simpingforclaudette · 30 days
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I watched Abigail a few days ago. And it's already been a while since the movie came out.
Soo.. am I the only one that ships Joey & Lazar? Like deadass, I have yet seen anyone talk about them??
I was going crazy for THAT scene 😭
-There was a brief moment where she looked captivated by him when he kissed her hand.
- The way he looks at her when he went to kiss her hand.
- The eye contact!!
- The size difference of their hands!! man's got BIG hands (matthew is 6'2 yall)
- I just know Lazar lowkey was a bit jealous of Joey and Abigail's bond.
- Judging from her stance, Abigail was ready to throw hands with her own father to protect Joey.
- So yeah, he was shooked by this revelation and so, him kissing Joey's hand was probably a sign of respect and appreciation for her kindness towards his daughter.
Mostly respect, though. She did, for a moment, almost turned his own daughter against him. Judging from his reaction, this probably never happened before. I definitely see him changing his ways and starts being with Abigail more often.
Anyway, so yeah, Lazar and Joey have so many potential storylines. I could see Lazar grew curious and maybe even a sense of.. longing. He wanted to know about her more.
- It could be Lazar starting to care for Joey through discreetly supporting her financially. Maybe he pays for her meds, her son's school, etc.
-It could be Lazar offering her a job within his empire.
-It could be about Abigail missing Joey one day. And Abigail's birthday is coming soon. So Lazar, being a dad that he is, invites Joey to the party.
Plisss yall anyone with a writing skill of a god, pliss write something about these two 😭 I'm losing my mind.
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blackwolfstabs · 1 month
Would You Tell Her I Did My Side of the Dance? - Chapter I
Lazar couldn’t trust his daughter anymore, and because of that, he was going to make her earn it back or die. Lord of her fate, he cursed her at dusk. He stripped her of her vampire essence—everything that made her a killer with a lust for blood and sadistic pleasure. Her fangs, speed, strength, agility, everything that made her capable, with the exception of her superhuman senses of hearing and smell, was gone. She was just a 12-year-old girl now, defenseless and powerless to a cold-hearted master that held her life in his hands. “You have 3 days to prove yourself worthy of the divine life I’ve given to you, or else I will drain you myself.” That was his word, and now there were 66 hours left for her to achieve or defy it. How was she supposed to do it on her own, without having her abilities? How was she supposed to prove herself a vampire without being one? This was a set-up, a trap, a game that he’d created just to leave her hopeless in the end. He was going to kill her regardless, she knew that. She also knew that the only way to win this bet was to kill him.  A life for a life? She was no match for him now, so she knew she was going to have to have help.  And she knew exactly who she wanted to go to.
fandom: Abigail (2024)
characters: Abigail, Joey, Caleb, Kristof Lazar, Frank, Sammy, Rickles (mentioned), Caleb's father
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characters: Abigail, Lazar, Caleb, & Joey
It was through the window that she left. She slipped through the small opening she made and fled. It was an hour before dawn. Her father would be back soon. Six hours had gone by from when the bet started. She hadn’t known what it was like to have her life played with until this night, and by her own flesh and blood. Kristof Lazar had hated her, more than he ever had after she’d let her last victim go. 
Joey had walked away with her life and her humanity, bloodied, bruised, and torn up, but not dead. 
Abigail’s chances at love were gone. She hadn’t been the same vampire since she met Joey, especially letting her go. She no longer killed for fun, just when necessary. She doesn’t play with her food, rather she minds how she makes a kill. 
Lazar couldn’t trust his daughter anymore, and because of that, he was going to make her earn it back or die. Lord of her fate, he cursed her at dusk. He stripped her of her vampire essence—everything that made her a killer with a lust for blood and sadistic pleasure. Her fangs, speed, strength, agility, everything that made her capable, with the exception of her superhuman senses of hearing and smell, was gone. She was just a 12-year-old girl now, defenseless and powerless to a cold-hearted master that held her life in his hands.
“You have 3 days to prove yourself worthy of the divine life I’ve given to you, or else I will drain you myself.”
That was his word, and now there were 66 hours left for her to achieve or defy it. How was she supposed to do it on her own, without having her abilities? How was she supposed to prove herself a vampire without being one? This was a set-up, a trap, a game that he’d created just to leave her hopeless in the end. He was going to kill her regardless, she knew that. She also knew that the only way to win this bet was to kill him. 
A life for a life?
She was no match for him now, so she knew she was going to have to have help. 
And she knew exactly who she wanted to go to.
Some would say it was her dog or guardian angel, some would say it was the one that got away or a stray. But she didn’t want anyone else as she heard her own words replay in her head.
‘ “See you around, Joey.” ’
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It had been 6 months since Caleb had been reunited with his mother, and he would tell anyone that he’d never been happier than to be back with her. When he’d heard the voice message she’d left him, it scared him to death. He didn’t know why she’d sent it or where she was when she had, but he could hear in her voice that she wasn’t sure if she’d ever see him again. He had taken that to heart and nearly fell apart at the thought. 
He had never blamed her for leaving, just missed her and wondered why. He thought it might’ve been something he did or that she didn’t love him as much as she once did. He thought she’d lost interest. Not to mention, the things his father would say about her were tempting, but he always told himself that wasn’t his mother. His mother was the most beautiful, strongest, and loving woman in the world. So, when she showed up at his school 24 hours after she’d left that voice message, he knew it was true.
There were two things he’d never forget that she’d told him. The first one was when she said that he was the one good thing she did in her life. The second one was when she told him that leaving him with his father on a cold, winter night and having to walk away while he cried for her was the hardest thing she’d ever done. He couldn’t imagine that kind of pain for her, because he was too young to understand the things she still kept from him; however, he knew how great of a sacrifice she’d made. 
He loved her like she never left, and she loved him like every day was the last she’d see him. If anything were to ever happen to her, he’d be lost forever, and if anything ever happened to him, he knew she wouldn’t be able to live.
But it was all over now, and while he never found out what the circumstances were that made her call him and leave that message, they were back together again, so there was nothing to worry about. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Would it?
3:45 PM came around on the sunny Thursday afternoon, and Caleb sent his daily text message to his mother to let her know that he was on his way home. He beat the buses out of the bus circle and stalked the sidewalk to the end of the car line, where there was nothing but him and the way home. His phone buzzed. He knew who it was, but like the ritual to send the message out, he always read to the response he received. 
‘Okay, be careful. I love you.’
She always told him she loved him; she never failed to text it, say it, or show it.
Even though he didn’t recognize the voice that said his name, instinct had him dropping his phone and turning around anyway. “Yeah?” He came face to face with someone new.
It was a girl. She looked his age, but he’d never seen her before. She wasn���t wearing what was expected of junior high, but she didn’t look lost either. She had long, straight brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean, bright yet deep, like they hid many lives. She was pale, thin, and almost looking as if she was from another era in time. However, it was her expression that made Caleb push everything else aside. She looked scared and hopeful at the same time, silently pleading for him to speak to her. 
She was desperate. He knew this because he had watched his mother read many people with her experience as a medic. She had told him what to look for in a person and how to depict what they’re feeling just by a glance. 
“Um… Hi. Do you need something?”
The girl didn’t move, nor look away. In fact, she took a step closer, as if what she was about to say wasn’t something she was supposed to be sharing out loud. “I know your mom, and I really need to talk to her,” she told him, barely even blinking to show that she was serious and didn’t have much time. So, before he could ask any more questions, she blocked them, “I know it’s weird and you don’t know who I am, but I met your mom a while ago, Ana Lucia Cruz? I can’t explain right now, but might I walk with you? I just need to ask her something.”
Caleb blinked at her. She didn’t look harmless, but he had to admit that it was a bit weird for her to just show up and want to talk to his mother. Maybe she was a patient or something? Somebody that his mom had helped patch up or given advice to? “Oh, o-okay… Yeah, I guess that’s fine.” He gave a short gesture over his shoulder, “We’re not that far from my house. Should be about a 10 minute walk.”
The girl just nodded and leapt to catch up with him, matching his step as he continued down the sidewalk. 
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Abigail,” she answered.
“I guess my mom told you about me, when you met her? How’d you guys meet? She’s never mentioned you before.”
It was obvious that he had no clue who she was, which meant Joey had never talked about her. She couldn’t tell if that was a good or a bad thing, though. Obviously, it was good, because knowing she was a vampire who’d tried to kill his mother probably would’ve scared the hell out of him. However, because he didn’t know, her bet on Joey’s help against her father was going to be even more difficult to try and achieve. She may be out of her character right now, but she was still smart enough to play things safe. “It’s kind of a long story,” she summed it up, “Not really worth talking about though.” She made sure to add a soft chuckle at the end of her words to cover up any potential suspicion.
Luckily, he didn’t push the issue, just moved on to the next question. “What grade are you in? You don’t go to my school, right? ‘Cause I haven’t seen you around.”
“No, I’m homeschooled,” she lied. Hopefully he wouldn’t push for her grade level again, because the fuck if she knew. 
Caleb nodded. “I always wondered what being homeschooled is like. Is it fun? Do you have any brothers or sisters, or is it just you? That’d be really lonely, if it was just you, but then if it was just you…”
As he went on, Abigail’s sense of smell became sharp, very sharp. She’d tracked Caleb down, because she knew Joey’s scent and because they lived together, her scent was faint on him. Not to mention, his was similar to hers, because of him being her biological son. However, the closer they got to their destination, the stronger Joey’s scent became to her. But it was different. It was still sweet, strong, and calming, but there was an underlying smell that she couldn’t quite make-out. One that wasn’t there before, even through all of the blood, fear, and sweat. 
This was new, and even though her vampire abilities were gone, her instincts had adapted over the centuries. And that adaption was flipping through the countless possibilities that would be so pungent to a vampire. It was when they actually got onto the street that she finally posed the question, interrupting Caleb’s one-sided conversation about the differences between homeschooling and brick-and-mortar schooling.
“Do you have a dog, Caleb?”
He paused and glanced over with a confused expression. “A dog?” Then, he shook his head, “No, we don’t have a dog. Why?”
She just shook her head, and luckily, Caleb veered into a driveway, so there wasn’t time to ask any more questions. 
He paused a few steps up. “Do you wanna come in, or do you want me to ask my mom to come out?”
Suddenly, Abigail felt an uneasy sensation stir inside of her. Her heart started to beat faster, and she didn’t feel as confident as she normally did. Her stomach felt weird, so much so that her—she guessed it was her long-lost human side—made her swallow back the sensation of it creeping up into her throat. She was nervous, something she hadn’t felt in ages. Literally. Apparently, she was quiet for too long, because he followed-up with:
“That’s okay. Just stay right here, I’ll go get her.” He didn’t waste another second to trot up to the front door and let himself in, his voice fading with the swinging of the door shutting. “Hey, Mom?! A girl named Abigail… ”
It wasn’t even a minute later before Abigail could hear the heartbeat of the person she sought out. She kept her eyes on the front door. Joey’s heartbeat was fast and hard, adrenaline taking the upper hand over fear, by far. Her scent was stronger than Caleb’s now, and the strange one that she’d detected came with it. She caught a brief shadow that was replaced with a figure as Joey stepped out of the house and shut the door behind her. She looked the same as she did 6 months ago. Her hair was a little longer, but she still looked stronger than sin. “Hi, Joey.”
The woman came down the couple of stairs and stalked down the driveway to meet her. “Abigail, what are you doing here?” However, she stopped immediately, when she realized that the girl was standing in direct sunlight and perfectly fine. She found youthful blue eyes and drew the confusion to attention. “How are you—?”
“Because I’m not a vampire anymore,” Abigail explained. “Not now…” She could see the other hesitate, which made her take another step towards her. “My father cursed me. He said I have to prove myself worthy in three days, or else he’ll kill me.” Standing face-to-face with the one person who’d ever given her some sort of hope at having a second chance, the emotions she normally had to facade came naturally. And it was strange, but it convinced her that she really was human. “But I can’t do it alone… I don’t know how…”
Joey could see the restored humanity in her before she had to see the glistening tears flush her lower eyelids. 
But her silence made Abigail's hope start to crack, and she couldn’t hold back the quiver in her voice. “You don’t believe me…”
“No, I do,” Joey quickly corrected her with a nod. “I believe you.”
The girl’s voice dropped to barely above a whisper, “I don’t care about being a vampire, I just…”
“You don’t wanna die.”
She hesitated for a moment. That sounded selfish, but when you got right down to it, what didn’t? Selfishness was a human trait, greed was a vampire’s. “I just want a second chance… To be good. That’s why he cursed me; it’s because he thinks I’m too soft now. I don’t hunt or kill the same way, and that’s just made him hate me even more, and—”
She didn’t realize she had started crying, until Joey was kneeling in front of her wiping away her tears. She quickly—almost instinctively—took a step back and pulled herself together, “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be,” Joey answered. When the girl just continued to try and dry her eyes, she spoke again. “ Hey. ” Ocean eyes pierced into hers as they finally caught a glimpse of the sunlight never seen before from the demon inside. And it brought them both back to that night, 6 months ago.
“Hey… I’m not gonna let him hurt you. But I need you to tell me what he said.”
Now, back then Joey didn’t know Abigail was a vampire, nor was she talking about Kristof Lazar. But the sincerity was the same. Abigail wanted a second chance, the same chance that she’d given her when she let her leave the mansion alive. She’d stood up to her father and insinuated her compassion for the former medic, all in an act of willful mercy. Because of that, there was no hesitation for Joey to do the same.
“We’ll do it together,” she assured the younger, “I’m not gonna let you take him alone, and I’m not gonna let him hurt you.”
The parallels were unparalleled.
Abigail just blinked at her. As relieved as she wanted to be and as she thought she would be, she couldn’t breathe. It felt too easy, like there were strings attached, not by Joey, necessarily, but by her father lurking in the shadows somewhere. Watching her every move… And planning his own, all in the same. 
So, just like the first time, Joey raised her left hand and put her pinky finger out. “I promise.”
And a smaller pinky finger wrapped around hers like a lock and key. 
Maybe it was nostalgia or maybe it was the security from the connection, but this pinky promise had Abigail bringing back her sense of playfulness. “Anyone ever tell you that a vampire’s promise lives forever, just like them?”
So, the other played along, too. “Anyone ever tell you that a lifetime has no hold on a dog?”
The girl actually managed a small giggle. “Is this your way of telling me that you’re a werewolf?” she then asked. She’d figured it out the moment Joey had touched her cheek. Her body temperature was much higher than it had been 6 months ago.
Joey shrugged, “If that’s your way of telling me that I didn’t need to tell you, because you already knew.” That’s when she returned her own smile, “I mean, you seemed to know everything else.”
They then broke their swear, and Joey stood up from her crouched position. “We’re gonna figure it out, okay?” This must’ve made Abigail snap back into the present, because she could sense her uneasiness and… fear. So, that called for the next order of business… keeping it normal and taking it one step at a time. First was making sure Abigail knew she was safe with her, and then she’d have to figure out what to say or how to explain the situation to Caleb. “Come on,” the werewolf jerked her head as a gesture, “My house isn’t much, but you’re welcome to stay. I don’t think you have anywhere to go, do you?”
Like she expected, the other shook her head. “I don’t mind,” she dismissed the ‘my house isn’t much’ comment. “Thank you.”
And history kept repeating itself. “No problem,” Joey replied, and turned to lead the way back into the house. She didn’t know how this was all going to happen. Truth be told, she’d hoped she’d never find herself in another traumatic arena with urban legends and carnage, but she never thought she’d actually be an urban legend either, so shame on her for hoping. 
As calm and level-headed as she’d seemed taking Abigail in and taking up whatever this was—a challenge, a favor, a test—she knew she had just invited a neon red target to be slapped on top of herself as well as her son. She already knew she’d do her best to keep Caleb out of this, but knowing Lazar, he would know some part of all this. And it wasn’t a secret to assume that he would try his luck in using Caleb as bait, a hostage, or controlling component. 
What the fuck did she just get herself into?
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a.n. looking forward to getting the characters more "into character" in the upcoming chapters!! I know this one was kind of bleh because it's an introductory chapter
@simpingforclaudette @atcarpenter let me know if you'd like to be tagged for updates on this fic!
All my best! 🩶
- parker (BWS)
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writing-rat · 19 days
Surprise Visits
Pairings: Abigail and Joey, Joey and Caleb, Abigail and Caleb
Content: Fluff, Abigail just wants to see Joey, mentions of addiction
Summary: Abigail decides to check on Joey to see if she stays sober but also for more reasons...
WC: 1022
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Leaning against the wall, Ana sighed. She was a chef at a restaurant and she did love the job, sure, but it was stressful. She had finished her shift so she changed into a pair of jeans, a random band t-shirt that was long sleeved and a jacket. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She needed a break from walking home, Caleb would be home soon. Admittedly the mother was ashamed she was smoking again. Caleb had found it immediately about the cigarettes as Joey told him before he would find out himself. There were no secrets between them. 
The reason she was smoking now was because she flitted between 2 different addictions. Nicotine and sugar. She felt ashamed about it but she was intent on staying sober. In fact, she had made a promise to Abigail about it, or her life would be ruined. Abigail had threatened it after all. “You really shouldn’t smoke Joey,” a voice called out, the voice of a little girl. 
“Yeah, well the sugar addiction is ruining me right now so might as well go for nicotine,” Joey hummed. 
“It doesn’t taste good,” Abigail frowned, walking out as she wanted the younger woman to stop smoking. She leaned next to her.
“Well, you won’t bite me,” Joey retorted with a smirk. Abigail smirked and nodded. 
“That’s true,” the girl spoke, looking at Joey with observant eyes. 
“So how did you find me?” the woman asked, smoking as she was looking at the smaller girl, well, woman she should say. She was centuries years old though.
“You didn’t think the Lazar family wouldn’t track you anymore? Well, I did. It was to see if you could stay sober. Since I can’t watch you constantly… have you?” she asked, looking at the woman with a glare. “And I will know if you lie to me,” she added.
“I have stayed sober. Caleb has accepted me after all,” Joey shrugged before she started to walk, expecting the ballerina vampire to follow her and Abigail did. 
“Good,” was all she said.
Abigail proceeded to follow the woman to her house. “Why are you following?” Joey asked curiously as she unlocked the door and walked in, Abigail quick to slip in. “Caleb will be home soon, he knows what I went through and he won’t hesitate to protect me,” she added.
“I know he will be. I just want to be with you though. You are an interesting human to me. Never have I ever let one go so I will keep checking on you,” Abigail spoke with a smile that made her seem innocent. Joey sighed and nodded as she was closing the door. 
“Can you eat human food?” Joey asked as she was getting some bread and some canned hotdog sausages out. She was instinctively treating Abigail like one of her kids and she didn’t realise.
“No, but I have fed recently so I am fine,” Abigail spoke with that innocent smile. Joey grimaced but she was nodding. 
“Got it,” she spoke as she started to get 2 plates out. 
Eventually, Caleb did come home and he put his bag straight down immediately, not looking so he didn’t see the spare pair of shoes on the floor. “Mom! I’m home,” he called out, expecting her to be in her room. He jumped once he saw her in the kitchen with someone else. “Who’s that?” he asked bluntly, grabbing a cup to get a drink. 
“Honey, you know when I called you and a vampire was hunting me down? Well, the vampire who helped me against him is called Abigail. This is Abigail,” she spoke, trying to be careful with her words to not anger Caleb. Anger was in his eyes. “This is the person who lured and tricked you? And you let her in?” he asked frustrated.
“I simply wanted to make sure she remained sober and she has. I have been watching her but I wanted to hear her confirm it then I decided to follow. I have to go back to Father soon, however,” Abigail explained. Joey nodded. 
“I made a deal to stay clean. She helped me get a job since the Lazar family don’t just control crime. She would help me out with you too, it is all for you, I promise. You are the best thing I’ve ever done so you deserve the best lie,” Joey spoke gently as she checked on the hotdog sausages that were cooking before she went over and hugged him. He was still shocked but he did hug back at least. Abigail just watched with a smile on her face. Ever since the incident she also got more attention and she loved it. She was happy Joey could do the same now with her son.
She was ashamed she wanted a mother figure now, however, and the only person she could think of was Joey. She wanted to hang around her more. What she didn’t realise was that she was walking close as she was lost in her thoughts of how to ask for a motherly figure. Joey and Caleb noticed however as Joey brought an arm out for the girl (well, the woman she thought). Abigail immediately noticed before she awkwardly went over and joined the hug. Joey just smiled as Caleb was hesitant before he finally understood why Joey wanted Abigail around. She was good to only her mom it seemed. “Food should be ready now, we can eat and then watch a film together. All three of us can watch the film since you can’t eat food. As long as your father is ok with it. I don’t want to cross him,” Joey chuckled. Caleb grimaced at the fact Abigail couldn’t eat human food and also the talk of her father. Abigail nodded. “Father wouldn’t mind. He knows I am with you and where you live. May I explore around your house?” Abigail asked. Joey nodded. 
“You can. Just don’t explore the bedrooms,” Joey explained. Abigail nodded before she started to explore.
She was excited to see Joey more.
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axel0715 · 25 days
A very interesting movie
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opentanie · 26 days
If you squeeze hard enough, Abigail (2024) is a Mamma Mia for horror fans
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forafcrtnight · 25 days
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"YOU LOOK AWFULLY BITTER, DAUGHTER. IS SOMETHING THE MATTER?" oh, he knew precisely why she was like that. in fact, it just made him want to smile that it seemed as if his plan had come true. well, that shouldn't have been a surprise, because.. they all did, sooner than later. did they not? oh, absolutely. and she only had herself to blame. she had gone against him, she had attempted to defy him and she needed to be taught a lesson about how the rules worked. didn't she? yes. "seriously. you shouldn't frown so much. might as well get wrinkles and for someone your age, that may be quite the problem, wouldn't you say? anyways, would you perhaps mind getting out of the way? i'm attempting to read." flickering through the pages of his book, paying her little to no mind. he knew she'd be annoyed by that, brat that she was. especially since he had gone after her little friend. oh, well. @demongemz
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Coming back in for a second to say that I made a which Abigail character are you quiz!
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@witchy-weve-monbebe okay but imagine a what if scenario where Frank, Joey, Peter and Sammy (I lowkey forgot what their actual names are 💀) escape and take Abigail with them
Frank 100% hated the fact that there was no money involved. That they all got screwed with and fuck it if he isn’t gonna stick it to Lazar and just take his kid. What does it matter at this point? (Let’s ignore that Lambert was there and called Lazar back)
Joey just wants to protect the girl despite her being a vampire and also because it’s another excuse to avoid going back to her son (not because she wants to but it’s like in the movie: she’s afraid she’s gonna be a shit mom)
Sammy of course joins for the ride just to see how it would play out and convinces Peter to join her in watching it all fall apart
Abigail is definitely an unwilling participant in terms to being a “hostage” but her attempts at killing them lower in intensity the more she spends time with them
(Also I think it’s be lowkey funny that Frank is the only one to really have beef with a 12 year old the more time they all spend together)
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pleasereadmeok · 12 days
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"I think you should leave....It's getting awfully close to dinnertime"
And you look like a nice little appetiser. Love the way Lazar's eyes snap open as he kisses Joey's hand and realises what a tasty snack she might be.
This line - I snort laughed. had everyone laughing in the cinema.
Matthew Goode as Kristof Lazar and Melissa Barrera as Joey in 'Abigail'.
📷 Abigail my edit
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 month
Yeah, I'll be honest with you darlings, I am still swooning over Kristof Lazar's extremely limited (seriously it was just under two minutes) screen time.
I was so ready to be all "right, you listen here, you emotionally deadbeat vamp dad - Abigail, get behind me, and Joey, get the fucking laudanum!" but instead I just melted like an Icy Pole.
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krikeymate · 1 month
A small post-movie introspection with Abigail.
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For the second time, Abigail finds herself transformed.
A body whimpers and writhes beneath her hands, but she finds little joy in the display, mind stuck on the past 24 hours.
She replays it, over and over. Every moment, every detail. It had all been planned out, from each beat to step, a meticulously choreographed performance.
The dance had barely begun when the set began to crumble, and while she would love to rest the blame on her unruly little troupe, she is not her father, and she knows it is her and her alone who must take the fall.
Abigail had miscalculated. Plain and simple.
She thought she knew who she was playing with, she thought she’d had Lambert under her thumb. She’d mistaken a knight for a pawn.
As she feeds, Abigail contemplates these failures. She can admit to them, learn from them. Adapt.
Kristof Lazar, as he’s been calling himself these days, rules through fear and intimidation, a power cultivated from seeds planted in a time so long ago most cannot begin to comprehend its existence.
Abigail doesn’t have that. She’ll never have that.
But tonight, she thinks, tongue lapping at the dying trickle from a now still body, perhaps she has planted a seed of her own.
Joey’s moment of hesitation to leave, to leave her, despite all that had transpired, like a gallant knight waiting for dismissal, injured and scared but oh so ready to stay – it etches itself into her brain, where countless nights and days have flickered by; this one is cemented, another pillar constructed in the ever-expanding home of her psyche.
See you around, Joey.
She’d planted a seed indeed. One she intends to coax into bloom.
Her men are all loyal to her father, but that woman could be hers and hers alone.
The thought is so enticing it leaves her previously settled stomach hungry for more, ravenous for a treat she cannot have.
A part of her regrets not having a taste, not having claimed her for her own. She would relish the closeness, to examine the connection she had felt, to comb through the mind of Ana Lucia Cruz until there was nothing left untouched by her.
But Abigail, for all that she will ever remain a child, young for eternity, she’s had hundreds of years to evolve, and patience is a skill she’s long since mastered.
A careful nurturing will birth a garden; a flower plucked will wilt in the blink of an eye.
Even now, within her she can feel the weak and fading consciousness of a girl so much like her, a mind lost without a body.
Sammy. Jessica.
In this aftermath, Abigail finds herself twinging with regret. She understands her – young and talented, abandoned and ignored. They’re the same in a way, right down to the foreign fondness that spikes with every thought of their companion-in-common.
It is a shame that she had to be the one to get in her way, she too could have been groomed for so much more.
She wonders if it is crueller to stomp out this dying light that cowers in her mind, or to leave it be to live out as far as it can until it meets its true death. She finds herself lost for answers, and entirely unwilling to unmask that weakness to those that may have them.
With a growl, Abigail drops the corpse to the floor, altogether uncomfortable with the spectrum of emotions seeping from her, like she’s some fragile little girl and not the monster stalking the night that people fear.
It’s easy to blame the unfortunate human in her head for the unwelcome intrusion.
It’s time for her to do what she does best. Observe, and stalk, and hunt.
She hopes Joey will keep her word and go to her son, because Abigail will certainly keep hers.
See you around, Joey.
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konakoro · 1 month
I see your "Grace and Joey are friends" and raise you a "Mr. Le Bail and Lazar are game buddies"
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domripley · 2 months
Abigail 2024 Masterlist
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Everything marked with ‘*’ is nsfw
NSFW Alphabet *
Vamping *
Sammy x Joey
poly alphabet *
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writing-rat · 26 days
Cooking in Session
Pairings: Joey x Sammy
Content: Abigail Spoilersish, Fluff, Cooking lessons, mentions of drug use
Summary: Since Joey has a job has a school nurse now, she can't let Sammy not know how to cook. She needs to learn how to make lunch after all.
WC: 885
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It had been a week since Sammy and Joey left the mansion. With Joey helping to kill Frank, Abigail promised to help a knocked-out vampire Sammy that Joey had managed to knock out and tie up. Kristof Lazar and Abigail had helped her out and Sammy was happy to be back to herself, Abigail promising she was saved. Safe to say Sammy wasn’t the same mentally, but she was trying. Currently, the 2 girls lived together while Caleb was also with them. He was currently in high school while Sammy was working at a company, looking at the data she was sent. She was a coder now and not a hacker unless needed to see if she could crack security systems. She was using her skills for good now. Joey meanwhile managed to make it as a school nurse and she was happy about that. She was currently using a holiday day after all as she wanted to teach Sammy cooking. She saw how she had eaten the entire week for lunch after all. She only had plain noodles and pasta.
“Sammy, are you on lunch break?” Joey asked. 
“Yeah babe, I am. Why?” she asked. 
“I am going to help you make a sauce for your pasta so you don’t have it plain when I am at work,” Joey explained. Sammy widened her eyes before she smiled, the same smile for when she was being figured out by Joey.
“You are the best,” she spoke. Joey shrugged. 
“I want my lover to be healthy,” she explained and Sammy nodded as she was quick to go into the kitchen with Joey. Sammy was excited. Joey meanwhile got a can of chopped tomatoes, peppers, tomato paste, ketchup, onions and different herbs out. “Those are onions,” Sammy spoke confidently. “I learnt the difference between garlic and onions,” she added. Joey snickered. 
“I’m glad,” she spoke and kissed Sammy’s cheek. She was happy they could joke about that at least.
“First, chopping onions,” Joey instructed. She showed Sammy how to hold the knife and chop them before she let Sammy take a go at it. Sammy was happy as she was doing it all before she looked at Joey when she finished. She wanted the praise that she knew Joey would give her. 
“How did I do?” she asked just to make sure she got it. 
“You did well mi amor,” Joey responded with a smile. “You could quicken up but it takes time to learn,” she added. Sammy nodded as Joey grabbed a red pepper. She once again taught her how to cut it and Sammy did as told, no injuries happening. She was also praised once again and it made her excited. 
“Now that these ingredients are cut, we put in the onions first,” she spoke, letting Sammy scrape them in. Sammy nodded as she was listening, choosing the pasta she wanted as Joey was admiring Sammy a bit. She was wearing some of Joey’s sweatpants and one of her tank tops. It was a hot day after all. Joey meanwhile was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, her scars from her old drug use being shown, and a pair of shorts. She was more confident showing them around Sammy and Caleb now, Caleb was happy to be with his mom rather than his fuck up of a father. Soon the onions were done, and Sammy put the peppers in under her lover’s command. She was being good as Joey was hoping she would memorise this. She was sure she would though if she could remember code. 
After 30 minutes, the sauce was done and was simmering as Joey and Sammy were getting something to drink. Joey got some water while Sammy got some Dr Pepper and was sitting on the counter. “Thank you for this,” Sammy thanked, looking at Joey genuinely with a soft smile. 
“It’s no problem mi vida. I am happy to teach you anything and I know you have had a hard childhood so I am happy to show you new things you need to learn,” she spoke. Sammy was happy. She felt loved. Soon enough the sauce and pasta were done and she got 2 plates ready for them. She let Sammy choose how much she wanted first. Sammy meanwhile made it even and Joey chuckled. She was happy to see how compassionate her lover was. The 2 girls soon sat down. 
“You know… it’s weird how we still call each other our undercover names,” Sammy teased. Joey widened her eyes then laughed and was nodding. 
“Agreed. Why don’t we use it when one of us is in trouble? Like if you made a mess in our room,” Joey teased. Sammy nodded excitedly. 
“Yeah! So… Ana, want to go on a date soon?” Jessica asked. 
“Yeah, I would love that Jess,” Ana spoke with a smile, then both proceeded to laugh. They were just happy. That was when Jess took a bite of her food and she widened her eyes. 
“Holy shit, this tastes so good. Fuck your school nurse job, become a chef,” Jess praised. 
“Thanks, but I don’t think I have that much skill,” Ana chuckled as she was eating. Sammy just smiled. She was sure she did, but she wouldn’t push her. For now, she would enjoy the food.
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itshype · 5 days
A comedy version of Abigail where the 400-year-old 12-year-old (yes i googled the year NYC was founded as the earliest she could have been turned) didn't know she was susceptible to modern poisons and wakes up after being kidnapped from her house (yes she looks 12 but she’s looked that way since before the invention of the piano. She doesn’t need to live with her dad.) And the vampire mob enforcer is just like "....is this...a prank?" Who tf would kidnap Kristoff Lazar's child even if they had no idea who she was.
Joey: We won't hurt you, we promise. Little Ballerina Child waking up chained to a bed: Say sike right now.
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