#imagine having so much chemistry with your literal on screen sibling people want to read about the two of you KNOTTING. thats real legacy
collegeboysam · 5 months
jensen thinking supernatural is his life legacy when it's actually people wanting to read about him and jared fucking nasty so bad after seeing the chemistry they had from playing brothers that it created one of the most popular tropes for fanfiction, consumed and replicated to the point abo is now making it to mainstream media
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rahleeyah · 3 years
weird thought of the day: i wonder if dick wolf would have used the names of his kids had he known the chemistry would have decidedly NOT been purely platonic and sibling-like (if only mariska & chris didn't have such amazing chemistry but at the same time... they wanted it... and boy did it bit them in the behind... i am cackling)
H O N E S T L Y dick did you even look at the screen test you should have known better. Those two give off such chaotic in love with each other vibes everywhere they go he should have seen it coming 🤣 and yes ok so maybe he didn't want them to ever go the romance route maybe it was written to be platonic but like literally since payback these two have been so much more than just good friends. They're everything to each other. It's so obvious. Why are so many of the guys behind these shows allergic to romance (looking at you, cc)? Actually don't answer that question, we all know why lmao
But. On the subject of names I will say this. The character's name is such a vital piece of the puzzle. If the creator doesn't pick the right name the whole thing can be sunk. Read a fic one time where the plot was good but they had a child oc with just the worst name and I kept having to like. Talk myself out of putting it down bc I did enjoy the story but every time I read the name I wanted to scream.
And I have always loved eo's names. Elliot's an Irish Catholic cop, he could have easily been another Jack, or a Jim, or something else we've heard a million times before. But Elliot is such a good name, like it's classic and masculine without being overused. And Olivia!!!! Shit!!!! I love that so much!!! Especially with her mother's name being Serena. Like you can just see young Serena picking out a name that is Soft and feminine and classy and Shakespearean, and imagining a daughter who will grow into that name, who will be soft and pretty and exactly what she's meant to be. But Olivia is also Liv. I am certain her mother never called her that and never approved bc Liv is someone else. Liv is hard, and tough, and angry, and unstoppable. And our girl is both, she is tender and compassionate and fierce and determined, she is Olivia and she is Liv. ALSO!!! thinking about how her name has changed over time, how intially, when she was new, she was Olivia all the time, and then Elliot started calling her Liv, and then other people picked it up, and then Elliot left but by then everyone called her Liv, and the newcomers didn't ever really call her Olivia, so that now Olivia is the name that feels more intimate and personal than the nickname, and how Elliot using it with her now makes me want to eat my phone. All that!!!! From a fucking name!! So like. Sorry about your kids dick but you made your bed lmao
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illicreatxm · 5 years
☺️❤️ (for the munday meme!)
it’s munday! [accepting!] | @hermosa-pesadilla
[long-ass post so read under the cut]
☺ If you have a faceclaim for your muse, why did you choose them? Are you satisfied with your fc, or would you rather find a different one?
A lot of my fcs were generally picked either from watchingtv programmes or using fc hunters, actually, to find the perfect face.
Allie’s original fc, Ariel Winter, was probably one of the only ones where I watched the programme and the muse literally connected with the character on screen. Alex Dunphy from Modern Family is literally Allie, from the brains to the sarcasm and the awkwardness/lack of self-confidence in her appearance due to “prettier” people around her. The only problem was, she wasn’t ethnically correct (and neither was Mandy Moore, tbh), and only recently have I had the guts to change her to Jessica Parker Kennedy, who is more ethnically correct and kind of fits the more bubbly side of Allie when she’s playing Nora West-Allen in The Flash. And I think I’m preferring Jessica, even if she doesn’t wear glasses that much.
Obed’s fc is another one where I connected the muse with the character on screen. My goodness, never have I laughed so much seeing Zeke in the High School Musical series, and his combined love for cooking and slight obliviousness/enthusiasm for his best friends makes me think of Obed so much. He is such a dork. The only problem is, I don’t know of any movies where Chris Warren Jr. wears glasses, and canonically Obed wears reading glasses when he becomes a teacher (his eyesight was always crappy, but he finally does something about it when he becomes a real adult).
Jake’s was more of a fc hunt, I think, but as soon as I associated him with Dylan Everett I fell in love? He just works so well for Jake. And so does Tom Cruise!! Though I associate Jake more with the Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire than any other film, maybe in A Few Good Men but not much else. Jodie was literally me loving Liliana Mumy from Cheaper By The Dozen and Jodie 100% being that child with the big mouth and punchy fists; her adult fc was definitely a hunt, but I approve of the finding a lot considering it wasoriginally Emma Stone.
Alex’s and Aleshia’s were both from childhood – I never watched Hannah Montana, but as soon as I saw Cody in a fc hunt I knew that would be Alex. He’s very hard to find films for, though, because other than Hoot and Hannah Montana he’s not in a huge lot of other films. Aleshia’s fc I fell in love with from kids movies I watched like Jump In!! Also, there are parts of her that really make me think of Aleshia, but there are also parts of her that don’t quite match up. Like, Keke Palmer seems like such a joker and really loud, and whilst Aleshia can be that loud she’s less of a joker and more of a klutz. But I still love my sweet, clumsy child.
Rachel’s fc was one that I never originally imagined would fit her, but she was very accurate with her expressions and the fact that she looks so happy in a lot of the things she does? Madison Pettis has a lovely smile and from what I’ve watched her characters are happy people so she really fit Rachel. Sarah’s fc is a really rare one, and I originally found her when I was looking for that girl from The Starving Games? (Idek why I watched that…) She fits Sarah so much facially, but she isn’t in much popular stuff, so she’s a difficult one to make icons for, really. I haven’t even really seen much of what she’s in, but she fits Sarah well so I’m keeping her (despite being tempted many times to change). Rosie’s fc was another hunt, though this was mainly through looking for someone who looked like Dylan Everett. In all honesty, when I imagine Rosie, I don’t really imagine Ciara Bravo as the fc, but her facial expressions work ridiculously well for the kind of person Rosie is.
George, Kat and Laura are literally fc hunt finds. I never had any tv or movie characters that really related to them in mind when I was searching. Same for James, and also for Mandy. Though, Mandy’s was recently changed for ethnic accuracy, like Allie’s, and the Banks’ all had their changed because I wasn’t really that happy with the fcs I had for them. Though Alex Pettyfer had the build I had in mind for George, and is a lot more like how I’d imagine George to be, I just didn’t feel happy using him. (Dylan is enough of a dork anyway.)
♥ When it comes to shipping, what factors are absolutely necessary for a ship to develop? 
A N G S T. Alongside the chemistry, I really, really need muses to battle through more difficult times and have conflict for ships to develop, even if it’s just through headcanoning. That, and headcanoning, of course, because communication when shipping is absolutely key for me. But mainly angst. Realistic angst. Like, I can do fluff any day, really, because it can be easy to come up with fluffy, cutesy stuff that a ship could do, but things that cause our muses to clash or something realistic that they have to struggle together to get through? Something that they should really talk about but have been avoiding because they’re afraid of conflict? Big problems that make them want to break down and cry whilst the other holds them up? G I V E   M E.
For example: Kat and Sam (who belongs to @a-simple-rper) generally have a really cutesy, happy relationship. Like, they screw each other a lot, but they’re really happy? But their defining moment in my head will always be how Sam knocked her up, and through that it revealed that they actually really do love each other, and are working through their struggles with regards to finance whilst having the support of their family in the back just cheering them on and ready to catch them when they fall. Jake and Gabbie (who belongs to @astrologicallyperfect) are another cutesy couple, but they got a ton of angst going for them mainly because of their hugely conflicting personalities as teens that they learn to work through. Jake is basically a huge, entitled child and Gabbie is a sweet bean, and whilst they are adorable together their conflict is so beautiful to work through. Like, they are actually a couple who just want to be together and they are working through their problems and baggage both individually and together to make sure they are healthy for each other. (99% of the time it’s Jake’s fault anyway and you guys have no idea how much I love seeing people beat his ass down by pointing out how shitty he can be.)
Of course, that is all for romantic shipping. For friendship shipping, there still needs to be that chemistry, but a lot of my muses tend to slide towards the sibling relationship end of the spectrum than just casual friends. Really. The big friendships on this blog that come to my head are Allie and Sochi (@mochafortissimo), Alex and Lailani (@astrologicallyperfect), Alex and Milly (@a-simple-rper) and Jake and Sam (@a-simple-rper). I know for a fact that there are more friendships on this blog, but these sibling-like relationships are the ones my muses cling to the most. A lot of the time, my muses just need someone they can not only hug and laugh with, but someone who is willing to take the banter. Because all of them have sharp tongues. :/
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izumisays · 7 years
Dear creator,
Thank you so much for reading this and signing up for this wonderful annual conspiracy!
I hope you have a lovely time, and that this letter can contribute to it. If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and very interested to hear your thoughts on them. 
Fandoms: Nimona, In Other Lands, Captive Prince, Machineries of the Empire
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, from lighthearted shenanigans to dramatic casefics, and pretty much all ratings, but the core of all stories I love is always character interaction. How they play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they would react to a divergence of events, how true would they stay to their selves in a different setting - these are the kind of questions I’m all chinhands for. POV games, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs are all fair game, so choose your weapon!
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and similar kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
NIMONA (any characters)
It is no mystery at all why I completely imprinted on this book. What is a mystery, however, is how I survived to this day and age without having loved Nimona for years - how did I even live unaware of its existence, up until an impulse purchase a month ago? WHAT A TRAVESTY.
Anyway, I massively adore Nimona to bits: a perfect fusion of story and pictures, chaotic evil Nimona (CHOMP!), Ballister of the big heart and stoic love for strays and SCIENCE, Ambrosius of awkward good instincts and poor decisions  - I just want to pinch everyone’s cheeks and hug them to my chest. For six hours. Approximately. It’s open for negotiation :’)
I’m requesting any characters because I’d be honestly delighted by seeing each one of them <3
A day in casa de Blackheart with Nimona and Ballister! Hatching evil schemes or having a pizza night - or both. BOTH IS GOOD. A flashback to Ballister and Ambrosius’s younger days (that christmas special *clutches heart*). A future with Nimona infiltrating Ballister’s lab and his & Ambrosius’s couch with popcorn and underhanded science! Nimona grumpily acquiescing to Goldenloin’s presence in Ballister’s life! Generally ANY AND ALL HIJINKS feat. heartwarmth and unapologetic monster girl love and fierce protectiveness of each other, much in the spirit of the lovely, lovely source material.
IN OTHER LANDS (Luke Sunborn)
Elliot is a spectacular narrator. Novel-shaped case in point: In Other Lands.
Having said that, what I really, really want to see is a story that makes Luke a narrator, or otherwise puts him at the center. I have it on good authority that he makes one fucking adorable narrator (novella-shaped case in point: Wings in the Morning), but why stop there, right?
Luke/Elliot, either post-canon or slightly amending canon, is always a delight. Luke crushing on Elliot for years in a resigned, semi-unaware (or aware!) manner - he gives Elliot Dale’s name only as a distraction, to get Elliot off his back, and watches with horrified eyes how every member of his family is suddenly out there to set him up with the wrong boy! Luke handling the thought of Elliot the boyfriend with awkwardness unbefitting a Trigon champion (granted, Elliot is kinda more prickly than an average glass ball). Luke having 110% confidence in Elliot and admiring him sass people into submission from the sidelines.
A look at Luke’s friendship with Serene - completely compatible with Luke forever crushing on Elliot, just saying ^^. I suspect lack of Elliot’s Serene goggles could do marvels to building nuance to her character: a little less reverse gender comedy just for the sake of comedy, a little more someone who is clever enough to balance multiple things, connect the dots, and learn, and stand by what she believes is right.
Competence kinkkk. Forever admiring the bookish people, refusing to stop trying to catch up, and zero time spent being conceited about own achievements while fully embracing his role of a champion and defender - that’s the Luke I love <3 Luke’s brand of leadership & charisma - an introverted champion, well-loved by people and easily tired of company of not his people.
Figuring out life after graduation! Casefic of them solving a mystery and preventing a war breakout! Getting assignments and storming the castles! Building cross-cultural competence by throwing Elliot at new people and watching him sign up new pen friends and treaties!
Sunborn family fic! A holiday get together? Drunken exchange of family stories? Another terrible competition that Elliot boycotts? Rachel reading Luke’s letters from year one and with great amusement observing the progression of his “THAT ELLIOT” feelings. God I love the Sunborns <3
I’m not particularly fond of Dale, on understanding that he got enough screentime as is already I’d be grateful if you didn’t center the fic around him. Obviously no objections to him as part of class ensemble, whose names Luke will never bloody remember.
CAPTIVE PRINCE (Damen, Laurent, Auguste, Jokaste)
You would not have wanted to see me at the peak of my CP obsession - dignity readers for miles around were in the red zone for months, I can tell you that. Even my bitter disappointment with many things in the third book didn’t survive the onslaught of feelings that overcome me every time I turn my thoughts to this series. R e g u l a r l y. (If you don’t think Prince’s Gambit is the high point of modern literature, f i t e   m e)
Things that make me happy:
Laurent/Damen endgame, always.
Auguste! Alive and well and fiercely proud of Laurent and quite possibly giving young Damen - his admiring bro - confused boners. Which he manfully swoonstruggles against, because see above.
Clever, competent Damen that drives Laurent up the wall of his fervent refusal to admit any of it affects him
Laurent POVs in general. There is nothing more delightful than a well-crafted narration of acerbic denial of hearteyes, self-crafted personality, hardwon competence and utter self-awareness.
Did I say competence porn yet? Hearteyes, motherfucker, hearteyes!!
Jokaste-Laurent queenbee friendships - vipers united!
Consider this: FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS arrangement for a CERTAIN AGENDA feat. Jokaste and Laurent - preceding or purposefully leading to Laurent/Damen endgame. Benefits as imagined by Damen, the poor cookie? Fake dating for purposes of short-circuiting Damen’s brain with the blonde ratio? :DD
Mafia/noir AUs *swoon* In fact, a variety of modern or historic AUs would be an a+ sandbox to play in and watch the chemistry unfold.
On another note, I have the soft spot the size of Delfeur for Nicaise and particularly Nicaise & Laurent spiky sibling-like affection, so if you think your story could benefit from that, please don’t hesitate to include it <3
I’m absolutely okay with fic that would not include all four - it’s just that I couldn’t omit either Auguste and Jokaste from the list of happy things. You are most welcome to include only one of the two, or none, if you want to concentrate on Laurent and Damen only.
Canon divergences, what-ifs and AUs are super-welcome for this canon. Please feel free to play to your heart’s content!
I didn’t know how to request what would essentially be just heartfelt sobbing of PLEASE WRITE FIC FOR THIS AMAZING MEME ART (“please send help my family is starving!!”) - but if! By any chance! This is what you want to do, please disregard everything from math rules to heretic calendrical rituals, and go for it :DD i keep shoving this picture into all of my friends’ faces and get vaguely upset that they don’t immediately agree with me on how brilliant it is; maybe I should revise my strategy and give them the books to read first, hmm.
I’m fond of most of the cast of the books, especially of how competent and done with nonsense they are 99% of their screen time. Mentor relationships were amazing - Cheris and Jedao in Ninefox Gambit was a thing of true beauty, Zehun and Mikodez continuously delight me, and I’m looking forward to what book 3 will bring on this front, too (Nija? Please say Nija!). But as I need to choose something that won’t be guaranteed to make the matching algorithm cry, let me center it around a character that delights me and makes others cry instead.
Mikodez in his younger days! Zehun, I’m so sorry for your loss of sleep and possibly hair, teenagers are the worst, teenage Miki is the worst best Miki, and I am dying to hear all about his notorious Academy heroics.
Mikodez, Zehun, Nija and Cheris, the most terrifying parental equation of this calendar <3
Mikodez and his Questionable Alliances. Kujen “I had a friend once and then the leash broke” Nirai. Jedao - how does Miki’s view of the man change with Cheris in the game, and her (literal) insights about the dead mad general?
Mikodez throwing endless shade on all other factions, especially Andan. (Sorry, Andan. At least you’re pretty.)
Mikodez and his secret humanitarian agenda that he will politely deny forever, get fake-distracted by one of his bazillion hobbies and miss whatever sleep time he had scheduled in the day because he will inevitably get genuinely carried away. Every. Fucking. Time.
As a sidenote, I’m terribly fond of Vahenz <3 Bring her back! Let Vahenz have her fun! Let Mikodez meet his true competition for world domination and in the race towards diabetes.
I really liked Istradez, and would be happy to see him among the army of Mikodez’s high powered babysitters, but am not really in the market for Mikodez/Istradez shipfics.
Thank you very much for reading the letter! Please be assured I’m super excited to read everything you write already <3
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 05
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether you need to rapidly alter your strategy when you realize that your ‘nemesis’ actually turns out to be the ‘brother’ of the girl you like?
Whether Ji Dwi (Hyungsik’s character) and Sun Woo’s bromance is far, far, far more interesting than the romantic story lines?
Whether introduction to school/training should involve consuming copious amounts of strong alcohol to pick roommates?
Whether the pretty guy randomly showing up as a Hwarang is believable?
Whether there is always some prissy biatch being a total tattletale at the start of a new project?
The Rule(s):
Yes obviously. *notice how Ji Dwi’s face changes when he realizes how Sun Woo is related to Aro*
Hell yes. It’s the beginning of a beautiful bromance.
Probably? But because all we see is chaos and more chaos which is probably why the administration organizes the roommate situation.
Uhh No. Like where did he come from? He had like 2 seconds of screen time in a random episode. Wtf?
OH MY GOD YES. There is always that person. Always.
RedRosette J Sidebar: HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR READERS!! May your 2017 be much more awesome than 2016! Thank you for reading and following us! We promise to keep bringing the sass in 2017!
Jubiemon J Note: Happy New Year! May everyone have their wishes granted in 2017 and be in good health! We are looking forward to the new dramas in 2017 and hope to bring more laughter. Thank you for tuning in with us and join us in 2017 as well!
RedRosette J: This episode was an interesting one for me because time-wise, there was more bromance and Hwarang’s first day than this whole pointless romance. There were a lot of LOLs with the dangling from the ceiling like meat stuff (Honestly, these two should really just do comedy) and some more time spent with the awkward “you’re-my-‘brother’-but-you-look-super-hot-with-your-shirt-off” stuff. I’m slightly disappointed because I thought we’d be getting more of Taehyung and we really haven’t been seeing much of him. He wasn’t even in the inauguration scene! Does that mean he’s such a minor character that he’s not even important enough to be in it? Also, for me it still feels a bit slow and draggy. It’s 5 episodes and there’s still barely any Hwarang antics. Let’s get a move on already!
Jubiemon J: I was conflicted with this episode because the dangling meat and fighting scenes were kind of dragged out. However, I did enjoy some parts of it because Hyungsik waking up surprised that he was dangling there was hilarious. I’m also kind of disappointed about Taehyung’s lack of appearance and the feminine character’s sudden appearance at the very end. I feel like those two characters, especially the feminine one, did not get a proper introduction. I know that it’s hard to pave the background stories of all characters, but when the trailer and interviews kept suggesting that each would have their own story, I was quite disappointed that that wasn’t the case. I felt like they really put Taehyung out there to grab the BTS fans’ attention, when really he’s only in like 6 mins from ep 1 – now. I also agree with RedRosette that not much as happened, so I do hope that the plot carries forward faster.
Literally a piece of meat
This is basically a ‘How do you like me now’ face
Seriously. Where was Taehyung?!?
Hubba Hubba
Too close for comfort
Can these two just like….NOT?
Issue 1: Whether you need to rapidly alter your strategy when you realize that your ‘nemesis’ actually turns out to be the ‘brother’ of the girl you like?
RedRosette J: This development was a long time coming. I mean if you decide to go on the faux-brother path, other characters have to be brought up to speed so the awkwardness can continue. You can literally see Ji Dwi’s face change when Sun Woo says that Aro is his sister. I think at that point he was doing some serious mental calculations as to how much of an ass he’s been to this guy who potentially could make or break a future with the girl. It’s funny how even though it’s been said out aloud, Ji Dwi doesn’t really seem to believe that they are just brother-and-sister. (The whole rescue scene where he’s just over the affection? LOL! yea he’s not buying it). I think this bit of information is also important for Ji Dwi to know so that he realizes that Sun Woo is not really a threat to him per se and start being friends. Yea I think recalculations are in order when a situation like this arises. I mean, you need this guy to be on your side, if anything else is to progress. Am I right?
Jubiemon J: Yes, I think this strategy change makes sense. We all want to suck up to our crush’s sibling to hopefully get a good word in from the sibling. I think the change from Ji Dwi’s face was really a great job done by Hyungsik. At first I thought Ji Dwi really didn’t like Aro because he mentioned how she was half-blood and that Sunwoo should stay away from her because of that. That seemed to be out of character in my opinion. Then that statement from Ji Dwi made a whole lot of sense as soon as he became friendlier to Sunwoo upon hearing that Aro is Sunwoo’s sister. Ji Dwi is really just sneaky. Hahaha. (I’m not convinced that his love for Aro is actually love; it’s more like lust or a crush.)
Uhhhh okayyy?
* tries to help and gets hit in the jaw*
Not buying this brother/sister crap for a second
Issue 2: Whether Ji Dwi (Hyungsik’s character) and Sun Woo’s bromance is far, far, far more interesting than the romantic story lines?
RedRosette J: I think so. Especially because I think that both characters are very similar and have a lot to share if they only stop this pointless pissing contest and fighting over a girl. Both characters were essentially abandoned and grew up outside the home, both characters have issues with self worth, both characters are dealing with existential crises at the same time. I think that if they lean on each other that they could be great friends. The start of which we saw when Ji Dwi piggybacked a drunk Sun Woo back to their room (OMG they’re roomies too!!!!). I think that having a friendship form between these two characters will be a far more interesting journey to watch than the romantic love lines.
Jubiemon J: I like their bromance a lot! I think they have more chemistry than Aro x Ji Dwi or Aro x  Sunwoo. I find their bickering to be funny and cute. I found it hilarious when Ji Dwi kept whistling. I was hoping for a horse but who knew he had some assassin around? I agree with what RedRosette said about their similarities and how they could relate to each other. I’m waiting for the moment when they really become bffs.
*fights in mid-air* LOLOLOL!
By far the most interesting part of the show so far
Besties 4eva!
Issue 3: Whether introduction to school/training should involve consuming copious amounts of strong alcohol to pick roommates?
RedRosette J: Although in theory this sounds like so much fun and could lead to some super hilarious living situations, I feel like the reality of this is probably not going to be so great. There’s a reason that the administration at universities pick your roommates for you (most of the time). Just imagine if this scenario actually happened? OMG. Please No. But then again, if there were no rules and you could literally fight people for the best rooms, it would seriously end up being a Hunger Games-esque scenario like in this episode and in reality, no one wants that. I think the alcohol for introduction sounds fun (this exists already pretty much. It’s called Frosh Week or Freshers Week) but let’s just leave it at fun and not involve the roommate sorting.
Jubiemon J: I feel like this scene reminded me of some initiation when you’re joining a frat/sorority. I didn’t quite enjoy this scene that much. Plus, they made all the guys turn into fighting drunkards. There are so many different drunks. I’ve met people who just sleep, who start talking a lot and repeating things, who strip, and more. I wished that they had shown different types of drunk people. Where was Taehyung in this scene as well?
Intro to Hwarang
Yup it’s nasty…
The roommate situation from Hell
Issue 4: Whether the pretty guy randomly showing up as a Hwarang is believable?
RedRosette J: Where did this guy come from? He was in an earlier episode for like a second and now all of a sudden he’s sharing a room with the main characters? Huh? What? Why isn’t Taehyung’s character sharing a room with the main characters? At least he had more screen time than Pretty Boy!! I’m not okay with this. It is so not believable that this guy just randomly shows up. Ugh.
Jubiemon J: I was really surprised when I saw this character pop out. Even Ji Dwi freaked out. I would too. I really don’t think this introduction was believable and it just seemed to come out of nowhere. Magic?
Where did you come from?!?
Even Ji Dwi is like ‘WTF’?
Issue 5: Whether there is always some prissy biatch being a total tattletale at the start of a new project?
RedRosette J: Why is there always this person? In the drama-verse and in real life too! It’s impossible to start doing anything without there being some prissy biatch hell bent on making everyone’s lives miserable by taking everything way too seriously and being a total tattletale about everything. The Assistant Person is the definition of a prissy biatch. I can’t even. I guess drama really does reflect life. Also, I guess they need a prissy biatch to make Sung Dong Il’s character stand out more as a rebellious ‘I-give-zero-shits’ teacher.
Jubiemon J: Ah, there’s always that one person doing all the annoying stuff and bitching to someone else. That’s life.
RedRosette J Aside: Also, for future reference, all conference tables should look like this. Kthanksbye.
Dat tiger tho
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 3 = MM. Okay. Fine. (Only because of Hyungsik and Seo Joon’s awesome bromance scenes)
File No: Hwarang: Poet-Warrior-Youth- Ep-05 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 05 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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