#in my head no matter their initial allegiance everyone WILL be falling for the moonglight thief
Heartslabyul: Moonlight
So I suppose I'm doing MORE AU WRITINGSS because I couldn't stop thinking about this au (yes again by @jackplushie they're really good at this au thing okay)
I will probably do the rest of the dorms but I'm unsure if these will all be as long as the automation au. (Especially since Heartslabyul is generally shorter because they've got 5 people) also this was made before any info on heartslabyul in the au came out so that's why it's so different.
Also if this does not resemble the proceedings of an actual law firm please keep in mind that the thing that got me thinking about this was playing the great ace attorney chronicles. So uh. Yeah lawyerly shenanigans inbound.
Heartslabyul and Co Law
A long standing and historic law firm, Heartslabyul was a natural choice to handle the prosecution of the Moonlight Thief. Especially with all the victims, private owners, institutions, and insurers, who were involved. Few firms had the manpower required to handle this particular case.
Riddle is the one in charge of the team handling your case. He's the one keeping everyone's feet to the fire at all hours of the day (even when no evidence has come in for a while) and serving as a good example by constantly reviewing every incident to make sure he can remember all of the details. While on the surface Riddle is mostly so focused on the case due to its importance meaning he could make partner at an incredibly young age if he does well... it would be wrong to say he didn't get obsessed after so long. Staring at pictures of you mid escape, tracking your pattern of targets, trying to understand your MO as though he were in your shoes... it got to him after a while. So now? He's far more interested in seeing you in person. He'll see what you're really what he thinks when you're in the defendants chair. After all, it's not like he'll get the chance any earlier.
Trey is Riddle's second in command, in charge of keeping everyone on track when Riddle isn't, as well as making sure no one starves to death on the job. Honestly with how big the team is and how often they wind up staying overnight to work on the case, Trey winds up making coffee and grabbing food more than he looks over evidence. He's probably the last to actually get seriously invested in you rather than the case itself, it more so happens because he's curious why his coworkers are so obsessed. Why is Riddle always talking about your motives? Why is Ace always wistful when he's looking over footage? What the hell is up with Cater and Deuce? He's in charge of these guys, so it's his business to try and find out more about what's going on. (Spoiler Alert he falls into the same pit as them)
Cater is the one 'in charge' of keeping everyone's spirits up. That is to say he just started doing it without waiting for orders from Riddle (something which the latter is equally furious and grateful about). Since he's the best at talking to others he's usually the one talking to clients on site, and it was on one such occasion that he met you. He and a rookie coworker were speaking with a curator at your recent target, specifically about why you hadn't stolen a particularly extravagant necklace, when all the security features in the room abruptly shut off. A moment later you landed from above and swiped the necklace in question before turning around. You... hadn't actually expected anyone to be there, so you had to improvise. With a wink and a remark of "If I had more time I'd stick around to steal your heart as well, alas I have to split!" You dashed past them, prompting Cater's junior to chase after you while Cater... bluescreened. If he started looking at your candids in the case files more often he'd just say the meeting made him more invested in the case. Which... isn't technically wrong?
Ace is one of the few rookies on the case. And as you'd hear from most he has no reason to be, he's lazy, annoying, rude... what question were they answering again? But besides all that, Ace is valued, even by Riddle, because he's good at spotting things other people pass over. He's the only one in the office who's really capable of pouring over surveillance footage to find the one frame you forgot to scrub. Why's he so good at noticing your presence? A shared history perhaps? Who's to say.
Deuce is one of the other rookies, and is significantly better prepared than Ace. Even if he's not great at... the actual investigating, he's there whenever someone needs to move a box of a thousand documents, and determined and stubborn enough to read a thousand documents. He's the coworker who went with Cater to the museum, as well as the one who began chasing after you. A lot... You were honestly impressed when he managed to keep pace when you went out the fire escape, and then he followed you over a half dozen buildings and you started to get worried as he started closing the gap. Just as he was about to grab you by the collar however, you doubled back and he lost his footing plunging over the edge of the roof. For a moment. You grabbed his arm at just the right time for him to balance himself on the roof's edge. And then you pulled him till he tumbled to the roof's floor. Giving you your chance to escape. And... a new lovestruck fanboy.
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