#just personal preference
toffeebrew · 2 months
Guys does anyone have any good fic recs for errorink with good characterization? at least 1k words? please im so desperate im on my knees I need more of their characters im going crazy.
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numberonecodwomenfan · 2 months
What do you think of Zimo?
i think he’s pretty cool! tbh, for some reason i like a lot of the kortac operators more, but a lot of the specgru ones are cool as well. i like zimo’s year of the rabbit skin tho :3
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bookish-library · 8 months
qsmpblr, what are y'all's favorite fanfics? I want to start reading some, and I would love to hear your favs! I also tend to consume fanfic like no ones business, so as many as you want to recommend I will gladly read
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nick-close · 2 years
I genuinely do love Glenn and Jodie being two dads just trying to raise a kid despite not liking anything one another stands for- like it’s so. The thing that ruins it for me is Morgan. Like without her being alive again I think I would’ve been a lot more chill with Glenn being a co-parent to nick? Because it would’ve felt like he was actually being given another chance and actually being helpful instead of a weird third wheel.
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
Forcing myself to make a male twst oc bc I will never focus on him and he's mainly a plot device for Jeanne's past but sheesh I hate making male ocs for twst
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jessepinwheel · 10 months
after a lot of consideration I've decided to use the fuck word one (1) time in race con and y'all will never believe what I use it for
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Elias BUN-chard… 👀 (Your art is really cute!!)
Glad you like my art! Unfortunately I'm not up for drawing Elias as a bun, sorry.
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sostrangerous · 1 year
omg i realized beyond the horniness for dude masculinity in those fics which irritates me, a lot of johnmark fic has a vibe of mark deferring to johnny bc he's older and somehow more mature. which makes sense for the origins of the pairing, but I find it INTOLERABLE. age gap shit has never been for me
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dex is the type of mf to watch minecraft redstone videos to fall asleep
feel free to interpret this is human au
no he plays minecraft i’m the cannon world
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sector-i-closed · 1 year
When folks say they prefer Shax over Sparkling I say I choose Minsu sprawled on the floor and hiding his chicken
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king-mera · 1 year
Ok new rule for my blog: if we’re mutuals, please tag ai generated images. Thanks.
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art-i-sticks · 2 years
I noticed your latest Kai art is tagged Kai Jiang and I've never heard that last name for him and Nya before. Is it a fan name I've never heard before, or did we finally get a cannon last name for them?
Also the art is amazing, as per usual for this blog
Heyo! Jiang is a fan name that I found through the post here: https://legogeek33.tumblr.com/post/677277018839269376/listen-the-only-reason-i-tag-anything-with-kai-or
I’ve seen it tagged in some other Ninjago posts as well. I took a liking to that last name for Nya and Kai, so I thought we could start using the tag.
Also, thanks! The compliment is appreciated :D
- Kass
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honestmrdual · 2 years
commiting myself to Barnes/Tetch completely ruined my perception of age gap. any time someone's mention that "x dynamic has an age gap ;)" i start getting interested, but than i found out that their age gap is 8 years or something... man, you almost got me there
if one of them isn't twice older than the other one, where's the spice really
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lesvegas · 1 month
I think I prefer injections over gel because injections are only once a week rather than daily also even though I hate needles it's not as much of a sensory nightmare as the gel lol
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inkykeiji · 11 months
Hi:) I know you’ve said in the past that sex is really important to you in a relationship and I was just wondering why that is? I was talking to my friend and she and her bf don’t have a lot of sex and they’re both fine with it because it’s not that important to them and they don’t have the desire to put their energy into doing the physical act of it and I think it’s so interesting how different couples view sex and how it impacts their relationship
hello!! that’s an interesting question for sure! well, of course as your ask indicates, it’s a highly personal preference and incredibly dependent on the person and the couple/relationship. no two relationships are exactly the same, right! anyway to answer your question, sex and physical intimacy is really important to me because that is how i like to be shown love (as well as how i like to show love in return. like that love language stuff, if you will!). i am an incredibly touchy, clingy person with my boyfriend. i love to be cuddled and kissed and physically appreciated and i love PDA. my best friend, however, is the complete opposite! she does not like to be physically touched and would much rather show her love and appreciation in different ways! so in my opinion it’s just a purely personal preference type thing. it’s not at all surprising to hear that sex isn’t important or a main focus for some couples because they just aren’t into it, just like it isn’t surprising to hear that it’s very important to other couples! everyone is different c:
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nothorses · 2 months
after having an entire hour long conversation with my coworkers about what "degendering" is, and the importance of using trans people's pronouns when you know them- rather than always defaulting to "they/them" no matter what- and still getting "they/them"ed by people I trusted not to fucking do that to me, I have decided that the name and pronouns circle of introductions for new additions to the group will now include the very clearly stated boundary that they do not use "they/them" pronouns for me.
your move, cowards!
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