yourereallyhere · 5 years
you know it’s funny because throughout the last 5 seasons the writers were dropping parallels of bellarke and canon romantic couples and now these new writers... they’re like oh that wasn’t enough for you??? Let’s make this whole ass plot line a parallel to Jordan and Delilah !!!!
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wankadi · 5 years
Hi, I’m looking for some other than bellarke content, since my dash is drowning in this 😂 (I love all of this but you know what I’m saying) So please reblog/comment if your blog is:
Murphy centered
Emori (!!!) centered
Memori centered
Murven centered
Octavia centered
Octavia/Xavier centered
Linctavia centered
Diyoza centered
Jordan centered
Jolilah centered
Jeresa centered
Tyrondy centered
Gaia centered
Xavier centered
The 100 theories centered
Jasper centered
Miller/Jackson centered
Niylah centered
Jafael centered
You get my point don’t you
I’ll check you out and most probably will follow!!
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 season 6 - theories and predictions.
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No episode this week, I know, it sucks. So, I’ve decided to do jot down some thoughts and conspiracies I have. Feel free to argue with me. I love hearing I’m wrong and why.
Episode 6 is called Memento Mori, Latin for "remember that you will die", is the medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits.
Episode 7: Nevermind -  used to tell someone not to worry about something because it is not important.
Episode 8: The old man and the anomaly aka Gabriel and time travel.
Episode 9: What you take with you - when you die?
Episode 10: Matryoshka: also known as Russian nesting dolls, stacking dolls, or Russian dolls, are the set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another.
Episode 11: Ashes to ashes -  derives from the English Burial Service. The text of that service is adapted from the Biblical text, Genesis 3:19 (King James Version): In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Episode 12: Adjustment protocol
Episode 13: The blood of Sanctum
All of the above refers to mortality and death. The entire season will thus focus on both the continuance and destruction of the primes. 
Murphine in cahoots
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Luckily Murphy loves Emori, because that hookup would have made me nauseous. I HOPE IT DOESN’T HAPPEN. Okay, he will do whatever it takes to avoid hell and get eternal life. Call me a big old Murphy marshmallow, but I refuse to believe he’ll put his family in harm's way. 
Josephine will have to promise their safety in order to gain his co-operation. The rest he doesn’t care about. Including Clarke. I know he saved her during the eclipse but he needed her help to rescue Bellamy. He seems pretty mad at her, I’m sure he doesn’t want her dead, but she’s not on his list of top priorities.
Josephine needs to learn how to create nightbloods and only Abby knows how to do that. And Abby will swim across the Atlantic to save Kane. Ding Dong, create another nightblood to save Kane, but who will that be? One of McCreary’s crew, a fellow Wonkru warrior or will Abby sacrifice herself? Not sure if a man can utilize a woman’s body.
She is so determined to save the love of her life, that she ignores the gravity of her own daughter writing with the wrong hand. Further, she has already expressed her opinion on how Kane deserves to live while they don’t. She bears a lot of guilt for the things she has done. But Abby wasn’t comfortable with their experiments in Becca’s lab. It will take a lot of persuasion; can she be convinced to take another life?
Maybe Murphy and Josephine will tell Bellamy that there’s a way to bring Clarke back to get him on board. They’ll have to temporarily kill her parents to continue with their scheme. Russel is firmly against Josephine’s breeding plans and creating new nightbloods means murdering red-blooded people. 
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Head over heart Bellamy would not be okay with this, but I think he might lose his head over the loss of Clarke. More on this later. Jordan will do whatever it takes to save Delilah, so he might board this “saving” ship too. Raven will torture herself when she finds out about this and probably go above and beyond to help bring her back. Echo and Emori might be indifferent.
Josephine vs Clarke
A lot of you have argued against my Mount Weather theory last week. I’m still not convinced it’s not time travel via the anomaly but I’m not psychic. So, my other option is that Josephine will experience Clarke’s past as dreams. Bellamy explains, in trig, that it’s how his victims haunt him. Perhaps a little foreshadowing.
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Russel was in a hurry and distraught to clear the host (kill Clarke) and bring his daughter back. In my 6x05 review, I did a bit of research on the meaning of Gabriel’s biology terms and came to the conclusion that Clarke is not dead, only in a deep vegetative state. Gabriel stressed the fact that they had to wait for the serum to reach the claustrum. Perhaps it didn’t take full effect.
Josephine did not sleep her first night back, but when she does it might be restless and filled with Clarke’s demons. Clarke Griffin is a fighter, trust her not to back down. Not to give up. She’s gonna taunt you until you wanna crash the Ferrari. We know both Jake and Maya comes back, so this is probably where we’ll see them. Unfortunately, in the process, she’ll have to relive it herself.
The crazy smoothie that cleanses the body of all evils
1 x Red Queen
1 x Terrorist
1 x Rebel named Xavier
1 x Old man
1 x Temporal Anomaly
Mix all the ingredients together and you have the perfect solution for a prime pest problem. Octavia and Diyoza are desperate to find Gabriel and if it means time traveling through the temporal anomaly, then so be it.
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Octavia’s hand aged when it came into contact with the temporal flare. So, I’m fairly certain they’re either going back or forward in time. IMDB shows Hope as a little girl in 6x08, which means Diyoza visits the future and Octavia might go back to the bunker to slaughter Bloodreina.
Once they make it through, they finally encounter the old man himself, who has all the answers with regards to the primes, Sanctum and ridding Clarke of the devil that possesses her.
I have a strong idea that this will be how the Blakes bury the hatchet. Octavia will help Bellamy and the others to revive Clarke. Meaning Bellamy will see the good that still exists inside her. Even when he couldn’t see it, I never gave up hope of Octavia returning. A lot of you did not agree with his decision to abandon her, but I think it’s the best thing he could have done for her.
Madi vs Sheidheda
I’m still not sure what’s going on here. I’ve seen some theories about using her bone marrow in an attempt to create other nightbloods. It could be, but they have a lot of nightbloods to put to use. And Abby won’t use Madi, that’s for sure.
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Also, Madi has machinery strapped to her head in the trailer, which made me think that Josephine doesn’t know how to reverse engineer “memory chip” technology like Gabriel did and will need to explore the flame to create one for Murphy.
Or perhaps Josephine fails in convincing Abby, finds out that Madi has Becca’s memories in her head and tries to download them from the flame? 
Either way, Madi’s nightmares are enhanced during the experiments and she will obviously battle the dark commander for power. Without Clarke and Gaia’s guidance, she might lose, become him and in turn the villain of season 7. I just hope it doesn’t cause her death. Can you imagine Clarke returning to find Madi’s gone? She’s had to live through numerous deaths: Jake, Finn, Lexa, Marper, Jasper, please don’t do this to her.
The romance section
I don’t think we’ll see Delilah again. Jordan will do everything in his power to bring her back, just like Clarke, but I have a feeling she’s gone. For good. So, RIP Jolilah.
Emori is also on my deathdar for some reason. It’s no secret that I ship Murven, but I really don’t mind Memori. They’ve had their problems in season 5 and Murphy’s fear of dying might push them apart again.  Look, some people die each season and so far it seems like there’s no further story for Emori.
Raven and Murphy have always been better when they’re in the presence of the other, but I like them as friends as well. Murphy somehow calms Raven and she inspires him to do better. 
I know it’s harsh and I want Raven to be happy, but unless Raven and Ryker are endgame, I hope they don’t set them up romantically. The writers probably had a bit of a muddle with Shaw leaving for another show while wanting to give Raven a happy arc this season. Somehow, I do think all the primes will be killed (the blood of Sanctum) with the exception of Ryker since he seems a bit hesitant towards their living style. If that’s where it’s heading then I’m fine with it because they did have instant chemistry and a lot of it. More than she had with Shaw. Don't @ me. But please show it to us over time.
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Please don’t hate me but I don’t think Niyalah and Octavia will become romantic either. As far as I know, Jessica Harmon is working on Izombie and I think her death is soon. Besides Octavia has to mend in herself before she can focus on relationships with other people. Including her brother.
I spy with my little eye a Becho breakup
I’ve feared that Bellamy and Echo might be a long term pairing many times before, and I’ve even sort of accepted it because I refused to let it ruin the show for me. Now, more than ever, I believe they’re on their way out. In the 6x06 promo, Echo is in the woods, searching for Octavia? She may even team up with them.
Echo does not understand Bellamy’s complexity in a way that Clarke does. On the ring, they lived in harmony, whereas now they have countless tribulations to overcome and they’re not the same people. 
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Also, there’s been continuous scenes where she’s shown as inferior and submissive to both him and Clarke. They bark the orders and she follows, Emori even called her out on it in 6x02. A relationship can only last between two equals.
If that’s not enough, there’s no way in hell, no mountain too high, no river too deep for Bellamy Blake to bring Clarke back. He’ll fight who has to be fought, kill who has to be killed, leave no stone unturned. One of those obstacles might even be Echo trying to convince him she’s gone. Bellamy will refuse to lose her again. When Echo sees this, she’ll realize what Clarke means to him and either confront him or cut him loose.
There is no more beautiful romance than Bellarke
Think of all the most romantic books you’ve read or movies you’ve watched. What was the trope? I bet you’ll find it in Bellarke.
Titanic - “You jump, I jump right?” - “If I’m on that list, you’re on that list.”
Beauty and the beast - Enemies to friends to lovers
Tangled - Deep, longing looks during firelight 
Love in the time of cholera - A love triangle due to logicality and comfort vs love
Romeo and Juliet - A girl from a wealthy family falls for a boy from poverty. Both willing to die for the other.
The Notebook - “I wrote you one letter every day for a year.” - “When you were on the ring, she called you every day for six years.”
The Time Traveler’s wife - Two lovers constantly separated by time and space but love always prevails.
I can sit here all night. The fact of the matter is that they love each other. Of course Bellamy notices that Clarke is not herself first. Even after six years apart, he is attuned to her and knows her on such a deep and intense level that he can’t be fooled. 
When she leaves to head to the school, he follows. He allows himself to be vulnerable with her when she apologizes. Clarke’s biggest regret is leaving him to die. She trusts him to bring her child home safely. He trusts her to bargain for their safety. Bellamy stares while she dances with someone else and asks about it later. Then his reaction to her overshare of the details is a mixture of confusion and jealousy. 
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But the best part of all is the horror and heartbreak when he finds out he’s lost her. Again. That part of his heart, only reserved for Clarke, will now come to the surface and there will be no more denial.
To wrap up, I can only speculate based on what I’ve seen and heard. So, I can’t include all the characters that have been MIA. Indra most of all. I miss her. Please let me know if you think I’m crazy. I’d love to hear it.
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
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I was actually raised on stories about her.
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
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Don’t let me be a face behind the glass.
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wankadi · 5 years
besides bellarke what is one thing you'd like to see resolved by the end of the series?
I'm emotional by seeing "end of the series" like... Ouch 😭
Octavia in general? Either getting her hero's death of getting full redemption arc?
Raven being friends with Clarke again, this one for sure.
Abby fighting off addiction and her blame problems.
Kane surviving and getting to rebuild the civilization just as he told Diyoza. Oh and Diyoza to be with him in this.
Diyoza raising Hope, she deserves it!
Murphy seeing that he's not just a cockroach and there's hope for him yet.
Saying bye bye to the Flame because cmon. How long we will roll with this?
I want all of the four delinquents to survive? That would be epic.
Blakes coming out with everything that goes on and moving their SEPARATE WAYS. They are not working anymore, but saying goodbye with a peace of mind would be mind blowing and HEALTHY.
Also I want Jordan to get Delilah back but well one can hope.
And last but not least, I want my Griffin-Blakes to be happy and together. Period.
If the 100 ends with 100 of episodes, wow.
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clarkgriffon · 4 years
by CW law, there must be at least one sex scene per season:
s1: flarke, braven, linctavia
s2: wicken
s3: niylarke, CL, marper
s4: octilian, kabby, marper, i think memori’s deleted scene was from s4 as well
s5: BE
s6: clarke/cillian, jolilah, zaven
bets on who’s getting the obligatory sex scene this season?
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