#it’s got all the resonant brain worm vibes
rowanthestrange · 1 year
also have we all maladaptive daydreamed Dhawan!Master with the song Take Me To Church cus that is psychologically a banger.
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rabbithaver · 10 months
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incredible fursona art by @aoiblueskyyy !!!
rabbithaver's patented introduction poast
hi there! my name is Rabbit and i use they/them pronouns! i am a gendervoid autistic snow leopard guy from Colorado. i am 26 years old (born October 6) and aromantic pansexual, but i prefer to call myself gay because it's easier to explain. i'm also multiply disabled. i am HoH (hard of hearing) and i have severe chronic back pain, as well as some other health issues that limit my energy levels. i have several worms in my brain mental illnesses as well. i can't work because of these things, so i have a lot of free time and very little money.
right now i'm hyperfixating really intensely on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. i got into it for real back in May of 2023 after watching a playthrough of Sonic Frontiers. before that, my appreciation for the series was strictly ironic. now it's completely genuine. Silver is my son that i've legally adopted. i found him in a cardboard box on the side of the road, sopping wet from the rain and all by himself.
i am also into Star Trek, Fallout, the Elder Scrolls, Pacific Rim, Supernatural, and like four hundred other things. if you're also into any of those things, i have great news for you: you're gonna see a lot of them on this blog.
also, if you even think about asking me about discourse, i will zap you with my incredible laser eyes. i have so much anxiety and no money! i do not have the energy to care about what other people on the internet are doing!
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my '#bunnies' tag is where i post pictures of my pet rabbits! i also have a dedicated '#bun tag' for bunny picture reblogs. if you're having a bad day i recommend scrolling through both.
my '#terin.pets' tag is where i post pictures of my pet cat, Fluffurnicus! and also bunny pics.
wanna know more about me? posts that resonate with me go in my '#about me' tag.
check out my fursona's google document! chirp is a purple snow leopard and also what i look like irl :)
read about my main Sonic OC, Oracle! due to a Time Stone & Chaos Emerald experiment going horrifically wrong, she's simultaneously alive and dead: basically Schrödinger's mink. it didnt agree with her and kind of drove her mad, so she's gonna try and kill Silver about it. you can also read some of my posts about her and her story in my '#omenhunter au' tag!
@bumblekastclips is my sideblog where i transcribe BumbleKast questions! if you're into Sonic stuff, check it out!
@lawyerenjoyer is my retired Ace Attorney sideblog. i didn't post there often enough to justify having a side blog for AA lmao
@stellastarcrash is my kin blog. if you don't vibe with kin stuff that's cool, just don't be a hater <3 thanks!
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niles-rainbow-room · 3 years
Freemod Context! (Long!!)
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This is Gordon Freemod! He’s my own little AU Gordon, and I love him!
I made him based around the way I play Garry’s Mod
Cause, in Gmod, my player model is Gordon, and I literally cannot change it because whenever I go to change my model he just
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He looks at me. He judges me. He’s just refusing to let me change it.
Here’s just. A bunch of things about Freemod that aren’t related.
Btw, this whole thing is me going-
*projects rapidly*
These were all taken from various moments of me info dumping to my discord friends about him, so, that’s why there’s so many that are barely related.
To get some characterization down, Freemod can go from Excited Sweet Voice at Everything to This Man is in God Mode and He is Staring You Down as You Attack Him
They’re also
very scared of Gman
It’s not even funny
ANYWAYS something else about Freemod, he likes starting all out fights between people, but he’s very polite too so like
Someone says hi to him and he gives this big ol smile, next thing you know, he’s spawning headcrabs that could wipe out an army
He also has no idea what to do with bodies like sometimes he just Sweet Voice cocoons them, and other times he just beats them rapidly if it was a combine or something
Another thing! He doesn’t like making eye contact 100% of the time! If he gets too excited as well, he’ll despawn whatever was making him excited until he calms down.
He’s also really fast when it comes to no-clipping.
He’ll shoot up into the air and fling himself from place to place, just absolutely soaring and loving that feeling of flying through the air
He definitely makes Catboy Calhoun jokes but like
He’s also really nervous around Calhoun sometimes like he’s constantly checking in on them after making them fight a ton of headcrabs.
He doesn’t really like using the majority of the guns. He just typically uses the quieter/less frantic weapons like the magnum or the crossbow.
He’s like
Magnetically drawn to mirrors. He likes watching himself do the Sweet Voice and will do it for hours when he’s in the right mood if someone doesn’t stop him
He’s very giggly and smiley when it comes to hearing other characters talk. But he also can be very mean and cutting to the people he doesn’t like. Especially combine.
Freemod really likes Houndeyes.
*Really* likes them.
He spawned in a group of 8 and just watched them for a while, and then he spawns a MP Combine. It proceeds to stun stick every one of them. And they all die in one hit. They don’t even fight back.
What Freemod does next is basically the equivalent of “die a very painful death” and just beats the shit out of them while alive and dead.
They have to erase everything because they can’t stand the sight of the bodies of Houndeyes.
Hi! Sorry to take you out of the immersion of reading my brain goo, or the annoyed scrolling of “Oh my god will she just shut up already” but!
Another thing I decided to do with him, I gave him a little plot. A hint of his own character rather than just being me but an AU Gordon.
So here that is!
I feel like the only true way to contain Freemod and keep him from destroying the world is by keeping him in gm_construct
He likes it there sure, but like
If someone let him into Black Mesa let’s just say that the Resonance Cascade would’ve been way sooner and way more intense.
All he really does is fly around in there. Just. That’s it.
It’s his own personal Bug Bucket.
I don’t even think he realizes he’s trapped to be fair?
Another thing with Freemod, I’m not exactly sure how he’d react to... say, the HLVRAI characters showing up in gm_construct one day, idk Benrey takes the gang on a trip to there out of nowhere and they find Freemod just vibing by himself, flying through the air on a capture point from TF2. I don’t know if he’d:
A: Summon a bunch of things to attack the HLVRAI crew for the fun of it
B: Immediately try to befriend all of them desperately
C: Possess a creature and disregard them
D: All of the above
Cause with all this “He’s trapped/alone” sorta thing, I don’t know if I’m making him into a villain or am I just making him very touch starved and sad?
Cause like, earlier I did say that if he was let out of gm_construct, the resonance cascade would’ve been sooner and more intense
Basically what I was thinking is that he doesn’t really limit how crazy his thoughts experiments can be that often, so like, he spawns a bunch of things all at once to see what would happen.
But he’s not like that all the time, like I said, he’s also very polite, he’s just got a thin coating of God Mode on and he’s very lonely.
I was trying to figure out the thing with Freemod’s voice actually. I’m trying to think what they’d be like on the Gordon Scale.™️
I’d say he’s able to speak, but he doesn’t do it often. Because typically he’s only around NPCs and they can’t respond to him the way he wants, so why actually talk to them?
But he definitely talks to enemies as sort of a “I am the last thing you’ll ever hear” kind of thing.
But if he were to meet a different Gordon or someone with sentience he can talk to, he’d speak. Totally.
He talks to some of the alien/animal NPCs, cause like!!! Come on!!! That Houndeye over there needs to know that he’s a good boy!!!
So, maybe when Freemod is upset or something, he spawns the biggest thing he can possibly think of and posses it, and goes on an absolute rampage until he’s better
So I can just imagine.
Freemod, not feeling great and tense:
Feetman: Mod, hey. Don’t do it...
Freemod: *spawns and possesses a Gene Worm, and roars*
Or like. He just possesses something and just. Flies away.
He just has moments where he’s too out of his head and he needs to just escape.
Something he’s been doing recently is possessing a Stukabat and flying up on top of a roof of a really high building and just. Viewing everything.
This man is SAD please hug him :((
Ooh, another thing,
He doesn’t like that dark room at all. In gm_construct? He will not go in there for more than a minute. That place scares him so much. Not even the fact that it’s dark, he just hates that he can’t see anything and while he knows he’s alone in the world he’s in, and he controls what can exist there or not, but, he just refuses to go there, even with a flashlight.
Aaaaaand that’s all the content I’ve made for them so far! Now that y’all know the context for him, I’ll post the comic of him meeting the HLVRAI characters, as well as some other drawings!
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okamirayne · 4 years
How long does it take you to write a chapter? Where do you get your inspiration/get over writers block?
Hey there, Anon! Whoa. These questions have kicked me into the deep end and I adore you for backing my brain into a corner it doesn’t often like to go to...it’s opened a can of worms...
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How long does it take you to write a chapter?
Literally, as long as that chapter takes to write. And forgive me luv, I honestly don’t mean that as a smart-ass response! I’ve discovered that some people seem to work to “time” and others to “content”, if that makes sense?
The example I always give is how I study. Whenever I revise for exams or I’m learning something, I always study for as long as it takes to complete the module I am revising/reading. Some people may say “I study for an hour, or an hour and a half and then I take a break”...that doesn’t compute in my brain. I study until I finish the module/chapter/section. It could take an hour. It could take 20mins. It could take 4 hours straight. I work by project/content not time. So the time it takes to write a chapter depends entirely on:
the length of the content that is flowing, which I can never predict, as I never work to word-count...ha, which might be kind of obvious given the monster-length chapters that I often churn out.
the level of inspiration I’m feeling; when it flows, beautiful, when I’m feeling blocked or struggling, jaaaysus...it’s tough.
the lack of interruptions...both my own procrastinating bullshit and legit outside factors.
Where do you get your inspiration/get over writers block?
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Inspiration comes from:
Research and the works of certain thinkers
My Witch Doctors (2-3 people in my life who’ve been carefully vetted; they do more than listen when I talk creative shop; they exorcise my writing demons, ground my arse, see me in ways I cannot see myself, unearth my ruins, understand my particular strain of creative insanity and the cost of keeping it and...yeah, they’re my compass pointing true north when I get lost.)
The storytelling vibe-tribe; those individuals with whom I connect or click with when it comes to the way I approach and enjoy storytelling. Those people I’m able to have wonderful discussions with and engage in awesome chats that require lots of chai and many happy hours to spare.
Intuition and a sense of guiding hands
Dreams and synchronicity
Stars (literal stars...the cosmos triggers something in me)
Poetry and/or random quotes...
....and probably a mild case of psychosis; such as when characters walk into my head and start talking, or entire visuals and scenes play out like a wicked acid trip...if there are pills for this shit, I sure as hell ain’t taking them.
Now that I’ve painted myself as a psychiatrist’s wet dream, let me say that I feel a kinship with any and all artists/storytellers who are struck by the thunderbolt of ungodly (yet wholly divine) guidance and unexplainable magic when it comes to their work. It’s like dots connect in your life the way stars align; tides turn you in unexpected directions; you find your way to people, places and pieces of writing, art, music, or a myriad other sources and they all resonate like beacons guiding your story along its charted course...feels like you’re discovering something that already exists...and you know you’ve taken a wrong turn when a character doesn’t feel right or a scene doesn’t read well...you gotta re-orient and find the path again...that’s why I approach writing as something hallowed...maybe that’s also why it scares me shitless at times, which leads nicely onto...
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Writers Block....
There is no way to beat this bitch other than to sit my arse down and TRY.  To just show up and start somewhere.  Sure, I can reach for any one of the inspiration points I’ve listed above to help grease the mental wheels, but they often grind to a halt the second I sit my butt down to write....It’s been challenging trying to pin-point precisely why I’ve come up against this block, given that I never used to experience it. It only hit me after having finished the BtB series...which sucks.  I could consider a variety of reasons why this happened...all of them valid...but none of them helpful for removing the obstacle. Ultimately, I just gotta sit my butt down and get over the huge screaming wall of FEAR by going THROUGH IT rather than over or around...gotta take a pick-axe (or a bloody ice-pick, in my case) to that big bad bitch and start chip-chip-chipping away at it.  I think it’s different for every writer/creative...
Thank you for posing these questions, Anon...as you can tell by my lengthy response, it got me thinking and rolling. Thank you, <3
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taste-in-music · 4 years
Music Monday (2-10-20)
What a week this turned out to be! Several of my favorite artists dropped surprise singles out of the blue, which was a ton of fun. Let’s discuss them, shall we?
New Releases
Let’s Be Friends by Carly Rae Jepsen: Miss Carly Rae Jepsen has dropped another pop bop, this one being all about dumping a dud of a date. It’s got a sassy, funky feel that I really enjoy, with backing guitars and whistling synths. And of course, Carly’s delivery is super fresh and fun. 
In a Stranger’s Arms by LÉON: LÉON may make some of the best bops on the market, but her ballads just hit different. Her voice is so soulful and rich, and the whispery upper register of the backing vocals on this song make for harmonies that are really pleasing to the ear.
People, I’ve been sad by Christine and the Queens: Was this song made to attack me, personally? All jokes aside, I adore the vibe of this song. The smooth synths and electronic gloss in the production matched with the emotional vulnerability of the vocals and lyrics convey loneliness perfectly. Not only is it emotionally resonant, it’s weirdly catchy too.
Womxn by Låpsley: This is so refreshing to the ear, I love the buzzy flute sounds in the instrumental paired with the bass. It sounds like diving into a cold pool put to music. Not only that, but Låpsley’s vocals are gorgeous as always. 
Come Over by Dagny: Dagny is finally back! Lord knows I have been waiting for so long, but the wait was totally worth it. This song is full of bombastic energy, it’s got sparkling synths and booming drums that make for one enormous-sounding hook. This might be one of my favorite songs she’s ever released. 
Other Favorites
Narcissist by No Rome ft. The 1975: So this is the most recent song I’ve been wringing dopamine out of. It managed to worm its way into my brain without ever getting old, even after a million replays. There’s something about those chopped up vocal samples that are sprinkled throughout the song that make it effortlessly addictive. 
BENEE released her music video for “Supalonely” with Gus Dapperton, and it’s super cute!
Be sure to look at my personal Spotify playlist for more new releases and other great songs.
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sonicchaos-fanfic · 6 years
|Sonic Chaos| Chapter Eight: Sonic And The Siren
( WARNING: There is some PG-13 material in this chapter; if you are not comfortable with minor suggestive themes, please keep in mind that this chapter contains them. Thank you and enjoy! The siren’s song is not my own. They are the lyrics to “Something Different” by The Band’s Visit. Check it out! )
                                                   ~Chapter Eight~
  “So...what happens now?” Amy turned to the rest of the gang, who were just as puzzled as her.
    After passing the first Trial of Doom, Sticks had led them all to the next destination, what she called: The Cave Of Souls. However, once they arrived, they quickly discovered that the entrance to the massive cave was blocked off with what appeared to be a recent rockslide. Sticks turned to them and nervously chuckled.
“Well...this is a bit of a problem! Hehe.” 
“Is there a way around it? Or over it?” Sonic asked. 
   “No, I don’t think so...” Amy concluded, crossing her arms and studying the area. The cave was inside of a gigantic rock that stretched for several miles wide and hundreds of feet tall. According to Sticks, this formation marked the beginning of a chain of large, jungle-infested canyons and valleys for the rest of the way until they reached Shadow Mountain. The best way to cross was to go through, sadly. Sticks went ahead and began to climb the fallen boulders. She searched around, hoping to sniff out some kind of opening. Lucky for them, she pulled free a couple of rocks and was able to dig a small hole for the three of them to slide through. Sonic and Amy carefully climbed up and followed her lead into the cave.
   The sudden change in temperature sent chills down everybody’s spine. Inside was very dark and cold, and it smelled like seawater. There were multiple tunnels that went in random different directions; some were dead ends, while others stretched for miles. The walls and roofs were covered with thousands of glow worms that have inched their way inside. But, the most breathtaking feature was a glowing, turquoise stream that flowed down the center tunnel. The gang carefully climbed down the jagged, wet edges along the walls until they safely reached the floor. Sonic looked around, taken aback by the ethereal vibe inside. He whistled out of habit.
“Okay, now, before we go, there’s something that you all should know,” Sticks said, taking charge before either of them decided to run ahead.
“It might look all pretty and stuff, but this cave is really easy to get lost in. Also, there's a siren that lives in here! So we have to be really careful and try not to wake her up.”  Sticks nervously looked around, as if just speaking too loud would attract monsters out of the shadows. 
“A siren? What do you mean?” Amy asked.
  Sticks squinted her eyes and analyzed her surroundings. She pulled Sonic and Amy to either side of her and leaned in close.
“She guards these caves. If you hear her singing, to have to cover your ears,” she whispered. 
Sonic and Amy exchanged a confused look. 
“If you don’t, she’ll catch you and she will eat your heart.” There was an unidentified thump that echoed through the tunnels, which made Sticks immediately push Sonic and Amy away and reach into her satchel, yanking out her boomerang and holding it up.
“What was that?!” she said. 
   Sticks explained that they had to be sure to stick together; after all, the winding tunnels in the caves can get extremely disorienting very quickly. And with that, the three of them ventured forward into what Sticks determined was the best path to take. They roamed blindly through the dim tunnel, gazing in awe at the alien-like energy that seemed to pulsate through the walls. Without being conscious of it, none of them made a sound; it was as if the cave itself caused a deep instinct to remain as quiet and careful as possible. In fact, other than the occasional drip from the condensation-covered ceilings, or the soft trickle of tiny streams echoing through the caves, everything was piercing, utterly quiet.
   After time felt like it had passed for ages, Sonic found himself lost in wonder. His eyes remained glued to the glowworms out of pure curiosity. He found himself thinking about the starlit sky he and Amy watched the very first night they spent in the jungle. A smile began to form on his lips. 
“ Ooohh...
Is this a hymn?
Is this a love song?
Something ancient by a poet...
maybe Hafiz, maybe Rumi...?”
  A voice. A delicate, silky voice echoed around him. Sonic twitched his ears; having been adjusted to the deafening silence, the sudden tune had startled him a bit. He glanced around for a moment in confusion, then shook it off.
“Is he singing about two hearts...
Searching in the darkness...?
Or is he singing about fishing...?”
Sonic raised a brow, turning completely around.
“Hey, which one of you is--huh?” 
 He was shocked to see that Sticks and Amy were nowhere to be seen. He glanced all around him, completely dumbfounded. He was alone. But, how? Amy and Sticks were right beside him! They hadn’t made any drastic turns nor met any splitting paths...right? For some unfathomable reason, Sonic’s memory of the past couple of minutes escaped him. It was as if a cloud of fog entered his head and suffocated his brain. 
“The tune seems sad, but are the words sad?
What’s he saying? Is he praying? And why does it get to me?
Is he lonely, maybe reaching out for the someone?
....Look at me, maybe I’m the one who’s fishing...” 
  The voice danced through the air and filled his ears. It was high pitched, yet dark and mysterious. It was a voice of an angelic presence that no longer aligned herself with the heavens. Sonic turned to look in the direction of the voice. He started to follow it like a moth drawn to a light. It was pulling him closer, binding him into a trance-like state that he couldn’t escape from. He emerged from the tunnel into an open pocket. 
“Everyday you stare from the west to the south...
You can see for miles, but things never change...
Then honey in your ears, spice in your mouth...”
  In this pocket, he observed three separate things at once. Firstly, the most gigantic colony of glowworms he had ever set eyes on gathered themselves on the ceiling. Second, a large, turquoise, glowing pool with a giant chair-shaped rock jutting out the center, third, a figure, a beautiful female shaped figure, was sitting on top of the rock and basking in the slivers of sunlight that seeped through cracks in the ceiling. She paused a moment, then slowly turned to him.
“Nothing’s as surprising as the taste of something strange...”
  Her eyes were the same turquoise color and contained the same radiating luminescence of the glowworms. Her fur was deep purple, and once she turned it became very apparent that she was a sea lion. She wore bracelets and anklets made of kelp, a pearl hairclip that pulled her bangs out of her eyes, and a loosely tied skirt made of palm leaves. Sonic’s cheeks flushed and he averted his eyes; she wasn’t wearing much at all.
  She giggled, rolling over on her stomach and resting her chin on her knuckles. She gazed at him in a playful manner, like how a young child would stare at an ant pile before kicking it over. 
“Oh, did you hear me singing?” her voice was soft, but it resonated in Sonic’s head and drowned out his thoughts. He scrunched his face, unable to understand why he suddenly felt out of control of his own body. Even as he blinked, it somehow felt unnatural. The girl kept staring at him with a warm smile; which contrasted starkly against her icy eyes. Her presence was accompanied by a strange invisible aura that compelled Sonic to gawk at her.
“What brings you here? It’s not nice to trespass, you know,” the girl rolled over again and gracefully slipped into the pool. She lowered herself until only her head was above the water. She traveled a couple feet, keeping her eyes locked onto his.
“Do you like to swim?”
After an awkward pause, Sonic spoke with a thin voice.
“N-no...” He furrowed his brows; even speaking felt strange all of sudden. 
“That’s alright,”
  She made her way across the pool and began to step out. The water dripping from her body only seemed to accentuate her curves. Sonic pressed his lips into a thin line, feeling his heart beating faster. Something was very wrong. This girl was very wrong. An intoxicating, supernatural energy she possessed only got stronger the closer she got to him. The way she moved and spoke was like a higher being unnatural to the mortal world. Sonic started to back away, stammering as he went.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you,” she said. 
“Are you lost? Are you alone?”
“Well, you can stay here with me. I’ll take care of you however you’d like.” 
“That’s not really necessary--”
  Sonic felt a hard thump of something wet and jagged against his back. The girl placed her arms around either side of him, trapping him between her and the walls of the cave. Sonic caught the scent of sweet, tropical fruit as she leaned in close. Her voice lowered to barely above a whisper. It danced around his ears again.
“You’re so handsome. Why haven’t I seen you before? Wait, don’t tell me. You’re not from around here, are you? Ahaha, I love new visitors. They’re always so mysterious,” she used one of her hands to trace her delicate fingers across his chest. “You have such a strong heart in there, I can hear it beating...” she licked her lips.
“That’s...very nice of you, heh. But, I’m feeling a little bit uncomfortable, so...” Sonic said, trying to inch his way out of her arms. She reached and placed her free hand against his cheek. Her thumb traced his lips. 
“Awe, you’re leaving so soon? Without a kiss goodbye?” 
  Sonic gulped. The girl giggled, then started to hum a pretty tune while she ran her hands through his quills. Like magic, her tune entrapped Sonic into another trance. She gazed hungrily at him, smiling with delight at her prey. Sonic was able to resist for a brief moment, but her powers were causing him to falter.
“You’re so reluctant! You must be new to this sort of thing.” the girl laughed.
“Yeah, I guess...” Sonic muttered, not really listening to what she was saying and paying more attention to the burning in his cheeks. The corners of his lips curled into a crooked smile. 
“I find that really surprising.” she leaned close enough that their noses were touching. Her hands found themselves around his neck. 
“Hey, it’s really hot in here...” Sonic said nervously. The girl put a finger over his lips.
“Shhh, I’ll try to make this as painless as possible.”
  Before the siren could close the gap with a deadly kiss, another female’s voice rang through the tunnels. The siren turned to look behind her, seeing a pink hedgehog appear from one of the openings to her lair; a small badger appeared as well. Sonic saw the pink hedgehog too, and as if a switch clicked in his head, he snapped out of his trance. He blinked wildly.
“Wha..? What’s going on?” he asked. Then he noticed the random half-naked woman that was pinning him against the wall. His eyes grew wide and his face turned crimson. 
“AH! What the heck?!” He cried, feeling beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead now.
“Sonic! Sonic?” Amy called out into the room; she looked around for a moment, then discovered Sonic in the arms of the mysterious girl on the other side of the room. Their faces inches apart.
Her heart felt a jolt of pain like she was struck by a spear. For a second, Amy felt numb. Millions of thoughts buzzed in her brain at once; Sonic was with another girl? Who even was she? Where did she come from? Amy took a step back, not sure of what to do with herself. By that time, Sticks has also seen the strange sight and desperately tugged at her dress.
“That’s her! That’s the siren!”
The girl turned made eye contact with Amy, sneering in her direction. Her icy eyes relishing at this moment, teasing Amy, baiting her with the one thing that she knew she didn’t have. The pink hedgehog suddenly felt her blood begin to boil. In the same moment, Sonic had noticed Amy as well and felt a wave of relief in the midst of his confusion. He called out to her, which made the siren whip her head back around.
“Well, it seems like you aren’t alone.” She growled.
The siren bared her teeth, then tightened her grip on him, forcefully holding him still. Sonic whimpered.
“I guess I gotta do this the hard way.” She pulled him from the wall and slammed him back into it. Sonic felt the air leave his lungs. In a panic, he fought back, wriggling himself out of her grasp. He held his hands up in defense.
“Now w-wait a second, I’m confused, what’s going on?!”
The siren clenched her fists, muttering something under her breath that Sonic couldn’t understand. Then she pointed her hand towards him. The water in the pool started to churn. It began to defy all laws of physics rising up into an amorphous mass. Sonic swallowed uncomfortably; why does it always have to be water? The siren made a throwing gesture that sent the ball flying towards him like a torpedo. He flinched, bracing himself for impact.
“Kyah!!” Amy appeared with her Piko Piko at the ready. She smacked the ball of water and it lost its shape, splashing in random directions. Sticks followed with her boomerang in hand, and the two of them took a protective stance in between Sonic and the siren.
“Stay away from him!” 
The siren looked at Amy for a moment, then to Sonic, then back to Amy again. With a sultry voice that cut the through the air like a knife, she sniggered.
“If I were you, I’d surrender. You don’t know what you’re dealing with, little girl. He’s mine.” 
“Over my dead body.”
  The two girls engaged in a dangerous staring contest. Fuming jealousy filled the space between them. Both fighting over Sonic’s heart; of course, for two entirely different reasons. Sonic was now getting frustrated. He walked towards Sticks and tapped her shoulder. 
“Hello?? Can you please let me know what’s going on? Where did you guys go? And who is this girl?”
“Sonic, she’s the siren. She lured you in here, and now she’s trying to kill us. How more obvious can it get?” Sticks said. 
“Oh...that makes sense.” 
The siren’s glowing eyes peered menacingly at all three of them. As she did so, she started to morph; her original body stretched and changed colors. Her fur turned to hard, green scales. Her face rotted away, revealing the half decomposed remnants of what it used to be hundreds of years ago. Her razor sharp teeth grew in size along with her height. The trio all watched in horror as she towered over them, making them all seem like tiny little hamsters in the shadow of a monstrous crocodile.
“Fine. If a fight is what you want, then a fight is what you’ll get.”
 The siren let out a piercing roar and charged them. She raised her hand, flinging streams of ice-cold water at them and pummeling them to the ground. For a moment, they scrambled, barely getting back to their feet before the siren came back with a second attack. The three of them slipped across the floor, choking and sputtering. Sticks looked up. The siren was gone. There was a low growl, a tapping noise echoed from the ceiling. Green scales glimmered in the light cast from the glowworms. The young badger got to her feet and flung her boomerang towards it. It bounced off like a piece of plastic. 
“Oh boy...” she said. 
  The siren crawled like a lizard over the walls, hissing and speaking in an ancient language. The water from the pool spun into a violent funnel. A physical embodiment of her rage. Sonic took both Amy and Sticks’ hands and attempted to escape, but the siren was one step ahead. Three streams of water shot out of the pool, wrapping them up individually and holding them high in the air. The siren crawled down from the walls and the water carried her gracefully to her rock. She observed her prey squirming helplessly in her grasp.
“I hope you didn’t think it would be that easy to escape. You’re all a bunch of fools.”
“Let! Us! Go!” Sticks cried, kicking aimlessly into the air. She bit down against the water like a dog trying to chew its collar off. 
  Sonic and Amy tried to pry themselves out as well, though not as ferociously as Sticks. The kicked their legs and attempted shaking themselves out, but their efforts were useless against the water’s strength. As if it were a game to her, the siren swung the three of them around like ragdolls. Then, the water released its grip and flung the three of them in random directions.
Amy slammed against the wall and everything went black. 
  She could see a dark sky. The clouds rumbled above her. Gusts of wind blew her quills in random directions and the rain began to fall. Her body was stained with mud and it ached. In the distance, a figure was approaching her. It was tall, with two large wings trailing behind it. Amy squinted her eyes to get a better look, but the face was hidden by a shadow. The figure held a ball of fire in its hands. It raised its fist.
 Amy’s eyes shot open. Her hair was dripping wet and the jagged slippery rock beneath her was cutting up her knees. The room was spinning so much that when she was greeted by the sight of Sticks running toward her, she appeared to have three heads. Sticks knelt down and patted Amy’s cheeks. She was yelling something, but Amy couldn’t quite make it out. Her eyes gazed beyond Sticks, seeing the siren standing on her rock, singing a tune and pulling Sonic close. They were inches apart again; their lips dangerously inching closer to each other.
  A fire erupted within her. She poofed her hammer and got to her feet. Sticks stepped away, watching nervously as Amy mustered up some sort of hidden power. She growled in anger, then raised her hammer. 
“Hands off my MAN!!” 
  In a flash, Amy attacked from behind. She swung with all of her might, hitting the siren on the side of the head and sending her flying. Sonic--now with the knowledge of her spell, therefore being able to resist it the second time--staggered back as Amy flew past him. He lost his balance and plummetted into the glowing pool. He flailed around in a panic. However, he quickly discovered that the pool was actually much shallower than he anticipated. He sighed with relief, then paused to laugh at himself. As Amy let out all of her jealous anger on the siren, Sonic felt something roll by his foot. Curious, he reached down and felt around for the object. He fished it out.
In his hands, a turquoise chaos emerald glowed like a star. 
  Amy landed the final blow against the siren, leaving her unconscious. She huffed, flipping her drenched quills and resting her weight on her hammer. She let out an authoritative ‘hmph,’ then turned to her friends. She observed as Sonic was excitedly showing Sticks the emerald. After a moment, the two of them realized the fight was over and turned to her. 
“Amy, you won’t believe what I found!” Sonic exclaimed. 
  The three took a break to regain their energy, then successfully found their way out of the tunnel. When they emerged, they discovered that it was already nighttime. The stars above them winked as if they were congratulating them for their escape. Sonic and Sticks whooped and gave each other a high five; the crazy experience they just went through appeared to have given them both a rush of excitement after it was over. The discovery of a second emerald was also not too bad as well. 
 Sonic turned to Amy with a goofy smile on his face. He raised his hand to give her a high five. She glanced at him and left out an unenthusiastic chuckle before squeezing excess water from her skirt. Sonic frowned as she turned away and kept walking, keeping her eyes on the ground.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you? Aren’t you glad it’s over with?” he asked. 
  Sonic and Sticks shared an uncomfortable look. Sonic made a gesture towards Amy and raised a brow. Sticks merely shrugged her shoulders. They awkwardly followed Amy’s lead, unsure of what to do. Sonic caught up with her and walked by her side.
“Why are you so quiet? Are you upset?” he asked.
  Two carried on in silence for a couple minutes. In the absence of conversation, the sounds of the wilderness filled the empty space. Frogs croaked, grasshoppers chirped, and other nocturnal creatures scurried amongst the shadowy greenery. Sonic tossed the turquoise emerald in his hands in an effort to distract himself. However, Amy’s persistently quiet demeanor was ironically screaming for him to say something. He glanced over at her.  She’s never usually this quiet. Under the moonlight, he caught a glimpse of her eyes; they were downcast and unsure, still focused on her dragging feet. Sonic frowned, even though it wasn’t immediately clear to him why she was acting so weird in the first place. As he thought about it, though, it became more and more obvious.
“I didn’t kiss her, you know.” 
The words escaped his lips before he could think about them. He squeezed his mouth shut, half surprised that he said it so casually, half relieved that he did. Amy turned to him. He met her eyes before timidly looking the other way. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that she stared at him for a couple of seconds, then a soft smile appeared on her face. 
They still walked in silence, yet a weight felt like it had lifted off of their shoulders. With his face still concealed in the shadows, Sonic smiled too. 
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