#just belasco with Kurt's memories
Post #34: UXM issue 171
This isn't a special issue that I was gonna give its own post, but it's in between two two parters so I don't wanna lump it in with one of those just for formatting. We begin with a brief conclusion to the events of the last two issues, where Ororo decrees to the Morlocks that they can no longer prey on the surface world lest they feel her wrath. She's exchanged her cape for Callisto's vest, and she speaks arrogantly and cruelly to Callisto as she leaves. Kurt watches, worried about what's happening to his friend and more worried that she doesn't seem to care about it. In Alaska, Madelyne wakes up from a nightmare and finds comfort in Scott. She was dreaming about the day the plane she was piloting crashed and she was the only survivor of the burning wreckage. To Scott's shock, it happened on the same day Jean died. Outside Boston, Carol- who kinda disappeared the last few issues- is visiting her parents. Thanks to Anna's identity theft, she feels no emotional connection to them, which hurts both her and them. At the school, Kitty is throwing a tantrum about the New Mutants stealing her floppy disks until Illyana points them out under her keyboard, at which point Kitty calls herself a jerk. It's a nice moment of self awareness about how she treats the other students, and she definitely needed a reality check after what happened a few issues ago. Peter is in the kitchen trying to cook, but his efforts are interrupted by the arrival of Anna (just a reminder, I'm calling her Anna, but everyone in universe calls her only Rogue until like 2004). She's come begging for Xavier's help, because having two psyches in her brain is causing her incredible mental pain and anguish. The X-Men are unsympathetic to the woman who destroyed Carol's mind, but Xavier decides to help her and sends his students away to the Danger Room. They ask Illyana to set a training sequence, and she conjures holograms of Belasco's chambers, complete with an evil Kurt and dead Peter. When Kitty asks her why, she goes into a trance and draws a glowing sword from nowhere. She attacks Kitty, who to her shock isn't able to phase through the swords blade and gets a cut on the cheek. She knocks the sword away, and Illyana is herself again, now with memories of Belasco that she had repressed. Ororo goes up to the attic, and we finally get a glimpse into her thoughts. She feels like she's at a crossroads. The person she's becoming, the person who struck to kill against Callisto, is the person that life as an X-Man has made her and the person best suited to lead the team. But it's at odds with everything Ororo used to value. She can't bring herself to leave her family or responsibility to the world, but when Xavier calls her downstairs, she screams at him that it was his fault she joined. Also in this scene, Ororo's plants have been wilting without her, and as she faces her inner turmoil, she accidentally summons a storm that destroys them. When she does go downstairs to meet everyone, it's to learn that Xavier is taking Rogue in and putting her on the team to help her, both with her mental problems and with her redemption. Ororo refuses, saying that it's her decision as leader and that she won't fight alongside an enemy. Just then, Carol returns and punches her into the upper atmosphere. Peter manages to calm her down when Anna returns. Although Ororo and Kurt threaten to walk, Xavier reminds them of what Ororo said about Logan back when Warren left the team. She said that while he wasn't the best person, he had the potential, and the point of the X-Men is to help people like him. People like Anna, who without the X-Men's help are condemned. Eventually, the X-Men agree, minus Carol, who flies off into space. Ororo spends some more time in somber reflection, and concludes that no matter what, she can never be the person she was. The only thing left for her is to stick to her duty as an X-Man and find out what she will become. In format, this issue was similar to 168, a downtime issues with special focus on one character, in this case Ororo. Her sense of self has been torn by the Brood and Callisto, and now she has to pick through the pieces to find out who she is. Over the next few years of the book, whenever she's close to finding herself again she'll be ripped apart again. It's some of the best character development I've seen in comics, and I'm so excited to dive into this part of my reread. Before I end, I wanna talk a little about Anna. Up until this point, she's gotten very little character development or depth, which is usually not what you want for a redemption arc but in this case works perfectly. The reader feels the same shock and anger that the characters do, and Claremont gets to build Anna basically from the ground up while still having a fully formed supervillain background for her. She's one of my favorite characters, and yet another thing to look forward to as I continue my reread.
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djinmer4 · 6 years
AU^4 (Evil Verse)
This also was part of an idea I had.  In the 9997 universe, when Belasco realizes that he was (is) Kurt Wagner, Kurt’s personality comes out on top and he tries to redeem himself.  What if it had gone the other way around?  So this is an AU of the Belasco!verse that @mikeellee and I are writing, which is an AU of Earth X, which is an AU of canon 616 universe.
I was going to have the big reveal to Kitty at the end, but this was getting long and I’ve got work tomorrow.  So that’ll be in the next part.
Belasco was contemplating the most recent news from the material plane went he felt the telltale change in pressure from a teleport.  Irritated, he cast his senses out, seeking who would dare trespass in his domain.  To his surprise, he didn’t feel any sort of magic power at all, not even the slippery feeling from a shielded magic user.  Not one of the other Lords of Limbo challenging him then, nor a sorcerer from the material plane.  Had some lost innocent wandered in by accident again?  Those were always fun.  Sometimes he even let them go, after a very long time.  
Rising to his feet, he began to search his halls.  To his surprise, there was no evidence of the intruder.  No random bystander knocking about the corridors, no damage to any of the furnishings.  A quick trip revealed nothing amiss in the library or the treasury, the two most obvious targets.  Yet there was something, a fragrance in the air or a sense of being watched that warned him that the intruder is still here.  “I know you’re here,” he announced to what appeared to be thin air.  “Come out, child, and I’ll make this easy on you.”
Only silence.  This was starting to get fun.  First he banished all the lower demons present in his estate.  While he wasn’t too concerned about them being killed, either by the intruder or by his own hand, he didn’t want this person using them to escape.  “Are you still there?”  The feeling of being watched sharpened.
After another quick round in person, he started sectioning off the different parts of his castle.  Then he vanished them, dissolving them back into the Chaos that made up Limbo, until nothing but the main parts, such as the throne room, were left.  Still nothing, but now he was starting to get a sense of what direction the person was in.
Now how were they keeping away from him?  Were they there, merely invisible?  Several quick slashes with his axe disproved that, even if they had avoided being hit, they would not have avoided the shock wave.  Were they in the air or the shadows?  Changing the air to a sulfurous mix only caused a brief sensation of retreat, flooding the area with light brought no change at all.  Had the person switched into another dimension?  The Ruler of Limbo caused the very substance of the world to waver, but nothing popped out.
There was only one remaining possibility he could think of . . . but she had died decades ago.  It was at that moment he felt someone grab his ankle and he started to sink into the stone floor.  Then the floor solidified, shattering muscle and bone.  Before he could recover, he felt something slide through his back, slipping through the ribs into his heart.
“I-I did it!”  It really was her!  He’d have recognized that voice anywhere!  But she had been stone; how had King Britain brought her back to life?  For a second, the joy in her voice made him contemplate letting her bask in her victory, letting her think she’d won for once.  But no, this was an opportunity too good to be missed.
It was the work of seconds to reform himself.  “Nice try,” he laughed.  “But within this place I am immune from death.”
Kitty Pryde (the same outfit, the same face, the same eyes, the same soul, oh how long has it been since he had seen her) simply gritted her teeth and adjusted her grip on her sword.  “We’ll see about that.”  Then she charged to attack.
Three swift blows that he deflected, falling back to give himself more room to swing.  Then a strike to the left slipped past his guard, cutting a shallow wound on his bicep.  He teleported behind her striking her in the back (flat side only) before she could turn around, but she simply phased to let the axe pass through her.  Then she was back on the attack again.
This time he managed to lock her sword with his blade.  A quick shove knocked her off her feet and she was left sprawling on the floor.  Belasco raised his axe to knock her out, but by the time he had struck, Kitty had phased again.  But this time, she had her arm raised, and her sword, intangible, had gone straight through his weapon and into his trachea.  She gave a brief smirk to the Demon Lord then rolled away.  Once she was free of the axe, she let go of the sword, which abruptly materialized while still embedded in his throat.  Severed arteries spurted blood into the air, and several vertebrae shattered.
But healing took no longer than it did the first time.  “Stop this foolishness girl.  You don’t know what I’m capable of.”
“Third time’s the charm.”  He had to give her credit.  Most people, even experienced swordsmen would have been tired by now.  Shadowcat was ready to keep going, although he noticed that the smile on her face had been replaced with a frown.  One more time, that was all she had left in her he suspected.
More thrusts, less swinging this time.  Less defense as well, simply letting his blows phase through her rather than blocking or dodging.  She feinted left twice, then before he could raise his weapon into position, she drove her sword forward and up- straight into his right eye.
Alright, that actually hurt, he thought as he felt the point of her blade grind against the back of his skull.  Enough was enough.  This time when he reformed, he didn’t give her the chance to go on the offensive again.  One swift blow broke her arm and knocked her sword away from her.  Rather than surrender though, she reached for a device on her waist; the ruler of Limbo recognized it as a portal maker.  “You can’t leave yet!”  A quick reversal, then the gadget was smashed into pieces and the X-Man was pressing her smarting arm into her chest.  Now she looked worried.  She started to phase into the floor, but he pulled her up with his tail, suppressing her ability.
She started to kick out at him, trying to get away.  Ignoring the blows, he concentrated, then conjured a necklace from the substance of Limbo.  It sat high on her throat, like a choker or a torc (or a slave collar).  More importantly, it was set with several crystals that would prevent her from using her ability.  Only when he was certain that she couldn’t get away he let her go.  
She stayed on the ground for a moment, probably trying to phase through the floor.  “What have you done?” she asked.
He went and picked up the sword she had been using.  Glowing blue blade with cross supports, black grip with a skull on the pommel.  “The Soul Sword!  Well, now I am impressed.”  He turned back to his would-be assassin.  “An artificial portal maker to get you in and out, the one weapon that everyone knows can harm me, wielded by a master swordswoman who has the ability to travel through the any wall or lock.  This was very well thought out.”  Belasco briefly considered severing the link between woman and sword then dismissed it.  Instead he encased the sword in more crystal.  That should stop Kitty from being able to use it, but keeping the link would prevent anyone else from claiming it as well.
He extended his hand to the young girl on the ground.  She recoiled back, as if retreating from a venomous snake.  Undeterred, he simply scooped her up cradling her in his one arm as if she were a doll.   “Shh, it’s alright,” the villain said. “You’re doing beautifully and I’m so proud of you. But that’s enough now. It was cruel of them to make you fight me - you could never have won. It’s not your fault.”
She hit out at him, disregarding her broken arm.  He ignored everything she threw at him.  Finally, exhausted, she fell limp and let him carry her.  It wasn’t over though.  He was sure she was planning her next escape attempt.
Let her plot away.  He had never thought he would ever see her again.  Now that he had her back, he wasn’t going to let her go for the world.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
“I haven’t slept in ages.” (Belasco!verse, either one)
N/A: Evil Belasco because why not? Kitty has no memories here because I want to know if I can do this plotline.
After the new reality finally dwell on everyone´s mind and the implication of time did weight on Captain Britain and his Queen Meggan, they have a problem to solve and one that may not have a solution. Belasco. The Demon Lord is getting powerful each day and he´s not exactly playing fair.
 “Dear, what we must do?” Meggan asked, once, she did lead an army to face Belasco´s army and it was a miracle that she is alive to tell the tale.
 “Brutal strength is not enough for this case, in fact, even if we make a peace deal…we can´t be sure he can fulfil his part, oh, there are always loopholes, but, as much I dislike that we have two options” Brian is really not happy “we can ask help form the Russian Empire and forficate the barrier or…”
 “NO” Meggan shouts. “anything but that”
 “I agree, but, Meggan…so many people die and if that´s our only trump card…then, we should consider”
 Meggan wants to deny this claim, but, she saw what Belasco can do and how ruthless the Demon Lord can truly be. “Let´s try the Russian option first” and that´s the settlement.
 Of course, the barriers aren´t enough to stop Belasco, but, it was enough…for a time. Piotr shocks everyone by agreeing with Brian´s plan. “Is our only chance as flimsy it is. Only Katya can do it”
“Yes, but…is she still Kitty Pryde? After what happened…” Meggan states.
 “Would that be enough for him?”
  Belasco laughs at the pathetic form of new Excalibur that Brian and Meggan formed and Piotr is not impressed nor he dares to say anything against Belasco.
“Oh, you want to make a deal? What do you have to offer me?” Belasco is joking and Brian wonders if he´ll murder everyone today.
 “We know where Kitty Pryde is” Meggan boldly said. Belasco is not laughing.
 “What?” his tone is acid and his eyes are getting red.
 “She was never petrified. She lost her memories and does not remember much besides the X-men, as this new reality kicks in, she´s just Kitty…she lives in New England, instead of actual England”
 Belasco is not pleased at all.
 “We can …made a deal?”
 And Belasco is really not happy.
 Kitty Pryde is in New England, looking for a job, Captain Britain does give her an allowance, but, Kitty wants her own money. Being too qualify to some jobs or being not qualify enough for others is a task that makes her want to punch someone, until someone, does hire Kitty.
 A man with raven hair and blue eyes, well built and …there´s something familiar on the man. “Can you start on Monday?”
 “Yes, of course, Mr Wagner”
 And the man smiles and Kitty feels like…this is where she should be. As corny it may sound, there´s something so familiar and soothing about this man.
 “You can call me Kurt, I´m not that old” he chuckles amused with his own privy joke. “And it will be a joy have you in the team”
 Finally, Belasco can sleep in peace cause he found what he lost so many years ago.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Protect au(It is over)
N/A: Yes, it is over!
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
The danger room sure prepare Nightcrawler and Shadowcat to almost any situations and as they face the two odd individuals they silent have to thank the Danger Room as each session really help them to prepare. Nightcrawler´s back meet Shadowcat´s back as they watch their foes.
Kitty ponders the situation looking at Amanda that currently hovers in the air boasting about anything that Kitty is honestly not caring as Kurt is paying attention to Stefan as the man is proclaiming his undying hate for Kurt.
"Katzchen?" Kurt asked and the girl only grab his hand to indicates she is listening "let´s do as the team laser group, alright?" Kurt asked nicely and Kitty knows what this means.
"Ok, when I count 3. 1, 2 and 3" in the 3 Kitty Pryde phases through the ground and making Stefan´s leg be stuck as the girl phases back in.
Kurt charges at Amanda who is hover in the air with the amulent laughing in joy as Kurt can´t reach to her. Kurt is getting tired of this game, but as Amanda continues to brag about her new power, Kurt noticed that said power only work if she is holding the amulet with her hands.
(in one second as she let the amulet rest the girl was slowly coming to the ground until Amanda quickly grab the amulet)
"Is over, Kurt, I´m the most powerful entity in the world, Belasco himself cower to my mere name," Amanda said and Kurt has no idea who is Belasco, yet, the boy is sure that her words are not true.
Suddenly, Kurt knows that he won´t need his sword today.
"Wait? You are more powerful than Belasco? How? He is Belasco!" Kurt is edging her to speak as Amanda fuming that someone, as she kindly labels, low life,  is not taking her word. Belasco is nothing against her.
"Sorry, is hard to hear you from here, come here and say how powerful you are, I mean, I feel enlight to know that I once served the great Szardos and I want to know how powerful they are" Kurt easily lied as Amanda let go of the amulet with an arrogant smile as she is on the ground speaking how powerful she is and how Kurt lives to serve her and only her.
Kurt then port the amulet away from her hand(not feeling guilty that the girl in question scream in pain) as the amulet is in his hand, Kurt understands nothing of magic but the amulet seems a bit familiar. No, maybe is because the amulet is far too ordinary and it creates the illusion you have seen before.
Amanda tries to attack by saying magic words but nothing happens and Kurt is spare of having to hit on a girl as his big sister did that, one punch with her glove hand knock Amanda out in no time.
Stephan´s attack is basically this strange red light/spell that Kitty can easily phase though, the girl also noticed the man has bad aim and a loose temper which makes her happy that there are no civilians here.
"I´m Stefan, the son of Margalia Szardos, the rightful heir of her realm, you dare to protect Nightcrawler? The murder?" Stefan speaks completely losing his mind and Kitty can use that to her advantage. Stefan´s legs are stuck on the ground and his magic seems to be focused on attacking Kitty than protecting himself.
The girl phases through the ground a second time and pulling his legs even further in the ground, the woman (thanks to a Dr MCcoy´s class) knows how to break someone´s leg(not permanently) as the man is not focused on the pain than attacking.
Kitty phases through the ground in time to see Jean Grey lifting the man easily.
"Kitty, Are you alright?" Jean asked as Scott and the others inform that all the others students and teachers are gone and Professor X is coming to help.
Kitty now looks at the elf who is talking to his sister about what happened as Rogue has no problem in being a little rude to Amanda.
"What happened here?" Jean asked once she managed to put Stefan to sleep.
"I have no idea"
Professor X has no answer for what happened. As Amanda only speaks as she is the most powerful mage in the world and how they should obey her, finally getting enough of this charade, Jean said she will resolve this as using her powers the older girl is inside Amanda´s mind.
The others watch as Jean made a disgusting face and as she looks away until she is finally back with the rest of the X-men.
"Stefan seems to be from another dimension"Jean speaks remembering certain things about Amanda that Kurt does not need to know ever " and inject the memories of his sister on this Amanda" the few that are aware of Amanda´s situation completely weird out as Jean refers Amanda as Stefan´s sister(Tabitha wasn´t hearing things after all) "and the man is insane as he wants to kill Kurt for no reason"
Jean thinks that Kurt does not need to know all the details. And Professor X seems to agree with this.
"What we do with Amanda?" Rogue asked as now looks at the awake Stefan "and with him?"
Stefan looks at his sister, his love, in the hands of the enemy and did what his mother told him. Protect Amanda at any coast. Screaming a Latin word Stefan is slowly vaping as Amanda is following along.
"What?" Rogue asked and everyone shares the sentiment.
Time goes back to normal as Professor X creates a history for Amanda´s disappearance, turns out she did marry this random guy named Stefan (even Xavier is a bit disgusting) and her family cut ties with their only daughter because of that.
"Hey!" Kitty spot Kurt doing his chores and smiles at him as now that there´s no Amanda the two can talk about a certain incident.
"Hi!" Kurt said cleaning the windows using his tail.
"You did kiss me a few days ago and we never talk about it"
"Do you too see me as one of the girls?"
Kitty kissed him and replied
"I never wanted to kiss Jean or Jubilee" her forehead rests on his and it would be a tender moment until Logan shows up to say one thing only.
"Finally! now, just because you two together do not mean you are free of the chores" Kurt makes a salute and Kitty giggles as another day for the X-men continues as it should be.
Margalia Szardos watches what happened to her beautiful children and is growing anger and anger by the minute. How dare Kurt to ruin her beautiful family? If she wants revenge...she needs to by herself.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Anything about the Soul Sword (Belasco AU)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
N/A: AS IF Kitty would hand the soul sword to anyone, much less to Amanda.
Kitty is not a mage, that´s for sure, and is not the first time someone tries to steal the soul sword, Dr Doom did try and failed. However, Kitty has to admit this has to be the laziest way to steal her soul sword in all the history.
A woman using an imitation of the shining armour that Magik used to wear is demanding Kitty to hand the soulsword to the rightful owner.
“I´m Amanda Szardos, the most powerful witch of all time, only me is worth of handle the true power of the soulsword” Amanda continues her long speech and Kitty has no idea who this woman is nor she wants to know.
“Are you lost your mind? Why I would handle the only memento I have from my dearest friend to a complete lunatic that is dressed like a hoe version of Magik” Kitty said angrily that this woman is violating Yana´s memory in such fashion.
“That sword is nothing connect to our friend is just a weapon and it needs to be used properly” Amanda opens her hand and said with a smile “give to me, I promise to use well”
Kitty narrow her eyes and summon the soulsword and Amanda smiles in delight as for a moment the sword is almost hers, except that Kitty uses to cut the air and breaking Amanda´s spell.
“Pathetic, this all you got? manipulate and brainwash people? Oh, now I remember you, Amanda, Jimaine, whatever is your name, I remember you now and like hell I´m going to give this sword to a parasite like you” Kitty said cut Amanda, instead of her flesh being pierced, her fake armour was, it was a pathetic imitation of Yana´s armour and it offended Kitty´s eyes.
“Fool, only I, the great Amanda, can wield the true power of the sword,” Amanda said and to prove her point tries to kill Kitty, the small lighting that comes out of the woman’s finger it is laughable and Kitty managed to cut it easily, thanks to the soul sword.
Another cut and Amanda is strips of her powers, the little she has, and Kitty not being a mage herself, did a signal that the blonde woman recognized and beg for her to stop.
“Shut up, you and your mother want to rule Limbo…I think he has something to say about this” Kitty said as a vortex shows up holding Amanda, a powerless and coward Amanda is now begging for her love, Steffan to save her.
“No one can save you, Amanda, ” the sultry voice belongs to one person and this makes Amanda loses her dignity(if she ever had one) as she starts to screaming and begging for forgiveness.
“Kurt, Kurt, you love me, please, forgive me,” Amanda said hoping her old spell still is inside of him. Belasco gave a diabolic smile as he only responds.
“Why you don´t try to seduce the dire wraths amongst the several others creature in my realm? Se where this will lead you, I can guarantee your life will not be longer or happy, but is in your character to seduce and manipulates the others, sadly the dire wraths only think in one thing and you Amanda will be a lovely dinner” with a flick of his fingers Amanda is sucked into the vortex as she screams in fear.
“Are you ok?” Belasco asks Kitty once the soul sword is back to her original place.
“I miss Yana”
“She is an X-men, Kitten, we don´t stay dead for long,” he said not realizing he said “we”  or maybe not acknowledging, whatever case may be, Kitty did give a tired smile in return.
“Yeah, we never stay dead for long, either way, I miss her,” Kitty said hugging Belasco of all people, hugs are a new thing for him but the man accepts the hug. Is time to go home and Kitty just want to rest, Belasco just want to make sure she is safe and the dire wrath are having a great time.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
SU/Lovecraft au
N/A: Not sure what to say here, I have this idea of Zaorva doing what Rose did, except she didn´t get pregnant or anything like that, the truth is...her death did cause panic among the others, outer gods, because if someone of higher rank as her can be killed...then what´s the next step? I also see the Outer Gods as sort the Greek Gods(the betrayal, occasional incest and then back at the dinner table, no consequences) and FUCK Lovecraft!!
Soundtrack for This au
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
If Kitty can pinpoint when her life starts to change the answer would be in her first leading mission in Japan, Nagano. The townsfolks are being attacked by deformed and mutated creatures akin to a demonic bunny with no eyes and a big mouth.
Kitty creates a crystal blue shield and this makes the creatures go after her. Her team, Piotr, Boom-Boom and Morph hurdle together as they wait for a plan, what Kitty did should have shocked after all.
The creature starts to bang his mighty fist on the shield causing pain for himself until his loud scream suddenly does not seem angry.
"Hey!" Kitty calls out for the what seems to be the leader who seems to respond to Kitty and only Kitty " let´s talk, why are you attacking the city and its citizen?"
The creature has no ability to speak but as putting his claws on the shield, the mutated creature starts to tell their story. They are called the Elder Bairns, they were created by a Goddess who put on this land and give to them, all they want is to slepp...as they already feast...however, the humans destroyed their home in order to create a pathway.
Kitty opens her eyes and speaks firmly. Like a mother should with her children.
"If I fix this, you promise to leave the townsfolk alone?" Kitty asked and the Elder Bairns promised as all they want is to sleep if that´s what Kitty truly wishes they won´t harm any human as long they leave them alone.
Kitty uses her magic and the pathway is disbanded as the Elder Bairns have their home back.
It was easier to convince mutated bunnies to follow an order than humans as they have problems to deal with and of course, no one takes kindly to Kitty talking so friendly to monsters that devoured humans like it was nothing.
Ever since that day, things did change. Kitty Pryde feels eyes on her, several on them are analysing her in everywhere, every time. Her azure eyes would merely look at the thousands of eyes until they all morph into a big moon, a big eye that is looking deeply at her.
She should be petrified, yet, Kitty can walk as the eyes vanish into thin air.
Kitty Pryde returns to the mansion as Ororo is talking with someone, not a noisy person by nature, but Ororo is remiscing the good old days and Kitty loves to hear stories with her favourite X-men...yet, the person she is talking is new to Kitty.
"Ah Kitten" Ororo smiles brightly and gesture to Kitty to sit too "I was telling Kurt the time we and Scott freed those mutants from the Friends of Humanity and make Grayson look like the fool he is"
Kitty looks at the man called Kurt, blue fur and golden eyes and a smirk and Kitty step away.
"Who is this?" Kitty asked a bit rudely as she knows every mutant that is associated with the X-men and she knows this story that Ororo is telling, however, there´s no version with a man called Kurt.
"Kitten!" Ororo admonishes her and asks Kurt to forgive her, Kitty usually is not like that.
"And how is our Kitten? Likes to play with magic?"
Kitty looks into his eyes and summons the soulsword to cut Kurt, nothing happens, except that Ororo is now angry at Kitty and even though she is a grown up woman...Storm has no qualms in grounding her.
"I´m sorry about that, she usually is not like that, you know that Kitty is such a sweetie person," Ororo says now confused.
"And...how is our Kitten? How long has she play with magic?"
"Since she was born"
Kitty didn´t get any favours by questioning Kurt´s existence, therefore, the woman decides to play this game and apologise to Kurt saying it was a crazy mission and of course, she remembers good old Kurt.
The man does not seem to attack any of the X-men. As normally he is just...there. Sometimes asking questions behind Kitty´s back about her powers.
(It does not go unnoticed how everyone seems to cater his demands, even Jean who dislike helping, seems extra helpful to the point she even works with Rogue if that would please this Kurt)
Only when Kitty touches and concentrates hard enough, she seems to manage to break Ororo, Scott and Rogue from this spell as they believe in her.
"Shadow King?" Rogue suggested readily to take her glove out.
"No...I think it is someone else" Scott said and Kitty agrees.
Suddenly, the X-men starts to feel changes(all that didn´t side with Kitty) Jubilee becames a vampire, Beast goes insane talking about spirals and Jean gets quiter and quieter.
Logan was not forgotten by this madness as the man starts to think he is a real animal, not in the sense of being a rustic man, in the sense of being a real animal. Ironically or not, the man got shot by a hunter thinking he really got a wild animal and the wound didn´t heal as it should.
Kurt, meanwhile, merely stays in the mansion watching and taking notes as Kitty uses the shield once again.
Mr and Mrs Pryde are used by this point to have people to talk with journalists as their only daughter is a celebrity now. By this point, they know what to answer and what to not answer.
So, when Jennifer Goodwill shows up, the Prydes know what to say, the woman with her blonde hair and white skin makes questions about Kitty, nothing unusual and the Pryde saw no problem in answer all of them.
"She is a miracle" Mrs Pryde replied fondly "you see, I did get a grave form of cancer and I was supposed to die, however, the Stark industries along with Doctor Banner, a cure was created with dire consequences... I wasn´t supposed to be pregant...and yet, here is our Kitty"
"That´s a quite story"Jennifer replied.
"When Kitty was born" her father stated "she did born with intense blue eyes, crystal blue, but now...they are just brown like us"
"Oh, that´s interesting"
Lilandra is a fair queen if nothing else, so, when Kitty asked for help, she saw no problem in giving information as long Xavier is out of the picture(he too is quiet, no, gone and no one has the mind to worry about it now)
"This creature is named Kurt, a fake name, and I know he uses masks, I was wondering if you know who this person may be and how we get rid of it" Kitty stated and Lilandra hummed for a moment until she askes.
"Can you tell me how he really looks like? Maybe is a Luntranox, they love to play this prank" Lilandra suggested and Kitty did mention, or try to, how is Kurt´s real form...Lilandra cut the transmission right there and all the others closer to Kitty step away in fear.
"Sugah...A piece of advice, never repeats how he looks like" Rogue said and she is now trying to call back to Lilandra.
One day, Kitty realizes she is not in her bed nor in her room or the mansion. She is elsewhere, drifting in the space and time("I hate the space, is cold, silent and no one can hear you scream") until Kitty realizes that she is not alone. She is in some sort of space castle.
The doors are huge and small, nothing makes sense, though maybe it wasn´t to make sense. She is now in a room, a throne is easily spotted as the doors open with great fanfare and Kitty has the right mind to hide.
Is him...Of course is him. In his real form.
"Why do you hide away from me?" Kurt´s tone is sombre and Kitty panics until he adds "My Belasco, I called you here to talk and not to play hide and seek"
And she saw Belasco, bowing to this Kurt and does not dare to look at his real form.
"How are the dire wraths?" Kurt asked a bit regal and cold and Belasco merely shivers and that is enough(more than enough) to make Kitty feels fear. If Belasco is afraid of him...This creature is another league of its own.
"They are ready as you wish"
"Good, you did make a mistake with me, once, and you will not want to repeat the same mistake, Am I clear?" the creature speaks and only now Kitty notices how his voice rings through the place.
"Of course"
"I want to see this planet destroyed, I want it gone, " the creature speaks full of malice "if you fail me, again, I will found a new use for you, my Belasco and you won´t like it"
Belasco is dismissed and vanish. Kitty watches as the creature now looks to a pink bubble and puts his hand(tentacle to be exact) to cover his eyes as he begins to cry.
"Zaorva" the word was spoken as it is sacred and the pink bubble remains where it is.
Kitty somehow is back to her own bed. Degusting what she saw and no one ever saw him crying.
"You are a very interesting human" Kurt once speak as they are in a cornfield. Kitty is trying to dialogue with an Outer God, Nyarlathotep, to spare this planet. "I'll give that, but, nothing will prevent me to see this planet gone forever"
"But...wasn´t that a planet Zaorva created?" kitty reasoned with him "Don´t you want to spare for her sake?"
"This was the planet where she was killed!" Kurt scream angrily "it does not deserve compassion or mercy,  and how do you know about Zaorva?"
"I ...just know, but, if you are dead set in destroying this planet, I´ll stop you"
("I´m dead set in protecting this planet, Nyarlathotep" it causes a flashback and Kurt can´t believe he remembers this memory because of a human)
"I know you will, but Katzchen, I´m the crawling God of Chaos and I´ll get my wish, but my offer remains, you are interesting ...Human, I have no problem in spare you. You can learn many things outside this planet"
"Pass," Kitty said and Kurt look at the west and a smile plays on his face, his mask, as a huge explosion of fire caught Kitty´s attention.
"The Pheonix has wakened, Katzchen, my offer still remains as you...are interesting," Kurt said as Kitty goes to the where the fire starts.
"I´m life, I´m the force. I´m Pheonix" Jean or what used to be Jean scream to the bodies on the ground. Kitty arrives in the scene only to see her friends almost dead on the ground as Pheonix is gleefully to see Kitty Pryde.
"Finally, after all those centuries, we´ll finally resolve our conflict, Zaorva" Pheonix points at Kitty who is confused but in position to attack.
"I´m not Zaorva, I´m Kitty Pryde"
Both women clashes against each other, fire and water as cliche as it sounds. Fire against Kitty´s magic. Pheonix seems to laugh at the fight and not caring for the casualties.
"I must say, while your new body is strange, you still remain the same, I´ll want to defeat you," Pheonix said, "Zaorva"
"I´m not Zaorva" Kitty declares with her crystal blue eyes shining as she now has the upper hand and is making the Pheonix back down, losing the ground, Pheonix decides to leave to fight another day, after all, she got a new body today.
"My name is Kitty Pryde...I´m not Zaorva," Kitty said to no one and suddenly all the other X-men starts to move and rose from the ground.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“Praying won’t save you. I am your god now. Pray for my forgiveness.” (Some version of Belasco!verse. Could be evil. Might not be though).
Kitty Pryde was never an over devoted human. Even after witnessing such bizarre and dangerous situations, not once, her mind goes to religion. Kitty, as much is proud of her Jewish origins is also a woman of reason and never thought to pray would solve anything…until now.
Her smalls hands are closed together as her eyes closed and the pray escapes her lips in a shaky tone. A mission gone wrong is nothing new, of course, but this is a new level of wrong.
Kitty was supposed to lead a mission to Savage Land, gather information about the situation and nothing else, however, something else happened and now Kitty is in chaos itself. She does not remember all the details of the fight, shamefully her team and herself were caught by surprise, and many of the details are a huge blur.
Yet, that red hand strongly holding her arm in the midst of the battle, that demonic voice gloating about …something is an image vividly in her mind. It is a bit odd, she remembers this part, yet, how she gets here is a mystery to her.
Maybe I black out? Either way, Why Am I still here?
“Ah, still praying?” the red eyes study her form, “Praying won’t save you. I am your god now. Pray for my forgiveness.”
"Forgiveness? You are the one to bring me here, Belasco,” Kitty snapped back and the Demon Lord only smirk at the situation, at Kitty herself.
“My mission on Savage Land was a success, and I even found you, which is the best part” Belasco snap his fingers and any space between them are gone. Kitty is sitting on his lap as a red finger touches the white collar around her delicate neck. “How are you adjusting to the new life?” Kitty replied a bit snappy and this didn´t phase Belasco at slightly “are you missing someone in your life?”
Kitty ponders this question for a moment. She does miss someone, but, Brian and the others assure that everyone is here. They assure her, more than once, that everything is fine…yet Kitty is sure they are missing something or someone.
Blue and gold.
“Why you care? ” Kitty can´t help to wonder about his plan, so far, no torture begins, what Belasco wants?“My opinion should matter nothing to you, but,  I´m missing someone blue and gold” why she said that? if everyone thinks she is crazy about missing someone that never exist, then why hide this fact from a Demon Lord?
No mocking words or maniac laughter, instead, Belasco hummed as his hands caress Kitty´s fluffy hair.
“Someone blue? Is that person dear to you?” Belasco asked and Kitty only nods. “don´t worry, Katzchen, you aren´t crazy, that blue person exist…do you remember his name?”
She puts her hands on his shoulder, there´s no way to leave her position and she can´t attack or defend herself, better just amuse him for the time.
“I don´t recall all the details, but, I know his name is Kurt,” she said focusing to remember Kurt´s face “Kurt Wagner, I remember him, mostly, he did promise something or said something to me before…the big change” Kitty is crestfallen her memories are so confusing.
Belasco looks pleased as his tail touches her face gently.
“I have a surprise for you, Katzchen, Kurt Wagner did exist and he is not dead, no, in fact, he changes himself” Belasco appears to have a compulsion to touch Kitty Pryde since the name, Kurt Wanger, was spoken.
“What?” she hissed and Belasco only smiles and said.
“Katzchen, I´m Kurt Wagner, and I have finally found you,” Kitty´s eyes widen “I see Brian and the others didn´t tell everything…fret not Katzchen, I can still fulfil my promise to you”
Kitty is in silence as Kurt kiss her forehead.
“As long you still fulfil yours” Belasco smiled pleased and Kitty remembers bits of said promise. A blue man with golden eyes smiling just like Belasco said the words(“As long you still fulfil yours” in the same tone as Belasco) and the feeling of happiness came along.
“Welcome back, Katzchen, to our home,” Belasco said calmly now and Kitty still remembers the words and the blurs and gaps in her memory, maybe this is her new home after all.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
huge ass ultimate au part 4 crossover
N/A yeah, I´m crossover two aus together, well, 3 to me Kurt is the ruler of hell in all the aus, is a way to ground the aus(sort of)
@djinmer4 @niuniente @zoetekohana @girls-are-weird @pudimazul269
The jet flies with only 10 soldiers, 5 mutants and 5 humans, the captain told in a stern and professional tone what is their mission. Nightcrawler amongst the other soldiers and is silently praying. Gruesome missions are a hard pill to swallow no matter how many Nightcrawler completely flawless, it never gets easy.
" Nightcrawler, as always, you´ll be in the front line," the captain voice said in a monotone, an old dance everyone knows by the heart, the blue man only nods and finally stop praying. " today, the enemy is nothing like we faced before, a creature using mutants and human lives to enhance its own power, for what our sources say this creature wants to imitate limbo but is failing...all the creature has is dead bodies. And in consequence is turning the limbo in itself more powerful" the captain rubs his forehead " stupid people shouldn´t be born, I stand by this " it was a little joke that managed to make the others chuckle a little.
Finally, is time for Nightcrawler do what he knows best, complete his mission flawlessly. Without waiting for the jet to properly land, he teleports to the land point and with his katanas ready, Nightcrawler is dead set to do what he came to do.
Minions, creatures made of earth and mud try to stop Nightcrawler(there´s a symbolic meaning in a Nightcrawler facing mud and earth), yet, the creatures were more deformed and badly crafted that couldn´t possess a threat even for children. Nonetheless, Nightcrawler ended their suffering in one blow.
Inside the house, it seems all the clours were gone, not that the aesthetic of the house is not of his concern. Nightcrawler found the dead bodies, mutants and children murder and looking terrified even in death. It irons his convictions. And it didn´t take long for Nightcrawler to finally see the ringleader of this massacre.
"Amanda, why Am I not surprised?" Nightcrawler said in an even tone. Amanda/Jimaine look worse for wear, to Nightcrawler, it is a natural look for this evil woman.
"Kurt Wagner, I knew you would be here, I need your wretched soul for the spell," she said in an insane tone, " you own me, after all the time in the circus"
Kurt frowns his face and looks disgusted at her suggestion, at the memories of the past.
"No, I came here to put an end to this once and for all" Kurt Wagner added darkly.
"I´m the most powerful being in the planet, limbo is mine now, I can finally overthrow you" Kurt didn´t get the reference or didn´t care. Drawing his katana ready.
The fight wasn´t spectacular as Amanda was hoping, 3 deep cuts were enough to remember to the blonde woman she is a mortal as much as the others victims.
Sadly, there are no alive victims to rescue, the rescue party is useless. The team enter the building only to recover dead bodies.
"I ...need to make a call," Kurt said during this scene. It is a struggle to use the cell phone when you only have 3 fingers, but once the cell phone is ringing a new voice answer.
"Hi, Kurt, is everything alright?" Kitty asked gently as yawning a little.
"Nein, I just want to hear your voice," he said tiredly" I was called for a mission and ...I need to hear your voice"
Meanwhile, in Limbo, the new Hell where many souls are being delivered. A woman with brown hair, doe brown eyes are looking at the inflow of souls for the past hours and wondering if she should say something, fortunately, someone else already beats her in that.
"The numbers get bigger every day, but today, the numbers are especially bigger, " the ruler of Limbo said to the confused woman whispering in her ear gently starling her" any idea as for why? it is good for me, of course, but only for me" his smile never left his handsome red face.
"Well, someone is doing stupid things?" Kitty, his dear Katzchen offer this as explanation and Belasco only chuckles at that.
"Yes, that is the correct answer"
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djinmer4 · 6 years
September (Part 2 of AU^4)(Evil Verse)
Inspiration Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSZlAltkYoc
“So why now?”  After their duel, Belasco had arranged an herbal bath for Shadowcat.  Witch hazel and comfrey for her bruises, lavender and chamomile to keep her too relaxed to fight back.  He had relished stripping off her tattered uniform, even as she had hit back and tried to escape.  The Demon Lord had wanted to go even further . . . but he was going to enjoy taking his time to make her submit.  For now, he settled on helping her bathe.  Given that her right arm was still broken, she didn’t have much choice about accepting his help.
“Why now?  Don’t you want to know why me?”  It also helped that she wasn’t trained to endure interrogation.  Belasco didn’t need to torture her, sooner or later she’d give him the answers he wanted.
“No, I explained to you earlier why they would have picked you for the assassination.  What I want to know is why now.  They didn’t bother after the invasion of the Savage Land or the mess with the Vibranium.  Most of the rulers of Earth don’t care about Limbo, as long as we’re not currently invading.  So what’s changed?”
She stayed silent as he poured a basin of water over her hair, being careful not to blind her.  Belasco continued to talk.  Kitty wasn’t the type to remain quiet for ever.  “No one’s invaded Earth since my last attempt to take over the Savage Land.  If Mephisto or D’Spayre or someone else was going around causing trouble, they wouldn’t bother going to me to control them.  Perhaps they are seeking the Bloodstone Amulet?”
“We don’t need any of your cursed artifacts!” She shouted, then flushed bright red, embarrassed that her enemy had so easily roused her to speech.  Belasco smirked as he passed the washcloth over her back.  This would be easier than he thought.  “No objects of power?  Then I suppose King Britain and the others must intend to replace me.  Who do they have in mind?  N’astirh?  Darkoth?  Jimaine Szardos?”  Kitty probably wouldn’t know it, but all those he named were already dead.  He was interested in seeing how much they had lied to her.
“I have no idea who any of those people are.”  When his hand dipped below the water she tried to grab the washcloth from him.  A sharp rap to her broken arm left her reeling and allowed him to continue with no interference.
“Ilyana then.  Rather unoriginal.  She keeps trying, but she’s never succeeded.  But that doesn’t answer my question.”  He soaked the cloth in more witch hazel, then began to rub it into the bruises at her wrist.  “Does this have something to do with Mar-Vell’s crusade against death?”
At that she wrenched her arm away from him and tried to move to the far side of the bath.  Amused he let her, then when she had gotten away he warped space until she was back where she had started.  He poured more water over her head, this time making sure she was blinded for a few seconds.  She needed to learn that things would be easier if she stopped trying to get away from him.
“So Mar-Vell eliminates death, and only realizes the vast amount of problems that creates afterwards.  How typical of him.”  He slid the cloth over her breasts, fascinated by the shiver that passed through his prisoner.  “I take it whoever has replaced Death wants Limbo for a reason.  The new Hell, I presume?”
“Well, there’s nothing here that resembles Heaven.” She snarked back, bringing her one good arm up to cover herself.  He simply grabbed it with his tail and pulled it away, continuing to his exploratory forays.
“Oh, I could think of one thing.”  He smiled down at her.  “My dear Kätzchen, whatever could have convinced you to think you could possibly succeed in killing me?”
She hunched forward, shoulders twitching away from him.  “Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?  It’s always been my name for you.”
Copper-colored eyes rose to stare at him in horror.  “No.  No, that’s not possible.”
“I see they didn’t tell you everything.  But I can prove it.”  He leaned forward, ignoring the water soaking into his chiton.  Close enough so that he could whisper directly into her ear.  “Do you remember your first mission against the Shi’ar?  They wanted you to take control of an unmanned observation drone.  So Storm carried us all the way to the edge of the atmosphere then I teleported you to the surface of the drone.  You phased in but didn’t have complete control of your powers, so you had to find a way to let me in from inside.”
“But it wasn’t unmanned.  There was a Shi’ar warrior inside, but you hadn’t been trained to defend yourself yet.  So to save my life, you phased him through the wall and left him there.”
“No one knows that.  Not the Professor, not Storm, not even Kurt.”  She was babbling, confused and bewildered.  It was almost as good as fighting.  “You must be reading my mind.”
“Now, now, liebling, you know that telepathy is one of the few powers I don’t possess.  And I’ve always known.  I saw those limbs sticking out from the wall.  I saw them writhe then go still in death.  It’s one of my most cherished memories; even when you didn’t trust me, you still cared enough to kill to keep me alive.”
She continued to stare at him.  Tears welled up, then spilled from her eyes.
“Why are you crying?  Aren’t you happy to be with me?”  She said nothing, just shook her head and closed her eyes.  After a moment he continued to bathe her.
There was nothing more to be said.
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djinmer4 · 6 years
Date Night (Belasco!verse AU)
Sorry, no dead Amandas this time around.  But this does set-up the scenario that eventually kills her.
Kurt was idly paging through a book on Japanese culture when he felt the telltale pressure of another person teleporting.  With a sigh, he looked up and saw Jimaine Szardos, dressed in her flamboyant stage costume again.  “Jimaine.”
She hesitated, taking in the three-piece suit and more importantly the glamour he was wearing.  “Kurt?”
“Oh, so now you acknowledge me?”
“Ku-Bel- No,” she shook her head as if trying to clear it.  “Kurt.  I’m sorry.  I just found out and had to see you.”
“It’s Belasco.  Kurt is for my friends.”  He put down the book.  “Found out what?”  He had a sneaking suspicion about what this was about, and he didn’t think the conversation was going to end in her favor.
“About what happened to you.  About you becoming, well, what you became.”  She aborted a gesture to his body.
“About being Belasco?  Everyone else has known that for almost a decade now.  Funny how you’re only showing up today.”
“Ah, ye-yes.  But to be fair, we thought you had been petrified by the Grey Goblin.  It never occurred to me or mother that you might be . . . around.”
“Excalibur has been unfrozen for a year.  And yet, you never bothered to try to contact me before this?  Oh, wait-” he continued sarcastically.  “There was the time you showed up and tried to steal the Soul Sword.  Seems you’d rather attack your former teammates than work with them.”
“That was a one-time thing.  As for the rest . . . to be fair, no one ever told me about it.  I really would have been here sooner, had I known.”
The silence grew so heavy, it could have been used as ballast.  “I really owe Mephisto an apology.  He’s not going to get it, but I’ll say it silently in my head the next time I see him.”
“What?”  She was clearly confused by the non sequitur.
“Oh, back when I first time-traveled, he told me that the Szardos family only adopted me to exploit my power, and that we only had a relationship so you could control me.  When I got my memories back, I thought he was lying.  Looks like he was telling the truth in this case.”
“That’s not-”
“Then why is it that thirty years ago, when Brian was trying to contact people he couldn’t even find Amanda Sefton to tell her that her lover had been turned to stone?  Why is it that neither you nor Margali ever showed up to even try to turn us back?  Everyone else made an attempt or at least showed up to mourn.  Why is it that a year after being unfrozen, Katzchen and the others can’t even recognize you?  That doesn’t seem to be the actions of a friend.”
“The answer is that you never cared.  Once you realized there was no advantage to you hanging around, no access to objects of power, no pawns to manipulate, no dimensions to travel, no power you could steal, of course you left.  No need to try to free one deluded battery.”
This time she had learned to stay silent.
“I can’t believe I let you fool me into a relationship Jimaine.  To think I wouldn’t recognize my own sister, I must have been desperate.”
“Kurt I’m sorry!  Do you want proof of my love?  Think on this: I never asked you to change yourself!”  She made another gesture at what he was wearing.  “Is this for her?  Did she make you pretend to be human for a date so she wouldn’t be ashamed of being seen with you?”
“No, you decided it would be easier to change yourself; much less risk of slipping up.  Or maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe you did something to my mind in order to fool me into thinking you were Amanda Sefton, someone who never existed.  And as for this, she asked for one day for a completely normal date where she doesn’t have to worry about being stared at or recognized.  Not something you ever worried about.”
“She wants to change you.”
“She wants to understand me, which I think you never cared about.”
“Please, Kurt-”
“Leave.  If I ever see you again, you will regret crossing the Ruler of Limbo.”  He turned away and waited for her to leave.  She teleported away, just in time for Katzchen to come down the steps.
“Hi, sorry I’m late that took-” she reached the bottom of the stairs then cut herself off.  “Kurt, is something wrong?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“You look . . . “ she grasped his hand and steered him over to a mirror.  When he looked at his reflection, he realized his glamour had burnt off, leaving him with horns, fangs and red skin clearly on display.  He supposed he was lucky the clothes had been purchased rather than part of the glamour, otherwise they would have reverted too.
“I’m sorry.  It’s nothing.  I just got riled up about something.”  He quickly started to rebuild the glamour.  Pale skin, dark hair and blue eyes.  No fangs or horns in sight.
Kitty fidgeted, ruffling the loose folds of her dark green dress.  “Look, if you’re more comfortable that way, you don’t have to do it.  I just wanted to have one completely normal, apple-pie Americana date in my life, but it was stupid-”
“Katzchen, do you remember when we went back to Muir Island to get everyone’s stuff?  And you said there were times you didn’t want to be a Jew?  Or a mutant?  Or even a woman?”  She nodded.  It had been the first serious conversation they had after Excalibur had been unfrozen.  “Well, let me tell you a secret.  Sometimes I don’t want to be a Demon Lord either.”
“So you’re okay with this?”  Hope shone in her copper-colored eyes.
“Well, I don’t want to do it every time, and I think you’d get bored with that too, but one date?  After we’ve been doing this for months?  We could both use a break from being Belasco and Shadowcat.”  Okay, maybe the date wasn’t completely normal because he was still teleporting them across the Atlantic to New York, but it was normal as the two of them could get.  No one would see anything more than two ordinary people in love.  As long as no emergencies came up, they’d have a wonderful, stress-free evening.
He probably just jinxed it by thinking that.
Banishing his gloomy thoughts, Kurt held out an arm to the younger X-Man, which Kitty gracefully accepted.  “So what would you like to do tonight, my Lady?”
She smiled, slightly shy but gaining confidence.  Just like everything else in her life.  “Take me dancing please.”
“As you wish.”
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djinmer4 · 6 years
Hazy Feel Turn
Okay, so @mikeellee and I were talking about alternate universe Kurtty a few months ago.  One of the ones that came up was Earth-9997.  In typical fashion, we both agreed the concept had some merit, and that it was executed in a less than stellar way by Marvel.  And decided to see if we could do better.  So here’s my (very late) take on Belasco!Kurt.
Be warned, I did a bit more research on Earth-9997 . . . then promptly decided that universe made no sense and discarded most of it.  So anyone looking for something that will fit canon, should probably go elsewhere.
After spending a few thousand years without a right arm, Kurt admitted to himself that it felt weird to have it back.  His balance was off.  He kept whacking the arm into various objects.  He’d start doing something with his hand, then realize he’d only use his left hand, leaving his right lying useless.  “If I’d known getting you back was a handicap,” he addressed his newly reattached arm.  “I might not have agreed to King Britain’s proposal so easily.”  He was currently sitting in a suite in the palace, trying to deal with odd phantom pains.  (Weren’t you supposed to get phantom pains after an amputation?  He thought he remembered enough of human medicine to know that.)  It had been a week since the wedding of Medusa and King Britain, and five days since the Union Jacks had reattached the long-petrified arm.  Kurt figured he could spend at least a month adjusting before too much work piled up in Limbo.  And once he got back, well, then he could just make as much time as he needed after all.
The soft sound of someone sneaking into the room made him turn.
Kitty looked surprised and innocent and alarmed and entirely too young.  The plush blue robe she wore reminded him of her Excalibur uniform, as did the way she was half-phased through the antechamber door.  The image brought back another rush of memories.  Meeting her in New York, those first few missions with the X-Men, her fighting Magneto.  But there were still giant gaps.  He remembered meeting her, but he didn’t remember how they became friends.  Remembered founding Excalibur, but not her reaction to Professor X’s death.  In his mind she was a scramble of remarkably vivid memories and complete blanks.
This might have been why he had been avoiding the newly unfrozen members of Excalibur for the past week.
But could anyone blame him?  It was bad enough that they had missed several years of tremendous changes.  The release of the Terrigen mists, the return to semi-feudalism, how much the very environment of the Earth had changed.  None of them had dealt with the whole Celestial embryo and the Vibranium energy crisis that had followed.  Vibranium had only been a scientific curiosity when they’d been petrified.
Not only on a grand scale, but also what had happened to the members of the team who hadn’t been turned to stone.  Meggan had still been in the honeymoon phase of her relationship with Brian; she came back on his wedding night to another woman.  Piotr had been Mr. Sinister, and was now the Czar of Russia.
Kurt had time-traveled thousands of years backwards and become one of Excalibur’s worst enemies.
It occurred to him that he should leave.  Teleport away.  Go back to Limbo.  Give the woman who had been his best friend in the world time to adjust to the new reality.  Instead he remained frozen on the chair as she finished entering the room.  For a moment they stared at one another.  “I was hungry and about to make myself a snack,” she whispered.  “Care to join me?”
For a moment they were back in Excalibur, having one of their midnight chats.  That must have been what prompted him to say yes, rather than leaving as he should have.
Some of his clearer memories included Kitty (Katzchen, that’s what he used to call her) epically failing at cooking.  Not that it would have mattered much; while he could eat and enjoyed indulging luxuriously, he could also survive solely on the magical environment of Limbo, on the torturous feelings he wrung from his victims or the souls of the dead who wandered into his domain.  He could put up with whatever disaster she ended up preparing.
The ‘disaster’ proved to be vegetarian cup ramen and some frozen mochi balls. (It was sheer luck that the Terrigen mists hadn’t affected Earth’s flora as badly as it had Earth’s fauna.  Even if every place had a shortage of meat, people were only starving at the same rate as they had before, albeit in different distributions.)  Inoffensive to the palate, even if nothing like what he could prepare at home.  So the food went well.  Even if the conversation did not.
“So, you’re arm . . . “Kitty was the one to break the silence.
“Ah, yes.”  He held up his right arm, opening and closing the three-fingered fist.  “It was caught with the rest of you when the Grey Goblin attacked.”
“But you managed to get away.”
“Sort of.  I ended up teleporting into a Terrigen mist and things got worse from there.”
She sipped at the broth.  “How so?”
“My physical mutation actually got worse.” he responded, glossing over the actual form of his mutation.  “I got attacked, and when I was able to teleport away, I accidentally sent myself back in time.”
After a beat she continued.  “That’s interesting, but I meant the form of your arm.  You don’t look as you did when we fought; you look more like K-” she cut herself off.
“I’m a shapeshifter.”  He looked down at his fork.  “The Union Jacks said I should try to match the arm during therapy rather than force it to match my usual form.  Better for reintegration.”
The conversation died at that point and they ate in awkward stillness.  Finally Kurt could stand the silence no more.  “I’m sorry.” he blurted out.
“You’re apologizing?  For what in particular?”  She wasn’t going to make this easy on him.
“Sorry for . . . “ What was he actually sorry for, instead of feeling a vague sense of general guilt?
“Sorry for everything?”
“Well, not everything.  I’m sorry for what I did to Excalibur in particular.”
“You’re sorry?  You’re sorry?  You tried to kill all of us.  You turned me into a cat!  You kidnapped Ilyana and tried to make her your sex toy!”  Kitty’s voice grew higher and louder with every sentence, and Kurt hoped the soundproofing in the palace was up to the challenge.  She also ended up leaning forward, as if to reach him from across the table.  But he didn’t try to stop her.  She needed this.
“Yes, I did all of those things.  And I’m sorry.  And I wish to make amends.  What do you wish for, Katzchen?”  Using the nickname might have been a mistake, she looked like she wanted to stab him with her chopsticks.
“I wish those things had never happened!”
“And so do I.  Hence, why I’m sorry.”  If this was how Kitty was reacting, he wasn’t going to bother with the rest of Excalibur.  They were clearly better off without him.  But she had been his best friend, and he found himself longing to do his best for her.  “I can’t change the past.  But what do you want?  Do you want me to leave?”  If she did, he’d do it.  He’d go away forever, or at least the length of her life.  Not even his current friendships with Brian and Piotr had as much preeminence as his past with her.
She dropped back into her seat.  When she spoke again, her voice was very soft, almost impossible for him to hear.  “I want none of this to have happened.  I want the person who hurt me not to be my friend.  I want my friend back.”
“I can’t be that person again.”  Well, he supposed he could fashion some type of golem in Limbo, shape it in his old form, give it the right type of instructions to act like Kurt Wagner.  But he wouldn’t be that person.  And he didn’t think Katzchen would appreciate being fobbed off with a doll like that, as if she were a child.  “But I will do everything in my power to make up for what I’ve done to you.”
“And are you going to make the same offer to the rest of Excalibur?  To Meggan?  To Dane?  What does Ilyana think of all this?”  Ilyana hadn’t been frozen in time with the rest of them, but clearly her opinion mattered the most to Kitty.
“I will.  Within reason though.”  She looked at him out of the corner of narrowed eyes.  “You were my best friend.  I feel you should get more from me than the others.”
"And Ilyana?”
“We have a working relationship.  We weren’t that close anyway.”  Ilyana had never been that close to Brian, otherwise she too would have been here for the wedding.  Right now she was covering for him during his rehabilitation.
“Kurt wouldn’t have said that.”
“I’m not Kurt Wagner anymore.”
“I suppose.”  She wrapped her arms around herself, curving in to hide from the world.  Kurt got up and put the dishes in the sink.  He’s leave her alone now.  But her voice, still wavering but getting stronger stopped him.  “We can’t go back to the past.”  Not without playing into Mephisto’s hands anyway.  “But if I have to face this future completely unprepared, then . . . “ she looked up at him.  Tears streaked her face, but her eyes were clear.  “I’d rather make friends while doing so.”  She stood up again and reached out for his hand.  “Hi, I’m Kitty Pryde.  A Jew, a woman, an American, a Cubs fan, and a founding member of Excalibur.  Be my friend and I’ll risk my life for you.  Because that’s what I enjoy doing, clearly.”
This might actually work out.  He reached out with his right hand.  “Hello, I’m Nightcrawler.  But in Limbo, I’m known as the Demon Lord of Temptation, Belasco.  They’ll tell you to stay away from me, that I’m not good for you, but that just makes it more fun.”
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Past and Future (Belasco au)
N/A: So this is a Xmas (pun intended) drabble staring my new fav au.
@djinmer4 @augment-techs @asakacc @raainstorms @lesdernierssous @briefladynighttheone @briefladynight
If someone dares to ask, whatever demon or mutant, what Kurt truly think of mankind his reply would depend on his mood, in some cases, a sassy reply would escape his lips easily, in other cases the poor individual would meet a gruesome ending.
Kurt does recall some of his time on Earth, some of the things of what the humans did to him and a minority that just want to live in peace.
When Kurt become the new Balasco no reservation was speared in time to vent his frustration in the mankind, however, to be fair, Kurt does have some problems with a few mutants as well.
It a minority, of course, but some mutants grind on his nerves and Kurt has no qualms in express this opinion, moreover, one mutant, one person is above everything in his mind.
Kitty Pryde is someone that Kurt can´t forget and won´t allow this to happen. There´s a contradiction that while Kurt wants nothing more than focus on his future, Kitty needs to stay on his side to a reminder of his past.
Kitty needs to stay on his side.
Kurt wants her to stay on his side.
Granted that their reunion wasn´t the most romantic or cute in the history(“I did hurt her” this thought haunts his mind every day, every second) but then again, being an X-men means you are used with bizarre reunions.
If was someone else, Kurt wouldn´t care about their opinion or if said person wants to forgive him, but Kitty was never a mere person to him (Kurt remember everything relate to her, the good, the bad and the doubt along with the what-ifs, this time things ought to be different)
The Demon Lord found Kitty, with a pink sweater(a present from Yana from Hannukah) and a heavy book in her hands, an image that belongs in the past (or future, if Kurt has any say here) comforting the Demon Lord in all absurdity of the word.
“Katzchen” the young woman is laying down on the couch like a cat and seems a mockery of what Kurt did. Kitty turns her attention to him and put the book down.
“Hey, Kurt” greet cheekily, which is new(is she finally stopping fearing me?)
“I have a present for you, I know Hannukah is gone but I want to give you a present,” says smoothly like a true demon must be and this caught her attention.
“You know you didn´t have to get me anything, we made a deal, Kurt, and I plan to honor my part” funny, there´s nothing tieing you here and yet you stay here, you´re something else, Katzchen.
“I know, but I want to give this” and stood his hand to Kitty to grab it, many would run for their money or soul, but not Kitty, no, his Kitty take the hand without fear.
They teleport to a big door and the young woman can´t help herself to make a sassy commentary(leave the sassy to the master)
“Thanks, Kurt, I always wanted a big door”
“Really, now I know what to give you for your birthday, but is what is inside of the door that matters, but if you want to admire the door” Kitty laughs at this banter(new and familiar at the same time) and let Kurt show the present.
“I…look, if you don’t like it, just say so, no need to lie to please me,” says like a true Demon Lord, sadly, this don´t have the same effect on Kitty.
The doors were open and there´s a garden behind, the big mystery was a garden, it would be the perhaps anti-climax for some, to Kitty, this garden was special.
It was the garden from her childhood, before the X-men, before the fights, when Kitty did have a normal childhood.
“Kurt?” says overwhelmed and flooding with memories of Mama Pryde tending the garden with a smaller Kitty are enough to make a bittersweet smile reach her face.
“I can shapeshift reality, it wasn´t a big deal to create this” for you, mentally add and can´t meet her gaze “if it is too much I can make something else”
“No, please, this is beautiful. Is just like my Mom´s garden, before…” Kitty can´t finish the sentence and there´s no need. “I love it, I meant, Kurt, thank you”
Kurt now meet her doe eyes, sweet talks about Kitty´s past never leave his mind and Kurt just want to do something, after all, he is a powerful Demon Lord, he can do something now(not like before, not when He was a mere mortal)
“Why did you do this?” the question is laced with gratitude and curiosity.
“Because” I want you to stop fearing me, “I thought it would be a nice gift”
“Do you want the only forgiveness?” the question has a broad range of meaning and Kurt can´t translate any of them.
A minute of silence and Kitty give her hand, an imitation of the same gesture Kurt did a few minutes ago, and smile once Kurt take the hand(hesitantly, afraid of something, afraid of hurting her and terrified of this not being real)
“ Do you see the apple tree over there?” points enthusiastically to Kurt that is clueless as to why this tree is any special but refrains from saying.
She guides him near the tree and all this motion make him think of a pleasant time.
“Let´s steal Scott´s car and drive away, Kitty”
“Hell yeah”
“When I was little, I would climb the tree and hide away from everyone and eat an apple or two,” says mischievously as she confessed a greatest sin or secret and Kurt snort at that.
“How rebellious of you” their hand is still intertwined and Kitty is looking longing to one of the oldest branches, maybe, she wants to climb the tree again.
Kurt wrapped his hand around her waist and without warning teleport them to the strongest branches, Kitty a cough little thanks to the smoke and realize she is sitting on his lap on an apple tree.
“This is a very abroad question, be more specific” Kurt is the sassy master and this never will change.
“ Don´t we weight nothing here? Is the limbo make us weightless or partially? How come we aren´t falling?”
“Yeah or maybe I´m using magic here, but whatever floats your boat, Katzchen” and using his tail Kurt give an apple to Kitty who accepts, the image of a demon giving an apple to a woman didn´t go unnoticed to Kitty.
But at this point, I don´t really care.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Belasco au (big sister)
A family is sacred, that of course, is an old statement that sometimes does not always apply to the reality of every single individual, some blood relatives can hurt you physically or mentally.
Thus dirting the well-meaning of this secular phrase, however, many forget the existence of another old saying that is more or less like that '' the blood shared by convenience is thicker than shared in the womb''
Or to be more modern, there´s the ''family of choice'' that most of the times can be more helpful and healthy than a blood family, in an ironic twist, the Demon Lord Belasco is a great supporter of this old saying.
"Good Morning, große Schwester" Kurt greets the sorceress Rogue, aka his older sister, as she is doing something spooky in her cauldron.
Remy and Rogue are living together in New Orleans, the woman in question didn´t age at all but when you are a magical being age is just a number.
"Hi, Kurt, and no, I´m not doing anything spooky, that is the dinner, Remy said he would eat my food if I prepare, so, here I´m cooking"  now letting the whatever is on the cauldron stewing, Rogue can properly talk with her little brother.
"Where is Kitty?" asked noticing the absence of the petite woman " and how are things hold up with you? Being the Demon Lord and all that jazz"
"Katzchen is sleeping" the smiling Kurt gave is evidence enough of what those two did last night " And still a Demon Lord and you´re still a sorceress, life goes on, I suppose. And Remy? Must I be the concerned brother that happens to be a Demon Lord? Because I have the speech ready"Kurt is clearly to amused by now " if he hurts you, he will face my wraith, sounds good enough?"
"Well, you can be more theatrical, but Kurt, let´s be honest if he did hurt me...Remy will have to face my wraith" Kurt nods and Rogue summons a teapot and a kettle to serve tea to them.
"Speaking of drama and fury" Rogue states after taking a sip of her tea and Kurt have the suspicion that he knows what Rogue wants to talk about it " I´m glad you are here, we need to talk about ...mom and Amanda"
Kurt arch an eyebrow at the last word, Amanda? she is a terrible memory and mistake that rarely cross on Kurt's mind, however, due to Rogue´s expression, it´s better to listen first.
"First, let´s start with mom, I meet her a few weeks ago, she is living with Destiny, yes, I know I have seen this movie before" she replied before Kurt could make the same argument he always does regards Mystique and Destiny "
"Very well, carry on," Kurt said drinking his tea wondering if this will be any different from all the news regards his mother.
"Well, she remembers me and you and wants to make amends, compensate us if possible" Kurt give a yellow smile and Rogue can´t censor her brother "I, of course, didn´t believe her, but ...she told me about Azazel"
"Great, now you´re talking about the trash king, I´ll need something stronger than tea" Kurt is not too pleased with this conversation but allows Rogue to continues.
"Azazel remembers you´re his son and that you are a Demon Lord, Belasco and ...he may want to attack you"
Silence as Rogue look to Kurt´s eyes, normal eyes like her( a deadly disguise) and then watch Kurt laugh a humorless laugh until it ceased.
"No, that sperm donor may be after me? What a plot twist" said dryly "it wouldn´t be his first attempt at me" explained Kurt and Rogue nods remembering the stories.
"She told me, that maybe Azazel will not come after you in a clean combat...he may go after someone you love" Now Kurt looks more like a Demon Lord and less like Kurt.
"I see, yes, he is a coward, I´ll warn Kitty and maybe...I may need some assistance from Illyana again" Rogue now looks amused and is put an effort to not mention how people, especially the New Mutants, think Yana and Kurt are now father and daughter.
But if she did that, things will not end well for the New Mutants and she takes a quite like of those teens. So, Rogue will keep her mouth shut.
"Yes, I don´t want Kitty to suffer in the hands of that lunatic" adds Rogue as Kurt's eyes are red, after a few trash talk about Mystique and her bad choices for men, Rogue move on to the next subject.
"Oh, yes, Do you remember Amanda?" Rogue asked now summoning cookies for them to eat.
"Rarely, but why?"
" She appear in my house a few weeks, demanding to get my powers, you know, now that I´m a sorceress there´s no escaping from crazy people" she jokes and Kurt eats the cookies " she goes on and on about how she is the worthy one and blah blah, I was at first inclined to show mercy, I don´t like violence Kurt...but I remember what that bitch did to you"
Then she chants a combination of Latin and English and a served and shrink head appear, this would ruin anyone appetite, but Kurt really like the cookies.
"I confess, I overdone...the fact this bitch gaslight you to ..." Rogue feels disgusted in ending the sentence " I couldn´t control myself, I know you wanted to kill her yourself, but...sorry, I couldn´t help" as the older sister Rogue promised to look after Kurt, he did tell her this story in secret and Rogue couldn´t ever forgive that bitch.
The head is something unappealing and Rogue summon back to where it was.
"Nah, you did the right thing, to be honest, I´m relieved that I didn´t have to interact with this woman ever again" relief and a morbid satisfaction is what Kurt is transmitting and Rogue noticed the cookies are over.
They exchange more conversation, talking about Kitty, Remy, the new world, the dead and then why the cookie is over.
"You´ll be a fat Demon Lord if you continue to eat that much cookie" respond Rogue refusing to summon more cookies.
"Nah, it is worth," said Kurt and after the clock announces is 15hs is time to return to Limbo.
"Next time, bring Kitty, I want to talk to her...personally, no magical mirror"
"Of course, she will be happy to see you, personally, and not in a magical mirror, I promise to bring her, and Rogue, be careful"
"I´m your older sister, this is my line, be careful, Kurt" then adds " and I´ll talk to Kitty about your obsession with cookies"
"Don´t you dare" now Kurt is more like Kurt and less like Belasco.
"I make no promise, little brother" Rogue laugh at his face and before Kurt bamf away, Rogue hug her little brother.
"I meant it, be careful," she said in her sisterly tone.
"I´ll, große Schwester, promise"
And Kurt bamf away leaving the brimstone smoke in his sister´s house, for a moment Rogue contemplates the fact that he did on purpose because of the cookies. Either way is good to know that her little brother may have gone an extreme makeover but is still Kurt.
Her little brother and her family. Now the cauldron has Rogue´s undivided attention.
"Ok, let´s see if I know how to cook"
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