#just waiting for lucious to get bored and leave him sleeping with others and such during
creamecream · 2 years
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“Leave all your indecisions with you at home,
Don’t say you’re doing me a favor,
Why so complicated, won’t you throw me a bone?
I want your love in every flavor,
Won’t you wait a moment?
They’re ringing the bell for last call,
Won’t you wait a moment?
Just give me a second, that’s all,
Won’t last, I’m okay with that,
I’ll take what I can get from you,
Won’t last, I’m okay with that,
I’ll take what I can get from you,”
Lucious belongs to @abyssnighthawk
“Give me something,”
Chestnut groaned out when he got down to the bar after his set, giving the bartender a look as the demon pulled out a glass. “Leave the bottle.” the goat demon murmured.
Chestnut took a swig and wiped his mouth, letting the liquid cool his throat.
“What, hate singing or something?”
Kuri blinked, having not noticed the other man sitting at the counter until he spoke up. Chestnut looked the other up and down as he stole another drink from his bottle, which he held securely against his chest, his bandaged arm slipping back behind his body in a fluid motion he was familiar with, something to hide the weakness from immediate view.
“Depends,” Chestnut responded after a moment, nearly forgetting about the other’s question in his surprise. “I’d rather just sing to sing, not to be pawed at and to actually get some fucking respect in this shithole.”
The other man laughed at that, Chestnut’s harsh tone pulling a chuckle from the blond. “Understandable.”
Kuri tilted his head at the other’s response. “Hmm, last man I told that said, and I quote “everyone has their place. sinners deserve their fate.” Chestnut lowered his voice an octave in a mocking attempted of another man’s deeper baritone. “I mean, he also told me to strip right after, so I think he didn’t really listen to a thing I said, I was not in the mood.”
Chestnut pointed; his posture having become more relaxed as he continued to speak to the other. “Scoot,” the demon did as he said, and Chestnut sat rather harshly onto the seat beside him. “My feet are killing me.” Chestnut lifted a hooved leg and stretched the muscles, flexing it gently. Kuri leaned back into the other demon’s space by accident, making him near jump out of the seat he had claimed when he felt the other’s shoulder.
The other demon laughed once again at that. “Woah there, buy me a drink or something first.”
Chestnut’s face burned as he turned quickly and pushed away. a pout becoming apparent on his face. “No, you.” he mumbled out instinctively.
The other man set a hand on the bar top, steadying Chestnut with his arm before pointing at the bottle still clutched in the goat demon’s hands. “Looks like you got one already, but don’t mind if I do.” he said, before flipping his hand at the bartender, who had been quietly cleaning a glass, trying to appear as if they weren’t eavesdropping. they quickly poured a shot for each demon and pushed them over.
“Enjoy, m’lord.”
They said hastily, hurrying away. their words making Chestnut give the man beside him a look. “I guess someone’s thirsty.” Kuri said with a shrug, not noticing how the other gave him a look.
“I mean, when you’re prince of hell, you get some privileges.” the other man said offhandedly, a smirk lighting his face when Chestnut jumped against him and quickly turned his head to look at him. “Lucious Morningstar,” Lucious said after throwing back his shot, putting the glass down for the bartender to quickly refill, his eyes not leaving Chestnut. “First and only son of King Lucifer and Queen Lilith Morningstar, prince of hell.”
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pansyslut · 4 years
sweet little secret
draco x reader
summary : draco and y/n hide away in his safe house until things cool down.
a/n : very short fluffy story. i just started writing whatever came to mind and although it’s short i think you would enjoy it. please comment or leave reviews if you have any story requests. or even your feedback would be nice.
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“i don’t want to be hidden anymore, dray” y/n said throwing her hands up. huffing, draco nods. “i understand. but it’s not safe for you yet. please understand. if we could be public i would in a second. this is only for your safety.” that had been last night. the last thing you had spoken to each other before drifting to sleep. when you woke up, he was already gone for work.
this is only for your safety
time and time again draco has said that to you. the first few months into the relationship, it was fun sneaking around. little stolen kisses and secret hideouts. it was your sweet little secret between the two of you.
astoria, dracos detrothed, had always known about you. she hadn’t minded at all. you even wrote letters back and forth occasionally because she knew how bored you were stuck in the little cottage.
you had been staying in dracos safe house near a little town for quite a while now. he finally broke up with astoria after being engaged for years. the engagement was forced on by his parents. and when narcissa and lucious heard that draco had left astoria for some girl he had been seeing in secret they weren’t exactly thrilled.
his father had been the most furious. “draco malfoy do you know what you have done to this family? you are a disgrace. after all the horrible things you’ve done to ruin our family name- i never thought you would go this far.”
that had been the last time draco had seen or spoken to his father. since then, his father had people on a search for the two of you and draco wasn’t going to wait and find out what he intended to do once you were found.
you were in the kitchen making pasta before draco burst in the door. you had no doubt his sudden foul mood was about the two of you. he made his way to your room and you heard him thrashing around and the shower turning on from your spot at the counter.
turning the stove off, knowing full well that he never eats when he’s in moods like this, you slowly make your way upstairs. your turn into your shared bathroom and slip off of your clothes.
stepping into the shower, you make eye contact and he goes rigid for a moment. but you just grab him by his shoulders and pull him in for a hug. he eases into you instantly, grabbing your waist and rests his head on your shoulder. you stand there silently, in each other’s arms while you softly scratch his back.
draco whispered softly from his spot on your shoulder, “i’m sorry, my love. i know how much going public means to you. i wish i could give you that freedom. i just don’t know what i would do with myself if you got hurt... or worse. especially if it were my fault.”
“i understand, dray. i’m sorry for putting that pressure on you. i’ll be fine as long as i have you.”
he just nods and kisses your temple. you shower together silently as he massages your head with shampoo and sporadically gives you little kisses. you both get out and damp yourself off after being in there for too long.
“i’m going to rest. don’t worry about dinner.” he says turning to the bedroom. you throw on your underwear and one of his oversized shirts you stole from him as you follow him into the room.
he’s already laid down, sprawled across the bed. he has his arm out, like he was ready for you to join him and cuddle close.
you get in the bed and he automatically grabs your waist and pulls you in.
“i really am sorry, baby. but for right now, you’re just my sweet little secret.” you smile at the reoccurring nickname. it will still be hard to have to hide out but this will do for know. you meant what you said to draco earlier. you would wait as long as you needed as long as you had him.
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ajoy3fanfics · 3 years
101 Ways to Shut Granger up pt 1/?
Find it on AO3!
The first time Draco Malfoy had thought about the proper way to shut Hermione granger up had been on the train, sitting with Astoria Greengrass no less.
Third Year
Astoria Greengrass was a bore.
She babbled about any little thought that came into her mind, without care to filter first. Was it earrings now? Was that what the bird was on about? Draco swore a second ago they were discussing dragonhide shoes. No, she was discussing dragonhide shoes. He was just the unfortunate audience to it.
‘Be nice to her’ his mother had asked, the hard look in her eye betraying her sweet voice. ‘Show her what a gentleman you are.’
‘The Greengrass’ are an important connection.’ His father drawled, placing his hand on Draco's shoulder, squeezing lightly.
“I don’t see why. She’s a twit.” Draco scanned the room, looking for anything else to let his eyes land on. When he defied his father, spoke up in any way, he found it difficult to maintain eye contact. His father's hand squeezed harder, drawing his attention back to the calm features of Lucius Malfoy's face.
“They’re an important connection. It’s crucial they come to our side.” His words were tight, a smirk lifting the corner of his right lips. It was etched in deeply, like a man who was accustomed to getting his way. “If a Greengrass marriage is what it takes, then it is a small price. Astoria is a worthy candidate to be the future Mrs.Malfoy. You must show her why she wants it.”
“I’ll try father.”
He really, really did. But bloody hell, talking to Astoria was like watching paint dry. She kept the topics light, kept her volume appropriate, and the conversation flowing. Draco was sure that if he closed his eyes, he would find himself in his mother’s tea room, surrounded by 3 or 4 society ladies. Astoria did enough talking for 5. Didn’t the witch need to breathe? Wasn’t her jaw tired? How could one person have so much nonsense rattling around in their head? No one on the planet talked this much. Well, maybe granger. That witch never kept quiet.
But, at least Granger had important things to say. Interesting things, Draco thought begrudgingly. When she opened her mouth, it was to spew out substance and facts, on topic, useful bits of knowledge. While Astoria regurgitated the juicy gossip Columns, granger was as dry as a research paper. Opposite ends of a headache, in his opinion. As if his thoughts could conjure her, she appeared, bushy hair crowding the space around her as she neared his compartment door, then opened it without hesitation. She stuck her head in, chestnut curls bouncing as they swayed, the train moving ever forward.
“Has Luna come this way?” She asked, eyes searching the cabin quickly. Astoria frowned instantly at the sight of granger, and for the first time all morning, he found something they agreed in.
“No,” he spat, mouth turned down. Granger clutched a book close to her chest. She wasn’t in her robes yet, still casual in her muggle sweater and jeans. She looked relaxed in comparison to the prim and proper girl at his side.
“As if we have any business with Loony Lovegood.” Astoria finished for him, eyes narrowed in distaste. Draco nodded in agreement.
“Don’t call her that.” Granger’s stance instantly shifted into one of defense. “She isn’t loony. She’s… unique.”
“Is unique a synonym for weird now?” He asked, glad to have an audience for his jokes. Granger rolled her eyes and turned to leave when Draco caught sight of the spine of her book.
“Wait!” He practically jumped from the seat to stop her, the outburst starting Astoria, but thankfully halting Granger in her tracks. She turned back to look at him, a thousand questions written on her face. “Is that the new book? Jack Septons new novel?”
She looked down at the book in her hands, then back to him skeptically, as if confirming before she spoke. “Yes.” That was all she said in response. Like he was the mad one.
“How did you get that?” He asked, “The presale hasn’t even been scheduled. There's been no release for it yet- How-?”
Granger was expressive, he realized. Her eyes, deep brown, widened in surprise at his assault. “Oh- Septon, he heard Harry was a fan of the series and sent him a copy. Harry finished it over the summer and sent it to me. That's why I’m looking for Luna, actually-”
Typical. Saint Potter getting whatever he wanted. Granger turned to walk away, eager to find Lovegood and deliver the book.
“Did he escape?” Draco asked, unable to restrain his curiosity. “Or was he forgiven?”
At this, Granger turned back and stood in the door frame, cocking her head in an annoying way. “You want me to spoil the plot for you?”
Rolling his blue eyes he let out an exasperated sigh. “Not the entire thing, just that bit.”
“You really want to know?”
“Obviously,” He drawled, sounding more like Lucious than he intended. “That's why I asked, Granger.”
“Fine, if you really are that impatient, and you enjoy spoiling your own amusement-”
“Sometime this year, Granger.”
“He was forgiven. I won’t go into detail, but this new book is a totally different arc for the characters.”
Draco scowled, “But that's the entire story! The entire thing is built on him running away!” He scoffed before continuing. “I don't think I even want to read it now. What rubbish.” This confession seemed to stir something in Granger.
“What do you mean rubbish? This was exactly where the story was headed!”
“In what way? He had no other option but to run. He committed crimes, Granger. Real, horrible crimes. He-”
“And he paid for those!” She was heated, pushing her way into the compartment so a first-year could walk by. Draco dismissed her nonsense with a wave of his hands. “He was primed for redemption. The entire series-”
Astoria turned to him, framing her body against his. “Draco, this is terribly boring.” She leaned in, rather unexpectedly, and pressed her lips against his. The shock of it gave her leeway to stick her tongue inside, and Draco couldn’t help but notice the immediate quiet in the compartment. Dragging his eyes up towards Granger, he saw that her mouth had snapped shut before she promptly turned to leave.
‘That's all it takes? A kiss will shut Granger up?’
The thought rattled through his mind as his hands snaked up Astoria Greengrass’ side.
Was there ever a time that Granger didn’t know an answer to a question? Ever a moment that her hand didn’t raise in the air, a bit of knowledge ready on her lips? It seemed different than before, he had to admit. Before she had been bursting at the seams to prove to everyone what she knew, but now she looked about the room, giving others an opportunity to answer first. Not all the time, of course, but Draco was aware of the effort.
She was smart, there was no denying that. The witch was top of their class every year without fail, Draco trailing behind in second place. It was infuriating to know that she had waltzed into his world, a muggle, a mudblood, and risen to the top. Shouldn’t she have been behind? Shouldn’t she need time to catch up? What should have been rightfully his, she took without care. And because she was smart, she was in all of his classes. They were forced to spend their days together, no thanks to their schedules. Suffice to say, he walked to the dungeons each night with a pounding headache, the sound of Granger ringing in his ears.
He’d crawl under his covers, bone-weary from Quidditch practice, exhausted from a day of studies and friends, still hearing the sound of her voice. Repeating everything she said, not just the academics, but the small bits of conversation he picked up along the way. Her laughter, the soft sounds she made when she yawned. He wished she would shut the hell up and give him some rest.
As he drifted off to sleep, he thought of the kiss on the train, with Granger.
Fourth Year
Every time Granger opened her mouth, Draco Malfoy was tempted to take the nearest witch by his side into his arms. That wasn’t to say that it was entirely her fault. He was a young man, in the prime of his youth, and to be more than fair, the skirts seemed to get shorter every day. But whenever Granger began to go off about some nonsense, the idea of shocking her into a submissive silence ran wild through his mind. Despite his parent's wishes, Astoria was as bearable as a toothache, so seeking her out was not an option. Pansy however… Pansy was attractive- sexy, even. Wellbred, old money. Pure blooded, and clearly interested. She clung to him, hung off his arm like she had been doing it all her life, and at times, he enjoyed it. Especially enjoyed it, when Granger came into his sights.
She was sitting alone on a small bench on the pitch, nose deep in a book. Granger was oblivious to the practice around her, or the Slytherins impatiently awaiting their turn. Wizards rushed by on brooms, the wind whipping her hair with them, but she was unperturbed. Simply tucked her wayward curls behind her ear, focus entrenched on the pages, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she read.
A disgusting habit, to chew one's own lips. His mother would have a fit if he were to fidget in such an unseemly way. Yet for the life of him, Draco could not tear his eyes away. She had full lips, he realized. A well-defined cupid's bow that made them appear pouty. A shade of light pink, almost coral; He wondered if they darkened after that assault she was putting them through. Even as her teeth sunk down, pulling idly at her lip they still seemed plump. Soft, even.
Pansy shifted at his side, anchoring him back to reality. “Didn’t their practice end already?” She pouted.
“You know Gryffindors,” Draco eyed Granger. “The rules just don’t apply to them.”
Pansy grabbed his sleeve and dragged him forward towards the Gryffindor in question. The rest of the team followed behind, Pansy clearly the captain on the battlefield. Part of his brain screamed to stop her, but the other half was dying to get closer. Draco didn’t have enough time to process the confusion. Suddenly he was hovering over a mountain of chestnut curls. The intrusion caused her to look up, and Draco wondered when the last time he was this close to her. Granger's eyes shifted between the two, defensive. “What?” She asked.
“Move,” Pansy demanded. “It’s Slytherins turn to practice. You’re taking up the entire bench with that bush you call hair and books. Make room. Our team needs this space.”
Granger's lips curved into a sarcastic smile, and once again his attention was drawn to them. “I didn’t realize you were part of the team, Parkinson.”
She wrinkled her nose, as if the very smell of Granger was unpleasant, “I don’t want to ruin my shoes.” Draco followed suit, but all he could smell was something floral. Granger rolled her eyes in response, piling her stack of books into her bag, clearing space. “There's plenty of room here.”
Draco didn’t care much about the standoff between the two but needed to re-tie his laces before practice. Taking a seat on the side of Granger, he was surprised to find his lap filled with the slim body of his self-declared girlfriend.
Draco was not the biggest fan of public touching. Being used as a seat for Pansy Parkinson felt even more distasteful. Pansy threaded her fingers through his hair as she placed small kisses on his cheek. She was nothing if not But the way Granger scrunched up her face and leaned far back, it seemed worth it.
“Do you mind?!” She seethed. “There is such a thing as public decency!”
“Mione!” Potter called from the center of the field. “We’re heading back!”
“Not a second too soon!” She huffed, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she stormed away.
A kiss makes Granger shut up.  He thought smugly.
The taste of victory soured as soon as he saw McLaggen walking beside her, shoulder to shoulder and all smiles.’
It was hard enough to spend his days with her, but his nights were beginning to haunt him too. In his fantasies they were arguing, her face red from anger, body close as she told him off. He would crowd her, sometimes against a wall, sometimes a desk, but it always resulted in him gathering her close in his arms, mouth crashing down hard on hers.
The moment Draco knew that Durmstrang was coming to Hogwarts the very air felt different, charged. Finally, there would be wizards of his caliber in the disgrace they dared to call a school. He had dreamed of attending Durmstrang, and seeing the group sail in, proud and strong, made him wonder about a different life. Would he be a different person, had his mother let him travel further? Would his days in school be easier, less complicated if all he had to worry about were normal classmates?
At least the spotlight would be taken off of Saint Potter. He wondered how he would react, no longer the center of attention. Even better, Viktor Krum would be attending. They could fly circles together around the golden trio and show them true talent. What real breeding looked like in a wizard.
He was there, of course, to greet Krum and the rest of Durmstrang after their initial entrance. Eager to welcome the band of wizards he felt a kinship with, if for no other reason but status. And while they shook hands and all eyes were on Krum, Draco couldn’t help but notice that his sights were fixed on the back wall. Draco drew his brows together, trying to make out what had captured his attention.
All he saw was Hermione Granger, back to the cobblestone, nose buried in a book. His eyes flit between the two, and without knowing why, he felt a pit in his stomach.
He dreamed of her again, back on the pitch. But instead of Pansy in his lap, Granger was seated, her weight pleasant and warm. She didn’t rush as Pansy did, do it all for show. She was slow in her movements, small hands resting on his shoulders, tracing up his chest. She bit her lip again, eyes heavy-lidded, looking at him, hungry. He held her chin, pulling on her bottom lip to make her release it.
“Draco,” it came out in a whimper.
He leaned in, effectively cutting her off, tongue tangling with hers.
He woke up sweaty and sticky, twisted in his bedsheets. But most of all, disappointed.
It was hard not to think about it. About her. Hard to ignore, when she was constantly filling his space with her floral scent and laughter.
Harder to ignore her still, when she twisted her curls during the history of magic, distracting him to the point that the notes he took were not even legible. The damned witch was distracting. As if on cue, it played over in his head, ‘A kiss to make Granger shut up. Kiss Granger to make her shut up.’
Hermione Granger was everywhere. In his classes, in the halls. On the pitch at practice, on the grounds outside. Mostly, he found her in the library, in the same seat towards the back, stack of books towering over her. Oddly enough, Viktor Krum seemed to trail behind her like an unwanted shadow.
Maybe not unwanted. She certainly didn’t seem to mind having Krum tag along. Everyone knew there was a rift between her and Weasley, but Krum had filled that void in record time. Did she always need someone with her? Did the witch not know how to be alone?
There wasn’t a place in all of Hogwarts he could find peace from her. From them. Even as he scoured the shelves for his potions books, he could see them both from the corner of his eyes. Sitting together- close, too close.
Draco had the constant urge to trip him. It had to be seeing such a pureblood wizard-like Krum waste his time and praise on someone like Granger.
At least that's what Draco told anyone who asked. Even those who didn’t.
Something seemed different about her. Draco couldn’t place exactly what it was, but when he thought of her at night, hand busy at work beneath the sheets, her curves seemed softer, rounder. He came before he could even push her thighs apart.
Begrudgingly, he would admit she was attractive- somewhat attractive. But he wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it out loud. Wouldn’t hear of anyone else saying it either. The minute he heard someone talk about how Granger seemed to fill out her sweater nicely, or that her legs were shaped just right he was quick to remind them that she was a mudblood.
He couldn’t stand it when they talked about her. It was happening more and more. It left him feeling anxious and unsettled.
Watching them walk together in the halls irritated him. Watching her crane her neck back so she could get a better look had him biting his cheek. Someone needed to pull them apart. Krum was embarrassing himself.
“Crab, Goyle.” He called, watching the pair walk by. “I want to find out how Krum does that move- the Faint. Go and find out what you can.”
He could do it himself, take the burden on. Physically pry Krum away from her, send him off into the arms of Pansy or Daphne. Anyone, really. Maybe he would fancy Weasley; they could discuss Quidditch. He honestly didn’t care. All that mattered was that there was an ocean between the two. In his mind’s eye, he saw him grabbing Hermione by the wrist, pulling her down the opposite direction.
“He’s an oaf.” He would tell her. “How can you fawn over someone like Krum?”
She would protest, of course. Probably spew some nonsense like ‘You don’t know him,’  or, ‘he’s not like that.’ She was prone to finding the good in people.
Of course, he would kiss her. Feel the fight drain from her body as she melted into him, arms snaking around his waist. She would be hungry for him, and he would take it all. Anything to make her get Krum’s name out of her mouth.
How did it always turn to that?
Unlikely that it could happen. Unlikely he would do it.
Granger frowned as soon as the two Slytherins made their way over, nodding to Krum as she took her leave.
Finally, he felt better.
It was just a fascination. A sick one, no doubt, but just a passing interest.
That's what he told himself as he kissed along the column of Pansy’s neck, thinking of olive skin.
The ball was a sick glimpse into his future. Boring, formal. Pointless.
Yes, the room was decorated beautifully, and every witch and wizard was dressed in their best.  The elves had laid out a beautiful feast and everyone seemed to be in high spirits, but for
Draco, it was all tedious. This was every event his parents threw at the manner. Every party he had ever been forced to attend, eligible young witches who had not already been promised to wait their turn to dance. The only difference now was that the ball consisted of purely his generation. How many of these faces would he see someday at the manor? Would it be Astoria at his side, like his father kept insisting? Would Pansy cling to his arm in the future, just as she was now? Is that what he wanted?
There wasn’t much to say. She came down the stairs, looking more ethereal than human, and his mouth went dry. She took Krum's hand, and he balled his fists.
But just for that split second, it felt like she was walking to him.
When someone says the phrase ‘get a room’ it is generally implied that it is private. Not the damned Hogwarts library, where everyone had to witness the perverse show Krum and Granger seemed hellbent on giving to everyone. Sitting in the back, at her regular table, the mountain of books that typically accompanied her seemed lessened. Krum smirked, idly twisting a ringlet between his fingers. He leaned in, whispering something in her ear, and Granger actually blushed, fucking giggled, biting her bottom lip to keep it contained. She kept her eyes trained down as she continued to take notes, stealing glances his way.
It was infuriating. This was a public place for crying out loud. Couldn’t they take this sickening display somewhere else? He didn’t want to see Granger blush that way, with him. Didn’t want to see her look like she was begging to be kissed by fucking Krum-
His feet were moving before he knew it, headed straight towards their spot. As he strode by, intent to find a book on the shelf behind them, he made sure to hip check their table, disturbing their peace. When both pairs of eyes glared his way, he made sure to put on his best sneer.
“Accident.” He feigned.
“Vat did not zeem-.”
“No need to be so touchy.” Draco shrugged. He leaned closer to Hermione, voice barely a whisper. “Although I have to admit, it’s strange to think Granger would allow touching in the library. Pretty sure that breaks about 3 rules.” The scent of her floral shampoo overwhelmed him, and he had to remind himself to pull away before it seemed weird. Grabbing the closest book from the shelf, he turned on his heels, content to see the space between Krum and Granger had widened.
Draco had never been so happy to see a ship sink to the bottom of the sea. He heard that Krum had asked her to visit over the summer. Draco was determined to put Hermione Granger out of his head. A trip back home was what he needed. Back to the manor, but to any measure of sanity. He needed space away to clear his mind. He wondered if he would see her on the train.
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kaironlokethor · 6 years
We have a Dragonborn Fighter (Dragon), a Tiefling Rogue (Kairon), a Half-Elf rogue (Shadow), and a Changling druid/warlock (Lucious).  We also have Bertha (Changling’s human wife) and Mur’deth, a Tiefling warlock we met during the Monk fight (she’s mute because her tongue got cut out. she can use awaken minds, and taught Kairon sign language) There is also Belathor, who is a chatacter from Kairon’s backstory, and a very close friend to him. So this is a double session we wanted this week. I was really excited and talking to DM about bringing Mur’deth back in, and accidentally mentioned Kairon was interested in her. DM revealed she was interested in him, and we began on a private quest to set them the fuck up.  Anyway, Kairon went to the market, met up with Mur’deth again, and she came back to Lucious’ house with us.
-We are trying to pull off a jail heist to break Lucious’ sister out of jail. She was being held there secretly and, as DM put it, she doesn’t technically exist. Kairon sets out an in depth plan, and Lucious is supposed to be following, but decided to go rogue- Lucious: (pretending to be a guard) I am going to go down to the basement where my sister is Kairon (OOC): LUCIOUS THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING Lucious: How many floors down is it? DM: About 99 floors Lucious: Oh this is gonna take a while Kairon (OOC): Just slide down the banister Dragon: Oooh that’s going to hurt
DM: So, you want to go down to the basement, but you’re on shift and supposed to be on floor 4. You need to tell them something Lucious: Uhh, my friend from Waterdeep is coming in and I wanted to go talk to him DM (as the other guard): Waterdeep? The fuck is waterdeep? Lucious: You don't know where Waterdeep is? Oh, no I mean Waterfront...the town we just came from, Waterfront
-So Lucious ends up fucking shit up. He gets caught going down to the basement, and that causes them to set off an alarm- DM: So on the way out of the prison, you get stopped by another guard. “Why the fuck were you down here? Kairon (OOC): Just say you fell down the stairs Dragon (OOC): Oooh, all those stairs? Shadow (OOC): Yes, all of them Kairon (OOC): BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM He fell down 99 flights of stairs Lucious: Uhhhh, I went to check on a prisoner who, doesn’t technically exist, if you know what I mean Kairon (OOC): WTF
-So some alarms are blaring from the jail. Kairon, Dragon, Shadow, Mur’deth and Bertha are still at his house- DM: So you guys no hear the sirens Kairon: WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO -I get up and start pacing angrily- Dragon: Oh shit he dead Kairon: HE HAD ONE JOB! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE ONE FUCKING SHIFT TO GATHER INFORMATION Dragon: He got dragged into some cell somewhere and killed Kairon: HE WAS SUPPOSED TO GATHER INFORMATION, RETURN IT TO US, AND WAIT FOR OUR HELP WTF Dragon: I bet he died Kairon: WHAT DID HE DO!?
Lucious: -trying to run away from the prison- I want to beast form...I CAN BECOME A PONY!
-Lucious came back and told us about the 8 wolf spiders guarding his sister in the jail- Shadow: I want to go to the library [in Lucious’ house] and read about giant wolf spiders. Would that be under G or W? DM: Wtf? Shadow: Is it under G for “Giant Wolf Spider” or W for “Wolf Spider, Giant” Kairon: Are they using the Dewy Decimal System?
-In the Vault in Lucious’ house there are chains (think Addam’s family) that take you to different rooms but can only be used by one person at a time. Shadow and Lucious are in the library- Shadow: I want to go to the pool room! -I run over to the chains and pull the pool chain- DM: So.....You pull the chain, and leave with the chains. Lucious and the steward are now trapped in the library Shadow (OOC): Isn’t there a book in there that tells you how to get the chains back Lucious: -sarcastically- Yes. And it also tells me how to MURDER YOU
-DM is bored and just rolling dice as we squabble about whatever- Kairon: I want to take Mur’deth out to the city and walk around with her Shadow (OOC): I want to know why DM is rolling....is there an encounter...? DM: Oh, so the apocalypse happens. Sea monsters are falling from the sky Kairon: Oh, I grab one and blow it up like a balloon for Mur’deth DM: Oh, cause like Shrek, you breathe helium Dragon (OOC): Oh, I never thought about that before -This spurs a 10 minute OOC conversation about how Shrek breathes helium and how he managed to deal with the Dragon while breathing a hightly flamable gas-
-So we decide we will need to end up crawling through the gutter system to save her. We didn’t have to do this, but then Lucious fucked shit up so we couldn’t just walk through the front entrance- Kairon: Okay, so before we go, is there anything anyone needs in town? Shadow: I need pants that are big enough to go over MY pants Kairon: Wait, wtf why? Shadow: I don’t want to smell like shit! Kairon: Good point. Get enough for the party
-So to pull off this heist Mur’deth used a disguise kit to make Kairon look like a blue tiefling, since we are kind of wanted criminals for petty thief..... After getting home and washing up, Mur’deth confesses her feelings to Kairon, and Kairon confesses to her. Kairon then sneaks out to buy some stuff to propose to her with- Kairon: I want to walk to Belathor’s store and go in Belathor: Get in quickly and close the door. Kairon: I slide in and lock the door behind me.  Belathor: I saw all the commotion you and your friends caused Kairon: Hey hey, that wasn’t me! That was some blue tiefling Belathor: Oh, I am sure. You’re the reason I had a bunch of guards in my shop and drove my customers away Kairon: No no, like I said, a blue tiefling. -I look around the shop and buy a few things- Belathor: I also have rings if you need any. I saw your friend making eyes at you Kairon: Wha-- uh, no, like I uh like I said that was a...a blue tiefling
-Lucious went to a shop and found some tea called Happy tea, which “Tastes like your fondest childhood memory” according to the DM. Lucious bought 100 leaves and made the tea as a housewarming gift for when Mur’deth and Kairon bought their house after getting married- Kairon: Okay, I sip the tea DM: Mur’deth drinks it  Lucious: I sip it Dragon: So I just down it. I fucking down it in one gulp DM: So, you are all have a feeling of happiness wash over you Dragon: I’m just over on the floor having a good time. I’m just enjoying myself. Kairon: So yeah....Dragon is fucking high Dragon: I’m puffy the fucking magical dragon!
Lucious: Well, I’m going home. Come on, Bertha Kairon: Bertha, have a safe trip home. Lucious, I hope you step on a lego
-We begin travel to the next town. Mur’deth and I are riding on the back of my Warg, Lucious and his sister, Nox, are riding on his horse. Dragon and Shadow each have a horse. We make it to a small hole-in-the-wall town and find the tavern- Kairon: I get off my warg and walk in with her DM: Mur’deth is asleep on the back of the warg Kairon: Got any rooms? DM (as owner): Yes, we have 3 rooms for the night Kairon: How many do we have? Me and Mur’deth can share a room, You guys will have to double bunk it too Lucious: Well, Nox is sleeping in my room DM (as Nox): Wait? Me? No! I want to bunk with the dragonborn! Dragon: -laughs- Hear that, Lucious? -Lucious tries to put up a fight but Nox eventually wins and gets to bunk with Dragon- Kairon: You need contraceptive? -I offer some to him- Dragon: Eh, not right now Kairon: Well, you know where to find me if you do -We pay for the rooms and go up to go to sleep. Kairon and Mur’deth get all snuggled in and start falling asleep. Shadow and Lucious go up to the room and Shadow ends up sleeping in the corner on the floor. Dragon and Nox go up to their room and Nox starts getting handsy.- DM: What do you want to do, Dragon? Nox is now hugging you from behind Dragon: On second thought, I am going to knock on Kairon’s door DM: Kairon, this wakes Mur’deth up, and she shoves you out of bed to deal with it Kairon: I hardly open the door, a blanket wrapped around me Dragon: Heyyyyy... Kairon: -I hand him the contraception- Have fun -and I go the fuck back to bed- DM: So, Dragon, you and Nox go fucking wild all night.  Dragon: Oh I make sure Lucious hears. I hit the wall and stuff to keep him awake so he hears DM: So, you know that Dragon totally nailed your sister Lucious (OOC): Huh, good job, Dragon, you aren’t the last one of the party to get laid. Congrats Dragon: You gonna still feel that way in the morning? 
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