#it sucks bc I actually love Marvel in terms of the comics and some of the other movies
stillgotlipstick · 2 years
I think that they should make movie theaters that ONLY show MCU movies and then let normal theaters be for every other kind of movie so that I don’t have to interact with MCU people anymore
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slyeposting · 4 years
Rating Marvel’s new New Warriors
(long post)
After seeing the character designs for Marvel’s new series of New Warriors comics as well as watching multiple reaction videos and reading other people’s reviews, I thought I would summarize some basic points and add my ratings/review. Please prepare yourselves for this hot garbage. 
Screentime: 3/10
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wow starting off strong
looks like Ben 10 
basically if Alexa was your obnoxious Fortnite-obsessed younger brother
writers will probably make him say “Ok bOomEr” and unironically floss
got his powers from internet gas????? whatever the fuck that means??????
Superhero name makes him sound like he’s six and his parents are trying to stop him from watching Ninja for 12 hours a day 
useless in combat bc other than him having a smartphone for a brain he’s a regular kid (aka: will die in one hit from a villain with actual powers) 
only redeeming quality is his visor reminds me of  Geordi La Forge
Trailblazer: 3/10
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Dora the Exploer if she got really into bad 90s fashion
Backpack looks like Sleeper from the Venom comics 
her description says she “she doesn't think of herself as a Super Hero,” which is good because she isn’t one 
slightly more useful in combat than Screentime because she could potentially pull an RPG out of her pocket dimension backpack or something
oh wait she can’t even control what comes out of it!!! nevermind!!!!
fucking Percy Jackson did this with Leo and even then he had his own powers as well as this 
there were so many fat jokes/fatphobia in all the reviews i saw on youtube and it made me want to smash my head into a wall (not related to the review but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone wants to look up any reviews after this) 
I keep coming back to the color scheme and it’s just. so bad. Neon sucks  especially when it is clashing with other neon 
apparently she got the backpack from God, but  “not the god you’re thinking of...” very cool writers. Real quirky of you. Can you be any more annoying. 
fingerless gloves
Snowflake and Safespace: 1/10
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oh god
oh sweet jesus 
I don’t even know where to begin with these. the names? The costumes? The color scheme? Safespace’s fucking sideburns? help 
ok let’s start with the names 
it does not matter who you are on the political scale, where you are on the gender spectrum, or how okay you are with “”edgy/dark humor””- nobody who has even the slightest knowledge of 2017-era Twitter language will look at two superheroes named Snowflake and Safespace and think “these characters are reclaiming these otherwise insulting terms and using them as their own.” They will think the characters are a joke. It shows how utterly out of touch the writer is with modern day culture, which is not a good sign considering he’s writing  modern-era comic with all teenage characters. Snowflake is an insult. It just is. The idea of a “safespace” has been demolished because of the way it has been used by trolls online. No amount of woke points and “flipping the script” is going to change that. It’s a sad attempt to pander to a very specific audience, and the writers still manage to make it feel like a slap in the face. This is one of the poorest attempts to make a new-age, hyper aware characterization that I have seen in a long time. It fucking sucks. 
Also Marvel makes their first nonbinary character and they name them fucking Snowflake? Are you  kidding me Marvel? I’m going to scream 
Moving on to the costumes, they’re actually shit. It’s like if the Wonder Twins became semi-professional roller skaters who watched Tron once while tripping on LSD. Why do they have vests. 
Why is everything Neon??!?!! Does the designer not know how value and complimentary colors work?! Can the saturation not be constantly at 100 please my eyes are suffering
Apparently their characters are just as obnoxious as their hair 
“they see their Super Heroics as “a post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying.” They're probably streaming this.” WRITERS HAVE YOU EVER INTERACTED WITH A TEENAGER. THIS READS LIKE A REDDIT POST DO YOU THINK WE TALK LIKE THIS 
the best components out of these characters are the powers, and even then the powers aren’t extraordinary. Ice shurikens and force fields? Fine. A little standard, but fine. I just wish their powers weren’t so connotative with their names. I can’t fathom that someone actually approved these characters. This is exhausting. 
B-Negative : 6/10
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probably the best one out of them all 
what every emo kid wanted to look like in 8th grade
a cohesive color scheme that isn’t trying to attack me through the screen 
actually has super powers that aren’t googling things or pulling things out of a magical Jansport that not-God found at Target for $30 
apparently this is where the creativity ends though because in the end he is literally just a vampire minus the immortality (why, you ask? I don’t fucking know. It’s like the internet gas everything is a shitshow)
“B-Negative ages like a regular person (or does he?) and he definitely drinks blood (or does he?)” I don’t care. (or does he? Jk I don’t fucking care. Stop trying to be quirky, writers. It’s not cute.)
“The world is a vampire…and so am I.”  Hi what the FUCK does this mean 
fingerless gloves 
Final Thoughts 
I am very tired
Marvel doesn’t know their audience at all 
The creators of these characters tried to make modern characters despite being extremely out of touch, making the concepts already seem dated and unappealing 
I’m honestly suprised they didn’t have a Hijabi character for those sweet sweet woke points ™ 
please for the love of god can I get some neutral colors once in a while. I can’t take this much longer 
fingerless gloves
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
I’m relatively new to marvel and I was wondering why you don’t like Hemsworth? I absolutely understand and agree with not liking Waititi (in terms of how he progressed the plot in Ragnarok and how he treated Loki and other characters)... but if there’s something either or both Hemsworth or Waititi did that made you/the fandom not like them, what is it?
Hi, Nonnie.
Ok, so strap in. Cuz this will probably get long.
First off, it’s not so much that I don’t like Hemsworth. It’s more I’m disappointed in his progression as an actor and celebrity in Hollywood. Frankly, when I first saw Thor no one in the cast really stuck with me except Kat Dennings bc I knew her already and loved her work. (Yeah I knew who Natalie Portman was but I’ve had issues with her since Star Wars — long story). It wasn’t until Avengers that I really caught on to the Hiddlesmania. In those days, 2012 and up through The Dark World, there was a very sweet, very genuine bromance going on between Hemzy and Hiddles. They really were “brothers from another mother.” They were adorable together. I remember in one press event with the entire cast Hemzy and Hiddles were making faces at each other across the table and when a reporter asked Hiddles who his fave Avenger was, before he could answer, Hemzy shouted, “Your brother!” There was a very beautiful connection between them. What happened to that? It’s anyone’s guess, but here’s what happened for me.
Leading up to the release of TDW, I might have found it weird that the, like, fourth-billed actor, and the previous film’s “villain,” was chosen to basically lead the global promotion. It was Hiddles, by his lonesome, in Mexico, Australia, China, etc. And he killed it. And it started pretty much with his appearance at Comic-Con that July. We ALL remember that. Why wasn’t Hemzy participating in any of this promo? Idk. I’m pretty sure he was filming Snow White & the Huntsman, or something. Still, it was interesting and telling that Marvel chose to utilize Hiddles’ very apparent popularity. Hell, they chose not to kill Loki because of his popularity.
So it would be about three years before Hemzy and Hiddles came back together again to film Ragnarok. And between that time, Hemzy filmed six movies and Hiddles filmed eight. During that time, also, Hiddles pulled a 180° on everybody and participated in what was the most ridiculous, career-destroying antic he could ever participate in. If you don’t know what I mean, just Google Tom and the Summer of 2016. It’s my opinion that that whole event had a damaging affect on not only Tom’s image in the industry, but I think it made his colleagues and friends question how well they really knew him. And I think it hindered his bankability for filmmakers. Basically it wasn’t a good move for him. The moment I first noticed a change in Hemzy’s behavior with Hiddles was at a Wizard World convention in the middle of the PR nightmare and the beginning of filming Ragnarok in 2016.
During their panel onstage, Hemzy seemed oddly quiet and tense even. He didn’t seem all that interested in being there or answering questions. And Hiddles was like an anxious puppy, overcompensating for Hemzy’s lackluster demeanor. I’m not the only one who’s noticed it, but no one can really pinpoint why. Was Hemzy upset that Tom was “dating” that chick? Was he upset at how obviously out of character it was? I’m guessing there was more to it because the filming of Ragnarok, and it’s result, speak volumes about what Hemzy was apparently feeling.
There are clips and interviews from the set of Raganarok and during promo with Waitidiot and Hemzy where they are very vocal about making sure Hemzy was the star of the movie “because it’s called Thor.” Waitidiot even referred to Loki as a goth orphan or something. Overall they were very critical of and condescending toward Tom and Loki. In the few interviews Hemzy and Hiddles did together, that old spark between them wasn’t there. There’s a lot about Ragnarok I don’t like. Hela was underused, Valkyrie was underused, Skurge deserved better. But, of course, what I hate most about it is the awful way they treat Loki through the whole thing. The way Thor became a bigger bully than he already was. The way he just wanted to wash his hands of Loki — which continued with the fucking Russo brothers who couldn’t put their stupid heads together long enough to realize Loki deserved to have his revenge on Thanos just like Nebula and even Wanda did. Loki deserved to be on that field fighting next to his brother, dammit.
Anyway….since Ragnarok promo i was kind of side-eyeing Hemzy. He literally behaved like a spoiled brat who found a friend who believed his bullshit (feeling overshadowed by Loki; which I think extended to feeling inferior in some way to Tom, a very gifted, educated actor compared to Hemzy who kind of fell into acting. There’s nothing wrong with where Hemzy started; but his choices in the last few years speak for themselves. 🤷🏽‍♀️) and they teamed up to bully the brainy guy. So then Infinity War promo came around and Hiddles was paired with Sebastian Stan and Letitia Wright and Paul Bettany, I think. I loved him with Sebastian (I ship WinterFrost), but it was weird that he wouldn’t be paired up at some point with Hemzy. But then Hemzy wasn’t doing any promo — wait what?? Yeah. Hemzy skipped out on Shanghai I believe. Then he said he couldn’t be at another place bc he got in an accident and injured his elbow ??? Then the next day he posted an IG live where he’s driving?? And his elbow is loosely wrapped in an ACE bandage??? That actually falls off during the video?? And then he was supposed to be somewhere for another promo, said he couldn’t make it, and was spotted camping off the coast of Australia with Matt Damon’s family??? It was all very suspish.
Speaking of Damon, don’t get me started on the bullshit scene in the last Jay & Silent Bob movie where he literally trashed Tom and his portrayal of Loki. Fuck off, Damon. Go suck Ben Affleck’s dick already.
Anyway. All the Ragnarok stuff and his behavior during IW promo and his seeming dismissal of Hiddles completely has just rubbed me the wrong way. Added to that, it just feels like Hemzy isn’t really in the business to hone his craft. It feels like he’s in it for the money. And yeah that’s a great benefit of acting in Hollywood. But he doesn’t seem to choose quality roles anymore. I liked him in Blackhat. I liked Rush. He was really good in Bad Times at the Royale, but it feels like all he wants to do now are formula action movies with no depth, no growth, where he just has to flex his muscles and give a charming smile. Which is fine but that gets tired after awhile (just ask Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude VanDamme). So right now, I want nothing to do with Love and Thunder — which is one of the stupidest movie names I’ve heard in awhile. And frankly I just don’t want to watch Hemzy not try to be his best. If I want mindless action with no real plot, I’ve got the Fast and Furious franchise. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope this answers your question, Nonnie. Thanks for asking. Let me know, if I can clarify anything for you.
xoxo, La
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prince-septimus · 3 years
When the first suicide sqaud movie dropped I was just so happy to get Harley content (props to Margot she kills it) and there's a lot I like about that movie. Although looking back I can't help but see that they did Harley dirty? and honestly did not seem to value her, at least to me it seemed she was just there as jokers shadow like thats all a backdrop to the joker
I get her origin/creation in the animated series and that originally her character is tied to his purely because of that, but there's literally no reason the movie had to use that. her backstory simply could have been she saw a lot of shit as a therapist in ARKHAM and ending up trying to give treatment to the joker was just the icing on the cake so she decides screw it I'm gonna go have fun in Gotham and embrace a little bit of the crazy. Orgins and comic storys change in slight ways all the time. because of Ayer Sqaud BOP had to try break her away from joker (love bop no complaints about it) but Ayer Squad she's jokers shadow/backdrop/doll/thing then bop have to try break her away from his character so that she stand on her own as a character and then we get tss (yayy) and harley is finally 'free' to use as her own character and portray her own stories she's not all wrapped up in the jokers story. DC/Warner Bros don't seem to have much planning and thought into what way they're gonna lay future movies out and that's fine they don't need to have thier version of an mcu and dc movie directors get to put thier own spin on it and be creative without really having to worry about long term continuity but it seems like they maybe get over excited and end up not listening to fans/caring about anyone elses view of the character except their own and yeah it's thier project but the characters are important to everyone not just them
And I can't even with her 'suit/costume' in the Ayer Sqaud, jokers property plastered all over her, I liked her hair and the bat and the jacket was okay i guess, I really don't think costume wise it was a decision of 'oh harley would think the tiny sparkly shorts are cool and that's why she's wearing them' it blatantly seemed like 'harley is jokers trash and hey everyone let's look at her ass cuz she ain't worth much else in the movie and she doesn't have much else to offer'? It just sucks to me that Harleys first movie appearance was primarily Jokers accessorie and the sex appeal of the movie
Sorry for this unasked for rant but I am so grateful for BOP and TSS and her costumes/suits in those movies felt way more like harley is wearing that cuz she thinks it's cool compared to Ayer squad where it felt like harley is wearing that so we can attempt to get more views on the movie via harleys backside
I mean for all I've said there i dont hate the ayer suicide sqaud it sounds like I do but I don't 😅 and I don't hate DC movies tbh DC is my favourite just cuz I care more about their characters cuz of the cartoons I watched as a kid and comics and I've only literally read one marvel comic so because of that I do have more of an attachment to DC this is so long winded opps
To summarise my bullshit I like dc I like all the movies even ayer sqaud but Harleys character was handled poorly in the beginning
im putting this under the cut bc i also made a long rant djgsgjsg
i think harley quinn in the dc movies is the best example of male gaze vs female gaze, while also showing what it's like when you let the actor themselves have a say in the character.
david ayer is a great director and i would love to see what he had truly set out to do with suicide squad by seeing his cut of it, but there was so much i disliked about harley's story in that movie. at the end of the day i've come to accept it because it leads into the character she becomes in bop and tss, but this was definitely harley being seen in the male gaze, something that her character has all-too-long dealt with in the comics.
bop was directed by cathy yates, a woman of color, and this immediately meant there was going to be a change in harley's character and her design. this is the female gaze and it meant that harley is actually going to be seen as a character that we love bc we can tell she was written by a woman (christina hodson) and directed by a woman. (this can also be seen by the small action of canary putting her hair up in the middle of the big fight scene at the end). overall bop was very much meant to be the opposite of suicide squad in terms of how they deal with harley. it's basically the recovery stage for her character.
and tss. my dear sweet tss. i love how james gunn handles her character and i love that he gave margot some creative control with some of it, like the removal of her rotten tattoo. i think tss is great in those moments where we see harley being her usual self (when she has sex with the dictator) but james gunn doesn't just focus on harley like that, he gives us scenes like when joel kinnaman is found shirtless and sweaty or when john cena is straight up in his underwear and takes up half the screen. where david ayer spent half the time focusing on sexualizing harley quinn, james gunn switches it up. and i love that.
and im in the same boat - i love suicide squad. i think its a decent set up to bop and tss and i would love to see the ayer cut, but in terms of harley's character, it sucked. but when bop was released and started to kind of fix harley and put her on this path of recovery, it made what ayer did in suicide squad work better. i still dont like how harley was sexualized in suicide squad, but im not as mad anymore now that it can be explained better with 2 other movies backing it up.
this is a long way to say that you're absolutely correct.
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in-a-cave-with · 5 years
rank tony's villains in tales/v1 from most favorite to lamest go1!!
villains are in order of first appearance and i’m giving each a rank out of ten.
wong chu
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ok so i know he’s part of iron man’s Origin™ but he’s so….dumb. not to mention the way he’s drawn is so bad it skips being funny and goes straight to being just kind of sad. 1/10 do better marvel
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large dude that is actually an alien hologram. gets points for originality and wackiness. 4/10
doctor strange (not to be confused with former surgeon turned sorcerer supreme doctor stephen strange)
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i like his cloak. 6/10
red barbarian
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our first “evil soviet russia villain”! could be worse, but he’s still kind of boring compared to the others on the list of tony’s evil soviet russia villains. 2/10
hatep the evil sorcerer 
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this concept is so fucking funny and ridiculous. i love comics. 6.5/10
jack frost
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freezing powers are very cool. HAHHAAHHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE?? 7.5/10
crimson dynamo
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i’m literally so confused as to who this guy even is? is he an iron man villain or not? whats going on. 5/10
the melter
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if you thought hatep the evil sorcerer was hilarious just look at THIS guy. somehow he has a similar color palette as doctor strange the villain yet he manages to wear it in a way that is magnitudes less fashionable. 7.5/10
mister doll
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his powers are pretty cool! his outfit’s kind of terrible though. 5.5/10
the mandarin
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look at this fucking loser with his Green and Magenta outfit and his 10 stupid fucking rings. why does he have an “m” on his chest anyway. lamest recurring iron man villain. 0.5/10
the scarecrow
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i have no idea what else he does other than be an evil scarecrow. 3/10
black widow
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our first villain on this list with a sense of style, and also our first villain-turned-avenger! natasha romanoff, i love you. 9.5/10
the unicorn
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this guys is really funny but also who fucking named this guy . what’s unicorn-like about him. blease. this bothers me. 6.5/10
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listen i don’t fucking care what anyone says. clint barton deserves rights even if his origin story is wack as all shit. 9/10
the chameleon
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initially a 7/10, but served as the conflict in the first stevetony issue in iron man comics, which bumps him up to an 8/10
black knight
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the phantom
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another cool villain with a nice aesthetic! 8.5/10
this random fucking dude
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i mean props to him for managing to steal the iron man suit but his hat is terrible and we don’t even know his name?? 7/10
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namor is better. 3/10
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love this dude. he’s neat. 8.5/10
titanium man
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someone at marvel was like LET’S MAKE CRIMSON DYNAMO BETTER…………..GREEN AND MORE EVIL…. 8.5/10
this android that’s basically the pokemon ditto but less cute
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it does get points for making me laugh. 5.5/10
the freak
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ok so this is just. ok. so if happy gets exposed to cobalt rays he turns into whitewashed hulk lite™. still kind of interesting in terms of plot though. 6/10
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honestly a little more interesting than i thought he was going to be. points off for being associated with the mandarin tho. 4/10
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canon incel. 1/10
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hehe fish man . 8/10
mole man
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what moles are bright green?? 5/10
the crusher
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honestly i forgot everything about him until i went through TOS again. he’s hulk lite™ pt 2 electric boogaloo but without the emotional weight
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realistically i know he’s just buildup to titanium man coming back for the 3rd time BUT I DO LIKE HIS VIBES. 7/10
grey gargoyle
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i’ll admit. he’s got awesome powers and the fight w tony was rlly interesting. 9/10
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….so he just has a whip? it isnt even electrified or anything he just has a whip? 3/10
A. I. M.
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the bright yellow beekeeper outfits are so stupid they’re really, really funny. 7.5/10
the demolisher
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i actually kinda like this robot design. it’s pretty cool in terms of “robots that want to kill iron man”. 7/10
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24th century baddie! always a win. 8/10
the gladiator
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i mean like. what the fuck is this. 3.5/10
the controller
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it seems like this is the only iron man villain anyone seems to remember these days? anyway it makes sense, he’s pretty memorable and his powerset is interesting. 8.5/10
the night phantom
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what happened to the normal phantom? also he’s another incel so that sucks. 2/10
madame masque
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uh. well. hm. 3/10
life model decoy tony stark
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literally one of the best iron man villains ever. i’m not joking. 10/10
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that shade of purple is so ugly. 4/10
the mercenary
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the concept is stupid. his outfit is stupid. i love him so much. 8.5/10
the minotaur 
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??????????? 5/10
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i want to let you all know that this dude is an evil king from an alternate universe and carries a HUGE AXE and rides a FUCKING DRAGON. 10/10
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the smashers
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they kinda sound like a lame rock band. 5.5/10
the mechanoid
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i’m still emo over this random alien dude. 8/10
spymaster and the espionage elite
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it’s pretty difficult to be master spies if you’re wearing bright yellows and greens right? so props to them for still managing despite that! 8.5/10
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hes just a very strong space robot! 7.5/10
white dragon
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this guy is clickbait bc he’s neither white has anything to do with dragons. however he’s the villain of a REALLY good imv1 arc. 7/10
the slasher
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he has crab claws on strings attached to his forehead. ok. 6.5/10
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YET ANOTHER incel villain. i swear to fucking god if they don’t stop coming. 1/10
guardsman (kevin o’brien)
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i’m sad :(. 8/10
the adaptoid
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he’s like that cursed reaching emoji. 3.5/10
princess python
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Yes That Is His Real Name. 8/10
raga (son of fire)
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bro…..just chill out (HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE). 5.5/10
madame macevil
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Yes That Is Her Real Name. 8/10
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9/10 (just for the memes)
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does not fit any of the lyrics to rasputin by boney m. 2.5/10
the maurader
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tony stark
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and as everyone knows: the best recurring iron man villain is tony stark himself. 11/10
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fearfeeling-a-blog · 5 years
Shipping Info Meme Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
i don’t really have that many otps on here so i’m just going to list what ships i’ve got going atm.
connor  x  tony s.
connor  x  peter q.
connor  x  bucky b.
lmao apparently i only ship within the marvel fandom sfnsd
hm. anything, tbh. i tend to veer toward slow burn as that’s part of connor’s character. in terms of toxic relationships and the “negative” things, i haven’t really delved into that, so it’s probably not the Biggest thing i’m attracted to, but i wouldn’t mind toying around with that kind of stuff.
personally, i’d say that that the age gap shouldn’t be more than ~20 years, and definitely no shipping with minors. connor would much prefer having a relationship with someone who’s 40  ( 10 yrs older than him )  than dating someone who’s 20  ( 10 yrs younger than him ). it just really depends, but  ...  rule of thumb is it’s fair game as long as you’re not a grandpa but also not a teenager.
a bit, sure. a lot of the times it’s just really dependent on chemistry, because that’s the basis in which i decide on if a ship works or not. shipping shouldn’t be the priority, either, as nice as it is. if i vibe well with someone ooc and our characters also seem to have something going on, then i’m more than willing to try it out. if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. i tend to ship easier if we’re both enthusiastic about it ;  admittedly, it does suck when you start a ship and one of you, or neither, are as invested.
probably the moment clothes start coming off, lol. idk, i don’t write smut on here. i don’t mind discussing nsfw topics like headcanons, but actual smut writing is rare and i’m more likely to participate in it with partners i trust and on discord. note that i don’t mind reading it. like if i send in a nsfw meme to my partner, they can write some smut and i literally don’t care. i’m just not the type to be writing up about dicks in asses on the dash.
ah. like i said, i’m only shipping with a few people and i’ve pretty much listed them all, so i can’t really answer this?? lmao
sorta? would prefer to be asked instead of jumping into the deep end, because i think shipping is like a relationship irl ... there should be consent. i don’t care if your character flirts with mine, or if they have a crush if we’ve never discussed it ooc, but if you want to take it further, then it should at least be briefly discussed.
i’d say half of my interactions are ship - based. i’m not here preaching to say that shipping is everything or whatever. i love to ship as long as we’re both personally invested in it.
50 / 50. like i’ve said: i love to ship, i really do, but it’s not the priority focus on this blog. i’m not obsessed with it. it’s intriguing to delve into it considering the trauma connor’s been through, that much i can admit. whenever he develops relations with other people, there’s the chance of them breaking down his walls or making him feel, which is sometimes like a “threat” to him, therefore making it interesting to see if it could develop further into a ship. tbh the term “ship” just feels like it’s been muddled into romantic ships only, though, which is unfortunate. i value romantic ships, platonic/friendships, hate-ships, etc.
does this just mean if i ship w/ more than one muse? bc yes, of course. if we’re talking shipping with more than one of the same muse?? if so, yeah, i ship with two tony’s, but that’s about it. i don’t mind, but i’m also not gonna sit here and be the person to say i’m hoarding a bunch of the same muses to ship with connor. shipping  ( and writing )  w/ different people often results in different outcomes, which is always nice. everyone has their own interpretation of a character, after all.
uhhh  ....  i guess i’ll answer this one based on the fact i also write tony & peter p.  for tony i’m all about tony x steve, and for peter p.  ( this is older peter, fyi, based on the comics mostly )  it’s peter x johnny s. that’s about it.
send a meme, like a starter call if i ever post one, message me. i’m always open for new ships.
tagged by:   thanks @crookedrun tagging:  the dash
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