beecam · 5 years
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(via Brand New: New Logo and Identity for Jitjatjo by B-Reel)
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catholicartistsnyc · 5 years
Meet: Stephen Lyons
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STEPHEN LYONS is an actor and musician living in NYC. (www.StephenLyons.net)
Catholic Artist Connection (CAC): What brought you to NYC, and where did you come from?
Stephen Lyons (SL): I am originally from West Chester, PA.  In summer 2013 I made the decision to move back to New York after being inspired by Once, A New Musical.  I was very much excited by that type of show and the storytelling.  I was living in Philadelphia at the time when I saw a friend of mine in the Broadway production.  I moved to the city and met one of my bandmates at an open mic who happened to be working on 'Once' and knew our mutual friend and we formed the band Bonfire Falls.
CAC: How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist? What do you see as your personal mission as a Catholic working in the arts?
SL: "Give beauty, give beauty back to God" (Gerard Manley Hopkins).  This was the mantra ingrained in my experience at DeSales University by my dear mentor, the late Rev Gerard Schubert, founder of the DeSales University Theatre Department.  To me, it is the responsibility artists have in using their gifts to bring light, refreshment, revelation and hope to the human experience. 
Bono of the Irish rock band U2 has also played a huge impact in my understanding of the responsibility of Christian artists have in advocacy. Oftentimes, especially in this hyper sensitive culture, there is this enticement for despair.  Bono encapsulates it in U2's song "Every Breaking Wave": 
"baby every dog on the street / knows that we're in love with defeat / are we ready to be swept off our feet / and stop chasing every breaking wave."  
To me, that line is about the journey toward faith, hardwired hope under the strata of despair circulating in the frequencies of social media.  
Faith is a garden.  It is a quiet place in an inner city neighborhood waiting for discovery, for someone to walk in, connect and lend a hand.  It is a response to beauty waiting for us to cultivate and reflect back to God.   
CAC: Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?
SL: Through the Catholic Artists Connection network.  The daily postings, reflections, opportunities and encouragement have been helpful in understanding your relationship to your work and the greater community of Catholic artists.
CAC: Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?
SL: The Our Lady of Harlem Artist House has allowed me the ability to pursue my music and acting career.  Without this community, without this support, I'm not sure I'd be here.  I had gone through a personal hardship which effected me both financially, emotionally and spiritually.  The support network of my housemates has given me the strength to get through a very difficult time and help me get on my feet again.  Our unique house of artists of different disciplines has been a special grace.  
I would also like to draw special attention to Cole Matson who has a very special gift of vision.  He blends that unique skillset of an academic, intellectual, humanist and love for artists that defines what should be the model for New Evangelization, a kind soul who is always positive, and encouraging artists.  He himself as an artist and visionary is a tremendous gift to the New York City Catholic Artist Community.  
CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
SL: I attend St. Malachy's, The Actor's Chapel.  Candlelight is an important aspect to prayer and meditation.  I have a very strong memory of votive candles and colors from a young age.  It is a quiet, peaceful important part of meditation and prayer.  "Be still and see that I am God." Ps 46:10  The smell the look of flickering fire (the Holy Fire) which has a simple power.  
Also minor rant: can I just say I like St. Malachy's because they use REAL candles and not those fake push button jobs!  Completely defeats the purpose. 
CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find artistic fulfillment?
SL: As far as artistic fulfillment, I belong to the Writer's Room (Open Mic) which is an extremely supportive and nurturing space to showcase new music and network with other musicians.  I also belong to Actor's Launchpad which provides monthly coaching for film / tv / networking and they also offer free self-taping for auditions.  
Harlem is a huge place of inspiration for me right now creatively.  It is going through a complex change.  The African American experience has informed my faith in a powerful way. There is such a deep music and cultural history here that resonates with me both on a spiritual and creative level.  There is a lot of complexity here as well as soul.  
I also get inspired by our community garden, Mandela Garden.  It is the only wildflower garden in Manhattan and boasts 30 different species of wildflower no longer found in the city.  People underestimate the power of gardens, of working with the earth.  There is both a physiological and psychological thing that happens when you work in a Garden.  It causes you to think differently about the World around you and how you think.  It’s also a nexus in this neighborhood where the community can come together.  Sadly, our garden is in danger of being developed, but we are fighting in court.  
CAC: How have you found or built community as a Catholic artist living in NYC?
SL: Participating in monthly Mass, activity with members of Our Lady of Harlem House, and attending events through Catholic Artist Connection.
CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice? Where do you like to go on retreat?
SL: In my morning prayer, I thank God for the gift of life, the gift of the day.  I pray for the loved ones in my life and the Grace to be attentive to their needs.   I'm also focused on direct intentions, what I hope to achieve through God's Grace praying an 'Our Father,' 'Hail Mary,' and then speaking the intention 10 times. I pray 'Jesus I trust in you' 10 times as well, surrendering all to God and concluding with a Glory Be.   
During the course of the day I pray for people I meet along the way.  If i see someone in despair or homeless for example I will say an 'Our Father' or 'Hail Mary.’  I try to be conscious of seeing Christ in everyone I come in contact with.
In the evening I may pray rosary or recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy which is one of my favorite prayers.  I pray for family and friends and I remember the souls of family and friends who've died.  
Honestly, I have not done a whole lot of retreats because of budget.  I tend to go to quiet beautiful places.  There are some beautiful hiking trails and spots in Pennsylvania where I grew up I like to go to.  Landscape informs my songwriting a great deal.  I generally like to get lost in the country.
CAC: What is your daily artistic practice? And what are your recommendations to other artists for practicing their craft daily?
SL: Generally I try to carve out 1 - 2 hours a day of songwriting.  I understand some artists force themselves to write at such and such a time each and every day, but that's never worked for me.  Often, it comes unexpectedly.  
To quote Martha Graham: 
It is not your business to determine how good it (your creative expression) is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. 
I try to be present to the World around me, to look for God in the face of His children every day in the World, to see where injustice or acts of courage are happening.  Creativity most be allowed to flow it is your response to your daily existence.  Journaling sometimes helps.  For me I also will record melodic or lyric ideas on my voice memos or notes on my iPhone during the day. Oftentimes in my songwriting I'm searching for a vocal line.  It begins with a vocal improvisation with 'non-sense' words until the feeling of the vocal and the chord structure starts to drive a narrative.  
CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.
SL: Every time I get to rehearse with my bandmates (Bonfire Falls).  I've never been part of a group of incredible, giving, supportive group of musicians and songwriters in my life.  Each time we are in the room, there is an incredible energy of diversity in thinking, feeling and creative expression.  It is the ultimate example of how a band can create outcomes you never thought possible.  Each one of us contributes in powerful ways.  There is a 'Yes And' mindset always present.  There is a flow that happens, an almost heightened intuition.  
CAC: You actually live in NYC? How!?
SL: I had been sublet hopping for about a year when Emily Snyder (Turn to Flesh Productions) introduced me to Cole Matson, who was looking to pull together a group of Catholic artists.  Cole had asked me to check out an apartment in Harlem.  When I got out of the 125th Station at Lenox Ave there was a teen gospel choir singing on the corner.  It was a group from Vy Higgensen's Gospel For Teens which focuses on preserving the art form of Gospel to young people.  I had been going through a very difficult year and when I saw that it was a kind of grace that this was the right place at the right time.  Catholic Artist Connection also provides a great network for finding housing. 
CAC: But seriously, how do you make a living in NYC?
SL: This is the pain for every artist.  I had been working in a full time job when I moved back to New York in 2013.  I have a background in sales and marketing, and leadership development, but it was taking up too much of my time and energy.  I had made the decision to leave that company and go back to my music and acting career. 
Resources for actors I've found very helpful: Actors Access, Backstage, Playbill, Casting Networks, Casting Frontier to name a few.  
I do a lot of catering because it’s flexible work. JitJatJo is a great new staffing app for people in food service.  Gigmor.com is great for gigging musicians.
CAC: What are your top pieces of advice for Catholic artists moving to NYC?
SL: I wish I had the Catholic Artist Connection when I first graduated college and moved to New York.  Your faith is what sustains you, knowing that you have a community of fellow Catholic artists is so important to learning and dealing with the city.  If you are deeply sensitive or highly intuitive you need to be aware of how the city will affect you.  I'm one of those types and for many years I didn't quite understand how to handle it.  Highly intuitive or feeling people experience the world in a much more deeper level than many.  It’s what makes us powerful artists.  It is a strength, not a weakness, but sometimes you need to protect that sensitivity.  New York will give you skin, but you have to be patient. 
It is important to stay grounded in your faith and connecting with a support network.  Seek out spiritual direction and understand that the city will push you to grow.  Look to volunteer or help those in need.  Find a garden.  
Be patient with yourself and give it at least a year.  That first year can be brutal.
Second piece of advice I'd share is find flexible work that won't drive you INSANE.  Too much sitting at a desk will sap your energy and your creative spirit.  If you can teach something on the side DO THAT!  
Also catering is fantastic.  It keeps you moving and they feed you. It’s flexible. Great way to save money and also network with other artists.  Did I mention networking?  Take classes.  Networking is so so so important!!  Actor's Connection, Actor's Launchpad, The Growing Studio, check Backstage for other resources.  
Remember to Love God through the work you do by loving humanity - be conscious of becoming too in the World.  If you're an actor pray to St. Genesius.  Align your intentions with the One who made you out of Love.  
"Give beauty back, beauty, beauty, beauty, back to God beauty's self and beauty's giver."
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unctech-blog · 5 years
Jitjatjo raises $11 million to match service and hospitality businesses with temp workers
For More Visit : Read More Best Tech Blog : Tech-on-news.blogspot.com
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megajonnynastor · 4 years
509: Trusting Yourself and Staying Focused | Tim Chatfield
Get 3 months of payroll, benefits admin, and more — totally free at gusto.com/hack
You can either download the blueprint for free or sign up for the mass traffic blueprint course which at the moment is a huge 94% off! Go to masstrafficsecrets.com/specialoffer
Tim Chatfield is an advocate for the sharing economy, savvy executive, and an entrepreneur.
He was born in Australia, spent several years starting his career, before spending almost five years in Singapore as CEO of Viocorp.
In mid-2016, with his 3-year-old daughter and wife – who was seven months pregnant at the time – moved to New York City to launch his company Jitjatjo. Now four years later, JitJatJo is a marketplace and platform leveraging artificial intelligence to instantly and accurately match hospitality businesses with vetted industry workers on demand.
2020 and all that has thrown at us has caused all businesses to adapt and change to the new normals as they come, and JitJatJo's place within the hospitality industry exacerbated their need to adapt and change quickly.
Now, let's hack...
Tim Chatfield.
Check out this episode!
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Staffing startups discover their fates connected to the businesses they serve
Wonolo co-founders Yong Kim and Jeremy Burton.
This story is available exclusively on Organisation Insider Prime. Join BI Prime and start reading now.
Wonolo CEO Yong Kim said organisation initially fell throughout the pandemic, however an increase in need for vital organisations stabilized his business.
These business also have a hard time with a company model that needs sending out short-lived staffers from workplace to work environment while public health standards recommend lessening contact with large numbers of other individuals.
Check out Organisation Expert’s homepage for more stories
Apps that match temp workers with short-staffed businesses like restaurants, hotels, and warehouses comprised a burgeoning tech classification prior to the coronavirus break out began emerging in the United States. Now, the startups that produced those apps might be living or dying along with business they serve.
” Business has actually been tough,” stated Thor Wood, CEO of SnapShyft, which matches workers with open shifts at dining establishments and hotels in the Midwest.
Staffing startups serve a range of markets that count on temp workers to fill shifts when organisation spikes past regular capacity, or irreversible employees are out sick. Restaurants, hotels, and warehouses all utilize these platforms. Contract employees tap the staffing apps to pick up shifts washing meals, laundering clothing, moving cages, or performing a host of other tasks.
For staffing startups that assist services impacted by government closure orders to combat the pandemic, the decline in demand has been devastating.
” Company for us has actually dipped to the most affordable of the lows,” stated Tim Chatfield, CEO of Jitjatjo, a New York City-based start-up that services the city area’s vaunted dining scene.
” We were on a trajectory to quickly scale geographically,” Chatfield stated. “We have actually pulled that all back at the moment.”
Now Chatfield runs Jitjatjo via video talks from a “command center” in his house’s bedroom. His bed is concealed by a black drape, and a customized purple neon indication hangs over his head, reading “#hirehospitality.” He keeps a TV running close by so he can remain on top of the headings, as the future of his business rides on the current news updates about the spread of the infection and regional health regulations determining whether his staff members can work or not.
” We’re dealing with something that is actually, really tough in that the knowledge around it is developing on a hourly basis,” Chatfield said. “And we’ve got people spread out throughout multiple markets, each with different guidelines.”
” Believe about all the supply chain services that are in the supply chain, or logistics-related for consumers,” Kim said.
Business that dispatch short-lived staffers must grapple with the truth that their core company activity can run contrary to current public health assistance on slowing the spread of coronavirus.
Wood stated he frets that even after organisation closure orders lift, workers will hesitate to continue using the apps out of worry for their own security.
Here are a few of the leading startups in the staffing app market:
San Francisco-based Pared was launched in 2015 and now runs in cities on both coasts and the midwest. Unlike numerous other apps in the exact same category, Pared focuses solely on discovering shifts for food employees. Pared has actually been used by regional restaurants and big names like Pizza Hut and McDonalds.
Instawork is frequently cast as a competitor to Pared. Both released in San Francisco in 2015 and now run in cities across the nation. Unlike Pared, Instawork helps employees find shifts in markets outside of food-related work, including warehouse gigs and shipment jobs.
Indianapolis-based SnapShyft was established in 2016 and now provides shifts for food and event employees. The start-up opened a second office in San Francisco in 2015 to recruit leading skill.
The Bay Area’s Wonolo was established in 2013, an early entry in the category. Wonolo helps organisations find temp workers for a broad series of services, consisting of storage facility work, food production, cleaning, and administrative positions. Wonolo claims high-profile corporate customers like Coca-Cola, Papa Johns, and style seller Uniqlo.
New York City City-based Jitjatjo was established in 2016 and links workers to shifts at the city’s restaurants. Unlike lots of other start-ups in this category, Jitjatjo’s more than 10,000 employees are staff members of the business, not professionals. CEO Tim Chatfield said that business has actually been way down considering that the pandemic hit New York City. Jitjattjo has since rotated to using disinfection services.
Chicago’s Shiftgig was founded in 2012 and very first focused on linking local companies to temp employees prior to changing into a SaaS service that assists staffing agency workers find gigs. Shiftgig is utilized by nationwide staffing firms consisting of LGC Hospitality and The Task Center.
Qwick was founded in 2017 in Scottsdale, Arizona and has expanded to 8 significant cities throughout the country, including Phoenix, Dallas, San Diego, Atlanta, and New York City. Qwick is focused on finding shifts for food workers and event catering services.
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COVID-19 Startups Wonolo Instawork
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/staffing-startups-discover-their-fates-connected-to-the-businesses-they-serve/
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incardvisitanpic · 5 years
Spotted: New Logo and Identity for Jitjatjo by B-Reel added to card visit anpic on the In card visit Anpic Trello board by In Card Visit Anpic https://trello.com/c/Keo3SBVA In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic
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innhanmacanpic-love · 5 years
@inbaobianpic : Spotted: New Logo and Identity for Jitjatjo by B-Reel https://t.co/Bfqqzp4mAN https://t.co/KiIkhyt47L https://t.co/i1iIM8HnIS https://t.co/TZYIDcnSgg In Ấn Anpic 0963223884 In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic
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intoroianpic · 5 years
In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic
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autosocialanpic · 5 years
via Brand New https://www.facebook.com/pg/In-nhãn-mác-Anpic-104253664262725 https://twitter.com/inbaobianpic https://intoroianpic.tumblr.com https://trello.com/incardvisitanpic https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zy8Z4JxIALCuIwsh53pyv78e3ybn0EX9 In ấn Anpic
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peoplecapitalhr · 5 years
AI Staffing Platform, Jitjatjo Receives $11 Million in Series A Funding Round
#ICYMI: http://dlvr.it/R1fL0y
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deandacosta · 5 years
Online staffing platform Jitjatjo raises $11 million
@deandacosta http://dlvr.it/R1YmBr
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alfredrserrano · 5 years
This week in NYC funding news: Rent the Runway, Glossier, Splice, Rory
Jitjatjo, Unite Us and Fetcher also raised capital.
from Fort Lauderdale Real Estate News & Residential Real Estate News - Residential Real Estate News Headlines | Bizjournals.com & Banking & Financial News - Banking & Financial News Headlines | Bizjournals.com http://feeds.bizjournals.com/~r/industry_2/~3/yx2crnNVDCA/this-week-in-nyc-funding-news-rent-the-runway.html via
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vincenzabartl · 7 years
This New, Easy To Use App -- The "Uber" Of Staffing -- Could Revolutionize The Hospitality Industry
The new Jitjatjo hospitality staffing app is user-friendly and efficient. It currently serves New York City but has global aspirations. from Forbes Real Time https://www.forbes.com/sites/ninaroberts/2017/10/26/this-new-easy-to-use-app-the-uber-of-staffing-could-revolutionize-the-hospitality-industry/ via IFTTT
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ormlacom · 7 years
AI will simplify talent acquisition
Something every woman should know - WHY MEN LIE!
Recruiters vet thousands of applications and conduct hundreds of interviews each year. This process generates an absurd amount of data that can be difficult for the average human to handle. Modern recruiters are very talented, but they inevitably miss employee placements due to human error in data collection and processing.
Almost half of recruiters — 46 percent — say the most challenging part of their job is identifying the right candidates from a large applicant pool. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have the potential to change the game by radically improving applicant vetting and intelligently matching candidates with jobs.
Streamlining temp role fulfillment
Nearly all (96 percent) senior HR professionals believe that AI technology has the potential to enhance talent acquisition and retention. With AI capabilities, recruiters can be better equipped to harness massive amounts of data from résumés, skill assessments, and employment history forms to identify the best available candidate for each job placement.
AI would drastically improve applicant/job matchmaking for recruiters hiring for temporary positions. Typically, hospitality managers and recruiters have a Rolodex of prospective bartenders, bussers, waiters, dishwashers, etc. who run the gamut of front and back house staff. But who is the right candidate available at the required time to work each job? Making that determination on a large scale is nearly impossible without AI and sufficient data points around the talent pool.
To effectively leverage AI, recruiting companies must first create datasets that record candidate attributes and continuously update this data. Essentially, a data-powered profile that includes a candidate’s background could be uploaded into the system. The background would provide important details like the candidate’s skillset, preferences, location, employment history, availability, and feedback from previous temp employers.
Temp recruiters would need to assign individuals who lack extensive work history to work different jobs to develop a dataset. Ultimately, the goal would be to get as much data on individual jobs and temp employees as possible so AI could analyze the data and recommend the best candidate for a job.
These capabilities would resemble the AI technology that Netflix, Amazon, and other services currently employ. However, instead of recommending the best movie or product to purchase, the system would put forward the ideal employee for a client based on past selection history. In our case at Jitjatjo, our proprietary AI would identify and assign the best available bartender or waiter to work a shift at one of the 600+ hospitality venues we service in New York City.
Analyzing employee strengths
AI’s potential goes beyond simply matching companies with candidates. This innovative technology will enable recruiters to assess the most punctual, experienced, and well-rounded workers. It would also be capable of identifying the employees who are most apt to work on a tight turnaround. This would allow recruiters to personalize every placement based on the client’s needs.
This process is similar to how marketers leverage datasets from Google, Facebook, and Twitter to tailor their campaigns to specific consumers. Down the road, I believe we’ll start seeing more companies share this data through open APIs. This will allow recruiters to get a more in-depth analysis of their applicants. Right now, artificial intelligence is just scratching the surface of the recruiting industry.
Looking forward
We’ve seen an uptick in groundbreaking technology in the recruitment space over the past couple years. For example, FirstJob unveiled its recruitment automation bot, Mya, to automate as much as 75 percent of the recruiting process for startups and Fortune 500 companies alike. Additionally, JobBot is creatively leveraging AI to assess and rank candidates, then book their interviews.
Leaning on AI and machine learning to screen candidates will leave recruiters with more time to accomplish important tasks like communicating with prospective applicants. Have you ever applied or interviewed for a job and never heard back? Over 45 percent of job applicants never hear back from an employer, which is disheartening for talented candidates and ultimately hurts companies’ reputations in the long run.
Thanks to the evolution of technology, that percentage should decrease over time. As more companies integrate machine learning into their daily processes, recruiters will have free time to make better quality hires and, at the very least, provide talented candidates with a valuable and fulfilling recruitment experience.
Tim Chatfield is the chief executive officer and cofounder of Jitjatjo, an AI-powered temporary staffing app that provides New York City’s restaurants, bars, venues, and caterers with the ability to hire on-demand workers to remedy last-minute call-outs, increased demand, and additional events.
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deandacosta · 5 years
Online staffing platform Jitjatjo raises $11 million
@deandacosta http://dlvr.it/R1M9Hd
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peoplecapitalhr · 5 years
AI Staffing Platform, Jitjatjo Receives $11 Million in Series A Funding Round
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