only-lonely-stars · 2 years
For the headcanon post: you’re more introverted then extroverted and tend to be more of a workaholic than a procrastinator (with the exception of writing since every writer procrastinates), and you try to enjoy all the simple and good things of life; also, you can be a bit of daydreamer at times ~ kordifm
Wow, so many! You spoil me, Kordi 😁 and honestly you're right! All of those can describe me, although I tend to procrastinate a LOT when I'm stressed. Nice job!
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kordifm · 17 days
a Cole and Jay friendship piece
“We can never be friends”
Was what I thought the first time we met.
You—tousled mahogany curls,
Freckles spilling over your cheeks, over the bridge of your nose,
Bright eyes betraying your eagerness, your longing for something new—
And I—too accustomed to loneliness, dullness, to making someone of myself;
A resistor of all unknowns with a bitter addiction to starting over.
But as we stood there, exchanging clipped greetings, shy grins,
I should have realized:
We were meant to be friends.
You grew up in a junkyard and I in a suburban model graveyard.
It’s strange though.
Neither of us seem to belong there.
I exist between the river and the woods,
Scaling the heights for things that make me remember, make me feel…
And you—
I find you searching within the tabloids and neon headlines:
“Fritz Donnegan Goes to Space!!!”
Ever the adventurers, joint explorers of grand new possibilities, here and forevermore.
But we belong:
Two fruits in a multi-colored basket, 
Indelible fissures in the monuments of time,
The best we’ll ever be.
Neither nestled in the deep of the earth
Or floating above the clouds, balancing on a buzzing wire,
Just somewhere in between.
I ask you, “Is it real?”
You laugh at me and say, “Of course it is.”
I laugh at myself and wonder if I have ever been as young as I am 
Right now.
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kordifm · 4 months
The Outside
Feeling like Cole in The Royal Blacksmiths once again, so I wrote a little something to give all the feels a place to go. It’s just a little poetic rambling about Cole being dropped off at Marty Oppenheimer’s before he runs away.
A newly polished black car.
The door on the driver’s side swings open.
A few steps, then so does yours.
You were staring at your shoes.
Now you stare at his.
Spotless black shoes. The usual ones.
Shined to perfection. The family standard.
You’re wearing your nicest sneakers.
The ones you scrubbed before arriving.
Untainted by nature. Black as well.
Your father sighs. You missed a spot.
Dirt presses against your thumb.
He merely shakes his head.
Drag your backpack outside.
Your feet follow.
Hand and hair shield the waning sun.
Scoffs run down the length of your body.
Brushing off cloth and straightening silk.
Rebukes echo past your ears.
You stand and accept it all.
Eyes set forward. Obedience.
Lips pressed slightly. Respect.
He speaks for your new life.
A firm hand behind your back.
You cannot dare to move.
Gray room. Spring beds.
Head held straight. Compliance.
One last warning in whisper.
You will not miss him.
But you will miss home.
Overwhelming grief. No tears.
The pen, not yours, but his.
Perfection is required of you.
Curtains frame the window.
And outside, a mountain.
Imagine looking outside your window and seeing a mountain. It’s not the tallest or largest or scariest one you’ve seen, but it’s your mountain. It must have been someone else’s mountain before, but they’ve long since passed and you promised to watch over it for them. Now imagine seeing that mountain day after day. All the things you keep inside have been rearranged and shuffled, yet the mountain is timeless, simply waiting outside your window.
Wouldn’t you want to climb it?
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kordifm · 3 months
“I got distracted and lost track of time a little. It happens to everyone,” Cole replied, trying to shake off Jay’s questioning glance.
“Thinking about a certain princess?” Jay edged on with a playful smirk.
ah, yes. another opportunity to combine my love for Cole and Taylor Swift songs. hope you enjoy, @only-lonely-stars!!!
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kordifm · 3 months
"Where to?" the taxi driver asks him. He waits for the answer to come.
Maruki's POV of the days between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. Reality won't fix itself ;)
grief hits the same three years apart
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kordifm · 2 months
Of a Ghost
I always get so bored in poetry class, but Cole-inspired poems result from it, so I’m counting it as a win. Angsty ghost stuff up ahead.
The dying demand consummation
Between a phantasmal hallway
And the illusory light of a sun,
Screaming and screaming until Hades descends.
I am not like them.
No, I pass silently away
On the steps of a haunted house.
Bound in translucent green
And the novel curiosity of the land of living
No longer breached by the immortal:
And so,
I’m stranded.
Lost amidst the waters like a spirit
Intermingled with the seafoam mist that drifts
Over the steel-hardened ocean waves.
Can you see me?
The dimly lit recesses of a soul 
Once tethered to the earth.
I am taken out on the bay,
Motionless as a lazy summer morning.
But I rock back and forth.
Back and forth,
The deck reeling aloft crystalline stillness.
I’m afraid my raft will capsize one day.
Where is there reprieve for the unsteady ground
I first called me?
And I become nothing.
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only-lonely-stars · 2 years
I was writing something fun and wanted to ask, are there any songs that remind you of ColexVania? For me, it’s Enchanted by Taylor Swift! ~ kordifm
Oops, I think I left this one sitting around for a few days! Sorry, Kordi! (I was traveling, it was busy, and now I have three papers due in the next week... yikes)
I have a lot of songs that remind me of Colania! Enchanted is a great one. Here are some more! 🥰
She Knows My Name (The Family Crest) = this one works better for one of my AUs, but I love the idea of Vania understanding him better than most
O, Sleeper (The Oh Hellos) = let's be real, they're the type of couple that cherish sleeping next to each other, it's their favorite part of the day
Love Story (Taylor's Version) (Taylor Swift) = she's a princess, he's a knight, her father is a villain... what more do I have to say?
Battle Cry (The Family Crest) = Cole would absolutely fight for her, and I will die on that hill; hence why I wrote an FTAU oneshot about this song
Crooked Road (The Fold) = they're a fairytale couple and it's comfortable to be in love for them
Ahhh, now I want to write a little bit for them... time to keep working on BED! Eventually I'll get another chapter of that up, btw. Don't know when; probably after I take my tests.
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
Sorry if this gives you extra plot bunnies, but I was rewatching The Sound of Music. Then I thought Sound of Music AU with Cole and Vania as the Captain and Maria. ~ kordifm
Oh my GOSH, why are you apologizing Kordi??? 🤩 That would be so cute! Talk about something fun to think about while I'm moving into my dorm!
Oh yeah... probably haven't mentioned this on my blog yet. I'm moving into my dorm today!
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
You mentioned that you were a “creative” choosing a “practical” job (which I totally get btw). If you could choose any other career path regardless of practicality, what would you choose? ~ kordifm
Hm... 🤔 that's a good question! I really haven't entertained the idea for very long, for obvious reasons. Maybe writing, or piano performance? I'd love to be a traveling musician, but I know my body simply isn't built for that level of strain...
Maybe a professional writer with a piano side career! 😂 That would be fun.
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
Hey, I didn’t know you were a chemistry major! Let me give you a fist-bump and best of wishes from a biochem major! 🤜🏼 ~ kordifm
Heyyy, a fellow woman in STEM! We love to see it 🤛🙌 best of luck in those difficult bio courses, I could never lol
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
I saw that you tried to post some drabbles on Fanfiction, but the email link was invalid or something like that. I was having the same problem with my chapter updates, and I was wondering if you could see the story in your previews, just not at the actual link. ~ kordifm
OMG, hi Kordi! I’m seeing that too– it’s like FFN is broken. I tried to post those drabbles a full three times, and each time I had problems seeing anything more than previews. The email links never worked and they didn’t show up on my profile or in the archive. Maybe someone needs to email the admins... Either way, the FFN mobile app still seems to work.
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
I tried to get into contact with FFN’s IT team via the app (which does work), but I have to set an email first, and I have no clue what that even means. I was also wondering if there was a better way to contact you. What do you personally prefer? ~ kordifm
What that means is probably that someone has to find the IT team email and send them one about this issue. I’ve been operating under the assumption that they’ve probably already been notified, but I’ll send them one informing them about the issue just in case...
Sure, there’s a better way! If you’ve got Discord, my Discord handle is OnlyLonelyStars#6901. If that doesn’t work for you and your PMs are open on FFN (to my knowledge they aren’t), I’ll PM you with my email address. Hopefully we can figure out what’s going on! XD
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