kittiwittebane · 9 months
Omg I am so sorry I really though I hadn’t finished it but then I went into it to finish it because I felt bad for not posting it yet and it was done 😭😭😭
Huntlow AU where Hunter and Willow both have to move to a city and they both rent out the same house.
This is original as far as I know. So yeah. Take it.
(It’s a multi-bedroom apartment that the owners said has a possibility of a different person living in the other room.)
Willow had just moved from her small town of Gravesfield to the large city of Aparo, 1489 miles from her house. She had looked at the renting market and there was a nice small, two bedroom apartment near the centre of the city, for a nice price. However there was one thing. The description said the rent is for the bedroom and the house, and there may be a second client sharing the pay with you in the second bedroom, which she obviously didn’t need. She’d taken the chance and as it turned out, she was living with another guy. Some client who went by Hunter. Hunter Noceda.
Hunter had recently found out he’d gotten a nice deal for a college in Aparo. Without much money, Hunter had to go small. On the market, he’d crossed the two-bedroom house with a possible new friend, as he saw it. Or hoped. The people said there wasn’t a second person in there right now, but with people coming in every week for college, it was unlikely for it to stay that way unless nobody wanted to live with a random person, which would be understandable. He didn’t know if he’d be ok with it. About a month later he found out he’d be living with a girl named Willow. He really hoped she was nice. He decided he’d be a nice person whether she was or not. It would make living with her easier.
Hunter heard a knock on the door and assumed it would be Willow. Both of them were standing at the opposite sides of the door, nervous of who they’d be faced with on the other side. Hunter opened the door cautiously. He gasped. Oh crap, she’s hot. Hunter’s face went red, without any reason. She smiled at Hunter and waved. He was too busy taking in how pretty she was.
“Hi.” she smiled sweetly, waving. Hunter just looked at her. Oh no, this isn’t going well. Willow’s mind raced nervously. Why wasn’t he responding? Did he think she was ugly? Did he really wish she hadn’t rented this place? What was happening?
“Hello?” she asked. The boy shook his head, in what looked like surprise, and Willow tilted her head in confusion. She wasn’t going to question it though. Hunter motioned to her to come inside, and to her surprise, he took one of her heavy bags and her suitcase, leaving her with only her backpack to carry. Jaw open, she continued to her room, where she found a freshly made bed with beautiful white sheets and pillows. She expected to have to make it herself.
“Oh.” she patted the bed experimentally.
“D-do you not like it? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed you’d like the bed made that way, I am really sorry.” Hunter spoke for the first time. Willow turned to him.
“No, I love it! Also, you made the bed?” she asked. Hunter nodded.
“Sorry, did you want to make it? Ugh I have to stop doing that.” he put his head down.
“No, I- thank you.” Willow tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Hunter looked up at her, mildly happy, mildly confused. He smiled at her before leaving the room.
The next day at breakfast time, WIllow groaned with frustration.
“F*ck, i forgot to get food, now I have to go to the store this early.” she grumbled. Hunter came around the corner.
“You ok?” he asked worriedly. Willow’s eyes shot up in shock, but softened as she saw the concern in his eyes.
“I have to duck into the store, I forgot to get some stuff for at least today yesterday.” Willow admitted sheepishly. The embarrassment of forgetting to buy food mocked Willow. Hunter looked at her sympathetically, this had happened on his first day too. Worse, it was raining right now.
“Don’t bother, I have plenty to share.” Hunter mumbled. “If you want to.”
Willow smiled to herself.
“A-are you sure?” she stuttered bashfully. Both of them just stood there for a minute looking like embarrassed tomatoes, chuckling nervously. Without speaking another word, Hunter got out some toast for her.
“Do you have butter on your toast?” Hunter asked. Willow nodded.
“What about a spread? I have strawberry jam, vegemite?” He paused, looking at the vegemite jar. He shook his head and continued. “Peanut butter??” he paused again. “I’m so confused.” he mumbled. “Blackberry jam, Honey, A couple of different syrups, and canned spaghetti.” He finished. Willow shook her head, her cheeks heating up.
“Anything is fine.” she mumbled diffidently.
Hunter made their toast and came and sat down with her.
“So tell me about yourself.” he turned to her, curious.
“Well.. what do you want to know?”
Hunter thought for a moment.
“Common knowledge of a friend.. Maybe?” he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. Willow put her hand on his shoulder.
“I would love to be friends.” she smiled. Hunter looked back at her smiling goofily. She started. “My favourite colour is green. I absolutely LOVE gardening…” and Willow continued to list things that made her happy for about half an hour while Hunter just stared at her in adoration.
“What about you?” WIllow asked, Hunter’s former trance-like state popping like a bubble. He gave her a stunned look before attempting to form a sentence.
“Uh, I like to draw??” he shrugged. Hunter didn’t really know what he liked, as he didn’t really do much in free time. Willow seemed intrigued.
“Can I see one?” she asked shyly. Hunter’s face was washed with a wave of shock and confusion.
“Just because I draw doesn’t mean I’m good at it.” he mumbled diffidently. Willow’s eyes strayed away from him in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” she chuckled nervously. Hunter itched his cheek, and coughed awkwardly. The two avoided eye contact for a bit before Willow’s phone went off. Her eyes darted towards the screen and read the notification.
“Oh no! I forgot I signed up for a gardening club!” Willow groaned in annoyance. She picked up her phone and put her shoes on faster than Hunter had ever seen.
“UUUhh!” Willow wailed frustratedly. “Where is my seedling handbook!?” Willow’s voice became frantic and panicked. Hunter came over to the stressed plant girl and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Breathe.” he murmured comfortingly. Willow brought her hand out and counted to four on them while regulating her breathing. His hand subconsciously started to rub her shoulder. She smiled to herself. Once calm, she looked up at Hunter, only concern sparkling in his eyes. Both quickly realised Hunter’s hand was resting on her shoulder, and he was now the one freaking out. He quickly removed his hand, stuttering profusely.
“Oh, my titan I am so sorry Willow, I didn't mean to-” Hunter’s speech cut off as Willow brought his hand back up to her shoulder.
“It’s ok. It was nice.” She smiled, giggling a bit. Hunter’s face brushed with red, Willow’s brushed pink. Willow then found her handbook and walked out of the door.
Part 2?????????????????
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kittiwittebane · 8 months
Tumblr media
Ivy park!
Holly’s twin.
Jaspers younger sister.
Eli’s older sister.
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kittiwittebane · 5 months
Emperor’s Ball AU!
Also posted on my AO3 account, Kittimoonshadow
AU where the rebels used Willow to bait Hunter from duties so they could be rebellious!
The school bell rang for the end of the day at hexside. Willow, Luz, Gus and Amity walked out of school together giggling.
“Tonight is the emperor’s ball.” Luz started. “It’s the only time that The Emperor’s chamber is unguarded by proper officials, such as the Golden Guard.”
Amity, Willow and Gus nodded.
“The only problem is, Luz, is that that is only true when he has a date to the dance.” Amity explained. “Leading a rebel mission would be useless as any other time.”
Luz thought for a moment. Then she began to speak, “Who would want to be the date for him? He probably has people all over the isles wanting to be his date to the dance, but we need to know this person and they have to be on our side so that we can make sure we aren’t caught.”
Gus looked in Willow’s direction way too quickly. Willow glared at Gus.
“No. Not happening.” she mouthed. Gus glared at her. This went on for about five minutes as Luz and Amity were brainstorming.
“What about Willow?’ Luz blurted out. This caught Willow off guard. She whipped her head around to face the duo, eyes like daggers.
“I am not going with him. I- I don’t know if i can trust him!” she stammered.
This was a complete lie. She wanted to go with him and was currently trying to get rid of this little developing crush she had, knowing it would be problematic. She wanted to but didn’t because she also hated the fact she thought he was kind.
“But Willlowwww… we need someone to do this and we know he’s got a soft spot for you out of all of the rebels. I don’t think he even knows you are one!”
Willow looked at the pleading faces of her friends. She sighed.
“O-ok.” she gave in pretty quickly. “I’ll ask him to the dance.”
Willow looked at the clock. 3:30. She grabbed her scroll and opened Penstagram.
Hunter looked at his scroll and then back at himself in the mirror over many times, deciding if he should ask Willow to the dance. She’d probably say no… but then again what if she didn’t and he got to go to the dance with her? He shook his head. Darius barged into his room unannounced and saw Hunter looking at himself in the mirror.
“So.. Little Prince, who’s getting asked to the ball?” Darius asked. But it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. That one girl he’d played flyer derby with that he liked all the Penstagram posts of.
“Uhm. Captain Willow Park would be a suitable choice for-”
“And how will Belos react when you bring a civilian to the dance. I know you are in love with her but…”
Hunter pulled an Amity. He scoffed. “I am not in love with her. Whatever that means.” Darius raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you think she’s very pretty, Little Prince?” Darius began, internally hoping he wasn’t about to get another monologue on how amazing Captain Willow Park was.
“Well yes, Captain is-”
“Nope.” Darius put his finger on the blondie’s mouth. “Shh.”
“Well, how am I going to ask her?” the golden boy stubbornly asked. Darius sighed exaggeratedly.
“In person, of course.”
Hunter blushed at the idea.
Hunter nervously put on his formal suit, hoping he wouldn’t have to do his duty tonight and Willow would say yes.
“Should I bring flowers?” Hunter asked. “No, wait, she’s a plant witch. It’s stupid.”
“No, of course you should. Always do that when asking a girl to dance.” Darius informed him. “It’s common courtesy.”
Hunter nodded. He looked outside the window, staring into the direction of Bonesborough. He then looked at his Golden Guard mask, suddenly having the feeling to regret everything he was about to do.
“Um, on second thought this may not be a great idea.” he spluttered. “Why would she ever want to go to a dance with me? A-and what about her dads? They’ll hate me.”
Darius rolled his eyes and decided to just let Hunter ramble. The list of why he shouldn’t do this went on for ten minutes somehow, before the Golden boy ran out of ideas.
“How about you say why you should do it?” Darius suggested. Hunter looked at Darius as if that was the most despicable suggestion.
“Wha-what- wha is there?! She’s so-”
And then Darius endured a five minute monologue of Willow’s amazing qualities and another five minute monologue on how horrible he was compared to her.
“Oh just shut your trap, will you? Just do it. Now let’s get to Bonesborough so we can pick out some flowers.
Hunter looked at the wide variety of flowers that laid before him. Many colours, kinds, breeds and shapes. Then one caught his eye. He gasped.
“What are those?” He pointed to some yellow flowers that looked a bit like roses. Darius took a thorough look at the label.
“It appears to be something called a Fangnunclawlus.” Daries huffed. “‘Meaning: happiness, joy and positive feelings.’”
(Ranunculus/Persian Buttercup)
Darius refrained himself from saying the next part. He did not want to spend five hours looking for flowers that didn’t have a love meaning.
“Perfect!” Hunter smiled. Darius caught himself admiring the boy’s happiness. He shook it off. He didn’t care about Hunter’s little girlfriend crisis! That’s Belos’s problem!
Hunter had been to Willow’s house before and knew where it was and what it looked like. He walked around to it and stopped in front of it, putting his mask on and holding his Fangnunclawlus Bouquet in both hands. He took a deep breath in.
“Darius you know I’m having second- no third- or fourth thoughts about this, how about we- Darius what are you-”
Hunter didn’t have time to speak as Darius grabbed him and dragged him to the front door, knocking on it himself.
Oh Titan.
SAME TIME CORRELATION: THIRD POV: Primarily Willow and Hunter
A knock sounded at the door just as Willow went to pick up her scroll. Her dads were in the garden so she called out to them and went to open the door. She unlocked the rigid wooden door that needed to be replaced and opened it only to be greeted with the mask of no one other than the Golden Guard and Sir Darius Deamonne.
“What are you guys doing here?” she asked, stunned by their sudden visit.
“Sir Golden Guard! Sir Deamonne! How can we help you?” Gilbert asked, nearly scaring the living daylights out of his daughter. She turned to her dads and then back to the two high persons.
Darius sighed before speaking. “The Golden Guard wants to ask something.”
Hunter squeaked.
Willow’s head tilted slightly, but not before catching a glimpse of flowers behind the boy’s back.
Darius groaned. “He wants to know if…” and he pushed Hunter towards the Parks’, nearly having him topple over. He was frozen. What should he do?!
“Uh- Willow- me- uh- the ball, maybe? I don’t know this was a bad idea, I’ll just be going now!” he started before Darius grabbed him by the shoulders, turning him back to his plant girl and her parents.
“He would like to know if your daughter would go to the Emperor’s Ball with him. Have no worries on age, he is 16. And I’m pretty sure he has a-”
“YES THAT IS ALL THANK YOU DARIUS.” Hunter spoke loudly. He shoved the flowers into Willow’s chest aggressively, although of course it did not concern her in the slightest.
“I got them for you if you want them.” he stuttered. Willow was too stunned to speak. She wanted to say yes, but what about her dads?
“Well Willow?” Gilbert asked. She turned around.
“You’re going to let me?” she asked. Gilbert nodded.
“I think you will be in good hands with the emperor.”
Willow nodded. She texted her friends:
Time to be rebels 👍
Awesome work Willow!
I have to give you credit Willow. I didn’t think you’d pull it off. Hunter’s a pain.
Meanwhile on the other side of the screen, Willow cursed herself for what she was about to do.
And by soon I mean after January 20 because I’m going out of the country! (No internet lmao)
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kittiwittebane · 9 months
This is a post for you to find my fics!
And if ur interested I’m gonna put my little sketchies on my account: @sketches-n-stuff
YouTube acc: Kittimoonshadow
Rollerkskates and Council boys- part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Roommates- part 1
Bus- [here]
Babysitter- part 1
Huntlow week- [Halloween/Hooty] [Umbrella/Underwater] [Nerds/Nature]
Emperor’s Ball AU- [AO3], Part 1,
It was Cryptic- [AO3] /warnings on/
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