#it’s trippy how excited ppl get
hi so persius is gloriously freaky and weird, when i first read his satires (it was love at first sight), i was like "wow i did not know latin like this existed???" which is an exciting af thing to experience so far along in school. the magical conversion moment/epiphany i kept hoping would happen to give me a dissertation topic.
anyway he tends to get viewed as a very serious moralizing figure but he's so funny and wild and self-deprecating and absolutely definitely trolling just as much as any satirist. i get very emotional thinking about how he died at 27, so so young, and yet we have such incredible stuff? like im 28 and i can't even efficiently write a dissertation about the guy but he was out there making this insanely complex and baffling and original poetry. his stuff is SO genuinely uncomfy and gross at times, his imagery goes wild, he's just unsettling and hard to get a foothold in - probably why he gets overlooked, bc he really can be a pain in the ass to read, but i love that kind of overwhelming trippy shit and im here for it.
ALSO i have this personal headcanon (not something im gonna write on cos i don't do biographical readings) that he was sex repulsed - ppl tend to fixate on his portrayals of gay sex, which are absolutely lurid and not complimentary, but he also portrays more normative sexual desire, like for women, in similarly off-putting derisive terms.
anyway im sure he's not gonna win against mr big shot catullus but i couldn't live with myself if i didn't rep my ancient blorbo at least a little
Thank you for this propaganda! Tbh I've read very little Persius so every little bit helps
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I'm so excited for your new series and day one was already a masterpiece 🤌🏻
I just realised I had written I am conventionally attractive but what I wanted to say is I am NOT conventionally attractive, it sounded so conceited💀
Oh I didn't know that duo had a siren effect. I don't know if it can give you more indication but I'm also venus dominant, with a taurus sun (11th house) and libra moon(4th house.. which i personally would say give the native mommy issues 🤡). My Lilith and Mars are both in Virgo.
Oh the kdrama series was me joking how that right person wrong time situation felt like (hint: there was a very sappy confession under the rain while sharing the same umbrella)
I definitely recommend the spiderman kiss cause it's so trippy yet romantic 🤧 I'm a huge hopeless romantic which is kinda ironic on how I only ended up in fwb situationships 😂
I was thinking of you today cause I had a guy friend ask me for flirting and dating advice 😂 I came to realise I'm quite to the point with asking someone out which wasn't the case a few years ago, but I guess I found out being more bold is way more helpful. I would rather express my point properly and get turned down than miss my chance and regret it. A lot of times I would approach guys that had me interested in them and told them how I found them to be my type and was wondering if they would want to see if by getting to know each other in a deeper level could uncover a connection, a spark between us. Or if they are a person I saw and caught my eye I would go up to them flash a smile, say hello and tell them that they caught my eye and I would love to get to know them if they gave me a chance, so far it had a 100% success rate (well at the same time I tried it on 3 or 4 guys but there are extremely high chances they might actually not be your type at all, cause that was my case 😬)
Hope you had a great beginning of the week 💕
Okay, the spiderman kiss is going in my notes. However, when I think of spiderman I just think of Twilight 'you better hold on tight spider monkey!!' haha.
I love all the cheese.
I feel it's very difficult to not get into a FWB situationship in this day and age, it's either you're emotionally celibate and just hold out or you enter into those situationships and hope for the best.
I've chosen to go down the celibate part because I have an anxious attachment style so situationships would break my heart haha.
But I have a high sex drive and it's been 3 years and omg it feels awful.
Honestly, we go about the same way when it comes to asking guys out. I usually do the same thing and say I'm interested in you and if we can hang out sometime and it's been no's so far so either my game is off or I'm picking the wrong ppl haha.
I laugh at my awkwardness because otherwise I'll cry lol.
But I'm like you, the infatuation gets long enough when you're like 'okay, I just need to know if I have a chance' and then I just do it and get it out of my system.
Even though I've been rejected, I do feel more relieved when I've just confessed it to them.
I've never been in a right person, wrong time type of situation before.
I think the closest I've been the right person, wrong time type of situation was:
I had a guy friend that I had a really good connection with, we had the best banter, we would always sit together and smoke cigarettes and talk about music.
He was a Capricorn and studying politics at my uni. He had that alternative grunge style, he always wore leather jackets, flannels, beanies etc.
Whenever we would meet up, he would always light my cigarette for me and give me really warm and intimate hugs.
And I mean, the hugs were pretty intimate for a guy-girl friendship.
When we'd hug, he would always stroke my hair, or the back of my neck or rub my back.
So I always thought that maybe there was something there.
But he was always in a relationship and with a girlfriend so obviously, I was never able to ask if he was interested or see if what we had was more than friendship.
But I remember just seeing him with his partners and he always seemed like he was very caring and loving towards them.
And I just remember thinking what a great catch he'd probably be.
And then thinking, why isn't he into me? what don't I have that the other girls do?
And he graduated 3 years ago and I haven't seen him since.
And even now, I sometimes wonder if he ever thought of me as more than a friend.
But yeah, that's one of my many tragic romance stories haha.
I hope you have an amazing week as well, I hope you get some time to yourself.
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taeminie · 3 years
tag game 🌈
i was tagged by the lovely doreen ( @gunsatthaphan ) to answer these questions. 🥰💜
1. why did you choose your url?
i love win metawin. simple. my previous url like very early on was sarawatined and then i went to metawwin then i removed the w. hehe
2. any sideblogs?  if you have them name them and why you have them.
i always considered making one (i got lazy) but then i realized that this blog is my personality and i like having one blog for all my interests and likes bc it represents my brain lmao and i’m aware it’s a mess but i love it.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made this blog on april last year but i’ve been on tumblr since october 2009 so i’ve seen it all.
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope! i prefer scheduling posts tbh.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
the main reason was 2gether. i made it during the final eps and i just remember seeing everything on my dash and being so fascinated bc it was my hyperfixation at that time. my friend angel had made a blog and i was hesitant to come back to tumblr at first bc my prev. blog got hacked and deleted and it was a scary experience for me. but i ended up doing it and i was super happy. also, i started watching thai dramas like around 2016 so it was nice to find all these dramas on tumblr again and even new ones afterwards.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
she’s my wife 💍 (that CK shoot.... man. i edited it on photoshop and idk i like how it turned out and i really like the bg color. and how she’s holding a film camera as in to represent all the dramas i watch ;) or smth like that)
7. why did you choose your header?
well i love brightwin, they were a huge part of the reason i made this blog so i like having a win url and a bright layout and technically when i had a twitter i had a bright username so they just complemented each other. 💕
8. what‘s your post with the most notes?
gay wat. happy pride folks 🌈
9. how many mutuals do you have?
well i think everyone i follow follows me back with some exceptions so over 100+
10. how many followers do you have?
too many for so little time that i’ve been here. *blows a kiss* thank u so much. 🥺
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
if my random text posts that i end up deleting count as that then... yes
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
daily on the app. it makes everything so much easier. on my laptop, maybe 3/4 times a week. but a lot overall.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no pls i hope that never happens fjdkkdkdk i’m here for love and from love. thx
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this‘ posts
oh. very guilt trippy. i found that sometimes posts can be triggering or ppl are just not in the right mindset to reblog/interact. you are not a terrible person for scrolling past a post. pls dont let anyone tell u otherwise.
16. do you like tag games?
love them!!! but sometimes they get lost in my notifs and i don’t see them when someone tags me :( i’m gonna try to do more of them when i can.
17. do you like ask games?
yessss i love getting asks it makes me so excited like ppl care wow
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk by definition. but a lot have been around way longer than me and make content for so many different fandoms as well so they’re more known as well.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i have crushes on ppl every single day and then do nothing about it. (but yes 😏)
20. tags?
this was so much fun to do. thanks for tagging me angel @gunsatthaphan 💜💜💜💜💜💜
i’m tagging: @earthmixs @jaehwany @brightwin @phapundao @theghostvalley @ataleofthousandstars @lastwilight @itoldsunset @kaonoppakao @uppoompat @yesdramas & @scrubbfantine have fun!!!! (only if u want to)
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clippy · 4 years
Before I go to bed, here's my full story about work today & why I snapped and I just need some consolation that I'm not 100% the asshole here...
For background: my manager has been here for a year. She knows less than a new hire would at the 90 day mark. On top of this, she has started singling me out in the past 4-ish months looking for tiny ways to get me in trouble, rather than, y'know, HELPING me like a good manager would ... HR was here earlier this month and she's now on a learning plan and has to learn X things by X amount of time...
Yesterday and today (and last week) were horrible... She's entirely regressed in her learning and treatment of me!!! Yesterday she nagged me several times to help her w her training and I told her multiple times that I'm busy but I'd be happy to help her if she put forth some effort in trying to figure out how to set up a print job on her own first/let me verbally walk her through the process.... Both of those were bad tho! And she won't take the "hey I'm drowning in customers and printing!" answer as a No so she kept being passive aggressive toward me saying I should be "excited" for her to learn and that I need to out forth a better effort in helping her when... This is something she needs to work on HERSELF? FIRST?
I got confirmation from the current acting DM about that! He said it shouldn't be put on me and the assistant manager to train our manager especially when she acts like that toward us and doesn't retain anything... This is coming from someone w some memory issues too!!! Like if I struggle THAT much with something I write stuff down or ask for help when it isn't busy.. it's simply that she is refusing to learn
So cut to today... We had supply counts, this happens once a month and since I open I always try to get as much done as I can in the morning.... Well, today it was busy in printing and I had a lot of foot traffic... On a normal day this would be fine! But on a count day? Not so much! So my manager shows up like 45 min early and just recluses herself into her office, not bothering to check on me despite the door constantly opening (with a door ding that I can EASILY hear in the office despite having some hearing issues, so I KNOW she can hear it cuz she has ridiculous hearing)
So like. I'm drowning. All morning. We're down a person cuz my immediate help that isn't her called in and instead of being like "oh! Carson is alone out there maybe I should just CHECK on him" she just stayed holed up in her office! So she eventually comes out and ignores me saying that help would be nice since I'm busy but still need to get counts going and starts... Working on stuff that isn't urgent.
So I'm still running everything. Alone. Until she FINALLY helps her first customer of the day which is... A large ski group. And she ofc takes 20 min to help them ship like. 2 packages. cuz she doesn't know when to keep a convo short to help with lines + she goes overboard on the up selling... She then tells me to look out for some emails from them w labels right as we got a delivery and I'm like... I can't? These are time sensitive? And as I'm finishing those, and helping two customers at once, she gets mad when I prod her to go check the email for those labels cuz she was just. Standing there. As if she was expecting me to still be checking?
Anyway store remains busy, and she helps maybe... Two more customers? While I'm still pinballing all over the place trying to get stuff done and then the AM comes in. It stays swamped. I'm desperately trying to help ppl quickly so I can go to lunch because I NEED a break (meanwhile literally everyone else is just. Free to kinda just Leave For Break Whenever Despite Crowds but I'm not :-))... It finally gets down to like two customers and one approached me when I was helping another guy and I was like "oh let me get [manager] to help u cuz I'm actually helping someone else right now!" And I look over and she's... Trying to help my customer? So I sternly say "hey can u help this customer because I'm Literally printing off his labels???" so she does
After she's done she comes over and said I "shouldn't yell at her in front of customers" and I lost it. Like first off that wasn't yelling!!! But I told her that I was literally about to lose it over how stressed I was today and how she REFUSED to listen to me today and yesterday over ANYTHING and ignored that I needed help and that I was tired of it!!!
I know for a fact I raised my voice and like. I shouldn't have. But I am not apologizing because I'm not sorry -- she never fucking listens to me when I'm polite, no matter how hard I try.
I immediately called HR and the acting DM about it and had a full on panic attack while on my lunch break... Like. My manager is malicious toward me and I know she's going to play the victim in this! She hates my guts and I'm genuinely afraid to ask her for help in the mornings because of how she treats me afterward (aka being passive aggressive and guilt-trippy) and I feel hopeless that it isn't going to change and I hate going into work because of how she treats me...
Like does someone getting upset at u, for the same things, not raise any red flags that ur behavior is off and that ur employee might be frustrated about it?! Like she can't possibly keep playing the innocent card here and blame me for everything? Like the stress of my job is beginning to cause some health issues and my anxiety is constantly getting worse.. but I sadly can't just walk out..... I'm so fucking tired, yall
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all right here goes nothing. i’m feeling risk-takey tonight
at first, I was gonna be all: oh i read the book when it first came out and it changed me, and i still think about it today and was excited to hear that it got a tv show/was being adapted into a tv show, etc.
but then i watched the last few eps and heard they were getting another season and that kinda all just went out the window
let me elaborate a little
i can def see where people are coming from when they say that the show romanticizes suicide. i was very disappointed with how they handled the last few episodes of the series.
i think it would have served the show much better had they stuck with the book, where clay listens to all the tapes in one night, and made the episodes like 30 mins, or even 20 mins, since the tapes are pretty short. like i get wanting to transition from the past to the present, and so having clay listen to them slowly, throughout
however many days it takes him to, but by adding more, they ended up misrepresenting literally everything abt mental illness and suicide
they added in too much extra stuff that was, honestly, completely unnecessary.
there are a few things that stand out to me that i was very upset with specifically:
skye calling hannah killing herself weak bc she’s just jealous that clay fell in love with hannah instead of her. way to spread the stigma.
the fact that they had that whole, “you can’t love someone back to life.” “you can try” exchange. bc at that point, it becomes super romanticize-y, and nope lets not do that with mental illness and suicide, yeah?
i watched the behind the scenes thing, and the way they talked about suicide made me super uncomfortable.
i am going to elaborate on point 3 more, bc i have a lot to say and a lot of feelings abt it.
first of all, i was really uber disappointed in one of the psychologists who said that suicide was a super impulsive decision. like it really isn’t. i discussed this in my abnormal seminar class. the decision isn’t as impulsive as we believe it to be and to perpetuate that stigma is harmful. as is the “suicide is weak” stigma. it’s not actually.
we, as human beings, have an innate instinct for survival. you’ll hear of those who have attempted suicide by gun miss at point blank range bc that instinct is so strong. to fight against that instinct and succeed long enough to go through with suicide is actually the opposite of weak (or impulsive)
and i am not in any way, shape or form trying to glorify suicide. what i’m trying to say here is that ppl’s decision to die by suicide isn’t weak (or impulsive). and calling it weak stigmatizes those who have attempted suicide but not succeeded. which doesn’t exactly help their state of mind???
anyway, back to the main point, not impulsive.
side note: where the fuck did they find these psychologists? honestly. like, i’ve heard abt netflix doing research abt how they should go abt properly portraying all this and then what??? just completely ignored everything the majority of ppl were telling them? honestly, what i’m seeing here is bias, they picked the psychologists who supported their view and never looked back. like jfc, that’s now how you should do these things
second, the way that another psychologist and another producer worded their decision about showing hannah’s suicide was really guilt trippy? like, they were saying, “we wanted to show it bc we want ppl who are considering suicide to know that it’s ugly” and “we wanted to make sure ppl who are considering suicide know that it’s not an option”
like, i’m p fucking sure those who are suicidal or have been know it’s not fucking pretty. like wtf are you even talking about?
as for that second sentence, i’m not saying that i want suicide to be an option for ppl.
what i want is for those who are trained to actually help those who are suffering so that they don’t get so low that suicide does become an option for them. and if they have uncontrollable suicidal thoughts to help them cope with them so that they don’t get to a point where they want to die by suicide.
i want ppl who are suicidal to know that someone does love you and you are wanted and worthy.
the way it’s worded is super condescending toward those are suicidal, have been, or have attempted it.
and another thing, they kept saying that they wanted to show how someone’s suicide can affect everyone around them. and like, yeah, the ppl who loved and cared about them are gonna be sad and have to grieve and stuff, but wow, super guilt trip-y much? it was like they didn’t actually interview ppl who’d attempted suicide or who are suicidal/have been.
now, i’m not suicidal and never have been. but from what i’ve learned, a suicidal person’s world shrinks until it’s just them. they think that their friends and family members would be better off without them. they think they are a burden to their friends and family members.
it’s not that they don’t fucking know they’re going to hurt their loved ones, it just that their perspective has changed to thinking they are a burden and their loved ones would better off without them.
it’s not their fault at all. it’s not that they’re not thinking of consequences, it’s that their mind had skewed those consequences into: they’ll be better off without me. i’m probably doing them a favor.
so like, let’s not guilt trip those who have attempted suicide or who are actively suicidal rn. for real
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pawstet · 7 years
sorry, wasnt trying to be rude or judgy or anything, i just genuinely like never seeing you rp with anyone but that kurloz and i just didnt know if you straight up dont like interacting with most people or if youre like private/exclusive or some shit. i know what its like to be shy, i have that problem too sometimes, especially since whenever i DO reach out it seems like i just get rejected. but try to keep in mind ppl are easily intimidated by someone like you with so much rep and experience.
listen, this sounds guilt trippy as fuck. i write for my favorite character with anyone who shows any interest in rping with me, if u read my rules it says im not exclusive. If you want to interact with my muse, this is not how you do it. You can send memes, ask about her history, or you can make a starter. Again, if you read my rules and you’ve tagged meu in a group starter, you’d know I dont respond to those. You are on anon, I have no idea if you’ve even tried to interact with meulin. It literally sounds like you just started following me and are upset because Im not paying attention to your muse. 
but try to keep in mind ppl are easily intimidated by someone like you with so much rep and experience.
I have experience, but I have no idea of any rep. That is not my fault. I am literally some amateur writer sitting behind a computer wanting to rp for fun and I get hella excited when anyone shows interest in Meulin.  I get intimated too, but I don’t go around harassing people because they have people to write with. I get that starting off in rping can be hard, but again, this is not how you do it. I write w peeps who want to write w me, and if it’s one person atm well bro they r a damn talented writer so Im not complaining. Our muses live together, of course they are gonna interact often. I am open to rping with anyone and everyone, but  i can’t just jump into a thread with everyone. I love my muse and I love to write for her, Im not gonna write her different for someone else. She’s my muse, and again in the rules/about it says she’s not the easiest muse to get close to and again, it also says that if ur muse tries she will probably be hella loyal and friendly.  I can’t just make her ur muse’s best friend or stuff. So, i’m not really sure what you want me to do.
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queenangst · 7 years
HEYO I SHIRHOPE U HAD A GREAT DAY!! im finally palidone with most of my exams! i haven't finished watching season 2 yet bc my wifi is crap and turns voltroff if i use it too much but i saw most of the spoilers anyways on tumblr so. also i saw some posts where keith made a pun??? im not even sure if that actually happened but tbh that made my entire week. a lot of ppl were saying that lance and hunk didn't get a lot of screen time which is :/ i hope season 3 will be more lance and hunk centered
this turned into a lowkey review/rant abt season 2 sorry
(tl;dr season 2 was good and left me wanting more. like, overall, i’m fairly happy with it. but it also left me pretty bitter.)
i mean... season 2 was good no doubt, and the finale was absolutely STUNNING in every way - like the buildup and the visuals and the story!!!!! they really really did a good job and mmmmnnn that one scene with haggar’s reveal that’s such a good setup for allura character developmentish in s3 my goodness
vague vague spoilers ahead
well see s3 was super focused on developing keith as a character and delving into his. past.. and.. putting him to the test so he can do.. the Thing (TM) goddamnit and that was really cool watching keith grow!! and yeah, he made a joke, and it was p funny. pidge got some amazing moments too, really stepped up to the plate tech-wise and really connecting with her lion and with, uh, nature? 
shiro’s arc wasn’t as present (NOR IS HE) but this struggle between shiro and zarkon was, imo, pretty well-written, how they contrasted as black paladins/relationship with the black lion man that scene in the weird, like, plane of existence was wow, kinda trippy and scary and “BEAT HIM UP SHIRO” like
the ENDING THO i’m Suffering 
about hunk and lance: i’m... not happy. to say the least. i feel like there was so much potential from season 1 to carry over to this season, but in the light of focusing on keith, hunk and lance got a little... lost. nonexistent. like in some of the later episodes, lance will only get a few lines??? not only that, but hunk, i felt, was demoted to comic relief and his passion for food - note, i’m not saying food isn’t a big part of who hunk is/unimportant, but it centered so much around it that i just felt really cheated?
i mean, they had a couple great moments. that lasted, for like, less than a minute. 
about lance specifically: back before s2 was out, we were told he was going to get to shine a little leadership wise on the ocean planet, and watching it, i didn’t feel that. he did contribute a lot to solving the conflict, but leadership? not there. there was this one really great scene though where lance, like, totally makes that damn bomb ass shot because he’s our sharpshooter !!!!! and like, he’s floating in space in a difficult position fairly far away with a hard shot that could possibly hit an ally as doors are closing... and he makes it. and then all he gets, p much, is a good job and like, when he brings it up later, it feels really dismissed. 
(he gets one (1) insecurity scene. it was lovely and heartbreaking and i could write an essay on those 15 secs he’s actually on screen) 
about hunk: sunshine son!! i think he got slightly more screen time than lance (like, marginally) bc he does go on this one mission with keith and he does really well and i’m really proud of him!! but yeah his treatment wasn’t good either - he was here for a good laugh (nice, but i want more than that) and like, hey, he can make some food that doubles as a plot device! but like i feel like his role as an engineer is so underrated next to pidge, like suddenly pidge understands everything while his understanding of tech relates to food. please. 
i wish s2 had been more balanced character wise. the plot was interesting, the baCKSTORY was interesting, the characters that showed up were interesting and, by the way, SLAV IS SOOO RELATABLE AND CORAN IS AN ABSOLUTE STAR THIS SEASON
but it’s like, you can have a focus on certain characters and their growth and arc and not completely erase others. like, it’s possible, guys. i get it - center s2 around keith, pidge, and shiro (SHIRO WHAT THE FUCK WHERE WHAT TTHE FUKC) but that doesn’t mean hunk and lance are there for kicks and giggles. 
also allura, i see some setup for season 3. i mean, she’s kinda immature this season, has this really stubborn, set mindset but there’s so much potential for her to break from that in season 3 esp with keith and haggar and the other paladins and whatever, so like, she’s not my top character atm but i’m hopeful for her 
i won’t be happy if s3 switches hunk + lance / keith, pidge, + shiro, though. like, if those 2 get their arcs, please don’t cut out the others. i mean, not that they have much of a choice shiRO, but, you know. 
(coran. what a star.)
s2 was really good overall!!!! i was excited watching it (for the most part) and they kept me on my toes, there were some really great moments, and a lot of material to work with fanfic wise (ha! (i updated familiar by the way if u wanna read it and if ur still reading this damn post)) and like, i do need season 3, like, right now, so i guess they made their goal 
yah. season 2. what a wild. fucking ride. like, honestly. 
shiro’s face describes my mood exactly. forever.
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shaydraplays · 5 years
okay, here are the liveblogs of the entirety of she-ra season 1
because i don’t know how to consume media responsibly
see individual episodes under the cut: 
ep1 - catra fucking purred with excitement, i had to go back to confirm, the furries are back at it again - and she sleeps at the foot of adora's bed... incredible - does she just sleep with her helmet on? wait i guess all these soldiers don't have sleep clothes, but still? - the adora-glimmer-beau fight scene was hilarious. beau and glimmer just straight up screaming at adora with enough force to shake? excellent. - the way glimmer runs with the sword away from danger is SO good - glimmer just DOESN'T stop screaming and honestly, mood - lmao
ep2 - jesus CHRIST the opening is physically killing me - the amount of times beau's voice breaks - the way they animated people moving is just top notch in general - the voices also... very good - hell yeah floppy eared deer people - neigh - incatrible - damn just keep tasing her i guess... rude - catra fucking bodice ripping the netting hell yeah - the transformation makes her and the sword slightly taller like, why??? - :C catra - "wait, whose horse was this" well it's yours now
ep3 - beau's voice continues to be excellent - the amount of screaming beau and glimmer do on average is also excellent - how are you not enraptured by horsie rolling in the grass next to you? - omg pegacorn floppin around - beau and glimmer are masters of the "oh shit" run. trot? - granny is cute - catra has such disaster lesbean vibes - i dont have my glasses you'll have to speak up - how does horsie's wings keep changing color - also i've completely accepted the ridiculosity of all these names but still... - the arc werewolf man makes when kicked - thank u for validating me swiftwind - wait where do you put the sword when not in use
ep4 - how's they get adora's horde jacket out of the bushes near that village? also she lost her force captain pin rip - so do they just never change clothes? i had high hopes from adora putting on stuff to cover the horde symbol but i guess not - aw sleebover - okay they have no sleep clothes here either - general is hot - did catra draw princess on a horse or - zarkon is a twink now. twunk? - is that jasper's voice for that side character - the beast of beast island - those are not tree destruction foley sounds - yeah stop the machines poisoning ur land! environmentalism! - this is a small kingdom. these kingdoms are all really small? - you've been friends for like 2 days - where did they get horde outfits - beau's lil exclamations are.... Good - YAY SLEEBOVER
ep5 - something tells me adora doesn't like boats - i HAVE to mute the theme song. just, wow - go fish........ - who voices scorpia because Nice - nice violin - mermista is relatable - "They're coming right for the Gate!" mermista's big groan is a mood - is catra's MO from now on just gonna be to leap up to wherever Adora is doing hero things and monologue at her - i wanna be on 8-foot-tall woman's side as well - lmao christen the ship right there
ep6 - lmao glimmer's face when she-ra boutta bust it open - only tiny food........ - drunk adora is cute - did they just leave the sword - fizzy lifting drinks - okay so the sword is just animated when its convenient, otherwise i guess adora vores it or something
ep7 - that last episode was trite so now im gonna draw while watching - i love when they reference adora's depressing upbringing. "no i don't know what an aunt is but i was hoping someone would eventually explain". also beau is a bro - so lightspinner is shadowsneaker or whatever, right - naptime - i hope they explain who greyskull is etc sometime - do you not know what a pillow is why are you lying backwards - adora trust ur friends more pls it's been at least a week by now - thats new - catra no
ep8 - soooo prom means they'll change their clothes right - damn scorpia's a princess, what does it mean that they gave up their gemstone thing? no magic? - a true soldier by upbringing, adora - hell YEAH catra in a tux - neau just gotta wear a croptop - how are they gonna let catra in her whole bodys a weapon - hell yeah these ppl snazzy as fuck - so what the fuck is swiftwind doing these days anyway - adora is me. hormf snacks - man scorpia why cant u just let ppl chill - hell yeah sexual tension dance time - how do they know how to dance - catra is smooth - "you don't understand" ouch that is like the worst thing to say to smol frost princess - catra no - "I don't want you to" man she is such a... kovu's mom in lion king 2 or 3
ep9 - beau maDE THEM FIGURINES IM CRY - rip mermista - captain dude is so dumb - scorpia is going to kill u - this rebellion is clearly not combat ready - the black garnet is the one that scorpia's family gave the horde right? - really digging the low res pixels of the cell door being kicked for some reason - kyle pls - beau's expressions are SO good - well this sucks - if adora actually got her memories wiped and rejoined the herd and catra had to pretend that everything was normal man that'd be a good fanfic - glimmer thats very anime of u - catra, a lil bitch as always - damn, nice lighting - THIS IS NOT BECAUSE I LIKE YOU B-BAKA - catra no - damn, she really just got incinerated right in front of the team, huh - had to let the sad end credits music play this time, alexa play despacito
ep10 - "yeah that sure smells like concrete" thanks scorpia - adora is SO excited that she can use magic - i had to look it up but yeah i can definitely hear the amethyst in catra's voice now - yeah entrapta didn't seem like she gave much of a shit in the first place - hell YEAH she just jumps out the window - it's pretty incredible that they haven't miscolored catra's eyes yet, at least that i saw - thank u for coming back to the original disagreement and hashing it out, hell yeah emotional intelligence - just tell ur mom, blease - when queen mom is holding glimmer as she glitches... wow that's very adult fear of you - why do they not animate the sword and backbacks whenever it pleases them? i can excuse magical sword bullshit but c'mon catra needs to eat - hell yeah trippy psychological horror episode PLEASE - catra no
ep11 - hell yeah time for the "save my archnemesis frenemy from being killed by nonsentient technology ostensibly on my side, only to receive zero gratitude and probable betrayal from said frenemy" episode - their interactions are SO good - keeping things close to your chest and not saying anything about entrapta, nice - blease i just want them to be frens again - BAPY CATRA YES - FLOFF - BLEASE - FRENS - tween catra is EXTRA FLOFF - really telling that all their good memories are of getting chased by superiors and fighting each other. fucking horde - teen lizard's hair is good - catra's pretty good at saving herself. can she do it in the way that matters, though? - part cat, part monkey - well then, this memory probably doesn't end happily - oh, maybe this'll give adora hints on how to heal glimmer - fucking shadow... slipper. fuck u - jesus christ well this is just the writing on the wall for why catra can hate adora so easily. fuck u shadow sneak - bapy.... she hiss - w o w
ep12 - creepy. yes. i have been called this before. i n c r e d i b l e - hell yeah aliens - oh my god it speaks - man, what is EVEN scorpia's deal besides comic relief... horde is real bad at cultivating friendship - hack the p l a n e t - god damn, speaker baby imp is creepy. also how did catra not hear/smell that, maybe all horde shit smells similar - so entrapta doesn't have her corresponding gemstone? also oooooh, that's what the moonstone is. - adora, you made a self-cognizant horse, look at it now, it's got self-assurance and helpful words that also perpetuate the message that all domestic or captive animals are suffering, but in a joking manner
ep13 - ok, last ep of season 1, oh boy. can't wait to read all the post s1 fanfic - how did they... switch seating order... c'momn dreamworks - so why is entrapta a princess if she doesn't have a gemstone - WHY is beau still baring his midriff? in armor??? - wait so you can stand on water now? - stop monologueing holy shit - i guess there just isn't water? - k, deus ex machina and big damn heroes, i guess - nice combo attacks - she ra said gay rights. happy wrath month everyone - catra.......... no
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