harley's computer bed, which created a buffer between her waking self and her dreaming self in the form of the dreambot.
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sarilolla · 3 months
Now I'm thinking about Pop Trolls and what happened with them... I love making it clear in my fic that what happened with the Bergens affected them, to various degrees.
Small ramble? I guess? It's not completely cohesive
In Hanahaki, they make peace with the Bergens, but most older Trolls are still anxious around them, and only Bridget and Gristle actually know where the village is and they never go in.
In Different Beat I'm at a bit of limbo, I can see them helping Bridget which would help King Gristle and it dominos into the Bergens being happy, but there won't be a positive relationship between the two species.
In Experiment Pop... well, Bergens are genuinely huge bad guys there, and there's no way the Pop Trolls would ever willingly interact with a Bergen. There's more trauma than just Trollstice, and it affects the newer generations too meaning they can't fully get away from what happened.
I have more aus that I haven't posted but Bergen relations are spotty or bad there too, so... I guess I just think they should have been affected more
So it's all different, which is the joy of aus, but something I don't like is how glossed over the trauma of Trollstice is in the movies and the series. How long were the Pop Trolls captured and eaten? The franchise doesn't give us a definitive answer, but from context clues I would say a decade or two at the bare minimum. The first movie starts with the story where it's shown the city is built around the Troll Tree. They wouldn't get such an established city in so little time, I refuse to believe that. Trollstice was so integral to them, that the adult Bergens in the beginning of the first movie seemed like they had had a Troll their entire lives. I refuse to believe the Bergens showed up between BroZone breaking up and Rosiepuff being eaten
I want to say that realistically, the Pop Trolls were captured for 80-130 years. It may seem like a lot, but it is what makes most sense to me (feel free to debate me on that and provide your own speculated timeline). The timeline just... doesn't work properly? We don't have any set points to look at, except that in the first movie the escape was 20 years ago, and between World Tour and Band Together a month has passed. This makes it so I can fuck around with the timeline as needed, but they could have given me more to work with. So the only timeline I am working with is that at the escape, the Pop Trolls had been stuck with the Bergens for nearly 130 years, the whole Music schism happened almost 200 years ago (and while they were with the Bergens there was a generation or two who didn't even know other Trolls existed), and the Strings were made around 250 years ago? But that also doesn't fully fit with how a society evolves, so might have been even longer between all of this?
Anyway... Back to the Pop Trolls and how the Bergens and Trollstice affected them
I love making jokes in my stories about how desensitized the Pop Trolls are to death and destruction of their home. I love writing other Trolls' reactions to that. It's fun and morbid at the same time. Like the other genres can be as pissy as they want about Pop's attempted takeover so many years ago, but in a cynical way, they got their karma... Other genres had places to be safe, evolve in their own time, no huge threats, but the Pop Trolls lost that, and you can't tell me that wasn't lost for a long time
I firmly believe the Pop Trolls don't have an actual cemetery, but rather a field of flowers planted in remembrance, a Memorial. Flowers planted for the ones lost, but no bodies buried with them. Just a flower representing who they were and what they meant to their loved ones (which brings in my headcanon that flowers and flower language is a big part of Pop Troll culture). It's just in the past 20 years they actually have had bodies to bury, and those are few and far between
...I had a point to this ramble, I think. I think Trollstice and Pop Troll history is my fictional roman empire, it has genuinely gone in and out of my head since the first movie. It just hits hard
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Hello I’m a Larry but I feel like they broke up a couple of years ago. I’ll also say I’m more of a Harrie and his music makes me believe he’s been in other relationships. But I’m also willing to be convinced otherwise!! The hopeless romantic in me wants to believe in the strength of their love so I guess my question is what evidence have you gathered that makes you believe they’re still together even now? I know this might be a lot to ask. Thanks in advance !!!
I’m this close to grabbing a digital pen and correct Larry to Larrie. (Did you know it’s one of the signs of having trolls in the dungeon)
Anyway. I do want to answer.
Life. Dear anon. It’s life that taught me everything. Do tell me when you time their break up - because I’ve been here since more than “a couple of years ago” - i know it’s super easy to throw this sentence - but you’re telling this to someone who has been here lol - and I wasn’t in my diapers on the playground when these 2 fell in love. So when do you time their break up? Because you know they’ve lived half their lives in the spotlight, in this industry and time and time again -let’s just say day-by-day week-by-week only proved the immense respect, and love they feel for each other. We’ve had these naysayers like you in the years, so this is nothing new but you know what? None of you are ever able to point out a period which proves that these 2 have broken up.
This is not a movie or high school. They have fought tooth and nail for their love, for their freedom, they “hid” it when they had to, but even then- jeez it gives me chills to remember all those moments- even then an eye movement, a caring look, a hidden touch, the other’s reaction- it just gave it away. And not to mention how fucking obvious they were when they didn’t hide it and just let it all out.
Life. Because I happen to be in a loving and supportive relationship since 2007. Because love isn’t a break up - getting together- break up- getting together spiral. Love is about trust, and respect, and growing together, being better together, finding your best friend in the other, it’s about fighting for what you two have together. That’s what they did when they were babies - fighting w modest, sony, whatever you want to add here. They don’t need to fight though because as soon as the cameras stop rolling they’re an out-couple to the surprise of no-one in this industry.
Life because we have 5 people in the same band and always these 2 seem to be so goddamn unlucky to share clothes ON A CONSTANT (to be PC), who finish each other’s sentences, who when even making eye contact making the other 3 look aside to their handlers with a pale face, always these 2 who in the band disappeared at the same time, who even AFTER 1D were still disappearing from the globe at the same time and reappearing at the same time, who had to have 235 stunts running at the same time to make them straight otherwise if you strip these stunts down all you have is two singers w constant denial of their sexuality. (Remember what Sir Elton John said..), it’s only these 2 whose teams work still to this day to make you and others believe H and L aren’t even in the same continent because god save them from cutting all their record incomes.
Life. Because WHY. You cannot explain why this happened in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (you’re damn right I’ll type all the years out), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and keeps happening in 2022 spring- summer.
Life. Because you learn what is THE LOOK. What it means that “when you know you know”. Because you learn that 16 year olds don’t just utter things out like always and moving in together and home. Because it IS possible to be and still be with your first love.
Life. Because relationships do not have an expiration date, because it can happen, because it does happen. Because those looks and touches were the very thing that drew me here in the first place and you cannot fake this shit.
Life. Because you can be w your SO together for years and they’d still say they’re not willing to have ONE innocent couple tattoo.
Life. Because celebrities lie. Money talks. Paps are paid. This industry is homophobic. Media shows what is paid for. What you see - they want you to see that.
Life. Because you learn to look at what you’re not shown, what you’re not told.
Life. Because in the 242 million pregnancies people have a year, they DO show at 8 months. 🙃
And finally: Because they’ve come so far from Princess Park and that lyric fits no one and he’s a habit that he CAN’T BREAK and he’s happy to shout this out every night to his fans anon.
Life. Because the strength of these words, all their goddamn lyrics goes deep in your heart and you know it’s not just some cheap 1000 words Y/N on goddamn wattpad.
Have a nice Saturday anon! 💚💙
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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Number Twelve, fashionably late.
He's the only Zodiac troll left, so he's almost certainly CC's unseen moirail. High-class, doubletalking and nefarious – it’s time to learn what this guy’s up to. 
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin GA: Who CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
Well someone got out of the wrong side of the recuperacoon this morning.
Granted, he is talking about Vriska, so that's a pretty fair description. My guess is that he was the one commissioning doomsday devices from her. She might not even be ignoring him on purpose - after all, she's got a lot on her plate today.
GA: Overstating Our Relationship Wont Make Me Feel Very Cooperative GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok
Sounds like it was CA's use of the term crush which prompted this reaction. Apparently it's 'paler', which I think means that Kanaya's feelings for Vriska are less intense than a crush.
We know moirallegiance is romance, but maybe the romantic feelings involved aren't as strong as with a 'typical' relationship.
GA: I Dont Got To And Every Time You Take My Help For Granted I Feel Like I Got To A Little Less CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
Alright, I’m honestly starting to drown in all this lingo, but it’s still a damn fun puzzle to solve. 
Auspisticing is yet another variety of troll relationship - and it sounds like it's centered around interference. Specifically, it involves interfering with troll 'grudges', so I think it's another negative, blackrom relationship.
CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right GA: Your Black Solicitation Just Seems Really Indecent
Thanks for the exposition and Dark Flirtation, CA.
So, auspisticing is when a single individual approaches two feuding trolls, and interferes in their relationship. This is something that the feuding trolls want, so the interference carries some sort of benefit.
CA wants Vriska to stop giving him the cold shoulder, and he thinks Kanaya's auspisticing would be able to help with that. It sounds like what he's looking for is mediation.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
What's something you fear or hate that your host doesn't?
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(This was an old draft.)
2021 Sophie: I feel natural the existential issues are a given.
Beyond that, I hate internet trolling. I might argue with some people sometimes, but it's usually in the interest of a good faith dialogue. My host has no such qualms. /2021 Sophie
Current Sophie: Kind of interesting to see how my opinions changed on this. I mean, I still don't generally argue with people to troll. I try to avoid arguing with anti-endos at all anymore though. Debunking them, yes. But arguing doesn't seem fruitful. Nor does dialogue with people who aren't willing to change their minds.
Amazing what a mass attempt to get you banned and years of malicious rumors being spread can do to one's perspective.
At this point, I view anti-endos as another arsenal in my toolbox. I don't care to try to convince them that I'm valid. Only to use them to prove them wrong publicly and advance my own goals.
So... let's think of something else... and preferably something not syscourse related...
Is it weird that I can't think of anything?
I mean, even the existential issues I mentioned in the beginning aren't there anymore. I can't remember the last time I had an existential crisis. It still occasionally happens, but it's rarer and shorter now than it used to be. Really, I've never really hated much of anything.
I guess I do fear becoming my host a bit.
Especially looking back on this post and seeing how my own approach to syscourse changed over time to mirror more how my host would approach these topics.
I remember talking long ago about my source memories. And I said that I liked being a fictive. That I would rather be my source than be my host, even if my source wasn't a good person. Because she was me. Because my memories of that life were my memories. But those source memories and that other life feel so distant now as to be little more than a dream, and I find myself falling into the same patterns as my host, and sharing many of the same interests. (Except My Next Life As a Villainous. He hates that show and doesn't understands how I can enjoy it.)
And did I change because of a natural reaction to syscourse and how I was treated, or is it that the more I front or the more I proxy, the more we absorb each other's traits and I become like him? Including adopting his worst traits.
Lately, this is what I've been afraid of.
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personasintro · 1 year
Hey, hi Mimi. I hope you are doing great. MH54 left me confused and scared in every means. While reading I thought they are going to have some sort of angry confession to each other but it turned out to be angry sex. This is the first time I felt that sex between them was only sex. I mean no feelings, no love, just lifeless sex. Even while reading it I was thinking that they're supposed to talk instead of this and y/n again and again pointing out at Jungkook's cold and sarcastic tone was a matter of concern. He was like really something else in this chapter. Her realisation in the end was pretty natural but her questioning about their friendship scared the shit out of me. I am not saying that give us a good ending ( not like I don't want it but nevertheless it's your story) but the least I can ask is to not change their friendship. I MANIFEST THEM GIRL. This is the first story where I got best friends to lovers and this story will always be very special to me in many ways. I have lot more things to say but I guess this message is getting too long to read so I will end it here for now.😅
Love and care to you. Btw where are you from? If I am not wrong, anywhere in Britain??
Hm, I can tell jk's sudden coldness shocked most of you! I guess no one expected him to act that way (to be sarcastic, annoyed and all that) and maybe that's one of the reasons why everyone's coming for his neck hahaha. But! This just proves that it's rare for him to be like this. Because throughout the story (90% of it) he's a sweetheart and I'm ready to fight anyone who tells me otherwise 😤 I mean in this sex there were emotions too. It was just anger, frustration and everything they've felt ever since that argument started. I wouldn't really look for any more sad and depressing conclusions. This sex showed how much they can't be without each other (not saying that them having sex in the middle of argument is healthy). Lol. Not at all but I think it's far from toxic. They both wanted it and enjoyed it. Wasn't the best decision to make in that moment but well 🤷‍♀️ just angry jealousy sex. I also don't want to sound as if I'm lightening up the situation but seeing some of the reactions, this had to be said 😬
Thank you! I actually never said where I'm from because of privacy reasons. There are bunch of trolls here and I don't need anyone crossing any more lines than they already did. I hope you can understand and I'm sorry for not giving you an answer ��� all the love!
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fanboytoy · 1 month
Of all the fates in this world, you had never considered yours would be so gruesome as this: tied to a pole in the heart of a camp of monsters, alone and terrified. 
Uruks walked by often, sometimes laughing at you, sometimes sniffing at you or poking at you with their weapons, and other times blissfully ignoring you altogether. The smaller ones were the worst, stopping frequently to sniff at your hair or, worse, your neck, saying things about how delicious you smell (whether they meant for eating or for more revolting purposes, you dare not try to solve). The largest ones, the ones that looked like trolls but could still walk in the sunlight… they rarely even looked at you, and never stopped to sniff or laugh or poke you.
Except this one.
“Reckon you wish you were pretty much anywhere else right now, eh Tark?”
The gigantic troll-or leaned against a massive stack of barrels with its arms crossed as it looked at you. With three scratches across its right cheek and large fangs, it looked more intimidating than every other orc you’d seen so far… even the one that had nearly salivated all over you while pinching your arms and thighs. The troll-orc pushed off of the barrels and walked towards you, and in spite of the stories you’d grown up with describing orcs as dull, violent creatures, you couldn’t help but feel like it was… studying you. It stopped a few feet away and crouched, one massive hand cradling his chin in a mocking facsimile of a thinking Man.
“What? Of all the screamin’ humans, did we manage to get the only one that’s mute? Bloody shame, that.. I do like the way you lot scream.”
You can’t help the defiance in your eyes as you glare at it-- prisoner or not, you were brought up with pride and spirit, and you were not going to die like a frightened rabbit in a trap. Unfortunately, it seemed the troll-orc was amused by your show of anger. It chuckled, a sound that you could feel in your own chest at this range. Its breath smelled a different sort of foul than the others, less like fermentation and more like old blood, and up close you were able to see amusement in his eyes. It was cold, and cruel, but it was familiar… almost human.
“Name’s Brȗz… you know what a name is, don’tcha? Got one I can use, or do you prefer nicknames?” When you didn’t answer, he rolled his eyes and kept talking: “Tark’s pretty basic… could call you Meat. Or Lunch. Bit late for lunch though…” He watched you as he spoke, like he was looking for a reaction.
“Maybe I should call you Slave. Be the best outcome you could hope for… or maybe the worst. Depends if you think livin’ in all this would be better than if I just popped yer head off now.”
This time, you couldn’t hold back the whimper in the back of your throat. Brȗz-- the troll-orc’s eyes flashed, and its grin widened to show off even more of its sharp, uneven teeth.
“Well now… guess you can make some noise after all, ‘ey? Now that the ghȗl’s outta the sack, maybe you wanna have talk with ol’ Brȗz. Better way to pass the time than just pretendin’ your knees don’t ache.”
You glare up at the troll-orc, refusing to back down or appear any weaker than you already had. Resentment bubbled up in your chest, and you clenched your jaw before speaking.
“I’d rather die than make small talk with Uruk-hai.”
The troll-orc laughed, this time much more of a single sharp sound than the bouncing rumble of before. “Uruk-hai? Nah, mate, I’m not one a’ those shrakhs. I’m an Olog! Better, brighter, bigger all ‘round…” He even had the gall to wink at you on that last part, and you felt the bile rise in your throat. He stood, and at this much closer distance you could tell that he was, in fact, bigger than every other orc you’d seen in this encampment. His hands alone were big enough to hold one of you in each, fingers each as big around as your arms; his legs were like solid trees, his torso thick and wide and covered in small scars. You couldn’t help but notice the way he moved: languid, confident, relaxed-- a predator watching prey go by and knowing that at some later date, he would be well fed. 
“Even still, my question stands: why would I want to talk with you?”
The troll-orc-- Olog-- grinned. “If memory serves, you never asked me a question… you just said you’d rather die than talk. And even if you had asked, I already gave ya an answer: passin’ time.” He stroked his chin again, and this time you knew he really was thinking. “Then again… could be better things to do with your time, right? Like escapin’... or prayin’. Maybe you could figure out how to bring world peace while you’re sittin’ there on your knees!”
“Fine! What is it you want? I doubt you have any real interest in conversation, so what are you truly after?” 
Perhaps that was the moment you should have realized your mistake. The Olog’s grin widened, going from mild amusement to nearly sickening wicked pleasure.
“Oh, nothin’ much, I get pretty much everythin’ I want ‘round here on account of bein’ the biggest, baddest Olog around! You know what’s a more interestin’ question though?” You could smell its breath again, and it took everything in you not to gag when it leaned down and spoke to you in a low, rumbling tone.
“I wanna know what you want.”
This was the second moment you had to try and steer yourself away from disaster… and this time, it was easy to see. But the temptation was too much, and even if you knew you didn’t have a chance in hell to succeed, you had no reason not to say it… right?
“Simple, Olog… I want my freedom.”
“Oh, simple indeed, innit?” He replied easily, obviously expecting your answer. “I mean, all I’d have to do is go ‘round behind ya, and untie those ropes, and you’d be off on your merry little way across Mordor and back home!” Your stomach dropped as he spoke, you hadn’t realized just how much the idea of escape was going to affect you, even though you knew it was never going to happen. And the way he treated it so casually, like he was telling children a bedtime story, made your heart ache for the fields and forests you knew so well before being dragged kicking and screaming into a world you didn’t know. And the Olog, damn him, he could tell-- you knew he could tell, the way he was looking at you like you were pathetic, like you were an animal, like you were prey.
Like you were his prey.
“Well, well, well… been almost a week since you got grabbed, and at least a day on the ground there, and you know what? Reckon this is the first time I’ve seen you look so down, Slave. As much as I like watching the life fade from you Tarks’ eyes, seein’ it while you’re still breathin’... actually, I kinda like it. But I tell you what, I’m already in a good enough mood without watchin’ ya lose all hope. So how’s about I let ya out?”
The shock must have been evident on your face, had to have been, because his gaze sharpened and his grin widened on one side, and he made a noise at you that you could only describe as some fucked-up kind of purring.
“Bet you’d like that, hey? Ol’ Brȗzie lets ya out, you go free… might even make it home if you’re smart about it. Bet you’d be real grateful if I untied those ropes and watched you run off into the sunset.”
“You’re toying with me, orc… I know your kind are cruel, but if you only came here to torture me, I’m afraid you’ll be getting no more satisfaction from me today.”
“Wouldn’t be too sure about that, Slave… after all, I never said I wouldn’t do it. Just said you’d probably be grateful if I did. Might even wanna give me somethin’ nice for my trouble.”
You grit your teeth, angry now at the Olog’s nonchalance. “Perhaps, if you actually did release me, I would be compelled to give you some kind of reward.” You spit the words like venom, and in the next instant you would finally realize how fucked your situation truly was. 
“Yeah? And what will you do for me, if I loosen those ropes a little?”
Your stomach drops once again as you look at him. He’s grinning. Its grinning. When did it become a he? Why did you get the sense that he wanted something from you that you would regret giving? Why did it seem like it wanted to-- to--
The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop it. There is a moment where you look at the Olog-- Brȗz-- and you can feel regret and shame washing over you. It feels like a dozen lifetimes pass in the less than a second it takes for Brȗz to reply to you, but when he does, your cheeks heat and you swallow back a whimper of fear.
“Then let’s get some slack in those ropes, eh Slave?”
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otakebi-cam-wao · 6 months
Produce 101 Japan The Girls ep 5 - by a harowota in real time
this time written on my phone!
Part 1: Elimination????
i spoiled me w friends cuz i started to follow the eliminated trainees on insta and twitter as they started to appear and post but forgot anyways
group introduccions are always nice specially with funny/cute poses and or phrases or gimmicks, or whatever
Kassa took out her Anju chara there
Omg Ao Haru posing as アオハル
i want to talk bout the style changes
i got the same reaction to Shizuku's blonde hair, Kaela
Kaela is kinda troll, love that energy lol (i should stop talking bout the trainers and the MC of the whole show)
okay, let's start the beheadings?
Part 2: Dance Battle
i go for Nakasone cuz she's so mother but Yumeki is even a year younger than me
still Nakasone mother
oh so it depends of the year nice nice
let's see if i can recognize some (spoiled one)
2021? idk this one... ohhh the pd101 japan season 2
they're so happy
1985!!! no one thought they'd know Dacing Hero eat me up... okay
so cool Sakura (no gyaru)
2000!!!! RENAI REVOLUTION 21 OFC!!!!!!
Kassa didn't ran but danced from the class A side (my harowota hear is a bit dissapointed specially cuz Kokoro told her to go together and didn't)
Honoka and Rino? went to dance it
Nakasone proud somehow?
2010... heavy rotation ofc
Rimika did what i hoped Kassa did with rr21, ofc she knows it lol
almost everyone went running (good song and I don't like akb48, .... complex emotions with the video)
2020 ohhh.... it's kpop, i dunno, but it says wannabe
ohhh yumeki did the choreo
2023.... leap high was obvious lol
the ones who couldn't fit in the dance floor on their sides dancing ofc
now real battle by class, and genre (cute, sexy, wild)
they'll win sneakers!!!!
cute first
Sakura C class, Kagura F, Mana D, Rinon B, Yuuki A; wow Rinon mixed a bit of sexy i guess, cute Sakura... Mana cute but :/
Sexy now
Sae D, Honoka C, WOW NONOKA FROM F CLASS (awwww camera on baby Hina surprised, too much sexy for this baby to see(?)), Wow Moe B and Miu A they know for sure
okay i saw, Tsukushi (A), Ranka (F), Keiko (B) quickly
Keiko is wild indeed
now Ayano from C WOW
this is just time for the dancers of each class
Aruha nice!!!
nice Ranka
They're all so good, i go for Keiko or Aruha
mood Nakasone, OH MY GOD
B class!!! Dance queen Keiko!
the random leap high jump was amazing
awww Keiko's "minna aishiteru" after they thanked her
Part 3: ok now elimination? or well rankings
i know the one i was worrying bout got into the saved ones
oh 49th Mana (can't like her :c but let's go "grandma"), 48th Kanno Miyu, i shouldn't say these tbh... so I won't
iiiiiigh! Ranka got saved :/ she has Nomura Minami looks but her vibes throw me off a bit, good for her tho (I'm a supporter of everyone in some way)
okay, so i really clap clap Uchiyama Rin cuz of getting a bad throat and pulling such vocals
a twin (Mikoto) is in!!!! is the other twin (Kotone) in as well?
ahhh nice Yurara!!!! (I'm saying each position anyways somehow)
YESSSSSS THE OTHER INTP GIRL I LIKE (lower than how i like her but yes!!) HARUKA!!!! so cute and looks so ADHD (but shy) creature on the stage of the ones who passed!!!
words from some top 49 to 41 okay okay
lol Uchiyama, you're not allow to go back home soon...
cutie Yurara!!!!!
ok 40 to 31...
where's Kotone
Fujimoto Ayaka is the hard time seifuku no manequin team leader... right? ah yes deserved 36 with all that
... i don't like Rimika, idky but she passed
YOSHIDA HANA 33 DESERVED (obsessed with her "narcissistic my god i love it" from their love dive performance)
Husky voice 32?! MOMOKA YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!! (btw weird but interesting hair styling)
Miyu 31, she was such a nice neesan for her group, deserved
awwwww Ayaka u gonna make me cry, "pien" as S. Miu said in the mbti lab
a take bout an eliminated girl i remember
Ameri deserved better (cuz we can't vote overseas, and she knows it, liked a comment where she was told it was unfair to have eng subs but no overseas votes)
Part 4: social experiment in Korea?
the girls helping an small baby girl
ok, bby had to walk to them to talk, then they became nice nice nee-san
high queen knows korean, ofc; 3 minutes?
Jueri sensed it was a prank before the dokkiri daiseko paper was shown, nice
oh they know Korean cuz dramas lol
i feel like Ayaka might be the quick one to act?...
oh it was Rino
they started to play w bby
all got pranked and no one thought was the bby the prank
oh so Nana wants to be a teacher, she might react quicker, Tsuzumi will make her laugh i have the feeling
Nana immediately took her hand
all yelling to ask for her mom
ohhh an unrelated person got in so run for the prank paper
they're so noisy and are looking for the cameras lol!!!!
Miss Japan
so Mana decided to talk to staff while Chiharu takes care of her talking and playing
they decide to look for the mother nice
5 minutes looking around awwww Serina? pick her up to not get her tired
lol the prank paper
they laugh
so worried cuz bad at korean
Part 5: more ranking
30 to 21 ok
29 the gyaru!!!! nice
SAKATA KOTONE!!!!!!!!! 28!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! MY F TO B GIRL!!!!! and good leader
Hina bby 25 she became the little chick already, she broke her egg shell
Kitazume Sakura 22, she was really cute, and powerful, deserved!
YUI 21!!!!! YES YES, LEADER NICE NEESAN, NICE VOCALS.... also the way she was holding hands with Koto waiting who would be 21st, CUTE
20 to 12 ohhhh a longer one
Joa 20, deserved, tho I don't like her enough, VERY VERY DESERVED!
Kokona chubby cheeks 19, surprised me on performance nice nice
idk if I'd vote for Tsukushi (18) to get higher, probs cuz mic incident
OWO RINON 17 amazing, I'm amazed, really deserved
Mena 16 is so deserved, she's so idol bright, she has that thing that makes you oshi her (not my oshi)
taking advantage of Kitazato Rio 15 to say... her new hairstyle makes me think a bit of Nishida Shiori from BEYOOOOONDS on her face
Keiko 12, yes you see her and you smile, she's so funny and amazing deserved
Mena talking so idol bright! so cute! so oshi-able
I'm so proud of bby Nagomi, wanna hug her
I'm at 1hr 19 minutes?! wow one hour more to watch yet
Part 6: members choose tops
top 3 personality
so 3 chose Honoka, she's funny the few things I've seen, i agree, she's ENFP, right? expected, she's top 3
Kokoro top 2 cuz nice nee-san and someone who listens, nice
top 1 is???? Moe ohhhhh, dunno what to say i think I haven't feel like I've focused a bity bit on her
top 2 beauties?
top 2 S. Miu i can see that very well, no comments tbf
yes Miu, as an eye lover(?) you have very beautiful eyes
lol she cringed at herself after that scene thingy
ohhh top 2 was a tie, makes sense
Sasaki Kokona, i agree she's captivating even if I don't want to look at her lol
okay top 1....!!!!
goddess vibe?!
Nano, yeah i agree, like damn girl is beautiful and captivating
she doesn't want to do the line thingy
the profile pics tho for Nano and Miu... not helping
Part 7: final rank?
so the 11 fitting the debut group?
yes the top 11
wait i know this, well I'm supposed to (i know top 1 tho)
Aita Rin top 11 was surprising (i have her in my top 11) so deserved as leader, hard worker, soul strength, team mindset, all, wanna hug her cuz i feel PROUD of her
Koto 10 is so amazing! so wow, no words just WOW feelings
AYANEEEEEEEEEEEE 9!!!!! I LOVE HER, SHE'S (with Momona) MY TOP 1!!!! my INTP tism creature looking songtress with huge off stage on stage gap girly!!!! YESSSSSS (her talking is so 🥹)
Nano 8 nice nice sleepy but nice beautiful nee-san
Sasaki Kokona 7 again captivating aura, no wonder she got so many votes
cute, she says she doesn't think is good enough for that rank
Tsuzumi 6 makes me so ajsjjsjsjshsj :D she's so cute energetic full of emotion bby and good performer... awwww she got so emotional towards AoHaru, so cute bby bright smile bby
Suzu 5 nice, she has a something i can see but don't get to my top 11
cute, just cute, no comments
i forgot the top 4-2 order, i know the ones there
Kaela hurry up!!!!
ofc Ran, Miu, Kokoro and Momona fight the 1st place (I know :D who has it) WHICH WAS THE ORDER!!!!
4 is?! Miu okay okay, so then... Ran, Kokoro Kassa, right?
Miu get out of my top cuz... idk... but maybe she was evily edited... so it feels like she's a diva (as some friends said) i want to think is all due to this edit, and being ISTP cold
Ran 3 right, i liked her a lot and a friends is doing propaganda for her
cute girl, amazing, like her low voice, she seems funny but not so WOW funny
so now is Kokoro, I just know that already
but nice that rebloom where fighting the top 1, starting with their idol performance
plus both (mainly Momona cuz time, i mean since she was 13 in angerme and 12 in hello pro kenshuusei, she has like 8 years experience!) are pros
"Kokoro-chan aishiteimasu" (not in shipping way) beautiful
i want what these two have
such strong friendship
so well, Momona 1, Kokoro 2, already knew that
they're like so proud of each other!!!!! mainly Kokoro of Momona
it feels so amazing to see Kassa going up those stairs to the 1st place seat!!!!
ok top 50 is missing, who got the cut position?!
4 fighting the place 50
oofff this is hard to see
Karen, Aruha, Shion and Misaki
i want them all (yes, i forgot who didn't got there that i follow on insta)
i think Shion didn't
how low was Jueri btw? (liked her voice)
ok 50th is?!
i wanted Aruha...
but it's okay
oh god, i feel so sad for the ones who didn't make it, i hope some angencies contact them soon
they all deserved to pass
wow, Jueri got 92nd going down 15 places
third INTP girly Tabuchi Miu got 86th (tbh, i didn't saw her a lot, but sad cuz INTP too)
AMELI 79? i swear if overseas have voted she would have made it to top 50
the Moron Anon (joke joke, her name is Moro Anon, such a weird name) 74th... sad cuz she surprised me at the group battle
Iyota Hana 71... ok
you're not telling me Fuka didn't make it cuz of a 10 places gap?! ... pien
Part 8: coments random cuz didn't pay attention to the thingy with songs at the end
Kassas short hair is beautiful, i wonder if she donated her hair again...
sadly they cant sns cuz rules... so we won't know... not yet
expecting what we'll see next week... or on thursday, deppending if I can't handle the need to watch...
I'm wondering why they can't change a bit more the twins' look, it's so hard to tell them apart
someone said one have thicker and other thinner bangs and I'm like "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU KNOW THAT"
is sadder that whole groups got eliminated...
they became such good friends apparently
now i wonder what will happen if one twin is eliminated later
oh that's all...
there was a lot
well, eliminated B class girls at least get new sneakers
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samrosemodblog · 2 years
How I discovered I was Bi-Gender
My name is Sam. These days I go by Sam Rose, and I was assigned Male at birth, and I felt like telling my story about how I discovered that I identify with both Male and Female simultaneously. 
The first sign I ever felt about this was during my early childhood when people would try to use the name ‘Sam’ to insult me, saying things like “Your name is SAMANTHA, you’re a GIRL!” 
And I always distinctly remember being confused by this, because, what was wrong with being a girl? I never said that back to them, but I certainly remember it never bothering me, so I never gave them a reaction out of that bad attempt at bullying.
Really the only time I got upset about the name ‘Samantha’ was when our next door neighbor named their baby girl that, and I was more upset that there were now ‘Two Sams’ and that was going to get confusing!
After that, the next sign was when I felt like changing my username on a Forum I used to post to. I no longer remember what my old name was, but I had recently finished playing Parasite Eve 1, and had liked it so much I wanted to change my name to ‘Mitochondria Eve’.
Someone on the forum commented that ‘Eve’ was typically a girls name, and that they hadn’t expected it from me. I hadn’t realized that at the time as it was just supposed to be a cool name, but I stuck with it for as long as I was on that forum because I just liked the name.
The next sign was in Middle School, where I had a Red Jacket as a comfort item for how anti-social I was. I randomly came up with the idea that ‘How’ I wore the jacket would determine my ‘Personality’, and that I would be ‘different people’ if I wore it a certain way.
And to make it more interesting and spicy, I figured the ‘nicer’ personality would be a girl, and that felt normal to me. I even reflected this in my online persona at the time, where I was using a recolored Zero sprite from Megaman Zero, and made this ‘alternate personality’ of mine a slightly modified Amy sprite from Sonic Advanced.
This confused a lot of people online at the time, and I played it up mostly for laughs cause it got fun reactions from people trying to guess if I was girl or a guy. It may have been playful trolling, but playing with my gender had been fun even back then.
I have a hard time remembering what exactly had led to this, but at some point during High School I had decided that my ‘Soul’ was female. I played around a bunch with the idea that if I turned into a Ghost, it would be a girl floating around haunting people. But even back then, I also ‘Liked’ being a guy. So a common thing I would tell people is:
“On the inside, I’m a girl, who is a lesbian, and likes being in a boy’s body because it makes it easier to flirt with girls.”
Some people understood, others were just absolutely baffled. 
I thought it was hilarious to see people’s reactions to it back then, and that explanation wasn’t terribly far off from where I eventually ended up, just worded badly!
After High School, I eventually started focusing more on my art as I realized that was the path I wanted to pursue. And one of the things I did was finally ‘Draw’ what I looked like on the inside. I had at this point been saying my Soul was a girl for years, and I finally drew what she looked like.
And so, here is my first ever picture of myself as a girl.
She didn’t look anything like the way I draw myself as a guy, and so I felt like she deserved a name of her own to complete her. So I named her “Rose”. 
I did not realize at the time that this would confuse many people for years and years that I had a ‘Female Gender’ side of me because she was so different and barely used by me.
And so this was the limbo I found myself in for several years, a “Boy” with a “Female Soul” who was okay with being both. And it wasn’t until my all time favorite Webcomic, El Goonish Shive, introduced me to the concept of ‘Gender Fluid’ in this update, that I started to realize that maybe there was “More to what I am than I thought”
And so I used the term ‘Gender fluid’, because that’s the only term I knew for Male/Female flip-flopping, but I never felt like it completely represented me. Mostly because every other ‘Gender Fluid’ person I saw talked about having ‘Male Days’ and ‘Female Days’ and wanting to be one or the other on different days.
But I never felt that way. I just constantly felt like I was both at all times. This is why my username had become ‘Sam Rose’.
Sam was my Male half, and always presenting because I am a Male by body and voice.
Rose was my Female half, barely seen but always there.
At no point would you be wrong to call me ‘He’ or ‘She’, and if you had a preference I didn’t care. As long as you didn’t try to erase half of me in favor of the other, I never had any issues with anyone sticking to one or the other for me. Including my name. I go by Sam as much as I do Rose.
And it wasn’t until three years ago that I met someone who was deciding to go from ‘Bigender’ to ‘Gender Fluid’ because it fit them better, that I was blindsided by the fact that there WAS another choice!
At first I was hesitant to make the change to Bigender, but the more I sat and thought about it, the more I realized that it fit me. 
And so, what started off as a simple feeling of “Its cool to be a girl” eventually became “I’d like to be a girl, and I’d like to be a boy, I’d like to be both!”
The signs had basically always been there, but it wasn’t until I was almost 30 that I finally fully understood who I am. And I’ve never been more comfortable and happy with my identity as I am now.
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chaoddity · 1 year
I am going to copy most of what I wrote in my twitter pinned tweet to save time. This is long. But it detailed what was going to happen and will continue to happen. It is all very predictable. I wrote this on November 20th.
"First off, let me get something clear... it is somewhat unlikely twitter will ACTUALLY go away for good or even begin to shut down. It IS likely that the site will become buggy and annoying to use in the coming weeks and months as ... problems pile up. Trump's account being unbanned doesnt mean much in the short run because he will likely continue to use truth social... but my guess is that... come election time, when he gets desperate, he will begin using it more and more to expand his reach. Not a concern for a while.
But Elon's priorities say a LOT about the direction he wants twitter to go. Firing the people who banned Trump Unbanning babylon bee and jordan peterson (both spread transphobic bs and got banned for it). Unbanning Trump. He is currying favor with the US fascist movement.
To make matters worse, his plan to give blue checks out for cash amplifies the effects
1- right leaning voices will happily shell out the money because musk is giving what they want
2- left-leaning voices, angry with musk, will refuse We will come back to this.
Q accounts, Right wing propagandists will be parading around looking legit to people who don't know what is going on. But that's not the worst part. Going back a tweet- how i said the right would happily pay while the left would refuse?
Well, Elon plans to boost accounts that pay the 8 dollars and hide/obscure voices that do not. So those accounts that -really- want to spread hate and violence? They're gonna pay the 8 dollars. They're gonna do it. You're going to hear anti-lgbt/minority hate on full volume
Now at this point its kinda hard to predict what will happen. If liberals decide to be idiots they'll try to pay for access to argue with them. If this happens, Musk wins because they'll all be paying to fight. At which point this platform will be at it's most unbearable.
The smartest thing we can all do is let the ship sink. Elon wants to profit off chaos and madness? Give him chaos and madness, but nothing he can profit off. Do your business on other sites and troll this one.
Im not deleting this account. I am leaving it up so i can recieve DMs. Once I back up this account, Its just going to suck up resources and give them nothing. No interactions, no revenue. A complete waste."
Now, an update, on December 18th. Elon's approach has been even more heavy-handed and foolish than I expected. His recklessness is causing him to destroy his assets, the destruction of his assets is clearly making him continually more unwound, and that is causing him to be reckless. Its a cycle. He will probably get worse. A few important highlights
-Musk started banning journalists and competitors -no more links to other sites? -other members of the board of Tesla and investors want Elon ousted -his plan to ban links is against EU antitrust laws -he is so transparently pro-fascist that... pretty much everyone knows what he is doing. Which is helpful because it invites retaliation/reaction. Now a few things can go wrong at this point and most of them have to do with the media. If the media foolishly/shortsightedly decides to let MUSK dictate terms... they will be under his thumb for the foreseeable future. Media companies actually have all the real power though- social media is completely useless without content. Social media platforms exist... as the name suggests... as a platform for other people's media, to be shared socially. If media companies STAY they will be playing under his rules and allowing him to dictate the terms of their discourse - as will be his right (he owns the platform). This will create a situation where Musk becomes a power-dealer who dictates political discourse.
So it is VERY important people LEAVE twitter and let his investment collapse. Advertisers have already done the heavy lifting by pulling out!
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Okay, so, the plan for memories of mother is that I’ll be working on pre and post Kratos fics simultaneously so I can make progress in my outline while also getting to write the stuff I’m most impatient to write. So...here’s something I cooked up for Faye’s past history. This is also the fic I was writing with Hadestown as the background music, so brace yourselves, I guess. AO3 link will be in a reblog!
rose colored boy: part one
Everyone all right?
She’d asked the question so many times that it didn’t feel like three words anymore. It was one singular word with the same meaning: everyoneallright? Most were, thank their ancestors. Some in shock, some crying, some quiet with pained acceptance. But physical injuries were low, especially when you considered they’d survived a landslide. Not Aesir, for once, but a fight between two troll clans. Faye had known better than to try and break it up, especially when the nearby town was at risk. A few rocks had started flying already by the time she got there.
Faye tried not to focus on the damage, instead focusing on the fact that no one had died. They could rebuild. At least it wasn’t Thor.
How bad had things become that at least it wasn’t Thor was a legitimate upside?
“How are you?” she asked. A cluster of three giants huddled in the cave together. This trio was especially covered in sawdust and dirt. They must have barely avoided being hit. “Everyone all right?”
“Ah, Amund took a bit of a knock on the head,” said one of them. Her voice was calm, but her eyes were still distant, worried. “He’s talking, but it’s still blood.”
“Head wounds bleed a lot,” Faye said reassuringly. She turned her attention to Amund. He had dark eyes, which made seeing his pupils difficult in the low light. “Can we move him a little closer to the entrance? I just want to make sure he wasn’t hit too hard.”
Amund could walk. His eyes focused as they got closer to the light, moving at the same speed. All good signs. “Okay…” Faye helped him sit down again. “Here, let me take a look at that head wound-”
“You’re beautiful,” Amund breathed.
Faye froze.
This wasn’t the first time a man had told her that. Usually, though, it was a bit more calculated. The approach, the phrasing, all of it carefully constructed to get a positive reaction out of her. Amund, on the other hand, spoke as if Göndul of the Valkyries had landed right in front of him: earnest, even awed.
Which was ridiculous, because Faye was definitely covered in a thin layer of dirt herself and hadn’t tended to her hair in…damn. How long? Point being, she’d looked worse, but she’d also looked better. She glanced at the other giants with him. They looked just as baffled as she did, and a bit embarrassed for him. “...okay,” Faye said. “Yeah, let me look at that head wound.”
He did, at least, move his hand away. It was a good sized cut, but the bleeding had slowed, and it looked like someone had already cleaned it. “Has his speech been slurred?” Faye asked.
“I don’t think so? He…”
“I’m Amund,” the giant interrupted.
“She knows, Amund.”
“What’s your name?”
“Speech definitely not slurred,” Faye said, trying not to get too flustered. He was still staring at her. “Do you feel nauseous? Like you’re going to throw up?”
“No, the cut just stings,” Amund said.
“Well, let someone know if you start feeling worse, all right? We don’t want you dying on us.” She smiled at him and his friends before awkwardly starting to move away.
“Wait!” Amund called after her. “Wait, I have to know your name!”
Amund’s friends shushed him. Faye felt her ears start to go red. How hard did he hit his head? she thought.
Hopefully not too hard. They really couldn’t afford to lose more giants.
It had taken some adjustment, but Faye was starting to like it in the Mountain.
She was surprised by how much of a cultural center it was. The mining was certainly a centerpiece, but there was a lot of art, too. Sculpture, painting, music. Faye found herself drawing a lot more whenever she had free time. It was a nice change of pace, drawing things that were unrelated to her dreams.
She was drawing that afternoon, carefully copying down the elaborate spirals and knots of a nearby carving. That kind of work had always been harder for her to pull off without a reference. If she could just get her mind to slow down enough and let her practice…
“Excuse me?”
Faye looked up, then did a double-take. She knew the man in front of her. She knew she knew him, but she couldn’t immediately remember how. “Can I help you?” Faye asked.
The man–brown skin, dark curly hair, dark eyes that felt the most familiar–stood a respectful distance away, carefully holding a tagelharpa. “We…met a few weeks ago, I don’t know if you remember. After the troll fight? I’m Amund.”
Oh! “Right, yeah, I remember,” Faye said. She felt her blush start to return. Damn, she’d picked a bad time to shade the sides of her head. It looked good, but now there was no hiding her embarrassment. “How’s, uh, how’s your head?”
“It’s fine. Don’t think it did any permanent damage.” Amund grinned sheepishly. “Actually, uhm, I wanted to apologize for how I acted. I was an idiot, I’m sure I made you uncomfortable…I’m really sorry.”
She hadn’t expected that. Honestly, she’d been bracing herself for more flirting. “Well…you did hit your head pretty hard, so I think I can forgive you,” Faye said. “I mean it, don’t worry about it.”
Amund nodded; she thought she could still see some lingering embarrassment in his eyes. “And thank you for what you for us,” he added. “It meant a lot.”
That definitely wasn’t helping her blush. Faye still wasn’t sure how to respond to thanks. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to be thanked. She was just doing what anyone ought to: protecting her people. “You’re welcome,” she ended up saying, because that was what you were supposed to say when you were thanked. “It’s why I’m here.”
Amund nodded again. She saw his eyes flicker to her journal, a spark of interest lighting up at the image there. He smothered it just as quickly. “Well, I won’t keep you. Good luck with all the…trolls, and such.” Amund tried to wave, nearly dropped his instrument, and cursed quietly to himself as he retreated.
Faye bit back a laugh–not a mocking one, but a sympathetic one. She’d made more than her fair share of uncomfortable exits before. “Be safe!” she called after him.
Amund glanced over his shoulder to give her one last smile.
It had been a little awkward, certainly, but Faye found herself grateful for the exchange. She hadn’t had the chance to check on the people from that town, though she knew most had ended up in the Mountain. If Amund was well, there was a good chance the others were as well.
She’d take all the good news she could get.
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jusdisslotus · 2 years
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@therealredleader you are fucking disgusting
Good to know that when you’re not outright grooming kids into joining your Tord obsession cult and using them to do fetish role play, you’re mocking suicide and using AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTING TO ONE UP A MINOR FOR INTERNET DRAMA POINTS.
Even if by some miracle you weren’t this fucking stupid and were just some bottom feeding troll looking to get a reaction out of people, you’d still be a child groomer in 3 ways. One for sexual roleplay, two for your Tord cult, and 3 for just general manipulation and exploiting them for your own gain, pressuring them into doing your dirty work. And again, you knew his age, and like the disgusting freak you are, you tried to gaslight him into believing it was his fault.
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Not to mention, going around calling minors SLUTS, even though you always bragged about how you used a dragon dildo, even though you apparently never knew about ripping your hymen and always brag about how sexually free you are.
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AND you brought up the recent Texas school shooting and wished someone you hate was in it. The shooting that took the lives of over 20 people, most of them being CHILDREN, and you bring it up for petty internet drama. And, btw LITERALLY HAPPENED ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO. I remember when you told me that you hoped I would die in a school shooting, and you still use that as an insult 3 years later.
Also, “I hate you so much, that you make me want to get pregnant and abort the baby over and over again because that is how much you’ve made me hate kids.” AS IF ANYONE WOULD WANNA STICK THEIR DICK INTO YOUR UNWASHED, PATHETIC ASS 💀💀
I remember how you bragged about how beautiful you were and how your tits are grapefruit sized, how you look like Jessica rabbit but not once have you shown us what you look like. Go on, take a photo so everyone can see that you’re just as hideous as your fucking art. OH-but lemme guess, you’re not gonna do that, because you know I’m right. 🗿
You’ll never go anywhere in life Commando, and this is why. Your personality is atrocious; it’s just as ugly and stagnant as your art. You never improve, you never change; you’re 26 years old, grow the fuck up. You deserve to end up friendless and alone, you’re a sick human being that only serves to hurt everyone around you, and you’re proud of it. And you know what? Be proud that everyone fucking hates you. Be proud that you’ve essentially isolated yourself from the sane populace, you pathetic loser. At least newer people who come in contact with you will have all this info to look back on, so they know not to befriend you.
You target minors because you see them as lesser and more vulnerable than you are, but when you talk to me, all of a sudden your metaphorical balls shrivel up and you start playing victim again. I can’t believe I ever felt bad about calling you out, you’re very stupid, but you’re also so unbelievably cold and malicious.
You wanna know WHY you have pages like mine dedicated to calling you out? THIS IS WHY. You deserve all the bad things that have come your way so far. Your “friends” abandoning you, this page, all the people calling you out, finally being outed for being a fucking groomer, you deserve it.
You’re one of the most vile pieces of shit I’ve ever seen and I’m tired of always having to be the bigger person, staying calm, and not just straight up cooking your dumbass during these posts. I’m a little younger than you, so I shouldn’t have to be scolding your grown ass, but here I am, just wanna make sure no one ever makes the mistake of being your friend.
So, let’s just list all of your defining moments, shall we ☺️?
- You’ve stalked Tord for about 5 or more years now and are currently pretending to be his fiancé
- You did sexual roleplays with a child, gaslit said child into thinking it was their fault
- Called a Muslim a terrorist
- Have told multiple minors to kill themselves
- Faked your own suicide and hopped onto two other obvious side accounts to continue to tell minors to kill themselves
- Made fun of sexual assault, made fun of victims of that crime, and said she would probably enjoy it
- Has told me to die in a school shooting
- Called multiple minors sluts (for some reason which I’m still unsure of)
- Have used your autism and Christianity as criticism shields
- Have generally been acting panphobic and acephobic. (Also hates atheists and prudes, basically hates anyone with boundaries)
- brought up the UV*LDE SHOOTING AND TOLD YOUR EX “FRIEND” THAT YOU WISHED HE WAS INVOLVED IN IT (censoring so it doesn’t show up with important posts pertaining to the event)
And that’s just from off the top of my head, you’ve done plenty more that I’m sure other people will call you out on.
Go on, try to call me immature for insulting you, Commando. I wanna see how predictable your comebacks and defenses have become. You’re like a broken record when it comes to defending yourself. And all I can really say is I hope you burn in hell for what you’ve done and said to people. If you really think God would accept you as you are and be chill with it, you’re even more stupid than you already are.
If anyone is reading this, please reblog or warn people who you’ve seen spreading her posts around. She’s been hurting and manipulative people like this for too long, and it needs to stop.
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Homestuck, pages 57-66
Page 57
John: Captchalogue ashes.
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First you prop the HARLEQUIN DOLL up on the couch. Having it in the middle of the floor sprawled out all akimbo like that struck you as unseemly. You captchalogue the ASHES to your available card.
Page 58
John: Combine ashes with urn.
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You merge the SACRED URN with the ASHES.Most of the ASH is back in the URN, but it's a total mess. Really it probably would have been tidier if you just used a broom and dustpan.
Page 59
John: Put urn back.
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No one will be the wiser.
Except maybe for people with eyes.
Page 60
John: Go get fake arms again.
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You just got another BRILLIANT idea for something to do with those pointless arms. You pry them out of the CAKE and captchalogue them.
Looks like PESTERCHUM is acting up again.
Page 61
John: Examine 3rd and 4th walls of room.
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Author commentary: "Fourth wall" eventually takes on a very specific meaning in this story, one with which you were probably already familiar. Here it's just used to see the rest of John's room, which is really important, because we were just DYING to know what other movie posters he had pinned up. Noticed how Liv Tyler from Armageddon is positioned just beyond his mouse. While goofing around on the computer, he probably clocks in hours of teen pining for his Hollywood crush.
Page 62
John: Check Pesterchum.
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Another one of your chums is messaging you.
Author commentary: The chumhandle "tentacleTherapist" involves a bit of snarky, off-color wordplay, invoking certain fetishistic imagery common in hentai. But then, thirteen-year-olds often have pretty snarky, off-color senses of humor. The chumhandles for the kids (and eventually, trolls too) tend to have major ramifications for the development of the characters and their interests, and very long-term ramifications for the entire story.
Page 63
John: Check message.
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Author commentary: When Rose correctly guessed John was wearing a disguise, I remember a lot of people concluded this meant she was either psychic, or could see him somehow, rather than attributing it to knowledge of a good friend's mannerisms. Reactions of serial readers to various panels are innumerable, and if there was any way at all to make an off-base interpretation, then such interpretations were made. All part of the fun.
Page 64
John: Go back downstairs.
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You can now execute that brilliant idea you had.
There should be just enough FROSTING on the FAKE ARMS to serve as an adequate adhesive.
Page 65
John: Attach arms to doll.
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You don't care what COLONEL SASSACRE says, that makes it AT LEAST a million percent funnier.
Page 66
John: Inspect burnt paper on the floor.
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You put this back in the fire where it belongs.
Author commentary: Look for this product at the airport. Airport vendors are always loaded down with ridiculous amounts of Toblerone. As far as I can tell, the product is actually manufactured in airports, possibly as a result of FAA regulation.
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I'm SEVERELY CONSTIPATED due to my meds but this second round of chemo was handled a lot easier than the first.
Only feel sleepy, thirsty and gassy af but nowhere near as bad as the first.
Drinking tons of strawberry and fruit punch flavored pedialytes so I'm not dehydrated. My doctor swears by pedialyte as a good drink to recover with after chemo and it seems like he wasn't wrong.
If only my stomach wasn't aching with gas though 😭.
One of my doctors in my cancer team didn't even recognize me 🤣.
But it was the first time she saw me with a wig. She mostly saw my bald head, a beanie or a scarf.
Also got a new wig coming in the mail. A longer one. Also black, but straighter. (Current one is wavy and down to my chin)
Trying to regain the weight I lost cos my Latina ass has NO CHEEKS. My nalgas VANISHED and I want them back.
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Like why my nalgas GONE? I want them back 😡.
Cancer took MY ASS.
Like I'm OK losing my hair (actually I love being bald cos I prefer wigs over my real hair) but MY NALGAS, DAMN IT!
I want my bones cushioned again. I dgaf about my hair regardless of how my family pretends that I should care cos of some femininity thing (I'm bald and still girly af so idk why they keep trying to force me to cry over my hair. Good riddance. Wigs are better ). What I want my ASS back. 🤬 I like my ASS and tiny waist and now my ASS is gone.
Some people might think this is funny but I'm mad af. That part of my body is very important to me personally.
Also... sitting while bony af is actually painful. I didn't know that was a thing but my hips are in actual pain when I sit wtf. Like I've got little knives poking at me. So uncomfortable.
Gonna google what exercises I can do other than yoga while with cancer. I need muscles on these cheeks or something.
Also "cancer friendly" diets also help lose weight... but a highlight is I have less cellulite due to less body water retention thanks to giving up on all sodas. (They're said to feed cancer with harmful chemicals so I no longer drink soda. Gave up on it forever)
I'm baby skinned too. Smooth af. Even my skin discoloration that I had BEFORE my diagnosis is gone cos of my new diet purifying my insides quite literally.
Problem, however is this "purifying" process has me gassy af. I also heard it's normal for your body to go whack while it's cleaning itself.
Glad I didn't get rashes like a friend of mine did. She gave up on unhealthy fats and all fried foods and she literally broke out for 2 or 3 months cos her body was purging years of unhealthy foods she ate daily.
She's looking great now but sometimes our bodies wanna troll and punish us when we change something drastically.
Wonder if that's my case 😭
On to other things... Trying to contact one of my old roommates cos I saw her in the chemo room and she looked so changed. I'm so terrified for her. It's not her first time but I guess the formula for her IVs was changed.
I'm worried so I'll keep asking her everyday in whatsapp although I'm pretty sure she's resting up. I didn't contact anyone when I had that bad chemo reaction cos I felt too weak to even talk.
I'm becoming naggy af. Don't want to nag her but I wanna know she's OK asap. Or to know how I can help.
I mean I'm probably pretty useless to most people while sick like this but if I can help even a little bit... she's such a nice woman and it's so unfair she's in pain like this.
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moveslikeanape · 3 months
oh no worries at all! i post a lot and nobody can catch every single post on their dash anyway haha. i'm sorry you were having internet issues, i hope things are working better now.
aww, that's adorable how oliver basically named himself. reminds me that my dad used to have a cat named iam (pronounced the same way as "i'm"), who was named that because when he first got him he asked the cat what his name was, and his meow sounded to my dad like he was saying "iam".
oh yeah, i guess it's true that playing the events and leveling up your cards definitely can get time-consuming, and you need to level them up a lot to win the battles! there are people who post videos of the story on youtube as well as wiki pages that have transcriptions of the text, so that would be another option if you were really interested in the story but couldn't keep up with the game. were there any particular character designs you liked best? i love riddle's, of course, but i also really like idia's design.
yeah, unfortunately my first reaction to moana 2's announcement was confusion because i saw it on twitter, thought "uhh, that's weird, what about the show that's supposed to come out this year? they usually announce movies so much further in advance too", and actually wondered if it was a fake tweet for a second... i was excited about the show but i agree that this has the same vibes as those old direct-to-video sequels, which were very hit or miss. also agree about toy story 4 lol, i basically just remember that they went to a carnival and that's only because woody's dreamlight valley house is a carousel. and i remember the ending, but that's because i wasn't a fan of the ending. in my opion toy story 1-3 were a perfect trilogy.
raya is one of those movies that i feel very mixed on, honestly. i really like raya's personality and character arc, but i always thought the movie had a lot of writing flaws that made the story and its message feel rushed and confusing. i think a big reason why some people like it is because raya and namaari are... very shippable lol, so much that i believe raya's voice actress once said she'd like for them to get together in a sequel. but i agree about the animation being gorgeous!
exactly LOL, and i'm glad for those who did genuinely enjoy wish, but i think even they should be able to admit that it's a flawed movie and that others aren't "anti-disney morons" for criticizing it. a lot of the criticism is coming from people like me who love disney movies and expected better from them, and that's why people are so passionate about creating fanfiction and art based on the ideas shown in the concept art as well. somehow the concept art did a better job of reminding people of the classic disney movies we all love than the actual film did.
i think what i like about the trolls movies is that even though they are a bit cheesy and childish, they just feel very self-aware and fun. they also have some really nice stylized animation where they try to make everything look like it's made from felt/fabric/craft materials in general.
i would absolutely love if disney filmed their musicals and put them on disney+! in general, i've always thought that more broadway musicals should do that for people who can't travel or afford the tickets. also, with princess and the frog i feel like sometimes people forget that a live action remake would have us watching a bunch of CGI animals almost the whole time... i mean, tiana and naveen are frogs for 90% of it and then there's ray and louis too. i'd much rather see how disney could bring it, and the emperor's new groove as well, to the stage.
it's too bad your book didn't seem to mention why they changed terk! do you happen to know if they gave a reason for removing tantor? i imagine it was because they thought having an elephant character was too difficult to pull off, but i agree with you that it would've been really cool to see how they did it.
Internet seems to be all better now, thank you!
Awwww, that's such an adorable story! I love fun cat names like that, especially when they're so unique that no one else could possibly some up with it. Also love cats that have such distinctive meows/sounds.
Ooo, I'll have to look into those videos and wiki pages, thanks for the heads up! As for the designs, I think my favourite is a toss up between Leona and Kalim, although leaning a bit more towards Kalim. I definitely would have an easier feeling about Moana 2 if it weren't coming so fast. I could see how they could maybe do a decent job and make whatever the series would be a decent movie if they dedicated the time to it, but the time between the announcement of the series to it becoming a movie is just way too short, no way this is getting the proper treatment it needs.
Totally agree about the rushed feeling of Raya. The story should be the number 1 focus. You can add fun stuff (jokes, cute characters, etc...) once they story is tied down and if there's room for it, but if you rush the story to fit anything else in, you've just ruined the movie. No matter how visually stunning, it's not going to connect with the audience if the story is struggling.
That's so neat about Trolls, I love animation styles that go for a certain look, and making it look like the world is made of crafting materials is genius! I'm going to have to watch them someday!
Completely agree with you about PATF and ENG... one of the many things that annoyed me with the Lion King remake was calling it live action... it was made to look realistic, but it was still all animated! They really need to stay away from live actioning any mostly animal cast movies. making the animals so photo realistic takes away so much of the heart, its so hard to emotionally connect with the characters story when their facial expression permanently bland/bored.
I didn't see anything about Tantor in it, but then again I only just quickly browsed through it. Someday I'll find time to read it, lol. I'm assuming it was to avoid making an elephant. Would have been neat to see if they had, or maybe they could have made him a different non-gorilla animal (kind of like how the baboons became a giant spider). I'm thinking their focus was too much on the main "wow factor" of the show... the vine swinging/gymnastic elements.
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pesterloglog · 5 months
John Egbert, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 7171-7177
(JOHN): what is going on here?
(JOHN): should i, uh...
(JOHN): should i go?
JOHN: yes, me.
JOHN: i mean, yes john.
JOHN: wow, it's kind of weird talking to myself.
JOHN: i'm not sure if i'm a very big fan of the experience?
(JOHN): tell me about it!
JOHN: but yeah, you should get going.
JOHN: terezi's experiment worked.
JOHN: you'll find out all about it later.
(JOHN): i will?
JOHN: actually, i'm not sure?
JOHN: now that i changed how things happened for you, you might not get the idea to come back here like i did?
JOHN: which i guess makes this situation a true paradox, unlike all those lame stable time loops dave makes.
(JOHN): so, what does that actually mean for me?
(JOHN): what am i supposed to do now?
JOHN: i don't know what it means.
JOHN: unfortunately, you may not be relevant anymore.
JOHN: i'm the john who is learning to use his flashy powers to reconstruct the time line, so that responsibility is on my shoulders now, not yours.
JOHN: sorry, i am just keeping it real!
(JOHN): ...
JOHN: well, who really knows how it will turn out.
JOHN: maybe you will still have important things to do?
JOHN: i don't have all the answers, i just know terezi and i have to talk now, so you should go.
(JOHN): where?
JOHN: where you were about to go anyway!
JOHN: go see typheus, and do the quest thing.
JOHN: it worked out great. well, for me at least.
(JOHN): ok, i will.
(JOHN): i do hope i get to still be relevant, but i will understand if that turns out not to be the case.
JOHN: that's the spirit!
JOHN: so, that thing we did with the password...
JOHN: we can use that trick to our advantage, right?
JOHN: like what?
JOHN: yeah, i know what you mean.
JOHN: when i try to think of what to fix...
JOHN: all i can do is look back on what i did wrong.
JOHN: i never should have let that ring out of my sight.
JOHN: going back and getting the ring is the first thing we should do, right?
JOHN: i guess that one is kind of a no brainer.
JOHN: besides, i promised roxy i'd get it.
JOHN: i kind of blew it last time i told her i'd get it.
JOHN: so maybe i shouldn't mess that up again, heh.
JOHN: what do you think, terezi?
JOHN: but other than that, the sky is the limit.
JOHN: really, what do we do?
JOHN: do i go back to when we were just starting to play the game, and give us some advantages?
JOHN: but then, messing up our session causes this whole chain reaction...
JOHN: we never would have met the trolls, or had any reason to scratch the session...
JOHN: and if we didn't scratch the session, there never would have been an alternate reality where roxy and her pals got to play, thereby meeting us...
JOHN: when you start looking back and realizing how interrelated everything is, it starts feeling like an overwhelming job to fix it.
JOHN: on the one hand, you don't want to change so much that the reality you create is barely recognizable.
JOHN: you want to keep everything as similar as possible, so you get to keep all the lessons you learned and the important experiences you had with your friends.
JOHN: but on the other hand...
JOHN: if you aren't going to change something substantial enough to make a real difference, why bother at all?
JOHN: it's like, go big or go home, you know?
JOHN: sort of a catch 22 when you think about it.
JOHN: is any of this making sense?
JOHN: terezi?
JOHN: terezi!!
JOHN: were you listening to a word i said?
JOHN: augh!
JOHN: come on terezi, get it together!
JOHN: i was saying some really deep and insightful stuff, probably.
JOHN: i bet ROXY would have thought it was cool.
JOHN: uh...
JOHN: what are you doing?
JOHN: are you...
JOHN: writing on your scarf?
JOHN: in...
JOHN: blood? :\
JOHN: what the hell is this?
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: but how do you know these are the exact right things to change?
JOHN: ok, jeez.
JOHN: i was just curious!
JOHN: ...it is?
JOHN: haha, ok now i know you're full of shit!
JOHN: alright, why not.
JOHN: this is a lot of instructions.
JOHN: all these will take me to certain events in your life?
JOHN: well, at least you have a plan.
JOHN: who am i to say it isn't the right one?
JOHN: oh snap!
JOHN: terezi, did you know, even though you're a weirdo, and we probably wouldn't get along most of the time, i kind of missed you?
JOHN: you were one of the first trolls i ever talked to.
JOHN: we got off on a weird foot with your death threats, and jokey antagonism, and it's almost like we never stopped being on that foot?
JOHN: it makes me nostalgic for simpler times...
JOHN: do you remember when you made me those maps to follow?
JOHN: in a way, following your instructions will be like that tom foolery all over again!
TEREZI: WH3R34S 1...
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: um...
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