#imagining any scenario where her family finds out what Miranda did to her
thyhauntedmansion · 6 months
Just a few silly reactions I recorded because words can’t describe how much I adore Bela’s route
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
Did you~~~ Did you make sakura preggo? 🥺 Is she preggoo in your re crossover? Is there going to be baby heisenbergs? 🥺🥺 does mother know about this? was heisenberg excited when he found out?? ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Plz he deserved to be free and enjoy life 🥺😭 Let him have a family anbd be happppyyyy!!!
Hello, anon! Sorry, I meant to answer this a few days ago but got a little side-tracked 😬. I've actually had a few people ask me about this part and I can see why they came to that conclusion.
"And now we have more on the line than before. This has to work or it all ends." She quietly listens, melting into the heated body surrounding her. Large hands skim along the maroon fabric of her skirt, slowly making their way up. His fingers curl around the pinkette's hip in a firm grip while the other finds a resting place against the bodice covering her abdomen.
I don't actually say Sakura's pregnant but some assumed that's what this paragraph meant. H mentions them having more on the line than before (implying there's something that's changed recently that makes their fight more consequential than it previously was) and he's laying his hand over her midsection, which can either be a gentle/intimate touch in a stressful situation or have more meaning. It depends on how you look at it.
But... I'm not going to confirm or deny that she might be pregnant. This chapter was an intro to give some insight on the present and where the story might be headed but the next one goes back in time to the 1950s. A lot of this fic will focus on Sakura being 'adopted' by Mother Miranda, dealing with the changes in her body, meeting the Lords, trying to navigate and survive living in the village, and what leads to up the events of RE8. It'll span over 60 years so a lot will happen and some things I have planned might change (or not lol). But I'll leave this part up to your imagination.
I 100% agree that H deserved a happy ending... I was so mad that there wasn't an option to accept his deal. It would've been really interesting to see how differently the ending might've played out. Who knows? Ethan turning him down probably sealed his own fate as well, so it's karmic in a way. It makes me sad listening to H talk over the speakers about how Miranda took him and the others and forced them to serve her for decades. He spent his life working on revenge and didn't even get the satisfaction of having the last laugh or knowing she met her end as well. In his case, he lost and Miranda won. She used him all his life and he was killed just as she wanted.
In any case, I'm not a big fan of tragic endings yet can't guarantee anything for now. This fic is most likely going to be long like my others so we'll see! I'm working on chapter 2 and there's a ways to go until the end. I'd love to see him be happy and free but I'm basically a passenger writing down what the driver tells me 🤷‍♀️.
As for the question about H being excited if he found out Sakura was pregnant in this scenario, I'd say he probably would have a whole lot of mixed emotions. The first would most likely be shock from the news, especially since nothing happened for years before then. I'm sure they'd both assume they were infertile a long time ago. There's also the disillusionment with family after being stuck in his current situation for so long but this also gives him the opportunity to have a real one. Another would be fear. Would Miranda take the baby after it's born? There's no way she wouldn't notice Sakura being pregnant after a while and with the parents being two cadou experiments, she might snatch the child away to study/observe/test its body, capabilities, and see what kind of information she can collect. So there would be a lot of internal conflict going inside that hinders H from being completely excited. It would give him even more motivation than he already has (if that's possible) to stop Miranda and escape the village. He'd be damned before letting his brat(s) go through the same terrible shit he did.
Sorry this is a bit long and might not be the answers you were looking for but thanks for sending this in! I love getting asks from readers 🥰. I try to be careful about spoilers when it comes to important parts (like the ending) so I have to tiptoe around certain questions to avoid ruining it for others. You're more than welcome to drop more asks in and I'll do what I can! And I genuinely appreciate your excitement for this story 💖!
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy: Leave A Light On (16x16)
Okay so what the hell went down between Justin Chambers and the show-runners, that this had to go down this way? Wow.
So yeah, I'm not happy about this. Izzie? Seriously? Listen, I can appreciate that they were backed into a corner because Chambers left so abruptly. Was that even his voice in the voice-over, or just a sound-alike? I'm not entirely sure. But come on. If you'll indulge me for a moment, here's how I would have re-worked this:
After being thoroughly ghosted, Jo receives a letter or voicemail from Alex explaining that he talked to Izzie, found out he has two five-year-old kids, and flew to Kansas to meet them. He intended to come back and talk to her about it, but he got swept up. He wants her to come to Kansas, to move there so they can be closer to Alex's kids. Jo is understandably furious that Alex just up and left without talking to her, and demands to know why Izzie and the kids can't move to Seattle, then? Why should they have to disrupt their lives/careers? But Alex is insistent. Izzie and the kids have a good set-up, he doesn't want to ask them to move. Jo, hurt and confused, decides that for the sake of her marriage, she at least has to go over there to talk to Alex in person. So Jo leaves, and for the next two or three episodes, she's gone while we follow other characters' stories. Then, abruptly, Jo comes back. She shows up on Meredith's doorstep and hands her a letter. Turns out, Alex isn't coming back.
We find out, partially through Alex's letters to Meredith, Bailey, and Richard, and partially through Jo explaining things to Link over drinks, what happened. Jo went there, and saw how happy Alex was with the kids. She wanted to imagine her life there with him, but she couldn't. She kept trying to talk to him about making a joint decision for their future, but it occurred to her pretty early on that Alex wasn't willing to compromise. He had already made his choice. He chose his kids. Jo realizes something else, too. Even if they can't see it, Alex and Izzie are already acting like a couple - seamlessly co-parenting and making compromises and accommodations for each other. Heartbroken, Jo realizes that it's not just the kids that Alex has fallen in love with. She decides to go back to Seattle. She hopes Alex will come back for her, will figure out a solution, but she knows in her heart of hearts that it's over.
Life moves on, and eventually we learn from Jo that she and Alex have been talking on the phone, and that Alex is sending over divorce papers. The future of Alex and Izzie's relationship is left uncertain - we know that Jo thought there was something between them, but maybe they just stay friends and parent their kids together without getting back together. Who knows.
And... curtain call. Justin Chambers can come back to play Alex in cameo roles in future, and while Jo and Meredith et. al have every right to be furious with him for taking off and lying to his wife about where he was, we no longer have this bullshit scenario where Alex cheated on his wife and instantly fell back into something with Izzie without even trying to make his relationship with Jo work while still having a relationship with his kids.
It wouldn't be the perfect solution, but by god would it be better than what we were given here.
If I can just break down a couple of the ways Alex's character has been assassinated by this decision? We already had Alex deal with the Izzie drama. There wasn't any unresolved tension there. He got his closure. He loved Jo. For the show to manufacture this idea that all along, Alex was looking for an excuse to get in touch with her, is such obvious bullshit. He straight-up told Jo he didn't need to call Izzie, didn't want to. We saw that in a flashback during this episode. And yet we're supposed to believe that's all bullshit? Come on.
Also, there's that heartbreaking scene at the end where Zola wants to show Uncle Alex her science project, and Meredith has to explain that basically the only remaining male authority figure in Zola's life, the man who wanted to have family breakfasts with Meredith and her kids every week, has up and left without saying goodbye, and with no intent to ever come back and visit. Alex's letter talks about how he has kids, and how he loves them so much, and how he hopes someday Meredith will come to meet them and they will call her Aunt Meredith. With absolutely no irony. Alex, you have Zola and Bailey and Ellis. And I know this show tends to forget about the kids a lot of the time, but still. Alex's whole thing is how he's this screw-up with a heart of gold, and one of the main ways of illustrating that is through showing his behavior around children. He abandoned Meredith's kids. He straight up abandoned them, and it sucks.
I liked a lot of the bits and pieces from some of the letters, to be honest, but Alex's letter to Jo was mostly just a slap in the face. He loves her, and tells her straight-up that if it was a matter of Jo vs. Izzie, he'd pick Jo. But because of the kids, he wants to stick with Izzie. And his rationale here is that he and Jo both know what it's like to grow up in these broken homes without stable parents. Bull. Shit. If they had gone with my scenario above, I could forgive this. Of course Alex wants to be around his kids that he just found out about. And I could even understand not wanting to move them to Seattle. But to just decide, right off the bat, that he has to abandon his marriage in order to make that work? That is not the Alex Karev I have watched grow and develop over sixteen seasons. All of his language, about how Jo is so great, how she deserves better, how Alex loves her... gross. And he has the audacity to thank her for "fixing" him and helping to make him a better person. Gross gross gross. This should have been different. This should have been this messy thing, where Jo and Alex try to make it work, but it falls apart gradually over time. They could have given us that, and not turned Alex into an utter dickhead.
And then there's the Izzie of it all. Say what you will about her character, about the way she left Alex... she's still supposed to be a human being. She was still a character that we followed for many years, that we saw through heartbreak and triumph. And her voice here is completely erased. She didn't contact Alex when she used frozen embryos to create his children. That's a little bit unforgivable all on its own. But she had her reasons, and then one day Alex calls her out of the blue, and suddenly she's like - yes, come move here and live with me and leave your wife and be a father? What does she think about all this? Does her opinion here hold no weight? This sucks and I hate it!
I feel like I could go on and on. But I do want to include a "pros" section here, and talk about some aspects of this that I didn't downright despise.
I don't mind that they did the flash-back clip show thing. If Justin Chambers couldn't be here, it was the best they could do. And it was fun/infuriating to see Alex's character over the years, to see his romances with Izzie and Jo, to see his friendship with Mer, the mentorship and trust that grew up between him and Bailey, and him and Richard. It was a smart move to narrow the focus on just the characters that matter in the long-run to him. The episode wasn't cluttered with Maggie, Amelia, Owen, Teddy, etc. and their nonsense, or any of the other secondary characters. Their stories will have room elsewhere. This was for Alex, and I did appreciate that.
Here's something I will say: I don't hate the outcome of this ending for Alex. The thought of him being there for his kids is absolutely beautiful. I actually started crying a few times during the letters, especially the one to Meredith. He's describing how when he first met his kids, they pulled him immediately into their room and wanted to show them all their toys. And he's so awed and honored that he gets to provide stability and comfort to these two people, when he himself grew up without that. So did Izzie. So did Jo. The episode did a good job of acknowledging that, and of setting up why the idea of Alex having a stable life with a good career and kids to dote on, is the proper ending for his character. The endgame is on point. The path to get there is where I have serious, serious issues (see above).
I also liked how they managed to tie Alex's ending in to the existing story-lines with both Richard and Miranda. We'll doubtless see Jo (and possibly Meredith) dealing with this in a more direct way as the weeks go by. But for the two people who mentored Alex, who raised him, we see how much he affected them, and how much they truly cared for him. For Richard, there's a sense of betrayal. At a meeting, he talks about how much being a surgeon and being a teacher has meant to him. And he can't understand Alex giving up everything he's worked for, all for the sake of a woman and his kids. But on the flip side? He didn't get to know Maggie growing up, and he can't honestly begrudge him his decision. I liked the complexity of his reaction here, how he can understand, and still be angry.
Bailey, meanwhile, thinks about all of the struggles Alex went through, and how much dumb luck was involved in him turning in to the person he is today. He was a smart, capable young man who could easily have been lost to the world, wandering and aimless. Even though he ended up happy and successful, it isn't right that he had to work so hard to achieve that, without support. She wants to offer stability to Joey. Ben is in agreement - I like that Bailey's decision to take Joey in didn't start a whole avalanche of drama between the two of them. They've been through enough. I also really appreciated them talking about their communication issues. Both of them have the problem of hiding big, important things from one another. Bailey's heart-attack, Ben's career change, and now Bailey's decision to adopt Joey. But they are both all in, ready for whatever craziness comes their way. And now Joey is a part of their family, which I quite enjoy!
So that's... that. Jo deserves so much better. And Alex deserves so much better. Hell, Izzie deserves better. Without Justin Chambers, there was no satisfying way to end this character's run on the show. Even with him, it would have been difficult to pull this off. But this final result? Ugh. It does such a disservice to one of the most brilliantly developed characters on this show's entire long run. I'm pretty sad about it, to be honest.
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keysmashchronicles · 4 years
my history in phandom and fandom
I’ve always been an avid reader. If I’d have been born twenty years later than I was and grew up in a time when every kid has tablet or a phone, that need for stories might have been filled by TV or other formats instead, but in my childhood years it was all about books, and visiting the library as often as possible. I often daydreamed about the characters in books the books I read, mostly egocentric thoughts of what it would be like if I were to somehow find myself in the stories I was reading. What would it be like to have them as my friends, to be part of those adventures? Of course, in typical Mary-Sue fashion, it wasn’t the real me that I imagined in those daydreams, but some idealised version that was cleverer and funnier and prettier and of course, someone all the other characters either envied or adored.
As I got older, and we moved beyond the stage of just having one TV in the house, my obsessive nature shifted to include TV shows as well as books. The first show that really caught my imagination was Dawson’s Creek. I loved it, the over-articulate teens with all their angsty problems heightened by their hormones going haywire, going through mental health issues and struggles with sexuality and of course, the classic love triangle. I couldn’t wait to tune in every week and catch up on what was happening in Capeside.
I’m not sure how it happened, but one day I was online on our cranky old computer and stumbled across some Dawson’s Creek fanfiction. I was amazed, and fascinated, and also terrified that someone in my family was going to walk in and catch me reading it. But I read every story on that website, and then started looking for more. I couldn’t believe there were other people out there like me, people who didn’t just watch a TV programme and then forget it about it until the following week.  There were others who thought about the characters in a TV show so much, it was almost like they became real. People who wanted to analyse every aspect of the relationships the characters had on screen, and also take these characters off into plots and stories and worlds that were nothing like what actually happened in the show, imagine them in endless different scenarios and see them experience every kind of emotion and think about how they’d react. People who wanted to write or read over and over again about the same characters because they found more and more to discover about them every time they did.I had found my happy place!
Over the years, the obsession with fanfic remained, but the focus of it shifted.I’d go through a cycle – discover a new fandom, immerse myself in it for maybe a year or two, then slowly lose interest. There would be a period where I wouldn’t read fic for a while, maybe 6 months or a year, and then all of a sudden, a new show would capture my attention and I’d be off and running again.
After my interest in Dawson’s Creek had run it’s course, the show that took its place for me was Buffy. As I recall, I had only watched a few episodes here and there and then a writer I was already reading started to post Buffy fics. I read a couple and realised that there must be much more to this show than I’d thought if it was inspiring such good writing. I think that obsession must have lasted a good 3-4 years, one of the longest I’ve had.  There was just so much good stuff for writers to work with - a whole cast of interesting well-developed characters, the good vs evil narrative, the endless possibilities of spells and demons and alternate universes and origin stories and the threat that the world might end at any moment….the list goes on. And also, there was the smut  - I’d read a fair amount in my previous fandom, but Buffy fics took it to a whole other level (this by the way being a major cause of the confusion I had when trying to work out my own sexuality - how can I be asexual? Have you seen my AO3 history???)
After that came the West Wing, followed by House, followed by the other behemoth of my fandom life, Sherlock. With all of these, although I read a hell of a lot of fic, that was always as far as my involvement in fandom went. I didn’t feel the need to join any fandom communities, in fact I don’t really think I would have known much about where or how to get involved if I’d wanted to. In the early days, the fic I read was on fan-hosted sites, with the aid of webrings to help you discover other authors. Then for a long time it was fanfiction.net, livejournal and finally AO3 where I read most of my fic today.
So how did I get into phanfic? In the aftermath of Sherlock series 4, it felt like my engagement with fic in that fandom came to a bit of a stop – there wasn’t really anywhere much to take the story in terms of canon, and a lot of people felt that the whole Eurus plotline had been kind of a jumping the shark moment. For myself, I’d got to that stage where it felt like there was nothing new under the sun. I was feeling the fatigue that always eventually came when I’d overread a fandom, and no matter how hard I’d try to find something to interest me, nothing seemed to capture my imagination any more.
I left the fic alone for quite a while, turning mostly back to traditionally published media – I dipped a toe back into Sherlock fic on occasion, read a bit of MCU here and there but nothing significant.
Then one evening in June 2019, I was scrolling through Twitter when I decided to check what was trending and saw a name I didn’t recognise – Daniel Howell. I had no idea who he was, but lots of other people were clearly very excited by something he’d done, so I thought I’d have a look and find out why. Usually when this happens, it turns the person is either on a reality TV show or plays sports of some kind,  but on this occasion I saw the words ‘YouTuber’ and ‘coming out video’ and it piqued my interest. The only experience I really had of watching YouTubers was through my step niece, when she’d had an obsession with Miranda Sings and we’d watched a lot of her videos together, including collabs, so I knew a few names but not much beyond that.
I clicked on Dan’s video, fully expecting that like with most random clicks, I’d watch for a minute or two before getting bored and looking for something else to occupy my attention, but that didn’t happen. The video was incredible and I was absolutely transfixed for the whole 45 minutes. I thought it was brilliant - the deeply personal story that was being told, the humour, the well-thought out and confidently delivered arguments – I don’t think I’d ever seen anything like it. As someone who had come to identify as asexual and panromantic but not until they were in their late 30s, and who was (is?) still in a place of trying to understand what that meant in my life, it was also hugely resonant to me on a personal level, helping me to realise the unacknowledged but damaging internalised acephobia and homophobia that I was still carrying with me.
I went to Dan’s channel and watched some of his videos, then was curious about that guy named Phil that he’d mentioned, so I watched some of his videos too. I came across the first PINOF and was completely charmed by it, by their rapport and silly humour and how they clearly felt so comfortable just to muck about and be themselves.
For a while I was happy just going through all the content on their channels. It didn’t really occur to me to look for fic until it was referenced in one of their videos. Up until then, RPF had really not been my thing – I’d seen some fics written about the actors who played characters in my various fandoms and I’d avoided them because it had made me feel uncomfortable about what they’d think if they saw them. I’d also scrolled past a lot of 1D and BTS fic when browsing on AO3 tags and to be honest, had had a pretty snobby opinion about it.
But having heard Dan’s story, and then seen dnp’s obvious connection in their videos, I was curious to see what the fans’ take had been on their relationship, and also to see what was being written about them now that Dan had come out. I looked to see if there was anything about them on AO3 and bam! There it was, my next fic obsession had grabbed hold of me and there wasn’t anything much I could do about it!
Since then, I’ve not only read a ton of fics, but even had a go at writing a few. It’s painful because they never come anywhere near the standard of the fics and writers I really admire. I have the desire to want to write well, but also a complete lack of the patience and dedication it takes to develop the necessary skill. But for the first time I didn’t let that stop me from publishing a few fics as I realised I was really writing for myself, to have an outlet for thoughts and ideas that had been going around in my head, and if anyone happened to read it, that was just a bonus.
Then through reading the Seven Basic Plots, I realised that what I’m more interested in at the moment than learning to write fics myself is to come to a greater understanding of how they work, and what exactly has been fuelling my fic obsession for over 20 years (wow....that was weird to think about! Such a long time!)
So that’s my history in fandom, and in phandom, and explains why reading a book about the nature of stories and their purpose made me immediately think that I wanted to examine those ideas in relation to something I know and love – phanfiction.
the seven basic plots // 1st plot - overcoming the monster
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