#im a cultural studies girl i cant do this. but i must.
agardenintheshire · 2 years
any besties got ideas for a linguistics paper for my british studies module. gonna kermit myself i have no ideas 😭
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somnilogical · 4 years
case study: elle benjamin
the rationality community's least skilled exploiter of transmisogynistic coordination points known to me
when thinking about strategy, i often use the least sophisticated version of a given strategy that i know of to reason about the minimal elements of the strategy in general. i have an index of unsophisticated versions of things that i ping and ask "is this strategy basically this vector but with more optimization power behind it?" it helps compress a lot of information. to check, i can make a prediction given a set of examples of the pattern and test it.
(like i did with the transmisogynistic rationalist orgs "i bet this org has 0 transfems in positions of power" and yep they did, they all did.)
and thats how i factor strategies generated by agents with large amounts of optimization power. who might have more ability to optimize in a domain than i do.
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both of these claims are false. elle benjamin never let emma into the group. shes culpable for her continued choice to "believe" bigoted propaganda. just as davis tower kingsley is culpable for "believing" that anna salamon, the president of cfar, isnt involved in cfar's hiring.
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elle benjamin is deeply concerned about the treatment of trans people in the rationalist community. elle isnt that good at social optimization so this is an obvious false face. like a cop during segregation who runs an algorithm of "smile at people" if no black people are using the WHITE water fountain and "beat up a human" if a black human uses the WHITE water fountain. as long as trans women know their place as violent abusers like ▘▕▜▋, elle is happy.
if we start claiming we are women just the same as them and how people are treating us is wrong, if we protest against omnicide, if other people are coordinating against trans women along lines of transmisogyny; then elle decides its time to show us our place in the social order as male. violent, child abuse loving, misogynistic, strong-arming, men.
this decision-circuit is not peaceful. people who start trying to exploit transmisogyny in an attempt to coordinate with others against you only when you look vulnerable or they think they can get away with it and otherwise smile at transfems are with their whole soul given over to transmisogyny.
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erica's post is so passive-aggressive!
<<One issue is that i think this group is just too large to remain a high trust environment.>>
<<Thanks everyone for keeping this a civil place that deals with sensitive issues all these years!>>
in reference to my blog posts about how they didnt have any transfem mods and immediately took down hot allostatic load because it was a [[bad culture fit]] and [[incoherent]]. as if i were expected to keep some confidentiality about transmisogyny. i have no loyalty to keeping secret that kind of oppression, i signed no contract to that effect.
as if telling other trans people exactly what they did was "uncivil"! as if it were ruinous to society instead of ruinous to a cis women coordinating on transmisogyny.
as if posting hot allostatic load and talking about transmisogyny on my blog were less "sensitive" than the other things the group was doing which included posts like "How many romantic novels/movies/etc do we have left, once we take away all the ones focused on a man relentlessly trying to convince a woman through trickery and persistence and stalking that she should really have sex with him" and "the White Knight/Damsel in Distress dynamic" at the time HAL was taken down.
its an equilibrium where anyone opposing the "peace" of transmisogyny is labeled "antisocial" and "disrupting things".
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would you say this woman is being misogynistic and "strong-arming" a female DA?
<<Last year, I was arrested twice in Sonoma County at Sunrise Farms and then Petaluma Poultry, two massive industrial farms that torture and kill hundreds of thousands of birds- while lying to the public about how these animals are treated. My crime? Asking the county to help the starving animals inside. Not just asking by email or phone call or office visit (though all these efforts were made and ignored), but asking by going right to the frontlines myself, exercising my statutory right to help neglected animals, and calling the attention of the authorities to this pervasive cruelty. The fact that the sheriffs chose to arrest us and ignore the animal cruelty broke my heart. It's hard to believe we live in a world where helping someone who is dying is the "crime" and not putting that life in danger in the first place. But have hope that this will change, and my hope growing.>>
<<Now, in response to the action at Reichardt, Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch has decided to file additional charges against me, Priya Sawhney, and Wayne Hsiung. We are already facing 7 felonies and 5 misdemeanors and we're still fighting for animals every day. Do you think new charges will stop us? No. And it wont stop the movement, either. They think they can stop DxE by targeting leadership, but they don't understand that we are a network of leaders. That every single one of us is leading the world to one of the biggest changes it will ever see. #RightToRescue>>
probably not because shes cis and looks like:
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laying down and making it clear that you offer no impediment to mass murder is not a female thing, its not a feminist thing. its a *you* thing, elle benjamin.
someone commented on the screenshots:
<<(It feels relevant that when I met this person a few months ago they went on a rant about the evils of TERF’s before telling me I couldn’t experience misogyny bc I was “male-socialised.” They apologised quickly after having it explained but the idea of their being the Font of Wisdom about transness to rats is insane.)>>
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ozy brennan, i know what the fuck im talking about when i say "transmisogyny". ive been lied to then kicked out of a homeless shelter for being a trans woman. several men forced me to the ground and held me down and cut off my clothes while i shouted "I DONT CONSENT" locked me in a bare room then crowded around a window embedded in a door and said "i told you it was a guy" and a bunch of people came to gawk at my naked body. and so much more.
some of my interactions on the street in the bay:
<<at bart ppl would call me an ugly bitch and ask me to sleep with them in exchange for meth
someone tried to sell me something and i was like "im not interested in being scammed today" and they were like "bitch!!!"
i walked around in sf talking with a homeless women for ~8 hours and someone asked if we had boyfriends and offered to sell us meth if we went with him and i was like "no thanks" and she was like "how much?" but it was too expensive or something. she showed me lots of places to get food and shelter.
and like if i sit down in places for long enough people will come up to me and ask me if i have a boyfriend or if i want to go get coffee with them on a date.
sometimes ppl ask where im *really* from and if i was born a girl. sometimes ppl touch me on my back or thigh.>>
ive compared notes with cisfems, i get more solicitations to have sex with men in exchange for meth.
this isnt oppression olympics, this is "maybe 7-8 years ago when i started transitioning i didnt have a detailed model of transmisogyny, but now i cant not have one". alyssa vance could have one too (and know things like elle is the kind of person who exploits transmisogyny whenever she gets a chance) if she werent busy using her adult intelligence to defeat itself for miri/cfar.
what elle benjamin did was transmisogynistic and i can arbitrage actually being aligned with justice by taking a stack of screenshots of all the things she said and showing them to transfems uninvolved with the ambient miri/cfar gaslighting. and theyll be like "yup, thats transmisogyny". and other transfems can be like "yup, elle was also transmisogynist to me."
rationalists like alyssa vance and ozy brennan currently have an incentive to imply people who accurately identify transmisogyny are crazy. to go along with the status quo. (if i had to guess: ozy to protect an environment where they can provide for their baby, alyssa because she routed her hopes for personal immortality through miri/cfar.) though its not like i expect /alyssa vance/ to start calling transfems “gross uncle style abusers" like patrick lavictiore did or start listing off their "manly" physical characteristics contra anna salamon being a small feeble cisfem like peter did. not because alyssa vance is a particularly good person, shes not. but because thats paying in to a coordination technique that could be used against /her/. she doesnt expect social reality to label her "psychotic" anytime soon so she pays into that instead. ozy does and didnt call me "psychotic". this optimization is dumb, myopic, and doesnt serve their own values. but all evil is like that.
i dont hold by "use words for their expected value over a community" like scott alexander does. this is nice because i can align what i say with my internal cluster structure of anticipations of reality and escalate arbitrarily far without things breaking. elle benjamin cant escalate very far until her claim of ziz being a "misogynist" shatters, because its not exploiting the cluster structure of thing-space.
anyway GG on this front. the territory of "elle benjamin isnt transmisogynistic, somni is hallucinating transmisogyny" isnt worth enough for the miri/cfar campaign to expend energy on; elle benjamin isnt an important piece to miri/cfar like anna salamon is; and alyssa vance isnt in an environment with a bunch of warm bodies she can coordinate on a falsehood with. so afaict this region is ceded.
one technique of fem v fem cyberontological combat when you are right is arbitrage. when people gather a bunch of warm bodies together to gaslight you that elle benjamin isnt doing transmisogyny or whatever. instead of submitting to a series of increasingly arcane requirements until your writing looks like the inside of /principia mathematica/ and then have people complain about you writing long technical paragraphs saying they dont understand them dont care to understand them and you must be crazy;
just take a comprehensive recording of them all choosing to be dumb in a given direction and show it to people who dont have a political commitment to be dumb in that direction (which, when you are right, is often most people outside of the gaslighting bubble) and explain why its wrong. there are a lot of overlapping social spheres and you can iteratively arbitrage between them exploiting the fact that the methods of rationality and justice are more universal than specific false coordination points. in go terms, the spirit of this strategy is tenuki.
alyssa vance also says anna salamon isnt transmisogynistic, tried claiming ziz whistleblowing on miri/cfar paying out to blackmail was blackmail, and defends paying out to oneshot blackmail with subjunctive dependence for cdt reasons.
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return- Part 2
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Okay y'all so here is part 2 of the Return Series. In this one I decided to give you guys a little of what is going through Bjorn’s head upon meeting (y/n) for the first time in 6 years. And a little side of him that we don't really get to see very often. Ivar s introduced, but nothing really happens yet. Hope you guys like itttt :) Lemme know if y'all wanna be tagged too:)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9 Part 10 
Taglist : @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24
Disclaimer: My sucky ass writing; and thank God for my mutuals without y'all Id be going nuts right now. Especially @yanii-the-hippie :)
Bjorn POV
I can't find the words to describe how I'm feeling in this moment. My sister who I've thought was dead for the last 6 years is actually alive... Looking at her stunned face that most probably mirrors mine, I can’t help, but be a pile of different emotions that I cant grasp onto, all except one. 
Disappointment in myself. Not only because I wasn't there for her when she needed me, but because I missed all the signs of whatever she had been going through. For years I’ve thought about what it would be like to see her again and asked myself what if she had never left? What could have become of us and our family? What could I have done differently...
 I reach down to help her up and all I can do is look into her eyes, looking for some sign that this is just Loki playing around with me. “(Y/N), It really is you.” In a matter of milliseconds, I pull her towards my chest and hug her as if she would disappear again if I let go. “I’ve missed you so much... My whole world came crashing down when you left. It was like losing apart of myself all over again. Just like when Gyda died.” I managed to murmur against her ear through the tears that were threatening to spill.
A muffled I’m sorry comes out from her lips. Thats when I realize that we’re both crying in the middle of the street and people are starting to form a crowd around us. “Let’s go to my cabin, you have a lot of explaining to do (y/n) Lothbrok.” Grasping both (y/n) and her friends hands, I push past the people in the marketplace making my way through the crowds gathering for the feast later tonight. “You know sister, you’ve always had impeccable timing for things. However, coming back from the dead 6 years after we had all thought you were gone, is some next level shit.” (I’ve never been a person to take things really seriously, so I always find myself trying make a joke of things as my coping mechanism. Sometimes I’ll just say things in the worst moments because I cant handle it. This would certainly be one of those times.) 
“To be honest with you Bjorn, Im not sure if I did the right thing by coming back...” (Y/N) whispers as we reach the cabin steps. At that moment something came over me and I snapped. But before I got the chance to yell at her, I pushed them both inside and shut the door behind me. With my head against the door and my back turned to them both I couldn't contain my anger any longer. “Why would you say that (Y/N), don't you know the hurt and anger that not only mother and father suffered, but that I did too when you left!” “You didn't have to leave! You had me! Im your brother, for Odin’s sake. My job was to protect you!” at this point I could careless if she saw me cry. Too much had happened in my life, and with (y/n) I could always be myself and let go. Sure I tortured her when we were little, but at the end of the day she's still the only sister I have left, and most of all my rock. 
“Bjorn, I never meant to hurt any of you. But, I was in danger. And before you interrupt me and say that you could've protected me. You couldn't have. This was bigger than you and father.” she said whilst wrapping her arms around my torso. Once we both calm down and I properly introduce myself to her friend Mira, (y/n) holds my head in both hands and looks into my eyes. “I came to find answers brother, and I promise you that this time no one will separate us or our family. In that, you have my word.” 
“Now let me tell you what truly happened that night 6 years ago...”
Your POV
After telling Bjorn all that occurred that night and seeing him breakdown in front of me multiple times, I knew that whatever this secret was, it wasn't hurting only me, but those I cared about the most. Bjorn had told me that things had changed drastically after I left. Especially with mother and father. Our once happy family that lived on that beautiful farm, was now separated. I had to figure things out, not only will I stay to find the truth about what happened that night, but I will get my family back together.
As the sun went down, the laughter and joyous screams of the people got louder. Through the windows in my brothers cabin I could see a crowd gathering outside the great hall. From what Bjorn told me, father was king of Kattegat and he had been even before I was born, making me a princess here too. I told Bjorn where I had gone to, and how I stayed with Uncle Rollo for the last couple of years. In Frankia, I’m a princess because Uncle Rollo deemed it so. He and Gisela have yet to produce an heir, so my uncle decided to name me as his heir till he was able to produce one, which then in turn I will hand over my title, but still keep some of the land. 
“The feast is just about to start and as prince and hopefully next in line to the throne, I have to make an appearance.” Bjorn says as he sits down by the table drinking some ale. “Bjorn, you're the only male heir to our family, of course you’ll be next in line.” I say as I chug back some of it back. “Well (y/n), you see...” Before he could finish his sentence the sound of a horn caught our attention. “What’s the horn for?” Mira asks from where she sits next to the fireplace. “Its to let the people of Kattegat know that tonight we feast and tomorrow were off to raid.” Bjorn says while getting up from his seat. “Its also an indication that we all need to be there. Now.” 
“Bjorn, Im not even properly dressed for a feast for God’s sake.” I tell him frantically, but in reality I just don't feel like I can face my father after all this time. “(Y/n), I’m your brother. I know that you're just scared, of what will happen. But you're here to find the truth, and I will help you every step of the way, but you have to find the courage to face this. Okay?” Bjorn says while grasping both of my hands in his. “That still doesn't solve the issue that we both don't have anything to wear for the feast. My lord.” Mira murmurs from beside me. “Mira, Bjorn is fine, Im not really into formalities. And as for the dresses here I have some. Don't ask I’ll explain later.”
“Now Bjorn, Im not gonna ask you now why you have these dresses laying around in your home, but I will later.” I say as we make our way through the crowds and into a small space in the corner of the great hall. “You know sister, one thing I haven't missed about you is your sassiness and how annoying you could be.” Bjorn says as I roll my eyes at him. “You're just mad you're little friend Mira couldn't be here, cuz she said they were ‘too revealing’, whatever that means.” Its true, Mira had felt uncomfortable to be surrounded by men whilst wearing that thin piece of cloth that is considered a dress here. Christians are more conservative, I on the other hand don't mind wearing the dresses as I grew up around the culture here so to me they don't seem too revealing. 
“You cant blame the girl, she's Christian.” I whisper back to him. “So are you and you don't have a problem.” “Because brother, Im a viking too.” at that Bjorn scoffs. Before Im able to say something to him a loud echo can be heard in the great hall. Bjorn moves us a little closer so we are able to see what's happening, but without being noticed. Through the doors  appear 4 young men. You can tell that these men must be of some importance as the room goes silent. In turn a lady with kohl around her eyes comes next and sits on the one of the chairs in the middle. The people in the hall resume their drinking and games. It is then when I notice my dear brother walking away from me and towards the 4 young men. “Bjorn, what are you doing, you idiot!” I say to him whilst trying to get to where he is.
“Its okay, just come here. I have some people you should meet.” he says all but too casually. “Bjorn, no. You know what Im leaving.” As I turn to leave Bjorn’s hand shoot out to grasp onto mine and pull me towards the table with the young men. “Well if it isn't Bjorn Ironside. To what do we owe this unpleasant surprise.” the young and dark haired one says. “Its really unpleasant to see you too Ivar.” In this moment I notice a darkness wash over this mans face, expecting him to stand up and throw something I take a step back and thats when I noticed the metal that has his leg. This man is a cripple. But, something tells me that he is someone to look out for. Whether it be out of fear or intrigue I do not know. 
“Now, now Ivar calm yourself. Bjorn obviously has some company and it would be rude to not introduce ourselves.” This one seems to be very confident in himself. If it weren't for the chicken in his hand I might've actually thought that he was cute. “Im Hvitserk, pleasure to meet you....” “(y/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” 
“I never pegged you for one to like Christian girls Bjorn?” says Hvitserk. “ Hn... whatever.” As Bjorn continues his conversation with Hvitserk, I introduce myself to Ubbe, who looks really similar to Bjorn in some ways. And Sigurd, he seems shy. As soon as he said hello, just as quick he got up and left. I guess he's not one to party. As I find myself in conversation with Ubbe, I cant seem to shake the feeling that Im being stared at. And Im right, Ivar who seems to be the youngest of them all, keeps staring at me. Theres no emotion in his face, so it feels as if he is studying my every move. “So, Bjorn how was the Mediterranean?” the woman to the right of Ubbe says. “It was fine. No need to pretend you actually care.” Bjorn says whilst glaring holes through her. 
“Bjorn!! Don't be rude, she's just asking you a question.” I say glaring back at him. “If you knew who she was, you wouldn't be so quick to defend her (y/n).” And with that Bjorn gets up and just as Im about to take a bite from the freshly baked bread he grabs my arm and rushes me across the room. In the midst of telling Bjorn off for his rude behaviour. The room goes quiet. We both turn to see what the cause of the stillness was. And there he was. My father, Ragnar Lothbrok, entering the room with what seemed to be two friends or allies of his. I turn my gaze to the ground as to not make eye contact. But as God would have it, the first person he sees would be my brother. 
“Well, it seems my son has returned.” at that the room bursts with loud chanting appreciating that Bjorn has come home safe. “And with whom might I ask.” In that moment I felt as if I could not breathe, and I couldn't haven't been more grateful to the fact that my brother was with me. Bjorn leaned down and whispered. “All will be alright, Im here for you. I always have been and I always will be. No matter what.” 
In that moment, staring into the reassuring eyes of my brother. I turn to face the man who had been my strength and biggest support throughout my life. The jug of ale in my fathers hand drops. At that, the room stills. And it feels as if all eyes are now on us. His name comes out from my lips in a barely audible tone. “Papa...” at that the tears we were both holding fall down our faces. My father rushes from the other side of the room to where I’m standing and embraces me. “How is this possible, you were taken from me. I thought I lost you like I did your sister.” My father pulls back from the embrace to study my face just like Bjorn had. “Bjorn, tell me this isn't a dream, that she's really come back to us.” “ it's not a dream father, she's really back.” 
My father wipes my tears away and pulls me to the centre of the room. “People of Kattegat, 6 years ago, I lost my youngest child. But, now by the grace of Odin and Freyja, she has been brought back to me. Tonight we not only celebrate the start of Spring and our raids. But, the fact that my children have been brought back to me safe! Skal!” at that everyone’s horns are raised. 
In this moment my eyes lock with Ivar’s and in that instant I knew that the road ahead would be long. It would hold many obstacles, but somehow I had a feeling he would make them go away....
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Death City Days Chapter 79
more of the Germany arc, yay!
[[cont from part 78]]
Kunikida: "??? Why are you shivering?" atsushi: *ACHOO*... *sniff* Kunikida: "..." *hands a tissue* "Bring some." atsushi: t-thanks... Tanizaki: "Not the worst seats..." naomi: im so excited! Dazai: "...So, are there lasers?" naomi: -_-; no. it's ballet. Dazai: "Revealing outfits?" -PUNCH- Dazai: *collapsed* Kyoka: -_-; -in the changing room- girl: *humming as she's getting ready* Director: *from outside* "5 minutes." girl: <ok~> *Phone rings with a text* girl: ~?? *checks it* text: [knock 'em dead] girl: ... *smirks* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *checking his watch* "Why haven't they started?" -the show is starting now- Kunikida: *sits up* Dazai: *has opera glasses on* atsushi: .... *Light music plays...before the orchestra really makes itself heard* girl: *dancing along gracefully* Kunikida: *follows the movements." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* Dazai: OwO girl: UuU ~ Tanizaki: ._.; *whispers* "??? Um...I thought there'd be more dancers?" guy: what are you talking about? there's plenty of people up there. Kunikida: "!!!" *bolts upright* atsushi: kunikida? etta: fufufu~ come and join the fun, mr agency man~ Kunikida: "..." *puts his hands up on his head--like a ballerina* O____o Audience member: "Hey! Down in front!" -organ music is faintly heard- atsushi: ??? *runs to investigate* etta: why not come up on stage, mr agency man~? Dazai: "..." *pulls out popcorn, munches* Tanizaki: *double take* "?!!!" naomi:...something's wrong here... kunikida's acting weird. Kunikida: "I will not--!" *starts spinning on one leg down the aisle* ._____.;;;;; etta: hehe~ Kyoka: "..." *looks around* "Did they gas this building?" etta: why not come up on stage? *pulls her hand back* Kunikida: *as Etta pulls her hand back, Kunikida does a ballet leap onto the stage, landing perfectly on one foot* O-O;;; "...What the hell are you doing to me?" etta: just having some fun before eliminating you, mr agency man~<3 Kunikida: "!!!" ("And I can't reach my book...Damn it!") *gets down on one knee, hand out as if to lift her up* .___.; Dazai: =w= "This...is culture at its highest." -lift- etta: watch where you put your hands now~ Kunikida: .\\\\\\. *screaming internally as he spins before getting on one knee, holding her up in the air* Kyoka: *has a gas mask on* "I think we need to intervene now." naomi: its likely an ability. dazai! Dazai: "D'aw..." *hands the popcorn to Naomi* "Fine. I just hope someone is filming this..." *stands up, stretches* "Just point me to the stairs..." -outside- atsushi: *listening, looking around* Stein: *blows a bubble from gum* "...???" soul: yeah, bubblegum does that....huh, that nakajima kid really needs to go to the bathroom it seems... Stein: *pulls back in the gum* "Yo. Atsushi." atsushi: cant talk right now sir, business calls. *notices a door* there! *goes in* Stein: "...That was no bathroom." *starts walking back into the theater* soul: *follows* etta: hehehehe~ dance my little puppets~! Stein: "...What." Kunikida: *doing kick-steps* "Make. This. STOP!" soul: come on doc! Stein: *runs up towards the stage* soul: *scythe mode* Dazai: TwT "Not what I had in mind..." *tries to reach for Etta* "Just touch her..." -YOINK- *Dazai is still stuck dancing even as he reaches for her* etta: oh my, how rude and lewd of you! Dazai: QwQ "If I touch you, I can stop this sugar plum nightmare!!!" etta: awww, but we're having so much fuuuun~<3 *wink* Dazai: TwT "My legs are going to kill me in the morning..." *light bulb* "THEN I MUST KEEP DANCING!" Kunikida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR FANTASIES!!!" *leaps* etta: hehehe, AHAHAHAHAHA!! <3 -SLASH- etta: !!!! soul: yo, whats up? Dazai: *catches Kunikida* owo etta: HOW DARE YOU! D8< Kunikida: -_-; "Hello. Could you please turn off her ability?" Stein: "We'll do so, once we identify how..." atsushi: .... *on the balcony, waving for tanizaki to follow him* Tanizaki: *running* naomi:... -n-; -upstairs- Tanizaki: *gets up the stairs* atsushi: *listening....its not too far now* Tanizaki: ("What even is that music...") atsushi: *kicks down the door* -there is a man there playing....the same man who gave tanizaki the tickets- Tanizaki: *pants, doubled over...looks up* "?! You!" man: hmm? oh, a pleasure to see you again, monsieur. Tanizaki: "You're that creepy French guy who was kissing a body pillow-thing!" man: FIEND! HOW DARE YOU! *pats the dolls face* shhh, <its alright my love, he did not mean it.> *smooch* atsushi: .____.; Tanizaki: "I meant every last word of it, you liar! This was obviously a trap--and you will release Kunikida now! ...And Dazai." man: well now lad, now you have invoked my ire. *pulls out a rapier* have at you! Tanizaki: D: "H-Hey! I don't have a weapon!" atsushi: look for one then! D8> Tanizaki: *looks around--picks up...a broom* Q_Q;;; leroux: *attacking* Tanizaki: *just a bit closer and--* *smirks* leroux: en guarde! *Something shimmers* leroux: oh? *The illusion of Tanizaki fades--as a tiger appears in front of Leroux* leroux: !!! Atsushi: *swings a claw at Leroux's head* leroux: *dodge* at least wait until the 1st act is over! we do have a full house tonight! Atsushi: *leaps in tiger form, reverting to human form with one tiger fist* "Then intermission comes early!" leroux: !!!! *STAB IN THE ARM* Atsushi: *growls...showing fangs* leroux: owo; Atsushi: *opens his mouth wide--and bites off the doll's head* leroux: D8> *SCREEEEEEAMS* *CLICK behind Leroux* leroux: !!!! *turns back* *Tanizaki appears out of the background, a gun pointed at Leroux's forehead* Tanizaki: "Oh, gee--I _did_ have a weapon." leroux: *shaking* SPIT HER HEAD OUT AT ONCE! Atsushi: *does so--right into Leroux's head* leroux: *cradling the head* its ok, christine, i'll fix you right up. Atsushi: *wipes his tongue* Q~Q "It tasted like hairballs and perfume..." Tanizaki: *sympathetic pat* leroux: you agency bastards are merciless. but you wont kill us. we wont allow it! Tanizaki: "Not the intention. We're just minding our business..." leroux: the first act is just about finished... etta: HEHEHEHEHE~ Atsushi: "!!! Oh no..." *looks out the window* Kyoka: "Maybe this..." *tugs on a rope* naomi: *takes a knife from one of her garters and starts cutting it* Kunikida and Dazai: *arms locked, doing the can can kick* Kunikida: "CEASE THIS INSANITY!" Dazai: QwQ etta: but this is fun, right? *dodging soul and stein's attacks* Stein: *swings again, just slicing at the floor* "Nimble, isn't she?" soul: no kidding. etta: why thank you, years of practice~ Stein: *smirks, as he swings again at her* "Makes two of us..." etta: *releasing kunikida, grabbing onto stein* Stein: "!!!" -SLAM INTO THE WALL- soul: DOC! Kunikida: *collapses* "UMPH!" Kyoka: *looks at the floor...* "!!! Naomi, aim the sandbag there..." *there are three slices on the floor around Etta's feet...* naomi: *slice* etta: .... !!!! *jumps back* Dazai: "?!!!" *The sandbag falls--and crashes into the stage, making it hard to stand upright as it caves in* etta: oof!- Dazai: *as they stumble* "Time to nullify!" *puts out his hand* -BOOOOM- -squish- etta:.... ._____. Dazai: .w.;;; -one hand fulla booby- Kyoka: "..." Kunikida: "..." naomi: ..... soul:.....oh god dammit. etta:..... *SLAP* KYA! YOU DIRTY DIRTY BOY! >3< *Kyoka, Naomi, and Kunikida proceed to kick Dazai in the face, while Soul handcuffs Etta* Dazai: "..." =w= "Could you hit me again~?" naomi: *drags him away* we apologize ma'am, you dont deserve this. Dazai: *blows a kiss* etta:... hmph! >n< Stein: *walks over* "Hmm...Can't give much of a performance without a stage..." atsushi: i think it's all good. also, dazai when we get back to the hotel, i want you to take a long cold shower and reevaluate your life. Dazai: -3- etta: uncuff me at once! im not doing anything wrong! if anything _they're_ the bad guys here! Tanizaki: *dragging Leroux downstairs* "Who are you working for?!" leroux: we have no reason to explain anything to you- Tanizaki: *grabs Leroux by the neck* leroux: grk- >-Q Tanizaki: "I could have my tiger friend be a bit more 'persuasive'..." leroux: ._.;;; Stein: "..." *looks at Etta* "You going to let your friend get sliced up, or you going to spill?" etta: YOU JERKS! LEAVE HIM ALONE WE ARENT DOING ANYTHING TO HURT ANYONE! Kunikida: "You know damn well what you did! You--" ???: "I'll handle it from here." atsushi: ??? soul: oh, its you again. girl: ....... ???: *smiles* "I suppose we need more formal introductions..." *shows his wallet* "I'm Theodore Hughes, UK ambassador to Germany." Kyoka: *studying the girl* "..." girl: ........*shuffling her feet* *small glance at kyouka* Kyoka: "..." *small wave* girl:....*small nod* Ted: "I will be taking these two into custody--" Kunikida + Stein: "Now hold on a second--" soul: now hold on- naomi: they tried to hurt my brother and our friends! Ted: *taps his wallet* "As ambassador, my associates have diplomatic immunity under my protection. And the witnesses today only saw the ultimate damage _you_ inflicted on one of Germany's shining luminaries of dance and her musical associate." leroux: but they didnt see anyth- Ted: *smiles at Leroux...with a murderous glint in his eyes* leroux: OwO;;; *holding his doll close* <please have mercy> Ted: "My dear Leroux...lower the facade. Let the audience see these interlopers attacking our dear Etta..." leroux: but, i cant disappoint the audience, they paid so much to attend tonight's performance. as a former actor of the stage myself, it would go against my code of morals to- Stein: "Enough." *waves to the others* "We'll drop this...for now..." *marches up to Hughes* Ted: *smiles sweetly* girl: ...... Stein: "..." *sneers* "I'm from Death City. I know something about immunity...and yours isn't worth the flimsy paper it's printed on. And when this is over..." *mad grin* "I look forward to cutting that smile off your face." Ted: *eyes widen slightly, even as he maintains his composure* Stein: "Soul, let's go..." soul:...*gives him the 'im watching you' look* Kyoka: *grabs Atsushi's hand, tugs* girl:.........*looks at the agency members* Ted: *his smile remains* atsushi:.... Kyoka: *nods to the girl* "Atsushi..." atsushi:....um.... hi? miss.. girl: .......*shaking, steps back* Ted: *pats her shoulder* "Come along, now. We have to find a way to cut these handcuffs off our associates..." girl:.....*shaking* one decuffing later- Ted: "So, what did you learn?" etta: *rubs her wrists* <stupid agency jerks, stupid pervy mummy> Ted: "Hmm...That's not very different from the twins' report...Consistent." leroux: *cradling his doll* <it's alright now, you're safe my darling, dont cry...> Ted: "Well, good work all around, especially you, my dear..." *pats Etta's shoulder* etta: hehehe~ well, i am one of the best~<3 *The door slams open* etta: EEEEEP!!! *Kafka stumbles in* *Walter calmly walks over him* Walter: "Yo." ^^ etta: oh, its just the geek patrol. helloooooo franzy~ Kafka: Q_Q "A-Are you okay, Et-Etta?" etta: im just fine. still annoyed by that pervy mummy bastard. Kafka: "..." *slight twitch* "Wh-Wha-What pe-perv..." *shaking--* Ted: *glares at Kafka* Kafka: ._.;;; *calms down...still shivers* etta: oh my~ are you jealous, franzy~? Kafka: "?!!!! N-Never!" *crosses his arms* "I just had planned multiple contingencies, and none of them foresaw s-such an o-outrage. That pervert likely has so-something wrong with him mentally t-to have done something so disgusting and wrong with you..." etta: hehe, you're jealooous~ *pokes his cheek* Kafka: >\\\\\> Walter: *smiles--as he shovels M&M's out of the bowl into his mouth* -elsewhere- Stein: "That was a reckless interference into official DWMA business--" Kunikida: "--you have a lot of never! Stop stepping in on our mission!" atsushi: we are so sorry sir! soul: sorry 'bout that. Stein: "Your mission? What jurisdiction do you have to--" Dazai: "Now, now~ Let's all try to keep calm--" naomi: CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. soul: O-O;;;;; Stein + Dazai + Kunikida: ._____.;;; atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;; Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Tanizaki: *clears his throat* "Maybe...we can skip the cliche of in-fighting and jump to working together?" ^^; atsushi: seconded. soul: thirded. Stein: "..." *clears his throat* "Why are you here? And be honest this time." -atsushi explains whats going on- soul:.....holy fucking hell. Stein: "Hmmm...Why would those fools in the theater be so interested in pursuing you all..." *looks at Soul* "I think it's apparent that man you met is hiding some perverse interest in the happenings not only of Atsushi's group but also the Port Mafia." soul: possibly. and whatever those guys from the theater are in, as well. Kunikida: "We put our information out there." *looks at Soul* "What is it that you seek all the way from Death City?" soul: we're investigating a series of murders and dead bodies. Tanizaki: "...I think we can pinpoint some suspects." Kyoka: "Including those bratty bedwetting twins." atsushi: and mr doll man. Dazai: *rubs his cheek* "And the dancer." soul: and mr 'ambassador' Kunikida: *sighs* "Need more evidence before local authorities will act--" Stein: "--enough to overcome even diplomacy..." atsushi: so we got another thing on our plate, then. Dazai: "..." *stomach growls* soul: *hands them a phone number* we'll keep in touch. help each other out. atsushi: right. -elsewhere- leo: i had fun tonight. Motojiro: *nods* "A beautiful performance of dance and aural accompaniment..." *looks at her* leo: *smiles* it was wonderful. Motojiro: owo "Th-Then I'm really glad..." leo:....*leans in* Motojiro: OwO "..." =w= *leans* ???: *aHEM* leo: !!! higuchi:...............*her sleeve is ripped, there is blood on her shirt, she has her hair all messed up, and she looks mad* Motojiro: .___.;;; "...Um...What?" higuchi: oh no, dont mind me, im doing fine after you two DITCHED ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! *grumbling* goats.....crazy people....had to beat a guy up.....hummus...*mutter mutter* Motojiro: "..." ^^;;;; "I'm sure...that blood will clean right out?" higuchi: it will.....its not mine. Motojiro: o______o;;;;; leo: ._.; im sorry we forgot about you, miss higuchi. we'll spend some time together to make up for it. *bows of apology* Motojiro: *nod nod* higuchi: and i had to carjack an asshole. Motojiro: "Oh...But weren't we supposed to be under the radar?" higuchi: *death glare* {higuchi: *thumb out to hitchhike*} {Driver: "?!!!" *drives by--and pulls over*} {higuchi: i need to get back to the city-} {Driver: <You shouldn't stand that close to the road!>} {higuchi: im trying to get back to town! i had a long day and im very tired!} {Driver: "Look, bitch--there are still rules to follow--"} {higuchi: OH I'M A BITCH, HUH? *rips off his license plate and throws it into the grass* GO FETCH!} higuchi: *grumbling* Motojiro: "...Was it a nice car?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *tossing in bed* "..." *reaches for her phone* [u okay?] atsushi: [yeah. long day *tired tiger emoticon*] Lucy: "..." [please rest tonight. okay?] atsushi: [u 2. love you <3 ] Lucy: .\\\\. [luv u 2 xoxo ] atsushi: *smiles* Kyoka: "...How is she?" atsushi: doing pretty good. and katai said he'd look up these guys. Kyoka: "...Atsushi. That girl..." atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "She looked...broken." atsushi: ..... {girl: .....} {Kyoka: *stares as she and the Agency walk off...looks back at the girl*} {Ted: "Didn't you hear me?"} {girl: s...s-sorry sir...} {Kyoka: *worried whine*} {girl:... *she looks back at kyouka, her eyes look lifeless.....like kyouka's had once been long ago...} {Kyoka: "..." *grabs Atsushi's hand*} {atsushi: ?? kyouka? what's wrong?} atsushi: kyouka? kyoukaaaa? *waves hand in her face* Kyoka: *crying* atsushi: !!!! kyouka?! kyouka what's wrong?! Kyoka: "H-He...That man...He's hurting her..." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "The look on her face...was how I looked when the Mafia...when they..." *covers her face* atsushi:....*brotherly hug* Kyoka: *holds onto him, crying* naomi: whats all the noise-....kyouka? kyouka what's going on? -elsewhere- Yukio: *thumbing through a book* shura: so how's classes for ya? Yukio: "I am guiding the students in exorcising the mysteries..." shura: how's that been so far? Yukio: "Not too clear...The witnesses' reports don't match on one of the mysteries." shura: hmm.....on a side note, we got a call up to the vatican. and urgent meeting regarding todo. Yukio: "!!! Has he been found?" shura: doesnt sound like it. by the way, did you ever go for your check-up? Yukio: "Oh..." *smiles* "Yes. Everything is fine." shura: ... -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *pulls blanket over herself* tsugumi: hey anya? we brought cookies~ Anya: "..." *sits up* "...Which kind?" tsugumi: sugar cookies! Anya: "..." *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." *takes one* "Just...some re-charging energy." tsugumi:...*pap pap* you're gonna be ok. Anya: "..." *wipes her eyes* "It-It's not fun..." tsugumi: i know it hurts, but you'll survive. Anya: "...I just want to throw myself into anything...How could I not see that Ya-...That she was a Rat?" tsugumi: ?? Anya: "...J-Just something she had said." tsugumi: ...*hug* Anya: "..." *cries* -elsewhere- naho: ^u^ Tsubaki: "Fun, right?" Otogiri: "..." lavender: alright, so where to first? Tsubaki: "I haven't seen the latest fashions yet..." ^^ lavender: sounds good. ^^ ayami: thanks again for inviting me with you. *smiles* naho: any time, ayamin. ^^ Otogiri: "..." *nods* Tsubaki: "It'll be good to catch up. Anyone need some new clothes?" himawari: i could use some. ayami: same here. Otogiri: *points* "Let's go to that one. It looks new." *It's a shiny store with various outfits, belts, accessories...* naho: *face to the window* oooooh. Tsubaki: ^^; "Naho, please--the glass may be dirty..." naho: ^^; Otogiri: *walks inside...picks up a t-shirt* "...Mmm. Colorful." naho: ^^ EF: *looking at necklaces* Tsubaki: "Oh, Mai!" *waves* EF: ?? miss tsubaki, good to see you. naho: hey EF! ^^ Tsubaki: "Find anything good?" EF: not sure yet. i've been trying to broaden my horizons, but im not sure if i can afford it. ^^; Tsubaki: *glances at the price tag* o_o;; "...I understand..." lavender: ._.;;; ayami: .-.; Otogiri: "...Well, stealing it is out of the question...We can at least try on pricy clothes and feel glamorous." naho: sounds good. -elsewhere- Black Star: *passes out the popcorn* Sakuya: *nom* belkia: OwO;;;; higan: ... *The TV screams as someone is sliced in half* Black Star: "DUDE!" Shamrock: X~O belkia: YEEEEEK! DX higan: *small chuckle* Sakuya: *eyeroll, grabs a candy bar* "It's not that creepy--" *jump scare in the film* Sakuya: *hiding under the blanket* belkia: *SCREEEEEEAMS and jumps into higan's arms* hold me. higan: ^^; *pap pap* Black Star: "D-Did...Did he just rip out that guy's spine and beat the other guy with it?" belkia: can we just watch kung fu panda instead? Q_Q Sakuya: *raises his hand from under the blanket* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sweeping* tamaki: *in her cardboard fort, reading* Akitaru: "...Need anything?" tamaki: popcorn please. Akitaru: ^^ "You got it..." *walks to the kitchen* "How 'bout you?" shinra: sounds great! Akitaru: "I can even add some flavoring..." *opens cabinet, pulls out spices--* "Arthur, what did I say?" Arthur: *sitting in the cupboard* "Shh...I'm practicing my camouflage." -elsewhere- Lucy: "..." *hugs a pillow, looks out the window* aya: *knocks* Lucy: "???" *opens* "Oh, Aya. Hello." aya: we brought card games. kenji: *waves* Lucy: *smile* "You want to come in?" aya: *nod* Lucy: "Well, set up at the table--I'll get some drinks." aya: yay! kenji: awesome! -elsewhere- Kid: "Just another moment..." *painting on canvas* stocking: *still posed* Kid: *looks back at Stocking, then at the painting...one more stroke* "Okay..." *sets down the brush* "I have finished." *smiles* stocking: *gets up and looks* wow. it looks incredible! Kid: ^\\\^ "D'aw...I had a great model...Very patient." stocking: *kiss* hehe~ Kid: "Mmm...And a beautiful model, too." stocking: ^////^ Kid: "..." *hug* "I'm so happy..." -morning- higuchi: [hey gin, sorry im not able to b @ ur b-day party TTATT ] Gin: [it's okay. we'll make it up when u get back. ok?] higuchi: [totes ^^ love u <3 ] Gin: [love u 2. you'll owe me something special when u get home] higuchi: ^///^ Motojiro: "So, your girl is good?" higuchi: she sure is ^^ leo: *smiles* katya and pushkin called to make sure i was alright. Motojiro: "That was good of them." ^^ "We're going to keep you safe here..." leo:...*smiles, light shines off her eyes* Motojiro: owo higuchi: .....come on, we got work to do. -elsewhere- atsushi: ....... Kyoka: *pours cereal* "..." *nom* "...so that’s what German cereal is like." naomi: ok, so whats on our agenda today? Kunikida: "I will be paying a visit to a few officials. Dazai--" Dazai: *puts on glasses and a tie* Kunikida: "...You are a wanted criminal and will not be anywhere near me during these visits." atsushi: ^^; Dazai: >_> "I'm not wanted." naomi: *snickers* Tanizaki: "...Well, don't be so mean to yourself." ^^ Dazai: >3< atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "...Can we walk around town?" atsushi: sure. i'll see if we can find anyone willing to talk about mori. Dazai: "..." *puts on a protective mask* -and so- Tanizaki: "Hmm..." *adjusts radio in his ear* "I'm not hearing anything..." naomi: *looking around* Tanizaki: "...Hey. We still have time today. Anything tourist-y you wanted to do?" *listening to a police feed, opens his German translator on his tablet* naomi: maybe check out some landmarks? Tanizaki: "They'll be populated, so good chance we find one of these suspects, or someone who knows Mori…" naomi: how about the dome? Tanizaki: "It's definitely eye-catching--so, someone might go there..." *smiles* "Okay, let's do it." naomi: ^^ Tanizaki: *points to the subway* "We'll head down..." *turns off radio* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." atsushi: *talking to locals* Local: *shakes their head* <Sorry. I thought the doctor had died?> atsushi: <ok, thank you for your time.> *walks to another person <excuse me, does the name 'ougai mori' sound familiar-> Local 2: *awkward cough* o_o;;; atsushi: <have you heard of him?> Local 2: <I-I-I mean, who hasn't?> ^^;;;; atsushi: (guess he has some infamy here...) <do you know where his old office is-> Local 2: <Wh-Why would you want to go to that haunted place?> atsushi: <research.> Local 2: <...I'm sure I could remember the location...> *glances at a restaurant* <For a price.> atsushi:... <what do you want?> Local 2: <I want veal shank. And raspberry rhubarb for dessert.> atsushi: <i dont have that kind of money!> D8< Local 2: "..." *smirks, glances at Kyoka* <Then I guess you and your little friend don't get to learn--> Kyoka: *grabs Local 2's wrist* Local 2: OwO;;;; atsushi: <you were saying?> Local 2: <O-Okay! Just don't let her kill me! You'll need to check under some train tracks...> atsushi: *writing this down* Local 2: <It used to be a nice neighborhood--before it became slums. Follow the RB21 until you get to Potsdam...> -elsewhere- Kunikida: *points at Dazai* "And do not move from this spot." dazai: *devilish smile* you have my word~ Kunikida: "...I could always just handcuff you to the light post..." dazai: OuO; scouts honor? Kunikida: *eyeroll, walks into the consulate* "Like you're a scout..." dazai:.....*whistling* ???: "...What the fuck?" higuchi: ... O-O;;;; Dazai: OwO "..." *waves, speaks in bad German* "Guten tag. Ich hee-bee, um, Jurgen! Jurgen! Ich hay-bee meine unter-wash ver-lake und branch deine!" Motojiro: *understanding his German* "!!! No, you may not!" *holds his pants close* [what dazai said was ‘I have lost my underwear and need to borrow yours’] higuchi: ............what the fuck, why is he here? is this hell? Dazai: *sigh* "Okay, that didn't work...Look, I'm just here on vacation to get away from the grim and dour Death City atmosphere and enjoy these happy German faces!" Bystander: *walks by--spits on Dazai's shoes--keeps walking* Dazai: OwO;;;; Motojiro: "...What do you think? Do we kidnap him?" higuchi: lets just walk away very quickly. leo dont look at him. leo: ?? Dazai: *shiny eyes--and already at Leo's feet* leo: !!! higuchi: D8< Dazai: "I--" *A lemon is shoved into Dazai's mouth* Dazai: *muffled yelling* Motojiro: >_< Dazai: *pulls the lemon out* "...How did you even get these? They confiscated _my_ banana..." Motojiro: "I had to pay a few euros to buy one here--and it was worth every last one! She's spoken for!" leo: *holds kajii’s hand and smiles* ^^; Dazai: "..." *tries to whistle through puckered lips* "When's the wedding?" Motojiro: .\\\\\. leo: o///////////////o higuchi: *COUGHS* WHY. ARE YOU HERE?! Dazai: "I said so earlier--sight-seeing! Just me all by my lonesome--" ???: "Well, no new information there--" Dazai: .w.;;; Kunikida: "..." higuchi:......*points at kunikida and screams* Kunikida: "..." *unfazed* "Well, this is surprising. What are you doing here?" higuchi: WE COULD ASK YOU THE SAME THING!! D8< Kunikida: "We are--" Dazai: "HONEYMOON!" higuchi:.......so what's going on here, kunikida? Kunikida: -_-; "We are looking into criminal activity." Dazai: D:< "Why wouldn't someone believe me?!" Motojiro: "Because your glasses friend can do way better than you?" higuchi: i know dazai's lying because A, its dazai. and B, there's no rings. dazai:… touche Kunikida: "So, I could ask why, as _we_ seek out criminals, _you_ are here." higuchi: important mafia business. Kunikida: "...I'm sure." *looks at the others, nods at Leo* leo: ...*glances away* Kunikida: "..." *looks at Higuchi* "The truce remains in effect overseas. We expect you to honor it." higuchi: noted. Kunikida: *holds his folder close to him* "Come along, Dazai." higuchi:...i have a bad feeling about this. Dazai: "We shopping for rings now~?" Kunikida: "Keep talking like that, and I'll buy you a muzzle--" Dazai: ~<3 -elsewhere- Jakob: *whimper* wilhelm: zzzzz {-the woods are cold and dark-} {Jakob: *shaking*} {wilhelm: *has fallen and injured himself, unconscious*} {Jakob: <...Brother? ...Brother!> *looking around* *struggling to get the word out--* <Help...>} {wilhelm: *he's bleeding from his forehead*} {Jakob: *moves his hand slightly--then pulls back, afraid to move him*} {???: <my my, how odd. two young kids all alone in the woods? what irresponsible parenting...>} {Jakob: <!!! H-Help...?>} {???: <hmmm, if we dont help him, he'll likely die.>} {Jakob: <P-Please...Save him...>} {???:....<tell you what, i'll save you and your brother, on one condition....>} Jakob: "..." *sleep hug* wilhelm:... *yaaawn* Jakob: *sleep talk* <St-Stop...> wilhelm: jakob? you ok? Jakob: *opens his eyes* Q~Q "N-Nightmare..." wilhelm: want me to go ask hans for a snack? Jakob: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Oh, wow...New dress?" tsubaki: *she nods* it was a lot of fun yesterday. naho: i even got to see my old dorm mates again! ^^ Sakuya: "That's good..." Black Star: "Think it helped Otogiri?" naho: i hope so. lilac:...*small smile* Sakuya: "Doing alright, Lilac?" lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: "That's good..." *sets out pizza he was baking* naho: alright pizza time! ^u^ Black Star: *grabs a slice* "Looks like your cooking's coming along. Been getting Mahiru lessons?" Sakuya: "J-Just a little bit of advice now and then..." tsubaki: *she smiles* -elsewhere- Rin: *staring up* "...Your dad is really obsessed about putting statues of himself everywhere. I think I saw one in the boys' bathroom..." stocking: .... -_-; izumo: i want to laugh at you, but at the same time i feel sorry for you. stocking: thaaaanks. Rin: "It's not even like when Kid's dad does it..." *looks at another statue--of Mephisto in a toga* "...Seriously, what the H?" stocking: LETSJUSTMOVEONVERYVERYQUICKLYOK?! *They start walking...and the statue's eyes seem to follow them* -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep on top of research books* lana: *giving him a pillow* Poe: =w= lana: *smiles* -elsewhere- Mori: *eating cereal* "...Potsdam?" fukuzawa: familiar to you at all? Mori: "Only vaguely...That's not where I remember living." fukuzawa: where do you remember living then? Mori: "The other side of town...Maybe Father kept some research in Potsdam?" fukuzawa: i'll let them know. ranpo: ...... Mori: "..." *glances at Ranpo* fukuzawa: ranpo? you've barely touched your breakfast. ranpo:....not hungry... fukuzawa:....*concerned* -elsewhere- Hibana: *humming* gabriella:.....*hug* Hibana: "Oh~?" *hug* "What's that for?" gabriella: i love you. and i forgive you, even with all you've done. Hibana: "...Oh..." gabriella: *holding onto her* Hibana: "..." *holds on* "I'm sorry..." gabriella:...*hums* Hibana: "..." *grows quiet, strokes her back* gabriella: its ok, hibana....dont blame yourself for the past. Hibana: "...Ever since that fire...for so long...I wanted to burn everything down..." gabriella: but things are different. you have the 5th brigade now, you have our daughter now, you have me. Hibana: *shakes* "...I-I'm sorry...I'm so angry..." gabriella: its ok. i promise, its ok. Hibana: "..." *holds onto Gabriella* -elsewhere- Alone: "How you holding up, Flowers?" shaula: booooored.....i wonder though, how princess is doing these days? Alone: "The rich fire lady you were crushing on?" shaula: mooore or less~<3 Alone: "Well, when you get out, maybe you can visit her? Hey, whatever happened to those beasties you made? Maybe you could bring them along..." shaula: yeah, that'll be nice. ^^ maybe our special experiment is still around~ -elsewhere- ???: *skulking in an alley...looks like a young girl*....wont......wont forgive.....wont forgive them..... -elsewhere- Gin: *with a birthday party hat put onto her* "..." naoya: ^u^ hirotsu: *blowing into a party horn* Gin: "Thank you." *looks around* "..." naoya: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Katai: "GOT IT!" keek: ?? you do? Katai: "This new information I hacked..." *holds up a print-out* "This suspect...They were the one who got the Agency's grenades!" keek: *examining* *The image shows someone with a bandanna around their face and a hoodie* Katai: "I compared--that person was _not_ in that photo earlier!" keek: darn, cant see their face well. Katai: "I tried facial recognition on the eyes--but it's not enough..." -elsewhere- atsushi: *checking map* Kyoka: "Do you think we can trust these directions?" atsushi: it's our best bet... Kyoka: "Better be ready..." *walks ahead* "That's the spot?" atsushi: i think so? Kyoka: "I see one front door and two windows. Let's check for other exits." atsushi: *examining* Kyoka: *spots a side alley* "..." *walks* atsushi: *follows* Kyoka: "..." *taps on the wall--and reaches a hollow brick* "This one." atsushi: *pulls the brick* *Inside is a very crude, very old device with a transistor...It looks like it's still operating* atsushi: a generator? Kyoka: "Wait...Those are computer circuits...Is this a really old computer?" atsushi: its huge. Kyoka: "...I don't think we can move the whole thing. And I don't even know how we could access what's inside..." atsushi:....*turns-* ACK! *falls onto his butt* Kyoka: "???" *looks* atsushi: um...hello....sir? ^^;;; we werent here to steal anything if thats what you were thinking! ???: "Hey, no worries, buddy." atsushi: ^^; so, um...w-what brings you here, mr...? o-o-or miss, or whatever. OwO;;; ???: "No labels, buddy..." *walks over...looks at the brick* "...Trippy." atsushi: so....a-any idea where exactly this is? ???: "Well, old city files listed it as a doctor's office..." atsushi: ok. *looking around* ???: "But I don't think so, myself. I mean, the dimensions aren't really conducive to medical work, not even in-patient work. Plus, you think someone would come all this way for a physical or something?" atsushi: i guess... *checking files* Kyoka: "...Why are you here?" ???: ^^ "City planning." atsushi: i...see. Kyoka: "Do you have ID?" ???: "...Huh?" atsushi: just making sure. ^^; my sister can be a bit paranoid. Kyoka: "..." *slow turn towards Atsushi* atsushi: ^^;;;;; Kyoka: *deadly serious assassin's face--but blushing and with shiny eyes* atsushi: .w.; ???: "D'aaaaaaaaaaaw--" *snaps a pic with their phone* atsushi: >-o ???: "And, hey, here's my ID..." *it's a company ID--"Walter Benjamin"...with a peace sign and rainbow stickers all over it* atsushi: ....colorful. Walter: ^^ "I wanted to add glitter, but it kept wrecking the card swipe in the office." atsushi: well, to each their own, i guess. Walter: "Yep!" *stands up on a chair, tapping the ceiling* "Hmm...Not structurally sound..." atsushi: *still examining documents* Kyoka: *looks at the bookshelf* "Hmm..." *blows the dust off--revealing a photo frame* "???..." *picks up the photo--* *CLICK* Kyoka: "!!!" atsushi: !!! *A gun pops out of the ceiling--right above Walter's head* Walter: OwO;;;; atsushi: GET DOWN! *The gun swings, ignoring Walter--and aiming at Atsushi and Kyoka* Kyoka: *ducks--* atsushi: *shielding her* *The gun's laser points at the two--a click is heard--* Walter: "Hold up." *Someone is now standing in front of Atsushi and Kyoka* atsushi: ??.... !!! *It's...Walter? But he's transparent...and Walter is still standing under the gun?* Walter: *under the gun, waves* *The laser now moves up, aims at Walter 2's head--and starts firing repeatedly* Walter 2: *stands still--the bullets passing through them* "..." *yawn* atsushi: um... thanks *sneaks away with kyouka* Walter: "No problem!" *picks up a wrench, starts smashing the gun* "Let's get you turned off now..." atsushi: thanks, sir.....hmm? kyouka? Walter: *has finished smashing the gun* "Phew!" *summons back Walter 2* <I'm going to need a nap...> Kyoka: "...I pulled this from the frame..." *holds it up, shaking...* *It's a photo* atsushi: *he examines the photo* *It's a man and a small boy...* atsushi:.....*his eyes widen* Kyoka: *shivering* "M-Mo-Mori..." atsushi: no way....so then the man must be his father.... Walter: *pops up behind them* "..." *presses the DUN DUN DUN app on his phone* atsushi: ._.; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *looking up at the reflected glass in the dome* "Wooooooow..." naomi: pretty. Tanizaki: "It's like an entire dome of my ability!" *smiles...then glances at Naomi* naomi: *smiles* Tanizaki: "...Can I ask you something?" naomi: what is it? Tanizaki: "Sorry...I just...I know I ask all the time, but does it bother you when I talk about my ability?" naomi: not at all. its part of who you are. Tanizaki: "..." *nods, looks back at the dome* "Sorry." naomi:...*leans on his shoulder* Tanizaki: "..." *holds her hand* naomi:...u///u -elsewhere- Motojiro: "Do we report home? Get someone to surveil the Agency back in the States?" higuchi: i'll ask hirotsu later. Motojiro: *sigh* "This was unexpected...You think they're looking into Mori?" higuchi: im not sure what reason they would have into looking into mori's past. i-it has to be something to do with the murders, that's it. its coincidence! haha! ^^;;; Motojiro: *sigh* "This was unexpected...You think they're looking into Mori?" higuchi: im not sure what reason they would have into looking into mori's past. i-it has to be something to do with the murders, that's it. its coincidence! haha! ^^;;; Motojiro: *nods* "We'll hold watch?" higuchi: yeah....thanks. -elsewhere- Lucy: "Thanks--I needed the distraction." ^^ aya: no problemo. ^^ kenji: *smiles* maybe next time, i'll invite nankichi over too. Lucy: "Oh?" kenji: he's my friend from back home. he works in the city for a publishing company. Lucy: "Neat. Well, bring them next time!" kenji: *smiles* -elsewhere- Sid: *sparring* "Not bad..." izumi: thanks mr barrett! Sid: "But keep an eye on your footing--you're easy to knock over." izumi: *takes stance* Sid: "Plant your front foot a bit firmer into the mat." izumi: like this sir? Sid: "Right, like that. Now, you're going to try to kick me from the side. Ready?" izumi: *nod*.......*KICK* Sid: *catches the kick* izumi: !!! Sid: *pushes her back* izumi: oof! ow. Sid: "Now we work on speed." *offers a hand up* "I want you to practice 100 kicks on that dummy." izumi: yessir! -elsewhere- Anya: *attacking the punching bag in the gym* ao: *timing her* Anya: "Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!" *punches harder and harder* ochako: wow, anya's really going at it. shinra: no kidding. Meme: "She's...going through a bit." Anya: *one last punch--knocking the punching bag back into the wall* tamaki: O-O;;;;; Spirit: *instructing the class* "Okay, Hepburn--hit the showers." Anya: "PUT UP ANOTHER BAG!" clay: anya, take a breather. Anya: "..." *clenches her fists* "I want...another." clay: *grips her shoulders, giving her a serious yet concerned look* Anya: "!!! ..." *looks down* "...Sorry." -elsewhere- inka: *sigh* boooored. Panda: *asleep* Sancho: *on the swing* "Well, you haven't sniffed anything out--not since you wanted to check out the old subway cars." inka: i thought we could find something coo- *sniff* someone's here. ???: *shuffling* wont forgive.....wont fucking forgive them.... Panda: *yawns, opens his eyes* "...???" inka: its just some weird kid. ???: *glares at them* inka: ???!!! w-what the fuck is with her eye?? Panda: *waves* "Hello!" ^^ ???: *snarls and charges at them, with a fiery scorpion tail* Sancho: "OH SHIT!" *leaps off the swing* Panda: *follows after him* inka: woah there, kiddo, we havent done anything to you. is this about your eye? ???: its their fault.....that im like this....they made me like this... inka: oh, so you’re a third gen, but like, an artie. ???: ??? inka: 'artie?' like, arti-ficial? Panda: "Ooooooh!" *pops up out of trash can* "That'll be a good name--we can call them Ficial!" ^w^ Sancho: *crawls out from under dumpster* -_-; ???:.....i have a name. Panda: OwO ???: call me 'Sasori'. Sancho: "...What you think, Inka?" inka:...hmm, i like her. she can hang out with us so its not a total sausage party. sasori: ... -elsewhere- Alone: "??? Why you twitching?" shaula: prison sucks and im bored! Alone: "Too bad we can't get a pardon or somethin'...Want to pester the new prisoners?" shaula: sure. but not mr anemia, he creeps me the fuck out. Alone: "Oh, totally--he's going to get someone killed. Again." *points out at the prison yard* "That one looks like fun." -elsewhere- Stein: [how's the lab?] Aya drevis: tell him I said hey! valentine: [still standing.] [aya says hey] Stein: ["hi" to aya. we're still investigating here. encountering some roadblocks even with leads] valentine: [will do] -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I hope the meal will be good...I'm not used to this recipe..." ^^; sonia: *nom*... >wQ mmm... Chuuya: OwO;;; "...Not that good?" sonia: i-i can eat it! >3< Chuuya: "Y-You don't have to? I could just heat up some mashed potatoes and chicken fingers?" sonia: yes please. Chuuya: ^^;;; *head pat* "Thanks for trying..." sonia: TTuTT Chuuya: *opens up the freezer, takes out some frozen chicken fingers and leftover mashed potatoes* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Are we all here?" atsushi: here. naomi: here! Tanizaki: "Here." Kyoka: *staring down* "..." Kunikida: "..." *looks at Atsushi* "Where is he?" atsushi:...i dont know, wasnt he with you?....oh no... Kunikida: ._. "..." *facepalm* Tanizaki: "!!!" *starts searching news on his phone* "Nothing reported yet..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking at his map* QwQ -some locals are about doing their business- Dazai: *speaking German, poorly* <Um...Hello? I am lost in the head and have been separated from my daddy and my other daddies.> *he is getting the language wrong* local: .....................................*walking away, with a weird look on their face* Dazai: <...Shit.> =3= ???: "Late, late, late...Always running behind--THEY NEVER STOP GIVING ME MORE TO DO..." dazai: OwO~? ???: *bumps into Dazai, not looking up from his papers--which go flying everywhere* "..." *LOUD SHRIEK* dazai: *grabs one and looks* hmmmm ???: "THAT IS NOT FOR YOUR EYES, YOU DIRTY GERM-INFESTED MAGGOT!" dazai: sorry, it just, flew into my hands *makes a grabby motion* ???: "Then don't take it! I--" *alarm goes off on his phone* "..." *puts papers under his arm, removes hand sanitizer, and starts rubbing over his hands and arms* dazai: *whistles* *side glance* and i thought _kunikida_ was high strung. ???: "STOP LOOKING OFF TO THE SIDE, GRABBY MAN!" *finishes rubbing his sanitizer, snatches back the paper--but it then rips in half, with part of it in Dazai's hand* *Dramatic silence* dazai: OwO.....does this mean i get to keep this half now? ???: "..." *calm, deathly serious, muttering to himself* "No...Not here. Too many witnesses..." dazai: if you're talking about killing me, go right on ahead, buddy. ^^ ???: "...!!! S-Seriously?" dazai: ^u^ ???: "..." *smiles, shiny eyes* "THANK YOU! Thank you so much! That simplifies all of this! Usually, I have to file reports, get approval--and then I end up having to do the dirty work because my boss doesn't let me delegate despite the fact that I know exactly how this should be in proper organized fashion--" dazai:....*yaaawn*......zzzzzz *asleep standing up* ???: "???" *grabs a tissue, takes Dazai by the collar, dragging him to an alley* "I think back there will be best--no witness, easier to clean up the mess...Maybe I can do it with just draining the blood..." dazai: *asleep with a little sleep bubble from his nose* ???: *leans Dazai against the wall...* *moves a garbage can to the right of Dazai* *removes a knife* "So, just drain the blood out the neck slowly, and he'll die...I just have to--" ???: HEY! ???: >____< "I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING, AND I WANT NO INTERRUPTIONS!" *realizes he just gave away his location* *slaps a hand over his own mouth* OxO "..." *realizes his hand just touched the garbage can...and now his mouth* "..." *screaming internally* atsushi: found him! *charges at the man* dazai! dazai: hmm? oh, hey atsushi. *hugs* im sleepy. ???: "!!!" *lets go of Dazai, hugging his papers as he runs--into the wall* atsushi: ._.; is...he ok? Dazai: ^w^ "Of course. He's my new friend! His name is Murder McCrankypants." ???: *collapsed, knocked out* @~@ Dazai: "BT-dubs, how y'all find me?" Kunikida: "I had Tanizaki put a tracker on you." Dazai: "???" *pats his sides, then his bottom* "!!!" *reaches back, pulls out a small tracker* "Huh...When you put it on me?" Tanizaki: >\\\\\> atsushi: i think the less i know about that the better. odasaku: .... ._.; Dazai: *shrugs* "Probably. Anyway--" *picks up the unconscious ???* "German Kunikida was in the middle of killing me!" atsushi: wait WHAT?! Kunikida: "..." *hands his files to Atsushi* atsushi: ._. Kunikida: *walks up* "..." *looks at Dazai* "..." *looks at ???* "..." *pats a hand on Dazai's shoulder* "I am far handsomer." ???: *eyes break open* atsushi: o_o; um....hello? ???: "..." *LOUD SHRIEK* atsushi: O-O;;;;;; ???: *pushes Dazai away* "TOO MANY PEOPLE! CAN'T DO THIS NOW!" *throws up his papers--and starts clawing at the wall, as if he's trying to climb up...He gets up a bit...then keeps falling down* atsushi: sir? d-do you want us to call an uber for you? ???: "..." *turns back...seething...his eyes look possessed* atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;;; ???: "I will not have you mock me! I am Franz Kafka!" *pulls off his glasses, stands tall, pokes a thumb into his chest* "I am the smartest there is! The fastest there is! The most organized ever! And I will eliminate all of you until there is nothing left--" *CHOP* Kafka: *passed out on the floor--Kunikida's book buried in his head...held by Tanizaki, who emerges out of Light Snow* Tanizaki: ._.; Kunikida: "...Tanizaki. That was my favorite book." Tanizaki: ^^;;; atsushi: im just....gonna call the uber now. or maybe an ambulance. Dazai: Q~Q "I didn't even get what I wanted..." *grabs Kafka by the collar, shaking* "WAKE UP, MY NERDY AWKWARD SAVIOR!" *slaps Kafka back and forth, but the man stays unconscious* atsushi: dazai, think of your child. Dazai: >3< Kunikida: "I think it best to turn him into authorities..." atsushi: *checking for ID* Kafka: *muttering in his sleep* "No...Not there, Etta. We haven't even held hands...Your dirty, dirty hands..." atsushi: ..........................................................................*poker faced, screaming internally* Dazai: "...I love German Kunikida so much more than our Kunikida--" Kunikida: *doesn't move his head--just wraps his arm around Dazai's neck in a headlock* -elsewhere- etta: *sneezes* leroux: ? -elsewhere- Motojiro: "How's she holding up?" leo: she's resting. im worried for her, she might have a nervous breakdown... Motojiro: "...Then we need to get the information for her, immediately." leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "The Agency is obviously looking into Mori, so following their sources won't work. I suggest we meet someone else..." leo: hmm... Motojiro: "Will you be fine watching her for a few hours?" leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "I'll be back in time for dessert." ^w^ leo: please come back safely. Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* "Promise." leo: *smiles* -elsewhere- Kafka: *handcuffed to a chair* "..." naomi: alright, why did you attack dazai? Kafka: *soft growl, more like a whimper* "He took my paper..." atsushi: *looks at dazai* Dazai: "...I mean, he offered to kill me. What was I supposed to say? I'm only human..." atsushi:.... Kafka: "Are you taking me to the police or not? You have no authority to keep me in here. I've memorized almost every law on the books in this nation..." -the door knocks- Kyoka: *looks through the peephole* "...!!! Remember the one who picked up the Terrible Twins?" atsushi: yeah? hans: .... Kunikida: "..." *opens the door, keeping his book close* "Yes?" hans: hello, im here to pick up my associate, mr kafka? Kafka: "Ah, Hans. Finally. Please, get me out of here..." hans: if you would be as kind as to let me in or let him out, that would be just grea- Dazai: *from behind her* "Why, hello there~" hans:.... -_______________-; go away. Dazai: "Only if you come with me~" hans:.... ^^# no naomi: how did he get out the door so fast? Dazai: "...Well, I'm all out of ideas. But you can't take Handsome Kunikida with you." hans: i'm not here for your tall friend, im here for kafka. Dazai: "That's what I said." Kunikida: -_-# hans:.... Kafka: "...I just want to leave now." hans: if you dont release him, i'll have you prosecuted for kidnapping a civilian. Kunikida: "He threatened to kill--" Dazai: "I was fine with it." ^w^ Kunikida: "...What is it you all want?" hans: what do you mean? Kunikida: "You obviously want to attack us for some reason. Those twins. Mr. Hughes. The ballerina and the perverted doll lover." hans: the only thing we're doing is making the city a better place for ability users, we would at least think you would understand, being ability users themselves. Kunikida: "And you think killing us will do that?" hans: *looks at kafka* Kafka: "As she said: we're trying to make this world better for ability users...And from what I've read and seen, how exactly does your group do that? I see a mobster--" Dazai: "..." Kafka: "An assassin." Kyoka: "..." Kafka: "...and a child killer--" *Kafka's chair is knocked down with him still in it* atsushi: *panting* you just shut up right now.... hans: !!!! Tanizaki: ._.;;; Kafka: "..." *narrows his eyes* "You really don't want to do this, mongrel." atsushi: just what the hell gives you the right to judge us from our pasts? naomi: and kunikida never killed that child- Kafka: "Died on his watch, though...In the end, is that really so different?" Kunikida: "..." *looks at Hans* "Take him and get out." hans:....very well.... *unties kafka and exits* .... Kafka: *shudders* TT~TT "My schedule is now all out of whack..." hans: ..... {atsushi: just what the hell gives you the right to judge us from our pasts?} hans:...... Kafka: "--and then there's having to re-organize all those papers..." *holding them, taken from the hotel* *A horn is heard--reciting a certain theme song* hans: ... ._.; Walter: *honking the horn across the street* "What up, folks?! I'm over here! Hi!!!" *The minivan has custom art work of...magical anime girls?* hans: =/////=;;; <oh fuck.> etta: *pokes head out from window* hiiii~ Kafka: "Eeep!" *skitters behind Hans* hans: new paintjob? Walter: "No--BEST PAINT JOB!" hans:...well, guess im in no position to complain. Walter: ^w^ "Hop on in, friends! Room might be cramp, so squeeze in close. Etta, scoot over for Franz." etta: *scoot* ^^ Kafka: .\\\\\. "I-I can take the passenger seat--" hans: *already there* Walter: "Nah, Hans and I got to compare notes before you're debriefed." etta: looks like we're back seat buddies, franzy~ ^^ Kakfa: .\\\\\\. *sits as far from her as he can* -elsewhere- grunt: *chewing gum* grunt 2: <so, what exactly we on the lookout for?> Grunt 3: <Some weirdo in shades and a Moe Howard haircut.> grunt 4: <i thought those were ski goggles?> Grunt 3: <I can't remember every last detail that I hear--> grunt:... ._. <um> *Motojiro walks up, wearing shades...and a yellow dress suit...and a cane with a lemon on top of it* Motojiro: <...I am here for information.> grunt 4:................*blinks* Motojiro: *points his cane at Grunt 4* <About a certain mad doctor...> grunt: *looks at grunt 3* Grunt 3: <...You Motojiro?> Motojiro: ^w^ <I am.> *CLICK CLICK CLICK* Motojiro: OwO;;;; Grunt 3: *holding gun to Motojiro* <What kind of lemonhead outfit is that supposed to be?> grunt 2: <yeah, grapefruits are obviously cooler!> grunt 1:... <dude what the fuck> Motojiro: "..." <Really...> *soft voice, smiling* "..." *taps a finger on the gun--and shoves it aside* grunt 2: ??!! Motojiro: <Have you ever seen a grapefruit explode?> grunt 2: ....<what?> Motojiro: *takes the lemon off the top of his cane, throws it up in the air--* grunt: ??? *BOOM* Motojiro: <NO, YOU HAVEN'T--BECAUSE ONLY LEMONS EXPLODE!> -yelling- Motojiro: <Now that I have your attention--I wanted to ask about--Excuse me, I was--Hey! Just listen for a hot second!> -after they stopped screaming- Motojiro: *inhales* <Dr. Mori. Location. Info. All the sad, scandalous tales. Now.> grunt 2: <b-but i thought the guy died??> Motojiro: <So I guess I'm looking into the story of a dead man.> *grabs Grunt 2 by the collar* <Want to make it _two stories_?> grunt 2: O-O;;;;;; Motojiro: <I just need all the information you have, then I will not bother you. Okay?> -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *standing at the balcony* atsushi:....kunikida? Kunikida: "Hmm?" atsushi: you ok? Kunikida: "...I'm fine. I understand the point you made to that roach." atsushi:....*hug* Kunikida: "..." =\\\\= *pat pat* "You don't have to..." atsushi: just thought you needed it. Kunikida: *awkward cough* "Thanks...You may release me." atsushi: *lets go* ._.; Kunikida: "...If you want to help, order room service." atsushi: ok. anything you want in particular? Kunikida: "...A burger on a pretzel bun, and two bottles of Todsteiner." atsushi: ok. -elsewhere- Jakob: "...They aren't back yet?" wilhelm: they are now. ???: *laying in bed, with a glass of wine* Jakob: "...Oh..." *stands behind Wilhelm* O~O ???: hello all, did you bring kafka back? Walter: "Sure did!" Kafka: O~O "Y-Yes?" ???: glad to see you didnt die. Kafka: "Th-Thank you..." *bows* -elsewhere- Poe: "...Ranpo seems upset." louisa: do you think it has something to do with the incident? lana: possibly... Poe: "I don't know what to do...He has been taciturn." louisa: maybe get him a gift? Poe: *nods* "What would he want? I'm not sure another mystery is what he needs..." lana: maybe we should take him to an amusement park? Poe: "!!! Oh! And get him snacks there..." lana: ^^ Poe: "I'll buy the tickets today...Louisa, will you be joining us?" louisa: i'll have to ask lord francis. Poe: *nods* "...How is work there?" louisa: never a dull moment. ^^; -elsewhere- Lucy: "Is that enough water?" lovecraft:......*slides into it*..... this is.....nice. Lucy: ^w^ "Good. You want any pool or bath toys?" lovecraft: *examining pool noodle*..... *nom* Lucy: "Yay! I'm glad you like it." ^w^ aya: isnt he gonna get water all over the floor? Lucy: "It's okay--I brought plenty of towels, borrowed some--" Katai: *standing in his own shower, staring out into the bathroom from behind the curtain* "..." Q~Q "Where's my towel?" lovecraft: *actually eating the pool noodle*....chewy. Lucy: *claps* "And look how happy he is? Do you want to make him give up that happiness?" aya:..... lovecraft: *poker faced and monotone* wheeee. aya:....good point. Lucy: ^w^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Hanging in there?" naho: tired. wanna sleep. exams are gonna kill me @-@ Higan: "Maybe nap? Want me to wake you up to get back to studying?" naho: i guess. *yaaawn and rests her head on her rilakuma pillow* Higan: *smiles* "I'll get you up in two hours..." naho: *muffled* k. -elsewhere- Rin: "What up today, teach?" stocking: we'll be examining the hall of paintings. *she has a little dog with her* izumo: *shiny eyes* pu...puppy....fluffy baby... Bon: *glances at Izumo* "... The heck is with the dog?" stocking:... >->; well.... izumo: *pet pet* =v= sho kyute! whos da kyootest puppy evah? Rin: *tick tick tick LIGHT BULB* "!!!" *hard glare at Stocking* ("NO.") stocking: ._.;;;;; *makes a motion of 'dont blame me'* *POOF* ???: "Why thank you, Miss Kamiki..." izumo: ^u^...... OuO...... O-O....... O___________O;;;;;; Mephisto: *in his usual suit* "I do try to be as cute as can be~" izumo: ..................... shiemi: izumo? izumo: i remember death so much it feels like a memory. shiemi: *shaking her* izumo get a hold of yourself! D8> Mephisto: "??? Was it something I said~?" stocking: =-=;;; dad, please. Rin: "Flirting with your students...I'm shaming that, dude." konekomaru:..... *internal screaming* stocking: can we just please focus now?? Bon: "Such as, why the heck is Sir Pheles here?" Mephisto: "I'm your substitute teacher!" Rin: ._. "...Where's Yukio?" stocking: important business. Rin: >3< "He never tells me nothing..." izumo: never tells you anything. Mephisto: "In any case, LET US COMMENCE SOLVING THE LAST MYSTERY, GANG!" shiemi: i thought there were only three left? Mephisto: .w.;;; "..." *glances at Stocking* "They are really falling behind on their studies, aren't they?" -one explanation later- shiemi: my own house? i never thought it would be on the list ._.; Mephisto: "Really? It's on all the 'haunted house' blogs..." shiemi: EH? Mephisto: "In any case, I need you to find a prank I left behind--I mean, a painting..." stocking: dad... -_-; Mephisto: "Sorry. But some people have been traumatized when they see this painting. Frankly, I'm surprised: usually, they are only disturbed when they see my portraits--" izumo: i dont want to know. Bon: "See, sir? You're scaring impressionable minds--" -POW- izumo: *fist steaming* Mephisto: owo "Oh, my--such passion." stocking: *sharp glare* Mephisto: ^^;;; *POOF* stocking: *sigh* lets just....start the lesson already... Rin: "..." *stares at the wall* "...Huh. The caption says 'Family Painting'..." shiemi: but there's just one person. Rin: "..." *shrug* "Works for me--" Bon: "Don't do it." Rin: "DOING IT!" *SLICE* -one battle later- godaiin: ..... *KNOCK KNOCK* godaiin: y-yes? Rin: *bruised, beaten, shirt torn* "Medical delivery!" godaiin: are you ok? what happened? Rin: "Nothing to worry about--just some coursework." ^w^ *drops a small bottle into Godaiin's hand* "Enjoy!" godaiin:....h-hey....is it true that you're....y-y’know, half- Rin: "..." *nods* godaiin: is it scary? Rin: "...Yes...But...you can't erase fear. Someone told me once you need courage to face fear." *smiles* "And I'm lucky to have great people with me that help me find that courage." ???: riiiin! Rin: "???" -madoka is waving to him, with the other cram students- shiemi: madoka said she was coming with us to the diner! Rin: ^w^ "Sweet!" godaiin: s-see you around then, okamura. ^^; Rin: "??? Aren't you hungry?" godaiin: im ok, i'll just heat up some pizza rolls. have a good night. Rin: *waves* "Later! Have a good night." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Cupcake? What can I buy to make it up to you~? Any ice cream flavor you want, as many scoops as you want?" stocking: im not hungry right now. what i want is to be taken seriously by my students and peers. im grown up now, and im not a child anymore. you're my dad and i love you a lot, and i want to make you proud and prove myself capable of a job like this. Mephisto: "Oh, Stocking--I do take you seriously. I'm just here to provide the reasonable challenge to push you to deal with disrupting students. You've made me so proud already..." stocking:.... *pouts with teary eyes and hugs* -at the vatican- Yukio: *pricking finger, placing it onto the paper* personnel: state your name and rank. Yukio: "Yukio Okumura. Middle-first class exorcist, member of True Cross, Death City." personnel: you have been summoned here in regards to your report on the traitor, Sabutora Todo. Yukio: "Understood." personnel: with the inclusion of todo, demon eaters are almost certainly affiliated with the illuminati, in your encounter, was there any evidence as to prove this statement? Yukio: "I was focused on the battle at hand. However, Todo seemed to suggest some larger motive for his actions. I was unable to ascertain what, though..." lewin: what kind of man was he? Yukio: "??? Um...Could you be more specific? I mean, when I first met him, he was a bit strict--" lewin: i meant your personal impression. did he scare you? Yukio: "?! ...No. When I see him again, I will defeat him." lewin: hmm...i see, that's all i needed to know. personnel: well, then, you are dismissed. -later- Triple A: "He sets a better example than his brother." shura: then why use the contract? he passed his health exam, didnt he? Triple A: "That was Lightning's proposal." shura: you always make him do the thinking! D8< Triple A: "But he's so good at scheming--and I'm so good at being a symbol~" shura: yeah, a symbol of being a stuck up prick. lewin: come on guys, let try to get along. shura: easier said than done. =_=# lewin: besides, observing him helps protect him, given that he is also satan's son. with that info, its likely the illuminati will take interest in him. shura: speaking of, any new info from your familiar? lewin: indeed. there are spies within the order. shura: !!?? lewin: two in the vatican, and at least two in death city. we only know the numbers, but its the best we got. Triple A: "Any suspects?" shura: nothing definitive yet. Triple A: "Then find the spies in Death City." -morning- Rin: *snore* madoka: zzzzz Rin: *yawn* "..." *nose poke* madoka: *yawn* morning. *nose smooch* Rin: >\\\w\\\< "Hee..." *The door opens* madoka: 0-0; Rin: "Eep!" Yukio: *nods* "Madoka." *looks at Rin* "...Did you complete your mission?" madoka: .-.; Rin: .\\\. *nod nod* "Even gave the eyedrops to Godaiin." Yukio: "Good...I'm just passing through before getting back to work. Don't stay in bed all day." madoka: noted. plus i should probably head home soon. mom might get worried. Rin: ^\\\^ "Yep. Need a walk home?" madoka: thanks, but sayaka said she'd pick me up. Rin: "Cool." *looks at Yukio* "What you doing? Heading back to school?" Yukio: "Meeting Shiemi." Rin: "..." :3 madoka: ^.^ Yukio: "???" Rin: "Yooooooooooooou’re daaaaaaaaaaating~" Yukio: ._. kyouko: *pokes head in* oooi, madoka, sayaka's here. madoka: ah, i'll be right there.....um....guys? c-could you... Rin: "...Could we...?" Yukio: *grabs Rin by the ear and out of bed* kyouko: *closes the door and looks at rin* Rin: "OW OW OW!" Q\\\\Q “WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING SEXUAL!” Kyouko: I didn’t say anything, im just standing here. -elsewhere- Motojiro: "I'm back!" *wearing the lemon-yellow suit still* leo: *hugs* i was worried. Motojiro: OwO "I-I'm sorry! D-Did I miss dessert?" leo: it's fine. higuchi: *drinking coffee, groggy* =~= Motojiro: "...Sleep any better, boss?" higuchi: *groans as a response* Motojiro: "Well, you'll have to perk up with some delicious lemon-infused tea--BECAUSE I GOT--drum roll please--" *holds up an address* higuchi: !!!! Motojiro: "We get to say hello to Mister Boss Daddy!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Looks like some are still sleeping." atsushi: *still looking at the photograph* Kyoka: *shivers* atsushi:.... Kunikida: *yawns...stumbles out of his room* atsushi: morning, kunikida. naomi: im ordering breakfast. Kunikida: *holding his head* "Yes, thank you...I'll need some coffee." naomi: on it. Kyoka: "Where's Dazai?" naomi: he's asleep. atsushi: i'll go wake him up. Dazai: =w= naomi:...so what's today's agenda? Kunikida: "I need someone to follow that Hughes man..." Kyoka: "We did meet someone who seemed good at tracking..." naomi: ? Kyoka: "He may know more than we do, being a local." naomi: that could be helpful. Kyoka: "I guess we'll search for him while trying to tail any of these...what do we even call this group?" naomi: hmmmm.... Gaus? atsushi: gaus? naomi: german ability user society. G.A.U.S. Kyoka: "..." *thumbs up* atsushi: works for me. Tanizaki: ^^; "Well, if we're hunting for GAUS, I'll try to stick to alleys." atsushi: naomi and i will ask about the photo. naomi: *nods* Dazai: *yawns* "And avoid Lemonhead and Higuchi..." atsushi: unders- WAIT WHAT?! Kyoka: "!!!' Tanizaki: ._.;;; Dazai: "Oh, relax, Atsushi--your boyfriend isn't here! ...I think. Maybe?" atsushi: -_-; that's not how it is. its platonic at best. Kunikida: "In any case, avoid the Mafia, find Hughes, determine what these GAUS have in common." atsushi: right. naomi: got it. Kyoka: *nods* *already holding multiple knives* -elsewhere- Ted: "Are we all here? Hmm...Someone's missing..." girl: ....... Ted: *smiles at the girl* "Care to find them~?" girl:.......*shaking* Ted: "..." *slightly less "polite"* "Find them." girl:.....o-ok, mr ted...... Ted: *smiles* "Good. I'll wait." *opens the newspaper, sips his tea* girl: *walking, tears falling as she shakes* -elsewhere- Kid: "How does your day look?" stocking: seems i got the day off today. Kid: "Any plans? Or...teacher's homework?" stocking: i dunno~ *rubs his shoulders* Kid: =\\\\= "Mmm...That's perfect..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *leans back, sneaks a kiss* stocking: mmmm~<3 -elsewhere- Stein: "No use..." soul: sir? Stein: "Remember our friends from the recital? I'm not finding much evidence the UK knows any Mr. Hughes." soul: hmmm... Stein: "...I'm going to need you to find those kids." soul: right. Stein: "You okay with that?" soul: *he nods* -_-; -elsewhere- Shima: "Guys, I'm boooored..." konekomaru: *doing research analysis* Shima: "Come on, guys--we're in the prime of our lives! We should be hitting the streets!" konekomaru: in a minute. i have to finish sorting these documents. Bon: *picks up one stack* "...Huh." konekomaru: after last night, i figured i'd work best as your tactician and researcher. the occult club has been helping me out too. Bon: "Hey, good planning!" Shima: "And you can pick up the ladies~" konekomaru: i-it's nothing like that, we're just comparing and swapping notes! Shima: "Oh~ Now swapping spit?" Bon: *chop* "Stop." Shima: >3<# -text message- konekomaru: oh, you still have the default ringtone, bon? Bon: "??? I guess?" *looking at the phone* seiya: [hello, just an update that the true cross festival is going to be coming up soon.] Bon: [we need to do anything?] seiya: [for now, have fun getting ready.] Bon: [will do] Shima: "Good--Konkekomaru can get a break." -elsewhere- Lucy: "May I help, sir?" fukuzawa: ah, yes. *hands her a paper* i need you to deliver this to city hall. *gives her a pin* wear this. Lucy: owo "What's the pin for?" fukuzawa: an honorary ADA membership pin. Lucy: OwO *squee* TwT aya: now we match! *holds hers up. it has a little flower sticker on it* Lucy: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Panda: "WEEEEEEEEE!" inko: NYEHEHEHEHE! sasori: -_- Sancho: *covering his mouth* @x@ Panda: "Do another wheelie!" -VREEEEE- -elsewhere- Benimaru: *passed out* kirei: *gives him a cold towel* you've been working really hard. Benimaru: "Y-Yes...There has been some free time." kirei: *she smiles* Benimaru: "Are you resting?" kirei: i think so. *smiles* Benimaru: "..." *pats her hand* kirei: ^////^ Benimaru: "...I love you." kirei: i love you too, benimaru. Benimaru: "..." *leans up, kisses her hand* kirei: aww. ^///^ hinata + hikage: *peeeeeek* konro: *anticipating* (come on, young master, dont fuzz this up. you can do this!) Benimaru: "..." *gulp* kirei: ? Benimaru: "I...have enjoyed so much time we have spent." kirei: i've been happy too. Benimaru: "...I want it to keep going.” kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei..." *slips his hand into his pocket* kirei: *blush* hinata + hikage: *GRIIIIIN* Benimaru: "..." *holds up a ring* kirei: beni... *tears of joy* Benimaru: "Will you marry me?" kirei: of course! *kiss* hinata + hikage: *pulling confetti poppers* <congratulations!!> Benimaru: "??? ..." *smiles* *rests his forehead against Kirei's* kirei: *hugs* kabuki: how touching~ fang-hua: congrats. reimi: YAY! ^o^ Tsukiyo: TTwTT fang-hua: isnt this great, konro? Konro: YYWYY *barely audible noises* fang-hua: owo; s-sir? Konro: "I'm so proud..." -elsewhere- Daisy: *at her desk, listening to loud music on headphones* eckleburg: ... ._.; Daisy: *intuition going off* *looks up and around* "???" eckleburg: um. sorry to interrupt you, daisy. ^//^; Daisy: "..." *sighs, removes headphones* "Yeah?" eckleburg: so, um... i was wondering....well...there's going to be a company party coming up soon, and....erm.... Daisy: "Ugh...Those things." eckleburg: oh, um...w-well if you dont want to go, then maybe we could hang out....somewhere? i mean, i dont want to force you-.....i'll just, be going now. Daisy: *sigh* "The only good part about the parties is getting to look and laugh at how foolish other people look there." *looks at him* "...You're going to the party or not?" eckleburg: YES DEFINITELY SEE YOU THERE! *runs. into the door frame* excuse me. *runs off* Daisy: "..." *puts back her headphones...smiles lightly* -elsewhere- atsushi: <excuse me, ma'am? does the man in this photo look familiar?> *holds his phone up to show the photo* Person: Q_Q <I thought he was dead...> atsushi: <do you know where he lived?> Person: *shakes her head* <H-He did so many horrible things...I-I once saw his little boy, though, playing on the swings...They were right over there.> *points to a playground blocks away* atsushi: <i see. thank you for your time, ma'am.> Naomi: "Maybe the playground is near where they lived...Or near a subway line..." atsushi: *looks at the photo* mori looked so innocent back then.....what happened to him to make him what he is now? Naomi: "...Probably family..." atsushi: ..... -elsewhere- Kyoka: *walking* girl: .........*walks past her* Kyoka: "...!!!" *turns* girl:..... Kyoka: "It's you." girl:.....*staring at the floor, shuffling awkwardly* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello. I'm Kyoka." girl: .......*not making eye contact* Kyoka: "...Maybe you could help me? ...I met some of your...associates yesterday." girl: *muttering* ...cant....mr ted will.....get mad....have to go... Kyoka: "May I walk with you?" girl: *mumble* i-i dont know....mr ted never....mentioned that.....he's gets....very specific....about orders..... Kyoka: "If he didn't say go alone...may I go with you?" girl: um...i-i guess....i-i dont know... Kyoka: "..." *walks with her* "...You have nice hair." girl: y-yours looks...nicer....mines just...messy.... Kyoka: "...I've seen messy. Yours looks orderly by comparison." girl: um.....t-thank you...... Kyoka: "...Is Mr. Ted..." girl: *tenses* Kyoka: "I mean...he's not a relative, is he?" girl: *shakes head* my parents.....died....a few years ago....mr ted....took me in. Kyoka: "...I'm sorry...I had the same thing happen." girl:.......oh..... Kyoka: *nods* "I...miss them." girl: ....... {mrs izumi: demon snow, protect my daughter} Kyoka: "But..." *rubs her arms* "...I still have their protection." girl: .......here... Kyoka: "???" -it's a building- girl: i should.....go now... *enters* Kyoka: "..." *walks inside* girl: *going up the stairs* Kyoka: "..." *looks up at the stairs as she enters an elevator* -3rd floor- Kyoka: *exits the elevator, sticking close to the wall to hide behind a corner* Walter: *humming* ^w^ Kyoka: "!!!" "Mr. Benjamin?" Walter: "???" *spots her* "Oh! Tiny bunny girl!" Kyoka: -\\\\- "Kyoka." *grabs his hand* Walter: owo "???" ???: m...mr walter?... Walter: *turns* "Oh! Hey, Syl!" girl: *shaking, looking at him tearfully* i-im sorry.....*grabs him by the arm, marking him* Walter: "?!!! W-Wait! Don't--" Kyoka: "???" girl: *in tears* mr walter said...you're a traitor...im sorry... *goes to the door, and slams it on her wrist* Kyoka: "!!!!" Walter: *screams in agony, trying to hold onto his hand* "NO!" *crying* girl: *slam, slam* Walter: *sobbing* *Something grabs the girl's wrist* girl: ??!! Kyoka: *deathly serious* "Stop this." girl: *scared* i-if i...if i dont...mr ted will....get angry..... Kyoka: "And how do you think Walter feels? Or how _you_ feel..." *looks at the girl's injured wrist* girl:.....it doesnt matter to mr ted.....im only meant to do the job....my feelings dont mean a thing. Kyoka: "...Your feelings do matter. Doesn't that hurt?" girl:....*tearing up more* Kyoka: "...What did he do to you?" girl: if i dont...do what he asks....he beats me, stings me with a fire poker, and he always makes sure to cover his skin....so that i cant use my ability on him. Kyoka: "..." *pulls the girl from the door* girl: ???? Kyoka: *hug* girl: ?????!!!! Kyoka: "...It's okay." girl: ah- Kyoka: "You don't deserve this." girl:.......*shaking* Kyoka: "...Let's get you to somewhere safe--" girl: *she breaks down sobbing* -the effect of her ability has worn off- Walter: *collapses, gasping* girl: *hic* uuuuu... Kyoka: "..." *looks at Walter* "...Car?" girl: *shaking* Kyoka: "Your vehicle?" Walter: *clutching his wrist* Q_Q "Y-Yeah?" girl: d-do you h-h-hate me? Walter: "J-Just...What did I do wrong, Syl?" girl: m-m-mr ted told me, y-y-you were h-helping the a-agency... Kyoka: "..." *slow head turn at Walter--serious voice* "You were helping Mr. Ted?" Walter: Q________Q "...L-Let's just get into my van already. I'll drive you anywhere--OW!" Kyoka: "Not with that wrist. I'll drive." girl: e-eh? Walter: "But you're...um..." *holds up a hand to Kyoka's head* Kyoka: "I manage." *leads them to the elevator* *looks at the girl* "Was anyone else following you?" girl: n-n-no Kyoka: *presses the basement/garage button* "Then we're heading to friends." Walter: Q_____Q "...Ted's gonna fry me." girl: uuuuuu Q____________Q Kyoka: "..." *The elevator plays music* Kyoka: "Which vehicle is yours-- ...Nevermind." *goes to Walter's van--starts hotwiring* girl: b-but your keys- Walter: "Y-Yeah! I have them here--" Kyoka: "No, this is faster..." *starts up the van* "Get in." -and so- Kyoka: *looking over the steering wheel* "...'Syl'?" girl: ?? *mutters something* Kyoka: "???" *turns down the music on Walter's MP3 player hooked up to the car* "I'm sorry?" girl: i-it's sylvia... Kyoka: "Ah...Sylvia...Kyoka." sylvia: mm.... Walter: TwT "And I'm Walter...Please tell me you have a medic." Kyoka: "She's back in the United States. And would have to make you near death to heal you." Walter: QwQ Kyoka: *pulls up to the hotel* "Okay. Follow." *gets out of the van* Walter: *checking the side of the van* "Phew...The paintjob survives..." sylvia:... -inside- Tanizaki: *sorting files* *sigh* "Nothing here, either." Kunikida: "This was the most the contact in Interpol could provide. Maybe we should--" *The door unlocks* Tanizaki: "???" Kyoka: "Hello." sylvia: ..... Tanizaki: "Welcome back. I--!!!" Kunikida: *looks* "...Kyoka, are you--" Kyoka: "I'm fine. But we need medical for someone..." Walter: QwQ sylvia: im sorry, im so sorry.... Tanizaki: ._.;;;; "...I take it your time was more eventful?" Walter: "Sly...It-It's fine...Fine..." *grows quiet* sylvia: *tearing up* Kunikida: "...Tanizaki, tend to him. Kyoka, I'll get some tea going...Have a seat with your...guest." sylvia: *sniff* Kyoka: "..." *sits down...pats the couch* sylvia:...*sits down* Kyoka: "...It'll be okay." sylvia: ................people are going to be killed because of me, mr ted made me hurt those other people too.... Kyoka: "It's okay...Just rest first..." sylvia: ..... -elsewhere- Dazai: *across the street from a hotel, sipping coffee* =w= higuchi: *catching a taxi* Dazai: *watches...spots another taxi* "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Naomi: *groans* "So much for that. We tried so many spots near the playground, and no closer to his house." atsushi: *sigh* i hope the others are having more luck than us. Naomi: "Maybe...Better get home. Big brother is probably worried sick about me~" =u= atsushi: *sweatdrop* Naomi: "Let's hurry back before--" *A trash can slams into Naomi's side, knocking her down* atsushi: !!!! HEY! Naomi: "UMPH!" *knocked to the ground, stumbling* "Wh-What the hell?! My head..." atsushi: *looks down the alley* *There stands the eyeglasses-wearing man, fidgeting...Franz Kafka* Kafka: *shiny eyeglasses...glaring...* atsushi: ohhhhh crap. Kafka: "..." *sharp inhale...he takes off his glasses, sets them in a case, sets the case on top of a dumpster* "...The twins couldn't do it...Leroux couldn't...You embarrassed Etta...and now" *looks up* "YOU MADE ME TOUCH A FILTHY TRASH CAAAAAAAAAN!" atsushi: ._.;;;; Kafka: *starts twitching...rubbing his face with the back of his hand* atsushi: s-sir? Kafka: *looks up--and his eyes look...insectile* atsushi: !!!!!!!!! *Chittering noises come off of him, as his face starts growing hair...No...That's not hair!* atsushi: w-what the hell?! Kafka: *loud chittering shriek as he leaps--his feet look...flatter?--as he tackles Atsushi...he's able to hold him down* atsushi: ??!!! Kafka: "You're not getting up noooooow!" *he has...four arms?!* atsushi: *SCREEEEEEAMS* WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUUUCK?! Kafka: *screams--as his clothes rip off him...then his skin! What pokes out are the shell of a cockroach!* Naomi: "!!!! Atsushi!" atsushi: !!!!! *kicks him in the gut* Kafka: *opens his mouth--and coughs up something vile onto Atsushi's face* atsushi: GUEGH! GROSS! Kafka: *inhuman shriek* "I have to...digest!" *bites into Atsushi's side--ripping out a chunk of him* Naomi: *hunting through the trash* "...Oh, the heck with it!" *leaps into the dumpster, tossing items out* atsushi: *screams* -tiger fist and He managed to punch through with enough force to-- Kafka: "ARG!" *his thin arm is knocked back, looking broken* "BASTARD!" *skitters away--crawling up the wall* atsushi: *cough cough* urk....gross... *SPIT* Naomi: "!!! Atsushi! He's using the height to--" *SPIT SPIT SPIT* atsushi: OHFUCK *dodging* *The acid spit starts corroding the street* Naomi: *panting--finally--* "Ah ha!" *reaches down* "Atsushi! Just another minute!" Kafka: *crawls at swift speed, pincers grabbing Atsushi by the leg, chomping into him* atsushi: thank god for regeneration or this would be really-*YELLS* Kafka: *pins Atsushi down* -PUNCH- Kafka: "ARG!" *his head is caved in by the punch--but he keeps going* "I have to keep it all in--ALL OF IT! I have to be organized, anticipate what everyone else needs--PREDICT WHAT THEY NEED DOWN TO THE LAST MINUTE! I have to be so organized--TO KEEP THIS IN! To keep this FILTHY MONSTER INSIDE!" *pins Atsushi down* "And now...I hunger..." *a growling is heard from his abdomen* atsushi: ...mama? Kafka: *his jaw unhinges, his pinchers reach for Atsushi's head, and--* *SLICE* atsushi: *winces as slimy blood splatters onto his face* *Kafka's roach head rolls off his body and onto Atsushi's chest* Naomi: *covered in garbage, now roach blood...and holding a large sheet of metal* *pants* "..." *swallows, struggling not to vomit* "I-I knew roaches slice off easily..." atsushi: thanks naomi.....we need all the showers....is he really- Kafka's head: "..." *eyes break open--and looked pissed* Naomi: Q______Q *LOUD SCREAM* atsushi: OHMYGODWHATTHEFUCKBARBEQUESUPERCALAFRAGILISTICAVRILLAVIGNE *TOSSES IT AT THE WALL* Kafka's head: "OUCH! You awful, dirty people! Don't you know roaches live for days after beheaded!" *Kafka's body starts skittering, until it is on its back* atsushi: oh right......are you gonna die then? Kafka: "...ARE YOU KIDDING ME, BODY?! Just grab them!" Naomi: *screaming, smashing his body with the metal* "DIE DIE DIE DIE--" Kafka: "No, you idiot! I regenerate! That's why Ted sent me--to offset your regeneration!" atsushi: *shakes the head* WHAT DOES HE WANT AND WHAT DOES THE GAUS WANT? Kafka: *eyes rolling around* "ST-STOP THAT!" *eyes spinning* "Ugh...What on Earth is 'Gaus'?" Naomi: "IT'S A GOOD NAME!" *stabs the metal through the body until it's sliced in half* atsushi: we dont know who you guys are, so we took to 'Gaus'. 'German Ability User Association?' Kafka: "...Okay. That's not a terrible name. And to answer your question, Ted wants you all dead so you don't get in his way--" atsushi: what does he want? Kafka: "...Ha...Ha ha ha! You think it's Ted running all of this?! No, Ted wants you dead so not to screw up _his_ plans!" atsushi: then who is _he_ exactly? Kafka: "..." *tilts his head a bit, as if to say "Come closer--I'll whisper"* atsushi: *hesitant* *lean* pleasedontbiteme. Kafka: *inhale* "I'M NOT ABOUT TO TELL YOU NO-GOOD DIRTY DISORDERLY RAPSCALLIONS!!!" atsushi: YEOW! >-Q Kafka: "HA HA HA! You fools! You'll never find--OW!" Naomi: "Atsushi, grab his other antenna!" atsushi: *grab* Kafka: Q~Q "NO NO NO! THAT HURTS! STOP!" Naomi: *growl* "Spill...Or you'll be half a roach!" Kafka: Q____Q "...I'm going to need a place where I can regenerate--and where Ted can't get to me...And...Um...one more thing..." atsushi: what? Kafka: "...D-Don't hurt Etta." atsushi: ...of course not. Naomi: "...Oooooooooh ~<3 " Kafka: "...IT'SNOTHINGSHUTUPYOUFILTHYDIRTYGIRL!!!" atsushi: suuure its not. Kafka: "TAKE ME TO A SAFE PLACE OR I'LL BITE YOUR KNEECAPS OFF!" atsushi: alright you dont have to shout at us! -elsewhere- higuchi: <thank you, sir.> well, here it is....just got to follow the GPS to- ???: "Super! You found the spot?" higuchi: yes-..... O_O *TURNS* Dazai: ^3^ "Miss me~?" higuchi: *grooooooan* fuck everything. Dazai: "I do." higuchi:...........whatever. screw it, lets just get to this fucking place and get to the bottom of this. DO NOT. INNUENDOIZE THAT. Dazai: "I promise not to innuen-Dazai you." higuchi:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................*poker faced, silently weeping* how does the agency put up with you? Dazai: "Why do you think I'm overseas?" higuchi: well, if kunkida is here, most likely detective work. Dazai: "Just looking into reports..." higuchi: well, then you have no reason for coming here. it's personal mafia business. Dazai: "Just think of this as me--" *pats a hand on his chest* "--doing an old favor for old...um...enemies? Friends? Frenemies? Frenemies with benefits--" higuchi: stop.......here it is. Dazai: "...Oh..." -its an abandoned house.- Dazai: "..." *snaps a pic* higuchi: *walking up to it* Dazai: "Watch out for traps." higuchi: noted. *looking for a way in* -elsewhere- Ted: "..." *taps his foot* "Miss Hoffman. Where are they?" etta: beats me. Ted: "Hmm..." *checks off items on a list* "Depleted numbers...Need to prioritize. No calls?" etta: nope. Ted: "Darn. Well, wait and see. I'll turn on additional parameters. Thank you, Miss Hoffman. You may return to your tasks." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *in the nearby pharmacy, grabbing bandages and other first-aid* ???: "--then maybe we can visit a park?" leo: that sounds lovely. ^^ Kunikida: "???" *pops up and looks over the aisle* Motojiro: *looking over the other side* Kunikida + Motojiro: "..." leo: oh, hello. Kunikida: *turns* *sees Leo* "...Hello." *looks at Motojiro* "Shopping?" Motojiro: ^w^ "Picnic!" leo: *nods* Kunikida: "Ah..." Motojiro: "That's a lot of medical supplies." Kunikida: "...Dazai hurt himself." Motojiro: "Really..." *looks at his phone* leo: is he alright? Kunikida: "Just the usual--" Motojiro: *sees a text from Higuchi--with Dazai in it* "..." Kunikida: "--and now we have to deal with the room service damages..." higuchi: [he followed me here. kill me.] leo: oh dear. -kunikida's phone is going off- leo: 0___0;; Kunikida: "...It's Dazai." *answers* "Yes?" Dazai: "Guess where I am~?" Kunikida: "Yes, yes, I'm heading back to--" Dazai: *off-phone* "Come on--just say 'Hi' once!" higuchi: -___- shut up, im looking for an entrance. Kunikida: "..." *clenching his fist, forming a crack in the phone* Motojiro: *stares at Kunikida* leo: ._.; Kunikida: "I said I'll be back upstairs when--" Dazai: "I think we just found something about Mori! Isn't that exciting to hear?!" Motojiro: *his ear next to the phone as well* "So nice to hear, Dazai." Dazai: .w.;;;;; Kunikida: *shaking* -BANG- higuchi: there, that should do it. Dazai: "Okay. Now keep an eye for traps, like battering rams, poison-tipped darts, lethal rabid dogs-- ..." *pushes her aside* "I'll go in first." Kunikida: *shaking with raw fury...on fire...* leo: *picks up motojiro and exits* Motojiro: owo;;;; Kunikida: *keeps shaking until--* *Outside, the top of the pharmacy blows up--then crashes back down* leo: O-O;;;; -elsewhere- atsushi: did anyone else feel that? Kafka: *rolling off the table* "AAAAAAH! DON'T LET ME FALL--" atsushi: *puts him in a bowl* Kafka: Q_Q "Thank you..." Walter: *hand bandaged, as much as it can be* "So, Franz, you just can't a--" Kafka: >~< "DON'TYOUEVEN!" sylvia: ....... Kyoka: "...Sylvia. May I ask how you found these two?" sylvia: t-they're c-c-coworkers of m-mr ted's. Kyoka: "Hmm. How did they join this...GAUS?" Walter: ^^;;; Kafka: T~T "I had nowhere to go..." sylvia: it's not gaus. we're called 'Sturm und Drang'. atsushi:...i liked gaus better Kyoka: *nod nod nod* Kafka: "PHILISTINES!" Walter: "GAUS it is! We can even get shirts with it!" Kafka: "WHY ARE YOU BEING FRIENDS WITH THEM?!" Naomi: *slams a book onto the table* atsushi: O-O Kafka: "!!!" Naomi: *slasher smile* "Quiet, little roach..." atsushi: *hides behind tanizaki* tanizaki save me Kyoka: "...Sylvia..." sylvia: *shaking badly* atsushi: we'll make sure he doesnt hurt you. Kafka: "..." *evil chuckle* "And we're supposed to trust you _why_?" atsushi: look, we dont know what we did to piss you guys of, but we're here looking for answers in regards to a certain person. Walter: "??? That Mori guy?" atsushi:....yeah. -atsushi explains the situation- Walter: "...Holy shit, dude." sylvia: *trembling* Kafka: "...If we tell you Ted's location, what do we get? Why should we help you with this Mori?" atsushi: because if we dont help him, then innocent people will get hurt. and the rats might come here next. Walter: "...He's got a point..." Kafka: "..." *sigh* "Sylvia?" sylvia:......*looks at the ground* Kyoka: "We want to make sure abuse like this...doesn't happen to others." sylvia:.....o-ok.... Kyoka: *smiles* "Okay..." Tanizaki: *pulls up a map on his laptop* -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking around* "..." higuchi: *looking with the flashlight* Dazai: *looks at the wall...the wallpaper is moldy, old-fashioned...* {Mori: "That is what you saw, Dazai. That's all you saw."} Dazai: *slight shudder* higuchi: *sees a hall with a few rooms* Dazai: "..." *looks at the floor* *points at a door* "See how the floor is more worn at that door? That must be a common area..." higuchi: *opens it* -its a medical office- Dazai: "..." *looks at the floor* *points at a door* "See how the floor is more worn at that door? That must be a common area..." higuchi: *opens it* -its a medical office- *It's a photo of a man, a woman, and a child* higuchi: so that's mori and his parents.......he has his mother's eyes.....she looks sad. Dazai: "..." *looks through a cabinet, finding nothing* -just simple medical files- Dazai: *sighs* "...He tell you about his parents?" higuchi: *shakes her head* Dazai: "...Given how he turned out, apparent they weren't great." higuchi:.....*looks around* Dazai: "..." *walks to another door--it's locked* "..." higuchi: *hands him a hairpin* Dazai: *nods, slips it into the keyhole--and unlocks the door* "..." *takes the doorknob...slowly opens--and the smell hits him* "!!!" higuchi: *gags* *The blood is caked onto the operating table* higuchi: !!!!!!! Dazai: *his eyes look at the entire room* *Medical tools are scattered on the floor...and a dried stream of blood from a certain spot...* higuchi: *coughs* god....*notices another area with a desk* Dazai: "..." *throws open a cabinet* "Start looking." higuchi: *examines the desk. there are notes* --writhing for 1 hour 47 minutes before the heart finally stopped.- higuchi: *reading through more notes* lettet: "My son..." higuchi: *continues* letter: "If there is one lesson I want you to learn, it is logic. It is the one constant--overcoming any one person's whims. It is pure. This is the legacy I give to you--one you will inherit, like you inherit my name." higuchi: ??!! (what?) *keeps reading* letter: "I am following the tradition of my father, and his father, and so on--not out of any sense of nostalgia, but because it is the best course of action. With each generation, they improve upon the model of their predecessor, much as one bloodline improves by incorporating new genetic content, at _any_ cost." higuchi: *continues.....and her eyes widen* ???: "That is why I had to contain your mother." higuchi: *her hands are shaking* Dazai: Higuchi...?" higuchi: s-she died..... ???: "To make you who you needed to be, I had to remove all external variables, leaving behind only what you need to persist: your intelligence, your shrewdness, your cunning. You must not let anything hold you back. Not even your parents." higuchi: rain.....*tearing up* rain had to fucking die for this!! this....fucking legacy! Dazai: "...This is who Mori is." higuchi: *she cant speak, all she can do is scream* Dazai: "..." *passes a hand over one sheet, looking behind it* Dazai: *stares...* *It's a photo of four-year-old Rintarou, smiling up at the camera, wearing his father's labcoat* higuchi: *trembling badly and looking at the picture, almost throwing up* Dazai: *takes her hand* "Grab what you need. We're out of here..." higuchi:...*nods.....* Dazai: *takes the photo, pockets it...then looks on the floor* higuchi:.....*looks in one door, tomoe's room....there is a note on the dresser* note: my dearest son rintarou, im sorry that it had to be this way, but it was the only option i had left. your father is a sick, vile, twisted man who doesnt care for human emotions and uses others for his own sick gain. even your own birth was against my will. he keeps going on and on about this 'legacy', but its all madness! i cant take it anymore, everytime i lookat you i see your father's demonic face staring back at me. i dont want you to grow up and become a monster like him. that is why i had to kill you before ending my own life. i hope god can forgive me. your mother, tomoe. higuchi:........*tears falling as she pockets the note* Dazai: "..." *pats her shoulder* higuchi: im just....going to leave now... Dazai: "..." *glances, spots something on the floor* *There is a small doll, with blonde hair and a red dress* Dazai: "..." *picks up the doll* -elsewhere- sylvia:....here.... Kyoka: *nods* "We really appreciate it." sylvia:.... Walter: ^^; "My van got pretty occupied..." Motojiro: ._. leo: ._. Tanizaki: *face smushed against the glass* Kunikida: "Okay. Step one is observation to see best approaches for entering." atsushi: ._.;; Tanizaki: "Maybe send Sylvia in with a prisoner?" sylvia: *shaking* Kunikida: "No. Tanizaki, Atsushi, Kyoka--go inside." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "..." *looks at Sylvia* sylvia:........*shaking* Kyoka: "Hey. It'll be okay." sylvia: ........i'll...g-go with you.... Kyoka: *nods* Tanizaki: "Okay, let's be smart about this inside--" Kyoka: *hands Sylvia a taser* "Use it on anyone who tries to hurt you." sylvia: .......o-o-ok.... Tanizaki: .____.;;; atsushi: ok, lets go. Kyoka: *walks with Sylvia* Tanizaki: *walks ahead, opens the door* atsushi: *heads over to the stairs* Kyoka: *presses elevator button* sylvia: .......... Tanizaki: *takes stairs after Atsushi* Kyoka: "..." *holds her hand* sylvia: *tenses* dont....touch my skin.....the curse.... Kyoka: "I can handle it. We won't let him hurt you." sylvia:.......m-miss kyouka? whats going.....to happen to me? Kyoka: "...Is this where you're from originally?" sylvia: ......i cant remember....its been....a long time.... Kyoka: "...Would you want to come home with us?" sylvia: i-i dont know..... Kyoka: "Think about it. The Agency has been a home to many of us ability users..." sylvia:......i-i'll think about it..... -elsewhere- leo: ...so then this mansion.... Walter: "--is where the boss lives and works." leo: i see... Kunikida: "What does he want?" Walter: *sighs* "Well, for one thing, not Rats here, as you can see." leo: ..... *looks away* Motojiro: "..." *pats Leo's hand* leo: …..*smiles* Walter: "And second...Well...You know how there are only a few ability users? And how you see the violence against so many people...Quirks. Dokeshi. Fire people and even those Infernals that get executed? Well, we don't have it good either. So...Why should Ability Users be the minority?" Kunikida: "...An ability supremacist movement?" Walter: "Oh, God no--the opposite. Why not let everyone _become_ an Ability User?" leo: so basically the opposite of dostoyevsky's goal. Walter: *nods* "You can imagine how someone like that goes with my boss." leo: ._.; Motojiro: "Soooo...What kind of personality does he have?" -FWOOOOOOM- leo: !!!!!! Kunikida: "?!!!" hans: *standing there, sending flames out* WALTER! WHY ARE THEY HERE?! Walter: OwO "...They were persuasive?" hans: then i will have to persuade them to leave. Kunikida: "!!! Benjamin, make her leave!" Walter: "There's no convincing her like this!" hans: if you're here to kill lord goethe, i wont allow it! *FWOOOOM* Walter: "!!!" *puts the van in reverse* "NOT THE VAN, NOTTHEVAN!!!!" *CRASH* *The van hit a light pole* *and a fire hydrant* Walter: Q~Q Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *opens the door, steps out* hans: stay back! Kunikida: "We have no intention of hurting this 'Lord Goethe.' We also have no intention to attack you. But if you keep hitting us, we will defend ourselves." hans: bullshit! *FWOOOM* Kunikida: *dodges, opens his book, writes onto the page--* Motojiro: *pulls Leo away from the blast* leo: !!! Kunikida: *managed to pull from his book some fire-proof gloves before jumping into the alley* Motojiro: "Leo...I'm sorry." leo: *panting* i-it's fine.... .///. Motojiro: "..." *gulps* "Not why I was apologizing..." *hugs her* leo: o////////o Motojiro: *lets go, looks at her* "I'll be back for you...Just wait..." *lets go, runs where Hans is attacking Kunikida in the alley* leo: !!!! -FWOOOOM- Kunikida: *hunkered down* ("Damn it...Not big enough for a fire extinguisher...What would work? What would--") *Someone grabs Hans from behind* hans: ??!!! Motojiro: *holding something in his teeth* *muffled* "We have to stop this right now!" hans: ?? <what the fresh hell?> *Is that...a lemon in his teeth?* hans: ???? Motojiro: *CHOMP* *BOOM* hans: !!!!!! *blown back into the wall* *There is only smoke, dust, and fire left...It is hard to see anything left* hans: <is he mad?> *A call comes from the smoke* hans: ???!! ???: " 'Mad'? You call me 'mad'? Why would you call something so rational as this mad..." *The smoke clears in an instant, revealing Motojiro--the smoke blown away by Kunikida, having summoned it from his book* Motojiro: "It was simply a calculated risk--OUT OF MY LOVE FOR LEMONS!" Kunikida: -_-; "You mafiosos are odd ducks..." leo:.....^^; hans:........<what the hell> Motojiro: *rolls up his sleeves* "I can keep this up all day, ma'am. So how about we talk over a nice cup of tea?" hans: YOU BLEW YOURSELF UP! WITH A LEMON OF ALL THINGS! Motojiro: "...Yes? What was I to blow myself up with? An orange?" hans:.................................................................................. Motojiro: "I see my logic takes your breath away." hans: *takes off a glove, revealing a burnt hand and heats it up* please just drop dead now. ??? ahh, what's doing on? hans: !!!!!!!!! ????: so much noise out here.....and i was just getting comfortable. -a young man with his hair tied in a ponytal appears- hans: johann! 'johann': hnn? hans, who are these clowns? Motojiro: "???" *looks around--then points at himself* Kunikida: "I assume you are the one in charge. Ted Hughes's supervisor?" 'johann': call me goethe. and i assume you guys are with the agency? Kunikida: "I am." goethe: in that case, im going to have to ask you to either leave or die. i dont care what the government asked of you, we wont be eliminated so easily *glares* Kunikida: "You wrongly assume we have any interest to eliminate you. We simply are investigating a number of crimes in this area." hans: and what proof do you have? Kunikida: "Consultation with local police. Attacks on us at the theater, an alley. And the obvious damage your Mr. Hughes has done to one child." goethe: *glances at walter* Walter: Q~Q "S-Sir? Th-They may have a point about T-Ted?" goethe: hmmmm.....well you're the brain, what do you suggest? Walter: ^^;;; "M-Maybe we should walk with them inside and talk with Ted? I mean, Hans's power is enough to burn them to a crisp immediately--and they made sure not to kill her?" goethe: well that much i can appreciate. *wraps an arm around her waist* especially since that trench coat creep tried to harass her. twice. hans: .////. j-johann... Kunikida: "..." Motojiro: "...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" :3 hans: j-johaaaaann >////< not in public. goethe: walter, drive us to ted's place. -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...That's the door then?" atsushi:..... *3 fingers up...2.....1...* *TIGER KICKS THE DOOR DOWN* Tanizaki: *passes Light Snow as a precaution behind them* sylvia:...... Ted: *holding a saucer and tea* "..." *smiles* "Hello." atsushi:.....*hard glare* sylvia: *trembling* Ted: "Sylvia...You brought guests. And you didn't call ahead first?" sylvia: *shaking* Kyoka: "Sylvia..." Ted: "It's good I brought out extra cups." *pours some tea* "Please, sit." atsushi: what do you want, hughes? Ted: *smiles* "Well, for starters, I want you to take me up on some tea--and chat about an opportunity." atsushi: ..... *not sitting down* Ted: "..." *smils fades* "I said SIT." *Something forces them all into chairs* atsushi: ???!!!! sylvia: *tenses* Kyoka: "!!!" Tanizaki: ._.; "H-How did that happen?" Ted: "..." *sits back, smiles again* "You all are ability users, yes?" atsushi:......y-yeah, so? sylvia: *shaking* Ted: *smirks, holds up his left hand* "I am as well." sylvia: .... atsushi: ..... Ted: "A gift from our benefactor--to make this a more fair world." *leans back, sips* "But...a fair world still needs order. And someone needs to enforce that order. After all, once everyone has an ability, how, then, do you impose order..." *looks at Sylvia* "...without someone reminding people of their place?" atsushi: .......... Kyoka: "Lunatic." Ted: "..." *holding his teacup* "I beg your pardon?" atsushi: but there's plenty of people who are satisfied without an ability, like naomi, miss kirako, aya, ranpo... Ted: "Ah, Naomi." Tanizaki: "!!!" Ted: *smiles* "I heard how she handled Mr. Kafka. I think my boss would be interested in offering his gift to her. And who knows--maybe she would be a far better assistant to me than Sylvia." atsushi: !!!!! Kyoka: "!!!" sylvia: *shaking* Tanizaki: "..." *stands up...and flips the table* "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Ted: *doesn't move--as the contents of the table seem to collide with an invisible wall in front of Ted* Tanizaki: "??!" Ted: *smiles* atsushi:.... !!!!!! t-that's- *A whirring sound, like machinery, is heard* Tanizaki: "?!" *Something slams down onto Tanizaki's head, crushing him against the floor* atsushi: TANIZAKI! Tanizaki: "AAAAH!" Kyoka: "!!!" *tries to stand--and is knocked back down into her seat* "UMPH!" atsushi: *looks up and sees....* *Something is shimmering from Tanizaki to the ceiling...and it's staring at Atsushi* atsushi: !!!! ???: *WHIIIIIIIIIR* -in the car- goethe: so that's what ted's been up to, walter? Walter: "...The same, unfortunately, sir." goethe: *siiigh* he really doesnt get the whole thing, does he? hans: ./////. Walter: "...Sir. If it isn't improper to ask...why did you give _him_ an ability?" Kunikida: ._.; ("Now the seats are so limited that fire woman is seated on this man's lap...") Motojiro: ._.; ("And that light pole and fire hydrant are still wedged into the back of the van...") goethe: i suppose he mislead me into believing that he needed help looking after that girl. how annoying, for him to take advantage of the kindness of my heart that way. it pisses me off. leo: that's awful. Kunikida: "I think that is one thing we agree on, sir--one of many. When we encountered him and his attacks on the girl, we ended up including your peers as part of our investigation." goethe: but i know miss hoffman, mr leroux, and the grimm brothers have done nothing wrong. they were only attacking you as means of protecting themselves. Kunikida: "We could have discussed this..." leo: come to think of it, why do you think the agency is here to bring you harm? goethe: to be fair, the messenger girl didnt give many details...but if i asked her, that would be too much work on my part. Motojiro: "...You're kinda lazy, huh?" hans: yes. -_-; leo: who is this messenger girl? goethe: some kid who got in, purple dress, weird thing on her neck, creepy doll, long ponytail. leo: that sounds like elizaveta! Motojiro: "??? Friend?" leo: sort of, she's another member of the rats. goethe: !!!!! wait...did you say 'rats'? as in, the rats in the house of the dead? leo: *she nods* goethe:....................he...hehehe.....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhh THAT explains everything now! *cackling* Kunikida: ._.;;; "Sir?" goethe: *siiiigh* that bastard dostoyevsky is really that determined to piss me off, isnt he? Kunikida: "!!!!" goethe: i've only met him once before, and i only know these things about him; 1, he's the boss of the rats, 2, he wants to get rid of ability users, and 3, i fucking hate him. hans: 7_7 him _and_ his shitty butler. Kunikida: "...I agree with that third point." leo:..... hans: i just sent the message to inform everyone. goethe: *head stroke* thank you, <love> hans: .////.; Kunikida: ._.; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *screaming* atsushi: *lunging at the robotic entity* *The Agency members and Sylvia were held down by invisible robot limbs, formed out of Ted's aura...Now, the limbs have formed around Ted, barely seen behind an aura that hides Ted like he is invisible in the room* Ted: *swings his arm at Atsushi* atsushi: *dodge* let them GO! *TIGER PUNCH* Ted: *absorbs the blow, not moving* atsushi: !!!!! Ted: "Ingenious...Goethe knew the abilities out there--and improved upon them. Take Mr. Tanizaki's Light Snow ability. Excellent for surveillance...but--" *Ted presses his robotic hand harder* Tanizaki: "AAAAAAH!" atsushi: TANIZAKI!! Ted: "So much wasted potential...Why not use the light as _hard_ light, to assume a form that can do this--" *lifts the limb to deliver one more blow--* -BBBBZZZTTTT- Ted: "AAAAAAH!" *the aura starts to fade, Ted starting to fall from his hard-light robotic cockpit* "Wh-What...?" sylvia: *holding the tazer* Tanizaki: *struggling to sit up* "Th-Things about contracts..." *smiles* "There's always a loophole, you stupid fuck." Ted: "!!!" ("Goethe...Did you make my ability susceptible...to electrical blasts?!") sylvia: l..le...leave them....alone.... Ted: "Stay back!" *steps back, knocking over tea cups, assuming a pose against Sylvia* sylvia: *shaking* Kyoka: "Atsushi, hold him down." atsushi: *jumps onto his back* Ted: "GAK!" *struggling to move his robot arms to grab Atsushi--and instead slams back into the wall, trying to knock or crush Atsushi* atsushi: KYOUKA NOW! Kyoka: *nods* *pulls out four tasers* Ted: Q~Q Kyoka: "Sylvia, get the head. I'll take the limbs..." sylvia: *gulps and nods* Kyoka: *lifts the tasers, turns all four on--and brings each one down against one limb of the robot* -BZTBZTBZTZTZTZTZTZ- Ted: *shaking violently* Kyoka: "..." *sighs* "I think he's incapacitated--" Tanizaki: "But not knocked out..." *pulls up his phone, dials Naomi* "Yo, Teddy Ruxpin--You mentioned my sister. Where is she?" Ted: *collapsed, steam coming off his skin* "..." Tanizaki: "I said talk!" Ted: *snickering* -pick up- naomi: hey bro~ Tanizaki: "!!! Naomi?! Where are you?! Are you okay?" naomi: yeah? im at the hotel still, watching roachboy. oh, and dazai just got back too. SAY HI, DAZAI! Dazai: "Hi, Tanizaki! Having fun?" Tanizaki: *can't speak, crying* naomi: bro? BRO?! did something happen?! Dazai: "???" *looks at 'roach boy'* "...Jesus. What the heck are you?" Kafka: "Kafka." Dazai: "!!! Handsome German Kunikida?! Who did this to you?!" *picks up the bowl, shaking it* Tanizaki: "I-I'm just happy...you're safe..." *collapses, passing out* Ted: "..." *chuckling...* atsushi: what's so funny?! Ted: "Look at him...This is what I meant. An ability granted to him--when I crushed him like a bug." *looks at Sylvia* "This is why we need order. This is why I will guide you to your full potential--" sylvia: *shaking* -PUNCH- kyouka: do you think you have _ANY_ right to say that after all you've put her through?! Ted: *shocked* "Wh-What?! How dare you--" *SLICE* Ted: O____o "..." *a bit of his bangs fall to the floor* Kyoka: *holding a blade* "..." atsushi: look at her, dont you see how scared she is? how hurt she is?! Ted: "..." *looks at her* sylvia: *staring at him, with wide eyes, shaking* Ted: "..." *smiles* "Fear has always been a great teacher...It helped me get my ability under control." sylvia: ....... Kyoka: "...Do you know...how hard it is to even _control_ an ability? That Sylvia has gotten this far with what she can do is astounding. You? You couldn't win at all with your sad little wind-up toy of an ability, you awful, wicked child." Ted: "..." Kyoka: "You don't care about her at all, do you?" Ted: "..." *smiles* "I care...about what she can do for me..." atsushi: *KICKS HIM IN THE FACE* Ted: *slow motion fly--a front tooth knocked out--* *Ted slams against his table, sprawled over it, tea spilling onto him* atsushi: you....you PIECE OF ROTTEN SHIT!! Ted: "..." *pushes himself up...turns...and looks at Sylvia* "..." *grips his fist...the fabric on his glove is slightly torn* atsushi:..... !!! -there is a black marking on his hand, of a goat skull surrounded by thorns- Ted: "YOU SPOILED BRAT!" *swings his fist--* sylvia: *winces* Kyoka: *pulls back her fist...and slams it so hard into Ted's face that he flies across the room--and out the window* atsushi:...is he dead? Kyoka: "..." *picks up Tanizaki, looks at Sylvia* "..." sylvia: ........ -elsewhere- Walter: "Sweet! A parking spot right in front." *parks, turns off the van* "Okay, let's head inside--" -CRASH- hans: <HOLY SHIT> leo: !!!!! goethe: hnn? Walter: "..." *looks up* "... ... ..." *slams his forehead on the steering wheel--making the theme song go off on the van's horn* Kunikida: "..." *looks out the window* "..." *comes back into the van* "..." *smirks* leo: oh my god! hans: ._. Ted: *groans* goethe: well well well..... Ted: "S-Sir...I-I can..." *spits up blood* "...ex-explain..." goethe: please do. Ted: "The Agency...came at me in my office...attacked me, unprovoked...St-Stop them..." goethe: *looks up at the window* *The Agency looks down...They look battered...* Walter: *sobbing into the steering wheel* leo: *awkward pat* Motojiro: "H-Hey...It's not that bad? You can buff that out--" Walter: *more crying* Motojiro: OwO;;; leo: .-.; Kyoka: "..." *calls down* "Sir! We are sorry for tossing out the trash. He was stinking up this office with his awful behavior. Also, his crumpets taste like shit." goethe: hmmm.....now tell me hughes, what exactly were you planning, be honest, i wont get mad, i promise~ Ted: Q_____Q "...T-To create the order you wanted among all the new ability users, s-sir..." goethe: is that all? are you sure you dont have...other...motivations~? Ted: Q~Q *vigorously shakes his head "No"* goethe: *raises a brow at him* Ted: Q______________Q goethe: are you by any chance, dissatisfied with your ability? Ted: QwQ "I-I mean, there's always room for improvement--but I assure you! I'm determining how best to improve by my own initiative, sir! After all, I'm not one to ride on someone else's coattails..." goethe: so you choose to upstage me then? Ted: "!!!! Never! I never meant to give that impression, s-s-sir...Why? Did I do something to make you feel that way?" goethe: giving the others orders behind my back for one thing. hans: not to mention using a young girl to torture innocent people and then kill them? Ted: "Now, wait, I was doing what you had instructed--if not in word, then in feeling...And isn't that what a loyal servant would do~?" *smiles, his tooth still missing* goethe: ........yes, that is correct. but you arent a very loyal servant now, are you~? ^^# Ted: QwQ "B-But, sir! I did it all for you!" goethe: did you do it for me, or for your own selfish gain? Ted: "...If I say for myself, what will happen?" goethe: i wont be mad, i promise you that. Ted: "...Yes, I did it for myself." goethe: seee now that wasnt so hard, was it? *pats his hand* Ted: "Y-You really aren't mad?" goethe: im not mad........*grips his wrist tightly as the vines from ted's contract mark crawl up his arm* i'm absolutely furious~ Kunikida + Motojiro + Walter + Kyoka: "!!!" Tanizaki: X_X Ted: *howls in pain* "AAAAH! No! Don't take it away from me!!!" -the vines are around ted's neck, choking him- Ted: "GRRK--" -crunch- goethe:....-tsk tsk-. unfortunate..... leo: !!! i-is he..... hans:.....yes...... Kunikida: "...Sir. This is...murder." Walter: "Ted..." goethe: he was bound by a contract, and he went against it. it's simple business.....and also a side effect of my ability. Kunikida: "...What about his so-called consulate position? I imagine the British government may have concerns." goethe: oh he faked those documents. Kunikida: "..." *sighs* "Of course..." -the others have arrived downstairs now- sylvia:......... leo: now when you say, 'side effect' goethe: all those who are under contract with me via my ability have a marking upon their body as proof. *shows them the back of walter's neck to show it* in exchange for their abilities, they must work for me for the remainder of their lives. fortunately, i provide employment opportunities for the members of sturm und drang, so its not a problem. Walter: .\\\\. atsushi:...i see.... come on, we should tell naomi and dazai. Walter: "I'd offer a ride, but..." QwQ -later, after a big get together and explanation.- Dazai: "...Well, you all had an eventful day." *sits in between Goethe and Hans* "..." *smiles at Hans* goethe: *grabs him and throws him into the wall* so then dostoyevsky's been causing you all trouble then? Kunikida: *not even fazed* "Incredibly so. The Rats have upset order in Death City, mutilated and killed the innocent...The damage persists." Tanizaki: *lying on the couch* goethe: well in that case, we'll be happy to assist you in your endevours any way we're able to. atsushi: seriously? even after all the trouble we- goethe: any enemy of those bastards are friends of ours~ naomi: how petty. leroux: that's our employer for you. a true hedonist. wilhelm: and laaaazy. Kunikida: "..." *offers his hand* "I will explain the situation to our boss. I cannot promise his response, but I promise I will do my best to persuade him." goethe: any time, friend. etta: ^^ Kyoka: "..." *glances at Sylvia* sylvia: *in the corner by herself* Kyoka: "..." *walks over to her* Jakob: *tugs on Atsushi's shirt* atsushi: ?? Jakob: "Mr. Tiger? My brother and I wanted to give you something before you go home." atsushi: aw, thanks kiddos, what is it? *CRUNCH* Jakob: *slams his foot into Atsushi's groin* atsushi: OxO .... QxQ ..... wilhelm: XD Jakob: "That's for embarrassing me in front of everyone!" >_< atsushi: sorryyyyyy Q_____Q Jakob: >3< Kyoka: "Sylvia?" sylvia: !!! y-yes? Kyoka: "...Where will you go now?" sylvia:...i-i dont know....i'll p-probably be in an orphanage.... Kyoka: "..." *points* "Atsushi was in an orphanage, too...before he joined the Agency." sylvia:........ -elsewhere- higuchi: .......................... leo:....she's been quiet the whole ride back.... Motojiro: *nods* "I think she has a lot to think about, including reports to file..." leo: yeah.....*lean* Motojiro: "..." *puts an arm around her* leo:...^////^ pilot: we're here. -hirotsu, tachihara, gin, and kouyou are there, along with pushkin and katya- katya: ooooi! *waving* Gin: "..." *nods* -the plane lands- higuchi:....... Kouyou: "Welcome." Hirotsu: "We can begin the debriefing back at headquarters..." leo: *nods* lady kouyou. pushkin + katya: *TACKLE HUG FOR LEO* Motojiro: "!!!" leo: <g-glad to see you both too.> ^^; -after they get up- Gin: "Higuchi..." higuchi:....*stumbles over to her and leans into her* Gin: *catches her* "..." *strokes her back* higuchi:....*voice cracky, like she had been screaming* can i....stay the night? Gin: "Yes..." leo: *worried* Hirotsu: "...Higuchi...Just...We'll meet in the morning." higuchi:.....*nod* Tachihara: -_-###### Motojiro: "???" leo: mr tachihara? Tachihara: "I'm happy for you. I'm so freaking happy for you..." leo: ??? Tachihara: "Just...If there's ever anything wrong, don't hesitate to ask for help. Okay?" leo: noted. katya: *glaaaare* *gives tachihara the 'im watching you' sign* Tachihara: "?!!!" *glares at Katya* *gives her the finger* -pushkin had to restrain her from biting his finger off. again- -elsewhere- atsushi: and that's basically what all happened. Kyoka: *nods* "Sir...I have a question." fukuzawa: yes? Kyoka: "Are you looking for new members of the Agency?" fukuzawa: what brought this up? Kyoka: "...The deceased Ted Hughes has had held custody, despite no authorization to do so, of a young girl whom he has abused repeatedly. She has no known living relatives, and if nothing is done, she will be put into an orphanage." fukuzawa: ...i'll consider it. Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kafka: *reading in bed...he is wearing different glasses--these are far blockier and less fashionable* "..." *sighs* -knock- Kafka: "??? Enter." etta: hiii franzy~ *wave* ^^ Kafka: O\\\\\\\\\O Walter: "Hey, buddy! I see you're in one piece--" Kafka: *death glare* Walter: OxO etta: we got you something~ *hands him a plush doggy with droopy eyes and holding a heart that reads 'get well soon'* Kafka: O\\\\O "..." >\\\\> "It's...what I would expect from you. Purchased from the gift shop downstairs, I'm sure?" etta: yep! ^^ Kafka: >\\\\> "...Well, I guess it's the thought that counts. Thank you." *ahem, still hugging the doll in his lap, looks at them* "I-I want an organization update." Walter: "...Ted is dead." Kafka: "!!! H-How?! Explain!" Walter: "The boss learned about some of Ted's...behavior, especially towards Sylvia." Kafka: "..." *leans back in bed* "...Jesus." etta:....a fitting punishment. Kafka: "..." *shudders* "He was not a good man...but Goethe's actions are troubling." Walter: "Well, if we do what he says, I think we'll be fine..." Kafka: "..." *hugs the doll more* etta: well....get better soon, ok? Kafka: "..." *nods* "But...Are you two okay?" Walter: ^^; "...I'll be at the auto-shop for a few days...weeks..." etta: yeah. walter's wrist is a bit sore too, but we're surviving. ^^ Kafka: "I'm sorry..." *looks at Etta* "Are you okay?" etta: yeah, of course i am. ^^ Kafka: "...Then that's what's important." etta: aww, thanks franzy ^^ Kafka: >\\\> *scratches his cheek* "J-Just tend to my apartment, water my plants by the schedule listed next to each one, do not go through my files, pick up and file my mail by priority and chronology--" Walter: ^^;;;; -elsewhere-
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Hey Everyone! I’m Schuyler I just turned 20 years old and I’m from the United States. I’m currently a college student taking my gen eds at the moment because I literally have no idea what to study so I’m taking my time getting the boring stuff out of the way! I’m pretty easygoing and Im told I’m really funny but mostly anti social with everyone around me so college can be pretty lonely. So I thought I’d try pen palling/ making internet friends to help with that. I can talk about mostly anything. Music wise I’m really into jazz, blues, rock, but I can get down with anything. I like sports like football, baseball and hockey. Im a Netflix person and currently watching Breaking bad (for the millionth time), Dexter, Supernatural, and a couple of other shows I can’t think of at the moment. I also really like you tubers, I watch wayyy to many to list haha but we can talk about that once we email each other. I love learning about different cultures and I love history and science. I like to travel even though I don’t really get to go many places but I have been to quite a few here in the U.S. Coffee is a must with me and I really like coffee shops. Well if you’ve gotten this far into reading you want to be my pen pal. You can contact me by email first then we can move to snail mail or whatever platform you prefer that’s cool with me.
I don’t have a problem with anyone just maybe someone close to my age but no younger than 17 or older than 25. As long as your not rude or hateful or looking for some weird fantasy sexual thing, defiantly not your girl. If you want to do snail mail I prefer to keep it to people from the US only for expense wise, I cant really afford international mail at the moment. Can’t wait to hear from you! :) [email protected]
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findteenpenpals · 7 years
Hey Everyone! I’m Schuyler I just turned 20 years old and I’m from the United States. I’m currently a college student taking my gen eds at the moment because I literally have no idea what to study so I’m taking my time getting the boring stuff out of the way! I’m pretty easygoing and Im told I’m really funny but mostly anti social with everyone around me so college can be pretty lonely. So I thought I’d try pen palling/ making internet friends to help with that. I can talk about mostly anything. Music wise I’m really into jazz, blues, rock, but I can get down with anything. I like sports like football, baseball and hockey. Im a Netflix person and currently watching Breaking bad (for the millionth time), Dexter, Supernatural, and a couple of other shows I can’t think of at the moment. I also really like you tubers, I watch wayyy to many to list haha but we can talk about that once we email each other. I love learning about different cultures and I love history and science. I like to travel even though I don’t really get to go many places but I have been to quite a few here in the U.S. Coffee is a must with me and I really like coffee shops. Well if you’ve gotten this far into reading you want to be my pen pal. You can contact me by email first then we can move to snail mail or whatever platform you prefer that’s cool with me.
I don’t have a problem with anyone just maybe someone close to my age but no younger than 17 or older than 25. As long as your not rude or hateful or looking for some weird fantasy sexual thing, defiantly not your girl. If you want to do snail mail I prefer to keep it to people from the US only for expense wise, I cant really afford international mail at the moment. Can’t wait to hear from you! :) [email protected]
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jey-chan · 7 years
" The forgotten temple and the secret heritage"
Okay this strange idea come to live after a post that @just-servamp-trash​ rebloged, and im going to warn you beforehand: THIS IS A FEM MAHIRU, SPIRITUAL, MAGIC GIRL, IDOL SCHOOL CIRCUS AU! SO IF YOU DON’T LIKE ANY OF THIS GO BACK AND RETURN ONLY IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE JUDLESS AND GIVE IT AN OPORTUNITY IN YOUR LIVE. I am clear? (ps: sorry if it was much caps but Im so nervous that I can just jump of my window) 
 key claves are:
“whatever the character is talking”
‘when its thinking”
/speakers /
Me: with that let’s go to this and forget about it in the future *craying*
Mahiru saw the building that will be her house in the next 3 years.
It was tall, and simple. A little too dark to her liking but is was nothing that she couldn’t deal with.
Making a fast approach, she locked in the paper that was in her hand that had the number of the room and evidence she was supposed to be there.
You maybe wondering: what kind of place is it? Well, the answer is simple: a circus school.
Okay a circus, idols, intern school. Did I get it clear? And before you start asking more questions let me continue with the story.
You see, Mahiru's mother was a very good illusion mage, and compositor. She studied here (her uncle says so) and was a quite famous but when she got pregnant, she left the scene to be with her family. Unfortunately, the dream was short lived… a drugged guy in a car killed her in front of her daughter upon a tormentus noon.
And Little 5 year old Mahiru was adopted by her circus leader uncle. He never fails to make her smile and he supports her when she needs it the most, and of course she just wants to follow her family business and one day be a true member of her uncle's circus (that currently is in a friends care, but her uncle still goes to wherever they are to check if everthing is ok, and make adjustments with the law if there are needed).
That’s and a little pep talk (with her uncle and friends) was make her enroll herself in this place.
Alice’s Garden Circus and Talents School.
A place that her family have lived for three generations (according to the records) and she was going to be the next best compositior and illusion clothes and lights maker in Japan or she isn’t called Mahiru Shirota.
“mmm… that’s odd. According to this im supposed to be here but… apparently I'm the only one, there's not even the keykeeper of the apartament.” She said to herself after going to the Sloth building, for the making class.
She looked around to make sure there isn't another living person, before going upstairs and opening the door with the number one on it.
‘maybe there aren’t so many students in this class’ she thinks.
The apartement was simple, little and comfy. Like the one she left this morning (it was in the next town) already loving it, she goes to see the asinged bedroom and found it similar to her one in downtown.
It has a nice little balcony, a comfy looking bed, a little deck was in the left wall and clothes was across the door.
Curious, she got to the other room and found it locked, so she went to explore the rest of the place, finding the kitchen and the laundry. With a smile in her face, she undid the curtains and started to clean a little, but a little moaning sound made her stop and look to the sofa.
In a little corner, a black cat was trying to shield himself from the light.
“Aww! You are such a cutie. How did you come in? and…” she carried him to an eye level, noticing the smalls cuts in the fur. “What happened to you?” Mahiru shook her head and went to the bathroom with the cat in her arms.
Once she bathed him and bandaged some of the most nasty cuts, she got a collar with a bell and then attached it to his neck.
“Here. I hope you will like it, Kuro.”
 “Kuro I’m going to class. There is some food and water. Se ya later”  
It was a good name. the voice that give it to him is was a calide one.
But the presence was so familiar and at the same time, so new. He recognised the presense but his mind didn’t want it to be true.
The last astral master for the sun temple died 15 years ago and no one has awakened the power so… who was the one that has this similar presence?
His injuries didn’t make pain anymore so this person somehow had cure him and that's something very difficult, I mean with the amount of energy he have they were supposed to be in his body for ar least another two days.
Opening his eyes, he saw that he was in a dark room with a bed.
‘Where am I?’ he asked himself, ‘last I remember, I was running for cover after that weird dude got me...’
He looked around and after he made sure no one was here, he puffed to his human form.
His cat ears move a little at sensing an new thing around his neck.
“What a pain…” he says. “Apparently this person just made the first step to a contract with my other form… I hope I can make it retract it before it’s become a big problem”
With that in mind the strange blunette went to the kitchen and started to search for something to eat.
He found some instant ramen and started to make it.
His mind goes back to that terrible day that his last master died.
“Hey…Ash… what are you going to do if I’m going and there is no one to watch over the temple?” a man in a kimono had asked him one morning looking through the traditional window.
“Well, I have promised that I will look after your life and the temple so if you are going I'm going to take care of it until the next one come in…. or the temple fall whatever happens first” he had answered with a lazy expression in his face but with fear in his soul. Why he have to ask that in the state that he is now?
He dosen’t have the vitality of yesterday, his body is more weak than before and his spirit was flashing like a bad flashlight before shutting off.
He didn’t want him dead. He didn’t want to see him die.
Its was a bad pain in the heart and in his mind to see them die, he have seen so many deaths and he knows they are in a better place (save for one little troublesome soul who refuse to go wihout seeing a female descent take over the family business or cut apart the tradition, and see the world together) they all have past that is peacefull and painless but still it hurts him to see his friends and masters go one by one from the only thing he cannot protect them from: illness and death.
He shook his head. Of course he can protect them from death, He can save them from it but… he dosen’t want to force them to live with this disgusting second life of his.
Of course, it is not his decision so he always makes them the offer and if they say yes then he has to make them like the second part of him…
But since he is an animal guardian spirit for temples too, they had become a neko spirit… but that is the only theory. None of them have said yes.
They all have said no, and had gone to the after life.
Now, the last one is going to see the others before him and he will be all alone again… no one will be here to help him going through the pain that he has been regretting. There will be no one to need his protection and no one to make pranks or someone to pet him in his animal form.
No one that will tell him what to do and how to make things better or someone that tell him if he is wrong or not.
No one that will save him from little kids that will play with his long and puffy cat tail.
He knows that time is up and the person at his care was going to die soon.
“Sleepy Ash… I… there was this girl I really loved, and she loved me too, but… for her happiness and health, I conviced her to let me stay here to fullful her dreams and destiny… I'm both glad and sad that she did it. She was a free soul. I didn’t want to make her a prisoner here so I let her go and until now I know she is enjoying herself for the two of us…”
The guardian has known about that girl. The Illusion circus trapezist, dancer, and mage. He didn’t know the full history about them until now.
“… In her last card she wrote something that I have yet to understand but… can you make sure they stay safe and free? Please? You only need to check every now and then to make sure they are still free and themselves. Please. It will be my last wish, Be yourself and accept a new family if you are offered to”
The family guardian has taken his human form and went to meet his last master eye to eye.
“I Can promise you I will do everything that is in me to make sure your wishes are doned. I cant make my self to move one the way you must like but I will try….its the lesst paint way so I going to do it”
The brunette smiled and made his last laugh for him.
His most trusted guardian.
“Be free and enjoy yourself. You will find someone special for you one day. Someone you will really love as a equal and become your true master, human partner, and friend… so when that day comes, please don’t be afraid of a helping hand and may the wind favor you”
The young adult saw him one last time.
“Thank you Sleepy Ash. For everthing that you have done to my family and for being here when I grow up and…for staying here in my last moment” and with that the autumn colored human closed his eyes and exaled his last breath.
 He was so distracted by the memory that never saw that his tail made a mess in the floor and that the door was beginning to open.
His ears were processing the information that the tv was showing and didn’t hear the “I'm home” from the person with the same voice that gave him his new name said.
He didn’t feel it until is was so late.
 Mahiru came to the apartament after a very tired first day at this new school.
She had made some friends and had the opportunity to meet some important and spectacular people, like Krantz-san. One of the best managers that she knows.
It was a good day. She had some assignments, like start with some costumes for the cultural festival that was aimed for the mid of term but it's better to start now than be sleep deprived later.
She opened the door and said the common line “ I’m home” but this time she said it to a strange noice in the living room.
‘did I leave the tv on?’ she asked herself before she saw the silhouette of another person.
She panicked for a second and took the broom to try to hit the strange person that invaded her new home but… something made her see it in a new light.
Were those cat ears? And were they moving?
Curiosity took the best of her and she unconsciously went to the blue haired boy without advice taken.
“T-they are real?!”
The persons reaction was instant.
He flew to the wall and with a puff sound the same black cat she left this morning was in the ceiling looking around in a very fast way.
The cat recognised the voice and put his eyes in the new comer.
‘No�� I-it can't be…’
In front of him was a girl that resembled a mage girl fom his past and his last master.
‘You've got to be kidding me’ he said to himself before going of and turning to his human form, his ears and tail flapping in the landing.
“When I'm in this form please don’t say my name” he needed to make some points here first before he can try to explain to her and him the fact that maybe she was the last sun gifted for the ruined temple.
“Y-your name? I didn’t know you have one! And I thought you where a simple black cat and I named you Kuro for-“
She has said it.
Of course she has to do it.
The second step to the contract of his other part has been completed.
The light that made a circle and a shine around his neck and her wrist disappeared with the same force that came to live.
“ W-w-what was that?!”
“What a pain…. You just made a contract with me…. So troublesome, I could die… what's your name” if he needs to be with this person for the next 24 hours he better know her name and… that will give away his suspusion.
“hu? M-my name? well-KYAAAA! D-DON’T P-PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! T-THERE IS THIS CREATURE AFTER ME!” the deserate cry made them look at the window.
Somehow it was dark and there in the backyard of the school gates one of her new friends was being attacked be some strange creature.
“How troublesome…. What is a demon doing here of all places? And why does it have to be powerful enough to make the shadows block the sun?”
That make the girl see him.
“A demon? Th-that thing is a demon?!” and without saying another word, she took the broom an started to run towards the door.
“w-wait t-the limit distan-“ a blue line appears on the neck of the neko boy and made him puff in his cat form and fly to the door, landing in his new masters back.
The girl fell but inmediately grabbed him, and continued with the running.
“W-why are you running? Isn't it better if you call someone else?” Kuro said in a monotone voice.
“I’m so done with the ‘let's hope someone comes and help them’ and the ‘who is going to make it?’ no one wants to be that someone that can make people die in the bad time” was the answer.
She put him down once they came close to that monster.
“If you want to run then run, but I will be that someone that will help him. He is my friend and if I don’t do it then who will?”
And with that she went off to go kick the beast with the home broom and once the demon sees her she become a little paralized before running back.
“Run! I got it, so you run! And that will be the last time you call me Shirota! Call me be my name Mahiru, not by my surname!” was the response of the girl.
‘S-Shirota?’ the mind of Kuro goes back to the last wish of his late master.
“Can you make sure they are safe? And if they give you a new family accept it”
B-but that’s is impossible. THERE WASN'T ANOTHER SHIROTA FAMILY! N-no more Shirotas were born after his last master h-how is that possible?…
“there was this girl and… we may or not may have had an issue... before she left”
New and forgotten lines were poping up in his head while he saw the girl running and kicking the demon with the broom.
“…. In her last letter there was something I didn’t understand yet, but… can you find them and make sure they are safe? If they are a free soul then let them be, but make sure they are safe and don’t go for the bad. Can you?”
The scream that the girl did make him focus on the situation at hand.  His new mistress was about to be killed by the demon hand.
His body moves on its own.
Becoming a living sheld for the girl and the demon weapon.
With a powerful kick he made the thing fly some yards.
His hand got to the place that was in the new injury. It was a profund one and with his current energy state he will not be much help.
That demon need to be killed before it becomes a mayor threat but he just can’t do it… his astral levels of mana were low and the fact that he hasn't drank any blood in the last five centuries didn’t help.
“H ha haha hahahaha did you really think that you can make something? Hibrid Guardian? You are so low in energy! Haven’t have enough energy since the last fight with the demon gang and if I see correctly you haven’t drank any blood right?” the demon starts to talk and make fun of him.
“B-blood? W-what does that mean?” the neko saw the little terror in his new mistress.
“Haven’t you told her? Wasn't she supposed to know because of her heritage? “
“M-my heritage? W-what is it talking about?! I don’t have more heritage than my mom’s and uncle circus!”
The demon laughs more.
“Hahahahaa so it was true?! hahahaa the last suns son have a adventure with the moon and wind daughter? And that the proof of it hasn't been in the temple for the last 15 years allowing us to roam free again! HAHAHAHAHA! I am so depth you one stupid girl and so I shall make your death less painful” a terrible laugh echoed in the middle of the desert school.
“but first… let me tell you a story. You see, the animal spirit guardian here its something that is more powerful than all the guardians since the original ones times. And do you know why? Well that’s because its not only a stupid animal spirit but its also a vampire.”
The eyes of the girl open in a big state.
“Oh and that’s not all, you see, this one has a bad habit of not taking blood if its not nesessary, for more than five centures it has been giving his power for the mana energy of the sun temple and its priest..but now that the temple is in ruins and there is no more Shirota priests to give him some energy he needs blood to make this fight more interesting ooh but… you will not do it right? Take some blood to make sure there is not danger in the world like you promised your last master”
Kuro was abut to say something in his little rage state when a hand in his jacket made him lower himself. His mouth meets fresh skin that got ripped apart and was soaking with a metallic and warm liquid.
It was running in his mouth like a waterfall and soon it was needed to be swallowed before making him drown in the strange, addicted liquid.
Other two rapid shallows and he took apart his tooth for the liquid fountain. His thought took all the remains that have fallen to his lips and chin savoring the metal, spicy and sweet combination of  crimison.
“If you need some blood then you can have it. I don’t know if what he says is true but I will help you because you are now my friend and friends help each other” the voice of the girl made his way to his brain.
His ears and tail stay up with grace and energy.
A metal chain with blue and black energy glow made its apearence, between the back part of his neck and around the wrist of the bleeding arm of the girl.
With a little turn around he saw the determination in her eyes. Those eyes that remind him so much of his last master.
The wind made her honey hair dance in the way the magican lover of the last male Shirota.
And the suddenly rush of mana energy that flowed through the chain made all the question despair in his mind.
The sun power was not lost.
He had his first commander as a vampire and a new one as a guardian animal spirit.
And both were his first female ones.
He now was kuro the Servamp of Sloth and Lion Spirt guardian of the sun temple that was at the service of the first girl descendent for the Shirota family clan.
“Hear me now you bad thing! I am Mahiru the third of the Shirota and Windmoon clans! And now you are going to pay for your action against this world in the name of the Sun Temple and the might night secret! There is not way of escape for my guardian spirit and servamp Kuro the Sleppy Ash of Sloth and for me. The Simple alliance of clans, Eve of the Sloth and Priest of Simplement” the words left her mouth in a instinctive form.
She didn’t know what she was saying but somehow its feels right to say it.
It's like when you see for the first time your parents and know the sound that you need to make for recognizement.
It was all so strange and at the same time so right and natural to her.
“and now I going to punish you in the name of the eclipse! Kuro go for it!”
The servamp and spirit guardian go after the demon with a speed similar to the sound.
His claws go through the steel skin of the monster and made him stay quiet.
“My mistress has ordered me to give you a fair court” his ears and tail moved in a synchronized way that was hipnoticant, beautiful and scary at the same time.
“Your laziness will give me the information I need to know your crimes,” a strange blue and black mist start to glow in a lazy form from the movement of the neko parts.
Mahiru saw in the mist all the things that her enemies have done.
“The judgement has been done. You are found light guilty and so, you are going to be purified be the lazy sun!”
A gust of energy passed by the chains to the claws of the guardian cat vampire and in a orange and blue light the demon become dust and lights balls that made its way to the sky banishing the shadows and giving the moon room to shine and give some calm to the earth.
“W-what a pain...” kuro fell to the pavement once the chains disappeared.
“K-kuro! A are you okay?” the voice of the girl made his ears twich.
“I’m so done… I haven’t fought like that in 34 years… and I'm so sure tomorrow I will be in such a pain… I need to sleep” was the only response of the cat vampire guardian.
“Oh… im glad is nothing bad…” the girl fell to hers knees and sat down next to her fallen vampire.
“I thought for a moment tha… you will leave me too…” and with that last comment she passed out.
The ears made a movement at that sentence and the curiosity made him see her.
“What a pain…” he says once he saw her.
With some effort he got himself to her side and made sure she was still alive.
And felt relief to find that she was alive. Only some bruises and the bleeding arm.
He closed his eyes searching for the like to his brothers and finding the only one he was sure to call for help in this kind of situations.
‘well’ he thought before the darkness took him to sleep, ‘I think he can rest in peace’
Without knowing a spirit saw all of the fight and was now smiling to himself
“look at this Sunbird, you have found the answer to that strange letter, didn’t you?” the spirit said to the moon.
“what is the future going to be now? This is going to be interesting to watch”
Oh and you are right mysterious spirit.
The things are going to be interesting for now..
  okay that’s all for now. I so done whit this. if this got enouth support we are going to make it count. and if @angel-of-music-hyde-no-longer chan is okay to be our beta for the rest of the story that’s is.
 ica mayolo xinompaqui and see you latter!
  *hides and never come back*
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thefemaleexperience · 4 years
answering one of those lists of questions we use to do back in 2010
if you could pierce somewhere other than your ears, where would it be? - I would like to have my nose pierced again
what are your feelings on bangs? - i love bangs and thye really suit me, though they do make me look about 8 years younger and i hate growing them out
what is your favorite blanket material? - cashmere
if you had to be sent up into space or into the depths of the ocean, where would you choose? - hm deep ocean because it really terrifies me are you afraid of death? why or why not? - no. I’m afraid of pain and terrible accidents, but the idea of actually being dead doesnt bother me what astrological sign do you think you should be? - taurus or gemini who is the worst person you have ever dated? - every one is a complex set of flaws and traits and their personality is built upon their experiences and everything that has ever happened to them, and remembering that reminds you that the way people act isnt about you personally and no-one is “bad” if you could remake one movie the way you think it should’ve been made, which movie would you choose? - The Hobbit what is a custom/activity/experience/etc from another culture that you wish would be in your culture? - last year I attended the final 2 weeks of a Yolngu (Aboriginal group from far north Australia) funeral, and the openness of grieving was really full on. it has really changed my relationship with grieving if you could choose where you were born, where would you want it to be? hm it wouldnt matter to me *where* i was born, but i wish i’d grown up somewhere where being bi.multi-lingual is the norm if someone told you they could tell you the truth about god/religion/higher powers/the universe/the meaning of life/what happens after death, would you want to know? I dont think there is a meaning to life, i dont think anything happens after death, I dont know if these are questions I have? but i guess yeah im too nosy to ever turn down the hot goss what is your favorite part of your nighttime routine? sleep doesn’t count. I use to drink this lovely lavender herbal tea every night and im just starting to drink it again what is your favorite form of exercise? I use to love running. i would run 10+ Kms on the treadmill every evening, but both my knees are fucked and i can barely jog anymore. so i guess just hiking / walking in nature
what is one current trend that you hate? cancel culture? idk. so many things annoy me...so i just dont surround myself with them. if theyre bringing other people joy who cares.  what is a trend that died that you would bring back? perms what era of fashion do you wish to bring back? 90s “tomboy” style for young girls! i love flares and 70s flowy fashion too im big on period-drama costumes  what is one movie or tv show that everyone loves that you hate? i dont like “gross” animation did you have a teacher growing up that helped you through a difficult time? who were they? A handful. My literature teacher Mrs. Campbell stand out think of a paper you have written sometime in your education. what was the topic? It’s all i do haha mostly about rethinking Aboriginal Studies and approaches to Indigenous education do you believe in universal healthcare? discuss. is that liek australia’s health care? like yes? when americans talk about how much a trip to the drs or a medical procedure cost that you would just die without????? what is one song that makes you feel like love is real? landslide - fleetwood mac what is one song that makes you feel like you’re dancing in a meadow with the sun shining on your skin? california - joni mitchell what is one song that makes you believe that things will get better? california - joni mitchell haha have you met any celebrities? if so, who? lots but whatever you’re being forced to move out of your country. you must choose another one to move to, and you may never leave it, even for vacation. what country do you choose? bonus points if you answer the city. most of my overseas trips have been fairly short holidays so i have no idea about the practicalities of lving in them / cost of living / laws etc. so this is hard but probably America, in either oregon or montana do you believe in the death penalty? discuss. no. what do you think happens after you die? your body returns to the worms. name someone you love. Geordie. name someone you like, but don’t necessarily love. Oliver. how many soulmates do you think a person has? more than 1 is love always worth it? discuss. love is good but we dont need romantic relationships to be fullfilled. love is everywhere pick up your phone. look at the text you sent closest to an hour ago. what was it? ”seems like a scam” do you believe in magical beings? discuss. no what time of the day do you feel most at peace with yourself? outdoors at 2pm what is an impulsive decision you have made that you don’t regret? to drive to Alice Springs when i was inbetween houses in 2018 if you were given the opportunity to completely start your life over from the beginning with everything prior and up until your birth remaining the same, would you? yeah. not because i regret things, it would jsut be fascinating to see the tiny miniscule things that would change things. i think about the tiny spur of the moment thigns i did when i was 12 that impacted friendships i would make and schools i would go to and how my life is still interconnected with people i met one time 15 years ago how do you feel about greek life in colleges? seems weird, culty and toxic. people say there are positives, but they dont seem to outweigh the bad in my eyes. but i dont think we really have that her in australia what is an aspect or event in history that you were obsessed with as a child? ancient egypt lol describe your ideal town to live in. I would love to move to Alice Springs. A commune is the dream what age are you scared to be? alternatively, what age were you most scared to be in the past? im truely so psyched to turn 30. do you have a secret you want to share? be as vague or specific as you want. get it out. if you want. I only have one big secret that no-body knows. do billionaires work harder than other people? discuss. fetch the guillitine  what is your favorite hairstyle for yourself? i think my mid length hairstyle of 2017 was v nice. thats when my hair naturally curls the most what is your favorite memory from being 13 years old? dear god what is a movie that shaped who you were as a person at a young age? Into the wild lol which us state would you erase if you could? not from the US so this doesnt mean anthing to me lol what is a skill you theoretically want to learn but probably never will? to be a mechanic what is an obscure language you want to speak? it’s not “obscure” but i guess only a relative small number of people speak Yolngu Matha and i would like to be fluent what is a place you choose not to go to anymore? why? lmao i avoid the northland coles (supermarket) because a dude i dated shops there and i ran into him once after id decided i didnt want to see him anymore and it was cooked do you think you’re living a fake life/putting on a facade/lying to people about who you really are? why or why not? i perpetually feel like im waiting to live the lfie i want to what is the color that defines your life?  burnt orange you have the opportunity to go to an exclusive celebrity event. which one is it? (award shows, premieres, parties, etc) i cant think of one? you can bring back one person from the dead, but you must choose someone to die in their place. who are the two people you are choosing? I would bring back Andrea Dworkin i dont know who i would kill off instead. what is your favorite fun fact that people don’t really know? idk if people dont know this but i guess it might be australia specifc But dingoes have special jointed wrists that are way different to dogs, and they can hold things, climb and open doors. pick up the nearest reading material to you (book/magazine/paper/etc). what is the first line of that reading material? lmao HOMER / The Odyssey is on my bedside table but im nto moving   if you had to choose a sport to play professionally, which one would you choose? soccer? what do you do to unwind/cool down when you’re upset? a hot hot hot bath by candle light listening to neil young what is the color scheme of your favorite sunrise or sunset? pink purple what is a beauty product you swear by? i dont wear make up but i guess eyebrow gel is cool how do you feel about plastic surgery? discuss. i hate our culture of uncritical support for it. i think the prominence of it is relly cooked. i hate that people treat it like minor / low risk when its very serious.  if you could get plastic surgery, would you? what would you change? a breast reduction cotton balls or cotton rounds? ??? what is your favorite animal product? i dont know what this means lol if you had to attend school in another country, which country would you choose? France? what will be/was the color scheme of your wedding? marriage is bad but i guess native australian flora is there something you have a really strong opinion about for basically no reason? what is it? i have basically no opinion on everything who is a person you would fight to the death for under any circumstances? no-one what would you do if you were in the hunger games? be honest. terrible? what time do you think everyone should wake up? getting into your circadian rhythm is so goooooood what is your favorite type of nut? if you’re allergic to nuts, sorry. hmm im obsessed with peanut butter but i dont really care for peanuts. i love brazel nuts what is your favorite part of your hometown? . . . uh the meth or the class gap or the conservative rural values / politics or ??? you must get rid of one of your electronic items. you have no choice. which one do you sacrifice? phone what is the first memory you have of oppression/discrimination? it doesn’t have to be about yourself. being like pre-school aged and being aware of my black cousins being spereated from their parents name 3 books you were forced to read in school. DH Lawrence novellas, which i loved No Sugar, everyone should read this The crucible, urhg so good how do you keep track of events/deadlines? calendar? agenda? your brain? having like 20 planners what is the first book that made you cry that comes to mind? i dont remember crying in a book if you had to give a seminar about something, what would it be about? abortion laws and access in rural australia how do you feel about your mother? she is good and complicated and intelligent and funny is makeup an art form? discuss. no what kind of videos do you primarily watch on youtube? ill just list my most viewed channels Daisy Lola Sarah Therese Unnatural Vegan what is the scent of your deodorant? i dont wear deoderant at what age do you hope you die? whenever
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Haaau. Oooh. Thats sweet. Do i really say holiii that much? I havent noticed. Okay, let's blame tumblr. It's not as if it works perfectly so...😂 Oooh, yes!! I'm in. Tag me in whatever you want. The meme of H and the lamb was hilarious. I love that comparison. Jajajajajja Gosh, can you imagine when he sings Familiar all by himself? Without JBalvin to do that part? If he sings the whole song when he comes to Spain, fans will lose it😂 (1). ((Any update of Liam the cat?))
HI!!!!! I don’t know! You have say it just a couple of times, really, but this girl says all the time and you reminded me of her, and now she reminds me of you,jejje. Honestly, that lamb is Honey! Jajajja. He’s like that too! He looks at you like: what? Do you have something to say? No? okay, bye. Jajaja. And let’s be honest, harry is very meme material,jajajajajja. (I’m so behind in his tour updates, btw. Haven’t seen anything🤦🏻‍♀️) Liam is coming in a couple of weeks? The 4th. Imagine if he sings in Spanish!!! I would die! If he does, he will do it Perfect (Perfect is capitalized bc of the song, omg). I’m sure he’s learning new words in Spanish. Hola sacapuntas, ¿como están todos? 🤣🤣🤣
Oh nono. Dont apologise. I was just laughing at myself. But thanks for the effort💖 This asks was easy to figure out. Oh, dont worry. Im more concerned about the inbox eating my asks (are they safe or are they lost? I never know) than you not answering. Really. (2)
Right? Like, you take the effort to write something and then you put it out there, without knowing if it will reach their destination or not. And at least with me, you know for sure if the ask is missing or not. But when you write people who has a lot of ask you’re like: did the ask get lost or did I say something rude? Are they ignoring me or have the blocked me??? Hjdfojriofjnoeirvjerv @staff!! Work on it!!!!
I dont like the sentence that goes “seria mucho mejor si participa”. Its nothing, but…me chirría* bcs of the possible undertone. Im very sensitive. Thats it. Though i must say that they compensate it with tge next sentence “voy a hacerte todo *lo que me permitas*”. Bcs consent!! Thats important. Oh, same. I dont usually hear anything in Spanish, mainly bcs i havent found anything that i like. Oh, you have almost the whole week free? Thats good!! (3) *i cant think of how to translate it xd
Jo, I haven’t read the lyrics yet (sorry Liam, I’m a very busy person,😅), but yes, you might be right. That sentence… if she isn’t participating… what are you doing then? And yes, that other sentence is better. I have to take my work (as a fan,lol) more seriously. Sdicsjdlncinsldcnlcjvls LOUIS JUST TWEETED LIAM???? Jfdbhkdbffvdfkv WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!No, but my friends are idiots, jajajja, because I like a lot of Spanish music, actually. Like from the 80s and such,jajajajaj. And once, we were watching OT el reencuentro, and I knew all the songs and they wouldn’t stop teasing me, jajajaj. And o was like: see?? I like Spanish music. OLD Spanish music. Now, even Bisbal sings reguetón 🤦🏻‍♀️.I have to babysit my cousin on Wednesdays starting this week, so good. Bc I only work on Tuesdays and weekends. And someone else have offered me to babysit their children occasionally, so good good. More money for me to spend on the boys.
No idea what is Terra Chat. I guess i was too young? But i do remember messenger! You talked for 6h each day? Thats insane! I could not talk for so many hours. I would run out of topics or something. First time you failed anything, and you 6? Wow. Go big or go home, right? Jajajajaja. Luckily i dont think i’ve ever had any problem with the internet🤔. Its a lifesaver, really. (4)
Seriously, Terra’s chat was the boom back them, jajajja. But I was like 15, so maybe you were still starting to walk, jajajaa (I DON’T KNOW!!)? And yes we would talk for 6h every day. I would eat dinner at my computer, the days I would eat something at all. I lost 4kg the first week I started talking with him,jajajaja. IT WAS TRUE LOVE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (gaaa, I used to be the most embarrassing teenager you can imagine,jajaja (haven’t change much, I admit)) [philosophy moment of the day] Kids from today’s day should know the struggle to not be able to text every moment of every day. Having to compact your words into 180(?) caracteres, bc you only could send a text, and it costed money! EVERY. TEXT! Uffff, that gives personality to someone,jajaja. They have so easy to communicate these days😌. [end of philosophy moment]
You also have a JHO shirt????😍😍😍😍 one shirt for each? Well then, 2 more to go. I’ll swear, someday i’ll get myself something like that. What?! You didnt like Niall??? Soraya!! How so? He was lovely! Yes!! He (& his team) is doing so good! He’s conquering the world and im here for it. And also, his new dressing style is a blessing. I love the trousers he wears for the shows. He looks really handsome😍 (5)
The better part of them putting out they’re careers at different times is that you don’t notice you’re spending so much money,jajaja. Because everything is so expensive!!!! Don’t remind me, I’m ashamed I didn’t like him. 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s not that I didn’t like like him. I just didn’t see anything special about him?? How??? Was I blind??? Probably! But now I just jsdkhfiowjefijowef  love everything about him. And yes, absolutely yes no his new style. I can’t wait to see him in person, omg!!! I’m so excited already, jajajaja.
Over again? Listen, can you belive that i discovered very recently that when they sang “hole in the middle of my heart like a polo” there werent talking about shirts?!! I used to hate that sentence bcs it made no sense to me! But they are talking about candys!! Of course. Solo songs. How did i forget?? Small stage? Mymy. You are a genius😂 Oh cool. I know nothing about cameras, but this one has an impressive name. JAJAJA. (6)
Jajajajajaja, I was shocked too when I knew about that too!  Jajajaja, I remember thinking, oh that’s makes much more sense that a shirt with a hole??? Jajajajajja. But I love that song live, seriously. You’d have to hear me and see me the concerts I perform in my car!!!  🤣🤣🤣🤣. I lose it with that song! My dream? To drive for 5-6-7 hours singing every 1d and solo songs, singing (screaming) every song, and with other four friends/fans. That’s my dream. Jajajaja. No dram job. No being rich. No nothing. Just singing 1d songs, jjajajaja.
Okaaay. I will call you if necessary. Same goes for you. JBieber and Zayn? What about them? Are they making a colabo or something? Are you asking about my toughts on them?? Sorry. Im a bit lost. (7)
No god, how could you Thing they would be collaborating, 😖, jajajajaa. No no. Your thoughts on them. Nah, I asked be I was going to tell you things my mom says about them, but I don’t want to offend you if you like them, jejeje.
Guess what. My friend (who is the most up-to-date on pop culture and music, and the one i always tell my theories to) called me yesterday “la reina del ocultismo”. (Just bcs i said that Shawn latest song sounded queer to me). JAJAJAJAJAJA. Anyway, I felt so proud. I might be crazy, but at least i have cool name. And i dont get bored🤷 (8)
LA REINA DEL OCULTISMO!!! Oh yes!!!! Jajajajajaa. Hey, I don’t follow very close Shawn, just what I see in my dash, or I’ve hear the songs they play on radio, but girl!!! He so gay!!! (And I don’t want to be offensive, okay? Offensive as in assuming he’s gay or something (wow, they just started playing It Isn’t in My Blood by Shawn,jajja) just because stereotypes). I saw and interview the other day, and he’s stance…mymy. But, well, again, I don’t know anything about him. “I might be crazy, […]And i dont get bored” #aboutme, jajjaja. And, please, share you’re crazy theories with me!!! Jajaja
YES YES YES. Of course i read fics. I read them everywhere, shamelessly. On the train, on the subway, at college, at family dinners (that one was risky, i must admit). JAJAJA. But sadly i have too many fics on the “to read” list. Bcs i dont feel like reading something with the length of a book on the phone, and also bcs once i start i cant stop until im done, so its quite inconvenient if i have to study. So, yes. I read them. What were you reading yesterday??? (9)
Same!! I read fics everywhere. I don’t worry to much about my family knowing I’m reading, bc no one understands English. But I freak out every time I let my iPad with a fic opened, bc they can see Harry’s or Louis’ name and I don’t want them to know I’m reading about them,😅😅. I run out of fics to read sometimes! That’s how much I read, jajajja. They’re always part of my bedtime routine, jajajjajaa. And, well, I was reading a fic, I liked it a lot, but I checked the author and she’s a bit “questionable”, so… I’ll reserve my opinion, if you don’t mind. I read someone’s opinion on the fact that people write stories about Harry and Louis, but then they don’t think they’re gay (as in part of LGBT+ community), and believe Louis is a dad, and all the rest. And they said why that is wrong, bc they’re fetishizing gay relationships. And it made sense. And if a queer person (I don’t know if I can use that word, sorry) says that, I have to believe it, y'know. So, when I read a fic from an author I don’t know, I check their blog, just to see. And I saw that, so I won’t be sharing the fic, sorry (which is a pity, but… 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Yeah. It was totally predictable. I know know. But…he looked cute. Well rested. Happy. And we had been deprived for too long so it was a gift to see him again. Thats it for tonight. Sleep well😙 (10)
He always looks well rested after a few days with his boy,jajajaj. I can’t wait to see what the future has planed for him. And also, I’m so curious about this new LiLo thing 🤔🤔. What’s all about? They now tweet each other. Liam talks about him all the time… we’ll see, we’ll see.
Well, that was a productive morning shift, jajaja. I’ve been almost 4h writing this,jajajajaa. The whole morning! Now, I have to check everything is correct before I close to go for lunch,jajajja. Thank youuuu. Bye bye!!
Pd: waaaa, I almost forget about my limo (liam,jajja). Well, I was going to bed, but before it I looked out the window, and called him. I was calling for a good half an hour. And then a black cat appeared, and I thought hey! they are coming! Then another black and wait cat came. And I didn’t stop calling Liam. And HE CAME!!! He came to my window, where Honey and I were. And I told him to jump, but his so fat… jajajjaa. So I called at my house phone so my mom would go to open the backdoor, and I went out from the front door. And when I reached my window he was up there, but he couldn’t go in, bc I had closed it, so Honey wouldn’t go out. And he jumped and went to the back door to wait for my mom no open the door, and then he run and run till my room, jajajaj, to see if there was food in his bowl. And, just that. They I “bath” him. And gave him a pill to desparasitarle(?), and put him a collar para las pulgas? Jajaja. And then I feed him. He was exhausted and hungry. My poor boy. I don’t know why he keeps going ou, if he doesn’t like it,jejeje.  Honey kept smelling him bc he smelled different, just FOR A DAY OUT!! (Jo, hablo TANTO!!!) Thanks for asking, love.
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survivormongolia · 6 years
Episode 2: “I was prepared to come in this game and slay.” - Madison
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ok well... none of us were voted out which is alright i guess but we are literally not winning this immunity with gloria and patricia on our tribe.... like no offense to them but they finna submit like 20 thinking its a good score like arghhh its whatever tho bc im going to get the highest on the tribe so if they vote me out theyre literally the dumbest people ive ever met. if we lose, i truly dont think im going anywhere bc i have 3 people im genuinely friends with and ive been having good convos with dennis and brian... wow i cant believe im aligning with mostly men
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me as soon as i saw the blog for the game: "i should check the rules page, i know some hosts are sneaky & hide advantages in there"
me: everything looks a-ok to me!!!!
hosts: make sure you check the rules page!!!
me: hmmm seems fishy, let me check again!!!
me: nope, nothing ot the the blue
me: tells dan about the advantage in the results post
dan: something looked fishy to me in the rules page, but i tried to right-click and nothing worked, let me check again
dan: omg. it took me to the same page as the results
me: wow. i truly am a useless piece of garbage
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ok im back and i found out more info. so apparently gloria has been on call with dennis AND francie which means they dont play around. i think theyre being really social with everyone and i KNOW francie has amanda and emily on the other tribe so im actually really worried about them. i have talked to them a lot and i feel like i wouldnt be their first target but maybe randy or madison would be?? idk. if we dont win this immunity it wont be the worst thing in the world bc everyone agreed to patricia last week so might as well try again this round ig. i talked to randy and he's on the same page and also is afraid of francie and dennis being really social so hopefully once our tribe gets down to 7 or 8, the 4 of us (madison, randy, tj) would be majority. i really trust tj and he always keeps me updated but... he has a mind of his own and i wont be surprised if he wouldnt be down to do one of them. btw ill probably make a podcast or a video dr tomorrow if i find more tea... 
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I’m not going to do as well on this challenge as my tribe mates I don’t think. So now, of course, I’m thinking about tribal last night and how I was asked about the first challenge and I was like “yeah keep me around bc I can help in challenges.” That’s not going to be good for now. I’m going to do my best given the calculus and government homework I have for tomorrow (EW). I’m also thinking about the game as a whole. I want to put myself in a position of power wherein I can be a big part of strategy and make notable moves while also not flagging myself as someone “running the game” (lol like that’ll happen) or someone who’s too big of a threat to stay. This involves identifying larger threats than myself and locking them out before anyone knocks me out etc. There’s a bullseye; let me find my quiver. This is also probably the last confessional I’ll make ‘til after the challenge because why spend time confessing when you can find invisible cows. (I’m on the way to school and confessing on my phone. No, I’m not the one driving. I may confess at lunch or study hall if anything worth confessing happens between now and then.)
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Okay so I went back and checked the other posts and there wasn’t anything around. But when the new immunity challenge was posted, there was the same link hidden on the post. I sent it to my host chat and nothing. I noticed after I sent it that the link wasn’t hidden on the new challenge post anymore, but the previous ones are still there. Interesting….
So the Fans went to tribal and we were hoping that by sending Jon to Exile, they would vote out Randy and it would keep an inactive around to help them flop more. However, Jon struck out and was med-evac’d. Great. So now the Fans are gonna go super hard on this challenge since they basically got a free pass. This challenge, by the way…. Shout out to Drew. I hate this challenge. Invisible Cows can die, all of them. I told my tribe to make the window as small as possible so the cows have less places to hide, and I think its working out for everyone, so hopefully we can do this. I’m just worried because I know Madison on the other tribe just played this game in a challenge not too long ago and if she tells them about the trick then we are basically on even playing ground. Im at 800 right now and my goal is to get to 1500 but we will see.
I’m still trying to figure out my social game. Usually in games, I form some kind of alliance within the first 48 hours and generally keep up appearances with everyone. I want to do things differently this game. While I am still trying to be friendly and talk to people, I dont want to be the one to hold all the conversations. I’m having trouble keeping a conversation with Asa and Ian and Nicholas, but everyone else I’ve had at least a 10 minute conversation or longer every day. Colin has already suggested voting out Asa if we go to tribal because he’s talked to her the least. He says that me and him are good and I’m glad for that. I really like Colin. And I know that Emily will have my back, at least in the tribal portion of the game. Last night, Dan, Lindsay, and I formed an alliance. Finally! I really like Lindsay and we danced around forming an official alliance with each other for 3 days, and Dan and I have talked a lot, so I’m really glad this happened. With this alliance, and my bond with Colin and my relationship with Emily, I feel like I’ll be okay should we go to tribal. I’m hoping we don’t have to… here’s hoping we can find more cows than the Fans..
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This challenge is cute! And also my tribe is just Slaying this challenge. I love this tribe, we're stacked as hell djkfgfh
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Oh well fuck. Well I was middle of the road with the scores so I didn’t go from top score to lowest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it still fucking sucks though. I hope enough people are down with the plan from the last round depending on who gets exiled.
Temujin exiling Patricia was the obvious move—keep the lowest challenger in the game and force the losing tribe to send a better challenge player home, increasing the likelihood of them returning to tribal—and from a strategic standpoint I have to give them a bit of credit but being on the tribe that’s getting screwed over? Fuck this.
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So I'm in the predicament of which alliance to throw under the fucking bus, I should've been quiet about the group to Julia Rae and Madison. Best person to go home would be Brian or Randy, for my own personal benefit
Wow, so I don't know if you managed to see that but I told Julia Rae and Madison about GloForce...and then switch them to Brian
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Wow this tribe really is doing that. I get a bad feeling we’re gonna get swap-fucked somehow. I guess now that its been a few days I can give my opinions on people a little more.
I get strange vibes from Amanda and Dan. I feel like they’re close just by interactions they have in the tribe chat. They both also seem like the type to be cutthroat. I think I’m in good with them tho so as long as I’m not doing anything shady they might not target me, since I have a feeling they’ll be the ones trying to lead the first few votes when/if we go to tribal.
I get good vibes from Emily, Asa, Quillyn, and Lindsey. They seem pretty trustworthy and easy to work with.
As far as Nicholas, Ian, and Colin go, I don’t really have any connection with them but I’mma try talking to them more while things are easy and peaceful so they would be hesitant to vote out me over someone else.
I’m really curious as to who got the secret advantage. I’m mad as hell that I didn’t get it but oh well. I feel like if anyone got it it was probably on the faves tribe, cause I feel like the fans aren’t putting in all that much effort or reading into things as much as an experienced player might. I’m glad to have been the one to publicly expose the advantage because I want whoever got it to be on their toes and that they’ll have to be more cautious and stressed about trying to do things involving it. They probably think no one is paying attention but I have eyes in the webcams on their computers. I see them.
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Temujin won the second immunity and I'm very pleased with that as we are all getting along fine, but for how long? Eventually we will have to turn on each other and vote one of us out. My job is to just make sure it's not me, pre merge portion of the game I aim for a good score but not the best of unbeatable score. The sweet spot is upper middle, you are seen that you can be beat in individual challenges yet good enough to want to keep around for a strong pre merge tribe
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Also i feel like horse culture is important?? Like idk why the hosts wouldn't just put a keyboard smash url or make the url (survivormongolia.com/secret-advantage). Like horse culture must mean something. I wish I was one of those girls in middle school who put horse stickers on all their supplies. I feel like maybe I could better understand horse culture and what this could mean. But just know i have made a mental sticky note saying "HORSE CULTURE" in bold sharpie.
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Allow me to explain why Brian being voted off would be a fucking stupid idea or Julia and Madison, so if me, Julia, Madison, or Randy gets sent to exile and Patricia is gonna come back in our place just how well do you think that's gonna play out. Patricia isn't stupid and probably knows she was gonna get the boot...this time atleast. With the scores brian and randy have been producing it'd probably be them getting booted next, at this point I'm trying to stall...
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I'm glad we won another immunity! although I'm getting sick of the fake sweetness of our tribe like nobody actually likes each other that much and that will show once we end up losing one of these challenges. I'm really tired of the passive aggressive competitiveness of some of these people too like, we can just all support each other and not like try to put people down who can't get as high of a score on a shitty flash game? I'm hoping for an early swap honestly I would definitely want to try working with some of these fans over the people on my tribe who I just can't seem to connect with.
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So. Jon went to exile Island and got his 3rd strike. That was great, because he would've been voted off anyways.
Then the next challenge happened and disaster struck. First off, I love that minigame but holy shit, it drives some1 crazy UNLESS YOUR NAME IS MADISON AND YOU ACTUALLY FIND A TRICK TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS BUT THEN PROCEED TO NOT TELL ANY1. Eitherway I spend around 3 hours during all my exams and papers, that are due, to find stupid 800 cows until I was about to go to bed, wher TJ told me a trick to boost up my score. So I did that and brought it up to 1100 by another 20 min but that wasn't enough by FAR. The rest of the tribe decided that 300 or 600 is enough. Obviously we couldn't know how much the other tribe was getting, but after seeing that easy trick everyone could've atleast aimed for 1000.
We lose the challenge, they pick Patricia, which is a good pick (Since she would've most likely been voted off other wise - even though I did bring up a point in the alliance chat, that we might have needed her to keep the majority in the tribe, just in case the other 4 form a counter alliance). Me and TJ talked a bit and I told him before, that the only 2 possible votes are Brian or Randy. Both have barely been active in this tribe, with Randy just doing a tiny bit more (Flag challenge) but we can't hold that as a positive for him, forever. In the end it seems to be brian tonight, oh well unlucky.
But in my opinion, seeing how our Tribe works compared to the Favorites this wont change anything. They will keep beating us out in every challenge until we are at a low number of members just to be picked up 1 by 1 in the merge or at a tribeswap. Its super scary and I am already getting a little bit anxious and frustrated looking forward. The worst thing that could happen to us is, that we win the Reward challenge and then get on too much of a high, go back to doing the least amount of work, just to be crushed at the next Immunity challenge again. Lets hope that isn't the case. Lets hope a swap happens sooner than later, when we still have some numbers..
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But, on a more serious note! That whole conversation about the secret advantage came up with Dan after he returned from Exile. He told me about the idol on Exile, & how it's the name of a Survivor, you only have two yes or no questions to narrow it down, & you only get three guesses. He also told me what questions he asked, & his guesses!
So, I guess my social game is better than I thought it was, because he said he was only going to tell Amanda & I, & we ended up making an alliance chat. To be honest, this group really makes sense to me, because I feel we are more of the "social" people on our tribe, where we'll message people first, & try to keep the conversation going, so I'm really happy with this core group. Now, I'm not a mathematician, but even I know that three out of ten people in a tribe is not a majority, but it's nice to have a solid core group that we can hopefully add to when needed! Plus, if you have a smaller group inside a bigger one, you're already in a better position number wise. I'm blabbering on about this newfound alliance, & how it's good for my game, just to watch it blow up when the inevitable swap happens, & we're split up. :) :) :) :)
I'm still trying to form relationships with other people on my tribe, but I feel like I haven't really gotten far. I think I have a good relationship with QuilLynn! We actually talk quite a bit, & have good conversations about things outside the game, & I really like her! She's someone I can definitely see myself working with down the line, so hopefully she feels the same way.
Like, I'm really glad & relieved that we've won the immunity challenges, but sometimes when you're on a tribe that keeps winning, it's easy to just relax & not talk as much. It's when you lose, where everyone starts to scramble, & relationships develop further. Basically right now, we're the Love tribe, where everything is sunshine & rainbows, & no one has a bad thing to say about anyone. But, if we were to lose, we'd go from *heart eyes emoji* to *knife emoji* real quick.
I don't want to say I thrive in chaos, because I don't, I'll overthink every possible scenario & hop aboard the paranoid train, full speed ahead. However, I thrive when people are very conversational, & I feel like the people on my tribe will only become like this when they feel their ass may be on the line.
Another update about our tribe idol: Still haven't guessed once. Still a flop. Let's try to turn this around, Lindsay! You can do it.
This confessional has been all over the place, so sorry I'm a mess. I don't know. I can't control my thoughts or put them into words very well.
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I’m angry I found 2.6k cows and we still lost. I don’t know what this tribe is doing tbh it’s such a mess. I was prepared to come in this game and SLAY but that’s kinda impossible right now so.
Gloria is an icon.
That’s all.
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So I guess I haven't done one of these this round! WHOOPS. Well, not much has changed in my game. I'm still really enjoying the tribe for the most part and just trying to do my best in the tribe! Like I'm really proud of myself for performing so well in the challenges so far. Jokes on the tribe bc when I start school again, I'm not going to have as much time to do things *shrugs* I know I'm pretty and successful and they'll just need to understand that.
On a serious note, I'm worried about Colin coming back from exile and the idol situation over there. I'm lucky I have some time to plot and think about how I'm going to address that. I think I'm gonna say something along the lines of, well I kinda wanted to see who went to exile next before I said anything to anyone about it. I would be open to sharing information with Colin, I just feel like with him working we really haven't had the chance we need to really like create a lasting bond. Yes, we talked about people we liked and about keeping each other's best interests in mind, but that was one curt little conversations. I know curt implies rudeness, but that's not how I mean it, I'm just not smart enough to think of a better word. But, any who, I have some scrambling to do with our relationship, but I'm willing to give it a go. We shall see what the future holdsssss.
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Cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow WOW IT WAS WORTH IT HEHE! I got 666 cows and our tribe won by an absolute landslide. I’m super happy! I am excited to see what happens when the fans actually have to um vote someone out and not be saved from a medical evacuation lmao. Also I haven’t been talking to people like I should because I’m so fucking lazy. And tired. Like give me a break people
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Ugh we lost but I did so bad but I didn't had time to do it. I feel like I'm going home tonight unless I get to go to exile since I was lowest and last one they send had nothing
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Hello it's me fallen tuna. I like my tribe a bit better it's pretty clear that we are all pretty busy. I suck the most at the comps so thats somewhat confusing but asa talks less so if we lost that might be the one person I'd try to get out
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So this round has been me trying my hardest and obviously not succeeding. The faves tribe are just too dedicated for this game. Which is great for them, but we arent naturally as competitive as they are. Meaning that we're once again going to tribal. And they sent home Patricia. The girl who we thought would be the next voted off.
So now its scrambling. Julia told me her group of TJ, Madison, etc. is going to do Brian. I brought up the fact that me and Brian are close, and that Francie would probably be better since she's obviously close with Amanda on the other tribe. But Madison is also close with them, so i dont see them leaving this week. If I have to vote out Brian. Then damn, but I'm not leaving premerge. So its just time to cut my losses, and hopefully make it to a tribe swap.
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Confessional: I am very upset with many players on my tribe who I feel don't need to be here because they are somewhat inactive and not trying all that hard in challenges. They need to carry their asses to be perfectly blunt. They are hurting our tribe and it takes all the fun out of the game to be honest. People are telling me they are voting Brian and I love him to death and know for fact he can be a great player but this game he has shown me nothing so I am going with majority and he was on my rdar this round for vote also, I am working with TJ Francie and Dennis and hope us 4 stick together and none of them turn on me. Thus far they are my safety net but who knows what will happen if a tribe switch happens and I hate this sending people to exile island it sucks big time cause I am afraid that will kill my game if sent. I hope that everybody 100% votes Brian out tonight and Randy isn't showing much attempt either after doing that gorgeous flag. That sucks but it is what it is in games take the good with the bad. Hope I last see you at tribal honorable host. <3 GLO GLO <3
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So my gay ass is sitting here, minding my own business, and what do I see in a VL I'm in? Emily and Amanda are hosting an Athena season together? INCHRESTING. I will keep that little tid bit in the back of my head when it comes time to vote somebody out.
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Okay so basically at this point my tribe is slaying the game! As one would expect, we have a lot of seasoned players who are hungry for redemption and really don’t want to be the first fave gone so everyone is going really over the top with these challenges. I won’t complain because they keep me safe by extension but i have a feeling that there is going to be a loss or a luck comp in our near future and i just don’t know how i am going to fare if we go to tribal. Right now i know that Quil, Emily and Lindsay wouldn’t vote me out. So that means hopefully 4/9 votes. Ive been trying to reconnect with Ian and I don’t think he would vote me out either so I think I could survive a tribal if I ended up going to one.
Right now i am putting in some work to make sure that Im not the first boot from this tribe. I’m trying to not talk to Asa or Thomas [they also don’t message me,,,,ew??? like wtf are you doing here if you aren’t going to message anyone] so that I can eagerly throw their names around if we go to tribal. Also ironically enough they are the highest placing members of our tribe so I’m hoping it can be an easy sell. That’s about it for now!
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Honestly, I hate the fact we lost the challenge. I hate the fact that Patricia was given immunity because that means that my time may be up. People barely try and talk to me, or even bother to reply to me. So I think it's me tonight, which is fine. I am content with my journey. I was told it may be Randy but I doubt it. We'll see.
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I'm good Patricia is coming on so hot. She's just like "I wanna work with you" and calls me right away like omg ajdhaidhss it's not that I wouldn't wanna work w her it's just that you'd think she'd spend st least ten minutes to have some small talk before throwing me six feet deep into strategy talk...
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i dont think im getting voted out but if i do oh well... everyones voting brian i believe and my friends have no reason to lie to me so i am feelin GOOD!! i hope theres a tribe swap so i can be safe for once oh my god
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I hope this tribal and the Brian vote are successful. Fingers crossed!
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I'm confessing to say Emily was robbed in Athena All Stars and I love Drew even though he drags me always the end
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youngbearangel-blog · 7 years
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond? car insurance cost average : Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://insurecheap.us Related Questions Car-insurance!!? I eventually got my certificate, my father is giving his auto to me and he's insurance-but my brand isn't around the plan. can i still get. Im leaving for trip in two weeks so putting my name about the plan may simply cost cash just for fourteen days. i won't be back for 3 months from vacation." What's the common car insurance fee for 20-year old girl? Im thinking of purchasing a 2008 dodge avenger. Ive never had car insurance in my label before. I've nothing within my name and no accidents on my report. Likewise, I've no significant violations." Do auto insurance firms publish info? California DMV was called by me with proof of insurance and they currently had my information. I never gave them it directly. And so I am curious are all of them how does this function or synced up now? What type of coverage do I want for my bike insurance during storage months? It has a mortgage on it.? What do I would like and so what can I remove from my protection during the winter months after I not riding it and shop? It's a loan about it thus certainly I need to preserve some insurance. A buddy to me I must maintain the entire coverage. Is that this correct? Large insurance? How come it that in massachustts that if you possess a deductable of $500 on your own car insurance coverage and place in a claim for $900 bucks you are charged a surcharge of $360 for 6 years why do we've insurance and spend a top quality in the first place. They ought to pay the claim for the $400 variation with no surcharge. I've 3 cars protected and it looks that i pay for the insurance but haven't any benefit from it. "Youthful auto insurance, where and just how?" Merely transferred me test and viewed insurance and!!! 3000 round the benefit of the vehicle in any manner, so insurance quotes expect young people to write there auto off twice at 8000 ridiculous i mean I realize there are some terrible small overconfident motorists basically this really is for and automobile 1.2 nisan micra entirely comp on my mums insurance. Im in 18 and some guy may so what may be the way for this. for me i feel its required since i'm not just a confident driver therefore should maintain it going although I don't want a vehicle. Thus do i buy a bangger(If so whats a great product) or continue my mums car. UK thanks guys any help appreciated" Why auto insurance vary so much between different cities for driver and your same vehicle? I moved house to ensure that I could purchase a car, while the last house has permit parking rule and granted one permit per home. Consequently, I moved because the insurance is 3100 for a ka valued 1400, now I am destined. In the last house my insurance estimate was 1500 for the same car, but only change in a postcode and bam. My goals of getting there is an automobile broken, I'm like crying aloud from rooftop:(" Just how much is auto insurance for an old N driv er in BC? Ensure it for the clean appropriate minimum just how much I will be that cost by approximately and I am almost 19 about to purchase a cheap auto May an automobile insurance provider overall out your auto even although you wish to fix it.? I live in Texas.Ameriprise suggests that there is a regulation inside the state-of texas that suggests if the repairs are far more than 80% of the automobile worth they don't must repair it but pay the value of the automobile minus deductable.They aren't utilizing the NADA price but searched for that typical selling price within my area.Is this accurate and what price should they utilize? Is it cheaper to cover your child under your insurance though they've thier own car? Is it cheaper on your kid to ensure them under your insurance even though they have their particular automobile? We have hired an 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for our 18-year old child and after studying some premiums that were not as low as $500 monthly, we believed it might be cheaper to cover her under our current policy being an extra car. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This really is in the state of Tennessee, along with car and the rental will soon be in my own children name, we are simply generating the funds on anything. She does stay there however, and simply comes home once or twice a month." Pls help me to discover a cheap insurance? Ive a dodge stratus that i bought I want to offer anything inexpensive with covarage into ensenada or tijuana and in a discount the concept saids REPAIR!! pls HELP! "No occupation, 21,no medical insurance,need drugs, what do Ido?" I live-in california & i had health-insurance for 3 months (medical) nevertheless they slice off me once I switched 21 in november. during those a few months i was taking fluoxotine for my depression/cultural anxiety & nexium for dyspepsia. The drugs really worked. it got 2 weeks for my mood to alter. I thought content,less anxious! But unfortunately I've ran out. Our insurance provider stated they only care for childhood up to age 21 & the elderly. Well what does everyone do? do any of you over 21 have medical insurance? if so what firm? I've no income to fund the drugs myself, Our fam cant manage it, I've no support, i cant get a task (ive been hoping for two years) I've no idea what to do." Could I apply for California Unemployment Insurance? I was operating two jobs, and part-time permanent position, and a regular temp position. I used to be layed away from my parttime permanent position. I am still working full time at my temp postition, but sometimes I really donot function that situation for a couple weeks at a time. can i apply for edd now-so after I have those weeks off i can maintain edd. Or do I have to wait till i have these days down after which declare I used to be layed off from my lasting task?" Insurance sensible can be an 89? Does geico think about an 89 firebird a sports-car? Insurance?? if i buy a new(applied) automobile, don't the insurance papers in my other car include my new car for some times? evo 8 insurance cost dont desire to learn the hard way, although i have observed this from lots of my friends..." Whats the cheapest auto insurance to get a young guy? Whats the least expensive auto insurance to get a young male? Auto Insurance Costs?? I'm paying around $400/6 months for my motor insurance (responsibility deal, not full-coverage). Within the last 3 years I've had one admission, for inability to come at a stop sign on a clear route to a complete stop like being a prick, simply because the cop thought. Which was like two years ago. I am 23, and my brother that has of them being an expensive sports-car one, two cars is paying $50 greater than me / six months for FULL-COVERAGE. Why in the world are my charges so damn large? for reducing them any ideas? State: WI" Which company gives insurance to young owners to best? With dad whilst the key driver i've identified a quote for 1500 and the cheapest price i've got at this time is 4000 by myself vehicle as the primary policyholder although I'm presently 17. But does everyone know which organizations are best for youthful owners? Howto get car insurance with a permit? (CA)? And so I got my learners permit recently. Therefore quarry will be the first a-car does not be owned by my family. Because neither one of my parents keep a permit, I would be practicing with other folks so the auto is always to not risk damaging someone elseis and get used to operating it for my driving check later in the year. I wondered if it'd affect the price tag on the insurance and if it is not impossible to buy insurance under these problems." Can factory that is putting bodykits affect your insurance expenses? Ok therefore I was only curious to know that when i choose the new Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) while in the SE trim level, with an insurance number of 3, if i was subsequently to include a factory fitted bodykit from SEAT to duplicate the Cupra type might this increase the insurance team and costs? This is what I used to be thinking of getting for it : http://seatepac.gedas.co.uk/ productdetail.aspx?p_no=ZGB6J3071670" Must my 85-year old grandparents but life insurance? I am very upset with this particular insurance business who sold my 85 year old grandmother some life insurance. He gets $5000 worth for $91 monthly! Exactly what a rip off! They actually want to purchase some insurance. does anyone know the best selection for them? Please enable! Simply how much would insurance cost to get a 17-year old male driver with 2001 audi a6 in an important location? Around just how much would insurance price for a 17 year old child in a downtown area. Automobile is actually a 2001 audi a6, having a file that is clean." Can i get yourself a better insurance for my car? The other day I just purchased a-car. My fiance are in the enrollment. The lending company of the automobile (GM Financial) is requesting to own my fiance in the insurance-but he doesn't possess a license since he had a DUI back 2010 and other minor felonies. He have a negative driving record and my insurance (Allied Insurance) desires to cost me 289.00 monthly. Can i find a insurance for the both folks?" Exactly why is auto insurance therefore pricey in britain!? Thus iam not driving yet, simply requested a provisional, iam age 17. But I thought why not try and work out how much my insurance will be once I have approved and buy a vehicle at roughly 1000, so I packed in all the facts as precise as possible about the compare sites along with the cheapest annual insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something amiss haha:M" Just how much is Accutane with insurance? I notice that accutane is uber not cheap without insurance. I just wish to know howmuch it's with insurance. Cheers Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://insurecheap.us Do Cops have to pay for insurance & their police vehicle? If police must pay for law enforcement vehicle if they've to pay for the insurance, and they utilize im wondering, or is it included in the police department? and do they receive gas money or you've to fund it from the own pocket?" Why do this many individuals complain about Medical Care and never as Car Insurance that is much? Why do folks complain concerning the health insurance method while they do, once people grab off equally as much?? Where are the demonstrators? Like the car insurance firms are performing you a favor when they are actually not many people act. They try to employ you to DISCOURAGE into acquiring an expensive full coverage plan-you do NOT need. They prey in your fears. Like they question the health care providers so how come nobody concerns the techniques of Automobile Insurance corporations?" Motorcycle Insurance for 17 year old? I have a gsxr 600 and am 17. I do want to register it and guarantee it and so I dont need to be concerned about being chased but my current insuarnce company wont permit me to guarantee and enroll the cycle with no licensed motorcycle owner. I'm the only person whos trips just am I designed to cover my motorcycle for a motorcycle permit? I reside in Connecticut. I would appreciate perhaps some insurance providers that have various guidelines and some advice. Thanks Bike insuance issue? I am 18 in Florida and that I plan to obtain a motorcycle as my first motorcycle due to large gas prices. I am thinking of getting the Kat 600 due to its ease, I read so many opinions how good it's for prolonged excursions and stuff, currently howmuch might my insurance be, furthermore take notice that I'm finding one applied which I have 0 street encounter even in a vehicle, and I am beginning my own insurance plan. Thanks." No insurance solution in colorado? I obtained a citation for no insurance. Easily get insurance before court will it is maybe desmissed by the judge? I know by performing that-but unsure of situations, some people have had it ignored. I had a fender bender accident at age 17 and had liscense or no insurance. Does the wrongdoing as being a slight count against me now? Or will this be my first-offense towards the courtroom? I'm so foolish." Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S? An insurance firm is owned by me. I've a seperate bank checking account for insurance premium funds. Whenever we obtain an insurance premium transaction from a customer, the resources are transferred into this bill then we send our firm check to the insurance provider. How are these resources handled on form 1120S?" Could insurance costless on a bike having a restriction package? I wish to realize will insurance costless on a 600 cycle should you put a limitation system on it. Will also it produce a 600 a good first motorcycle to start out on. Individuals still might get 600's and fit and I understand some motorcycle licenses have 33 HP limitations reduction packages on them to preserve right down the power to make sure they are first cycles that are excellent. Ive been looking at dog insurance and Im a bit confused.? Ive been looking into Im a little and pet insurance confused. While it says: wellness assessment (divided between two appointments each year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 body display or x-ray or EKG $50 May Be The money amount the purchase price the insurance pays all year or per visit? Simply how much is motor insurance per month? I'm 19 years-old, have experienced my permit for about a year, i work two jobs and iam buying a car or truck. Howmuch would it not be each month? cts v insurance cost am furthermore, beginning college in the fall. any help or suggestions? thank you" Im looking for inexpensive/inexpensive medical health insurance for my kids...? I've two children.One is 2 one other is 4months.I don't need to go through the technique since it may cause plenty of department between me and their father.We are still together.It presently causes reasons just like the undeniable fact that he'll be on child support.So we chose to seek out inexpensive insurance online he can pay once a month.Im having difficulty obtaining one.ANY SUPPORT???? How can medical health insurance workin the usa? I'm a low-US resident and need this information todo an incident. Especially: 1) Is medical health insurance necessary for all? 2) What happens if someone cannot afford it? 3) in the case that the medical procedure needs to be performed, does all the expenses be covered by health insurance? Does the patient should spend something added? 4) Does the individual have any state over what sort of procedure he can get? State if 2 therapies are available for his issue, can the patient select the treatment that is more expensive? And if therefore, could it be covered by the insurance? Thanks for reading this. Your aid in addressing any the main inquiries would be appreciated!" Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit? Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit? What would be an estimation for in on the 2WD silverado to get a 16-year old male living in Colorado? I got my permit and am considering inches. Can somebody find me a quote (or at the least offer mean idea) for a 16-year old male surviving in California. The automobile will be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clear record if that helps at all. Thanks! Is Obamacare really the first insurance that is necessary? Isn't Social Protection a necessary fee/duty/insurance on all people that are working? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance until you are an independent builder? Is not auto insurance a required insurance for almost any individual that is driving? Car-Insurance estimation? I understand it is a bit impossible (like asking what's the length of a string) but I am wondering if anyone knows a hard amount, or has connection with howmuch auto insurance wouldbe for a 19-year old - near 20 year old male in britain. I'd just be utilizing the vehicle when I am back from University so to get a maximum of about a couple of months a year therefore not for the full year! I am undecided if that is not false although I've been aware of some people newer than me obtaining quotes like a named driver for approximately 700. a) what are the insurance sites where you could determine an estimate to get a Named driver? (I know versions for that major driver) w) wouldn't it be worth to pay it regular?... D) any quotes about? (an estimation within so or 200! ) thanks! P.S if anyone amazingly knows of just how much it would be for me to become having an insurance company like a named driver but still gain no claims bonuses (as numerous called drivers aren't getting no-claims) I'll be extremely grateful!" Car crash no insurance? I simply learned your ex driving does not have any drivers permit merely a passport because she's from Mexico although that I was only in a vehicle accident and I live-in Florida and I was to blame. Her husband had provided each of his information to me so fast since I have never experienced one before, I forgot to require hers. If she doesn't have a drivers permit would I be responsible?" Got insurance and a ticket doubled NJ? I acquired a citation on my very first morning of driving for an illegal left-turn (some of those that you just cant make during specific hours unless you are a citizen of the street). I obtained the solution with 3 items, i went to courtroom and repaid all 3 points and got harmful driving under my title wanting that it'dnot affect my insurance, which was under my dads name (Allstate). Even with paying the things off my insurance nonetheless doubled. Currently my concern is, will there be something I can do to lessen my insurance? Maybe I will have a class somewhere. Are me and my father better off buying a fresh insurance carrier? Perhaps i using the shuttle again and should shed my vehicle from my insurance? If there isnot something I could do, how long will it get for my insurance to shed again? Right now we are all-in crisis and that I managed to get significantly worse for my family, any aid could be appreciated." What is a-mini copper and its insurance's price? Just wondering exactly what the cost of a mini copper would be to the insurance and purchase? Details will be useful Thankx Can anyone offer an estimate for to me A 17-year old car insurance!? Hello I am seeking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and am 17 in november if anyone would have any estimate notion of howmuch it'd charge to guarantee, and I was simply wondering!? :)" While acquiring insurance for a car?? Do you obtain the insurance first then the licence.or get a permit before you receive insurance?i've seen 2 unique reports from 2 various insurance companies.which holds true?" Motorcycle insurance to get a teen? I will be 19 in November. I guess a beginner bike, around a 2002. I had been thinking (guess) just how much it'd charge." What is a great inexpensive dual sport motorcycle for starters? im buying a dual sport motorcycle 250cc. I would like something that is cheap and simple to study on, great on insurance (yes a dream bike) im turning 16 to acquire my first bike. Im partialy finding a dual sport as they are not difficult to understand on-but because i reside in europe and when im going to possess a bik im not allowing it to sit in the storage for 6-7 months of the year. Also if you can find worthwhile recommendations for superior equipment that is inexpensive (helmet and jacket) im 16 5 foot 11 and about 180 lbs. Im not trying to find a cycle just something that can handle a some water and ideal and get me from your home to work and school. For the cycle i am unwilling to go over $4000. Rightnow i am contemplating yamaha xt250, suzuki dr200se (does anybody know whenever they produce a 250? i couldnt seem to uncover one) yes i grasp the dangers of riding thats why im merely taking a look at 250cc cuz i dont plan on using road but i still need a bicycle I - can use for that check that includes a road part. And any kind of ideas for excellent motorcycle colleges? At this time this indicates the closest one are at durham university (i live in pickering ontario)" Automobile insurance and motor? Would a jetta 2.0 Turbo, have a bigger insurance charge than the usual Jetta 2.5?" Can it be unsafe to acquire a home-loan without deposit? I would love to make the most of the initial home buyers grant but won't possess a deposit over time. I've looked at no-deposit home-loans but have seen they may be harmful. Is that legitimate? Insurance Charges please help? I want to know insurance is going to be. I want life, health, auto, and insurance. What charges do the most effective insurance companies offer for wellness auto, existence and tenants?" Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://insurecheap.us
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dashow06-blog · 7 years
M Sara was petite white girl fresh out of highschool into to college. She was very small coming in at about 5'3 90lbs. Very cute and very smart. She was also all about different cultures and learning about them. She didn’t want to be the white girl who was thought to be racist or racially insensitive. A very progressive thinker, so much soo that she opted to go to an Historically Black College. She had a 4.0 Gpa all through highschool and could of made it to any college she wanted but she talked it over with her mom and they both agreed it would be a great experience for her. Even if it was just for one year. Sara arrived on the campus to some mixed looked. Some of the student werent used to seeing a white girl on the yard. She looked around and noticed all the greek letter plaques and trees. Saw the lay of the campus and then she heard “Hey girl. Welcome to Young College. I’m Kiki and apart of the welcoming committee. You are gonna love it here” Sara: Thanks.. This is a really beautiful campus Kiki: I know right. Now lets get you moved in Just then the most beautiful black man Sara had ever see walked up to her. He was 6'10 of solid caramel color with tattoos on his arms. Muscle were popping out from his under armour shirt he had on. He had to be about 250 of just pure thickness. She was mesmerized by the swinging of his huge dick as walked up to her. Guy: Hey I’m Chase. Can I help you with moving your stuff in. Sara still in awe: I…i….i. Uhh I’m Sara and yes thank you so much. Chase grabbed her television and turned around to start walking towards the dorms. It was at the moment she notice something about Chase. HIS ASS WAS HUGEEEE!!! It was like one cheek was her whole body if she was to get in a ball. She couldn’t believe it.She knew black girls had phat asses but not guys. She watched as he walked each massive cheek moved and jiggled with each step. His ass was like something from a drawing. His tight shirt sat right on top of it. Sara thought she could just put another box on top of his ass to carry up too. She laughed to herself. She grabbed some of her bags and headed up to her dorm. Kiki: Hey Girl becareful of these boys alright. Your freshmeat and not like well us here so don’t get caught up ok Sara laughed: I will try to stay out of trouble. I’m here from work Kiki: Good keep it that way. Oh and just a heads up. There is a dorm that’s all boys dorm name Stanford Hall. I’ve seen a few girls go in there and when they come out they arent quite the same Sara: Stanford Hall..Ok…thank you ill remember that Chase: Hey I don’t know which room I’m going to He shouted Sara: OH right…here I come Sara and Chase walked in the dorm towards the elevator Sara looks at here paper of where she is staying: It says 807 Chase: Oh top floor huh. You must be smart that’s where they put all the smart girls. Sara: Well I’m ok … She said blushing at this gorgeous thick man. Sara: So..do you play sports or something Chase: Why cause I’m big and black I gotta plays sport is that what you saying Sara nervously: No no no that’s not what I’m Chase: Chill out girl im just playing. Yea I play football and basketball here. Sara laughs: haha. Oh ok Chase: You gotta loosen up girl. Sara: ahha I’ll work on that Elevator arrives finally. Her and Chase get in along with a lot of other people filling the elevator to capacity. A lot of shifting around until everybody is finally situated. Chase see’s one of his teammates enter and starts chatting it up with him. Sara cant see anything. Being 5'3 put her a disadvantage. She some how found herself in the back of the elevator corner behind Chase. Due to her height she was now face leve with his Giant Ass. Being this close to it she could now definitely tell the size of this thing was massive. She couldn’t even fathom how any body could get an ass so big. She wanted to ask him but she wasn’t so sure how he would take it. Maybe another time. Luckily for her his ass didn’t smell to bad. She was literally inches away from her face touch his ass. Chase was so big he completely blocked everything from her view by his body and ass. The elevator started to move causing Chase to scoot back. Bad new for Sara it was ass first right on her face in the corner. Sara sank deep into this giants phat ass booty. Chase didn’t even notice what happen. He was too busy talking to is teammate. And because Chase was so big people in the elevator didn’t even notice there was a person behind. Sara didn’t know what to do. Her face and part of her body was wedged almost to her ears in this ass. And that was WITH his shorts on. She didn’t want to panic and figured it was only an accident and he’d move soon. So she waited being squished in the corner buried by Chase huge booty. Luckily for her it was more soft then firm. Almost like two very large body pillows. She now started to smell the sweaty ass smell as her face was lost in his deep crack. Chase shifted back and forth while talkin to his friend moving Sara tiny face and body with each jiggle and wiggle of his cheeks. People Started getting off the elevator on each floor slowly but surely while Sara was still trapped in her ass ride up to the 8th floor. Sara thought how can he not feel a person stuck in his ass? Maybe I should scream or say something. She was starting to sweat in between his massive cheeks. Finally she heard everybody get off on the 7th floor. Chase looking around thinking “where is that white girl” Finally he walked forward to hit the closed door button and Sara’s face and body moved with him still stuck face deep in his ass. He looked back Chase: Oh Shit..You were behind me. He grabbed her head and pulled it out of his ass. Sara finally could see light and get fresh air Chase: Yo why didn’t you tap me or say something girl. My fault Sara getting back oriented: Its ….its Ok.. I was my fault Chase: You must be on some kinky shit huh hahaha. Sara kinda laughed embarrassingly Sara: I thought you’d of noticed or felt me. I didn’t wanna make a scene. That’s one way to welcome in the white girl huh ha ha Chase shaking his head: I do apologize. Sometimes this thing behind has a mind of its on. Kinda a family gift and curse. My sister and my twin brother have it. Only one who escaped was my little brother. We always say he’s adopted ahha Sara: I see They step out on the 8th floor and head to her room. He walks out first. Sara is once again in awe of his ass even more especially since she just had a personal encounter with it. Chase looks back and notices it and has a sly grin. Being that she got in on high Scholastic scholarship she got a room all to herself. Full Furnished (except the TV) They walk in he puts her tv and cords down and she puts her bags down Sara: Thank You so much. Chase flashes his smile that Sara almost just melts right there. Chase: No problem. Sorry again about my ass. Haha Sara: ha Its…its ok.. So you have a twin Chase: Yea he goes here too we room together. We are fraternal twins tho so you won’t confuse us. Well unless your behind us again haha. He’s same build as me only he dark brown. Sara: Yeah..i see.. Umm I hate to bring it up again but you honestly didn’t feel me behind you. Chase: haha sorry I didn’t . Must be the constant slaps to the ass when I play sports that has numbed it right haha. But seriously me and my bro hate this thing. Its hard to find pants. We usually wear shorts or cargos or joggers Sara: And it genetic huh.. Chase: Yea…I don’t even pay attention any more to all the looks and stares. Been with me all 21 years of my life so its whatever. Sara: oh ok. Well thaks again ..Chase Chase: Hey since your smart are you any good at Anatomy? Sara: Uh Yeah I am why. Chase: Well I suck at it. Ive have to repeat the course you think you wouldn’t mind helping me study. Sara didn’t know what to think. She had this beautiful black man in her room. With these green eyes and “to die for” smile .. she was damn near wet looking at him Chase: Sara?? Sara snaps out of it Sara: Oh yes..yea ..The least I could do since you brought my tv up. Chase: Cool. You can meet my brother too. Take my number I stay on the 5 floor of Stanford Hall. Sara took a pause: Standfor huh Chase: Yea.. He see the look on her face Chase: Oh you must of heard the rumors. Look its not what you think we just get a bad wrap because all the athletes live there. Matter of fact come see later tonight for yourself we are having small kickback. That way you can get it out your system that nothing is gonna happen to you…..that you don’t want haha just kidding Sara: Ok yea.. Yeaa ummm we’ll see. But I’ll definitely help you with your homework. Chase: Thanks..Ok hope to see you later Chase turns and Sara is once again presented with this mega booty as he walks out her room. She sits back and thinks “Wow what a way to get introduced to this school” She never had an ass fetish until she saw him and now there is two of them she didn’t know what to think. All she knew is she didn’t want to end stuck inbetween those cheeks again….or does she. She starts processing the whole ordeal again in her head as she unpacks. “He had to have felt me back there” she thinks. Maybe I’m just over thinking this…He is sooo fucking hot she smiles to herself hahaha. Few hours pass and she is bored in her rooms. Bzzz Bzzz she get a text from Chase. “Hope you can make it tonight 7pm” . She contemplates and figures it can’t be that bad. Chase was a nice guy. Maybe Kiki was just trying to scare the new white girl on campus. Plus it be good to meet some people. She looks down at the time its already 6:30. She figures out where she is going throws on some jeans that hug the little but she does have. She looks in the mirror at it “No where near Chase size” she laughs. And hoodie heads out. She walks across to the campus and looks around thinking about how historical this place is. She gets to Standford sooner then she thinks. She texts Chase “Hey im outside” and recieves a text “Ok I’m coming down” As she waits there are a couple of guys sitting outside Guy1: Hey white girl You know where you at? Sara tries to ignore him but he starts to come near her. Guy1: Hey I said do you know where you at? Sara mind races. She a litle nervous. She doesn’t want to seem like the white people who are scared of blacks. I mean why would she come here if this was the case Sara: Yea Im here to meet my friend here Guy1: Friend?!! Ok.. Look be careful in here. Things can get a little big frea Just as he was about to finish Chase come and smacks him on his ass with his huge hands almost knocking they guy down. Chase: Mack if you don’t get your little ass out of here stop messing with my new tutor. Sara notices that Chase don’t have a shirt on and apparently no underwear either under his bball shorts. His muscles are poppin out. He’s got tattoos all over his. chest and stomach. His short stop right at the top of his huge ass and come down infont to where the v starts on waist. Mack: Hey man stop hittin me on my ass. That shit hurts. I don’t play football. Imma Swimmer…we don’t do that shit. Chase: Yea swim up my ass . Mack: Its big enough hahahaha Chase looks kinda embarrassed by that joke. Normally he wouldn’t be but because Sara is there he’s slightly annoyed. Mack was about 5'10 but skinny black guy. Probably about 135 lbs Chase walks over to make “So you got jokes huh, Joke on this” Chase uses his huge grabs Mack by head turns and forces his face deep in his ass. Having no draws on Macks face and head disappeared. Sara watched in awe and slightly amused too as the other guy starts busting out laughing. From Sara point of view it looked like Chase ass swallowed this kids head. Only his neck and body were sticking out and his flailing arms trying to push Chase huge ass cheeks off him. Soon Chase lets out a huge fart. Mack starts flailing even harder. He keeps him there for a few moments before he pulls him out of his ass. Mack Falls on the ground coughing and choking for air. Chase laughs: I guess you can swim up my ass. Haha Sara you read to go? Sara laughs taken back by the whole moment Sara: Uhh Yea Mack: He fuck you Chase. You and your big ass Chase: Yea yea keep talking little shit you’ll see what happens Sara: So you use that thing for a weapon too huh Chase: hahha yeap.. So don’t you piss me of either. Im equal opportunist haha Sara: Oh trust I wont. I’ve already experienced that She says kinda flirty as she looks at his mega rump again. I mean she is face level with it anyway. Chase notices Chase: Hey our elevator is down we gotta take the stairs. Its only a few floors up. You are kinda early I was just getting out the shower. Sara: No Problem… I’ll just follow you Chase: You trynna get a peek at my ass again? Haha Sara blushes and just laughs shyly Chase: Im joking …lets goo Sara walks up the steps behind him trying to keep up with her tiny legs. All the while just watching his ass jiggle with no draws on.. Its almost like its bigger now. Maybe he had on compression underwear early keeping all the huge sexy caramel ass flesh contained. His ass was so large it was like it was built on his body. Like he got Nicki Minaj ass shots or something. She was stuck in the booty trance that she didn’t even notice him stop on the stairs and ran…you guessed it…face first into his crack of his big ass again. Chase: Ok see now your trying to sneak touches Sara: haha. I didn’t even notice you stopped. Im starting to think your doing this on purpose. Chase looked slyly: Not yet…haha Sara didn’t know what that meant but she just laughed it off and kept walking until they reached his floor. As she walked down the floor she notice all type of guys of different sizes and colors. Black and hispanic guys all in really good shape. Some bigger than others and all of them good looking. She thought how did I get so blessed to be around all these good looking guys. Most of them walking around shirtless. A few in just tiles. She also notice a few of them had mega asses like Chase. She figured they played on the football team. Wait..“why am I looking a guys asses all of a sudden"… She walked as Chase introduced her to people as his new tutor. All the guys seemed pretty cool to her. She didn’t know why Kiki told her to stay out of here. Then they get to Chase’s room. As they walk in Sara sees a guy bent over wrestling another kid who was considerably smaller than him. By the size the ass bent over Sara realized it must be Chase’s twin. Chase: Hey man..why are you always wrestling him. He never wins. Oh Sara that’s my twin Chance. Chance: He said he likes the challenge. Sara watches as the smaller opponent tries his hardest to to grapple with Chance. His small hands are trying to grab Chance massive thigh to left one of his legs. But it takes his whole reached to grab one thigh. This kids is about the same size as the swimmer that just up in Chase ass. Chance wasn’t doing anything but toying with the kid. Chase: They do this all the time and it’s the same result…. Just as Chase said that. Chance finally got tired of the match and just grabbed the kid by his waist. Flipped him upside down slammed him back first on the bed and then with one swift motion jumps in the air and last ass first on top of the kid sideways. His ass cheeks covered his head all the way down to his waist. Chase: Squashed …hahah good job bro Chance: I’m sorry. Im rude…Wassup. Was your name again Sara watched as the kids legs were kicking outside of Chance’s big phat ass. He was just sitting on him like he wasn’t even there. She thought is everything dealing with ass with these guys. Then she thought "well they have em might as well use em” and chalked up to boys just being boys. Sara: Im Sara.. She looked at Chance. And though they weren’t identical they were both definitely model material. Chance was the same height and build as Chase. He was just wasn’t caramel. Instead he was a dark almond type shade with goatee. He also had tattos as well. He didn’t have a shirt either and no undies as well.. She could by his ass jiggling when he was wrestling. Chance: Sorry about this. He always comes in here and tries to wrestle me. He says it’s making him tougher. Crazy water boy on the team. Sara watched in awe as the boy pretty much vanished into the cushion of the bed. You couldn’t see his body or head at all. Sara: Hey I get it .. I have younger brothers they wrestles their friends all the time. They just don’t have your..well..your size Chase: She means ass bro..hahaha she the one I told you about Chance: Oh you’re the one my brother almost killed with his ass.. Let me apologize to you for that Chase: Shut up man.. I already did Chance: I’m sure he told you. We are kinda trapped with this things. Good for us tho girls love it. Our skinny little bro however hates it ..he always ends up like this guy Chance tilts just one cheek up and letting him breathe some. Then sits back down and wiggles and laughs. Sara: Guys being guys.. I guess.. So am I early where are the people. Chase: Yea you’re a little early… have a seat on my bed…its only maybe one or two people coming nothing major. Chase says as he walks over and sits next to his brother ON TOP of the rest of the kids body that sticking out cover from where is his brothers ass left off all the way down to his feet which were now the only thing you could see of the kid. He had completely vanished under the two major bubble asses. Sara sit down watching the whole scene all she could was laugh Sara: Um you guys are gonna kill him haha Chase: Naw he’s ok Chance: Right Tommy? Chance lifts his one cheek up again to hear a muffled yea before he vanishes him once again with left round ass cheek. Chase: Do you drink? Sara: Yea. I mean kinda Chance there is vodka and juice on the bar help yourself Sara cautiously pours her a drink and sips…she is definitely a light weight so she loosens up real quick. Sara: haha I can’t believe you guys are just squashing that kid like that its too funny. I can’t even see him. You guys are blessed hah Chance and Chase look at eachother. Chase: You think.. I guess so…So how did you like it now you’ve been personal with my ass twice now Sara a little tipsy: I mean its not something I thought about but if I have to it wasn’t that bad haha She takes more to drink thinking that she might of gave herself too much. Chance: You tellin me you never thought about a guys booty? Like we think about girls booty. Sara: I live around a lot of white people besides of couple of baseball player I know . Not much boy booty to see Chase gets up off the kids legs which are now kicking like crazy. And walks over to where Sara is sitting on the bed. Chase: I bet none of had the ass like us huh He turns on some music and then turns around presenting his huge ass to her again. Sara being tipsy now is definitely stuck looking at his cheeks though his shorts. His one cheek drawfs her whole body and then both cheeks together are just insane. Chase starts to slowly back up to Sara face..Either out of some unknown instinct or just lack of inhibitions from the liquor Sara puts both her hands up and grabs Chase big ass. She rubs all over it.She literally has to stretch to rub his whole ass and even still there are part she didn’t touch. Chance just watches as he sit on the other kids face still giving him air one more as he adjust himself on the kids face. This time turning and sitting facing his feet and his ass now eating the lil guys face deep into his crack. He sits full weight against on his face with his back against the headboard and his huge leg and thighs stretched over the boys whole body once he vanishes. Its like he Chance is just laying on the bed watching his brother seduce the white girl. Chase smiles slyly again as he know feels the heat of her breath against his huge butt. Chase: Go head white girl.. You can hug if you can Sara without think stand up and attempts to wrap her arms around his mega phat ass. In the process it makes her face go up his deep crack but her arms arm are so short and his ass is sooo big that she doesn’t even reach the sides of his ass. Chase begins to wiggle and shake and Sara doesn’t know what she’s even doing. She thinks to herself what is this. How did I get her with my face stuck in a sexy ass black man humongous ass crack. She starts to second guess herself. Sara: Umm..(still face on his ass sideways like it’s a pillow) I don’t know if I should. Before she gets it out Chase bends over takes one hand opens his cheek and then take his big hand and aggressively stuffs her face in his ass. As deep as the shorts would allow her face to go in and then lets go of his cheek. He booty slaps close around Sara’s whole face and head. Her hair was the only thing barely seen stickin out of his ass. Then he stands back up. Her hands trying to push herself out. Chance: Damn bro..Don’t kill her on the first time. Chase : Haha. How bout you don’t kill the kid under you big ass bro Chance: OH yea let me give him some air Chance arches his back slightly leaving just a pocket of air in his crack for the kid under him to breathe and then lets out a hugeeee fart that made the kids whole face vibrate. Then he sits back down again Chase: You’re an ass. Hahah literrally Chance: Look who’s talking Sara start to panic. It was hot at first but now she starting to not be able to breathe. She can feel Chase moving to the music maker her head go back and forth inside of his asscheek. It became sweaty and even tho he just showered she could smell that musky ass smell. She tired to tap him his ass to say she wanted to stop now but he just grabbed her bent down slightly sliding her face up his huge crack some more grabber her hands between his mega thighs and pulled her in some more.. Now her chest was inside his crack and her who whole head. Sara didn’t know what to do she was literally trapped in an asscrack. She didn’t even thinks this would be possible. Chase started wiggling his giant caramel ass around more. Chance: YO…that looks crazy man your ass is eating her hahaha. Right as Sara was running out of breath Chance pulled her out. She was so hot and dizzy from the liquor and being swallowed by a black man’s booty she collapsed on the bed on her back with her feet dangling off of it. Chase turn and crawls beside her on the bed looking down at her. Chase : You Ok. He said ever so sexy and seductively. Sara was trying to gain her composure as her eyes came back into focus she was once again looking up at this sexy ass man. With that “I’ll do anything you ask” smile he has. Sara: That….that was intense. Chase: I didn’t know you were this kinky Sara: I…i.. didn’t either. Maybe I should go Chase: Or maybe we can take it up a notch Sara looked him and that smile was almost like a serum that makes you do whatever he ask you to do. Sara: uhh…like …like what Chase let me show. Chase turned and straddle Sara body facing her feet. His booty eclipsed all of her visison and he wasn’t even sitting yet. She looked up all she could see was the bottom of his ass and his huge thighs on either side of her body. One leg alone was her whole body. He scooted up some.. Is ass stretched from her below her waist to the top is head. Everything in Sara’s head was telling her to leave but she was soo curious..Did she really wan’t this. Was he about to really sit on her? Then she saw him grab his waist band and pull down his pants to expose his huge sexy round big asss caramel booty. All smooth. He struggled to get them off each cheek until finally they were under his ass. She could see had huge balls and part of his giant dick from her view but mostly all she could see was a booty that could possible kill her with only one cheek. He looked back over his shoulder and even he couldn’t see her face or body because of his ass. Chase: You ready Sara shaking with fear and excitement: yea Chase was just breaking her in so he slowly started sit. Sara watch as his ass got closer and still somehow seemed to get bigger. Usually when you sit your ass opens up. Not his…he had to reach with both hands and spread his ass slowly sitting on her face. Even with his as ass spread Sara couldn’t see his hole. His crack was that deep. She slow felt herself go in his ass. His cheeks met the bed and surrounded her face and head. Then he let go and the molded around her face leaving her feeling like she just entered another universe. Not only was her face in it but again her shoulders breast and now stomach too. Chase: Oh shit bro. I always forget how good this feels. Chance: Ha I know right. As he wiggles on the his seat as well Sara mean while didn’t know what to do she felt some of his weight on her but know it wasn’t all of it but his booty alone was heavy. He felt him start to grind on her face and wiggle and clinch his cheeks around her face and head. And body drawing it in even more. Sara couldnt barely breath in the ass pocked she was in. Chase: Damn she so small she not even near my hole yet. Chance: We’ll sit on her like a chair man get her in there deeper. Sara couldn’t hear anything they were saying. Her ears were blocked by ass cheeks. But she noticed the weight lift off her slightly. Her face slowly came out of his ass but not for long soon she felt a heavy weight on her chest. Almost unbearable being that she was only 90lbs. Chase had taken his legs from under him and was just sitting on her chest with his legs off the bed and feet on the floor like a chair. All his weight was now crushing her into the bed. Suddenly it went from being fun to being a little scary. He was sitting just far enough off her face that she could now see the top of his head from out under his ass. Her body was being sucked down deep in his crack now traping her arms inbetween his ass cheeks. Chase: Level 3… let’s do Just then Chase slid back on her face only this time full weight.Sara thought she was gonna be crushed by this huge ass and weight. She went soo deep in there that she was not by his whole. From his brothers view looked like he just sitting on a bed like normal and there wasn’t a white girl inside of his booty. Chance: There you go bro. I told you stop taking it easy on the bitches man. Chase: you right.. I just kinda like this one. Chance: Man you getting soft let me show how to use her. I'mm put this kid to sleep and then I’ll be over there Chance slipped his shorts off with some effort under his ass and sat on the kids face bare ass now too pushing him deep into his ass to smother the kid out. Chase leaned forward to allow Sara to get some air. Pulling her out of his ass for a minute. Sara: I wanna….I wanna stop now Chase: We are just getting started. If you wanna stop make sure this next time I feel something in there. Your smart you’ll figure it out if you wanna breathe again. Sara was now really scared…and some crazy part of her was turned on as well befor she knew he was back on her face deep in his crack again she went. She soon need to breathe. Chase was not getting a little more aggressive and started bouncing on his her face. She never licked a guys ass before but if it meant to save her life she would.. She stuck her tongue out and right his big hole it went. Which cause him to stop bouncing an just relax all that 250lbs on her face…She tongued as best as she could. She remember seeing porn where the girl rims a guys ass and she just mimicked it. Chase: OH shit bro… you def gotta hurry up and try this..This white girl is good ……fuckkk… too good man Chance: OK Chance spread his legs and watch as the kid under him legs flailed aggressively then slowly started to fade out and then stop completely. He sat for just a few more moments before he got up and had to pull his face out of his deep crack too Chase: You didn’t kill him did you? Chance checks his breathing and see his chest moving. Chance: Naw but he’ll be out for awhile while we use her. Let me try Chance now goes over and get his brother off Sara’s face. Sara feels the weight off her body as Chance helps pull her out of his brothers ass. She looks up now to see this dark brown mammoth booty descend onto her face. It was just like Chase only darker color. Chance sits down hard and doesn’t ease into at all. Boom Right on to her face and body. Sara yells out a in pain but its muffled and faint under him Chase: Bro don’t break her. You sent that last bitch to the hospital.. Chance: Chill out watch this Sara was not wedged body and face again in another phat ass and the weight was killing her. Chance then started to scoot around on the bed draggin her face and body that stuck in his ass. Bouncing hard and wiggling to get her face deep. Chase: Damn your ass is tossing her around like a rag doll haha Chance: haha I learned this from the last light skin bitch that was over. She a freakkkk Just then Chance felt Sara’s tongue go in his whole..she must of needed to breathe because she was tonguing like her life depended on it. Chance: Oh shit bro you right she is a good ass eater.. Ok I won’t break this one. But lets try something Chance gets up while she is still stuck between his cheeks and flips over on his stomach. His huge booty sticking up high in the air. Sara has to almost be on her knees while the rest of her body is trapped. But she can breathe now because now weight is on her even tho she is still trapped in the dark almost mega booty. Chance: Lift her up ..turn face up towards your then sit on my butt. Sara at this point was out of energy. She was just going with the flow. She wasn’t as scared anymore strangely but now she was… was she starting to like this?? Chase did what his brother said and laid her ontop of his ass then he sat down on her face with the back of her head going into his brothers ass crack. Chance started bouncing his ass up cause his brothers ass to bounce on her face and body. Sara felt like she was trapped between to 4 huge pillows. Out of nowhere she stuck her tounge out as this game of bounce ass continued. She wasn’t getting the whole but Chase could still feel that wet warm feeling as he bounced on his brothers ass with a human inbetween them. This went on for awhile as they switched positions then Chase: I gotta idea. Get on all fours Chance: Ok Sara was now just going with the flow.. She had broken to worship this black mega asses. Chase put her on her butt on the bed right infront of Chances huge ass on all fours. And then Chase got on all for behind her. Chase: Now back up bro They both started back up like some type of ass compressor pushing Sara’s body between their asses.. This time because he was bent over and the weight of Chase on the back of her head she was in deep enough again to tongue Chances whole. Man it was a sight to watch. It was like she was in ass heaven or hell ..They did that for awhile too switching between them. Little did they know the other kid had waken up. Chase saw him and winked. The kid just played like he was still passed out the whole time he was jacking to site of this girl being wedged into two giant ass cheeks. Chase: Ok I think we are done. Chance: Aww I didn’t get to bust one yet. Chase: Well your little seat did watching us…hahaa maybe you can use him The kid tried to hurry and get up but Chance was too fast and sure enough he was now back buried underneath Chance’’s naked huge ass. Chance: I don’t like guys licking my ass but imma make an exception so you better do it or ill smother so bad I don’t care what happens to you. Chase laughed he guessed the kid started doing it because Chance started jackin off his huge dick. He looks at Sara who was is not soo exhauasted and sweaty. She looks like she super drunk but in reality she just drained from all that ass she got today. Chase can’t let her just walk back like that plus it night time now. So he grabs his sweats and has Sara step into them. Then he steps in front of her and pulls his sweat pants up and ties them. Bringing Sara up with them sitting in the seat of his pants once again face first into his naked ass. Puts on a big hoody that almost cover his big ass. She to tired to even complain. Chance: Damn that’s a good idea. I'mma try that one next Chase: Yep: I’ll be back Chase walks out back down the stairs and to her dorm. The whole time Sara is face is wedged in his ass. She kill feel his cheeks jiggle around her face as he walks. He gets to do the dorm but is still loving the feeling of her face in his ass in these pants so he walks up the 8 floors to her room. He already took her keys so he goes in. He thinks damn bro was right I didn’t get to bust a nut. So he reaches inside his pants spreads his cheeks and sits on the bed and on her face again. Sara now on instinct just starts tonguing his whole deep. Chase sees a towel and begins jacking his huge 11’ dick. The whole time grinding and bouncing on her face. He gets soo lost in the feeling of that tongue. He jacks and rides her face until finally he blows his load into the towel then relaxes that big booty fullweight on her face and body again… Then he realizes she stopped moving so he grabs her out of his pants and lays her on her bed. She awakes graugily and only see blurred image of this sexy man. Chase: Good nite He sits on her face as joke for good measure this time and then walks out the room. Sara so tired she just falls right asleep The next day she woke up. It all felt like a dream. Did all that really happen to her. She thinks …that…maybe …she really like it.. She loved it actually. Soon she gets a text from Chase “Hey Thanks for coming by last time to help with my Anatomy. Hahah hope to see you soon” She thinks for a moment then text back “No problem next time come to my room..I can help some more” 24 notes Apr 12th, 2016
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findteenpenpals · 7 years
Pen Pal/Internet Friend?
Hey Everyone! I’m Schuyler I’m 19 years old and I’m from the United States. I’m currently a college student taking my gen eds at the moment becUse I literally have no idea what to study so I’m taking my time getting the boring stuff out of the way! I’m pretty easygoing and Im told I’m really funny but mostly anti social with everyone around me so college can be pretty lonely. So I thought I’d try pen palling/ making internet friends to help with that. I can talk about mostly anything. Music wise I’m really into jazz, blues, rock, but I can get down with anything. I like sports like football, baseball and hockey. Im a Netflix person and currently watching Breaking bad (for the millionth time), Dexter, Supernatural, and a couple of other shows I can’t think of at the moment. I also really like you tubers, I watch wayyy to many to list haha but we can talk about that once we email each other. I love learning about different cultures and I love history and science. I like to travel even though I don’t really get to go many places but I have been to quite a few here in the U.S. Coffee is a must with me and I really like coffee shops. Well if you’ve gotten this far into reading you want to be my pen pal. You can contact me by email first then we can move to snail mail or whatever platform you prefer that’s cool with me.
Preference: I don’t have a problem with anyone just maybe someone close to my age but no younger than 17 or older than 25. As long as your not rude or hateful or looking for some weird fantasy sexual thing, defiantly not your girl. If you want to do snail mail I prefer to keep it to people from the US only for expense wise, I cant really afford international mail at the moment. Can’t wait to hear from you! :)
skyefall413 @ gmail.com
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